'f r "K , m v- i i , 7k PAGE FOUR Medford Mail Tribune aw tMiii!tiKL'ni.'MT N,l'.U'HI'At1?n puuusiikd daily kxckpt hatuii- DAV HY TIIH MKDKOKD 1MIINTINO CO. Tlio Dvnincnillc TlnieH, The Mcilfonl Mull. This Mvdfoiil Tillilllie. Tho South cm OrcKonlnn, Tho AhIiImikI Tribune. GKOUGI3 PUTNAM, Kdltur a ml Mnnngcr mm S.U E ICtilcrc'il us nccunil-cliiHH matter 11 Mwlfonl, On-Ron, under tho act of March 3, 1879. Official IniT of tho City of Mrdfonl Official I'nptr of JuckHcm County n,m,n r.rrs oSSnthVnmii-:::::::::::::: m l'or month, hllerel hy carrier In fiwir,i..l Innlf Mntil'llln ntlfl P tfUl 1..ltlf fill Kmwlnv imlv. Iiv mall. ior year. ... 2 0(1 Weeklv. our i ear l.CII swonu cincuiATiow. Dally nvirKi for hIx inonthH cmuIiik December 31, 1S10. 2721 mil tensed Wlro United Press Dispatches. Tho Moll Tritium Is on wilo nt tho Kerry News Stand, Han l-'ranclhco. I'ortfanil Hotel NewH Staml, Portland. How man News Co., I'firtliiml, Ore. W O Wliltnev H'liltle. Wnnli TO CUPID'S 1 Unltcils Couple on Table Rock Bridjjc Weddlnrj is Held Quietly in Order to Be an April Fools Joke on Cou ple's Friends. About the J8tIi of lust month there wits u couple of young ladies conic lo the Sunnyside and iiuinireil l'or Mr llowlctt, so I was called nncl they requeited a private talk, whieh was, as a matter of course, granted, and after enjoining the most profound se crecy on my part, one of the young ladies informed me that there was to he a wedding on tho next Sunday and wished me to officiate. The arrange ment vu. for mo to meet the paity al u place that we could ngiee upon on Sunday morning so thai the party could repair to the lower bridge on Unite creek; so the arrangement was made for me to meet them at Tabic Hock station with a double seated rig and all go together to the rendez vous and there have the marriage ceremony performed, and by thai menus fool their friends in Medfonl. 1 went to Table Hock station as per agreement and when the train pulled in there were no ladies got nil and mi I concluded that they had got left, mi went on my way for Antioeh school house to hear Itev. Davis pmieh. After trn cling for about three and a half miles, a rig drove no beside mo and slopped and the driver remarked that lie supposed that 1 did not know him, ami I iuietly remarked that I did not but I had had the pleasure of meeting with the gill that was with him, so he in formed hi) that lie had a paper isMied b the county clerk and requested me to return with him as they had let I the rest of tho party at Table Kock station to intercept me there, in case that they were mistaken in in heinjr the party wanted, so 1 quietly returned and the two wit iu -scs they had lii'might along saw lis coming and met as on the dosorl ulioiit n half mile from the station and there 1 joined in marriage Mr. Dt'lmer O. I'Vdorick and Miss ha inc Ackle.v of Medio rd. itcr the uiarrhiKc Ibev iiiI'uiiiumI iim that the whole procedure was to In Kept a proloiiail hccicI for a while n1- Mr. Frederick expected to go east and they intended on his return to m ike the nniiouuccment of their inn i ii. ae, but Monday, the KMh inst., I ncied n letter stating thai the Mail Tnbiiuc hud puble lied I he fact thai Hie license had been issued and so I w.i- at liberlv to give my write up of (he rmnnntic wedding nud that I was coiilnillv invited lo ntlcnd the wed ding party on Friday, April II. but tailed to give the stieet nud number, mi I iipMM that I will have to fore go the pleuHine of (he parly Hint also the satisfaction of trohiK on account of (he good time had nt the pnrl. HHV. A. ( HOW LICIT. Fagle Point, Ore. NFAV Y01U. Aiuil 12. Smu REV HOWLETT Lloyd, millionaire inventor and pus le expert, died at hix homo in Brook lyn today. Lloyd, hIio was 70 your old, originated th gume of "par uliei'Hi" and "pir" in clover. Woman Past Help. Chandler. Okla - In h letter from this place Mm. Klla Flowers ai: "I hardly know how to thank you for tho Reed that Cardul hat douo mo llofore I tried Cardul I thought I wait pnat htlp. but after takliu it I wav rolievod at once, and gained at lwaat 10 poundi. IC very body aa.v 1 look so mueh hotter. 1 am mill greatly Improving." Many women are cam plotoly worn out and dlacouragod on account of womanly woakueaa. Are you? Have you uot trlU Cardul? It only noudi a few doatia to oouvlnr you that Cardul It Jual what you need. Try It today It will euro .our jmlriH. IlaHklnB for Hralth. A PICTURESQUE TRIAL. REMARKABLE among the piflureaqiic trials of his tory is that of the Camorrist leaders now in progress at the cathedral at Viterbo, Italy. Jn a great steel cage arc confined the : prisoners, and in a small cage alongside sits the informer witness, who is daily hissed and excoriat ed by those he accuses. Seven hundred witnesses are to lie examined, and the trial will last a year. Since June, IflOC, when Cucolo's body was found on the slope of Alt. Vesuvius and his wife, Sorrentina, mur dered in Naples, the government has slowly and painfully, i...i i.. t-.. -1.4 1 it.. .w!1r. ..Ivm4 tlwi Rlfw.l.' Ilmirl Iniul- 111 SI 'CIV lllTllU'iifti un nma ers. Forty-one have been imprisoned, including a priest and two women, i ive nave oicu in capuvnv, ui- unw l-o-caped. Tho IMi are on trial lor life. The prisoners alternately cheer, grill or banter wit nesses. They applaud or groan the decisions by the court. All the emotionalism of the Latin is given full vent behind the bars of steel. There seems to be no way of enforcing quiet and not infrequently court is forced to adjourn until the clamor subsides. Slowly, day by day, are unfolded the secrets of this remarkable band of criminals, this survival from the dark ages. One by one the various medieval plots are unearth ed. .Robberies, blackmail, kidnapping, murder and a hun dred half-forgotten crimes ly but surely the machinery ol an outraged people is grina i'ng out justice, how pitilessly may be realized when nearly five years is spent b) tireless research and a year in trial. INJURIOUS TEMPERATURES. F HOSTS that endanger fruit crops in the Rogue River Valley seldom occur when west or northwest winds blow, as these breezes carry more or less moisture. Serious damage occurs only on the bottom lands. .Hill sides surrounding usually escape frost altogether. As high winds never occur while the temperature is below the freezing point, conditions are ideal for provention of in jury from freezing by heating. According to observations of Professor O'Oara, the temperatures at which fruits are liable to be injured by frost are shown in the following table. The temperatures iiven cannot be considered as absolute, since weather con ditions previous to a freeze determine to a very great ex tent the ability of plants to withstand low temperatures. A few days of very warm weather, together with an ample supplv of soil moisture, will cause the newly formed cells o' the blossoms and fruits to be filled with a watery pro toplasm, or cell sap, which freezes more readily than con centrated cell sap. If a freeze follows a period of weather in which temperatures have been such as to produce slow growth, lower temperatures than those given in the table may not cause injury. Table 111 Temperatures injurious to fruit when in bud, blossom, etc.: Fruit Almonds . Apples . . Apricots . henicH . . Peaches , Pears IMiiiiih . MlMllI liMMIMM Prunes M' Plwuin ioimwi':if nrnw sire ...;. in 1'Miilnet with the fruits possible, however, that very delicate measurements would indicate somewhat lower temperatures, due to evaporation from the immediate surface of the plants. NOTHING CAN STOP IT J A city can be built on a hill, but it is a tfreat task to build it. You can build a home on a rock pile or on "hard pan," provided you spend enough labor and money. To begin with," it is a matter of some con sequence to buy and haul soil for a lawn and garden. CJ And conic to'thinU of it seriously, why should a per son incur the trouble and expense of converting a grasshopper district into a dwelling place, when good land in desirable localities can be had much cheaper? J You cannot gather figs from thistles, neither can a large crop of hair be clipped from a toad. It would require considerable advertising to make Hear creek water equal in quality to that of Hull U'un. If through official favoritism all the city improvements were given to the "bad lauds" they would not be convert ed into an Mden. The serpent would probably be there, but the tree of life, never. JTho old woman with a broom tried to sweep back the tides of the sea, just as official polliwigs tried to block the progress of Riverside Sub-division. The tides still flow and this beautiful addition continues to improve. Observe the number of lots sold and the improvements under way. It couldn't be other wise. The lots an' all good land; they are beautiful ly situated, eoniniauding a fine view of the valley and mountains. Nature litis supplied shade trees and the best of drainage; no mud to contend with even in the wet est seasons. J Situated on North Riverside Avenue, the only street running through the city from north to south, the in terurbau car line is sure to run through this addition. It is only a fifteen-minute walk from the postoffice and close to the North school; water and sewer are now in, and city officials declare Riverside will be paved this summer without fail. But whether paved or not, the property is just as desirable, for it costs less money. And that alone makes this opportunity shine. These lots are cheap. The owner does not want all the money nor all the laud there is. lie is willing for you to have sonic of both. Just to be convinced enlfand price them. A group of these lots, for tho next two weeks, will be sold on small monthly pay ments lSce Y. I! HUPPS, the 0 Willi-. MEDFORD MATTiTRTBUNK,MEDFORP,ORlPGQy, ciuiui tuv " .-. ...v. are disclosed. .Remorseless In lnSetttng At Other In Hud. llloHSom, Fruit. Dog. F. Deg. F. Deg. F. us ::o :to U7 J'J ill! TlinoH. Dog. F. US :iii :n at an 30 ho uii :io :io us uti U!) ::o a i :u :io ai :u .to ut) US US un U'J .lnnroxiinatelv those of the and blossoms. It is q t.it e FIRES SWEEP OVER TOWN OF IDITAROD.L- SEATTLE, Wash., April 1-'.- 1'ire Pirn ' stinting in the Pioneer saloon late Sunday wiped out an enure mock oi one-storv business houses in the een- l.i,. .,1' till! HUH- trrilil tnu'll 1 if lllitlll'llll . . . . . .. . . , . .i: i.. ' m tne neart ot ivinsua, aceoroin iv belated advices rcnchiiiK Seattle to day. The loss will reach $100,000. There was no fire protection 'except small hand grenades of chetnicaN. Only the uhsence of wind Mivcd the town from debtruetion. GI.OIUOUK IIAIH. Any 'Woinaii Can llnw It In a Very Few Dnj'N. Many thousandH of women, refined and educated, have learned that it Is not hard to have, and to keep nn abundance of lustrous hair, If Paris- Ian Sage the hnir grower Is used dai ly. Since its Introduction into America, Parisian Sago has become a prime favorite with woihen who desire luxu riant and radiant hair that will not fall out or turn gray. Used daily as a dressing it will keep the scalp Im maculately clean; will stop itching and falling hnir and remove every particle of dandruff. Chat). Strang thinks so much of Parisian Snge that ho guarantees It to do as advertised. Large bottle 50 ceutB. TlTUTU CHXTKlt. 132 North Ivy street, Medford, Or. Truth talks, Wednesday evening 8 p. m. Primary lessons Thursdays at 3 p. m. Teaching divine healing by appointment. Metaphysical library, literature for sale. Subscriptions taken for Uonlty Power, Nautilus and other publica tions. KiKpiirics received by mail will receive prompt nttontlon. All are welcome. Lovo offerings. NOTICE. Is hereby given that tho under signed will apply at tho meeting of tho city council of' the city of Med ford to bo hold on April ISth, 1011, nt 7:30 p. m. for a retail liquor 11c onse to sell malt vinous and spiritu ous liquors at rotall for six months at tho store room on tho ground floor No. 21 South IVAnjou street, Med ford, Oregon. Dated March 29th, 1011. WM. GILL, joiix a.- "h,l. .tAmes vogeli. HEAD IX SUNSET MAGAZINE "MOTOIUNG TIIHOUOII CALIFOR NIA" by Lloyd Osbouruo. neautlfully Il lustrated In four colors. "Tho Spell", a roinnntlc serial by C. N. and A. M. Williamson. "In tio Shadow of the Dragon," by Grant Carpeutcr. Des criptive story of Snn Francisco's Chi nese qunrtors. April Issuo now on sale, 15 cents. Ilnskius for lleallh. FOOTWEAR that wears Every Pair Is Right Night in style; right as to leather; right as to toes and heels; right as to price. You will be a satisfied customer of this store the time ou buy your first pair of shoes here. pdnwaded 0ro4 EAGLE POINT PROPERTY The Coming Town RESIDENCE LOTS, 60x130, AT BUSINESS CORNERS, 50:130, AT WAftF.HmrSF, PROPERTY. 186x300. AT -w w TERMS: ONE-iJ'li'TK CASH, i5AlaAJNU JUAbY E. S. TUMY 201 Gamett-Corey Building FOR SALE EIGHT ACRES ON WEST JACKSON INSIDE CITY LIMITS Owner Forced to Lot Go. EXCELLENT PLATTING PROPOSITION If you mean business, call on E. vS. TUMY 201 Garaett Corey Building WEDNESDAY. APRIL 12, J Where to Go Tonight l! ANOTHER DIG DOUIILE AT 'HIE HILL ;; ,-, IPIP TuriTnr i, L Ijl3 IllCilKL. FRECHETTE Jb FRIGONE !' "- rmini'il l.'llfll IPIfCflMM If HIS" JIIU.Il'j riiuun.ii.jw... ..... i .l 1 1, nt. nn.n ..vlrvltihl oltlfT , i-i-ubuiiiiiib i".-" " " . " j jjlng, dancing, talking and musical ? Bketcn. LILLIAN MFLIJL'UN Hnnjo Soloist. ?:mif,i:ls jiovix imctl'uFvS-jj a liooa aung uy 1IAUHV UliAXCIIAKI) Doors onen at 7: SO n. m. Matinee Saturday and Sunday i Admission lOc and UOc. ..y... yT.r' . I VAUDEVILLE MOVING PICTURES Xcw Change in Vaudeville MISS GLADYS MIDDLETOX In Cliarncter Singing. THURSDAY LTtlDAY SATUHDAY '! New rictui'CN Admission 10c WW4 f TONIGHT CLEVER COMEDY STRONG DRAMA !' EXCELLENT MUSIC JONE DIME ONE DIMI . NATATORIUM Skating, Howling, Billiards, Peel, Box Ball, Shooting. Metlford's Amusement Palace. men. Tub Baths for Ladies and Gontlo- WOOD FOR SALE : RLOCIC WOOD : : 91.50 I'ER LOAD : Flume Main U58I or leave orders at MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY trom .$200 $250 $900 j 1 - T - 4 s in rt u-uu jHmPie, 911. Medford -Horse Shoeing Shop- liZH South Raretlett Street. l'neiflc Phone 1831 Home '2UML C. L Allen, Prop. GIVE US A TRIAL Rock Spring Coal On hand all tho time. Phono 1C02. BURMDGE THE COAL MAX. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE ill South Riverside. Phnnes: Main 1282. Home 208-K. N. H. Mark Electric Rooms Onened Monday, March 6th in Elec tric building, 218 West Mnln street. Everything now and modern, Includ ing steam heat, baths, etc. Best In city.' Rates roaionablo. Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors SWINE FOR SALE Fancy registered Poland China and Berkshire Swine. Orders taken for spring delivery. Prize winning stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, Klamath Falls, Oregon. '!'- J. !i'. 3333lj YOUR HOME COMFORTS. Wo can wlrn your house, or do re pair work o tho servlco you now have, and will savo you money on tho work. Promptness and satisfac tion nro two other essentials that you'll always get hero. MOTOR REPAIRING FLAT IRONS FANS, FIXTURES. Crater Lake Wiring Co. NO. 27 NORTH HARTI.ETT ST. $1,000.00 will go farther near Modfonl In good Investments than any section of Ore gon. Investigate and bo satisfied. Mine Owners What have you to sell? Prospective Purchaser Soo us boforo buying. Oreg'en Realty & Mining Co. ail Garnett-Coivy Hulldlnc. Offutt Homes Auto Co. Automobiles1 GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACni.SE REPAIRING. Flrst-Clasi Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 82J1. Corner Central Ave. ani Stk St Medford, Or. ' . i jui m HV Draperies AVo enrry n very complete line of draperies, Incc curtains, fixtures, etc.. and do nl clnssos of upholstcrlnff. A special mnn to look after this work exclusively and will i?lvo as good service" as Is possible to get in oven tlie largest cities. WeeKs & McGowan Co PANSY PLANTS Hcndy to bloom. Ornamental shrubs and shade trees. J. T. RROADLKY CO. Greenhouse near city reservoir. Store Corner Sixth nntl Ce-ilrul. Phones 5181; 1451. "Buy nt homo ami help Medford.'' FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg Landscape Contractor We do tho grading for lawns and tennis grounds, seeding and planting of ahrubery In fact do everything to mnko your home a beauty spot. II. M. WILSON. Phone Pacific 3141. Home. G. Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY PROPERTY FARMS, FRUIT RANCHES 1241 E. MAIN STREET. $250 In cash means $10 in Columbia records! Play them while you are pay inn. for them! $1.50 a week and the purchase is complete! We arc todny extending to every mnn who owns a Columbia Grapho phoiie (or a Victor talking ninehine) u special jiurchnse" fitivilcgti Which has never before been open. For .f'J.."i() we will place alongside that talking machine of yours a $10.00 outfit of Columbia Double-Disc Records of your own selection. And instead of linking pay in ad vance we will agree to accept the price in five additional payments of $1.50 each. This i" merely a convenient means of securing your records in scries hronil enough to make an interesting assortment without paying out the money before you have any enjoy ment of the mimic. The sooner the better! Today is here. Medford Music Shop 220 W. Main St. To the Public Wo wish to call tho attontlon of prospective buyers to tho fact that wo havo been in tho county ovor 40 years and aro propared to show some of tho choicest tracts in tho valley. Costs noth ing to look at our list of bar gains. McDonough & Demmer REAL ESI ATE AND INSURANCE ROOM ii, STEWART HLDCJ. Corner Main and Ilartlett Sts. Phone .1171. Y, E Filing systems will save their costln timo ovory month. A systom for ovory buslnoss. Mediord Book Store ETjn i i