1, arEDFOftD MATL TRTTJITNFi, iUTLiVFORD, ORIWON, WWDNlHSnAY, APRIL 12, 1911. PAGE TIIRTCTC i f ALASKA COAL 0 HIGHEST CASE JAIL 0 I Appeal Perfected and Forwarded to Washington Is Taken From De cision of Judge Hanford Quashing Indictment. DELIVEY IS US PREVENTED BY BOY NEW p : REGULATIONS; COLD WAVE MY SEATTLE, Wash., April 12. The uiipcul from the decision of Federal Judge Hanford in the Akiskn eoal claim ease hat, been perfected and today was forwarded to the United States supreme court in Washington The government takes the appeal from Judge Hartford's decision un der a law passed four yea is ago. This law gives the government per mission to appeal criminal cities whore prosecution has been barred in the lower courts. The law com pels the government attorneys to . make the appeal within HO day.-.. The appeal is taken from Judge Hunford's decision quashing an in dictment charging Olmrle- F. Miin day, Archie W. Shiels and Earl ii. Sieglcy with conspiracy to defraud the government in the acquisition of Alaska coal lands. " PORTLAND COMMERCIAL BODIES WORK FOR MEDFORD (Continued from Page 1 ) Prisoners in Roseburg Saw Through Grading of Fruit to Be Different Removal Notice Locks, but Are Checked in Time Sheriff's Son Gives the Alarm in Ttime to Prevent Escape. or back; there must bo no stop, but a steady onward movement for on this depended our future failure or success." John M. Root, the next speaker, made a comparison of the settlement of the middle west and of the present Influx of hotneseokers to Oregon. Ho told how land east of the mountains had been enhanced in value by tlio Introduction of good roads and closed his address with a stirring appeal for good highways in the Rogue River valley. Manager Malboeuf oi me Commer cial club made the principal talk oi the evening. He explained the Influ ences that wore at work in competi tion with ub. He declares it is not community spito in the west, but strict commercial aggression on the part of the districts north of the Rogue River valley. "They cannot be blamed," ho said. "If they are using Medford's thun der, all right. Medford showed the whole state bow to advertise, includ iiiB Portland Itself and it la only nat ural that our methods should be cop ied. It is our own fault if wo don't continue to lead tho procession. We can do It, because we havo the brains In southern Oregon, but It Is up to the people of Medford to back up the Commercial club In their work, and get down to ical hard woik. Wo must continue to advertise harder than over advertlso liko blazes be cause tho competition wo now have in tho shape of new districts in cen tral Oregon, and every other commu nity in Oregon and Washington work ing for themselves on our lines of work, means in bioad terms that t wheie it used to cost us $1 for ad vertising we must expect to spend from twice to five times that sum to got tho same proportionate results as In tho past. The east, also is taking steps to protect Itself against tho con stant exodus of their peoplo to the west, and Oregon is tho butt end of their attacks for the reason that it Is tho best ndveitised state in the Union." As an ilustration of this, Mr. Mal boeuf tead an article that appeared in the South Today, a magazine pub lished under the auspices of tho Mem phis Rurea uof Publicity. This was written by a foriuor Memphis citizen who spent about, a year rosldlng In Portland, and looking over the coun try within 50 miles of it, and found nothing but Impenetrable forests, worthless lands, and hordes of real estate sharks, with property values ton tlinos the prices nskod." He urg ed the people of Med ford not to be como Indlfferont as to tho value of advertising, became while Medford's foundation is absolutely sound and tho city and country can never go back, tho only way to go forward is to advertlso all tho hardor, and nioie Judiciously and intelligently than ever. "Dig down and rospoct the Com mercial club and Its officors," is his advice, "and it is tho only way to mako progross and prospority actual and lasting factors horo. Wo want $20,000 this year, for publicity work North Yakima and other placet are sponding more money than that, and tboy are on the baten path of rail way travel." Walker Appointed. SACRAMENTO. Cal . April 12. Sonutor (!eori;e S Walker of Santa Clara has been appointed building and loan eomwii-Mtiner bv (iovernor J Johnson to take the place of Charlex J P. Currv and Jacob Tranue, ele- onth hour appointees of ex-Governor Gillette. The place pay $;jwiu a your. Walkr took hi oath of nil we today. He tame into prominence n th. antli'.r of the anti-lx-Him.' bill wlii'-h p'it nn eml io prfi..icihal bi-e l i in 'In -i i UOSKllUKG. Or., April 12. Re cause Ralph Quine, son of Sheriff Quine, bappenod to overhear them at work, three prisoners failed In an at tempt to escape from tho county jail hero last Sunday night. With a saw made from an ordinary case knife and a piece of hack-saw secured from sonic unknown source, the trio of prisoners sevored two of the three locks of tho steel door of tho Inner corridor. Unnble to. reach the third lock, they forced the door with pieces of stove wood used as wedges. This created a noise that was heard by young Quine as ho was on his w.y home over a block away. Making nn immediate investigation he saw what was transpiring and telephoned to two of bin father's deputies, who arrived at the jail In time to prevent a jailbreak. The prisoners Involved in the af fair are Joseph Morinos, Henry Allen and Clarence Kendall, transients who are held on the charge of burglnriz Ing the storo of I.. II. Rhoades & company a month ago. Two burglars escaped from tho jail on March 1 1 last, sawing their way to liberty from the upper floor whore they were left unnoticed when the re. is wore locked up in tho evening. 1911 BASEBALL OPENS. (ContlnuiMl from P.iko 1.) Directors Arc to Be Elected for Varying Terms of Service In the Future. L. X. .111)1) hns removed to Main Cold Rains and Some Snow Alarm street, opposite Talent Hotel. Now is your time to como and purchase a A meeting of the Hogue Ilivcr Val ley Fruit and Produce association was held in Horticulture hall this i morning and an interesting session I resulted as the result of tho business transacted. Two material changes were made tnlns in the camp of tho Cubs. Man ager Chance has added Pitchers Ton ey and Griffon and Outfielders Doyle and Shean, but they will probably be for emergencies and fail of regular berths. Toney looks to ho tho real goods and Chance is certain that lie has uncovered another wonder like "King" Cole. If Toney and Grifren mako good, the oft-repeated cry that Chanco's pitching staff was cracking may be found uufounded. One thing in the Cubs' favor is tho improved form this year of big IJd Reulbach, who was out of tho game tho first half of last year from an attack of diphtheria. Reulbach Is now hurling in his oldtime form, and Chance bays ho expects to uso him -in at least 50 games, counting the pieces, this year. PORTLAND. Or., April 12.- Willi Marion County Fruitgrowers Shortage About Every Three Years in the Valley. SALKM. Or., April 12. Fours are being entertained here by the fruit men Chat the cold rains of Sunday night and yestoiday will tend to dam age tho fruit growth now well along, nnd that the prune crop especially good alfalfa or fruit farm or a. com mercial orchard and secure a fine homo. Ho has trncts of 1, 10, 15, 20, 10, SO, 1 00 and 2S0 acres of land for sale. Impioved nnd some unim proved, besides city residences. April 11, 1011. tho rules nnd regulations of the will be greatly Injured as the result m association. Tho change of most. in terest to the general public, however, ie in the grading of fruit. Heretofore Apples havo been grad ed in three ways-, namely extra fancy, fancy and choice. Hereafter only two grades will bo recognized extra fancy and choice. The second change hns to do with the directors. At present (here are 15 in the body, each elected for one year at the next election; 15 will bo elected, five each for one, two nnd three year terms, after which five directors will bo elected each year for a tenu of three years. Ir. Owinn of the Northwestern' Fruit Exchange was present nnd de livered a stirring nddress on tho work done by that body during tho past year. A discussion as to whether the lo cal company should join the proposed uninlgainlition of the selling associa tions in (lie northwest, was indulged in nnd C. E. Whistler was appointed to notify those having the matter .n charge that the Rogue River Fruit & Produce association could not see its wav clear to joint the new body nt the present time. The meeting ad journed shortly before noon. of the continuous cold weather, ac-1 conipanled by cold lnlns. The records I of prune crops in Marion county show thnt about every three years there is a shortage, and for the past two cnrs crops hao been above the average in yield, it is believed by those engaged Iln the raising of prunes that this Is tho season when the crop will fall short. Yesterday afternoon snow fell throughout this county, whllo an ex tremely cold wind prevailed all da Tho prune trees in this vicinity, os-. pcclally the Italian, are In full bloom j,t ami orcnaruisis say iney win not stand the present cold rain. Free Lectures Haskins tor Health Professor Knox president of Mon ti I Science Cot ego, Seattle, will lve four lectures .t Anglo opera 3ouso this week. April 11, 15, til, Krldny night: 'How to Cure Saturday night, "Educa tion of the Child Sunday, II p. in.: Fit di m of Women ', N p. in., "Law iiiikif FOR. SALE Eighty ncres of tho best land nor4th of Rogue river; 35 acres In pears; 5 acreB in apples; 1 1 acres to oats; 10 acres to potatoes; 3 1-2 acres to onions, 1 1-2 acres to beets, carrots and parsnips; 2 acres to blackberries and raspberries and 0 ncres to grass and ryo pasture. This placo has no buildings, but a fine building spot, with a well of good water, tho entlro placo fenced with woven wlro; has u deeded wa ter right which wators tho entlro placo. This placo Is for salo for Just one month; purchaser will get tho crop, team, fnrm wagon, hack, ono and two-horso walking plow, ono 4-horso disc gang plow, ono thrce liorso sulky plow, drags, harrows, etc. Terms reasonable and price AUSOLUTHLY RIGHT. Inquire at Trlbtino offlco or ddress l. O. ItO.Y NO. OH .IACKSOX VILLK, OREGON. ' FREE ' of Mental Healing.' JbWlbiMv!ll PLU1V 31 BIN G WATER HEATING Prices Reasonable the Acmricau league season opening in the east today, Fielder A. Jones former munnger of the Chicigo White Sox, cnine out with u state ment today that in his opinion t'nin iskey's team will end the .Season of li'll very near the cellar. Jones now resides in Portland. WASHINGTON, 1). C, April 12.--Desertinsr the tangled affairs of state to foriniillv inaugurate the 11)11 base ball season of the national game, President Taft today tossed the liiM ball hero at the opening contest of the Senators and tho Boston Red Sow STEAM AND HOT v S All Work Guaranteed i COFFEILN (Si. PRICE 2 :J5 HOWARD 1H.OCIC, ENTRANCE ON (Itli STREET. 1NIONE ttOB 2 Medford Iron WorKs E. Q. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. r-444- 4-r4-r-r 444444 444-r4444rr44-rr4r.r.r4-.r.rrr',44r444r4 S s s s X s s X X s s s s s s X s X X X s s s s s s s X s s X s s s s s s I s s s Great Piano Opportunity B uymg WATCH THE REXALL STORES ONE AVIS UK B10FORE WASTER MONDAY, MARCH 10, TO SATURDAY, MARCH 15 Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manufacturers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE I Plant I North Riverside Phone M. 6091 Delivered to any part of city. C. J". SEMON, Mgr. CRUSH 13 D ROCK SCREENED GRAVEL Offlce: u It growers' Rank Itlilg. riiouo M. I.V WASHED SAND for Concrete for Urlck Work for rinstcrlng Summi Addition THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. All improvements in. Street paved. Cement side walks. Sewer and city water to the lot line. Building restrictions. Only four blocks to the new Jackson school. East front lot3 $850 West front lots $725 Easy Terms. W. T. York & Company Soiling Agents. kMb5brirJ ? J. K. I3NYART. President J. A. PERnY. Vice-President F. 15. MERRICK, Vlce-Prcsldnt JOHN S. ORTII, Caablor W. B. JACKSON, Aaa't Cashlor. In comparison to values offered at this Opportunity Piano and Organ Sale by the Eilers Music House a First National Bank would have to pay you almost two dollars for every one dollar you have on deposit in order to give you like values for your money. Note Prices. HOW COULD YOU LOOSE? J js$PIANO JS'lilw OpHp J Think of being able to purchase such high grade pianos as ("bickering and Suns, Kimball, llallct and Davis, Lestei, Smith and Ihirnes, Jlfid doi'l'f, Auto I Mayer Pianos, in fact we have the cream of the market to offer you. This, "the biggest occasion in the way of little prices," WHICH HAVE IJEEN SL.WJOHTKR KI) WITHOUT .MERCV, and littlest payments, for really fine, warranted, high-grade Pianos, eer witnessed in .Jackson count v. REMEMBER that the EILERS MUSIC HOUSE is the only house agreeing to refund your money if we fail to suit you with a piano. One hundred dollars in gold to charity if the outstanding manufac turing cash award checks are not worth their face value at this sale, or if we raise our regular printed established prices one penny. cnmwn w . Zni9rf 9 W i tS.V $m wms ffl$ PIANO - jf f& i?3i- r-'' i fcrft--. '-i HI IP" i MS S fe! I mmm m cnflpaiiv.mxji rc. -T'7WJIiBffilH? Sj fi375 Open Evenings Don't Delay. They Are Going Fast MUSIC HOUSE Next Medford Mail Tribune Bldg. s s s s X s X 4 s s x X s X' v X s s s s s s s s X s s s s s X X 9 s s s s s s V s s s V , y I V I V SAKI-J DKI'OSIT IlOXKS FOR HUNT. A OKXKRArj IJAN'KIN'G ni'.HIMCHS TRANSAOTKI). Wo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGU. to to4.irV4tt The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 HARRY MJY RENJ. M. COLLINS County Seat Real Estate Office Wo wIbIi to iiiiioiiiico to proupectlvo imrclinseiB that wo still litivo lmrKiiliiH in farm nnd city projtery to offer you, nlao timber and wood lanilH. LiiHt. lint not IciiHt, a few of the MOST STOCK AND ALFALFA RANCIIIOS In Southern Oickoii at prices and terma that will pleiiHo you. Thoso ranclicH havo an abundanco of water for Irrigation, Reed liiilidiiiKH nnd boiiio stock. Let us "show you." Offlco in I tunic of Jacksonville llldtf., ilniksoiivllle, Oregon. LUY (SL COLLINS r NrNr- Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranchw and fruit land. i PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLOu. "" WWMMMMMMAM i tf J5 IWfklOFllPFYIP Royal Be Man Stallion will he at (he WKNT SIDK STADL1W alternating weeks during the season. FIRST WEEK BEGINS APRIL 1, 1911. Second week at Mrownsboro; third week at West Side Stable. "AMOttlOAUX" oarrios throe sols of papous and breeders will do well to call and see him. I ft 6 I nttHfttl4tr004tt0ti tlt0t0t4f0ft44f4