PAGTC SEVEN - .''.' I1-'1 - i'JlT- Every Little "Want Ad" Has a Meaning All It!s Own r atEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MTCDFOttT), OK1WON. TUESDAY, APRTL 11, 1911. L m PREDICTIONS FOR 1911 FRUITCROP Northwestern Fruit Exchange Issues Bulletin Giving Latest Information Regarding Status of 1911 Crop Colorado Apples Good. The Northwestern Fruit Exchange has Issued the following crop predic tions for 1911: The season of 1910 has passed into history. From this tlmo on all eyes will be fixed on the coming season pf 1911. Pursuant to its policy of wide pub licity, the exchnngo shall undertake to keep its clients posted from time to time as to crop prospects not only in various parts of tho northwest, but In the principal competitive dis tricts, particularly with reference to Colorado nnd Utah. The Grand Valley of Colorado Clyde II. Sm,ith, assistant secretary ot the American Apple Congress, is quot ed in a recent trade paper as expect ing that the western slope tills year will ship 10,000 cars of fruit. He says that the Colorado apple crop will bo the largest in its history. Montrose county is credited with an output of 1000 cars of fruit, chiefly apples; Delta, 3500, with about 1000 peaches, and Mesa county, 4 COO cars of fruit. Garfield will probably pro duce 1000 cars. The winter has been ideal and tho trees are In splendid condition to withstand low tempera ture. If the cloudy weather contin ues it will be several weeks baforo peaches and apples begin to blossom, as the season is about two weeks be hind normal. Elaborate preparations for smudging wero made, but it Is doubtful If the heaters will bo need ed. The irrigated districts have al ready turned In water, lessening tho danger of last year, when the extreme dryness df tho soil ;mado the trees particularly sensitive to changes In temperature. So much for conditions on tho western slope of Colorado. Of course, It is well understood that in spU of these favorable condi tions, tho entire Colorado crop a- lia ble to severe damage at any time. However, Colorado lost her crop last year, and It must not be overlooked hat this loss was the northwestern fruitgrowers' gain, as a great deal ot the consuming territory contiguous to Colorado had to look to tho north west for Its supply. The Eastern Slope of Colorado Most of tho Colorado fruit comes from the western slope. However, there Is a district in tho neighborhood of Canyon City which produces con siderable fruit. The following article is taken from the Now York Fruit Trade Journal under, a date lino ot Canyon City, Col., March 20: "Tho prospects In tho Canyon City fruit district were never better at this season of tho year, and tho buds aro not ndvanced far enough to bo In any unusual danger from frost this spring. In fact, the season Is nor mal, ns far as tho advancement ot buds is concerned, if not a fow days jutcr than the ordinary year. Ac cording to the stntoments of leading horticulturists of Lincoln Park, Frult more, Park Center nnd other sec tions of the valley, every variety of apples have abundant buds for a bumper crop. Some varieties, such as Jonathans and Fall Queen, which last year bore a small crop, this year promise to yield abundantly. Many new orchnrds will como Into bearing this season, and unless tho unexpect ed happens, Canyon City will have by fur the largest applo crop In her history." Prospects in Idaho. Washington and Oregen: Reports from all the principal producing districts In south ern, Idaho Indicate that there is a tremendous showing of fruit buds, Unless tho crop Is damaged by frost thnro will be a very heavy output from that district. Southern Oregon conies In with a report of a very heavy bloom also, Reports from tho Wejiatchee valley and other promi nent districts In the state of Wash ington all tend to Indicate a heavy fruit crop notwithstanding the heavy crop of tho past season. MEDF0RD MARKETS. Retail Prices. VEGETAHLES. Potntoos $2(2.2o per cwt. Cabbage 3. Parsnips QVc . California lettuce ipe head. Carrots 2o. RootB 2o. Onions 3c. polory 75c and $1 doz, Cauliflower 1015c hoad. Turnips 2Vjo. Radishes 5c bunch. Onions Green, 5o bunch. Asparagus 10c. lb. Hhubarb 8u lb. FRUIT. Coconnuts 10c ench. Tangerines 15c doz. Prunes, dried Go lb. Lemons 30c doz. Oranges 2535o doz. Grapefruit 75c$l doz. linnnnns 2030c doz. PUTTER, EGGS AND POULTRY. Butter, fresh ranch (roll) (Jee: creamery, Goc. Eggs, fresh ranch 25c dor Poultry Hens, dressed, 25c; live, 15c; springs, dressed, 3Q.c; live 20c. ' Turkeys 2830c, dressed. HAY AND PEED. Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $11; grass, $1-1; grnin hay, $10. Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushel; onts; $35 ton; barley, $31 ton. MEATS. Beef Cows, 10 to 20c; steers 12V2c to 25c. Pork 2022c. Veal Dressed, 1525c. Mutton 12J220c; lumbs, 15 25c. LOST. LOST A light colored overcoat Sat urday, while driving in the north part of town. Finder please call 5421 for reward. 18 FOR EXCHANGE. Ileal Estate FOR EXCHANGE Medford nnd suburban property, ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 10.11, cave Mail Tribune. TO EXCHANGE Colorado and, No braska lands, improved nnd unim proved, to exchnngo for Roguo Rive) properties. The Best-Fuller Realty Co., Grants Pass, Ore. FOR SALE OR RENT. Business Property FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise store in new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on ruilrond, 12 miles froip Medford. Gold Rny Realty Co. 200 W. Main. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE F'.vo pnsscuger 4-cylinder touring nuto mobile. Address Box !'00, cure Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 acres 31. miles, from Medford, on good road; will take modern bung alow part payment. This tract will pint nicely into 5 acres tracts. See Brown & Wakefield. 20 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Best located rooming house in Medford; will take modern bungalow part pay ment in exchange. Brown & Wake field, Palm Block. 20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. - - - 1 1 m 1 - HIGIICROFT rosidenco sites are des tined to double and treble in value. FOR SALE Boarding house; every thing new; reasonable terms. Call 317 E. Jackson. 331 FOR SALE Plaza cafe at a Baori fico on account of poor health of proprietor. 128 E. Main. " City Property 8-Tooin, modern, only 5 blocks out; trade for lots or residence prop erty. 5-room bungalow, modern, at exact cost to build, $1875; easy terms. 5-room bungalow, new all furnished $1100; term's. 3 rooms, inpdern, Hue lot, 5 blocks from business, $1000; terras. RANCHES 40 acres, part in orchard, good build ings, 0 miles from Medford, $125 per acre. Stock ranch, 480 acres, -well situated fine soil, ample free range. $35 per ncre. 14 acres, three-quarter mie to town, 0ys acres in bonring orchard, team tools, etc; 7 room house, harp shed; price $7500; good terms. 20 acres fine fruit land, close to rail road, all cleared; $100 per acre. 10 or 20 aero tracts, close in, cleared, chenp, good terms. 25 ncrcs, good house, barn, 8 acres orchard, grapes, berries, rich soil close to Hertford; $2500 will hand le this. WANTED 0 men and women for ranch work. 2 ranch hands. Girls for general housework. City and ranch property to list. Man and wife on ranch. L F. I Phlpps Building, TTN J Room 206. FOR RENT. Hoard uud Room FOR RENT Room with privnto board, at 510 N. Riverside. FOR RENT Rooms with first cln"s b,onrd; meals served family, style. DOB E. Main st. 17 Furnished Houses FOR RENT Cozy 2-room furnished house with pantry nnd closet. 51!) S. Hully st. IS Furnished Ilonnu FOR KENT Largo furnished front room, ground floor; hot wnter, bath 234 E. Ninth st. 20 FOR RENT Ope sleeping room; one barn suitable for four horses; large lot and wnter with barn, nt 130 W Gh st. . 17 FOR RENT Furnished room nt 225 S. Riverside nve. 19 FOR RENT Good room. Can take brealtfast and shipper at house. Man and wife, preferred. $13 per week. Phone' lOQl. 17 FOR RENT At the Cottage, modern furpished rooms. Rooms equipped with pnvuto telephone, service, hot and oqld running water, sleeping porches', bath accommodations and heat if desp-ed. GQ4 W. Tenth t. Phone call private exchange 141. FOR RENT Furnsncd sleeping room; everything now and clonn; roaaopable prices easy wnlK from Main st. Only men need apply. Oleson nnd W. Hamilton sts. Phone Main 4474. FOR RENT Elogont furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wnter, baths, electric lights, newly furnished, single rooms pr en suite, by the day, week or month. Inquire room 103 Electric building. 218 West Main street. FOR RENT Furnished, rooms for transients. No. 10 N. Grape st., next to Farmers, & Fruitgrow ers' bank. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, mod ern, (no children.) Inquire 510 S. Hollv st. 18 FOR RENT Nice big newly fur nished bedroom. Call for Hutch, nt this office. FOR REST Furnished or unfur nished rooms with or without board. Inquire nt 302 Maple sit. 23 Houses FOR RENT (J-room house, 12.50. Humphrey, room 3, Adkins blk. 18 FOR RENT Two houses. Inquire at Palace hotel. 17 FOR RENT- -Furnished rooms. Can be used for light housekeeping. 335 V. 2d st. 18 FOR RENT New modern bungalow, six rooms and bath. Large screen porch. Apply 51(1 Liberty st. 2L FOR RENT Modem 5-room bunga low with bath, close in. Inquire 51!) S. Holly st. 21 Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Housekeeping rpopis; two in suite and 0110 in Ktiito; gas to cook with. 711 North Central. 17 FOR RENT Two housekeeping tents furnished. 800 East Washington 20 FOR RENT Three furnished house- -keeping rooms, Oakdah Grocery, 11th and Oakdale. 17 FOR RENT Newly furnished house keeping rooms; hot water, bath. 234 E. Dth st. 20 UuHlnebN ItooniH FOR RENT Two business rooms in the new Odd Fellows building on Sixth street. Inquire Jackson County Bank, cashier. FOIT RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant ,or billiard room or othe business, steam heat. Gold Ifnv Realty Co.. 210 V. Main St. KuraiH FOR RENT Farms from 40 ncres to 400 ncres, -alfalfa laud, fruit .ranches, garden lands, general farming ranches. Gold Rny Realty Co.. 210 West Main. OffiroH for Kent. FOR RENT Over the posiol'fioo with bent and lisrht. See A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, stoam heat, electric light, baths, toilet, hot and col 3 water. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21(1 W. Muin st. ? Miscellaneous FOR RENT Gnrden land in tracts of from one acre upwards, with wn ter. for irrigation. Owner will fur nish team and implements for cul tivating and sped for shuro of crop or will rent for cash or share pf crop. Inquire of Buff urn, Rogue River Electric Co., 210 West Main street, 1 GOOD PASTURE 450 acres volun teer, old Richardson place, Sams alley, Hon-es, $1 50 per month lor particulars address Talent R f. n. 128. 33G FOR RENT. Miscellaneous FOR LEASE Fishing, boating nnd hunting resort on easy terms. Box 32. Mnil Tribune. FOR SALE Acrengo FOR SALE 5 and 10 ncre tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, nt a bnrgnin, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Wnter Power Co. UukIucsh Property FOR SALE Choice business prop erty nt a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Power Co. FOR SALE Business property im proved and unimproved at prices that aro right. A. F. Harnett, op posite postoffice. 17 Lots FOR SALE Building lots in city of Jacksonville, Or. 1 have 75 lots in different parts of tho town, for sale at prices ranging from $75. to $150 each. Cull and soe mo. No troublo to show property. J. Hnrt ninii, opposite U. S. hotel, Jackson ville, Or. 331' HIGIICROFT residence sites hnvo the most superb view of tho city, val ley and mountains. FOR SALE Fine south front lot on W. Tenth street on pavement with wnter and sewer paid. See owner at G15 W. 11th street. 33 FOR SALE A. B. Saling has 10 good lots for sale. In tho east side. All cash deal. FOR SALE Two lots, close in on Third and Applo street; east front. C. E. Kirk, Box 285. 39 FOR SALE Fine lot, $50 cash and easy terms; nq interest. Call for II., this office. . ff, FOR SALE $'lQ6o lot tp go for $Q00. Call up Main 4474, or call at 203 Olosou st. Houses FOR SALE Four room house, $75, Humphrey, room 3, Adkins blk. FOR SALE New 5-room cottage with bath, pnuir,y and floored u 1 1 i. : double boarded, paper between and plastered. Guild finish throughout and close in. Price $1850; good terms. Inquire of owner 302 Ma pic .street. 23 FOR SALE A house and lot in Jack sonville, Or., Lot contains l'Ss noros Fivo blocks from postoffico. Good bnm and a n)unber of fine shade trcos on the property. A good com- fortuhle home for somo ono at ir bargain. Price $1500. J. Hartman oppoBito U. S. hotel, Jacksonville Or. ,534' FOR SALE Largo 8-room bunga low on paved street, new, finely finished throughout. Price, $5750: terms. Lincriln-Rurnebitrg-Hokc Co., 401 Garnett Corey bldg. FOR SALE Five-room houso, mod ern, 31 S. Orange st., $1800; close in. John A. Henderson. 37 FOR SALE New modern 5-rooin house, two blocks from park at coM of material. AddreHa "Owner," 417 N. Uarjiptt st. 18 FOR SALE Strictly modern bunga low, closo in; north front lot; street to bo paved soon. Price $2000; easy terms. Lincoln-Uanie- btirg-Hoko Co., 401 Garnett-Corey bldg. FOR SALE Residence lot, hinall monthly payments. A. F. Ilnrnctt opposite postoffice. 17 FQR SALE 0 room house and good lot house furnished in Spokane Wash., will trade for Medford or near property; value $3000. (5 room modern house on 208 Roosevelt nvcuuo; basement; paneled wniuscott and fine plueo; easy terms; see Me Cullum at Hotel Nnsh or Schiirmanii at Pheni.v, Ore. 17 FOR SALE- La i go ice box suitable for store of shop, at Oiilfdulis Oij eery. 11th and Oakdale. 17 FOIt SALE Modern home, close in; will sell for lo-.-, thuii cost to build. Address H, cum this office. Itcjtl F.niutr FOR SALE - 80 acres fruit luijd. E. Dahiicj Eagle Point. Or. 17 FOR jSALE A fitpn wjth Hto'j tools, otc. Farm consists of 100 ncres of good lnnd situated in the Applegate valley, 28 noros in al falfa, 13 good dairy cows, ) year lings, 4 hogs, pan of work horsey lot'of chickens, wagon, buggy und harness; full outfit of farm imple ments nnd tools, blacksmith shop and tools; good house mid barn; telephone in house and interest in teluphono lino goos with property Price $0500. J. Hartman, ofiico op posite U. S, hotel, Jacksoinille Or, 331 FOR SALE. Ronl Estnt FOR SALE Good D-'room brick house, in city of Jacksonville, wtih lot containing '2 ncrcs of good garden land; only 2 blocks from the courthouse. Price $4500. J. Hart mnu, offico opposite U. S. hotel, Jacksonville, Or. 334 FOR SALE 8V2 ncres fruit an poultry ranch, 200 hend of poultry team nnd tools go with place if de sired; west of S. Oakdale avenue See owner on placo. Robert Dut ton. ' FOR SALE A tract of good gar den land containing 4J ncrcs good house and bnm; inside cit limits of Jacksonville. Price $3500 J. Hartman, Jacksonville. Or. 344 FOR SALE 320 acres undeveloped. Rogue river valley land, 4 miles from railroad station, practically level and can all bo irrigated; adjoining lauds held nt $100 per ncre. My price on this tract is $20 per ncre; terms A. F. Burnett, opposite post office. 17 FOl SALE 30 ncres red fruit lnnd 41: miles from Medford; will set to any kind of fruit and furnish trees nnd will care for the orchnrd for fivo years for $250 an acre; will clear and plant for $200 per ncre. Land ns it is $125 per acre. H. E. Bowman, Jncksonville, Or. 325 FOR SALE 300 acres, 110 in cul tivation, 05 ncres in alfalfa; good house and barn; about 1000 young fruit trees; 1000 grapes; land nil in crop; 7 miles from Gold Hill; 1 mile to store, ppstofficc; fine view; valley unlimited; outside rungo joins place; will sell buyer all tools, stock and horses, cattle, hogs, goats apd will make price nnd terms nttractivo. Address Owner, Chns. Gilchrist, Sams Valloy, Oregon. HIGIICROFT residence sites nro des tined to doublo nnd trcblo in vnluo. FOR SATiE A ranch in tho Applo gato valloy, containing 80 ncrcs of good lnnd, 12 acres in nlfalfa; 4 acres in grain ; 2 good houses and a large burn on laud; private ditch and wnter right goes with this prop erty. Price $3500. A bargain fay some one. J. Unrtinnu, offico op posite U. S. hotel, Jncksonville Or. 334 FOR SALEWnckson county lands fin Rogue river valley, Oregon, by the Jackson County Realty company, II. M. Coss, malinger. Offico in Garnett-Corey building, room 217 Farm lands, garden lauds, fruit lands, stock ranches, large uud small tracts of improved and unimproved lauds. Offico phone (Hit) I; residence 1-1. HIGIICROFT residenoe sites nro of fered at present prico for a short time only. FOR SALE-A homestead relin (luihhmcnt at a bargain if taken at once. Inquire of Drown & Wake field, Palm blk., Medford, Or. 18 Miscellaneous FOR SALE Ono runabout automo bile; now tires; engine just over hauled', everything in first clas.s. con dition. Can be bought almost for price of tires. ln,quio of Powcl Auto Co. FOR SALE Corn for sale nt Vila. ranch. 33 FOR SALE Dody fir and pine tier wood, $3.25 per tier delivered,. Ad dress Uox 82, euro Mail Tribune. 18 FOR SALE A find single comb White Orpington from one of the hogt straius. Can, fill a few more orders for day old chicks from my trnjniesled Orpingtons nnd Leg horns for May delivery. Mrs. E, E Oman, Jacksonville, Ore. 20 FOR SALE 1525 onnd horse; sec ond bund Maudy Leo egg incuba tor; phono Subiiiban 7321. FURNITURE FOR SALE -Chenp parlies leaving town. 531 Wesl Hailton, telephone Main 251. 20 FOR SALE A bridge bench; range in good condition for $25.00; phone 1001 or address R. C care Mail Tribune. FOR SALE- Four cylinder nuloino bile 1010 model complete with top side curlaiiiw, top and lamp covers, windshield, Kpcedomtcr, clock, dup lex battery ct, magneto, set extra sprnk plugs and full set toels: a No insurance policy for ono your; tire. aro nearly new and with car in in cluded four extra inner tubou and two extra casings. This car is in excellnnt shape and will he ttold for $1000 cash an trade considered. Aildrchu P. O. !iox 702 Mcdfofd Ore-. 17 FOR SALE -First class incubator and brooder, as good as new. In quire Huffum, care Roguo River Klvtlno Co., 210 Y. Main at. FOR SALE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Steel nnd wood oil barrels. Valley Auto Co. FOR SALE Two farm wtgons. Hol ly Street Blncksmith Shop. 10 FOR SALE Furniture of v rooming and boarding house, centrally lo cnted. Very desirable. Address P. O. Box 751. 11) FOR SALE 1-holo steel top range and wnter coils. Call after (5 even ings. 15 S. Mistletoe. Phone 1001. IS! FOR SALE liny. I have grain and alfalfa haled. See A. A. Davis. FOR SALE Corn at Isnao's ranch. Eagle Point road. 'FOR SALE Second hand sulkoy corn cultivator, cheap. Enquire 1021 W. 10th st. 22 FOB SALE Corn. Inquire Dr. Clancy's office, Phipps bldg., or phone .Main 501. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, first, sec ond cutting; $18 ton delivered. F. C. Clayvillc, Medfovd. 17 FOR SALE Seed corn. Connor Land Co., Lower tabic Rock. WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED Lace Curtains to laun der. 215 W. Jackson st. 30 WANTED To trade, house nnd lot on W. Tenth street for n good team, wagon and harness. Address 810 S. Oakdale. 18 WANTED Room and board in pri vate family for lady niul child; re ference exchanges. Phono Main 43Q1. 17 SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Work by duy or contract for brick stono nnd tile work; satis faction gunrantced: worked on Duul; A. Fiero, Dr. Filch, Ware nnd Gluue buildings. Address Chus. Knzloy, Medford, Or., Gem Del. 20 WANTED Position on ranch by man and wife. Address llox 12 care Mail Tribmiu Office. 17 WORK WANTED Man experienced in soda fotintuui nud npnmtus work. Also nlumbing. Address P. O. llox 143. 17 HELP WANTED. Help Win) ted Mnlo WANTED Salesmen in every local ity of the northwest; money nd vanced weekly; many innko over $1000 month; choice of territory. Viikima Valley Nursery Co., Top ponish, Wash. WANTED Work, .lap to do house work. Over $15 per mouth. Tele phone 0451 Hull. P. O. Rex 201. 17 WANTED Automobile Agents. 1 have some good territory left in southern Oregon for live ngents for the "Puturson" 30 nud 40 horse power our. Answer quick. Terri tory closing fast. A. E. Laflur, Mux 14. Salem, Or. 18 Help Wanted Fuiunlo. WANTED Young lady for gcnornl house work. Rest wages. Inquire Huffum, Rogue River Electric Co., 210 W. Main st. WANTED-(lirl for general house work, two in family, will pay best of wages, a good homo for right partly. Addt'Cbs Hox 00 care of this office. MISCELLANEOUS HIGIICROFT rcsidciKio silo will be known urt tho real "Nob Hill" ol Medford. ,, ,i - i - " A PRIMARY COURSE of twelve les sons in Ti'i'th will he given by An nie Spragiie Smith at 132 North Ivy street, commencing Wodnosduy April .'lid, ul !i:30 p, in. A course for ndvanced students will com mence Thursday, April (itli, nt 3 p. in. All welcome. Love offering FOR SALE HIGIICROFT rosidenco sites have delighted evoryouo who has soon the property. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant. D It WOOD - Oem-ru! aceountunt. Your bookk audited and kpt for a ntuiMnuhlo flKure; your biiHlneMK solicited Office I'hippM IMk , room 2o l'lione 111;.' Aiiayer nud Analyit. HAUL V INOKLHL R S Ilest equipped anny otluu In Orus'on; food products, soils, fertl1i'rH. fpruy products, vutur eto., Hiiulyxed. Omuls Pash ArchlUcU. J Oil NX Si Tl'ltNEU AuhltectH win) llullders Offle 7-K, Vit, Main, phone Main 371. Kasldvnt'o plioiio T4I. A." l-'aODWlN. ArcMttK't. offtco Jtc. corner Front snd TMrd Billiard Parlori. ti T HUOWN & Ctf Hilliards.Cl(ars ami Soft Drinks l'p stairs Youns' & Hull hulldliitf A nlei cool place to Hpwul tho hot afternoons. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. COLVIO & ItEAMKS W. St. ColvlR, C. L. Itcames. Lawyers. Offico Medford National Hank bulltllntf, second flour. ronTJSIl J. NI3FF. VM. P. MKALKY Attornoys-at-law. Nos. 1 nnil 2 Post offlcu building. A. E. IlRAMnS Lawyer, Qarnott-Corey bulldlnu. WITIUNQTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. II. F. MULKEY Lawyer. Uoom 30 Jaok son Co, Dank lildK Bill Factors. VEllNE T. CANON 11111 poster nnd OIh trlhtitor. All onlorH promptly filled. Hoom 29. Jacknon County Hunk hulld Inu, .Medford. OrefiOii. Clears and Tobacco. IKKLANP & ANTl.n. Smokehouse DeftlerK In tobacco, clgaro, and smok ers' supplies. KxehiBlvo aKnt of Lewla SIiibIo Binder, El Merlto and Kl Palon cla. 212 West Main stroot. Civil Engineer. ASTHUUYr& TH12. CIVIL UNaiNKEllS, HiirveyorH. Specialty, l'luttlnir, 8til dtvldlni; and municipal ciiKlneerlnj,'. Phono 4081. Uoom 408 anrnott-Curoy IiUIk.. Aledford. Oregon. Contractors and Builders. Sl'UAOUK IIIIOS. Contractors and bullderH! let um help to finance tho bulldlnu of your homo. 214 Fruitgrow ers Hank bide McDONALD & LOVKLACK. Contractors nnd bulldern. KstlinutH furnished on Hhoi't notice. Phono 3G32. 20 rumlturo. U. 1 WILSON & CO., duulurs In new nnd second-hand furniture and hard ware. Ak'tMits for Household stoves und roiiRfn. Id South Kir Htrcot. Phono Main 361, Home 26C-L. MISSION KUHNlTUItK WOHKH Cor ner 8th und Holly streots, Medford. Mission furiilturn nmilo to order Cab inet work of (ill klnda. A trial order soljc I ted. Moll UD PF A U'OLI-'K Cookstoves and ratiKos. Nuw and second hnnd furni ture. En da old stand. 18 I'lr street, South. Phono 91. Home 283-K. Med ford. Dranlto Works. OOLD HAY ailANlTE CO.. 21C West Main street, manufacturers und deal ers In monumental and bulldlnc Krati Ite, crushed Kianltc, common brick and pressed brick, coarso and finu washed river sand .MEDFOKD 1IU1C1C CO. Ceo. V. lrldd, O. D, Nunle, Cleo. T. O'Jlrlen Contrac tors and inauufactururs of brick, deal ers In pressed brick und lime OfCleo In Oarnott-Coroy block, room 209. 2d floor, l'hono No. 3181. ftaudscnyo Gardener. JOHN V. DKLTZ. Landscupo Gardener. Ilutweon Hlvorsldu avenue and Heatty Htreot, Medford, Or Satisfaction Kuaranteed. Call Main 3S12. Notary Public. NOT.aiV I'UIILIC n'ooin bulldlnK. 257 Phlpps Tenta and Awnings. AIEDFOUD TENT AND AWN1NO CO. makers of now, repairers of old. Iiolh punnes lur, . ouiiult. Nursorles. MEDFOKD GUEKN HOUSE Cut flow ers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. U2.1 E. Main, l'hono 3711. IjUAKDIt NUHS10U1ES Our trees aro budded, not Rrnfted. Our stock la not Irrigated. Wo Kuarnnteo everything put out. Wo are not In tho trust, H. 11. Patterson, offico removed to llti E. Main st. KOUUK ItlVElt VALLEY NUUSKllY CO.. lnc Growers of liluh Krade nur sery stock Offico 26 W. Main. Tele phono 1201 Physicians nnd Surgeons. hit. 8. A LOClvWOOD I'hvslelan nnd Surirenn. Offico -ilii E. Main st . over Has kliiH' drill,' store. l'hono Mnln 10(M DUS. CONUOY '& CLANCY Physlolu"i.s and surKMOJiH. Taylor and Phlpps bids', rooms L'10-L'll-212. Offico phone so I, rcHldouuo phono CI J. Office hours U u. in to 8 p, in VII. K (! OAKLOW, DIt. EVA MAINS CAULQW Oatuopathlo physicians. Moved to rooms 116 and 417 Uuniett- fJoreybniic l'hono Main 0351. DIt. E. II." 1'OIITBII Diseases ofw77 lileii n specialty, lloonis B, , 7, H, St. Mark's bldr, Medford, OreKon, phoneti, Orrico 4UC1, resldeiics JU5L DIt AUTEMAS" V. DISANE Dentist Ofrico in Itlalto bills', 123 E Main Ohm administered for evtraetlon of teeth . Telephone Main CM Nlslit Phono IKIJ Oil. W. V. WICK llonieopithlc clun; residence I'OII Olson st , phono Mala 1171; office, iooiiih 3 und I, St. .Mark'w Idock. phone Main 1871 DIt. HTEAIINS I'hyslolan and surg'-on" Office Otunott-Corey bldir , rooms 211-212, phono 5601. Ilealdeure 113 Lam el st., phone 20U2. DIt MYltTLE H LOCKWOOD Pnull.o lluilted to dlsftases of women. Offico Hawkins bldg. l"2 Mala loul Dr NV. M. Van" Sooyoc. " Dr. C. C. Van Scoyou. Dentists. Oaruett-Corey IiIiIk. suite 318, Medford, OleKdli. Iloth Phou. h. DIl. LEItOY M. OoTttiON Chnopiaetio HplnoliiKlst; over Medford Itiirduani Co.. 210 IS. Main st.. Medftrd. Oiegoii DIt J J KM MENS l'ractloe limited to disease of the oyo. or, nose anil throat. Office 210 K. Main street. In HAUNDKIia AND OltEEN Prac tice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office: Kulto 318 Qurnett Corey bulldlllK. Iloth phones. Chlnoie atedlclnei. CHOW YOUNU'H ehlnewe niedlelneswlll cute rlieumatlHin, catarih. colds, ..It ers, throat and Iuiik trouble, di-uftit-HH. puialyslH, irlvate dlseaties and nil kinds of chronic and nervous ailments. Stomach trouble, constipation. IiuIIkm tlon, womb and bladder troubles. See inn at 211 S, Front st, Medford, Ore. Printer! and Publliheru. MKDFOHD PIUNTINtJ CO. hits thu begt (lllppeil Job office In Soiltliem t)'i Kiiu. book binding, loose leaf systems; cut puper. eto, eto, Portland prleos. 27 North I'lr street. Steiiojfrapliern. rnrnx" M OlfANYAW Palm lll.ik. OirANYAW Palm SteuoKruphlo work iloiio cjulokly and wen HTRNoaliApitRtt. 40 cinriTu Corey hldtr. Medford, Or. Mlsu L J. HliiKstoii. Telephon Home 95. MISH FHANCEB PliLFS, Public Stanoit ruplier Huntley - Kramer's office. Phone Main 3 ID!. 15 N Centrul .ivu nne. Mdford. Or. . 30 Signs. VALLEY BlON ADVEUT1SINO fco.'S SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phone S01 IS UUeiulilo avenue. Stoam Heating. PO.NTINO .t UUN7 Steiun and hot wit ter heating, dry kiln and power work. Satisfaction KUttruntecd Eetlinut'tH Klven. PheneM: Pacific 4601. Home 131-1., reeldeiice Pacific IU2 liov 431. 37 South Central avenue. Medford. Oregun. Sewing Machine. SEWINO MACHINKS --VK lU'NrN, loenl representative for "Singer" ami "Wheeler Hi Wilson" sewing iniiehi'n i. Phone tioia Maciiiiua fti sale or rent. iUpainui,'. . fc-fjMta---.'? rJ.-a