Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 11, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Oregon Association to Hold Thirty
ninth Annual Reunion in Portland
in June Larno Number Arc Ex
pected to Attend.
TIio .IDLh nnniint reunion of tho
Oregon Pioneer iiHHocIntlon will bo
held In I'ortlninl WcdnoHdny, June
21. The public exercises will take
plnco In the Mnmmlc temple, anil M.
A. Miller of Lebanon will deliver the
annual nddrcHH nt 2:.'10 p. in. The
annual banquet will be served at
1:00 p. in. by the Associated Pion
eer Woman's Auxiliary. Iloth of
thcho numbers arc for tho exclusive
benefit of tho pioneers.
A campflre, or "ICIohIio Wa Wa,"
mcethiR, will bo held In the evening
lu the Mnsonlc temple mid pioneers'
sons and dauglitciH of pioneers, mid
nil friends of pioneers will bo ml mil
ted. Ono of the leading features of
the evening meeting will bo the pres
ence of several pioneer "fiddlers."
Every person who came to Oregon,
or was born lu Oregon or In any part
of the Pacific coast, prior to tho close
of 1800, and Is now n resident of
Oregon, may become a member of the
association upon application to Geo.
II. lllmes, secretary, City Hall, Port
land. The number lu attendance last year
was 12110, nml tho average ago of
oach person was more than G.' years.
Tho secretary Is of the opinion that
the attcndaiico will bo fully ns largo
as usual. While many ploueors have
died, there Is a constant recruiting
of the decimated ranks from thorns
who for varloiiH reasons luivo never
enrolled themselves as members.
Consideration is Being Given to Plan
(or Buyinfi Four Animals and Put
ting Them in Natural Park in Heart
"of City.
Inquest Begins Heartrending
Scenes on Shore Disaster Wit
nessed by Many People Ship
Keeled Over on Port Side.
nyo, Elfert nyo, Millar nye.
Approved April nth, 1911.
Attest: Mayor.
City Hecordor.
ASHLAND, April 11 An addition, VICTOKIA, B. C, April 11 The
lo (lie eity park in the shape of a dcorj j,,,,,,, un the victims of the Iroquois
park miiv be made if plans now being wreck was bcuii Huh morning at Sid
coiiMidereil carry through. Tlio silo ,,v. fiu.tnii. Kpmis ,m,I ll ,,f tlm mir-
ehohen in the one now occupied lV vivors who had sufficiently recovered.
mo old icelioiiKc. ijiis iitiH ucPti Bolfl attending. It is likely that an ail
by the eity ami is being removed. Thu jounnnunt will be made until it is pos
removal will leavo a vacant spot pji,i(, t( (ell bow many died when the
which would make a suitable place for, HtU,. pasenger vessel foundered. Ac
a deer park. A farmer living on the, ,.nling to reports (hi morning a
Kliuuntli river Iiiih informed the oUyj COiint made by the conductor of the
that there arc a number of tnine door! Viflnrin ...,,1 Kiilm.v ii-uin tlmi
lie It resolved by the city council
of the city of Medford, Oregen:
That it Is the Intention of the
council to lay a 4 Inch water main
on Taylor street from Cottage street
to East end of street and to assess
the cost thereof upon tho property
fronting on Bald portion of said street
In proportion to the frontage of said
to annexed. Prlncipnl and Interest
payable at the office of .tho Treasurer
of the City of Medford.
This bond Is one of a scries au
thorized by sections 116-117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125,
120, and 127 of the charter ot the
city of Medford, and Is an obligation
of tho city of Medford aroresahl, the
city hereby covenanting that It will,
aa authorized by section 12f of said
charter, cause to be transferred from
the general fund of said city to the
sinking fund provided by said sec
tion for the payment of the series of
bonds, of which this is one, such
amounts from time to time as may bo
necessary to enable said fund to meet
all payments payable out of the same
The council will moot nt the r.nnn
ell chamber in tho city hall In said ,ffhls obligation is not deemed Or taken
A California scientist claims to
havo greatly IncroaBod tho breeding
capacity of a flock of shcop ns well
as tholr ylold of wool by pasturing
thorn beneath high voltngo electric
on bis farm and that he would be will
iiiK lo sell llicin if the city enn obtain
the ncccH.snry authority from the
mauler game warden. The plan is to
obtain four of the animals.
Mr. Gilbcrtnoii has been busy seed
ing down the parking on Ilio boule
vard. When (hat is finished he is lo
going to make some improvements ill
the park. These will include the milk
ing of two tennis eoutts. The place
has already been selected about a
(fuiirler of a mile up the canyon,
where (hero will bo the advantage
thai there is little or no
17 perished.
Many heartrending scenes look
place. Cnptnin ScurS, tho engineer
and two deckhands who landed at
Armstrong's Point in a boat, were
within 1100 yards of the drowning peo
ple from a hwamped lifeboat, but
Could not roach them.
Tho two Misses Kcnwick, victims of
the Iroquois disaster, have two broth
ers in Portland. The disaster was
witnessed by many people. From the
wharf at Sidney and places along the
schoro many watelud the listed ves-
clty on the 18th day of April, 1911,
ot 7:30 p. in., at which time nil pro
tests against tho laying of said water
main on said portion of said street
and the assessment of tho cost there
of upon tho property fronting thereon
will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed by tho city council of tho city of
Medford on the 4th day of April,
1911, by the following vete: Merrick
aye, Watt aye, Wortman nye, Emcrlck
lye, Elfert ayo(Jllllar aye.
Approved April 5th, 1911.
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder.
mere is nine or no wind. Ait.,1 .i, i, i,,i .. i,,. ,ii,i i r
Playground ( for children is also lo Iliy kcu OVer 01I ,,el. )0rl 8Wc, j
be made, with the usual apparatus.
NKW YORK, April ll.Malliiger
Me (J raw is going lo make no changes
in his team of Giants, runncrs-un m
the National league race last year.i
Word trom the "Little Napoleon" to
day indicates Hint the Giants will
lake the field with last season's line
up initio!. It is posible that Infielder
hillorlon and Pitchers Hendricks
Rudolph and
ii few minutes the house broko adrift
hud tho hull went down in 14 fathoms.
Two boats were floated off, ono chr
rynig 12 or ! people, capsizing when
a short distance from tho wreck. The
other, in which was Captain Sear.-,
Chief Knginccr Thompson and two
deckhands, came ashore at Arm
strong's Point while those thrown
from the capsiod boat struggled in
the water about IKK) yards from them.
Tho mate. John lbister, anil several
others including II. S. Moses und
M ...
c.c can win no leu, jm timii:ui passengers and an un
lor any of them to break into thu
game ns regulars.
Our Correspondents
.,.u mi-io (n sain am io no a cnanco i,,,,,...,, ,.., ..i., i ti... .r,.,.l,.
age of the bouse which was washed
ashore at .Mary Island where they
claiiibcred up the rocks.
.Miss Mildred Klliott of Week Point
is tailing relatives here.
Mrs. Hostel and Mrs. Taylor weio
shopping in Medford Siiliuday morn
ing. .loo Maun ami wife went to Grants
Pass Friday evening.
Mrs. Purkeypile and Mrs. lUthi
were ill Grants Pass Saturday.
Miss Dcathe who is lunching on
Giiftiu crock is visiting with frioiuU
E. (llbbs was visiting friends lu
North Talent .Sunday.
Talent now has two now real es
tate offices, a new barber shop and
new sheds for lumber. All have boon
built lu tho past two weeks.
(i. C. McClaln of North Talent last
week sold bis two-nero gat don place
ton Mr. Alewiul from Washington for
Mr. mid Mm. I.em Hughes of Kern
Valley visited Mr. Hughes' mother
John S. Sims, who committed sui- ""d brothers In Ashland Sunday.
cido Friday was much thought of .lames McDonald of North Talent
hero, mid had many friends among ws t V. Carey's Saturday buying
those who knew him. Ho was at one early cabbage plants,
time u prominent contractor audi lames Morton of Phoenix has been
I'AZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed
to euro any ccbo of Itching, blind,
bleeding or protruding pllos In G to
14 days or monoy rofunded. 50c.
resolution -
Ho It resolved by the city council
of tho city of Medford, Oregen:
That it Is the intention of tho
council to lay a C Inch water main
on East Eleventh street from Port
land nvonuo to Willamette avenue
and to ns8esBtho cost thereof upon
tho property fronting on said portion
of said street In proportion to the
frontage of said properly.
Tho council will meet at tho coun
cil chamber In tho city hall In Raid
city on the 18th day of April, 1911,
at 7:30 p. nt., nt which time all pro
tents against tho laying of said water
main on said portion of said street
and tho assessment of tho cost there
of upon tho property fronting thereon
will bo heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed by the city council of the city of
Medford on tho 4th day of April.
1911, by tho following vete: Merrick
nye, Watt aye, Wortman aye, Emcrlck
aye, Elfert nyo, Millar aye.
Approved April 5th, 1911.
W. 11. CANON.
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder.
to bo within or any part of the limi
tations by law as to the Indebtedness
of said city, and It Is further certi
fied that all tho requirements of law
have been fully Compiled With by
tho proper officers In tho Issuing of
this bond and that the total amount
of this Issue docs not exceed the limit
prescribed by this act.
This bond is redeemable at Hie of
fice of said treasurer at tho option
of tho city of Medford upon payment
of the face value thereof, with ac
crued interest to the dato of payment
at any semiannual coupon period at
or after ono year from the date here
of, as provided by said chartor.
For fulfilment of the conditions of
this obligation the faith nnd credit
of tho city of Medford are hereby
In witness whereof, this bond has
boon signed by the mayor and at
tested by tho recorder of said city of
Medford and Hie corporato seal of the
city of Medford hereto attached this
first day of
J. B. ENYART, Preildent J. A. PERRY, Vlco-Presldent
F. E. MERRICK, Vice-President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier
W. D. JACKSON, Ass't 'Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
Capital, $100,000.00
Surplus, $20,000.00
Make a Selection
of our small cakes nnd specialties
rind you'll hove a collection of ns
tempting nnd toothsome dainties as
were over sot beforo a king. Don't
bo too late coming for yours, how
ever. Wo can nevor seem to bake
enough no matter how many extra
we bake fresh daily.
Medford Bakery CSL Delicatessen
He It resolved by the city council
of the city of Medford, Oregen:
That It Is the Intention of the
council to lay a 4 Inch wnter main
on Myrtle street from Main street to
Taylor street and to assess tho cost
thereof upon tho property fronting on
said portion of snld street In propor
tion to the frontage of said property.
The council will meet at tho coun
cil chamber In the city hall In said
city oh the 18th day of April, 1911,
nt 7:30 p. m., at' which time all pro
tests against the Inying of said water
main on said portion ot said street
Medford, Or., Fob. (I, 1011. This
Is to certil'v (lint about November 1
inv u-ii i.ili.n nvlli n Rnvnri nw,l l,1 assessment of tho cost there
nii dutgliK i was taken iy,th a soeiO lf p0i tho m.OI,orty front,B thereon
uiiiick ii i iii-imiiiwMiii which ii'iiiiuruu
her left arm useless, in fact it was
so near paralyzed that she was not
able lo move her fingers, but know
ing of some of Dr. Chow Young's
marvelous cures of long standing
cases of ihoumatisiti, wo decided to
consult him, in which I am pleased
to say liiado no mistake, ase his rem
edies acted as ho claimed they would
and after the third treatment tho
rheumatic pain entirely loft her nnd
she has not had any symptoms of
will bo heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
od by tho city council of the city of
Moil ford on the 4th day of April,
1911, by tho following vete: Merrick
nyo, Watt aye, Wortman aye, Emcrlck
ayo, Elfert ayo, Millar aye.
Approved April 5th, 1911.
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder.
Recorder of tho city ot Medford.
Section 3. Each of the said bonds
shall have attached thereto twenty
coupons, each of which shall be In
the following ferm:
Will pay to tho bearer
dollars In gold coin of tho United
States of America, at the office of
tho treasurer of said city on the first
day of t,
being six months Interest oh water
main No , serial No
unless said bond Is sooner redeomed
ns therein provided, which redemp
Hon will render this coupon void.
isulferlng with u bad attack of erv-,
An ordinance authorizing the is
suance of $110,000.00 of tho wnter
main bonds of tho city of Medford,
lhoiimnlism sinco; besides her gen
eral health is much improved and JncliHon county, Oregon, and directing
s hands ami arms and 'I do not hesitate in saying 1 believe "'o advertising of tho same for sale
III UUIUIUIWH.U Willi ni'tuwiib iiu-l.l
of tho charter of said city.
The city of Medford doth ordain
The Artisans rally Friday ovoning'Hlpt'lns on
vas a gieat success. lr. tJInistoad i'oi. those allheted with rheumatism rr
of Portland gave a very interesting Mrs. E. Angeroth, who bus losltl- paralysis will do well to consult Dr.
talk with iniiiiy hiiuiorous e.vproBsions'd In Phoenix for the piisl three years. Chow Young, whoso house is cor-
whieh brought forth pearls of laugh-1 loft for Rnino, Idaho, Sunday morn- not of Tenth and Front street, Med-
Icr from tho large audience. A pro-,Iug. Mrs. Angeroth has a daughter Ford, Oregon.
gram wan given composed ol local at that place, whom she has not seen i 23 A. P. WEISS.
talent which did much credit to all, lor over two yems.
who took part.
The friends of Miss llnzcl Kuack
slt'dt, who has boon ill for some du,
will bo pleased to hour Unit she is able
til lilt Ollt I1LTI1 in.
All ..I' 1 1 i i.... i. ..I
.III 1.1 llll' I'lllll I 111 I) .lll Hill !'l()
Mrs. Joe Kmlcr and .Miss Edith
Klsh attended "Madame Sherry" at
Medford Thurmhiy evening.
Mrs. ('. W. Woltei'H mid son Ches
ter aiiloed lo Medford lust Thiirsdio. i
The nodal glMin Itj the Young
He It resolved by the city council
of the city of Medford, Oregen:
That It is the Intention of the
council lo lay a (i inch water main on
busy picpariug an Waslor program. People's Endeavor society of PhoouK South Peach street from Dakota nvo-
.1. P. Pendleton of Table Kock ll Krlduj menlug was well attend-,niu lo South clt limits and to ns-
traiisnctod liiminuM here Monday '! and a success. ? Uo WHt thereof upon the prop-
, , ... ,. ,. ... , ,,,, , ., , ,, , , ,, , , 'oily fronting on said portion of said
morning and lett tor Modioli! on I he ladies of Hie Christina cliurcli ,,.,,, In ,ro,rtio to the frontage of
No. Ifl. if Phoenix will glo an egg social I stiltl properly.
.1 II. Welch of Asbestos lul't bore next Friday evening. Supper will be The council will meet at the coun
Moiiday morning with a load of sup.erve, a'nd a Jolly time Is promised. ,"v,'!,,,ll,"7 ,'",, 'U'S Ap'rll"! o'lV
pho tor Prospect whole ho ban ie- Come and enjoy tho U'listur fotlI-1 at 7:'so p.' m., at which t'luio all pro
inoxcd his nun mill. itles. tosta against the lnlng of said water
Will Welch of Tolo was nhoppiug' leni Hughes (nought his sister, ( main on said portion of said street
in our eity Moudnv. Mlwi Olllo. down from Ashland Sun- " 'be assessment of the cost there-
" nf imoii in iii'iiiuu'lv rmntltiir llinrnon
.. i .l. .... ....... .... . i ' ..." .'...i--... r
uj in un. in. .uiiiuikicii oi i noc- wjj ,0 )umn.
ul. MIm Hiighei. health has not The foregoing resolution was pass
boon the host for hoiiio time. ed to the city council of the city of
The piotrnotod efrort being Carried rV.rBV V," 'J14!, "I1 ,,a", (,fMAT'!'
,. , ., ,.,,,,. p ,. . 'ItUI. bv the following vete: Merrick
on by Rev. Williams. ouiukoIIhI f(Iiyo, Wit ayt. Woitman ayo, Hiuorlok
the Cliilitlau ilouotnluiillou, at Till-1 ayo, Elfert ayo. Millar ae.
the jiiiieiai services ot the lati
John S. Sints took plileo Tuesday af
ternoon at '2:'M) p. in. uuib r the mis
jtiocK of Central Point lodge I. O. F
interment being in Central Point cem
etery. Will Send and wife, Mrs. .1. N
Smith, T. .). llaxeltim, 11. H. Medford
1. P. Hale and J. K, Woolvertou upon
Monday morning in Modfoid.
Mrs. Qoorgj Wright and .Mrs. Kau
dull hue been ei'.ti'i'laiiitng uouiimuy
I'rom Klamath Falls.
.Minis Campbell wiik a Medford ns
itor Suud.iv afternoon.
Mrs. Patti-ou mid little Dorothv
who haw been miting nlntio Hnd'"K every effort to put the lliien la
shauft iki thHl the stock holder cu
as follews:
Section I Wheteas, the city of
Medford has heretofore duly caused
water mains to be laid In certain
streets of said city, and has duly as
sessed the cost thereof to the prop
orty benefitted thereby In accordance
with tho charter of said city; and.
whereas, rot-tain owners of certain
pieces of property each assessed for
such Improvement in a sum exceed
ing $15 have duly made mid filed
application to pay said sevetal as
sessment In Installments In accor
dance with section 120 of said char
tor; and, whereas, a water main lien
dockot has been duly made up In ac
cordance with the provisions of said
sections of said charter, and tho total
amount of unpaid assessments for
such water mains, and for which ap
Recorder of tho City of Medford.
Said coupons shall be numbered
from ono to twenty respectively.
Section 4. The mnyor of said city
Is hereby authorized and directed to
Blgn bonds, and the city recorder to
counter-sign the same nnd attach
thereto the seal of said city, all on
behalf of said city.
Section 5. Tho recorder of sold city
Is hereby directed to register said
bonds and number tho same on the
blanks provided therefor In tho fore
going form, in accordance with tho
provisions of salt charter above cited.
Section C. The recorder of the city
of .Medford Is hereby directed to ad
vertise said bonds for sale, and that
tho same will bo sold for tho highest
price obtainable, not 1' ss than par
and accrued Interest, and In said ad
vertisement he shall miuo'unco that
ho will recolve sealed nronosals for
tho purchase thereof, at his office at
any tlmo before 4:30 p. m. April 18,
He shall publish said advertise
ment threo times lu tho dally news
paper published and printed In said
city, mid shall submit tho sealed pro
posals received la accordance with
said advertisement to the council at
its next mooting thereafter.
The foregoing ordinance was pass
ed by the city council of the city Of
Medford, Oregon, on tho 1th day of
April, 1911, by the following vote,
Merrick aye, Watt ayo, Wortman
aye, Emerlck nye, Elfert nyo, and
Millar ayo.
Apdrovod April 5th, 1911.
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder.
Summit Addition
All improvements in. Street paved. Cement side
walks. Sewer and eity water to the lot line. Building
restrictions. Only four blocks to the new Jaekson
East front lots $850
West front lots $725
Easy Terms.
W. T. York & Company
Selling Agents.
Here is your opportunity to buy a good lot on easy
$50.00 DOWN AND $10.00 PER MONTH.
Lot is G0xl25, just off paving on West Seventh
street. For further information, address
The city council or tho city or Med
ford, Oregon, will recelvo sealed pro
posals tor tho purchase ot $38,000
five per cent, ton year, genoral lion
bonds, nt Its regular meeting, to be
hold April 18, 1911.
All bids must be accompanied by u
certified check equal .o G per cent
of the amount bid for, snld check to
bo made payable to the city treasurer
of the city of Medford, and to bo for
feited to said c'ty lu case said bid
Is accopted and said bonds are not
Plication to pay under tho provisions! purwed In accordance with said
. . . i. . . iiriiiinuiinin ivirinii .'ii unvu ninir inu
oi sum sections nnovo cueu nns neon
out Im kMuk good rokiilu. Seven
teen were Immersed Inst Suiid
MIm lto him a beautiful voice and
tier HWiH't boiiK i ouch the hearts of
nil. .Minn ltd) is h sliiKlug eHiitel
1st ami tmeU In that capacity. ,
A. II Khiher of Phoenix wan In
Medford Siuulto on bunlne connect-
Approved April 5th. 1911.
Attest! Mayor,
City Recorder.
friends in Condon and Poitlund if
turned horn Sunday.
Mifis Cecelia Whelploy wa vUIting
in-Tolo Siiliirduv
Ue It roiolved by the city council
of the city of Medford. Oregen:
That II Is the Intention of the
ed with the Phoenix RuihI Telephone council to lay k i Inch water main
company. Mr. KUhcr hn betm nmk- on Wlllamettn avenue from East Main
street to South end of street and
to mtaesK the coHt thereof upon the
ni't)i)trt front hit? mi Mil I il tuirtion of
uvt bettor sric. mU street in proportion to the front-
Till community wm grletl to ue of said property,
hwir of the Hudden dentil of Rev ,rhe council will meet nt the coun
cil .ciinutuer in uie cu nan in sain
piil. 1911.
proposition within 20 days after the
notlco of said acceptance.
All bids to be filed with tho city
recorder at any tlmo beforo 5 o'clock
p. in. April IS, 1911. The council
reserves tho right to reject any and
all bids.
City Recorder.
Dated this 22d day ot March, 1911.
NOTICE OK SALE OK !ji!!0,Oft(.00
The city council of the city of Med
ford, Oregon, will receive sealed prp
posnls for the purchase of ?2 0,000.00
Know nil men by those present! lx por cent, ten-year bonds, optional
That tho city of Medford, in the1 after the first year, nt any interest
made and filed as aforesaid, Is the
sum of $20,000.00.
Now therefore, said city of Medford
doth ordain as aforesaid. Hint, there
Is hereby authorized to be Issued
bonds of said city lu the total amount
of $20,000 00 In denominations of
$2TiO and $500, ns may bo conven
ient. Section 2 Said bonds shall bo In
the following ferm:
Scales No.
City of Hertford,
.lackson County,
State of Oregon.
Water Main Doud.
P. O. BOX 838. I
lr"'il i ( il' Ml""''''
county of Jackson, state of Oregon,
for value received, hereby agrees, and
promises to pay to the bearer the
sum of $...,. In gold coin of tho
United Stntes of America, on the pre
sentation and surrender of this ob
ligation on the first day of
la the year of our Lord one thous
and, nlno hundred nud with
out grace, within Interest
payment date, at 116 regular mooting
to ho held April IS, 1911. fc
A certified chock equal to five per
cont of the amount bid for must ac
company all hlds, said check to bo
Inade payable to the city treasurer of
tho city of Medford, and to bo for-
thereon felted to said city In case said bid Is
not pur-
Miss Alan P. iht of Tul.i. wuh ' ' ' JirkwuvlHo. Mr . " "' , " . " ., "'.
here visitor mumi..' her muiiy !'riem'lfim'1- VN0" tut muMV 'w,r l'""- f at -7 so p. m . at wiilch time all pro
Sunday nfui iuim.
tho I'reiibytoriuii church at liioinl..
4 Coroner Ki'll.'uif "f Gold Hill wai,IB w "movwi u tverom rrui)
liuwSntunl.x iiMiriiiiiironbMiJnoM. jdovotwl to lht cauiw. rtmardlma of
pi... .....mli. p. ..I Hi.. itHi.ii..t ,.l...i-..l. rwoiuutfuatf. II leaned are lht dead
itc.hI. it- services U,MI '", " nu '''"''i nun lience
J, , I , (( ,, fill ill -lllll llll- Sjlllll ill) tll.M ll'-l
teats HKiilnm the taxing of said water
main on said portion of said street
and the anhOHsment of the oot there
uro poop 1" '''f
ovcrv Hnndiiy H
here Sunday ok
Ml I
m lm
that die In the Lord
fin i h - in Ii tin' Smi ii
ti . in id. i i it. i ii.
I . i ii.'iv r!i i .
I 'i
from the date hereof until redeemed ncoonUn, 1UU, wd ,)0Ilds uro
r.,t,".rt payment next ens....,; the ''""' ' accordnnco with said prop-
publlcutlon of notice by the city or iwitlon within twenty dns after the
Medford that this bond will be taken uotloe of said acceptance. All bids
up and cancelled, and that Interest to b fl,0(1 wUh lho c)ly rororiier t
lliil.lli mill n.ina.l a tllil lltntili lull'
or upon the property fronting thereon mont period next following siinh pub- nl,y u'm l)efor', r' clock " m- Al)r"
will be heard Ucatlon. at the rate of per cent per IS. mi. Tho oouncll reserves the
The fix t'liotiiK remilutlon was pass- annum. paable seml-nuuuall) In like right to roject any and all bids,
ed liv the ui iiiiiiu'ii of the eiiv uf K,ld coin on the first US of . , ..i ntotl this 10th day of April. 1911
III. II. H III Ml' II" U l'l p' II Hill HIP III-.1 lU l'l III I1.M1T
ii he MeiruK eiub ie.u on iha prfxtiitittiou ami
itt im Hii.m .io liui i mm mulei i f the 'f jm luupus here ,19
1911 TORPEDO ROADSTER, $875.00
Fully equipped, f. o. b. rodford
Four-c.vlindor, shaft drive, 100-inch wheel-base, mag
neto of course. "Let ns show you."
Ashland Motor Car Co.
Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative.
Phone 2551.
I Medford Jobbing Co.
Tho only exclusive Jobbing company in Medford whoro you can
gut nil ot your little odd jobs done nt once by expert workmen.
Our Specialties
Cleaning, Kalstmfned or papered ualls and ceilings.
charge of any Job ycit may have, cull us up and talk it over.
Office: Medford Music Shop
nt i
titv Reiurder
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