MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE, MTCDFORT), OK13C10N, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1011. PAGTCMVTiJ r M V ' i ?- LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. Pralg of Portland was a business visitor In Mcdford today. M. Inginnn of Portland is In the city transacting business today. It. Dennery ot Philadelphia, Pa., is in town looking for a location. Two and otic-half acres In alfalfa ono mile south of Washington school, easy terms. A. W. H. Evorhard, 212 Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. tf George NIcoll, Jr., and E. F. Kid- dor of Portland were over-night vis itors in Medford. Mrs. W. E. Dimey and daughter wore Medford shoppers Monday ana today. The most favored people on the coast are tho Medford people They have the Medford Jobbing company to look after all of their llttlo odd jobs, repair their electrical appliances and clean their walls and ceilings. Medford Jobbing Co., office, Medford Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phone Main 6501. 336 Joseph Bledsoe and wife of Co qulllo arrived Monday for a short visit in Medford. J. M. Worshaw and wife of Reno, Ariz., arrived Monday afternoon at tho Nosh and expect to make their homo here. Ladles, phone G371 and have cacu- utn cleaner como and clean your rugs. S. Henry ot San Francisco is a business visitor in Medford today. It. II. Bublltz of Toconia is a guest .at the Moore. Money to loan. Spraguo Bros., 214 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. 337 G. C. Voigt of Newport Is In Med ford for a few days' visit. O. E. Weymouth of San Francisco Is registered at tho Nash. Spring is hero. It Is houseclcanlng time. Havo those walls and ceilings cleaned by the Medford Jobbing Co.'s new Parisian process. Nothing like it. Offico Medford Music Shop, St Mark's block. 330 William Bailey and wife of Fort Jones are visiting with Medford ac quaintances. W. Woods of Portland Is making a short stay with friends In Medford. Do you want 14 lots 50x145 each, for $2500 on easy terms? C. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. O. J. Stone of Milwaukle. Or., Is spending a few days in Medford. Printing of all kinds at Portland prices. Mail Tribuno office. II. L. Grebenan of Portland was in Medford Monday renewing old ac quaintances. Made In Medford, any stylo loose leaf or blank book, at Mall Tribune office. Bay L. Farnum of Salem visited with friends here Monday. Is your houso wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Start living tho electric llfo. M. E. Bryant of Seattlo Is stopping at the Nash. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford offico. phono No. 1201. J. E. Ramsey was In town today on business. Medford local Socialist party meets every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grapo street. Evorybody Invited. tf. S. E. Snialley of Cuba City, Wis., is a guest at tho Moore. Lato magnzlnes, periodicals and pa pors at the freo reading room In chap el back of the Presbytorlan church. Open evenings from 7:00 to 10 p. m. All men nnd boys aro invited. tf II. T. Shilling and R. J. Shilling of Chicago aro In Medford looking for a location. John H. Carkln, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. N. J. Brown of Eaglo Point was a Medford visitor Monday. Seo II. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, over Jackson County bank. C. M. Levnllcy of Portland trans acted business in Medford Monday and today. Houso for sale Less than cost. Lot for sale, I00 unilor rogular price. Lot for sale, $50 rash, and terms. Address II. Carr, Mall Tribune office. WeeKs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Phono JJ71 Night Phones I W. Weeks 11071. A. K. Orr, JMM)2. LADV ASSISTANT. A. H. Jones, Pacific coast manager of the Morgan & Wright Tire com pany, and Harry McCarthy, north western manager of tho Locomobile company, are In town transacting bus iness with local automobllists. Free Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. A ladles handkerchief with each ounce of perfume purchased at tho Eagle Pharmacy and West Side Pharmacy. 2 1 R. L. Frank nnd Milt Arnold of Now York city aro new arrivals at tho Nash. Do you want 5 acres In alfalfa, no miles south of Main street, cheap? C. W. II. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. . J. Moon of Roseburg is In Med ford today. Say, have you seen these nifty handkerchiefs? Ask the Rcxall man. 21 Miss Bertha Prim of "Portland, who came to attend tho funeral of her sister, Miss Maud of Jacksonville, re turned to her home last evening. "A word to the wise" Freo hand kerchiefs at The Rcxall Stores. 21 Free $3.00 lace handkerchief. Watch the windows. Eaglo Pharmacy, West Side Pharmacy. 21 Colonel R. C. Washburn was a re cent Medford visitor. Clyde Barnum spent Sunday with his parents in Phoenix. If you could buy a homo already furnished ready to move into with all .modern conveniences and in a good locality for $1000 less than you could possibly build and furnsh for, would you bo Interested? Address Box 49C, this city. E. T. May, foreman of Table Rock orchard, is spending several days in Medford. Miss Lillian Duggan, E. O. Blssoll and Vern Pendleton spent Sunday with old friends and neighbors at Tablo Rock. To all cement werkers: Take no tice. The charter for tho Cement Workers' Union of this city and vi cinity will be closed on and after May 7th. Better join while you can do so as a charter member. C. W. Davis, secretary. 19 Mrs. Bertha MeKcan leaves this morning to commence teaching school near Jacksonville, for tho summer. Joseph W. Carney, special represen tative of tho Brunswlck-Balke-Collen-der company, manufacturers of bil liard tables, will give an exhibition ot championship billiards at Brown & Hall's parlors tonight. Mr. Carney has held tho world's championship in both pool and three-cushion bil liards and Is pronounced by leading experts of the game to be tho most marvelous player In the world, inas much as he can change from pool to billiards and master either ono with ease, which is a very rare case. Mr. Carney Is mcrelytravcllng In tho in terest of his firm, nnd there will be no charge whatever, and a chanco for tliOBO who love the game to gain some Interesting pointers. Mr. Car ney playB on the famous Monarch cushions, which aro the same as tho Roguo River valley tho best in the world. In a bowling contest Monday eve ning on the Nntatorlum alleys the Smokes lived up to their name and burnt up tho Pons to tho tuno of a 3-0 win over tho Nat Specials. Franklo Edwnrds starts for Rose burg this evening to meet a much touted boxer of Douglas county In a 20-round bout tomorrow night. W. M. Rider, manager of the rifle rango at tho Natatorlum, has offer ed a fine lfi-shot Winchester repeat ing rifle to the marksman who makes the best target In tho next few days, At present L. C. Klncald and W. Tl cloh are on a tie for first place, with quite a number pushing them for po sition. There is still a chanco for a good shot to get in with tho leaders. J. A. Miller and wlfo of Central Point wero Medford shoppors today. NEW AUTOMOBILE IS KLAMATH FALLS, April 11.- -That an automobile boulevard will be constructed from Klnmntli Falls to the famous Bear Foot oaves in the lava beds tliis summer, is now an nounced by some of the automobile enthusiasts of the uitjv K. L. Hop kins, n prominent fanner of the county, who knows the country quite well, slates that he will take a con tract to complete this road for lesf than $100. lie says the country to be traveled is practically level and but a few places have rock that would have to be cleaned out. T hcsi are loose stones and could be han dled easily. The Hear oFot oaves are about !(' miles from here. They are a portion of the historic wonders of the lava regions of Modoo county, California, and were there a road there it would bo a creat drawing card for tourists. Thore are three of these big enves, which aro filled with ico the year round. The ice hangs' from the roof and sides of the caves in great icicles. Dr. Goblc Buys. Another real estate deal iinohiug a considerable sum of money was consummated Moudn when Dr. J. 0. floble purchased from ihweph II. Taylor and sons a 30 note tract of land cloM'ly adjoining the Pacific & hastorn tracks and close to (he north' limits of Medford. I Dr. (loblo is highly pleased with I and making town lots of it. This is bis purenaso and intends to reserve one of the largest tracts of land to a part of.'t for n building site and, bo sold in one piece, close in, for is thinking of subdividing the piece some little time. r-- J! i Kidnaping Risks Taken by Lloyds. NBW YORK, April 11. New York police look with decided disapprovn' on the news from London thnl a rich American family has insined it child against kidnaping in Lloyds Their belief is that such stories onlj emphasize the possibilities in the win of ransom in the kidnaping business "The parents of this child havo in creased the chances of its beinp stolen," one of the New York author ities says. "Would-be ehild-slcnlci know now that these parents av( haunted with the fear that their bab will be stolen and that they would pny any sum within their means foi the return of tho child in cn-o i" should be stolen. The whole thing is most unfortunate and speaks more for the love of these parents for thcii child than for their wisdom." Ennis Funeral Wednesday. The funeral services of the late Itohert Funis of Jacksonville will Ik held from bis late home in that cit at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Tho services will be under the aus pices of the Jacksonville lodge of Masons of which he was ohaplair for some vears past. Rev. W. F. Shields of Medford will officiate and a number of other min isters of his faith are expected to represent. Interment will be in Jack sonville cemclory. BORN. At Portland, April 10. to Mrs. F. II Cowle- of Medford, a daughter Mother anil child are doing well. Earl W. Huntley wishes to announce to friends and clients of Huntley-Kremer Company that he has purchased the interest and good will of Air. Kremer in the firm and that he will continue the real estate and fire insurance business under the firm name Huntley Realty Company (a corporation to he organized under the laws of the state of Oregon'). 15 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Ground Floor Medford Nation al Bank Bldg. 5000 EASTE :: I :: BUILDING .vwuiivy, ir "rrmw SPECIALTIES COMPANY :t!t XOUTH HAKTLKTT ST. A full line of Mixed Paints, Leads, Oils and Vamlahes. Completo stock of Cahots' Creosote Shlnglo Stains, Wood Tints, Dry Paints and Kalso nilnes. Call at tho SIkii of tho Sun nnd get our prices. J XOItTII HAKTLHTT ST. tfffrV 52 Years in Rogue River Valley H. L. White & Co. 343 East a ti j s Main st. Ashland, Ure. REAL ESTATE Ask any Bank in Ashland RPOST CARDS 1 CT. EACH Easter Novelties, Easter Egg Dye, Easter Trans fer Pictures .... Children's light weight Union Suits, long sleeve, ankle length, each 25c Ladies' high neck, long sleeve, light weight Vests, in all sizes up to 9, each 25c sJ:-sJr. HOSIERY 33 We carry the best complete line of Men's, Ladies', Misses', and Boys' Hosiery in the city at 15c to 50c pair THE BIGGEST 25c HOSIERY VALUES IN THE CITY HUSSEY'S OK BIG FISH STORY FROM ASHLAND TIDINGS JOHN A. PERL 1'iulertaker and Hmbalmer i Successor to the undertaking do j partment of Medford Furniture Co If nny city in the Failed State-ha- anything on A-hland a- a Para dise for dociple.- of I-aae Walton, we'd like to hear from them. Yc-t"r-day niorniiip; befoio hreakfa-t Harry llo-ler strolled into the city park and followed Ashland creek down behind -oiue of the bu-inch- places in town i A little while later lie emerged with a well-filled creel. Included in his 1 catch was a hnndsomo specimen of the rainbow trout, which tipped tho -cale at three pounds. Bosidoa this lie had about a dozen steelheads and cutthroats. I'enoim wlio can appro bate fre-h trout for bronkfaot are hereby advised to got a bent pin and piece of .-tring and try thoir luck. Brigade on March. Office with .Medford Furniture Co. J 1 I3!flliuiiua. UU), IJCIl Dill John A. Perl, residence, Home 170L. C. W. Conklln 3C01. ler 3571. SAN DIEGO, Cal.. April 11. Prac tically tho wholo brigade commanded by Gonoral Hllss marched odstward today from tho manouver camp at j (irofcsinoat, 14 miles from San Dlogo. H. But- j The troops took tho road toward Te s carte, where thero has heon somo Dell 4111. AMIII I.WCR SKItVIPR right lug htweoii hi. I i in I- Moxlcan fpilernln XOTICH OK IMSSOIA'TIO.V I'AltTNKItSIIIP. Notice Is hereby given that Fail W. Huntley and George K. Kremer, co-partners, doing business under the firm name of Huntley-Kremer Com pany, In tho city of Medford, county of Jackson and state of Oregon, have on this, the 7th day of April, A. I), lflll, dissolved partnership. Notice Is hereby further given that all ac counts now due said firm shall he paid to Hail W. Huntley, and that all indehtedncss am liability of said firm Is hcrohy assumed hy said Karl W. Huntley. Dated April 7th, 1911. KARL V. HUNTLKY, GKOKGK K. KItKMKU. IIKAI) IX SUXSKT .MAttA'.INK "MOTOHIXfJ TIIKOUCill CALIFOK. MA" by Lloyd Oshourno. neautifully Il lustrated In four colors. "Tho Spell", a romantic serial by C. N. and A. M. Williamson. "In tho Shadow of the Dragon," by Grant Carponter. Des criptive story of San Francisco's Chi nese quarters. April Issuo now on salo, 15 cents. t t -' Great Piano Opportunity Buying' In comparison to values offered at this Opportunity Piano and Organ Sale by the Eilers Music House a First National Bank would have to pay you almost two dollars for every one dollar you have on deposit in order to give you like values for your money. Note Prices. HOW COULD YOU LOOSE? v '.ViZ Qwi ?jiziivi- ..J MI wrffi mm MM BOYS i mao PIANO Hasklns for Health t f 4--f -f -f 4--f -f -f -t- -f TOO ATE TO CLASSIFY. -f f -f 4- 4 4- 4 HIGHCKOFT residenco sites are Hell ing dnily; make your selection be fore choice lots nro sold. tf IIOUSHKEKIMXn HOO.MS--Suite of three rooms with water and ligbt eloso in. Huntley Healty t'o.i sue coffor to Huntley-Kretnor Co., 1i K. Central inc. HI FOR KXCHANOK-Hunch properly under ditch, near f'ontral I'oint, for Seattle property. Huntley Heulty Co., buecossor to IIuutley-Kreiaer Co. l. .V. Central ave. 1U HOUSKS I.ifct your city proportty with Huntley KphIiv Co., Huccensor to Huntley-Krcinior Co. Selling fa cilities unoquullud. 15 X. Central avo. Ill MM&m T'TftflP, m JJ.TfJlfimi' V.. J Think of bciiitf able i purchase such hih krrade pianos as (Muckering and Sons, Kimball, llallcl and Davis, hostel, Smith and harnes, Und dorff, Auto Player Pianos, in Tact wo have the cream of the market, to offer you. GJ This, "the biggest occasion in the way of little prices," YVIIKMI 1IAVI0 I5KKN ShAlHillTKK Kl) WITHOUT iMKI?( and littlest payments, for really fine, warranted, high-grade Pianos, ever witnessed in .Jackson county. REMEMBER (hat the EILERS MUSIC HOUSE is the only house agreeing to refund your money if we fail to suit you with a piano. One hundred dollars in gold to charity if the outstanding manul'ac luring cash award checks are not worth their face value at this sale, or if we raise our regular printed established prices one penny. Don't Delay. They Are Going Fast w ,r:r ( mso fioirsm OT5 PIANO 'F "K ,? LJJI JeSOSs m mmm mm WANTKl) property. HL'liI mini. ( i nil i Salofaman to handle eitv Fine opportunity ir IImtli' I'imHv C.i. "" Open Evenings MUSIC HOUSE Next Medford Mail Tribune Bldg. i ci z ; Htti4ltttHt4tfH tttttttttHtrtttttt44ttttt40' tt.