A) PA'GE FOUR MEDFOIU) MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKl'JJNDKNT NKWHl'Al'HIl puulihukd daily nxrnrr hatuu DAY UY Tim MKDI-OUIJ 1'IIINTINO CO, The Democratic TIiiipm, The Mrdford Mall, Tlio Meilfonl Tribune, Tim houui crn OrcBonlnn, .Tlio AhIiIuiiiI Trlbunu. GEOIian l't'TNAM, Killtor and Manager Kntrrnl ni hpcoiiiI-cIush ninttir u Meilfonl, Ori'Ron, umlur tlio uct of March 3, 1870. Official I'ainr of the City of Meilfonl Official Paper of .JiicIchdii County " SUBSCRIPTION IIATES. Ono year, by mall JG 00 One month by mall "0 Per month, ilellven-d hy carrier In Medford. JnckHOiivlllo and Cen tral I'olnt -J? Sunday onb by mail, per year.... 2 00 Weekly, per year 1 "" SWOBN CIRCULATION. Dally average for Hlx moiitlm ending December 31. 1910. 2721 mil Lonicd Wire United Press Ulpatclie. The Mall Trlbuno In on nlo at thu Kerry Ncvvh Htiiml. San 1'rancli.co. 1'ortland Hotel NVvvh Hluinl, Portland, llowman Nuvvm Co. Portland. Ore. W. O. Whitney. .Seattle. Wawh MGOrORD. OREGON. MotropollH of Southern Ori'Bon nnilv Northern I'uiituriuii, aim wio iuhiuhi KrowliiR city In Orc-Kon. Population- IT S ceiisun 1010: 8310, estimated, 1U 1 1 10,000 Klv hundred thoiiHand dollar Oravlts "Water Hystem coinpletod. kIvIiik fluent Bupply pure muuntnln water and Hlx teen mlleH of Hired Ih'Iiik paved and contracted for at a rost exceedltiK 11. 000,000, limkliiK a tolal of twenty iiiIIuh of pavement. PoHtofflco repelplH for year endlnK March 31, 1 1)1, hIiow Increamj of II per cent, llunlc depoHltH a Kaln of 22 pet cent. Manner fruit city In OreRWi Horih Iltvcr SpltaenheiK ajJpli'H won hvvm'P Htulccf) nrtau and title of "Applo Klnif of tlio Worlfl." at tlio National Apple Show, Spokane. 1909, and a car of NowtowitH won Plrst Prize In 1910 nt Canadian International Apple Show. Vancouver, II C. IIokuo Hlver peorn .brouKht lllKhent priced In nil niarketM of thu world dur ing tho paHt Hlx years Write Commercial club, IiicIohIiik 0 cents for pohUikc for the fluent commu nity pamphlet ever written. STATESMEN TEH GOOD ROAO VALUE Western Governors anil Senators Contribute Opinions in Northwest Publication West Says Hlnjiways Must Be Improved. An edition of tho 1'uclflc North west entirely given tip to the Reed roiulH movement Iiuh Jimt lieen IhhiumI liy tlio publisher, Philip S. Hatea. Opinions related to tlio value of bet ter highway construction, pointing out proper motliotlH of procedure, nro given by the govornoiH and con gressmen of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. One of the most valuable ar ticles was contributed by Judgo Lion el H. Wobstor, formerly chairman of the Oregon Good lloads associa tion's executive committee. Follow ing are extracts from Home of the opinions given: Oovernor Oswald West: "Oregon will never come Into hor own In the way of development until she takes steps to Improve her highways. There are sections of our state great em pires where you could lose several of the New England states- absolutely without means of reaching the rail roads or markets with tholr juod uctH except hy a two or three days' and sometimes a week's journey over almost Impitsnable wagon roads." Senator (icorgo 12. Chamberlain: "There Is no single factor that will contribute so much to the develop ment of the state hw (he adoption and carryliiK out of a sound policy with reference to road hulldliiK." Senator V. L. .limes, Washington "We all Book cheap transportation by rail, overlooking the fact that a pool road a few miles In length adds more to the cost of the thing we buy and subtracts nun e fiom what we hno to sell than the cunt of hundreds of miles of transportation by rail." Senator Miles I'otudextor of Wash Wash ingeon: "Hood niad la n count r tommuiiit) add value In actual dol lars to evei) Here of Istid ill the vicin ity. The saving In (lie cost of trans portation (0 market in h very short time equals the cost of the rond." Senator W H. 1 lev bum of Idahe: "Tho question of good ronils la n question for national, stutc ami torsi governments to deal vtlth piomptl). lntolllgontly and efficiently." Governor .lames 11. lluwley of Ida Ida eo: "The demand for good nutria la tho most Insistent niiulslte of civil ization; In fact, the movement toward tho eltlos, which has so perplexed our public economist, la lamely due to tho fact that praitliitl load build ing has not kept progress with the advancement notod In otbei ilHds of Jitiinati ondoavor." Senator WHIInm IS. Hoi ah of Ida lie: "Tho toniloiieieB ot nue yean i irifnn on me uumiiiv m wiinr iwii Imvo boon In favor of urhau lifi in ' release . Th men wer held mi W ovory iohh11i1o way. and I think Reed ll eharKt of dUturbiug the unc. roads aro ono inoaiiK of "mvIhk ih.'tonimliied b aildrtNulug nl trtt oiuiHO for so long groatly n nlcied ' mheiliiKi In the lleU'iiu nuartei Judgo L. H. WobHter: "' iaruierlat night, but the mituorltleg re- or bii8lnofi man cwiild flO"'1'''' hl fuwd to ndiwll thew to bull ootur biiHliiosH In tho slipshod, hupli.u.tid.becgug n Urge mob thai followed manner that iiionoy In Hmt on H-HtU'ihem to jail refuaed to (lUneiw un-1 without bolng Imnkrtipt In (' "' "" davllnht De Laian coin i i ni1. us wiii( AniiH.iK ci.n-n mil' SCIENTIFIC FROST FIGHTING. PRrOSIONT indications are that tlio Rogue River valley will be one of the lew fruit districts of the entire country to escape frost damage this spring. J3vcn here the thermometer has hovered around the danger mark, bul the crops will be saved through scientific methods of righting frost. No other fruit district in the country is so far advanced in modern scientific methods. .Pests of all kinds, includ ing the dreaded fire-blight, have been and are being suc cessfully resisted. And now frost has lost its terror to the orchardist, who has learned that a few dollars spent, in heat'ing apparatus saves many thousands in yield. Kxperiments here in past years have demonstrated the fact that temperature can be raised ten degrees in orchards by heating apparatus, so that the prospect of the coldest night probable at this season of the year means simply added labor to the fruitgrower, instead of a fruitless year ahead. For the present advanced position in the fruit world this is the third year orchard heating has been resorted to the Rogue River valley is largely indebted to labor and efforts of P. ,. O 'Clara of the department of agriculture, who after two years' work here for the government, was loaned to Jackson county to take charge of the campaigns against pests and frost. No money spent by the county court is better spent, or returns a larger dividend to the taxpayers than that spent to secure the services of Pro fessor O'Ciara and his assistants, and the commissioners are to be congratulated upon securing his services for another vear. BEAUTIFYING THE RIGHT OF WAY. FOR the Southern Pacific's effort to beautify Medford by parking the narrow strip of right of way between the depot and Exhibit building, citizens are profoundly grateful. This little strip of park, however, is principally valua ble as a stimulator of the city beautiful. Like the first stretch of paving, it is an object lesson. It creates a de sire for more. The railroad will have no peace now until all thai section of the right of way from Sixth to Eighth is similarly improved. If the work is too much for the railroad, the city should assist. No money could be better invested than in such a park, for it would add a hundred per cent to the improve ment of the city's appearance. It is time that the city council acted in this matter and arrived at a definite understanding with the railroad officials as to what can be expected, and a program of ac tion promulgated. The sooner the matter is adjusted the better, for nothing is gained by delay. The efforts of the ladies of the (Ireater Medford club to beautify the right of way by planting shade trees and prevent its use as a loafing ground for idle express wag ons is to be commended and should receive the co-operation of city officials. RIDDLE OF THE Said to Bo Sculptured Portrait of Ccphrcn, Pharaoh of Egypt, who Ruled 2850 Years Before Christ Has Puzzled Scholars. BOSTON. Ma-.. Apiil 11. The S NX SOLVED great Sphinx which has pud.led i '''"'l 'iT 'f "Vive Mailero" cot Juan -eholar- for centurie-is a seulptured(i0l,!M,1,,H' M'lwui willor from the portrait of t'epliren, a Pharoab of ''hooner Jennie Thellng bin life at Ktf.vpt Sw ruled in the year -S.'iO B ('., according to Prof, (ieorge A. K'ei ner of Harvard university. Ucisner says ho made the discover.v when lie headed the archaelogieal ex pedition seat into Hgypt bv llurviinl and the llo-ton .Museum of r'ino Arts. He said tlieidenliticatinu of the uiv--Ic runts uionuinetu wn- uueaitlied in evcavatiiui- mode ivicutlv m Mu.vpt. GRAND JURY TO INVESTIGATE REDDING BANK FAILURE IMODIUM; Cal . Apill 11 Thirty cltlioim listed In Januai.v for grand Jury duty have been summoned to appear April '20, and from thU num ber l'i men will be selected to lnvo- tlgHte the failure of tho Hank of la County, which closed March 2,' with reputed ussets of $1.000.000, ! fctlu pulled the trluRor and thl but which Hank UxHiuluer Dlbbs de-'tluio a ball iderced (iouoiles' heart daresa re onl.v $123,IS2. l)Nd audi 'AnU quietly returned the weapon doubtful lonus. according to Dlbbs, , to his pocket and walked awav. were responsible for the bunk s dou 11-1 . . , fall. llHUkliiK Suierlutoudeiit Wll- NO'l'lCK. Hums Hiiuoiinced today that he wh! Notlco Is hereby given that the un- tlicroughlv Investigating tho bunk's Iderslgned will apply at the uet lenii- affair. . . . jelty of Medford, Oregon, on April Rebels in El PllSO Jail. 'IS. llt. for a license to sell spirlt- lous, vinous and limit liquors In quan-' KL PASO. Tex. April 11. Arier.tUlt8 less thuu m gallon for a period, a night spent tti the 1C1 Paso Jail of six months, at his place of busl-j L. Uultteres de Lara, captain tn Ma-'nes at No. 22 North Front ktreet. In deroa rebel itrtu.v. and two cotuiutu- lorn took ttteM iimU) through their AEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKK(iON, T CRY FOR MADERO COSTS A LIFE Drunken Sailor Who Shouted His Sympathy for Rebel Chief is Shot Down hy an Escaped Murderer From Santa Ana. SAN DIKOO. Cal.. April 11. -The liiiMcnnila Saturday night. He vv,i shot down by Sareo Zulu, 1. it escaped murderer from Santa Ana, Cal . who fled to Lower California and Joined the Mexican army. (iouuiIch, wlio had been drinking, vvim unarmed. With a crowd of com paulouH at a canteen, he had been mIiikIdk. (ioutnloH uhoutcd hU hviii liathy for the .Madero forces and Zaln stepped forward mid declared that If he repealed the nhout he would Kill htm. ZniunloK defied the throat (iikI attain shouted "Vive Madero." A plutol aliot rauK out and blood spurted from a wound In Gonzales' shouhler. "You can't shoot stralKht." said Shas-Ulouiales. "Try hkhIii." huI hkhIu u shouted "Vive .Madero." ,Ur meeting of tho city council of the said city. 1 Dated April 7. 1011. JOHN HAKlU.WiTON. STOCK IIOLIMCHS' MKLTINC. An Adjourned in eel lug of the stock- holder of the Rogue Hlver Fruit .t 1'rotluce auwvcUtlon will be held oh, Wednndgy. April 18. mil. 10:30 g. ! m. gt llortlculturgl Hall. Medford. ! iok holder ahottlU be preaent ln .n.oi, oi b piow c ' sritrr. ASTORIA INVITES MUTT AND JEFE Centennial Committee Otters Jctt Fine Chance to Marry an Heiress I Chapman Promises Meal Ticket Each Way tor Them. Mutt and Jeff, linviiitf luturiiuil lioni Mex.co, nave been invited to Ur- etroii. AMoriu will have oil' doiimv next fall while eelebrnlin the cen tennial ol the Astor expedition, and it was felt tlio list of jue.sN would be incomplete unless Mutt and Jeff are included. Therefore, John Day, milliliter o publicity of the Astoria event, lias wired the most influential and inti mate friend of the venturesome pair to induce them to pay Oregon a visit, promising a full meal nnd heiresses who want to niarrv little Jeff. I lis "'Mud' Fisher, New York Ameri can: The Astoria Centennial com mittee desires you to bring 'Mutt and Jeff for a trip to the Centennial, which is celebrated August 10 to Sep tember !). Colonel Astor of New York city' bus contributed $10,000 toward Ihe expenses of the centennial, the state of Oregon ."rfjO.OOO, Clatsop county $2,"),()00 nnd Oregon business men $100,000. Curtiss will be here with his air ships, national guard en campment here, state school teach ers' institute for 11 week, two fleets of battleship-, Pacific coast regatta, with $12,000 in cash prizes. Other big features including I'liin'- tire-work- spectacle. Orphoutu theatre. Ol'fHrmi I nl 4.I iiiwl 111,, trirtw in ,,iui,,i',il " -," nv " jusi era.y jor little Jotl. rine ;... 1 r 1.111.. 1. .iw i.: . chance for Jeff to marry n rich hen -ess here. This not so dnugcrou- ns war in Mexico. Manager Chapman nf Portland Cniiiuiercial club proui- i-e- full meal ticket during I rip. liar rimaii lines will allow Mutt nnd Jet' rl private car from New York city Don't ,ou think you ought to let them come and tell the people of Ihe coun try how they are getting here ami what lliev see en route" NOTICE. la herehy glvon that tho under signed will apply at tho meeting of the city council of the city of Med ford to ho held on April ISth, 1911. at 7:30 p. in. for a retail liquor lic ense to sell malt vinous and spiritu ous liquors at retail for six months at the storo loom on tho ground floor No. 21 South D'AnJoii street, Med ford. Oregon. Dated Mnrch 29th, 1911. VM. GILL, JOHN S. OlIiL. JA.MIOS VOGELl. Haskin- lor Health. Landscape Contractor i ' I We do the grading for lawns and, tennis grounds, seeding nnd planting, of shrubery In fact do overythlng to make your homo a beauty spot. II. M. WILSON. I "hone Pacific 111 -11. Home. 5. To the Public Wo wish to call tho attention of prospective buyers to tho fact that we have been In tho county over 10 years and aro prepared to show soino of tho eholceht tracts In the valley. Costa noth ing to look at our list ol bar gains. McDonough & De miner hi:.i, isi mi: d ivschwce HOO.M !l, SII.WAHT HLIXJ. Coiner Main and Hartlett Sis. Phone ! 171. ' EAGLE POINT PROPERTY The Coming Town RESIDENCE LOTS, 50x130, AT .. $200 BUSINESS CORNERS, 50x130, AT $250 WAREHOUSE PROPERTY, 186x300, AT $900 TERMS: ONE-FIFTH CASH, BALANCE EASY E. S. TUMY 201 Garnott-Corey Building FOR vSALE EIGHT ACRES ON WEST JACKSON INSIDE CITY LIMITS Owner Forced to Lot Go. EXCELLENT PLATTING PROPOSITION If you mean business, call on K. S. TUMY 201 Garnett Corey Building FES DAY, AP1UL 11,1011. Where Lo Go Tonight 11-1,0 VAUDEVILLE MOVING PICTURES 1 Last Appearance of the MAIUvllAMS In Irish Comedy New Song. New Dialogues 1 TucMlay and Wednesday ! Evenings. MoVIXO nrrCKKS 10c ' vr TONIGHT CLHVKH COMEDY' STKONG DHAMA EXCELLENT MUSIC ONE DIME ONE DIME NATATORIUM Skating, Howling, Billiards, Peel,! Box Ball, Shooting. Medford's Amusement Palace. men. Tub Bnths for Ladies and Gentle- j -..,rNNr'sr AXOTKKK UK! DOLMMil HIM AT THE THE ISIS THEATRE KHKCIIETTE it EUIGONE A "THOSE KliOLICKSOME KIDS Presenting their own original Blng- lug, dancing, talking and musical sketch. LILLIAN MICLHUHN : I '.a 1 J:t-iti:i:i-s Mt Hanjo Soloist. OVIN(5 IMCTCHES-il A Good Song by IIAIIHV HLANCIIAHD Doors open at 7: HO p. in. Mfitltirw. S.'itnriliiv nlnl Riiiwlni' 2::i0. X Admission 10c and 20c. S250 in cash ,neans ,0 in commbia records! Din., (I,n... i,,l,ll ,,nl, nr,n riuy u 1 tin wiiiie yuu tn u paying for them! $ 1.50 a week and the purchase is complete! We are today extending to ever.v muir who own- a Columbia (irapho phone (or u 'ielor talking innehiue) ,1 -ptrial iureha-e privilege which ba luvi'r before been open, pop jf'J.'iO we will place along-ide that talk'Mi; machine of yours a 10.1)0 mill it ol ('oliimbia Double-nice Record- ol vour own -election. And instead of n-king pav in ad v.iiiee we will aureo to accept the jin -i-in five ndititioiinl payment- of ?l.."i() each. This i" merely n convenient inean- f securing your record- in -eric- brnad enough to make an iutcrc-tin a ortment without paying out the iiiniiev before you have any enjoy nieiit of the inu-ie. The -oouer the belter! Today i licrc. Medford Music Shop JJ0 W Mam si. ikgM JrfyTJ Medford -Horse Shoeing Shop- 12H South llaretlett Street. . Pacific I'lionu 18!U Home 210-11. C. L. Allen, Prop. GIVE IS A TltLVL Rock Spring Coal On hand all the time. Phono 1C02. BURBIDGE THE COAL MAX. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 2 South Itlverslde. I 'bancs: Main l'M'2. Home 'JOH-K. N. H. Mark Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March 6th In Elec tric building, 218 West Main street Everything now and modern, Includ ing steam heat, baths, etc. Best In city. Rates reaaonnblo. Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors SWINE FOR SALE Fancy registered Poland China and Berkhhiro Swine. Orders taken for spring delivery. Prize winning stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, Klamath Falls, Oregon. fefcfeSfefi 3J3 : rati swt J-V? 33331, VOUIt HOME COMKOItTS. We can vv Ire your house, or do re pair work o the servlco you now have, and will savo you money on tho work. Promptness and satisfac tion are two other essentials that you'll always get hore. MOTOIt ICEPAIIUXG KLAT IKONS EANS, FI.VITKES. Crater Lake Wiring Co. NO. U7 NOUT1I IJAHTLKTT ST. $1,000.00 will Ro farther mar Medford In good Investments than any section of Orc- Kon. Investigate and he satisfied. Mine Owners Whnt have you to sell? Prospective Purchaser See us before buying. Oregon Realty & Mining Co. :U! Cariiell-Corey llulldliig. Offutt Rornes ' Auto Co. Automobiles' ": mwtvmMVir -J ,,!' scrtM ifrotJinw v-fifiir v&i-sa -mwcuv Vvese- -if ndH?3" mmSm H QfKmlEV GENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. Flrst-Clasi Workmanship Guarantwd. PHONE MAIN 8331. Corner Coutral Are. &ni 8tk St Msdford, Or. Draperies XVp carry a very complete line of draperies, face curtains, fixtures, etc.. and do all classes of upholstering speclnl man to look after this work exclusively and will Klvo as Reed service as Is possible to got In even the lnrgest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Notice, Fruit Growers. We have leased the Pane PacklnR House- and will operate In the Medfonl district this coming season. We are the second oldest company In California an" aro members of the California lrult IJIb Irlbntor.s who handled 7C per cent of tlio deciduous fruit out of California this past season. Call on our northwestern iiKi-nt. K. M McKeany. room 1, .Stewart bul'dlntf. and talk matters over with him before tanking your season's arniiiBe mentfl Advances made If desired. PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. PANSY PLANTS Heady to bloom. Ornamental shrubs ntid shade trees. J. T. IiltOADLEV & CO. Greenhouse near city reservoir. Store Corner Sixth and Central. Phones 518L; 1-151. "Buy at home mid help Medford." FOR SALE OTCCITARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldcc WOOD FOR SALE : It LOCK WOOD : : $l.r iEit load : I'lioue Main ""H1 or leave orders at MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE Good business opportunities and lo cations, all paying. TEDDY'S DAMSITE Isn't In it with our LANDSITE. For instniice, a. 1000-acro tract containing over 200 acres of the fa mous Hear creek bottom land, In al fnlfa, and extending to tho higher land, which is set to orchards In part, all tho land being good fruit land. Some of the land Is now In hear ing trees and may bo ,'urchascd at reasonable figures, the alfalfa land with a good stand of alfalfa for ?270 to $350 per acre; young orchards, good stand, $250 per acre, and grain land at $175 per acre. This Is an "Ideal" tract for a col ony, ns It would cut up Into small or large plnces to an ndvantago, or may bo purchased In 10, 12, 20, 40, 50 andG0-ncro or any slzo trlcts. 12asy terms given at low lntorost. Located three miles from Ashland and ono mile from Talent, Or. A 74-acro tract 2 ,. miles West Tal ent, good S-room house and largo barn; S acres under ditch and In al falfa and garden land; 34 acres un der plow, and trees; 20 ncres of or chard, of which C acres aro In bear ing; telephone and R. F. D ; half cash, balance good terms and easy payments. For plenty of other bargains call or address G. A. Gardner TALENT, OltERO.V. Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY IMtOI'KUTY 1WKMS, FIHMT ICXNCIIES tffll E. MAIN STHEKT. YiE Fillujj bvntenu will save their cosilji time every month. A system for i very busluess. Medford Book Store V Ilasklna for Himltn. i ii I, h s, , , I , j.