PAGE THREE 1 i'r MDFOKD -MAIL TRIBUNE, MILOFORD, ORWGOX, TTICSOAY, APRIL 11, 1911. PLANTERS ARE SLAVE OWNERS 1 AA Commissioner General Kccfe States in Report That Majority of Inhab itants )n Hawaiian Islands Arc in Practical Slavery. May Rule Princeton WASHINGTON, D. C, April 11. Scnsatlonnt statements that the ma jority at tho Inhabitants of tho Ha waiian Islands are practically slaves to tho sugar planters and that tho Japanese settlements thero would form an effective force against the United States In case of war Is tho gist of a remarkable report mrWe today to President Taft by Commis sioner General of Immigration Kccfe. Kccfe, In a direct report to tho president declares that the Hawaiian sugar planters virtually own imore than half of the Inhabitants of Ha waii, and asserts that tho claim that whites cannot do the work of the Is lands Is a lie. As a result of his re port, It Is believed that tho passage of drastic Immigration laws affecting tho entry bf all orientals Into Hawaii Is probable. Keefe reports In part: "Almost half of tho inhabitants of tho islands arc Japanese and their numbers arc increasing rapidly. In another decade the Hawaiian islands will be nothing more than a Japanese settlement. "Virtually all tho Japanese now there have seen military service at home, and they would constitute an excellent Japanese-Hawaiian division in event of hostilities. Fifty or six ty Japanese women arrive In Hono lulu on each steamer from the orient. They and their offspring aro segre gated and grow to maturity with nil tho instincts and traits of their fath erland. No attempt Is made to Amer icanize them. "Tho majority of tho Inhabitants of tho islands nro vassals working long hours for the starvation wages paid by the sugar planters. These planters do not wish European or American labor. Thoy aro doing all thoy can to orientalize tho islands and aro forcing out all other Immi grants. As a result of this policy tho Pacific slojio states are receiving hundreds of undesirable aliens who sooner or later will become objects of public charity." DR. JOHN H. fSTLJEY 3Tb 61 PACH BROS NEW YORK. Aprlt 11. It Is cur rently reported here today that l)r. John II. Finloy will bo called to the presidency of Princeton university. He is one of tho ablest executive edu cators In tho United States today. c t - &&&C GURU raou ,w BE IDAHO MEN IN TOILS CHARGED WITH FRAUD NOISE, Mil, April 11. More startling charges and disclosures are promised by government official to day following the indictment by the foderal grand jury at Spokano of 1). W. Stuiiilmri, president of the 'First National bank of 1'ocatcllo; A. 15. Moss of l'ayette; I. 15. IWrriuo ot Twin Falls and 1'nul S. Hiekcl of .Je rome, for fraudulent use of the mads. They are all prominent in southern Idaho." The indictments charge that the men made untrue icprct;cnttitioiis in highly colored literature to promote the sale of stock of the American Hardwood company, a corporation organized to promote the sale of Eu calyptus tree lands in Kern county, California. Tho indictments followed complaint-, made by imestors. TAFT SUSTAINED IN HIS TARIFF CONTENTION Hasklns for Health. WASHINGTON, I). ('., April 11. The United States court of cu-toms appeals this afternoon sustained President Tuft's contention that if the Canadian reciprocity agreement were in force no other country could there fore take advantage of tho "most fa vored nation" clause and demand similar rates of duly to those given Canada on exports to tho United States. Tho decision was rendered in a case growing out ot tne reciprocity agree ments made with lllld other nations Ullder thO tumf.reciniiiizedattliabektandinuklhUiieHafulrcm law in 1807. Mi Ileal Kslttto Transfers. T. G. llurrows to II. T. IJalcoIm, property In Hair's addition to Medford 10 George It. LIndloy to Anna J. Mills, 15 acres In township :.S, rango 1 west 10 William S. Dewing to Mrs. A. M. Smith, lot 7, block 2G, Uutte Falls ITiO H. F. Pohland to Edward N. Hutler, 70 feet off east end of lot 7, Ilargddlno tract BOO Mrs. A. It. Phlpps to Linda U Laurcmnn, property in Laurel hurst addition to Medford ... 1 Mrs. A. It. Phlpps to John Lau reman, lots fi, fi, 7, S. and I), block 1, I.aurelhurSt addition to Medford 1 John Grlovo to Contra 1 Point Stato bank, lots 0 and 10, block 1, Central Point ''.00 John Grlovo to Contral Point Stato Hank, SO acres In sec tion 5, township "Ii, rango It east 300 Charles 11. Sclmck ot al. to Wil liam A. Ilarnhill, 10 acres' In section 1 1, township '!.", rango 2 west 10 J. A. Lyon et al. to Charles Liming, lots 2."! and 2 1, block 2. Frultdalo addition to Med ford r r 0 Ernest Vroninn to G. W. Wllrox. ct al., land in township .';r, rango 1 west 1 Fred G. Culler to Ilogun Klver Fruit Lands company, 2",2 acres In fccUoii 20, township IIS, rnngo 1 cast 10 II. C. Maltby to E. N. Warner ct al., land in Oak Grove addi tion to Medford 10 Charles A. Moon et al. to M. J. Moon, property In Jackson ville 10 Gotch to Frisco. SAN FKANCISCO, Cal., April 11 Frank Ootcli, undefeated ii"-(liug champion, will arrie here today n make ready for his match tomorrow night with Henry Ordcinau of Minne apolis, whom Ootcli pronounced the best American mill man at the tune ul his recent "retirement." Ootcli is to meet the Minneapolis man in a straight mutch, best two in three falls. There is little doubt that he can win if he wants to. U ED n MASS 01 ORE Emil Reis Undergoes Agonies All Night Long When Mass of Ore at Opp Mine Buries Him in Its Rush. Emil Hcis, a mining mail employed Exhibition Oars and Their Part in the Colonization of Un- &t tile Territory First days of Colonist Rates to West bring large numbers of Jlomcscckcrs through St. Paul gateway The Northwest is now welcoming every day now citizens indirectly the result of tho "high cost of living," but diicctly the .. ..:..i. i ...,..,.,.. :. ii... n.. ...:..., ..remise can ne mm itt ine tioor ot tuo .. ....., ." - i'i' ' pmcticnl advertising of the Great North Jacksonville and well-known here liad 'oru HaHwny through the means of iU a narrow escape from death recently.' agricultural exhibits in tho huge Knst Ueis was working in the stamping i "ii cities and nboe nil. its tni cling null alone at tho time. The ore be came clogged in the chutes and lie .lumped down into the bins with an' iron bur to loosen the masses of ore. One of his first blows dislodged a. mass of rock and it came down in a slide, which buried him up to the arm-' pits. Hois was powerless to extricate himself and his cries for help brought no response. Theaecident occurred about midnight and he remained buried until morning whon he was I found and quickly dug out. Aside from bruises and exhaustion, he w.ife' not injured. ' exhibition cars, now completing cxteii sivo tours throughout the Central and Eastern Mates. from fifteen to twenty miles distant, to Import the car and view tho wonderful products of tho West. llcport from Morning Sun, Iown, sent, us by E. C. Lei'dy, General Immigration Agent of the Great Northern at St. Paul, where the Oregon and Montana Car was on February 23rd, rends as follews: "Wo were met at tho station by a largo crowd lu'eoinpnnied by the Morning Sun band. Great interest was shown in tho SswssssessiRsssss s5SiraPRi?w?JTO; Jss?,yvty,'yj!;;y,'j'""1 r5?' (...( . ..I.Ui if ?.JiU Essw? ssxsssH?'m!&95- ym FOR SALE Eighty acres of tho best land north ot Roguo river; 35 acres In pears; 5 acres In apples; 14 acres to oats; 10 acres to potatoes; 3 1-2 acr6s t6 onions, 1 1-2 acres to beets, carrots and parsnips; 2 acres to blackberries and raspberries and 9 acres to grass and ryo pasture. ' This place hns no buildings, but a flno building spot, with a well bt good water, tho entire place fenced with woven wire; has u deeded wa tor right w'hlch waters tho cntlro place. This placo Is for sale for just one month; purchaser will got tho crop, team, farm wagon, hack, ono and two-horso walking plow, ono 4-horso disc gang plow, ono tlireo liorso sulky plow, drags, harrows, etc. Terms rcnsonablo and price ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Inquire at Tribune offlco or ddrcss l O. 1IOX NO. 08 JACKSON VILLE, OREGON. 1 JAJta-L WATCH THE REXALL STORES ON l V 10 10 lv 13 KFO R. K EASTER MONDAY, MARCH 10, TO SATURDAY, MARCH 15 TYrB OP EXHIBITION CAR SKNT OCT 11V ORFAT NORTIIKRN RAILWAY, THREE OF WHICH ARE NOW LNTOVIt RXPLOITINO 71IB ORE XT NORTHWEST. MAY HOLD BALLOON RACE 1 IN THE CITY OF OMAHA NKW YORK, April 11. -It is to day consideied probable that the Aero club of America will adopt the recommendation of the national coun cil tiiat the American elimination bal loon race be held l Olnalm. Kansas Citv has been selected as the start of the Coupe Internationale des Aer ounutcs. which will he held October I), balloonist from Germany and France being entered in the attempt to wrest (ho cup from America, which lias won it twice in succession. PRINZESS IRENE IS AGAIN IN HARBOR NKW YOHI, April 11. -Willi only a shuttered rudder post in show for 80 hours spent on n sandbar off Fire No doubt if the comparative figures could bo secured which would show tho actual number of settlers secured us against tho number of inquiries brought out by tho Exhibition Cars this data would be interesting reading, and would show conclusively the great value, of the idea of "Taking the Northwest to the Peoplo of tho East" if our territory is to bo colonized quickly. An idea of the interest created by the arrivnl of tho Great Northern Hallway's Exhibition Cars in the dillc'iont Eastern towns can only bo gained by tho tend ing of the reports from tho attendants in charge. In tho majority of plnees visited nearly tho entire adult popula tion has turned out, as well as farmers exhibits and nlso at tho lecture. As a proof of the results of our lecture, at leant twenty peoplo canto to us tho fol lowing morning regarding homesteads in the Northwest. Tho whole town turned out to visit tho car, and tho opera house was packed to ovcrllowing at the lec ture. I look for a big movement front this place." Any number of reports similnr to tho above are on file, wo understand. In Mr. Leeily's office in St. l'attl. which show in a measure what we, the people of tho great West, may expect in tho way of now settlers during this spring. Wo should mnko ready to welcome new comers and to extend to them every help in getting located island, tho liner Prinzess Irene enme Tho vessel, with 2500 persons into her dock today under convoy of i aboard, went ashore Thursday morn nn army of tugs and lighters. Divers reported that the vesol's hull was not seriously damaged. The Irene will be sent lo Newport News for repairs. tug. the passengers unit part ot tin cargo were transferred. After ti dozen attempts tho liner was pulled off the bur last night. aw California Irrigated Lands IN SUIlDIVISIOXS, 20 AGUES AND UPWARDS EASY PAYMENTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANQES AND LEMONS. Yrlto tts for Particulars. v Dixon Alfalfa Land Go. DIXON, CALIFORNIA. Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manufacturers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE Plant . CRUSH.') ROCK SCREENED GRAVEL Delivered io any pari of city. " Office: Fruitgrowers' Rank llldg. Phono M. (152. WASHED SAND North Riverside Phone M. 6091 C. J. SEMON, Mgr. for Concrcto for Rrlck Work fop Plastering Will Reproduce Old Fort. ASTOniA, Or., April 11. Ground How to Stop Drinking Wo ara In earnrst whn w ask you to fry OKKINK at our expense. Wo will cive your money back. If after a trial you fall toiret re hiiltH from OKKINK. Tim Is a very (rciieroun uffer. Itch' ns ihowiveo ami mothers u( tlnnr. whoilnnk to excess an nnoortuuitv totrr tlin Frniiec, Germany OKKINK Treatment. It alw. sUog our conli- recovuizeii a-iine Demand nion huc-tsnim rem edy tlio world Ii.ih ever known for Drunkenness or tuo ho-calleil J.Ujuor Habit. It 1m a ery mil pie treatment, can be given In the home wall out publicity or loss of time from business, an t at a small price. OKKIN15 1 prepared n two forms, No. 1 tecret treatment, a powder, absolutely tastelrss will Un ln-fiL-on in tlm cilv nnrlr '"' otlorloHs, fiven secretly in nod or drink Will 1)0 IllOhCI 111 1110 UIJ P"rhi0RRiNU No.2, Inplllform, wfor tluw wli.j i miwniiv i in iiiiiim imiuvarKfirv ucsire xo taue voiuntarv treatment, unnni. I rcta ..Hit. 2, ttf V.. 7 .1 . m l... f t to I N. I Uw)klet(mai)el in plain sealccj cnveloptij lo Tjrr'n. f'u bTJ (him. i ii1 I i -; . " i liirtton. (' r ii in i 'I I n I 1m for Htl in th i t 1, I . , Jl II,. of tho naming of Astoria, for tho con struction of a rcprotluction of old l'ort Ator which guarded tho toain in 1811. The date wits soleeted hy tho com mittee which h, a Astoria centennial celohration in charge. Dies of Hydrophobia. XKW VOKK, April ll.-Ahraham Nulion. former fcoarotarv of the New Vnrk Iihm'IibII club of the American lnHjrue died here tudity of hytlrophii lii. Ijite lHit fall Xnhnn pei-mitttd h hulldiig to lick hi-. liamU while (iie were cli.ippcd and lici.unc infilled. The 1 1 - i did nut id n ' 'i i i i n .... th- TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman hat. a timber and stone right of 1G0 acres, price to tho government 2 50 per aero. No cultivation, realdenco or Improvement required I have about twenty-flvo claims to locate, see me and have a talk, this land is worth $20 00 per acre Call or write. . II, SU.IVfl, Iloom .11 Jurkxon Count? Itunl. Untitling His' Come and See Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOTODRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agdnts in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE is CO. Dynamite lined in blasting liai'dpan for tree planting Wednesday, April 12th A demonstration will be held between 9 and 12 a. m. on the bind of the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY CANAL CO. AT A(!ATIntOSSIN(i TAKE THE P. & E. SPECIAL TRAIN, leaving Med ford 9 a. m., returning 12 m. Automobiles take lOaglo 1'oint mad. s4Jb.fc5 PLUMBLN G Z STEAM AND HOT WATCR HEATING All Work Guaranteed . Prices Reasonable r.OITFF.F.N tfD. PRimr. '-r k a. " - 4H. -m k -mmr ar, iiowaki) in.oric, untkanck o.v tit stiihkt. phoxk aos x.r.tfr..tfrr.3sr-r. IRRIGATION WE FURNISH MOMENT'S RAIN AT NOTICE A Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FEED N. OUMMINGS, Manager. HAUIIY I.UY 1IUNJ. M. COLLINS County Seat Real Estate Office Wo wish to iiiiiioiiiico to iroB)Pctlvo imrcliiiBora that wo still lmvo barguliiH In farm and city propory to offor you, nlso tlmbor ami wood landH. Last, but not JuaHt, a fow of tlio HKST STOCK AND ALPAIiKA HANCIII5S In Soutliorn Oregon at prices and tonna that will ploHHo you, TIioho runclios liavo an abundanco of wntor for Irrigation, good buildings mid hoiiki stock. Let us "show you," Offlco hi Itiuik of .liit'ksoiivillo llldg., .latkionvllk', Oregon. LUY (EL COLLINtS orse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing .IIV IIt!(JII KrjiIOri1, (ho noted horso sltoer.. I carry tlio lnrRest slock ami keep nothing but tiio bewt inecliniilcs ami cinirniitco all uorlc. Wo .Mnko n specialty of hIioIuk tlrlvliiK horses. Corner Hiversltlo mill KIkIiIIi slreot.H. lMioito lloiuo !M). I'aclflc R101. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg Irrigated Orchard Tracts Can You Buy a 5-Year Orchard for $400? IF NOT, SEE US R0GUEIANDS INC. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. I St TRISrlTTFTm7ff Royal Belgian S tallioii will be at the AVKST SIDK STABLKS alternatuig weeks during the season. FIRST WEEK BEGINS APRIL 1, 1911. Second week at Brownsboro; third wuok at West Sido Stable. "A.MOh'IOAUX" cari'ios throQ sots of payors and breeders will do well to eall and see him. a s i t , I i. ..--aw yi