university Uews Office 1 Medford Mail Tribune CLEARINGS Hank clearings today were: WEATHER Fair Slav. 5(1, Mlu. JIO, Moan 10; Preelp. ,10. m Forty-First Year Dally Sixth Year. MEDtfOftD, OREGON, IT UK DAY, APRIL 11, 1911. No. 17. HEAVY Is Democratic Leader Despite Bryan IMP MQT PAI I EME COURT REMANDS CASE Of DR. HYDE FOR RE-TRIAL Told of 'Slush Fund' I FOR NEW DEAL 0 EXPECIED m m : I 1 TUN Orchard Men Arc Instructed to Be on Lookout for Cold Snap O'Gara Will Be On the Job All Night Watchinn. Weather. SNOW FALLS IN APRIL FIRST TIME IN YEARS No Danger if Orchardmen Keep in Touch With Weather Bureau and Fire Orchard. To Orchardmen: It is expected that the weather will clear this afternoon and if so. a heavy frost will follow the present storm. Firing in all of the orchards in the valley will lie necessary to pre vent loss of fruit. Keep in touch with my office or with telephone central in Medford and be ready to fire. I will remain in my office all night. (Signed) P. J. O'GARA. If tho weather clears this after noon as in predicted by tlio loca weather bureau a lieavy frost wil succeed and firing will bo necessary in all of tlio orchards in the valk lo prevent loss of fruit. Orebardmei should keep closely in touch with Pro fessor P. J. O'Oara who will rcmaii in his office all night or with the Med ford telephone central in order ti train further instructions. The abov warning was issued by 1'rofe.ssoi O'Oara this afternoon. For the first time in years snow "HusTnirJirTh the Kogtie river vulle in April. Jt caiuc only in flurries and disappeared immeidately upon com ing in contact with the earth and in damage has been done. Clear weath er wilj succeed according to the foie cast this alteruoou and tonight wil be one when vigilcnce U required ii order to save the fruit. There is in danger if the orchards are smudged If properly heated tonight the rail of the past two days will prove ol great benefit to this year's crop. Professor P. J. O'Oara will remain in his office all nij-ht tonfght as lu did .Monday night. The professor re fused to allow the orchardmen ti smudge last nijjht as ihe fuel will u needed much more tonight. At no time last night was the danger im minent. zTho greatest danger will come to night just before daybreak. Then il the ky is olonr as it i thought il will be, as the weather to the north has cleaved entirely a cold snap is imminent and smudging wil be re quired. "If the orchardmen in the valle will keep in touch with my office to night and heed my warnings," stated the professor this morning, "there is nothing to fear. Wo have demon strated that smudging is a great suc cess in this valley and as all of the (Continued on Page Two.) WOULD CREATE CoiKjressman From Indiana Intro- duces Bill Enlarging. Duties of De- partment of Commerce and Labor by Having it Look After Little Ones WASHINGTON, 1). l, April 11.- ' To inviMiguto. the life of the child in tho gchoolh, Juvenile eourt and to; eheok the uuwber of child defcortions, L'ougroinitn Jteruuart of Indiana to-. day introduced a biit autuoruing the formation of a "baby bureau" in the dopartuieut of eoinmerce and labor, i "I bwlieve," said liaruhurt (oor ject) iu intrudueiuic the iueaure," that the government hu a wore iiu iwrtant mUion than thoe of regu lating tariff and framing bilU tor financial and industrial develop ment. The department of agricul ture) has bureau lo intigatc the breeding of animal, poullrv and bird, and about the oiilv llim.' lulled I- the dutv l him-iiti.: up .' i.i. . .. h. .tlih ."itl -'iinlv him in bu.,-.' &yr7aay jsmzr sixw&i Despite (Ii( bitter opposition of William .1. Itrynn, Senator Thomas Marl In of Virginia won the leadership of tlio democratic forces in (lie Cull ed States senalc. IEMT YORK -WOMEN ARE OUT WITH A HOT ROAST OF COLONEL ROOSEVELT Colonol Theodore Roosevelt, in a recent article, dec lured that from tho standpoint of tlio race, tho average three-child ,mar rngo Is a sterile marriage. Hoosovolt says: "When quantity falls off, thanks to wilful sterility, tho quality will go down, too. "The race cannot go ahead; It will not ovon hoop its numbers, if thero ate less than four children to tho family. "In most southern states there is a purer and higher standard of conduct in the matter. Tlio birth rate has jot not material ly fallen off. ."Throughout tho north and wost there line been tho game shrinkage as In Canada, Australia and Great Britain." NKW YORK, April 11. Proml-1 nent Now York women nro out today rvlth hot "roasts" of former President Roosevolt's statement In the Outlook that marriages which produco less than four children should bo consid ered sterile. "Roosevolt Is a fool and a four flusher," says Mrs. Marcla Townsond, troasuror of tho Womon's Pollalcal I'liion. "Let him arrange for his own offspring, but for hoavon's sako lo. 1.1 ni shut up about tho rest of tlio United States. If I used the right ''.'ords to describe his ogrogioiu Idiocy they would not bo printed." Mrs. Arthur Fish said: "Imagluo a woman going through all tho unnecessary suffering of childbirth Just to do sorvlce to tho state! Why should she? What hag tho state ever done for her? It does not even protect tho children she has produced." Mrs. Raymond Hrown, president of the Woman's Suffrage Study club, said: I ' America Is In much moro dnn gor front tho prophot of raco suicide than from Its perils." rrijn III An rtUU WflK OUT IN OLD KENTUCK LKXINOTON, Kv, Apnl 11 Hrciitliiil coiintv is iilmiii in thi throe of a feud wur. The opening1 bots were fired when "Devil" Anson j White shot and kill Jawou DenloiJ wounded Luke Itegley and a him-1 elf soht in the thigh. Todwy'ii rejMjrU from Jackson that friends and relative of the tu factions are on their way to the' scene of the battle, all armed ( th.i teeth. No arrets have been uiub a no one dare intcrlere. Want Commissioners. TRKNTON. N. J., April 11. la u special lllf s.i,. In the Ufcri-liilllle Ooeninr Wi'"dr.' Wiis..n urt'fd thai l;is b p i- -"I l iMilin;.' f"r lb i .,i'iiiii--i.xi t 1 1 1 1 ol iimI "V- u .11 i. i .1. u.. tin. I'" ul 'hi -l.i'.L.l ! B.. f -T f f -f f WASHINGTON. I). (., April 11. With Idaho wheat !)S and Washing ton wheat a 07 cents ilio report to day of tho department of agriculture on winter wheal mi April 1, gives the condition of uorlhwet wheat tho highest percentage reortcd any where in the United States. This is 1-1 per cent above the gon eral average for tho entire country. SANTA ROSA. Cnl., April 11. Dr. LowIb C. Chlsholm was hold for tin murder of John I). Powell at the cloio of Ills preliminary hearliiK before Jim tiro Atchison here today. Gotham's Sorrow Shown By iCX ' ' ' . vLy.'mtz - - ' -msifT i!5;cry - M'mA . - ;-. ':wum vm m a?StfTT"i trails u:;;cii Not r-Mci' lliau T.'.Odli men IIiioiikIi (he sti't-4-ts of otr .New iouiMtii- fire at (iicciie stit-t anil More Hi. in bale Ihe in. in lu is I'or four wi.ii) hours the pitiless : i. IftZl1: ... .... w-yA . BX" a AYS ANDREWS Other Districts Have Stolen Out Thunder and Copied Our methods so Shuffle Up the Deck and Lets Begin This Game Over Again. WILL MAKE REPORT ON CONDITIONS IN PORTLAND i Homeseekcrs Arrive Daily Which We Should Have Hero but Its a Case of Diamond Cut Diamond. -f -f -f -f ED ANDREWS SAYS: Other districts In Oregon havo stolen our ideas and cop led our methods, so It's up to us to shuffle tho cards and give them a new deal. Portland Is not knocking this valloy. It Is a well ar ranged plan. It Is business. It is diamond cut diamond. Wo must chnngo our course' and sail on. There Is a lnrge number of hoincseekers coining to Port land dally, a good por coat of whom would bo desirable cit izens for tho Itoguo River valloy. Hut to got them now methods must be worked out. Tho Medford Realty association is holding a mooting tonight at tho N'at atorluni on which occasion the busi ness men aro to be present to discuss tho different phases of interest to the Rogue River valloy. It will bo a meeting at which all are supposed to take part and glvo expression to opin ions that may bo of value. John I). Olwoll, who hns spent tho past two months lu Chicago and points of tho , middle west, will give a talk on "what I Medford needs." Mr. Olwoll has boon i making an Investigation and has boon ' talking with people in all parts of the country, and Is prepaied to toll us how Medford Is viewed from a dis tance. Jeff Heard, who hns spoilt tho past few months In California touring tho state from one to tho other In an automobile, has some valuable information as to what good roads are doing for tho remote dis tricts of California. Kd Andrews, who was sent to Portland by tho Medford Realty association on a tour of Investigation, will make a report on what ho found in Portland. II In remarks will bo In tho nature of a roport, confining hinmolf to facts. I Mr. Andrews says: "Conditions that oxlstod two years ago In tho real es n OroKon havo chang-l ods that were largely . tate business In n1 Olil iiwithi iorlglnated in Rogue River valley aro ;"'. '" '" "" """1 " J'" being copied by the district ailjoln-1 1,,,,,'" V"n,,,,J (Ka,l- ''''innuttec nu i )Msi(iices and wnt reads: Volstead I (Continued on I'ago Two) (Coaiinui'd on I'hkb B.) . " ----- , . sg? u! .:, 'hi llaoue at sta;t of niL pUvAdb ami woinen of tin- gurineiit iiial.liig iraih man lied lu silent, dripping Hue oil. In tribute to tie- II." iitlius ulio lost Hull llu-s In tin Triangle Wills! uxlilug plaic on Sal unlay, Manli 'Jll. wen vvonun ami gbls Of these at least tlircc-ipuu Ii is tIKi il ImicIickIimI. ruins kI(cI upon tbciii ultliout ecus lug a Ihcj (i iiiIk' d along the htnets. 1 1. 11- " ' ,1 i"l "H KOHWAAT II. II. Koblstiiit, Die Chicago Pub- Ifsbci, ulio gave information to the 1 1 1 1 ii ti.s. s'nu'c bribery investigation eoniinulco of an alleged $IOO,(M0 "slnsli rimd" raised to elect W. II. Lordlier to lulled Stales senate. People Are In Saddle 3 9 tjf Precedents Smashed WASHINGTON, I). C, April 11. For the lirst time in history today the home elected its own committees. They were approved after a lengthy debate on a viva voce vole, and were' as suhmiltcd by (he nominators. lu the discussion former Speaker Cannon defended the old system of naming the committeemen. "I made mistakes," ho said, "but. -. iiouiicr ine spoiiKer, mo majority nor . the caucus is infallible." INLICMS ARE WELL TREATED i Only Importan House Committee on Which They Aro Not Represented' Is That of Ways and Means In surgents Do Well. WASHINGTON, 1). C, April II. Itcpuhlic.iu house committee appoint ments wore iiunouuced today by Mi nority Leader .lumen . Maun of Illi nois. They show that thoinsurgents havo been well treated, tho only im portant coiumiltoo on which they are not topresenled being that of ways and mennr.. On Ihe rules coiumilleo (be republi cans ate .Madison (luiu.), I, unroot (Wis.), Halell (la.), and Wilnon (HI.) On the ways and menus committee nro Payne (N. Y.), Dalzell (Pa.),Mc eall (Mas,.), Hill (Conn.), Necdham (Cnl.), Forduey (.Mich.), uiitl Long worth (Ohio). HauKheu (la.), nu insurgent, is the ranking member of (he minority on the agricultural cotmuitteu; Cooper (l'"-): ""(l K"u",,bI.1 (la,)' .'"'" " ,l"' ''""'"""l0 "" f1"'"'-' '.''''; N"- vT,.i. : il tii i...i: Great Parade B! 4 W. -d 'tsunsofi'va, iurTMm -r ' i lft MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE FOLLOWS RECENT FIRE NFAY YORK, April 11. The grand jury Ibis afternoon indicated .Max Blank and Naiie Harris owners of the Triangle Shirtwaist Co., for manslaughter in the first de gree, as a result of Ihe recent fire in which 1K1 people lost their lives. f -f T 4-4- 4- 1 -H--1 IS E Legislature Adopts Resolution Con demning Stephenson for Voting to Support Illinois Solon LaFollcttc Commended. . MADISON, Wis., April 11. Tho state senate concurred in the condem nation of United States Senator Isaac Stephenson for voting to support Wil lium Lorimor in tho contest for his seat just before the close of the last session of congress. Tho resolution of condemnation was adopted by thu lower bouso of toll legislature a month ago. It came up in the senate today and was adopted with only two dissenting votes. The resolution commends Scnntor LaFollolto for his stand against Lorimor. Camorrists' Trial Adjourns. V1AI3RHO, Italy, April n. Ad journment of tho Ciunorrlst trial here today until after Kaster was ordorod J,IHtlco ninneiii after a long ex- aiuiuaiiou ot uiucomo AHcriitore, who denounced Toinasso do Angells and Caotno Amadeo as the real mur dorers of Oonnarro Cuocuollo and his wife. This denunciation, tho po lice say, Is mnde with the Idea of hiding the actual slayers. Ascrlttoro stoutly denied that he was In a conspiracy with tho priest Clio ZltozI, who had testlflod that he had learned through tho confes sional that De Angells and Amatlco wore guilty. His declaration that the gondarmeri wore making martyrs of him and his fill-year-old mother drew a chorus of walling and sobbing from the prisoners' pen, while the parti nans of the two accused men shouted defiance and ridicule. IS NEAR DEATH Anti-Liquor Crusader Reported Dead ! Yesterday hut as Mark Twain Was' Wont to Say, "It Was Greatly Exauiicrated." LHAVKNWORTH, K'an., April II. Miw, Carrie Nation, (lib miti-liquor reformer, in today ill a M)ition to say, as Mark Twain once uuid, "Thu report of my doatli aro greatly exag gerated." Report that Mrs. Nation whs deud booame current yoBterdny following it severe rolttptio and as her doath has boon momentarily expected for weeks tho romrt was given credence. Mrs. Nation levivud, however, and today hu o far rallied thut her death i iinpiobablu, at least for some days. To Probe Wlckersham. WASHINOTON, I). C, April 11. Tu asieitaltt whether Attorney (Ion- rul Wickershum has preitent con ueitlons which dlsiiuullfy him from holding office, rtepresentatlve lUlney this afteruoon Introduced a resolu tion lu the liouso providing for an In vestigating committed of six demo crats and three republicans. "Shopping" that is based upon ad reading h usually a profitnblo uso of oin 'a tutio. WISCONSIN M CARRIE : WAS CONVICTED 1 SWOPE MURDER Opinion Rendered by Court is 10,000 Words in Length Reversal uf Lower Court is Based on Many Errors. JHFFI3RSON CITY, Mo., April 11. Tho state supremo court today re versed the trial court's conviction ot Dr. U. C. Hydo for tho Swopo mur der and remanded tho enso for re trial. Tho opinion which grants Dr. Hydo a now trial Is 10,000 words In length. The rovorsal of tho lower court Is based on many errors, including tho admission of testimony as to tho deaths of members of tho Swopo fam ily other than Colonol Thomns II. Swopo, for whoso alleged poisoning ho wns convicted, of tho Illness of others from typhoid; of ovldonco that cyauldo caused Swopo's death when symptoms showed that tho death of Christian Swopo occurrod with prac tically tho samo symptoms, though thero was no ovldonco that cyanide had boon given Chrlsman Swope, and becauso of tho revocation of Hyde's bond during tho progress of his trial. Tho opinion adds: "Regarding tho question as to whether there was substantial ovl donco that tho defendant poisoned Chrlsman Swope, wo aro constrained ;to hold that tho ovldonco would not autjiorko tho submission of that ques tion to a Jury." KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 11. Informed today (Jint tho supremo court had ordered a new trial of tho ease in which bo was convicted of having poisoned Colonel Swope, 11 r. Hyde expressed disappointment that he was not freed. "Tho conviction should havo been reversed outright," Hiiid Hyde. "I have so far been sustained by tho kindness of countless friends who bo lievcd in my innocence as well as by the idea that under out system of laws, while mistakes by courts and juries may temporarily intervene, in tho end justice is sure to prevail. 1 look forward with confidence to full acquittal on my next trial. I havo learned that a man can stand any thing with a wife like mine believing in and sustaining him." Mrs. Hyde said: "1 know tho law will give in v husband back to me, not because I love him or becauso he loves me, but because ho is innocent." YIPf VIP!! VIP!!! TED m CAME Cowboys Grip Ex-President by the Mitt and Give Vent to Their Enthu- siasm by Lusty Range Cries Vis- itinn in Montana. MISSOIILA, Mont., April 11. Ten IhousHiid pot'hons, including several I thouhitud cowboys, gave Colonul The jodoru Hoosevelt an ontbuiastio re- eoptioit when ho arrived here today. ivtier iiroaiviasiiug at tlio I'loruuco hotel, the former president held an informal reception iu the hotel par lors and gripped the hands of hun dreds of cowboys. Shortly before noon Colonol Hoose velt wns escorted to thu state univer sity by the Foitrtoonth infantry. Ho delivered u briof address at the uni versity. This afternoon tho formor presi dent rode over the country ouUido of the oily, which terminated with n visit to Fort Missoula. Colonel l'arko lined up tlio entire garrison to wel come Colonel Hoobovolt. Tonight Hoosevelt will be the guost of honor at a bauiiuet at the Florence. Echool Fire Injuries. (llNdlNNATI, Ohio, April 11. Moro than fiOO pupjils and tenobors today narrowly escaped death in a mysterious fire in the First District school. The crowd of scholars piled wildK out of tho building and several were badly hurt in tho jam. i.yMMMMi