' cJi ! in vV-al if u ia ft Iff w LV j.l Si!, f . ill li S I . a p ft, ' s .. i $ PAGE FOUR Medford Mail Tribune AN INnKPiJNDlSNT NKW8IAInil 1'UUMHIinU DAILY UXCHl'T HATUIt- DAY IIY TMIO MKUKOnU 1'MNTINO CO. Tlio Democratic Times, Tlin Moilforil Mnll, The Mcilfnril Trlbutip. Tlio South ern Ori'Konlaii, The Atihlnml Tribune. GUOHOH PUTNAM, IMItor and Mnimevr feP BB hW Kntpt-i-il iim .mpciiiil-clMHM miltter it Mcdfiiril. ciri'Kun, under tlio not of Mmch :i. 1879. Official Paper of tlio City or Medford Official Piiper or .mention (.oumy SUBSCRIPTION ItATEB. One yenr, by mnll $5.00 Olio month by mnll CO Per month, delivered by currier In Medfnrtl, Jacksonville nnd Cen tral Point GO Sunday only, by mull, ier yenr.... 2 00 Weekly, per enr l.uO BWOB1I CIRCULATION. Dnllv average for six inontliH cmllnn December 31. 1010, 2721. rull leased Wiro United Trow Dlsptitchea. Tho Mall Trlbuno Ib on utile, at tliu Kerry Now 8 Stand, Kan Pranclsco. Portland Hotel NeWH Stand, Portland, llowinnn News Co, Pnttlaml, Ore. ' O Whllnev. Sinttle. XVrnnh E GREAT SUCCESS Over 100 Local People Journey !iy Rail to Butte Falls Roadbed Found to Be in Splendid Condition Another One Next Sunday. Tlin first excursion trip of tlio sea son wiib inndo Siiinlity, when tlio I'n I'lrif & Eastern railroad ran n special train from iModford to Ilutto Falls anil return. Tlio trip was inatlu iih an iinnounconiont of tlio opening to traffic of tlio iiowly completed section of tho roadbed between Knglo Point ami Ilutto Kails. It wuh expected by those who went that owing to tho newness of the track tho trip would be slightly uncomfortable, but all worn pleasantly surprised at tho onso with which tho coaches sped over tho rails. Tho train, composed of tho online and the two available coaches, left the Medford station lit K: l I a. in. and made a safe and rapid run to Ilutto Kails, arriving there at 1 1 a. in. sharp, as scheduled. Tho return trip was also made on schedule time, the train leavhiK tho Kails at I p. in. nnd ar riving In this city at 7 p. in. Owing to the limited seating ca pacity, only 107 tickets woie sold, as tho railway company was deter mined that all passengers Hhoiild have every accommodation on the first trip. No ono was allowed to board tho cars who could not bo seated and many were turned away who had waited until tho last minute to suciire tickets. Conductor Sllsby was In charge of tho excursion anil was ably mutinied by llrulmiiii llowanl, while Engln eer II. t'ole and Ills assistant, W. Hansen, helped render the trip en joyable by their handling of tho lo (somotlve. tipon the arrival or tho train at Ilutto rails tho excursionists spread over the country In seaich of amuse ment, gome going about the town and other taking extended Journey Into the surrounding country. Quito a number visited the falls on Ulg Ilutto creek, after which the town Is nam ed, and alter that leturued to the hotel, where they were served with an excellent dinner. The railroad official nnd the crew ot tho excursion train were gnosis of the Ilutto Kail cltUons at an ex cellent fried chicken dinner served In the dluiiiK mom of the United State hotel. Sown it! of thime who partook of the feast vowed It wa the bet dinner they ever ate and that oven on the race of a eere lecture fioin the little wife they o thoughtfully left at home. Ilov. .lone iiutl Mr. Harbor both of Ilutto Kail, attended to the ban iiiot a representative of the citiieiia of that place. Kronuont ahower made tlio only dlwomfort ot the trip, but een that did not deter the ecurlouIt from declaring tho da well pent, and can eo great future for the country opened up by the new roatl. ntl Mttll greater future for Medford. To those who were denied the prlv liege of the trip Sunday, the manage lueut wtulioa to announce that the trip will be repeated every Sunday heieaftor anil Invites all to uiako tho Journey ir poaalule. Tho courttwni trewtment norordoil nil by the train crew and the ofrnrt or tho official to proxlde every coin fort make the Journey one to be ie iiiHiubeied and at the name lime en able thoae making the journey to get n broader idea of the wonderful re boiiix'o of the Uoifii River valle). Superintendent T. V. Uoli ami Oen oral Agent J. J. Parker were anion tljoso who made the trip. Chlof Nil yllioor Ciorig unable to go, beiug (Hit Of tho ctl on business. TO CURE A COLD IX ONK DAV Tako LAXATJV15 I1UOMO Quinine TublotH. Ddispl-t" refund inony If it fullu to otiro. K tiltt)Vi:M alg uaturo U ou oacl box. 2&c. WON WIS PROSPERITY ALLURINGLY BECKONS. WORK was begun .Monday upon the throe-story NoiT building at the corner of Sixth and Fir streets. The structure is to be eventually five stories in height. Contract will be let this of Providence hospital on Nob Hill, to be the largest and finest institution of its kind between Portland and Sacramento. Contract will also be let tional Ijaiik building, to be the handsomest banking struc ture in the northwest. Jt is of classic Crecian design, with light colored granite front, and resembles the J3ank of California at San Francisco, famed for its beauty. This week will see the new five-story hotel on West Main street roofed. Jt will contain 100 rooms, and be first-class in every respect, the largest and best hostelry between Portland and Sacramento. Contracts have been let and preliminary construction is under way for the $1,000,000 power plant on the Rogue river near Prospect, to generate, when completed, 2.3,000 horse, power, which will be used to supply light and power to the cities of the valley and various projected manufac turing plants. It will be one of the largest power plants in the country, and speaks loudly for the faith of New York capital In the future of the' Rogue River valley. Go into almost any store in .Medford and compare the business being done today with that done a year, ago, and you will find material gains, despite the increased number of stores. Business of all kinds was never better. The admissions to the new Natalorium offer a good index to the growth of the city. Paid dance admissions during January were '100.', during February '1809, during March -18D0. Paid skating admissions were, .January 7H0, February 12')'), March 88I52. Paid general admissions dur ing .January were 091 1, February (528:, .March 7231. This does not include ladies or minors or deadheads. Realty transactions show a marked increase over the past few months, and the real estate market is in much healthier condition than for the past two years. The num ber of real estate dealers is too large for the volume of business, but conditions are better here than in any other city in the northwest, better than in any other city of its size anywhere. Thousands of acres are beinir planted to commercial orchards and the next few weeks Avill see the planted or chard area total approximately Sn,000 acres. Fruit trees are in full bloom and prospects are excellent for a bump er crop this season. Prosperity seems to have taken up her permanent ibode in this region of natural resources and climatic ad vantages, and she alluringly beckons to those seeking an ideal locality for a home. LOCAL Ml IN MEXICO CITY Gcortje F. Present Viewed Kino Writes Rcuartlinn Situation in Mexico as From Capitol Is There on Latfle Timber Deal. (leorne l KIni?, formerly of Mod lord, who is In Mexico City ul the present time in connection with a lui'Ko timber deal, writes the Mall Trlbuno a follow lomirdiiit; the i ev olution as viewed by him trom Mex Mex ieo: There Is no double In this part of I he country except a few nights imo some men tried to gain possession of a barracks but were coupht u fast a they mive I be agreed countoislpi and placed under wnard and latoi soul to the penitentiary for safe keep. Inn- which mimiis that they will be Hlml a traitors. There Is plenty of talk hero but no act Ion as yet. The Untied Slate I not keeping supplies and arm from hcliu; huiiii; uied into Mexico for the rebels. If the United State did o tho revolt could not last a month, a they would hae to ipilt or starve a the north ern pint of Mexico prod uce nothing but cattle, and thoy have been driven lo a afo place. Today was the tlu set by the Ma derlst people for a general uprising here In Mexico City, but it fell flat, the iune a It did lat No ember. NOTU'IC. Notice I horob) given that the un duratgued will apply ut the next roKit- lar mooting of tho city council of tho ( able to nunc her linger, but know city of Medford, Oregon, ou April , ing of omo of Dr. Chew Young' IS. lUlt, for a llceime to veil spirit- marvelou. euro of long standing ou, vlnou and malt liquor In quun-l ease of rlioumiitiMii. we ileenlctl lo titles log than a gallon for a period ' consult liiin, in whieh 1 am pleated of lx mouth, at hi place of iiimU j to ay niatle no mistake, use hi- lcm new at No. 'i'i North Front street, In t oilie acted as he clnimcil tlie.v would - i wild city. Dated April T. 1UU. JOHN 11AKIUNUTON. NOTKMC. ! la hereby glen that the under-1 signed will apply at tho meeting of the city couucll of the city of Sled ford to be held on April isth. 181 1.( nt 7:50 p. in. for a retail liquor Ur ease to sell malt vlnou and spiritu ous liquors at retail for six month at tht store room on ttK ground floor No. HI South D'AnJou stieet. Med-i ford, mi. Oiegou. Dated March ttftb, WM. Oil At, JOHN s. nu.i.. JAAIBH VOQ1B1.1. Uasklu foi lleulth. MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, week for the $100,000 Sisters this week for the First Na ELK WILL COSTI ABOUT U EACH So Writes S. N. Leek of Wyoming lo Local Men Rcynrdiny Purchase of Elk to Liberate in Southern Oregon Forests. S N. Lock of Jackson, Wyo., who was recently a-Kcd for informal Ion roKardlui; the elk In that section l local men who plan to pin chase a number and turn them loose in this county, lias replied as follews: Jackson, Wyo., April II, 1JH1. Mr. Charles (lay Dear Sir: Your letter or March HI Just reached me here at St. Anthonj. Idaho. 1 will be back at Jackou In about two week. Owing to tne deplorable condition of the elk in Jnckson's Hole the new Kamo warden refuses to Ihhiio any per mtlK for elk to leave the state', but Hum el s a man In the valley who has about 100 head In pasture. These ho ofrci bale at about $50 each, I think. Should till price seem within your reach, let me know, and I will ee what arrangement can be made. I think you could get about 70 head In two cam: Sluceiely jours, S. N. i,i:kk. Medt'onl, Or.. Feb. b lull. Tlii is to certify lliat about November 1 iii,v (laughter was taken iwth a severe attack of i!iciiinutiiiu which rendered lier left itriu uhoIom, in i'aet it was o near iianilsxeil that she tuu not t . and alter the third treatment (lie rheumatic pain eutiiely left her and -he Iih not liad any symptoms ot rheuiuHtiiu oiuco; betide her gen eral health i much impnied and I do not hcMlato in -aying I believe llioxo afllieted with rlieuiualim r pwnily-U will do well to consult I)i. t'liow Young1, whoe house is cor net of Tenth and Front street. .Med Ford, Oregon. 23 A. 1. WK1SS. xonriC. You are hereby uoilfied that all warrants to anil lurludlng April 1, I U 10, are railed fur. Dated April a. mi. I Oil 18 CUAWFOttn. Piork. ll.ii.klus for Health. MERRY WAR ON OVER CURRENT or tho amount bid for, said check to ' be made payable to the city treasurer RoflUC River Electric Company Would of the city of Medford, and to bo for feited to Bald c'ty in case said bid Head Off Invasion Of This Valley Is accepted and said bonds arc notj- by Klamath Concern Friendly Suit May Follow. ASHLAND, April 10. Thoro la considerable contention over the Ash land field by two rival power com panies In view of the near appronch to completion ot tne municipal pow er and light Bysteni which will be In- s'de of two months, and the expiration .r il... t t. O P. ? ..........,.. Il.n J) year contract to light the city streets. The Condor Power company (the Hay syndicate) arc supplying tho A i K. P. & L. company Rogtio river juice 1 1 under a ao-yoar coiuract, me miier company owning the franchise nnd distributing plant. The local corpora tion Is owned by tho Siskiyou Power company, who operate from tho Klam ath river with Its principal plant at I Fall creek. The Hay Interests wish to compel tho Klamath river concern to retire from tho Roguo rlvor field and re main on Its own side of tho moun tains. With that end In view they hnve called the attention of the city of Ashlnnd to tho fact that they are a common carrier public servant and i tho city can by law compel them to ........ Itwi M!' vttltti tnlrtn nt tlin unmn !iil"J i -"J "" j.... -- - - rate It does everybody else, and espe- flnllv the A 13 P & comnanv In ilall lilt A. l. l . v. ti. i.omii.111. in tact tne Kay people nave niviien me . . , . , , ., . ,,.,.. city to start a friendly suit, and this action is now under preparation. With Its own Juice and the juice imlitil'm,', ami talk mattprs over wl at the Condor plant for Its surplus at,' 'Tiivlllicor i,lTTf""leslr! the same price as its rival, tho city would bo prepared to contest the local field for all it Is worth. The city could also, after next Dctober, pro ceed to termlnnto tho franchlso of the A. K. P. fc L. company, which, when successful would leave the city in full possession of the local field. Tho Siskiyou Power company has Just completed a preliminary survey for a power line from Ashland to Fall creek as well as from Fall creek to Klamath Falls, where they have bought out the local companies. They will invade all sections of Klamath county, as they now furnish all tho juice lor Siskiyou, count'. $250 in cash means $10 in Columhia records! Play them while you arc payiiu for them! $1.50 a week and the purchase is complete! We ure today extending to eei man who owns a Columbia (IrapliD phuue (or a Victor talking machine) a special puiohnso privilege which has ueer lief ore been open. For "r'J.'iO we will place alongside that talkim; machine of your- a .$10.00 out tit d Columbia Double-Disc Keentds of your own selection. And instead of iiskiug pay in ad Mince we will agiee to accept the pnc in fixe additional pnynients of il.-'iO each, This is merely a convenient means of eeuring your records in series broad enough to uiako an interest iik.: iissoitmcut without puving out the uioiiex before im liaxe any en pig ment of the lutiMi-. The soniier ih,. better' Today i here. Medford Music Shop Jo Main S(. K7Qfcl EAGLE POINT PROPERTY The Coming Town RESIDENCE LOTS, 50x130, AT BUSINESS CORNERS, 50x130, AT WAREHOUSE PROPERTY, 186x300, AT TERMS: ONE-FIFTH CASH, BALANCE EASY . S. TUMY 201 Garnett-Corey Building FOR 5 ALE EIGHT ACRES ON WEST JACKSON INSIDE CITY LIMITS Owner Forced to Lot Go. EXCELLENT PLATTING PROPOSITION If you moan business, call on E. 5. TUMY 201 Garnett Corey Building MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1011. NOTICI5 OK SAMS OP ItOXOS. Tho city council or the city of Med ford, Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals for tho purchase of $38,000, five nor cent, ten year, cencral lien bonds, at its regular meeting, to be held April 18, 191 1. I All bids must be accompanied by a I certified check equal to 0 per cent purcuascu in iiucuruiuicu wim onm proposition within 20 days after the notice of said accentance. All bids to be filed with the city t recorder at any time before 5 o'clock) . . a ..11 o 4 A4 1 tlVt n nnitMnll . " m'vZl ?J,,,.,i..ri resurvua iitu mb'"- i" iv-j-,v uuj .. all bids. IIOBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. Dated this 22d day of March, 1911. Ilnskina for Ilcnlth. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. HUIliDlNO ALL UllAXCIlTS OF MUSIC. FULL l-WCVLTY (J. TAILLANDIER, DIHKCTOIl Draperies Vo carry a very complete lino of draperies, lnce curtains, fixtures, etc., nnil lo nil clasHes of upholHterlnB. A speclnl tnnn to look after this work exclusively anil will Rive ns Reed service as Is possible to get In oven tho lurfiest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Notice, Fruit Growers.' ..., .i ,i, ii T.iplHni? IollHO n,i wm nK-nito In tho Jlciifonl , 'district this comlitj,' hviisoii Wo are tin HCC()ml OI,,.Mt coinpiiny In California ntiil are members ot im- i-aiuonua nun u- trlhutorB who linndlcil G per cont of the ,,Vciiiiioua fruit out of California this past hwihoii Call i on r nortliwHtom 1 iiKent, K M McKeuny, vim mm nrraniia- iloslred. PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. SWIiNE FOR SALE Fancy registered Poland China and Berkshire Swine. Orders taken for spring delivery. 1'rizc winning stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, Klamath Falls, Orefjon. WOOD FOR SALE-i 4 : iiLoric wood : : .$l..-() Pint LOAD : Phone .Main U5KI of leave orders at MEDFORD HARDWARE COMPANY Van Dyke Realty Co? CITV PROPKRTY FARMS, FRUIT RAXCIIES l'2il K. MAIX STHKKT. SMITH APARTMENT HOUSE 1M7 S. KIVICRSim: AVUXl'U Everything new nnd strictly madern, rates reasonable. Landscape Contractor We do the grading for laxvns and tenuis grounds, needing and planting of shrubory In fact do everything to mako jour home a beauty spot. II. M. WILSOX. '"one Pacific 3111. Home. 5. $200 $250 $900 Medford -Horse Shoeing Shop- 1118 South Itarctlett Street. Pacific Tlioiie 18iU Home 1210-11. C. L. Allen, Prop. oivn rs A TItlAL Rock Spring Coal On hand all the time. Phone 1602, BURBIDGE TIIU COAL MAX. AMERICASX niuiiiiaii rWPHPouItry Yard irUYSTAL WUITM IW. VJ9 xflOICPIXfiTOX 1 ll. 7-J.ll' nrLffr A record of 2G3 eggs In 2 72 days tho largest clean log bird in the world, eggs ?10 per setting if not sat isfactory hatch second setting half price, also young chicks, $2.00 each. J.F. NORMAN, Ownor TALKXT, ORKfiOX. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE !!1! South Riverside. Phanes: Main ItiHSI. Home 12D8-K. N. H. Mark BMSflsjsTgBPWaMMIMWJMMMtWWJfcslMWWXMIWWBslaW Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March Cth in Elec tric building, 21S West Main street. Everything now and -modern, includ ing steam heat, baths, etc. Best in city. Rates reasonable. Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors ' iriLxL-rilaniini-O-O-O 0 3 lw J M " . nrtii-ni' 3533li YOl'R HOME COMFORTS. Wo can wlro your house, or do re-i pair work o tho service you now' have, and will save you money on tho work. Promptness and satlsfac-1 tlon are two other essentials that you'll always get here. MOTOR REPAIRING ' FLAT IRON'S I FANS, FIXTURES. i Crater Lake Wiring Co.' I XO. J7 NORTH HARTLETT ST. $1,000.00 will go farther near Medford in good Investments than any section of Ore gon. Investigate and bo satisfied. Mine Owners What have you to sell? Prospective Purchaser See us before btijlng. Oregon Realty & Mining Co. Jill! finrnett-Corey Hulldlng. HsSiaafcMa " t - Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles! OKNERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. Flr&t-Clast Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN mi. Corner Central Ave, and 8tk Si Medford, Or. PANSY PLANTS Heady to bloom. Oninmentnl elirubs and shade trees. J. T. RROADLKV & CO. Qrcciihouse near city reservoir. Store Corner Sixth nnd Central. Phones 5181; 1-151. "Hnv at home nnd help Medford." FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. '212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg Y E 7" Filing systems will save their cost In time evory month. A system for every business. . ,u. Medford Book Store To the Public Wo wish to cnll tho attention of prospective buyers to tho fact that xvo have been In tho county over 40 years and are prepared to show some of the choicest tracts in the valley. Costs noth ing to look at our list of bar gains. McDonough & Demmer RKAL KS'l ATE AXI) JXSURAXCH ROOM .', SX'UVAIt3UUJMl.M Corner Main mid Hartlett Sts. Phone itlTl. Picnic Your lunch basket can be filled qulckb from our choice stock of read-to-use supplies. Steel Cut Coffee At .10c a pound will taste bet ter and go farther than most coffee on the market sold up to flue a pound -It's In the cut ting Have your cotfee cut here. White Diamond Flour Till: FLOUR 'I'll T NEVER FAILS Oimstead AND Hibbard WEST SIDE GROCERS Pure Clear Sparkling Tou can't afford to do without this splendid, refreshing driuk. Call up nnd order a case sent to tho house. The purest, most healthful drink known is SISKIYOU MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. Supplies r jj i