-Wtfi, lHt I! PA'GE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORIfflOX. MONDAY, AVIUL 10, 1911. ( 11) vj r Hi i or tc in V) 1J It 1 t 1)( ;-i M 1 il t( ! , it it (1 ; a ti I li i' u ii o H '8 f t t T I V :i f I I e i ( c i 8', t 1 I C I i i f !' I I P t i ; ' fl I LOCAL AND PERSONAL I ; I I Mark Applegntp or ApploKnto mine Mr. Emma James of Hutto Fulls on Elk crock 1b sponillng a few days spent Suniliiy In Medford. in Medford. j Office rooms for rent over Medford A. S. Ilnhl, secretary of the Nd- Hardware Co. Inquire of II. K. son Knitting company of llockford, Hoyden. 111., lias been visiting the valley with ' niB of Hutto Falls Is stop Mrs. Until. They loft Sunday for'IiK at the Moore. Portland. I ,,,r(-'u Thursday, Friday and Sat- Two and one-half acres In almlfn urdn- A mUc!i' Jmnilkorcl.l.f with one mile south of Washington school, ieach 0,lr,c,J of Jrfi"no purchased. 21 easy terms. A. W. II. Evcrhard, 212' -1- N- Isanc of s'Ilttl" Is Intllii FrultKrowers' Hank bids, tf u ,uw "" ",l" UiV"" ' ""' Alfred Klanow, an auditor and nc NO HIT, NO RUN E PLAYED M coniltalnt, is here looking over the valley with n view of locating hero. Manager Hell or the XhsIi hotel has received a letter from Honoiu Palmer askiiig hint to reserve six rooms for himself nnd party, who are expected to arrive In May. The most favored peoplo on the coast are tho Medford peoplo. They have the Medford Jobbing company to look after all of their little odd Jobs, rejialr their electrical appliances and clean their walls and ceilings. Medford Jobbing Co., office, Medford Music Shop, St. .Mark's block. Phone Main GfiOl. 33G Ladles, phone (iliTl and have cacu uni cleaner come and clean your rugs. Fancy and work aprons, handker chiefs and rugs at the Easier sale, Presbyterian club room, sit tho rear of tho church, tomorrow (Tui'udny), April 11. Money to loan. Spraguo Hros., 21 4 Fanners & Frultgrowors Hank bldg. 337 M. .1. Drown of Eaglo Point was a Medford Sunday visitor. George Fltzglbbon of Portland Is transacting business In Medford to day. Spring Is here. It Is houscclnnnlng time. Havo those walls and ceilings cleaned by tho Medford Jobbing Co.'a now Parisian process. Nothing like It. Office Medford Music Shop, St Mnrk's block. 330 A. LliiRlioinim of Portland wns a Sunday arrival at tho Nash. Do you want 11 lots doxl in each, for $2500 on easy terms? C. V. II. Evcrhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Dank bldg. I.owls Horeneg of Sacramento is registered at tho Nash. Printing of all kinds at Portland prices, Mall Trlbuno offlco. D. F. Ileiitztoinan of Eugene Is making a short visit with friends In this city. Made In Medford, any style loose leaf or blank book, at Mall Tribune office. F. 13. Hamsey of Ashland was a Sunday visitor In Medford. Is your house wired? Ono clgnr less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Inereaso In comfort. Start living tho electric life. A. II. Weber of Portland Is a busi ness visitor In Medford today. All hinds or blndory work dono at Mall Trlbuno offlco. (ioorgo U. I.ear or WIIIowh, Cal., Is stopping at tho Nash. Ashland Steam Laundry. Medford nMeo, phone No. 1201. A. E. HlnckliiKtou or Cold 11111 wn a Medford visitor Sunday. Medford local Socialist party meets every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North drape street. Everybody Invitod. tf. I). It. Oottmau or Chicago Is in Modroril looking over the liuiil. Sou It. A. Holme. The Insurance Man, over Jackson County bunk. E. Mollor or Devlin Lake, N. I)., arrived in Medrord Sunday and Is looking for n location. Lnto magazines, periodicals and pa llor at the rroe rotullng room In chap ol back of tho Presbyterian church. Open overlings from 7:00 to 10 p. m. All mon and boys aro Invited. tf A. Ii. Culver of Dunmulr, Cal., arrlvod Smidiiy for h visit with friends. John II. Carkln, attorney t law, ovor Jackson County bank. It. ,l. Hener U h IiiihIiihsi visitor In Medford today. What is it- the la I. 'tit "stirring?" Sou Sunday's Issue, April It;. Carl Slilrok of San FtmuNoo I trausaitlng buslnrht. in Modr.ird today. Ho sure to attend the Easter Snle and good dinner given by tho ladles of the Presbyterian church Tuesday, April IS. George W. Loosby of Fort Klam ath Is transacting business here to day. Do you want 5 acres In alfalfa, one miles south or Main struct, cheap? C. W. II. Evorhard, 212 Frultgrowors Hank bldg. I-'. M. Chapel and wife of Wood vllle spout Saturday and Sunday with Medrord rrlends. Hay, havo you seen those nifty handkerchiefs? Ask the Itexall man. 21 II. 1). Mills or Klamath Falls Is a business visitor In MBdlord. "A word to the wise" Free hand kerchiefs at The Itexall. 21 C. E. Tarponlng or Portland Is reg istered at tho Moore. h"rw - $3.00 lace handkerchief. Watch the windows. Eaglo Pharmacy, West SIdo Pharmacy. 21 If you could buy a bonie already furnished ready to move Into with all imoderii conveniences and In a good locality for $1000 loss than you could possibly build and furnsh ror, would you bo Interested? Address Hox I DC. this city. Ilouso lor sale Less than cost. Lot for sale, $100 under regulnr price. Lot Tor sale, $50 cash, and terms. Address II. Carr, Mall Tribune oHIoo. Tho Grek laborer who Tell while at work on the Hotel Medrord Sat urday and sustained a compound rracturo or tho skull, Is still living and has a chance to recover. Medford Regulars Put It on Neff's Crater Lake Boys Big Crowd Sees Game Burgess Plays Very Good Ball. NURSERY COMPANY ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Ifogue Hit or Valley Nursery company held u mooting Saturday and elected new officers hh follows; ('. R Cook, president; F. .1. Newman vice president anil soorolury, Ho.ss Kline general mauiiger. IIiik company grows all of its of foring in the valley. Mrs. Dean Dead. At I lie homo of her husband, Dr. Arleiuiis Donne, 711 Washington Htreol, (his oily, Ella Mnedor Donne passed over (he grout divide mill en tered oiifo tlielruil Hint lias no end ing nt :i n. m, Monday morning. The oaiise of the death wns heart failure. MosidoH her husband the Into Mrs. Donne 'leaves behind her two chil dren. Mr. Donne is well known in pro fessionul oiioles and .Mr. Dunne wns ttnll known socially and loaves be hind ninny friends who mourn her demise. Mrs. Donne wns horn in Philadel phia, I'u., March U8, 1871, and died April II), 11)11, being !() yoarx mid :i days old at the time of death. The funeral will bo held trom foil's nudor luking parlors at '2 p. in. Wednesday, llioueo to the I. (). (). R coiiielort where interment will bo holil. Are Vim a Woman'.' Hull homo, Mil. - Mrs. W. II. Isou at I I lit Knit Madison street, writes 'I' or several years I suffered, otf ami on, from female troubles, until finally 1 was taken down and could do nothing The palus I experienced I shall never forgot. 1 lost weight till I was only skin and bones. I he lluva would Iihvw boon In my grave tf 1 hud not tried Cardul. 1 shall praise It us long us I live " Many women, like Mrs. Isou. me weak and dUioiiriiKi'il oil account of moiiio pain- I'ul ailment Are oii one of these siirrerem Caidul will help Try It today. Any dniKKlsl. Jn a chilly exhibition of what wa supposed to be a game of baseball. Court Hull's Alcdfonl Hcgulars mixed with tho much touted Crater Luke team of .Jack Neff anil when the smoke cleared away the " Trust hoys" iiiid garnered 10 runs while the latter team hail a row of goose eggs on the score board. --'J .MHall.Uoodfgad emfwyp p.j p I he game started with the Crater Lakes ut but hut they were shut out nnd I lie second half of the frame went souring through the poach trees ami the Kcguh.rs chalked up two tal lies before they came to earth. In the- third frame, with two down Court Hull's hunch went on u swat ting bee nnd witli the aid of two hits and three errors pushed five more tal lies across the pinto. About this time MoQuoiil endeavored to eateh a run ner oil' second nnd threw u bee liner at the hag only to find no one there nnd as a result had his outer garden ers eliusing it al over the lot. The Crater Lakes could not find Miirgoss to any great extent nnd i,t no lime wore they dangerous. Me- Quoid did some good twirling for ..eff's hunch hut pour support lnt the game for him but the regulars were hitting hiird and il is doubtful if ho could have held them safe. In the fifth Inline .Medford gulhcrcd throe more runs and after that the game resulted in an airtight contest. Crater Lake ooiihl not score in any inning hut with more practice nnd soniu good fondling might devulop a fair team. Hieslon, receiving for the Cralur Lukes caught a good game considering what he was up against. Tho score follews: 11. II. K. .Medford 10 7 '. Crater Lake () 0 8 .Shuck out, by Murgess 10, .Me Quoid 8. Muses on balls, Murgevs .1, McQuoid .'t. Hit by pitched ball, by Murgess l. Two-base hit, Ilorton. Throe-haso hi, Anllo. Umpire 1'uiimu. Time ol game One hour ,r0 minutes. SEVEN OAKS NOW HAS FULL FLEDGED DEPOT The new station nt Seven Oaks between Tolo nnd Central Point, has boon completed and Is now ready for public service. It Is Intended for use as a motor station only, as the regular passenger trains will not stop there. The building Is pattorno after a Japanese pagoda and, while llghth constructed. Is ipilte serviceable as a protection against wind ami rain It Is nicely painted and with its stain ed roof, presents a von pretty an- pearnnce. LOWER RATE FOR FRUIT SHIPPERS Sacramento Has Rate of $1.40 Low ered to $1.15 From California to Points East of Chicago Confer ence Lasts a Week. Where to Go Tonight '--- itmhmM, ii- TO.vittirr CLEVEIt COM El) V STltONO DKA.MA EXCELLEXT Ml'SIC the;: CHICAGO, April 30. A general reduction from $1.-10 to $l.ln for 100 pound shipments of fruit 1'inni California oint.s oust of Chicago ina fltltwillllfiftfl ln.liii nl'tfir fi rititi.- oiioo lusting u week between rojirc-oi-1 J; tativos of irunsccoiitiuental line- and Hariy V. Adams, representing i aiiiornut rruii wii runners. ; The new rate will apply only loj oar lots and U(i,000 pounds was et as the minimum shimiient. ' The reduction will inuke the rate j on deciduous fruits the same us. 2 heretofore has applied to citniu 4 fruits. It will be put into effect .is I? soon us the tariff can be published 1 1 and will be in time to npplv to this season's shipments. Adams estimated the uetual de crease in shipping cost to. fruit grow ers would be .80,()00 aniiually. Rlfrt""P?R. p? $M$rf'l fi' 1" .wfflk38?r-&'- rr 11 Farmers & Fruit Growers Bank M A K K T II 10 JO A S T 10 II I) K P O S IT of your receipts the starting of an account at tho FAKMIOHS & FUUIT GKOWKKS HANK. Then your mon ey will bo safe from loss by thieves, fire or any other cause, no ns quick as a hnre in mnklng deposits and slow ns a tortoise In useless spending. This time next year ou'll have a balance you wouldn't believe possible. Jo.vio dimi: oxio im.mio; 9 NATATORIOM rSFQingl KSrWlKW Skating, Howling, Milliards, Peel, Mox Mall, Shooting. Metlford's Amusement Palace. men. Tub Maths for Ladies and dentle- 7 I i C0UL0N TO MEET EDDIE 0'KEEFE IN KANSAS CITY s Nr XOTIII0K Hit.' DOL'HIilO niLLJ AT THIO I THE ISIS THEATRE CHICAGO, April 10. "Pop" Coit ion, manager ror bis son Johnny, an nounced today that he had closed with tho Kansas City Athletic club I for a 12-rouinl bout between Eddie O'Keefo and the champion on April j 20. The Articles call for 11C pounds' ringside, but Coulon Is not worrying about giving a way a pound to his coming opponent. TONIGHT KltlOCIIIOTTK Ai FUIGOXIO "TIIOSIO KltOLICKSO.MIO KIDS" ng-1 leal 5 Presenting their own original si lug, dancing, talking and musl Gketcb. 1 LILLIAN MIOLHUKX llimjo Soloist. & Miss Gould Meets Sailors. NOHKOLK, Va., April 10.--Sailors j at the Norfolk yards unanimously' voted today that .Miss Helen Ciouhl is a "good fellow." During her visit hero Aliss Gould shock hands with 2000 of the hoys. Fifteen hundred, "rookies'' met Miss Gould for the first lime. Miss Gould asked to dine in one of the private dining rooms at the Yj M. C. A.., but she said she preferred : to be "with the bo.s" and sal at the! regulnr dining table, where scores of lilueiaekets wore oaliiiir. D-GO1 AUDIOVIIiLIO MOVING IMCTUHKS J THIO IHAliKIIAMS in Their Mlaclc Knru Comedy Sketch, comprising new features of jokes, singing and dancing. Change of Pictures tOe i Moving Pictures, latest and best pm Make a Selection of our small cakes and specialties nnd you'll havo u collection of as tempting and toothsome dainties as were ever set before a king. Don't bo too late coming for yours, how ever. Wo can never seem to hake enough no mutter how many extra we linke fresh daily. Medford Bakery (El Delicatessen TODD Ji CO. SOl'TIl CKNTKAL AVKXU12 HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY LADY COOK IN CHARGE. Summit Addition THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. All improvements in. Street pnveu1. (Vment side walks. Sower and rily water 1o tho lot line. Building restrictions. Only four hlooks to the new Jackson school. East front lots $850 West front lots $725 Easy Terms. w. T. r rffBBCSot Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Day Plioue U27I Nlglit Pliones !'. W. Weeks 11(171. A. 10. Orr, tttlDL. L.I)V ASSISTANT. f t t TOO ATE TO CLASSIFY. f f 4 IHUM HKlllCWOrT residuu'o sites are sell ing daily ; make your election h.. fore ehoieo lot Hie sold. tf -r'ir JOHN A. PERL I'ndertakoi nod Lmbaluior Siuvohoi to the iindoit.iklnc do- tinent of Medford Furniture- Co. FOH KKNT Two I'urnisl'fii roonw. Mutable or lijfht hoiiM'keeing. uiol ern, (no children.) iitiiire .Mil S. Holly k. is I'OK KA1.K .'RI cu-h and en-.t toiins; mi ititfrest. Call for II., this office. s 1 1 nart ;; Officii tltli Meiltonl Kiirnltiire Co. I Tolophoties' Day, Hell 361; J IJohn A. Perl, robldonco, Hill I in. IHoino 17tI. J j! C. W. Conk l in 3U01. .1 ll. Rut- j'lor :1871. ji A.MHULANCi: SLRMCIC l''() KA1.K Modern liotne. clow in; will cell tor h'n than coM to build. AddrohK 11, I'urn tlii office. l''OK HUNT Nice hig newly fur niliPil Ufdroiuu. Cull fur Uuleli, al thin off joe. KOK XAI.K -$1004) lul to ifo for $UUO. Cull up .Main A74, or call ut L'O.'I Olt"-on sl. : TAIENT Real Estate FOR SALE (Jooil bualnesa opportunltlea and lo- catloiiH, all paIiiK. TEDDY S DAMSITE Isn't in It with our LANDSITE For liiMtance. a 1000-acra tract contalniiiK over 200 acres of the fa mout Hear creek bottom land, in al falfa, and extending to the hlchcr land, which U Hot to orchards la part, all the laud bolus good fruit land Some of tho laud lv now In bear ing trees and may be .urolinsed at reasonable figures, the alfalfa land with a good stand or ulfalfa for $270 to $350 per acre; young orchards, good stand, $250 per acre, and grain land nt $175 per aero. This Is tin "Ideal" tract for n col ony, as It would cut up Into small r largo places to mi advantage, or inuy be purchased lu 10, 12, 20, 10. fro and 00-aoiii or any slse trlcts ICasy terms then nt low luUrest. Located throo miles from Ashland and one mile from Talent. Or. A 71-acre tract 2 Vt miles West Till eut, good S-room house and larK baru; S aortw under ditch and In fa Iff and garden laud; 34 acres tin TRADE MARK NOT NATURE'S REMEDY BUT A NATURAL REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM B. W. Dennis, 1032, Sacramento Street, San Francisco, writes; "Uricsol is the ONLY REMEDY I ever took that did me any good, and, furthermore, the only remedy that has not injured my stomach. Uricsol has helped nic greatly, and I keep my rheumatism in control by its occasional use. I have recommended it to others aud have noted its beneficial effects." Wc Have Scores of Voluntary Testimonials from People who Regard Uricsol as Their Best Friend. Uncjol curfs Rheumatism by removing the CAUSH, which is .in excess ol I'nc Acid in the blooJ. Its field is a special oue and in Hut tieU It claims supremacy backed by proved lacts. nte (or a llooklet. Mail one dollar lor a bottle to The California Chemical Co., Los Angeles, Cal., and it will be sent to you prepaid. THE CALIFORNIA CHEMICAL CO. 325 NEW HIGH STREET - LOS ANGELES, CAL. Bedford Agency, Strang's Drug Store York & Company Selling Agents. t jLIl Here is our oppni'timih lo buy a good lot on easy terms: $350.00 $50.00 DOWN AND $10.00 PER MONTH. Lot is (i0.12r, just ol'f paving on "West Seventh stive! . For further ini'oriiuition, address Ij P.O. BOX 833. I J ?. 2Uj& i "-,' -j ?? V i -4 - . 2j - m-n Hb&to ;jr ittFORD f J H KNYAUT, President J. A. PKRKY, Vlce-Prosldont P. H MKRRICIC, Vlce-l'renlilvit JOHN S. ORTII, Cushlor W. R. JACKSON, Ass't Cushlor. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SPK DI'.l'OSIT UOXKS FOU HUNT. A fJKN'ICUAIi IIAXKIXO lU'SIMCSS TlUXSACn'Kl). Wo SOMCIT YOl'K PATIlOXAfiK. 1911 OPEN ROADSTER, $825.00 .Fully equipped, f. o. b. Medford Fonr-eylinder, shaft drive, 100-inch wheel-base, mag neto of course. "Let us show you." Ashland Motor Car Co. i:i mim. stki:ht, shi,am), em: cox. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. i 1 1 Campbell & Baumbach j j Medford Jobbing Co. Tho only tltisivi Jol)llnK coiniwiny in Medford ulioro you enn K't all of your little odd Jobs done at unrc by expert workmen. Our Specialties CIoitiili!j, Ktilsimlned or imperetl wills mill culling. der plow, ml tros; SO ncrtts of or- $ obnril, of wlileli 5 acrs nr In boar-, J . ..!. llulullrtd W.t ..I ..M..... .....I ....... 7 wvm. i'hi.iiiv nuii if tuo ituii vn$ Ing; telephoue aud li. P. H; half MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS payuieuti. Por pleuty of othfr burgalus call; J or iiilt!rtn8 J G. A. Gardner j Til I' VI' lllll.V!lV ' 1 W...H.W.1, j Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BL06. a Ui Ki.i:rnuc.r4 appliantks kkpaiiikd. Wo win cliarp' of any Job yen may have, call us up and talk it tnko over. i 1 WI! (jrAUAXTUK SATISPACTIOX 1MIOX1J JIAIX 0501. IX WOKIC AXI) PltU'KS. Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MAKKS lll.OC K. ! I f H. y V tH!-