MU tuv Medford Mail CLEARINGS Saturday $:i.,u17.;tll Monday M,7IO.:tl2 bune WEATHER Itnin Max. ", 31in. l. Menu :i(l; I'rce. .02. V Forty-rirst Year Dully Sixth Year lUEIWORD, OK WO OX, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1911. No. 16. WOMEN JAILED; Killed By Rebels JAFT SIDESTEPS Foundlings Seek. Western Homes ED STATES ?f,l- EXPLANATION OF i "war mm i M q mm American Women anil Children Im prisoned by Rebels Appeal Sent to Washington but No Action Has as Yet Been Taken. ARMY AND NAVY MEN SAY THEY CANNOT ACT Biii Battle Expected Near Calexico General Bliss Remains to Watch Fifiht. SAN DIICOO, C'al., April 10. No tiro has. been kIvcii to the United States government tliat American women and children are imprisoned at Alamo by the rebels under Gen eral Herthold, bill so far the govern ment lias taken no steps to protect Its citizens. Among those known to be at Alamo are G. Abbi, wife and five children. Abbi was In business in San Diego 25 jears ago, subse quently moving to Alamo, where he has since bad a store. His wife is a sister of Mrs. Henry O. Savage ol San Diego. Reports from Knsenada today are that feeling is very high against the American government and against United States Consul Sclunucker for having taken no stops to relieve the Americans. The Mexican govornor, Celso Vega, was appealed to, but said be could do nothing under the cir cumstances; that he had but a small force of soldiers, and that he could not risk the soldiers In the dangerous passes on the road to Alamo. A fP'.VTfifnReea who ehcaped from Alamo arrived at Knsenada last week and told of tho Americans at tho rebel camp. They are hold In a pen and aie said to be badly treated. Rearf Admiral Thomas of tho Pa cific cruiser fleet says he cannot send a warship to Ensenada without or- dors from Washington. General Hliss also has been appealed to. but says ho can do nothing. CALEXICO. Cal., April 10.-- n ticlpatlng an attack on Mexican bj the federal force under Colonel May al, encamped near the field of yes terday's battle, General Tasker II miss, commanding tho department ot California, delayed his departure today and will remain hero until aft er the attack Is made. At the first streak of dawn today the lebel out posts were on the job looking for the dust that will herald the federal ap proach. Hut Colonel Mayal remain ed in camp. About tho only work done was to ono of the machine guns damaged in Saturday's bnttle. Col onel Mayal's advance lb expected to morrow, although, acting on the the ory that ovory day desortions do crease the garrison In Mexicall, It may bo a wool; befoio ho moves. Three more rebels weio reported to have slipped out of the town last night. DIAZ SAID 10 BE 10 Troops Guard Avenue to Coast-Aged Executive May Flee only Two Regiments Arc Now Stationed in City of Mexico. WASHINGTON', I). C. April 10. - Tln.t Pn.siilent Diaz i lilaiinnig to, IS TMPT PI i tke from Mexico in the near tuture'ically "milked" for years through i. ..i i. ,. ...,).,,. . .i.oii, re. !innrralonil sinecures Is shown to- ;, "J JvTi: w. SmrtmeuT Ouly'ta Consre.Sm.B Parker', special i w.i regiments, the depurtment i in- i..n.iH.l. remaiii in Mexico City. I'ra.- i. . .. ii.u : an ni Tb , loc ted be Ueen P.1-W report .how. that . lr. .1 woman of refined appea.ance. M . . Ciii and the puurf? thu. f- of 13 years, a daughter of a door- She .ays she is the great g.and 1 d 1 ,oe!l avenue of e.eapc, keeper, wa. on the payroll for UIOO daughter o( I r,nce , Augusu .lioebfth p,v,ident decide to uban- J?' "oVl don In- capital. Fisher Nominated. WASHINGTON. J. C. April 10 i. ,...... 1... ......,.. !! .out dk V 'T " Z" lilt -en. lie llie iiuuiiiin.."" - T I ,.t liii.-aeo to be -i'( r.t .r Hlht tsUssssM HHK fin a j - 'GEOTZ&S. W"SCRtCKlHELr WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10.--George Crltcbfleld, an American who was shot by rebels from nnibtish near his ranch near Tuxpan, Mo., Is was a citizen of New Jersey, according to the American consul, and recently was a candidate for congiess on the republican ticket in that state. He was 51 years old. MARTIAL LAW Anticipallnq Serious Trouble Foreinn ' Residents of Citv Flee to Honn Kong Trouble Fellows Murder of, General ANION UNDER CANTON, April JO. As the result n hnzinj: escapade that cost Lieuteu of an uprising which followed the at, a brother ollicer, hi murder of a Tiiiiar general by an life. anli-Maneliti fanatic, the oily of, News of (lie affair, which arrived I 'union today is under martial law. ' toilay from .Jiinsy, in Kouiiiiiiiin The norlliein troops, (ho equip-! I'lliisotl a sensation, pod in China, are involved in the up- Vtw.-inic died from apoplexy when rising which it is fciired may have, six shots from his- pistol, fired jit grave comequenceb. clo-o range, failed to even mow hi- Anticipating trouble in which their lellow officers who hud entered hi lives might bo endangered, all the for-Toom dre ed as ghocts. The hazoiv cign residents of Canton have either had bribed a servant lo sub-litu'c left or jire pieparii.g to go to or have blanks for the ones with bullets in lett lor Hong Kmig. Ve-smic's weapon. I DEATH LIST III IS 128 Of This Number 20 Are Whites, Re-, 1 mainder Negroes Fifty Bodies Claims He Collected Campaign Have Been Recovered From Dcatli Fund Which Was Used to Elect llli Hole. nois Man. HIKMIXdllAM, Aln., April 10. .MAHQl'KTTK, .Mich., April lo. Intimates today placed tho dead m Fdward iluie.s of Chicago, the himhci the Pratt Conolidatod iniiio disaler magnate, today i quoted hero as ha at Littleton at VIS, or whom 'JO were iK ' 'he open boiiht to two Mar while ami tho balance negroe. Kilty quotto men that he had collected tin bodiis had been brought up from the campaign fund thai wiib ummI to elect mine i noon todav, according to te- William Lorimer to tho United Slate phone me--in;e- rtccivcd hero from senate. i br -line ot the disubler. 'SOFT JOBS' ME TO Thirteen - year - old Giri is on Payroll of Uncle Sam for $1200 a Year Democrats Plan to Do Away With All Such Situations. WASHINGTON. D. l, April 10. How the countiy has been sjntemat- report on 'sott jous in me oouse .... . .. .. moat of wblcn have 6en cut on uy ih a nw democratic realme eu auriOK vb" ijiihih " " for Dlotters who were said to be like- L .,. .itcmnt lo dvnamlte tho canltol l lO auempi uj uyuantuo .! .vw., .o allll n th mivroll at a cost Of Ore Sllll OB die ljruil l a ."- wi wm ? that two telegraph l oferatoi ., tiii , Ii nhn u,.r,. ' . I ,,ilij; sun ill I . ,i dl-liilBb' U 1 .i i - UfIl. i,l (lijii. Consents to an Amendment to Enab lino Act Regarding Admission of Arizona and New Mexico Into the Union. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 10 In order to avoid passing on the vex ed question of the recall of the Ju dicium , which It was expected would Influence htm to veto the new Ariz ont constitution, President Taft to day consented to an amendment t( the enabling act regarding the ml mis sltm to statehood of Arizona and Now Mexico. The president told Congressman Flood, chnlrman of the committee on territories, that he favored the sug gested amendment, which probabh will pass soon, thus innklng congress alone responsible for Arizona's ad mission. Tho New Mexico constitution, which Is regarded as reactionary, It said to be satisfactory to President Taft. Senator Owen said: "There Is no reason why "President Taft should not be excused from pass lug on tho question. Other states have been admitted without subject ing their constitutions to the presi dent's approval. There Is no provis ion in the United States Constitution bearing on the subject which in each wns wns Koverneed by the terms of .the congressional enabling act." HAZET1 FFI I niM nFFIP.FR' hf niF of frirht VIEXXA, April 10. Ten officer of the Austrian Jinny will be court martialed for nlletreil participation u OF RAISING F So Says Investigator in Lorimer Case J lilt, blaming development in Hi r.orimer case was brought to light l. M. Ji. Conn, special iinentigutor lm ihe Illinois legihlativo committee. Wu-h Culxor, I'onner major ol Marquette, until a year ago pi'inciyil -tix kholder of the Northern Lumlci iKinpaiiy, and once a candidate lur (.ingress, is one of two witueie who will -hortlv be uiiiiimhi('(1 to Spring tidd to testify. The other is S. I J. J - a pr..n,..,ent che.,..-t and phar- iii ni-t ot M.irquettc Ilcitli hud close i, . . li !. Hon- v Itli lliiii - RELATED TO RULER; 131 L LONDON, April l' A great-great fr.W.Kh,..r of Kb,, .;,(,.- , ,k In Jail today awaltliiK trial on it liurufi tt (i)tf it It. I ii u nwiiioi' liv frnrl - - ; - J ':""," '7' . ' T . She Is Helena Halwteud, a liibM NS BOASTED Di . f cniBHiw. huhh im. o mw- L., ...j w recoraea as naving u uiimar- rie(J 1U 11" j ma i .jnaiiiu uj I ... .,- f.l.l., la .v,.l .ln.l I.. , ..., . I.. .. 1 1. ....... I .... . lI" Jaei mm. iiKiiRaiia. iiiaiii.ii,' ' in t id. i. d lu Un , nn. i ' "" '...... ... ... .B. ....... Am . 0ciace, ine owner, aeciaiv- The records Mem to bear out ber.fui the lift- -f Hi.- right game la Cul-i ,jult ,, Ullllli, j,ua wr.k heart uud .., .... iir... i. .... I If, ttuu u. I1..I0I...I In -lurl HiImI.. 1 . ...1 11. . . i...v, AE1SS WITH TXE!W NUKSES WAITING FOR Tltti NHW YORK, April! 10. In a spo fiiil iiii nil lo llium'S'Ui.-. H7 from the New York u'onudling llo tital ranging in ngesVjroin one and t half lo four year, lilft New York d travel some of Ihojnfltntitolv aeros the continent, others Tomis, a few to Oklahoma and more' to Washington state. S Following the usiuiyeiislrnn of tli hospital, eerv Christina a list i wnm City Council Intends to Get After Buildint Inspector and Sec That New Structures Are Put Up Ac cordion, to Regulation. SKATTLIC, Wash., April 10. Fol lowing chargoH that many buulnotiu and rooming house are flro-trapi; o RAPS that flro escapes aio often abMnt, or panacea for all municipal ovll, Son uot constructed In accord with the ator Yoiiiik of lown (republican), dlti i.iw, tho city council today will golcussod in the ftounte today the "ton after 1 1 it I Id I ii k Inspector F. W. Grant. doncy of the laat quartor century lo nui the whole matter of flro pro toe- jscatter and diversify over) thing por- Ion In Seattle. Somo agitation was started la the council following the Triangle fire! In New York. Invest Igat Ion showed "Klliulniite them." he said. "Nluo bad conditions In buildings and lackjty per cent of their municipal func of co-operation between Grant and turns aie executive, jet municipal Fire Maibhal Kellogg, according lo KovernmeniH have alwaB been or- CouiKlliiian lleski't, who Investlgat- ed the matter. 1 a 25, f Last Week of Colonist Rates is Ex- pected to Bring 10,000 More Home seekers Many Stop in State of Washington. I'OHTLANI), Or., April 10. With tho hint week of the low foie rnto bojfiiinini,' today railway ofticiniM -tinmted that fully 2",000 coliuiht hae M)iiiC(l into Oregon anil that 10. 000 more will have arrived before tin last eolouint train pull into Portland Saturday. KepoiU from oilier citie- of tie northwest Indicate that several tlou -mid hoHieseekei- Mopped "I I Hi Idaho cilio ami Wa hiiitiui -iitlc incut-.. The iniddii- wi I '- turni-liiiig t'i bulk ot lln hi ti i - i pAiirrii UnLLLU IN LEGAL FIGHT BATTLE; Lf)S WCLLI.S I u . Apiil lo j The nei olid 1 1. mil In ihe lenal battle rwi. .. ....... .!. .., Ilo I M I la. n l (111 1.1 ...... -- -, , i l. .A.... Urllllo' A. ...... A anfruoii m j...k.- ... . ...-1 ni'i" "i "" ""i " " ..,.,,. ... II... U ,.r , Mlirl ulllill llflk. ....... 'I ..... t. I in.... . j.. in ... . .., to 'i .1 i. H 1 thos,. asking for babies is made out M'1"1 lueir rcpulntioii investigated. I'lclurc of the balne are sent to the families appl,ing. and usually each family leturn it picture of ils mem- hers. If there are not eiunigli appli-, cants tor the unfortunates foster ( parents are advertised for or found in some other maimer. This vear, there were more applicants than could be accommodated. Most i. tin. babies went to 'Fowls and Okl ibiinia, nlihougli the first few SAYS COUNCILS IE i 6 Senator Younn. of fowa Has Praise for Commission From of City Gov ernment Such as Prevails in Dcs Moines. WASHINGTON. I). C. April 10. Advocating tho "Dog Molnon coiihuIh-i slon plan" of city government at a i tabling to government." Young dliictiHiiod tho ucodloHtliioHH of city councilt). ganled on tin- Hiipiioslilon Hint half 1 It It liimri. us were legisluthc." UL MISSOURI CASE Supreme Court Wants More Light on Two-cent Passcntjcr Rate No Rea son is Assijjncd for Their Order hy Court. ' WASIIINdTON. I). ('., April 10. -The supreme cotirl of tho United Ktatch ordered lodnv the re-uruu-luciit of ciim'm to deleiiiinie the eon Milliiionalilv ol the two-cent pus--enger fine law of ,li--oiiri. Tlio ca-e- wcie ,iii.'iii.d callv in the term No ICil-OII I- il- lur lf-i i '.111111 1 I. ii.d lor the order' MULE SHOCKED BY TOMB STONES, DIES axi "i m I,-, w , i ,. Ai..ii id si,,,, I,..! in tiic -i.'di ot iiumcroii- ;- In- owner-, -a , ii mule tiKcd It', up hi. iocs aim wun a mini loan diod opMhi!e the cemotery on Ke-erc Ktreet. Jerry's fuueral took place toduy t , - m 1 ii II tm, un 01 me llllliuil' tti.iilia wun no ... . ........ ,,,,, of tul. ordinary to nun tnai it .1 , . .1 Ml i ,i 1 1 i hmi 1 1 1 i ,i l ii. llli i .ii. d linn tu ii ,illi. i i i i In i n ilu 1 1, 1) .iiiiiiuil hud UU I' I I, . i , IT rUniu .STREET Ova.. ' were lell at Springfield, III. 'Mtn anioiiio mid Dallas each ac- oum'd three new inhabitants, and five of the children weer left at different point near Oklahoma City. Fifteen more were ditributed through that state. Tin car in which the babies traveled was switched from one train to another in order to touch at all points desired, and the entile trip lo Spokane, where the last of the si babies who go to Washington will bo left, will take almost three weeks. T Thousands Haunt Cathedrals in Dti- I, ; , , n , - rniijio and Sinaloa and Give Thanks for Their Deliverance From Severe Shock. MA'.ATLAN, Lower California, April 10. ThoiiiaiidH of ierioiiH haunted tho cathodralH today, giving thanks for their deliverance from the wldespiwid earth(iiako shock of Sat urday, which was of a severity al most unknown, oven In thin shock rldden section. They count It mirac ulous that, although hundreds were iujiiied, no one Is thus far known to have been killed. The entire popu lation, however, was thrown Into ut ter panic. The tiemblor lasted three minutes, according to Hie ofllclnl report of Dr. M. Gonales. dliectoi of the govorn nient obseiatoi lu-ie I lLHbllLIUUHIU OF ILL STREET Dr. Tuttle Says That People in Down - Iiiiit.i hi..... .ily fTn.iIpl. 41. n Ol., QUAKE STARTED PAN C i.uw iiiiR ruuiiai. lm: om- HVy wa unro, ews of War Alllioiifili They Don't! Nl'xt ,lHV- llie dUpntch says, Am- Ihussador Wllsou went to Nw York Grow Grain or Corn. Juad dollveiwl a messaso to Mexican I Finance Minister Llmnntour duclur- Iiir that the I'nlted States would NKW YdUlv, April 111. I'timinir ! vIhw the fulfillment of tho secrot the defen-e of Ihe bm Wall Ktreet tH,ty as an unfriendly act. The tmi.iif.or.. Ucv. Dr. Daniel S. Tuttle. iernment he told Lin.antour. gavo 1'rolcMunt KpiM'opi.I Mihop ot Uimty fall,UK , wheh H threat(tl. iMiMKuuri, in u stutement dcclure.l to- 0.1 to ' take whatever action might day Hint any plun which in hiij wav wimm aMMtiiv tho woi'lungK of Wall1 Street i a erazy one und a uion-liou ..hsurditv. Xotwilli-laiidinjr the fact," -aid; Dr. Tuttle. "that not a arum of coin or w licit i- ii own hole, the -mew- of mii en I in hi-li l b llie hi; people I I dou Mow ii Si u ol k " I on UU r.KUKI'l LV ( al , Apt II in Hld- " - ('" !" '" ",,",, I'nlu-reliy of (-allfiniilu 1 i.-eilu Mill Hi.lltuir In ha. I I II I II i III llli kk. lllllll IllillU III -- - - - ' ..... .LI. la n l.n Ilia until. r .laau alvay1 ..... -..-...--... ..-...- Us exri.tnm..iu., I HO lioi King. duilng u i ne i in. .i i r in io roiiiini in iin.ut tt -U, LONGER DARK Secret Treaty With Japan Now Known to Have Been Real Cause Ambassador Wilson Photoyraplied Original Document. TAFT GAVE DIAZ JUST SIX DAYS TO BACK DOWN Wilson Laid Matter Before President and Cabinet General Wood Sum moned and Move Ordered. WASHINGTON. D. C, April 10. Not Hlnee rush orders were Issued for American troops and warships to hasten to tho Mexican frontier has there s been as great Intorest excited as today, when a Mexico City dis patch confirmed circumstantially tho United Press repot ts which showed that Japan was tho secret foo whoso aggressions wore guarded against by tho call to arms. That, when a secret treaty with Japan was discovered to have been niado by President Diaz. President Tnft gavo Mexico Just six days to "buck down," and that tho proof of tho compact was brought to Wash ington by Ambassador Wilson In act ual photographs of parts of tho se cret, treaty wore rovelatlons which have caused tho gieatost suppressed excitement. Of courso, no depart ment officer will confirm tho state ments, and tho president's advisors are mute. Little doubt Is expressed, ll0W0V". t,iat tho socret story or I'roMlilont Tufl's rumarkuble jmoblll- zatlon has at last been fully set forth. Tho Mexico City dispatch, which was sent to tho Now York Sun, re lated In detail that hi to In February Ambassador Wilson for a fow hours obtained a copy of tho secret Japanese-Mexican treaty and that ho photographed certain parts of It. TIiobo provided that Japan should bo allowed coaling stations foi' hor com inocclal steamers and that tho Jap anese should bo permitted to colon ize there. Thoy also provldo that Japan should have tho prlvllogo of mauoiivorliiK in Muifdalouu bay. Tho clauses Wilson Is said to navo phtoKraphod Hot forth that Mexico and Japan I ad mutual lutorosts in the Pacific. They did not stipulate for nu offensive and defomdvo alli ance, but diplomatically statod that It was to Japau'u Interest to protect Mexico from aggreislon. Tho treaty had been ratified by President Diaz mid hU cabinet. The very next day nfter ho obtain ed his photograpliH, the dlupatch nays, i mbaHxador Wllnou Htartod for ahhlngton. Whou be arrived ho went dlt crt to the cabinet room, 'where President Taft and his advis- Ioih were In segglon. General Wood ' was summoned at once ami that night tho mobilization of tho army and be nod-asaiv to defend lihelf." (Tl C fl PI O nrrrnrn .Hi 1 0,111111 UrrtKtU FOR BALL PLAYER CIIU'AGO, 111., April 10. The hiifliext price ever offeiod for a bttio ball player is waul to bavo haou ten dered to lJri'iidwit Noya of tlie Wa-hiuKl Americnue today by Pre-ideut Coiuibkey of the Cliioago White Sox when he offered $15,000 tor the release of Pitcher Waller Johnson, Cutau-key behoves tbit with Johnson udded to his twirling .art ue coum wiuk wun (Hi) Ainori- t,ul , m,tiutf 1..1 1 i..i fl, .. 1 04 I It II ' . I I 1 uuiiiibmi w 11a Ulllliaiiuu jjuill UIKHO- ... . .... . . ...... ,j,e(1 uuneuuii ia.t weiK uy j'resuieiu Nove- tor iefu-intj to higu a eontniet ...ilu,,, tor .iiMOO for six month-.' I v.ak. Join. -on held out tor ToUU. i 3' S i I tin intenol. iee Kn b nd A. D I i -. i. 1 to1" ' 1 3gpcygaftwatii