MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNE, M13DFORT), OliFaOX, WFDXKSPA V, PR1 L r,, 101 1. V'KQB TWO il VM . ; i l i i !f ? ': . ;j .- I1! ill M h ' i h i ! .H 1 local and personal Two and onc-hnlf Acres In alfalfa ono inllo south of Washington bcIiooI, easy terms. A. W. II. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. tf J. C. Pendleton of Tahlo Itock spent Tuesday In Medford on busi ness. Looso leaf ledgerB made In Medford at the Mall Tribune office J. F. Urovvn of Kagle Point Is In Medford. The most favored people on the coast are the Medford people. They have the Medford .Tubbing company to look after all of their little odd Jobs, repair tholr electrical appliances arid cloan their walls and ceilings. Medford Jobbing Co., office, Medford Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phone Main C501. 330 On Saturday, V. W. Harmon will remove his wife, who Is slowly re covering from u bioken leg to San FranclBco whero bIio will remain un til she recovers. Mr. llnrmon will return on Tuesday. Money to loan. Spraguo Uros., 214 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. 337 A. K. Realties was a visitor to Jacksonville Tuesday. Spring Is here. It Is houBccleanlng time. Have those walls and ceilings cleaned by tho Medford Jobbing Co.'s now Parisian process. Nothing like It. Office Medford Music Shop, St Mark's block. 330 Joshua Patterson of Talent wns In Medford Tuesday. Do you want 14 lots r0xl4t each, for $2-100 on easy terms? C. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. tf Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Flanlgan left for Central Point whero they Intend to reside. Gregory leading photographor, views, portraits. 323 Mrs. C. C. Hamlin has returned from n visit with relatives at Mer lin, Oregon. Is your houso wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Start living tho electric llfo. tf Mr. and Mrs. It. J. KilwnnlH of Ashland, havo returned from a tour of Europe. O nthls trip they visited England, Scotland, Wales and Franco. Lato magazines, periodicals and pa pers nt tho freo rending room In chap el back of tho Presbyterian church. Open evenings from 7:00 to 10 p. in. All mon and boys nro Invited. tf Pfelffer and Learned will open a now lunch counter at tho corner of eighth and Front streets. Printing, nil kinds nt Portland priceB. Mall Trlbuno offlco. " William' Young of Medford was In CrantB Pass on business recently. John II. Carklu, nttornoy at law, ovor Jackson County bank. L. 13. Trent of Portland I a guest at tho Nash. Offlco rooms for rent over Medford Hnrdwnro Co. Inqulro of H. 12. lloyclon. I). A. Palmor of Prescott Is a Med ford visitor. Soo It. A. Holmes, The Inuurnnco Man, Ovor Jackson County bank. tf. L. J. Schorgl of Dubuque, la., Is n busluesH vlHltor In Medford this week. Do you want 5 ncres In nlfalfa, one mile south of Main street, chenp? C. W. II. Everhard. lUl! Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. tf Mr. niul Mrs. ('. C. Chapman of Portland aro vUltltiK Medford friends. Ashland Stoam Landry, Medford office, phono No. 1201. tf. J. M. Chamberlain of Portland paid Medford n visit on Wodmuuluy. Medford local Socialist party meets every Sunday night at 7:30 at Kmlth'H hall on North Orapo stieot. Everybody Invitod. tf. E. M. Hatton of Portland Is reg istered at tho NiihIi. HolohHteln for wood. Yard corner Mr and Toniu. .ijt.' Made in Medford, any stylo of looio loaf or ulnuB book, at Mall Tribune offlco. 1). E. Perry of Ogden I In Med ford for a few das n buMn'm. All kinds of bindery work done st Mall Tribune offlco. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS Da) Phono Hi: 71 Night Phones 1 W. Weeks "071. A. I. (I it, ildlli:. LADV AAAAJhAAAtfAAAJ Z inuM a nrm JOHN A. PERL Undertaker and Euilialmer. j; " """ '-'"" ; '! Successor to tin 11 .dell.iking tl ; partiui'iit of Midtoid I'liriiiluie! ; Cumpuny. Otlue wnh Mcdtordt ! Kiinlilure Coinpanv. ChII oi j ;' phono for ambulance Sick 1 ud j ;; Injured conviveil lo ;tn pa it o ,' oily or couniiv. leicpuoncs : 1 !: jVjiy 351. NikIh Ji'lin A. I'frlJ 1 1 i . II f f I I lllll I lit '' -t I I Jt I . H. "llhUII, MUM, j, 11 Call phono 21C1, 1032 for baBgngo wagon. 451 M. W. Durham of Winston, North Carolina Is a Medford visitor. For Kent Office rooms over Med ford Hardware Company. Inquire H E. Hoyden. Mr. and Mrs. If. E. Carman of Midland are at the Moore. .1. A. Iliinort of Portland Is In Med ford on busliioas. S. C. Snyder of Seattlo arrived Tuesday on business. J. A. Jacks of Columbus, Ohio Is looking over tho valley for invest ments. M. E. Hlldreth of Unite Falls Is In Medford on business. Ceo. Kahlhaen of Itoseburjc 1 spending a few days In Medford. F. E. Nayl'or of Trail was a busi ness visitor on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hemen of San Frnnelsro are at the Nash. H. A. Seaborg of Mountain, Ore gon Is a Medford guest at the Nash. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hass of Lan caster, New Hampshire, accompanied by their son Donald Hass and daugh ter Prescell and Lucia are visiting Medford friends. The Medford Furniture Company has received a carload of furniture RUNAWAY CAII STRIKES MOTOR Wreck on Rotjue River Valley Rail road Greeks Jump and Save Themselves Car Gets Away, Down Grade Into Car. Tuesday afternoon, a car loaded with rock ran away, down tho ore load In Jacksonville and crashed In to the motor belonging to tho Rogue River Valley Railroad. ConBlderable damage was douo. It Ih tho habit of tho men to go up tho grade on tho car and block It. Several Greeks were on tho car and as tho blocking wiib carlessly done It gavo way and the car niado Its flying trip to Jacksonville. As the ruuaway neaied tho motor the Greeks Jumped. No ono was hurt. The car struck the motor and ditched Itself. City Treasurer's Notice. Office of I he City Tiensurer, Jvlt'dl'oid, Oregon. April ;', 11)11. Notice in hereby given thai llior me funds on hand in the city treiih ury for tho redemption of outstanding city warrants iMU'd nguiiiMt the I'ol lowing funds: WiiiTiinlh No. 1 nnd 2 on lateral No. r. dish-id No. 11. Wiiminl No. Ill, on Noilli llollv si reel improvement fund. Wnrruulb Noh. 15 and 10 on vvulei main iuiii-ocuieut fund No. 'J. W'lirrnul No. 1, on lateral No. d. district No. 11. Warrant No. 1, on laleral No. S. district No. fi, Intel est on Ihe Hiiuie will cease af ter (ho above dale. L. L. .IACOHS, W City Trensiuer. Medfoid, Or.. I'cb. (I, 1UI1. Tin is to certify Hint about November 1 my daughter was taken iwth a seven attack of rlicumulim which rendered her left arin useless, in fuel il was so near paralysed (hut sli was not able to move her fingers, but know ing of some of Dr. Chow Young' -marvelous cures of long standing cases of rht'UiutitiMii, we decided to consult him, in which I am pleased to sa made no mistake, im1 his rem edies acted as he claimed the would, and after the ihinl heatmcut (lie rheumatic pant cutiiclv let I her and she has not hail ni s.unploii s oi rheuinahsiu niiit'c; beidcs her gen eral health is much improved .mil I do not hesitate in saying I Inlaw i1iom afflicted with ilicuui.iti-m i paral.vsJK will do well to consult lb Chow Young, wliontf liousi1 is , i net of Tenth nnd l-'ronl sheet, .Med Fold, Oregon. 2:1 A. V. W'KISS. "Shopping" that is based upon ad- readme - Hsiuillv a profitable use of one's tune Hay for Sale l li.iv ti (ill .ill il.ill.ilf.i baled See . . IMS. I.MS( l'i: I'OM'lt ( I'OR. Landscape Contractor We do the Ki-idiu foi lawns and t II II In Kiouiuls. oeecltiiu and plHUtlllK of vhrubery la fuct do everything to make your home h beauty spot. II. M. WIIO.V. Phone IMiifU ;:i II Home r, ' DOESN'TPAYWIFE: UP FOR G0NTEMPr Judge Calkins Summons Tom Robert son to Learn Why He Doesn't Pay His Wife Alimony Recently Or deredMust Pay or Go to Jail. Tom ltobertson was cited for con tempt of court Tuesday morning In tho circuit court by Judge Calkins for not paying alimony to his wife, Jessie ltobertson and was ordered to pay It or go to jail. Mis. ltobertson was granted a de cree last fall and ltobertson ordered to pay $20 per month alimony. This ho failed to do and furthermore is said to have refused to pay it. Attorney Wlthlngton took action in the circuit court on Tuesdny for Mrs. ltobertson who Is the step daughter of John Harrington. Judge Calkins has decided that fall in e to pay alimony must ceaso and all offenders will be dealt with sutnmanty. lie gave ltobertson a Tew days to pay the money, the nniount duo be ing determined then. IFWEATHERCLEARS FROST TO COME Orchartlists Should Be Prepared to Smudfic if Clouds Clear Away, States Professor P. J. 0'Gara Warninn is Issued. "A orchardists and fruitgrowers should he prepared for u heavy frost as kooii as the wcr.tlier clears," pre dicts I'rofessor O'Garn. "The snow is very low and the air cliilled. It is times like these that heavy frosts occur and if the or chardists will prepare for smudging and call up the telephone central at (i:!ll) every evening they will be warned of fiosts in due lime and il the materials for smudging are rendv there will he no loss of fruit. "1 wish every orchardist would purchase a maximum nnd 11 minimum thermometer and also take the rain fall. The resulting information would lieiuvaliiable to this- office and greatly assist (he work." A lew lime sulphur bulletins arc on hand at I'rofessoi- O'Oara's of fiee nnd as they are in great demand those who need them would do well to order soon. The sprnv calendar will he icady for the orchaidist about Tuesday. Tliev can he piociired at the office cf l'rofcs,or O'tiniu or llic'inspectors. 4H I I TOO -ATE TO CLASSIFY. f f-f-f-f-f-f-f -f IIKIIICKOI'T residence sites are sctl inj; daily; make your selection !)-foi-o ehoieo lots are sold. tf VAXTi:fl Would like 10 Meadv men iiinineis to hnrc in a niee i-oiini, il a week each. 1001 S. Cci-li-al. Kl l'() SA1.K Hit) aero homestead re liuiiuwhiiieut with iniini eineiit ; pod loetitiou 5-litll). AililresH lio (i. V., .Mail Tribune, PJ l-'Olf SALKI'iiiiio for sale cheap Will take part pavment in room lent, balance easy tenm. if desired. 1 (). Ho J:S. 3l l''OU h'MN'r New modern huiiKaluw. i l-iioins and bath, l.arjje hcreen poivii. Apply Sill Liberty at. 35 I'Oli UKT l-'ui-ui-lied loom. Cm be u-ed '! Iiyllt lliisekeepillC. tt-l" W. LM t. IS Reward Mauh M. 10 11 j TO WHOM IT M CONCERN: f We are rellnbl.v notified that tvv men, one representing himself hs S It. Schwarts. are ti.ivellux throiiKli thtt couutr repri'sen'lng thvuuelvts as PiiiployeeH cf th. Singer Sewing Machine Co., and b this menu are1 fraudulently collecting moaay from the people on the strength of this representation. The public It herein ' wurued agaiuvt them as they huv no eonnectlon w 1th the Singer Sew -tut; Muchlue Co. We liereb) offer a reward of $50 00 for the arrest and couvlctlou of the ald 8 H Schwarti. Pleaae noiln any tovku constable or sheriff, who1 Is autlmrlreil to pay the same ft the miet ami eonvletlou of said party. I Singer Sewing Machine C01 CVRI. Dl'NCVN. I l." I.ei .tl Rl' u ient.itive , A CROP OF MONEY! Where and how you can make $5,700.00 off of 8 acres In the city of Medford In ono year Is an interesting subject. Thlfr fa all cl".ir profit and In two years you can innko twice as much. This Is a good sound business proposition nnd I will explain If ou will call. If you desire a good Investment Investigate this. Campbell & MORTGAGE LOANS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS jj Money on hand at all times and fruit land. PH0NE323I. "'-,'S''S- BEHIND THE SCENES AT SALEM' A book of fascinating fnets about tho last Oregon legislature. Contnins chapters and roll calls on important questions, review of each nieniber'B record, contributions by Speaker Rusk, Senator Mc Colloch, Representatives Eaton, Derby and Hrownhlll, Col. E. Hofer and others. Written by Carl Smith and II. P. Edward, newspaper corres pondents, who saw tho session at close range. Eighty pages, Il lustrated. For sale at MEDKOllI) HOOK STOKE OK IIY MAIL, IIO.V 177, Portland, Ore. PRICE (10 CENTS Show Some Courtesy To Your Tired, Overworked Feet YOU WIMj IHjKSK THE HAY YOU AKrOKDEM Til KM SO .MUCH REST AND COMKOKT ISY HAYIXO THEM TREATED 1JY THE CHIROPODIST. At the flarineIIo Sho Room 5, Over Kontner's Phone 111. One Night, Thursday, April 6 SEATS ON SALE MONDAY, APRIL 3, FOR THE MUSICAL COMEDY RAGE OF 2 CONTINENTS Woods, Frazee and Lederer's World-Wide Success The world's biggest hit, Aith its wonderful cast, mag nificent, production, irresistible eoniedx, and all those enchant iii!; melodies, including "Every Little Movement Has a Meaning All Its Own" Hams and Bacon " jm aro l S. flovi rnment innpected, iaiHcd and t imj d m CoUtitihta lira I m tie in ,rk stantlti for thebt sit le wt JV look -s. Jinxl'i t ll.uiiH and Pucon boitrmif this trado wi mf or sv H luiiiv are a dfheions breaklast tro.t are imis- & B I ' ! A clo builder!) a well. If jou aie jurti ul ir M f I fu a I a",, Teully want the ery be.t the market R V landPassea I atlrtls iiiMKt upon havitu; i olumlui 7.rnn.i - jB A V ,3S y.ilwn-. I o.ik lur tliont.imp -"l". S. Iiisptvt- Sm WL v Sixl and P.i!Mtl, l.W." It JH your prutectiou. m At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes Mr Su Union Meitt Company, l'orlUud, Ore. tp Baumbach COUNTY WARRANTS, to loan on improved rauciibo j 320 GARNETT-C0REY BLfcli. Theatre F O R. S A L, Eighty acres of the best land north of Rogue river; 35 acres In pears; 5 acres in apples; 1 1 acres to oats; 10 acres to potatoes; 3 1-2 acres to onions, 1 1-2 acres to beets, carrots and parsnips; 2 ncres to blackberries and raspberries anil 9 acres to grass nnd ryo pasture. This place has no buildings, but a fine building spot, with a well of good water, the entire place fenced with woven wire; has u deeded wa ter right which waters the entire place. This place Is for sale for Just one month; purchaser will get the crop, team, farm wagon, hack, ono and two-horse walking plow, one 4-horse disc gang plow, ono three horse sulky plow, drags, harrows, etc. Terms leasonable and price ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Inquire at Tribune orrieo or ddress P. O. HOX NO. (IS JACKSON- villi:, ouixjon. ft ' j i ! .ym"m ' t SaCSwt rwi. jrv -j lj Medford Baltery Toni) & co. HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY I J. E. ENYA11T, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-President V F. E. MERRICK, Vlce-Presld.vit JOHN S. ORTII, Caahlor g W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cnshlor. s I 1 The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 I Surplus, $20,000.00 J raw. inspnsiT itnvr.q T.-oit TtEVT. A GEN'ERATj BANKING $ I BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Wo to-tf'votfrfevs New S Footwe f Yon will like the Hill spring models in fine foot wear for men, women and children. The latest lasts are now on displav nnd we invite vour inspection. C RiMB:R, wV sell only the shoes that are sure to wear well. bdmeade4 cim4 Royal Belglao Stallion will be at (he WKST S1DK STAT.LMS alt.-rnating weeKs dnriii"' the season. FIRST WEEK BEGINS APRIL 1, 1911, Second week at lrownsboro; ihird week nt West Side Stable. "AiMOIiIOAUX" carries three sets of papers and breeders will do well to call and see him. &J WJ WSSSBBmtJL ffiKrt V c M -it .-XmrsSiSir &;fcAwSS3fcafiSBSM JlT.JSsw 1911 TORPEDO ROADSTER, $875.00 Fully equipped, f. o. b. Medford Four-cylinder, shaft drive, 100-ineh wheel-base, mag neto of coiuse. "Let us show you." Ashland Motor Car Co. 1.1 .Ml I.I. STKlXT, ASHLAND, OKK OO.V. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. Make a Selection of our smnll cakes nnd spocinltics and you'll havo a collection of as tempting nnd toothsome dainties as were ever sot before a king. Don't bo too late coming for yours, how ever. Yo cnu never seem to bake enough no matter how many extra we bake fresh daily. (Si Delicatessen SOUTH CENTRAL AVKNUK LADY COOK IN CHARGE. SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 9 pnn w; v szrtf&g?A M sacw"- tjl Maf ' &&lZBKv?&iJfl ST?tJvt Mutlor. :t.7I.