MEDFOBD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, 'At'RTL 4, 1911. PAGE FIVE TOP PRICES FOR APPLE! Oregon Newtown's Bringing Three Dol iars in English Markets, Strong Market, Fine Demand Ben Davis at $2.25 in New York. Sjjobcl & Dny issue (he following under the date of New York, March 29. Liverpool today k higher and the market as per cable from L. Con nolly & Company, shows top prices of the campaign, as follews: Newtowns, Wntsonvillc, ! tier, 9-fl o 10-(i. Newtowns, YVnlsonvillo, 4Vi tier, 9-fi. ' Newtowns. Oregon, V2. Tltey' add that the market is very strong with a fine demand. The exports Inst week were: 12, 100 boxes. This is '1,000 boxes less than went the week previous. Today, Wcdncs day, the Campania sailed with 3,G00 boxes. We cannot find that liny of our neighbors arc shipping California Newtowns and so wc arc pretty sure that these are lnrgely red apples from the northwest. We sold one ear of Washington ap plcs, Missouri Pippins, at auction yesterday and made $1.00 to $2.-10 with ah average of $1.8.r and en closed hand you catalogue. The ex tra fancy were very good with a nice color, but the fancy and choice wore very lacking in color nnd all pretty small in size, so we really did very well. At private snlc the offerings are small, largely from Wonatehce. Some handsome Black Hen Davis, beauties, sold today $2.2.") hut some quite or dinary stock from Tdnho sold low at $l.r0 to $1.(10. Weather now very fine. Haskins for Health. WOOD Wo have GO or 60 tiers of good, dry wood at tho corner of Grape and ISlBhth. Wo aro closing out. See Newton Grant or phono. Offlco phono 6402. Rcsidcnco phono 2994. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman has a timber and sono right of 160 acres, prlco to tho government $2.50 per aero. No cultivation, resldonco or Improvement required. I havo about twenty-five claims to locate, soo me and have a talk, this land Is worth $20.00 per aero. Call or write. A. It. BALING, Room 31 Jackson County Hank lluildlng. 318 City Property 3 rooms, modern, fine lot, 5 blocks from business, $1000; terms. fj-room modern bungalow, now, east front, .$2500; good tonus. 5-rooms, furnished, 75 ft. frontage warchouso property, $2750. 100x100, business corner, (i-room bouse, $8000; terms. 100x100, business comer, modern house, $7000; terms. 5 acres for platting, inside city limits water in street; price low, easy terms; very desirable. New modem 5 room bungalow, ccin- eiit foundation, screen porch, lot 50x120, owner sells at exact cost to build. $400 will handle. RANCHES Stock ranch, 480 ncrcs, well situated fine soil, ample free range. $3" per acre. 14 ncres, throo-qiinrlor mile to town. !)' acres in bearing orchard, team tools, etc; 7 room house, barn shod; price $7500; good terms. 20 acres fine fruit land, close to rail road, all cleared; $100 per acre. 10 or 20 acre tracts, close in, cleared, cheap, good terms. 1(10 acres, half mile to station; 8 cows, dnHry outfit, $4500; good terms, 25 acres, good house, barn, 8 ncrcs orchard, grapes, berries, rich soil close to Medford; $2500 will hand le this. I'ino pear orchard, regular producer; owner takes payment out of orep: host buy in the valloy. WANTED 2 ranch hands, flirls for general housework. City and ranch property to list. Man and wifo on ranch. t. F. 1. HMD Room 206. Pliipps Bulliliny( LOST. LOST 32x.1A detachable lire on road between Ashland nnd Medford bring to Studebakker Qarnge and get reward. 11 LOST A Fox Terrior, female dog. Answers to tho iinmo of Triple. He ward. The Crater Lake Garage. 13 FOUND FOUND -Gold watch. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ' ' !- I IH ! ! - I 111. HIOHCROFT residence sites are des tined to double and treble in vnltte, ' , FOR SALE Boarding houso; every thing new; reasonable tenns. Call 317 E. Jackson. 831 DO YOU WANT to go into business in Medford; if so, here is a chunco to get in on the best paying busines? in Hoguo Hivcr Valley; one hnlf in terest for sale only; prefer a good young man that is not afraid to work. This is gilt edge. $5,000 will hnndlc this. Act quick for this won't last. Address Opportunity care this office. FOIt SALE Plaza cafe at a sacri fice on account of poor health of proprietor. 128' E. Main, i GOOD OPENING for young man with $300 cash. Half interest m paying business, 1). 10. FOR SALE OR RENT. Business Property FOR SALE OR RENT Gooi open ing for general merchandise store in new towu with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 20(5 W. Main. FOR EXCHANGE. Ileal Estato FOR EXCHANGE Mo'dford ana .suburban property, ranobes, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 199, care Mail Tribune. TO EXCHANGE Colorado nhd Ne braska lands, improved nnd unim proved, to exchange for Rogue Rivei properties. Tho Bcat-Fullnr Realty Co., Grants Pass, Ore. FOR EXCHANGE Good Oklahoma income proporty for desirable acre age near Medford, raw or improved Pay some cash difference. Bittner & Clark. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FORSALE OR EXCHANGE Fivo passengor 4-cylindor touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good lit tle business with lease for trade for team, wagon and harnes. Address D, this office. FOR RENT Hoard nnd Room HOARD AND ROOM Meals sorved family style. 900 E. Main. 11, ROOM AND BOARD With Mrs. J. D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bnrtlett. FOR RENT Room with private board, at 510 N. Riverside. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 2,12 Fruitgrowers Bank BIdg Ashland Orchards MR, INVESTOR: Aro you looking for an Invent mont that Is an Investment? If you aro, tlion read this: WFo aro authorized by tlio own er to offer for a short time at onl 9250 per acre his 30-acro one-year old orchard, which is located with. In 1 'j miles from Ashland and right in tho valley. This orchard Is all sot to the finest varieties of pears and ap pies and has been woll cared tor. Wo will subdivide this into 10- acre tracts to suit purchaser and : (will give terms on the same. ' 1 Rogue River Investment Co. i 77 OAK ST., ASHLAND. OREflOX FOR RENT. Hoard and Rooms BOAUD-'-With or without rooms. Mrs. L. Judson, 317 E. Jackson Phono 3712. 12 Furnished Rooms FOR RENT F.urusncd sleeping room; everything new nnd clean; reasonable price: easy wnlfc from Main st. Only men need npply. Oleson nnd W. Hamilton sts. Phone Mniiili74. FOR RENT Elegant, furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, electric lights, newly furnished, single rooms or en suite, by the dny, wock or month. Inquire room 103 Electric building. 218 West Main street. . FOR RENT At the Cottngo, mod ern furnished rooms with or with out board. Rooms equipped with private telephone service, hot and cold running water, sleeping por ches, bath accomudatiotis and beat if desired. 004 West 10 st. Phone call private exchange 141. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients only. No. 10 N. Grape st., next to Farmers & Fruitgrow ers' bank. FOR RENT Nice sunny front room close in, 2 blocks from Main street Rent reasonable. 219 S. Central avenue. FOR RENT Attractive furnished , rooms by day or week. Close in, near city park. 128 South Holly St. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; reas onable, nil modem "conveniences 7:30 West Eleventh. 13 Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Nice clean housekeep ing rooms. 317 W. Second street; FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; 108 feast Fourteenth street. Mrs Darnell; 10 FOR RENT Three modern housc keoping rooms suitnblo for two peo ple. Apply at Oakdale Cash. Gro cery. 12 FOR RENT Furnish light house keeping rooms. 23 Roosevelt st. 12 Houses FOR RENT Six room cottage mod ern, 011 Pine st., $20 por month. Enquire of A. Duff, 333 E. Jack son st. 13 FOR RENT (i-room house, $18; close in, 53L W. Palm. 12 FOR RENT A 2-room house partly $10 u month. Inquire Allen Gro cery company. 13 fFOIt HE-NT Nev (i-rooin bungalow. cabinet kitchen, hot and cold water hath and toilet, other conveniences. Furnished or unfurnished, 119 Portland avc, or P. O. Box 053. 11 Huslnoss Itooino FOR RENT Business room on W Main st., 24x140, suitable for res tan rant or billiard room or other business, steam heat. Gold Ray Really Co., 210 W. Main s. . Farms FOR RENT Farms from 40 norcf to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, gardon lands, gonernl fanning ranches. Gold Rny Realty Co., 210 West Main. Offices for Kent. FOR RENT Over tho posloffico wilh bent and light. See A. A. Davis. KOR RENT Off ico jooms in Elec tric building, modern , equipment, steam heat, elcctrio light, baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Goid Ray Realty Co., 210 V. Main st. Miscellaneous FOR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunting resort on easy tenns. Box 32, Mail' Tribune. ' G,OOIPASTURE450 acres volun jecr, old Richardson place, fjams valley. Horses, $1.50 per month. For particulars address Talent R. F. D. 128. 330 FOR RENT Garden land in trncth of from ono aero upwards, with wa ter for irrigation. Owner will fur nish tenm and implements for cul tivating and seed for share of cro) or will rent for cash or sharo.ol orop. Inquire of Bnffum, Rogue River Electric Co., 210 West .Main street. FOR SALE Hu.sinefH Procrty X)R SALE Choice business prop erty at a bnrgain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Powor Co. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and. 10-acre tractF just within and adjoining city lim. its, at n bargain, on G annual pay ments. AddresH Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE Ten ncres, half mile from Central Point, six nereB In Barllctt and Bosc pears, 5 years old, 2 acre in Bnrtlett nnd Cornice 2 and 3 years old, 2 acre not planted; $.000 per acre, terms. W T. York & Co. FOR SALE Acreage FOR SALE $500 per acre 10,ncrcs half mile of Central Point, 0 acres 5-ycnr-old pears, 2 acres 2 and 3 yenr-old pears, balance not planted Bnrtlett, Bose and Cornice. Terms, W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE 8ij ncres fruit nn poultry ranch, 200 head of poultry team and tools go with place if de sired; west of S. Oakdale n venue See owner on place. Robort But ton. FOR SALE A tract of good gar den land containing 4Va acres good houso nnd barn; insido citj limits of Jacksonville. Price $3500 J. Hartman, Jacksonville. Or. 344 Lots FOR SALE Lot on S. Central ave nue, 50x140 feet. Price $500. Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 E. Main. FOR SALE Lot corner North Cen tral nnd Court streets, 50x215. Good location for grocery or meat mar ket. Priced iow for quick sale. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE Building lots in city of Jacksonville, Or. 1 have 75 lots in different parts of the town, for salo nt prices ranging from $75., to $150 each. Call and see me. No trouble to show property. J. Havt man, opposite U. S. hotel, Jackson ville. Or. J 331 HIGHCROFT rcsidcnco sites hnvo.the most superb view of tho city, val ley and mountains. FOR SALE LotG2x300; small houso; chicken houses, chicken fence! black loam soil; all in choice fruit and garden; $1100; terms. A. M. Rose, 902 E. 0th st. Address Box 522, city. FOR SALE Three largo lots, close in, two blocks from school, price $500 each. Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 E. Main. FOR SALE Fine south front lot on W. Tenth street on pavement with water and sower paid. See owner at 015 W. 11th street. 33 FOR SALE A. B. Saling has 10 good lots for sale. In the east side. All cash deal. FOR SALE Just one lot left on Ross Court for $750., above grade and ready to build on. Tinny, 201 Garnott-Corey Bldg. 13. FOR SALE For $275 I will sell a lot on Palm near Columbus, size TiOx 127. Ready to build on. Tinny 201 Gurnett-Corcy Bldg. 15 FOR SALE A block of 4 lots, each 53x120 on Pnhn and Summit for $175. Enquire of Tinny, 201 Gnr nctt-Corcy Bldg. .15 Houses FOR SALE Why pay rent when you can buy one of tho most attractive bungalows in Medford, with adjoin ing lot, for $2850; $800 down, bal ance like rent. House, just being completed; east front; ono block from W. Main; has five rooms and bath, sleeping porch, cabinet kitch en, buffet, fireplace, splendid view. Tel. 5084, or seo owner, 423 S. New town st., and save commission. 12 FOIt SALE Five-room house, mod ern, 31 S. Orange st., $1800; close in. John A. Henderson. 17 FOR SALE A houso and lot in Jack sonville, Or., Lot contains Xljt acres. Five blocks from postoffreo. Good bum and a number of fine shade trees on the properly. A good com fortable homo for somo ono at n bargain. Prico $1500. J. llurtman opposite U. S. hotel, Jacksonville. Or. 334 FOR SALE Four room modorn bungalow $1800. Apply nt 229 S. Front st. . ' " 13 FOR RALE Good 9-room brick house, in city of Jacksonville, ,'wljh lot containing 2VL acres of good garden land; only 2 blocks from the courthouse. Price $4500. J. Hart man, offico opposito U. S. hotel, Jacksonville. Or. 334 FOR SALE-Strictly modem buugn- , low, closo in; north front lot; street to be paved soon. Price $2000; easy terms. Liiicoln-Bnriie- burg-Hoke Co., 401 Gnmctt-Corby bldg. FOR SALE Largos ,8-rnpm bunga low on paved street, new, finely finished throughout. Price $5750; tenns. Iinciiln-Barncliurg-Hoke Co.. 401 Garnctt Corey bldg. FQIt SALE--A 4 room modorn bun galow on Palm and OImui, can h bought for $1,550 on on si tin Just $100 cash puts you in posses sion of this house which is now rcntod for $22 per month. Tinny 201 Garnett-Corcy Bldg. , 1.' I HAVE a f1v,o room all modern beamed ceiling bungalow. Tumv, I'M fJnnict.('i.nv Hldg. 15 Ileal IMato FOR SALE - 30 acre red fruit land 4Vii miles from Medford; will gel o any kind of fruit and furnish treei and will enro for the orchard for five years for $250 flu acre; will clear uud plant for $200 per itcre. Land a- it in $125 per ncro, H. E. nouii.un, J.ick-ouullc, Or 112V FOR SALE. Real Estate. HIGHCROFT residence sites nro of fered nt present prico for a short time only. FOR SALE A farm with stock tools, etc. Farm consists 61 100 ncrcs of good land situated in tho Applegate valley, 28 acres in al falfa, 13 good dairy cows, 9 year lings, 4 hogs, span of work horse, lot of chickens, wagon, buggy and harness; full outfit of farm imple ments and tools, blacksmith shop and tools; good house and barn; telephone in house nnd interest in telephone lino goes with property Price $0500. J. Hnrtmnu, office op posito U. S. hotel, Jacksonville Or. 331 FOR SALE We havo 100 acres in Williams creek valley, Josephine county, section 27, township 38, range 5 west, adjoining town of William on Grants Pass-Rogue River Railroad, 30 acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture, 120 acres bottom land, balanco bench; 400,000 feet of saw timber good water right. Price $5000; terms. Ad dress W. F. Herzinger, 413 G st.( Grants Pass, Or. l(i SEE OUR LIST OF PROPERTY Offico in Garnctt-Corcy Building, Room 217, Second Floor. Take the elevator. Five nnd 10-ucro tracts on monthly payments for those earning salaries. Bearing orchards, young orchards, alfalfa land, large and small tracts of unimproved lands on ensy tenns. City property. Lots in nil parts of tho city. Somo good buys in bungalows that nro modem nnd reasonable. A good buy in n good paying furnished rooming house. A snap 0-room house, with largo lot, $2100. Have a good buy in a slock ranch. Wo arc always pleased to show customers. Courteous treatment to all is our motto. Make yourself at home in our office. Juckson County Realty Co., n. M. Coss, Manager, Gnraott Coroy Bldg., Medford, Or. FOR SALE 100 ncres, 110 in cul tivation, G5 ncres in alfalfa; good houso and bam; about 1000 young fruit trees; 1000 grapes; land nil in crop; 7 miles from Oold Hill; 1 mile to store, postoffico; fine view; valley unlimited; outside range joins place; will sell buyer all tools, stock and horses, cattle, hogs, goats and will make- price and tortus attractive. Address Owner, Chas. Gilchrist, Sams Valley, Oregon. HIGHCROFT rcsidcnco sites are des tined to doublo and trcblo ;n value. FOR SALE A ranch in tho Apple gaeo valloy, containing 80 acres of good land, 12 acres in alfalfa; 4 acres in grain; 2 good houses and a largo barn on hind; privato ditch and water right goes with this prop erty. Prico $3500. A bargain for somo one. J. Hurliunn, offico op posito U. S. hotel, Jacksonville Or. 334 FOR SALE Good coal or wood range cheap if sold Monday or Tuesday. Phono 5071. 'll FOR SALE Restaurant doing n good business, for salo choap. Make me an offer. Address Owner, Mail Tribune. Seeds nnd Trees. FOR SALE-Corn. Inquiro Dr. Clancv office, Pliipps Bldg., or phoilo Main 501. FOR SALE -French seedling stock pair grafting; cheap. C. H. Robert--, 121 South Riverside. 13 Poultry ami Kggti. FOR SALE Buff Cochins and Rhode Island Reds, $1.50 per setting of 15 Inquire D. Singlor, telophono Farm 7203. 11 FOR SALE 100 Plymouth rock chicks; 1 dozen of laying pullets; 2 incubators. 0. M. Rose, 1)12 E Ninth. 12 Miscellaneous FOR SALE-Corn for sale at Vila, ranch, 33 FOR SALE Alfulfu hay, first, sec ond cutting; $18 ton delivered, F. ('. Clayville, Medford. 17 FOR SALE A dapple grey team 8 and 0 years old, weigh 2500 lb. Sound and true. Address Box 41, care Mail Tribune. 11 CLOUDY BI FOCA LS Reccmented good as new while you wait. Do the reading parts of your double-sighted ghiHSus blur? I will clear them up for you at a very small cost. Dr. Rickert, over Kentnor's. --11 FOR SALE team wagon and liar nohn; hoixes, 7 years old, will weigh 2000 lbs. Now wagon and huriii'Kt. 123 S. Tripp st. II. M. Foster. 13 FOR SALE -Corn nt Jhnac's raiieh. Eagle Point road. FOR SALE Roll top dok and chair chlld'tj urlb and three 0x12 rugu and other hmifcehold goods. 1)01! W. Ith I'OR SALE -Furniture of ruum limi-c, ciiuipbtc 1J'( 111," lie. ill hired, It- FOR SALE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Saddle horse, coming 5 years old, , thoroughbred, sorrel. This is nil exceptional bargain. Ad-. dress Hix, care Mail Tribune. FOR SALE One runabout automo bile; new tires; engine just over hauled; everything in first class con dition. Can bo bought almost for prico of tires. Itiqtiire of Powel Auto Co. FOR SALE Fifteen horses and mules. All good young work stock Address C. W. Anient, 054 N. 8lb st. Grants Pass, Ore. FOR SALE Piano, left in care of St. Mary's academy. A good in strumeul. Terms cash. tf FOR SALE A fino single comb White Orpington from one of the best strains. Gnn fill a few more orders for day old chicks from my trapnested Orpingtons nnd Leg horns for May delivery. Mrs. E. E Oman, Jacksonville, Ore. 29 FOR SALE First clnss incubator and brooder, as good as new. In qiiifo Buffum, care Roguo River Electric Co., 210 Wr. Main st. FOR SALE Furniture of two com plete hotisekcupitn: roonls. Every thing now, nlso the rooms for rent Stark street, end of Sherman. 15 FOR SALE Ono pair horses about 1100; two sets harness; one Mill burn delivery wagon; one Stude buker buckboard. Bargain if taken nt once. J. A. Soiuers, i O. Box 574. 11 WANTHD To buy n team of work horses woightiug 1300 pounds n piece. P. O. 204. 15 FOR SALE A good two horse- or chard cultivator. Two setts of shov els. Prico right. Address Box 724. Medford. 15 FOR SALE -Now mission desk, Mor ris chair, rug 0x12, new spring, two mattress, now bedding. 500 South Fir street. 10 FOR SALE Range, heating stove kitchen cabinet, table, iron bed, san itary conch, tent, cupboard, fruit jars. 512 South Grape street. 12 WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED To buy a farm, 40 acres or mom with irrigation, if possible; 5 to 10 acres of orchard; good house, barns, fences, etc.; good quality drinking wator. Send full particulars to .las. M. Harris, 532 Wr. 11 lib St., New York city. 11 WANTED 2.00 RhodcTl'sland Red chicks. Address F. L. W., euro I rihutio. WANTKI) Lace Curtains to laun der. 215 W. Jackson st. 30 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Malo WANTED Salosmen in ovory local ity of tho northwest; monoy ad vanced weekly; many mnko over $1000 month; choico of territory. Yakima Valley Ntirsory Co., Top poniBh, Wash. Help Wanted -Female. WANTED Young lady for general houso work. Best wages. Inquire nullum, Rogue River Electric Co., 210 W. Muin st. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED - Married mnn wants steady job on ranch. Inquire nt Or egon Rooming House on Front fit. 11 MISCELLANEOUS HIGHCROFT rosidenco sitco will be known as tho real "Nob Hill" of Medford. tf A PRIMARY COURSE of twelve Iim hoiih in Truth will be given by An nie Sprague Smith at 132 North Ivy street, commencing Wednesday April 3rd, at 3:30 p. in. A course for advanced students will coni menco Thursday, April 0th, at 3 p. m. All welcome. Lovo offerings FOR SALE HIGHCROFT roHidenco sitos have delighted fivoryoue who hns-Boon the property. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. I). It WOOD Oeniirtl accountant. Your bookt. audited and kept for a reasonable figure, your biiHliiexs solicited. Office Philips bldg., room 20!, PJiono 3 1 2-' Assnyer and Analyst. ICAItL V INflULS. B S Best eoulpptid awwy oflce In Oregon, food prodtiots, soils, fertllUi'i's, spray products, water olo, analyzed. (Iniuts Past,. Architects. JOHN'H & TI'ltNIOH. Architects and Builders. Office 7-8, ISIfi Mam; phone Main 3171 Itesldeucc phone 711. A. P. GODWIN. Architect, of flew 316, corner Front uud Third Attorneys. COJ.VIU A- ItlOA.MKK V. M. Colvlfc C L. Heumi'K Lawvei-H Office Meilrord National Bank building, second floor. POItTMIt J NIC IT. WM. P. MKALUY Attorneys-at-law. No. 1 nd S Post offloa building A. K UUAMI58 Lawyer. CiurnttU.Cry building. W I T I HNOTON ICKLLY Lawyers P.illil building II I' MII.KKY I...W .i li.i.nii " .1 k" H'.ll l'', U.ll.K UlilK BUSINESS DIRECTORY Billiard Parlors. S. T. BBOWN & CO. Billiards, Clgunt and Soft Drink. Up stairs. Young fi: Hull building. A nice, cool pluco to aiioiul tlio hot aftcrnooiiH. Bill PoetorB. V1SHNE T. CANON Hill posti-r ami DIM trltnitor. .Alt ordcrn promptly filled . Hoom 29, Jnckson County Bunk bulld Iiir, .Medford, Orefton. Clg-nr nnd Tobacco. HIKI.AND & ANTLU SmoKpliousi- -Donlrrs In tolmcco, clKnrH, and mnok ors' mippltcn. Exclusive intent of I-i-wIh SltiRlo lilmlor, Kl Merlto and Kl I'alcii cln. 212 West Main street. Civil Engineers. ASTHimv & TI5H. CIVIL KNdlNHniW, surveyors. 8ieoiiilty; I'lattlnp. mil dlvldllu; and tmmlClilal eiiBlneerlii;. Phono 4081. Itootn 108 (Jtirnott-Corey tild).. aicdford, Oregon. Contractors nnd . nullOem. CONTrtACTINQ AND nUII.blNG AV. J. Kaufman or Cnntnn, Ohio, Is now located at 123 Houtji 1 lolly and deslreM to Rlvo any one na cstlmnto on build in rh. of any Hlxo or description; 23 years experience In this line of work. Lowest prices, consistent with Reed work. Seo ine before lettlMR your con Jrnct or call phone. Main 1801. 15 Hl'HACfOK 1IIIOM. Contractors nnd builders; let us help to flnanco tlio uuiiuinR oi your nonie. yi4 l'TtntRrow ors' Hank bldR. NtuboNAI.D & I.OV10LACE. Contractor and builders. Kstlmutcs furnished on short notice. Phone .1632. 20 Furniture. 1C. 1 WILSON & CO., dealers In new nnd second-hand furniture nnd hard ware. Agents for Household stoves nnd ranges, 10 South Kir streot. Phono Main 3161. Home 265-U MISSION" KlTHNlTUilM WOnkS Cor ner Sth nnd Holly streets, Mcdroril. Mission furnlttitv inado to order. Cab inet work of nil kinds. A trial order soiiciieo. MOYF DOFK & WOI.KK Cookstoves nnd ranges. Nmv and second bund furni ture, Kuds' old stand, 18 Kir street, Hotith. Phono 31. Home 283-K. Med ford. Oranlte Works. UOI.D KAY UUAN1TK CO., 210 West Main street, manufacturers and deal ers lit monumental and building gran ite, crushed granite, common brick and pressed brick, coarse und fino waslud river sand. .MKLJKOIUJ U1UCIC CO. Heo, W. Prlddv, O. D. Nngle. Cleo. T. O'llrlon Contrac tors and mnmiriictiirers of brick; deal ers In pressed brick and lime. Offleo in Onrnett-Corey block, room 209. 2d floor. Phono No. 3181, Notary Public. NOfKY PUBLIC Uooin building. PlllppH llULUN N. YOCKI5Y, Notary pjihllr Bring your work to tuu nt tho sign of Tho Mall Tribune. IIoubo Cleaners. JAMKS JOI INSUn KlecTrle ViMMltlm Cleaner. Cleans draperies, rugs, pianos, organs, etc. All work guaranteed. Oil S. Central. Phono Main 11751. 13 Tents and Awnings. MUDKOltD THNT AND AW'NINO CO, makers of nen, repairers of old. Both Phones 405 s Oakdale. Nurseries. MKDKOKI fmi:EN""Hol'HlJTclir?low orti, rt. i pluntH. shrubbery bulbs. D23 10. ?' ", Phuno S741. quaITl it Niiusi;iiTrS5-toTtf:'i saTo budded, net graried Our stock Is not Irrigated. . guarnnfe ry thing r -it out. Wo it no In t' r rust H l Patterson, v; ilco removed to 110 '. Mnln st. UOUUl'J ItlVKU VALLKY NIIhTmU CO., Inc. drowei of hlnti crud. kit sery stock. Office 26 W. Mali Tel -Phono 1201. Physicians and Htvrgoon. J. 10. NlHOAIUOIt, M. U, P'.yai.ltu m, I HuiRebn. Special attention .-iv. r in. tenml medicine and gont-nl '.rf,( practice. Office hours iu to i. to I, Office phono "31, residence pln I Ij, Offico oyer Mining's drug store. DKS. A. LOCKWOOD " ... I'liyslclan and Surgeon. Offico 210 K. .Main st, over Ilns- kius' drug store. Phono Main 1001. DBH. CONHOY & CLANCY Physlel tns nnd surgeons. Taylor mid Philips bllg. rooms 210-211-212. Offico phone ,01, residence phono 012. Office hours !) a in. to 8 p, in "' .'; CAULOW, DIt. KVA MAINS v...,.,,ui wniuopuuiic Pl nil l,ll i Alm'ml In ivwimti A 1 ll .....I .11- il ,,. . Coroyjildg. PhonoMaln 0351. DU. K. H. POItTKU filseaV.s'of'u.r. men u specialty. Booms 6, 0, 7, 8, ,Mt i1rV,k'H i'i'J?-' Molfnnl. Oregon, plioni'i, Dfflco PJG1. resldenco 451. Wl. A'UTliAIAH" V. DI5ANI0 Dentist -Office In Itlalto bldg., 123 10. Main Otis administered for oxtractlon of teeth . Telephono Main 081. Night lllinit.i Ilia " lilt. V. V. WICK Homeopathic ph si o an; residence 203 Olson st . phone Main 11,1; office, rooms 3 and I, Hi. Mark's block, phone .Main 18J1 ,)U:,;Tr',JAIJNrt ''hyHlelnii and surgi mi .Vf1!.''.'.. tl'inett-Con.y bldg, ,,, , -'1 1-212, phone HAD I. ltesldenct 11, Laurel st., plume 'Hvyi. DIt. MYltTLIO H. LOCKWOOD--Prut i ti llnilled to illHeuseH or women, ortln HiiHltliw bhlg1 Phono Jlulii I on Dr. W." M. ruirKiiooc Dr. C. C. Van Hcoyoc r, .. Di'iitlsls. aarnett-Corey bldg., sulto 318. Medford, .Oregon. jintli Phoiifi DU. 10. 15. KOCH, Chlropraetice dun onstrator of Psychology. Kase for uM lliitm- N" ''Ugs. No knives PI n,. JiiOI. or call ut 300-307 Oarnett-Cor v block. Hours 9 to 12. 1 to 0, and . to a; by appointment on Sundays. t)U : LIOllOY .Si." OomlON Cbiroprac tn HPlnoIoglst; over Moiirord H.irdv it Co.. 210 1. Main St.. Medfnrd. On i DB. J. J. KM MKNS -Practice llmiUil t-i dlsesse of the eye, chx, nowi and tbroi' Offico 210 K. Mnln street DBH. HAUNDKILS AND UltKKV Pr i Hen limited to eye, ear. pom' ,m,l thnmt. flfflee: Suite X1H tJaril' t Corey hiillillng. Until phones. Chinean Medicines. CHOW YOHNd'S Chinese moillel'K -l cure rheumatism, eiitarrh, col.N gut ers. throat and lung trouble, il. ifn . paialVMls, iirlvate dlMeuMes .mil HI kinds of chronic and nervous niuu - Stomach trouhli. oonsllpatltin. Indi tlon, womb and bladder troubles, s Jmijit241 S. JTront st.t M"ilf"r'1 ()r rinuo iJdVolce. MB8. J. J. JIAt'Bi, piano and vo'lee '11 olurt street Phone 5J32 11 Prlntors nnd Publlshsrs. .SlIOlH'oitli PlklS'f l.No t'-d.. bus ll,.- I,..t eiulpi)d job office In Southern Or -gou; bunk blndhiK; loout) leaf syht. ni piit paper, etc.. ite , Portland pri . s 27 North Kir street. Stenographers. KI'La m" OPANYAW Palm jll.k SteliOBrHphlo work done ipilekly nnd pTllLlC HTISNOOUAPHKfl. IU2 (iaT- 1 1 -Cor-y bldif, .Medford. Ore Miss 1. .1. IIIiikwIiiii, Telephone Home 95 Slffns. VaLLKy flirt n SIONS will help build up your busl .DVKUTl8INO eo'H ueM. i-iinne sm lit Itlveiwldt) awnut. Steam Keating'. PONT I NO & URN 8I-.mii and hot wa ter heutlutf, dry kiln und power work. HatUfactlon icutrunt d Ktliuul-n glvsn. I'hetiPw: pacific 1601, Home I2I-L. residence Pacific 4IH2. Box 131. 37 South Central avenue, iledfoul. Orogon. Sewlnff Machines. SnWI.Va MACIIINKH I'AVK Dl'Ni'AN loi'.il repr-H-iitiiili. for 'Hiim. t" n i "Wll I. I' ,V lv,i" h,. III. I, I, ., . Plum- il I M i, Mi , - ,i , , ,, ,, ,f ltiMii4i;. w.