br MEDFOttD MAIL TRIBUNE, 3rfti)FORr, OKTCCJON, MONDAY, APRTT, H, 1911. PAGE FIVE I 8s fl fl LOCAL AND H. 1). Walker of San Francisco Is registered at the Moore. George Mack of New Haven, Conn., Is a late arrival from the east, who Is charmed with the valley. Two and one-half .acres In alfalfa ono mile south of Washington school, easy terms. A. W. II. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers' Dank bldg. tf Miss Hernlco Lamkln of Phoenix spent Sunday In Medford with friends. Loose leaf ledgers made In Medford at the Mall Tribune office. V. D. Kels of San Francisco drop ped off Sunday to spend a few daysi In Medford. Money to loan. Spraguo Bros., 214 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. 337 F. J. Kugglos of Portland Is a guest at the Moore. Fred F. McClure of Eaglo Point was a pleasure seeker In Medford Sunday. The most favored people on the coast aro the Medford people. They have the Medford Jobbing company to look after all of their little odd jobs, repair their electrical appliances and clean their walls and ceilings. Medford Jobbing Co., offlco, Medford Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phono Main C501. 33G William Nellls, who owns an or chard near Central Point, was in Medford Sunday. Spring Is here. It Is housccleaulng time. Have those walls and ceilings cleaned by the Medford Jobbing Co.'s now Parisian process. Nothing like It. Office Medford Music Shop, St Mark's block. 33G Michael Anderson of Northport is visiting friends in this valley. Dr. J. E. Shearer, phyBldan and Burgeon. Offlco over Strang's drug etoro. tt Kenoth Webb of Central Point spent Sunday In Medford. Gregory leading photographer, views, portraits. 323 Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dunbar of Grants Pass, accompanied by Miss Deltbon of tho same city, were In Medford Sunday. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 Eugene West Is In this city on busi ness. Mr. West Is a prominent busi ness man of St. Louis. Don't fall to go to tho men's meet ing Sunday afternoon. C G. A. Aakln of Grants Pass visit ed Medford friends on Sunday. All kinds or bindery work dono at Mall Trlbuno office. H; S. Porclval of Grants Pass paid Medford a short business call on Sat urday. Hemembcr the men's meeting Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Garlock of Nam pa, Idaho, are visiting Medford friends. Do you want 14 lots GOxl 4a each, for 12400 on easy terms? C. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Uank bldg. tf 11. n. Hawthorne of New York is In Medford on business. See R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. tf. Fred L. Colvlg of Jacksonville, county recorder, was In Medford Sun day afternoon. Medford local Socialist party meets every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hnll on North Grape streot. Everybody Invited. tf. Fred Elsole of Merlin, Or., Is In Medford on business for a fow days. Itelchsteln for wood. Yard corner Fir and Tontb. 329 William Garvin of Talent spont Sunday In Medford. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalnw Successor to tho undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Farniture Company CALL OR PHONE FOR Ambulance Sick and Injured conveyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conklln, 3601. J. II. Bulla-, 3571. PERSONAL Mrs. W. W. Dinwiddle of Wood burn, Or., is spending a few days in this city visiting her ncphow, A. F. Stennett. C. C. Callendlne of Portland is In this city on business. Joseph W. Almutt of Ashland Is a Medford business visitor. Lato magazines, periodicals and pa pers at the free reading room In chap el back of tho Presbyterian church. Open evenings from 7:00 to 10 p. in. All men and boys aro Invited. tf C. J. Sutor of New York was In .Medford Monday on business. Henry Ahlf of Grants Pass was In Medford on business Saturday. Printing, all kinds at Portland prices. Mall Trlbuno offlco. W. L. Hillls of San Frnnclsco is in Medford on business. Ralph Hull of Uellingham Is In Medford for a few dnys. Made In Medford, any stylo of looso leaf or blank book, at Mall Tribune offlco. C. E. Mende of Portland Is nt the Moore. S. S. Schell of Grants Pass is a Medford visitor. John H. Carkln, attorney at law, ovor Jackson County bank. Ray Chllds of Hellingham Is regis tered at the Nash. Earl Hrockmnn of Merlin was a business visitor Saturday, who stayed over Sunday In this city. Office rooms .for rout over Medford Hardwaro Co. Intpilre of H. E. Hoyden. I). A. Chllok of Hellingham Is so journing In Medford. II. T. Rerwell of Uoston Is at the Nash. Thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds for sale. Choice cockerels, $1. Eggs $1 per setting. Address Ulrlch Bros. Jacksonville. 10 S. 1J. Splker of Eagle Point Is a a Medford guest. D. W. Jordan of Grants Pass spent Sunday In Medford. Do you wnnt 5 ncres In alfalfa, ono mile south of Main streot, cheap? C. W. II. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Uank bldg. tf J. E. Wright of Weed arrived Sun day on private business. J. 13. Spencer of liutto Falls is In Medford on business. Ashland Steam Landry, Medford offlco, phono No. 1201. tf. J. Otten of Hood River Is In Med ford on fruit business. Is your houso wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increaso In comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf II. J. Stewart of Cottage Grove Is in Medford for a few days on busi ness. H. C. Durgardt, tho architect, Is visiting Medford looking after the new schoolhouse8 under construction. Colonel Allen, father of A. C. Allen, left for San Francisco Monday. C. V. Sherman of Grants Pnss was a Medford visitor Monday. Henjamln Collins, former city re corder of Medford, was In this city yesterday. Frank Tisdnlo and sons of Onta rio, Cal., will locate in Medford. Arrested for Setting Fires. United States Deputy Marshal T. E. Hnmmorsloy today placed Ed King and M. Adams under arrest on a charge of setting a fire on Elk creek last summer. The two men will give bond this afternoon beforo Judge Canon. Mr. Hammersloy also arrest ed James Klino of Central Point on a chargo of perjury. Death Seals Mystery. SAN FRANCISCO, April 3. Death today sealed forover a peculiar shoot ing mystery, when Rollln Patterson. 38, a Petaluma, Cal., merchant, died from a bullet wound at tho North western hospital here. Patterson was found shot BOtne time ago in Washington square. Un til the hour of his death ho was con scious, but at all times refused to mako any explanation of how ho re ceived his wound. To tho last Pat terson believed ho would recover and maintained silence. t l f t f-f 4 -f 4 TOO ..ATE TO CLASSIFY. 4- 4- f444444 4-4 44444 I HIGHCHOFT residence sites are soll I ing daily; mnke your selection bi ' fore choice lots are sold. tf FOR SALE Partnership intorest in I ono of the host established real cs- , tnte and insurance business in the city. This is u moneymaker for tho right man. Act quickly. Addross1 1 X Co.. Mail Tribune. j WANTED 4 or 5 room furnished I house, close in. Phono 2501 Doll. 10 I FOR SALE A good two horo or j chard cultivator. Two fcotts of shov els. Price right. Address Pox 72. Medford. Vt FOR SALE- 1(10 Plymouth rock fliii-ks; 1 dofcon of iuMiig niillH: O. Jf. NEW BUILDING ITO START SOON Apartment House Adjoining Mail Tri bune Block Will Soon be Under Way J ob ns and Turner are Ar chitects and Contractors. Work will be started this week on tho apartment house to be erected by Porter J. Neff and J. A. Westcrlund at tho corner of Fir and Sixth streets adjoining the Mnll Tribune block. Tho building will be three stories In height and modern In every respect. Johns & Turner, who erected tho Mall Tribune block, will erect the new buildings. They expect to have a crew on within tho next day or two. The new building will conform In architecture with the Mall Tribune block. SECRECY SURROUNDS JAILING OF PRISONERS SAN FRANCISCO, April 3. Pro found secrecy Is maintained today re garding the arrival hero of 140 mili tary prisoners from the Mexican bor der yesterday under gunrd and who were at onco transferred to Alcatraz Island. Tho prlsonors came from San Antonio, Tex., and their escort, under command of Captain A. II. Turner of the14th Infantry, stood with loaded rifles as they were marched from, their trnln to the tugs for transport to Alcatraz. All Information today Is refused as to whence the prisoners enmo or with what offense they are charged. Hot Election in Pasadeno. PASADENA, Cnl., April II. Pim ndonu is holding a municipal election today nt the close of the hottest cam paign in the history of the city. Wil liam Thum, H. L. Meteulf iiml Harry Nichols are candidates for mayor. Nichols is n socialist. Pasadena's registered vote is (!,200. At noon il seemed that all poll records would he liroen. Interests is intense. Probably ,fi00 votes will be cast. Fight is Denounced. PARIS, April .'). Loudly denounc ing the Sam Langford-Sam McVey 'JO round draw here last Saturday night as a fake, Paris newspapers to day have entered into a campaign which probably will prevent the hold ing of any more negro fights in France. With one accord the sport ing writers declare Langford could have put MVVey away had he desired to do so. Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap proval of the recipient oi "v message. Any old kind r n messenger won't answer. The best should always be sent "if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness" stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tfit tlanjjrj fafir or tulinm italfoiirrjr OLD HMflFSHIRIE Mi "Lookjer Iht wattr-mari" because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old Hampsmihc Bend it a clean, criip fmper, imde for (.lean, ir) butlneu ulki. It i ton on tle .is nibl on thdt Ihtre't economy jn qualil) A fundume (irciwrn book iven upon rrqtivnl, how. i"t) Itrtterhr adt ami ntlirr I uvinm forms, printed, litliof ru(liei and engraved on the white und luurtten '" MjiIfUv lUlu-oHmr Pamk CctMrAkv, Hie wily IMptr uidkrrs in hr world RMkiflE txmd Hr eiclutively am ft "'.. -4 H4li tl.kVitVkiwli:UiI " ra uvsiiijyyyus u mP'KW Medford Printing Co. WEST JACKSON E ENTERED Residence of William Shannon Bur glarized Considerable Sum of Money and Much Jewelry Secured By Burglars. The homo of WUUnm Shannon nt 21S West Jackain street wns bur glarized Sunday evening while Mr. Shannon and his sister, .Miss Marlon, were- at church. The marauder se cured a considerable amount of mon ey, jewelry and other valuables, In cluding nn automatic revolver. Mr. Shannon, who Is connected with the local forestry office, and his sister aro the sole occupants of the house, which was left locked last evening while they attended church. On their return they discovered the loss. The police were notified, but no clue has been found. MEDFORD SCHOOLS ARE E The Medford schools opened Mod day morning and re.Mimcd work nf tor three week's vacation, called the mid team holidays. There were few absences nnd the leaehers and schools, after their rout of n week are ready for tho final work of the semester. "1 believe," said Prof. Collins "that this vacation is a good thing. It gives (ho teacher's lime to cor rect their examination papers and to get n needed rest. Again, some of them who nre not contemplating slaying m this city's schools are given n chance to get settled for next year. "Then too, tlio cliildrcns minds are freshened for the final pull of the year and are not fagged out when final examinations are iivon." Arguments Postponed. CHICAGO, 111., April 3. United Slates Circuit Judge Carjenler pod poued today arguments nn the de murrers of ten indicted pacers charg ed willi having violated the SIieriiKin uuti-trtisl law, April 13. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark SWINE FOR SALE Fancy registered Poland China and Berkshire Swine. Orders taken for spring delivery. Prize winning stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, Klamath Falls, Oregon. To the Public Wo wish to call tho attention of prospective buyers to tho fact that wo havo boon In tho county ovor 40 years and aro proparcd to show some of tho choicest tracts In the valley. Costs noth ing to look at our list ot bar gains. McDonough & Demmer UKAh KS'lATn AM) ixsriiANci-: ItOOM i, STKWAKT IIMIG. Corner .Main und llartlett K(h. I'lione it 171. aieimcmx iu i man vlSaPouItry Yard MtV.STAIi WIIITI. OHPINiiTON A n"id of 2C3 cggK in 'ill day tho largost clean leg 1)1 id In the world, enK $1" I't sifting If not at Uffetd'iy 1 .i' h m nd Ki'ttlnx half price, aNi - 'g lif k- ?-' ou cm h J.F. NORMAN. Owner M I 'JXjfJ' SEVERE SLEET I UWA Telephone and Telegraph Lines Down in All Directions Communication at Stand Still Is Most Severe Storm in Recent Years. DISS MOINES, lown, April 3. The most hovero sleet storm in years U raging today over all of Iowa. Tele phone and telegraph wires, coated inches thick with ice, are down in all directions ana communication is practically at n standstill. Switch for Associations. Chief Engineer Wood of tho South em Pacific and a corps of assistants are locating a switch and a siding at Central Point Monday for tho Itoguo River Fruit and Produco as sociation. This company is going to erect a now warehouse In Central Point for tho use of Its patrons. Tho old warehouse was torn down as It was not only Inadequate but In need of repairs. Tho new wnrohouso will cost about SlfiOO and bo about r.OxlOO. Tho association has not decided on the location ns yet, as four Hltes aro being considered. The spur will bo about 100 feet in length. Alfalfa Ranches No. 27 SO acres 6 miles sonih oi! Ashland practically all in cultivation, fenced aud cross-fenced; SO acres fine alfalfa with water for irrigation; 30 acres of bottom laud, bal ance upland, nearly all in grain. The soil is exceptionally good and is practically level. Machinery will wolk on all the land, Pree from stones, all free soil. The improvements arc fine. Large 9-room dwelling, being situated ou main road; house hard finished throughout with copius halls, closets and everything roomy aud homelike; large barn, with fine big mow and room for an abundance of stock. Fine family orchard of choice fruit in bearing. Chicken house, woodshed, etc. Pine well of wafer at door and a soda well in yard. This is one of the show places of the. Rogue River valley and one of the very best. Price, $225 per acre. Will give forms. Also No. 28 80 acres; 30 acres bottom in alfalfa, balance in grain. This land is equally as good as the above and joins it on the south. Fair 5-rooin house and large, well arrang ed barn; also good family orchard of assorted fruit. Price, $175.00 per acre, terms. No. 29 10 acres one mile east of Talent, on county road; five-room house; s,mall barn; all in cultivation; two good wells; wafer sufficient fo irrigate the 10 acres; all level'land. Price, $2750.00. No. 30 100 acres, fi miles south of Ashland on main Klamath road; C5 acres in cultiva tion; 35 acres in good stand of alfalfa; rest of land lies well; fi-room house; large barn; all fenced; free wafer right with this ranch. Price, $16'0.00 per acre. Terms. JACK MORRIS Live Wire Real Estate Man, Ashland, Ore. We have the Water and the Terms are Easy Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CtlMMINGS, Manager. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg Irrigated Orchard Tracts The Returns from Strawberries and Cantaloupes grown in be tween the trees will meet your payments. ROGUELANDS INC. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. WATER IS TURNED NTO MAIN CANAL Rogue River Valley Canal Company is Ready for Season Main Canal Now Full Big Steam Plow is at Work. The Hogue Hivcr Valley Canal Company, turnud water into the main eauiil in March 128 and on Mon day morning water wns supplied to a few Intends. These lateral that feed tho berry patches woro given water cnrly this morning and on Wednesday all of the laterals will have water. Every year during Hie winter tho company turns tho water off and re pairs the canals. This year they had to build several flumes. The steam plow, operated by tho Hogueland's company, has plowed 150 acres of the desert land. The plow is a 11 fi horse powor 15 point gang water, made by tho J I. Case company. The company is employing 50 men at the present. No woman is educnted in values unless sho is a persistent render of tho ads. Sho wouldn't know tho news of the day unless slm read tho paper every day and tho same ne cessity .ipplios to knowing buying op portunities. She must read tho ads regularly. IRRIGATION FIETH STORY IS UNDER WAY Directors of Hotel Company to Meet Tuesday Evening to Discuss Plans for Sixth Story on Hotel Med ford. The frame work for tho fifth sto ry of tho now Medford hotel was Just in place on Saturday and in hon or of tho occas'on a flag was raised ovor the structure nnd a broom was nailed to tho frnmo work, signifying it to be the tallest structure in Med ford and southern Oregon. Tho brick work for tho fourth floor Is being laid nnd tho fifth floor will bo finished this week. Tho directors of tho building will meet tomorrow night to discuss tho plan of adding n sixth story. If this Is done tho building will bo tho high est in Oregon outside of Portland. Ulrich Trial Soon. NEW YORK, April 3. Promising to prove his innocence nnd urging a speedy trial, Henry Ulrich appeared in tho court of general sessions to day and pleaded not guilty to tho chargo of having assaulted Booker" T. Washington, tho negro educator. Washington has promised to pro?fl the charges against Ulrich. The trial probably will come up next week. i 2 in-ubntrs. Niiali. H-.-c, OU r 1J' I,1M,M, WHI.liW.. I r