U U I' PME POUR 3fEDF0TtD MATT. TRTBjTJNE, arEDFORD, OREO OX, MONDAY, APRTL 3, 1011 et A II VI (1 ct Vi fl 1! o ll 11 I. () 1) tt 0 o (i t 1) H 1) 7. J C t J 1 1 J f n Medford Mail Tribune AN IN1JKPMNDENT N'KWHI'APIJIt PUJJMHIIKD DAILY KXCKI'T SATUIl- DAY 11 Y Tin: MKDFOHD PUINTINO CO. Tlio Democratic Times, Tho Medford Mall, Tlio Mcdrord Tribune, Tlio outn cm OroKonlan, Tlio Ashland Trlljuno GKOnan PUTNAM, Editor und Manngr-r ffi FJW THE ARTISTIC BILLBOARD. Kntnrml hm si-conil-clnHH filuttur No- , vomlinr Ji 1U0U, ut tin- poHtofflco at Moil ford, On-iron, umlt-r tlio uct of March 3, 187H. Offlclul I'nper of Hip Ity of Medford BUDSCniPTlON KATES, fjnn wnr liv mull 15 00 Oiio month by mull CO Pur month, delivered by tnrrli-r In Medford, jBckMonvllIu ami On- tnil Point r,0 Sunday only, by mull, per year ... 2 00 Wcokly, per year 1 60 BWOEW CIHCUI.ATIOW. Pally ftverufto for hIx inontliN ending December 31. 1910, 2721. mil Leased Wire United Frcia Zlspntclien. Tlio Mall TrlbuiH" I on huIp at tlui jiVrry Ni'WH Hliinil, Kan I'lunclbco Portland Motel NVvm Hland, Portland, liowman New Co, l'urtlaiul. Ore. W. O. Whltruy, Henttli, WiimIi Hotel Spiikano New Hlund, Spokane KEDrOBD, OREOOM. MntropollM of Noutlirrii Ori'jron and Northern California, and tlio fimteKt urotvliiir city In On-Kn Population V H census 1910, 8810; CBtlmati'd In November, 1910. 10,000 Klvn Inindri'd tbniiHand dollar Gravity Water Hyutem completed, nlvlni; flneHt nuiiDly mire mountain water anil six teen mlleH of Htieet beliiB paved and contracted for at a cost oxci't-dlnir $1.- 000,000, uuikltiK a total of twenty mlleH or pavement. PoHtofflec reri'lptH for year enilliiK November 30, 1910, hIiow a i.'iiln of fil per cent. Hank diposltH were $2,370,632, (i Kiiln of 22 per cent llanner fruit city In Oregon ItoKue lllver .SpIt'i-nbiTK iipplen won Hwrep Htaken prlzo and tltlo of "Applo Kin? of the World. at tho National Applo HIiow, .Spokane, 1909, and a ear of NovvtovviiH won rirot Prize In 1910 nt Canadian International Applo Show, Vancouver, 11 C ltou'iio Illver Dears brought lilgheHt prlceH In nil innrketH of the uurlil dur ing i no pai hix yearn Writ" Coinmi-rclal club. Inclosing C cents for pontage for the fluent commu nity pamphlet i vi r written BERGER TELLS OF HIS PLANS First Socialist to Gain Sent in Con gress Gives Outlines of What His Policy Will Be Realizes He is On ly One Among 500. WASHINGTON, I). ('., April II. Victor Ii. Ut'rjrt'i', tlio WiscoiiMn wc ialist nicmhtir. tho J'irst to liu elected to tlio United States !iij;ro.sK, today Knvo tlio I'niled I'nws an out lino of tlio policy ho e.vpei'tB to follow dur ing tliu present kcsh'oii. (Hy Victor L. Horror.) Of ooiiiso I realize that I am onlv ono tionirrosbiiian anions nearly ,r)(M) in tlio two hoiiHim mid I do not ex pect to revolutionize the country sin gle handed. Hut Iikchum' I represent 000,000 volcru I have u rilit to ex pect to (jet n chance to explain our point ot view on import an t measures In common with socialist IcKis-latoo tho world over, I shall supporl even inmiKuie, no matter hy whom it may ho introduced, Hint is intended to yivo (,'ioater political freedom and economic security to the working chiasms, that i intended to safo guard the toiler, lulniitr wonion am iiliildrun from the factories, or to losm tho hurdeiiH and misery of the workers and add to their comfort. Tho advent of a new pait. into tlio amencHii conres im an event o, h'mlorieiil iniHrtaneo. While Aiucii m jt tho luU'st of the nations to win HooiuliNtie repreenltioii, it is the lUOHl promising for p'liewl socialis tid (iiumpliH. Nowhere el so Ims enpi tttlism had riicIi n free hand or i cach ed so pivdoiiiinatiiiir control of h cml and ivliticnl life. Perhaps no other count rv can cslalilisli Mocialism hy it("lf. I'uropnan count lies me dopfiidoiit on other nation), for food ilpplien and iimlerials of all kinds; America (an product a surplus of ovorylhinif ,e needs. IN THID inovomeiit toward the "city beautiful," which is now becoming general all over the United States, it were- perhaps too much to ask that while so many matters of grave moment, not only to beauty, but actually to health, have to be remedied, such a comparatively small nuisance, and a nuisance from the aesthetic point of view, as the ob noxious billboard should be immediately taken care of. There are many offending instances in this city, and once or twice their intrusion on particularly beautiful spots Jias evoked some transient ebullition ol sentiment. .It is considered that if a man own a vacant lot he may not only leave it in any such condition as he pleases as long as ho does not break the sanitary regulations a dubious quan tity but he may erect thereon a boarding on which may be displayed any description of posters that he cares to paste, just so long as somebody's Puritanical notions are not offended. To the uhilosonher it is doubtful whether offense against beauty is not equally grave with one against Puritanism. Coming down to its real laws, which are the basis of all human society, a man's liberty only goes so far as it does not infringe that of his neighbor, and if a man's do ings in this respect offend his neighbors, they have every whit as much right to object if he displays offensive posters near a park as if he should operate a saloon in the middle of a residential district. There is no doubt that if the city councilmen ptiss a municipal regulation affecting these posters it will be tested in the courts, but if carefully draft ed there is equally no doubt but that it will be sustained by the courts. While French law is no precedent in this count rv, still it at lords an example of what may be done. Mill posting in i-ans is a mailer distinctly ol municipal regulatien: posters may not be displayed anywhere except bv license and whether such licenses be or be not granted is left entirely in the hands of the municipal authorities; nor mav posters be displayed except in particular spots. Further more, such posters must conform to certain regulations as to tlieirj'haracter and design. - . COMMUNICATIONS. . JOSEPH W. FOLK RAPS SOCIALISM Says He Docs Not Question Soc ialist's Sincerity But States That They Arc Mistaken as to Method ot Curing Existing Wrongs. Want More Priests. I'AK'IS. April .'. -Sounding n fry that there would kooii he no more UlutH, Mot.Mjruor, Arch llishop of Pari, today produces t inures to now that younir men are not on taring (lie i-huroh. Durinir 1010 on b' 20 prifxls wwb ordained mid hi 11MI so far only nix liuva taken or-dor. SAN KUANl'ISCO, Cal., April .1 -Joseph W. Folk, former governor of .Missouri, who is hero to nddim" tho V. M. ('. A. on "Soldier of Peace," expressed today j;reat sur prise over tlio selection of J. Stilt Wilson us socinlist mayor of Berke ley. Incidentally ho mudo tho infor mation lie occasion of a rap at soc ialism. "While I do not question," he said, " tho sincerity of thoso who tirj,'o Hocinlisni iih the remedy for existing ovils,, I think they are mistaken. Ac cording to my ideas, (ho cure for c- istinj; wroiixx is in more democracy not less democracy." Pleads Hypnotism. SUATTLK, Wash., Apiil I). That ho was cither doped or hypnotized hy II. L. Hacked, fako secret service man, who was later sent to the peni tentiary for impersonal inj an offi cer, is the defense of Frank L WiestliiiK, Into candidate for prom outiiijr attorney, and now facing di harmeut. Witnesses- testified that Wicstlinu ot llmiu into his office and that he and llackett threatened (hem with rovohcrs until they promised to sup. port VictliuK'H candidacy. "I was completely under the mi I'luence of llackett, "Wiestlinjr told the court. "1 could not shake off his eon! lid ocr inv actions." EIMCK iS FASTEST , GUN Will Shoot 3100 Feet Per Second or Third Faster Than 30-30 Cost is $125 Is Placed on Exhibition in Local Store. V. .1. Hmcrick, is the proud pos sessor of the newest mid most up to dale jrini knoun. Saturday and Friday it was on exhibition at Hum phrey's (Inn Store. Tho riflo was made hy tho Uo-..-Slrnifiht Pull Hifle Company ol Quehcc, Canada. This hiiii is a 28 culihro and shoots .'Mod feet per second which is u third 1'aslcr than the :i()-:i(), whoso sped is ahout 'JtlOO feet per second. The Kim shoots u IK! Kruiu bullet and the appearance of the carlridKC is sim- uiar to those used hy the I'nitcd States army. The cartridge is shorply pointed nnd has a copper tube in the poi.H. which upon contact mushrooms per fectly. This jiin is said to he the most perfect niadc. At a trial shoot, the Kim, with open sights, scored per fect shots at fit) and 1170 paces. Tho price of the rifle is $1 !,".()(). Mrs. Roosevelt at Yoscmlte. kki:i VOl'i: MOXKV IX OUKOOX. To the citizens of Medford nnd Jackson ceunty: Old It ever occur to you? The vast Importance of n tlnivliiK home city. A trading center, where In ten of fifteen minutes to three hours time you may he able to visit and procure the necessaries and comforts of life, that these home merchunts nre the heaviest ot tax payers and the main hub or support of the city? Please consider the above nnd com pare, especially when a mall order agent approaches you with his climax on prices. Hut, will the honorable, patriotic and progressive element, the mer chants, continue so stupid and neg lectful? In offering a temporary pro test against tho mall order houses why not got your conscience togeth er, provided you possess such, and make a grand protest or assist those who are ready, willing and able to do so, those who are your greatest support, the laboring element, the producer Hut, did It ever occur to you, especially, that the alien ele ment now so numerously Invading .Medford nnd vicinity, as at present. are predominating in numiier over our native people? And did It ever occur to you, the merchants and business men, that these aliens, not only work for re duced wages generally, but they live accoidlngly? The most of their spending money goes for tobneco and booze. Very Utile, or comparatively none, spent with the other various business houses. And last, but not least, did It ever occur to you that this alien element are in a way very wise to their own good, or good of their own native country, for tho reason that they spend as little money ns Is possible here, and send the bulk of their earn ings back to Greece, the prove their pntrlotlsm? Why, just apprehend the postal department. And now, friends, patriotic, pro gressives, If you do have any con science or conception of matters In their true light, which no doubt some of you have, by the aid of outstanding bills, the debtor or customer being unable to find employment sufficient to meet expenses. Hence will you please oxcrclso what conscience and protesting power jou may pos.ses in a manner that will toll. Protest, not only the net or custom of Bonding money out of Medford. but more especially out of the United States. Yours sincerely, WM. 13. SMITH. Medford, Or. DECLARE WA - - , - VALLEY CROWS Local Sportsmen Go After Aerial Thieves Crows Get Wise and Chanjie Rookeries Big Bag on Sunday. Medford sportsmen have declared war on the crows and have determin ed to exterminate these destroyers of game birds as quickly as possible. Since last January over 700 crows have died and the war Is being wng ed with skill on both sides. The crows have changed their rook eries and feeding grounds and now all are congregating at or near the (Sold Hay dam. For miles they come each evening nnd hunters say that the sky Is black with them at dusk. In this natural rookery nature pro tects the crows to a great extent, and It takes all the skill possible to kill them. They fly high to tho dam and then drop quickly Into tho brush and a gunsmnn needs to be quick of eye and finger. Not only thnt, but the crows are "wise" to crow decoys, and "crow callers," and only live decoys will attract them. Sunday, Keyes, Seeley, Hmerlck and Miles took a party of hunters out to the dam in their autos at r o'clock. In the party were C. Miles, W. W. Humphrey. Hill Keycs. 13. It. Seely, . Coruin, V. J. Kmerlek. M. J. l3iiiorick. Frank limerick and 11. 13. Hoyden. The party killed 70 crows. In the morning Humphrey, V. J. Prank and M. J. I3meiick went out to an old rookery and killed 115 crows. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. 1vsS - -- Where to Go Tonight ;:' I, NATATORIUM Draperies Wo carry a very complete lino of draperies, laco curtains, fixtures, etc., and do ah classes of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will give as good service us is possible to get In even tho largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Skating, Howling, Billiards, Peel, Box Ball, Shooting. Medtord's Amusement Palace, men. Tub Baths for Ladies and Ocutlc- X I AT TUB THE ISIS THEATRE To he business manager of a home which is the position of most every housewife is to appreciate the help fulness of the ads. For a homo that is "managed" hy a housewife who does not read ads is managed expensively. Washington Buys Home. A Splendid Tonic. Cora. Ky Mrs. va Moore of ihla plnou iMyi: "I wna ho weak l could hardly walk. 1 tried Curdul and uai groatly relieved, it u u splendid tonic. I havo recommended Omdul to niuny fiioiuls. who tried It with Reed re- HiiltK." Tovtlmouy like thU coineu uu- Kollaltod, from thoiiMiiida of earnest women who have been benefited by tho (Imoly use of that Miiccehsful tonic iilQdloIno, Card ii I Purely vegetable. mild, but rollablc Onrdul well merits jts high place In It steeni of thoae avJio Jinvo tried It Ii relieves wom en's pains, and Mi. ngiheni, wrtk wonion. It Is cortuiiii) wnti a dial Your druggist boJIs Cutdul, XKW YOltlC. April 'A. Dr. Ilookei T. Valuiitloii, the fumoti negro educator hn purcluiM'd a wummiM home at Fori Saliinga, Long Ulninl The property is located within i horl distance from the former um mer rohidonco of the Dueho- ni .Marlborough and h one of the moi echHie localities in the wealthv Hiinmor rc-idencc section. The prop erty iuoludtfH two and a half aeiv of land unil a twelve room houe. Or. Washington' nearest neigh horn are Franci B. Sun.uie. a prom inent lawyer, and .Mi- Fnriiam. a nieou of Bixhoit Fuller. xoriru. Vollce It hereby glvon that the Ucgue Ither Valley I'ulvoralty Club will make application to th clt council of the city of Medford, Ore don al Its regular meeting on April 11th. 19U tor h llceiiio to veil spirituous liquors, and malt liquore. lu nuanilUc leas than a gallon, at Ita club riuim In the Mall Tribune building on Fir struct, for a period of ux uiontua. Itogue Hlver Vally UttlveraUy Club Uy W. 0. ANUICKao.V, 10 Secretary. llasklus (or Health. SAN FI'ANVISCO. ('!.. April .!. While Colonel K'oosevelt is visit ing Nevada and California cities prior to his northwestern trip, Mrs Theodore Woosovelt and .Miss Hi hoi will sojourn in the Voscmite Valley until Friday. .Mrs. 1,'oosevelt. In-'i daughter and Miss Landon returned from Dehnonle last night where tliov were guest,, of Mr. and .Mrs. I'udolph Sprcekels. Colonel Ifoosevelt, Theodore, jun "'" ''"d .Mis. Theodoie, junior, ves. tetdav isited Luis dinner's exhibi tion of painting. Colonel Ifooscvoll wilh his secretary, Frank Harper left at 8:10 hist niirhl for l..i i... Woonevolt and her dauBl,ter 'started ! 0"UI Co" H"l'Ul N Y' tor the Yosemite I hi uioriiiujr I . iiasious toi Health. CATAItltM IS KritKLV A OAXf'KKOl'S DISKASK Thousands of people allow catarrh to slowly undermine tho whole 'ys tom until a serious disease develops - sometimes consumption. Peoplo who have catarrh should uso ovory effort to j-et rid of It l.ut should above all adopt a Hcn-ihle mothod. Stomach dosliiK, sprays and douches won't cure catarrh bcui.se It is a Kcrui disease, and tho serins must be destroyed before the dls oiuo can bo conquered. MrMmi I . ... uiujuvi is mo ono sensiDie cure for catarrh because It i caches every fold, crevice and nook in the mu cous niombrane nnd nets where tho Korms are. You brcatho I1YOMK1 nail as it passes over tho inflamed member Its hoothliiK influence heals tho soreness and estroys the pinis. A complete 1IYOMFI outfit costs $1.00. ThU consists of a bottle ()f IIYOMKI and a hard rubber Inhaler Pour a few diops of 1IYOMKI Into tho Inhaler nnd breathe It a few minutes each day. thnt'h all you have to do. It is Kiiaranteed by ('has. Strang and di ukcIhIk ever.v where to euro catarrh, coughs, colds and sore throat or money back. K.tr bottle of HYO.MKI cots .10 cents, l-'ree trial suniple on request from Booth's nv- Sunrise Seed Potatoes We tiro now supplied with these much desired seed potatoes, ('till here for the new erop of guar anteed garden seeds. Exclusive Bakery About every store adveriiscmc-ii J a "human interest document." No '-sue of a paper would he a cm pieta newspaper without aim no issue of store ads a nancr u n ,... , uevvspllper if it earries.a food sh,,w in of iiitcietim; siore ads. 1,000.00 Notice Fruit Growers i ood Wo have leaked tho Pbro PacklnK house mid will operato In tho Med ford dUtiict this coming season Yc r the secoud oldest company In California ami are members of the California Fruit Distributors who handled 70 per cent of the decldeous (rult out of California this past sea ton. Call ou our northwestern agent K. M. McKeany, room 1 Stewart building and talk matters over with rim before making your seasons ar rangoiueuts. Advance mail )f de sired. I'llOIM'CKKS KIU'IT CO. llasklus for Health. vrill po firt'u- ,,ir Mulf H, c Invistn i ns tl i nu Miti ii ,'11 li v. smj , ,ind be -at if Mine Owners ti.it b iv. you to bell" Prospective Purchaser See us liefme buying. Oregon Realty & Mining Co. .UP (i.uui it.( orcy ISuililing, Product We went into the bakery h'usiness mainly because we desire to give our trade the best or at least as good as could be found in Med ford. .For a number of years we have enjoyed a constantly increasing busi ness in our balcerv depart ment. WHY? Our bakery products are exclusive with this store. Ve sell only what we bake and only the best in the city as judged by the big increase in this line. Wo don't sell our sec ond grade goods to our competitors and keep the best for our own trade we sell only what we make and we make only first class goods, (live us a trial and proe it conclusivelv. Allen Grocery Co. 321 South Central Ave. For Rent: 7-Room House $20 MVKItS, WIIITKSIOK & IIOIjMKS S. K. Cor. .Main and Central. Phone Main 862 FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUTT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 "Fruit growers Rank Bide TOXK3HT hic noriu,i: itiib UOVAIj AM) ATFIi i Uliiirlmr lllllll'itlir A I Tllll.'l I il' I J """H'-H r. i 1 no oniy act Ol us iunu. i ma uui I I I .....- .......cn.inr. (.,11.. than any act on tho atngo. Hilled J at the Orphouni, Portland, as tlio wonder-workers. STIMi AXOTIIICU Z (.'I'OKfilO MACK The oi initiator of (lie word laiili 5 You have JuHt li" minutes I thla lnugh-provoker. If you don't I leave the house with your sides ? 1 achliiK. then you have forgotten J i how to laugh. t Doors oK'n 7::i(l. $ Matinee Saturday and Sunday -:'!( J with ? --T- ID-GO vArnnviiiTiK X MOVIXO PICTCHKS ? Illustialcil Sinif;. TONIOHT LOOK WIIOSi: IIKAIt! KOSf I 'OX In her hobble skirt and with her TWO IMCKAMXXIKS. Moving Pictures, latest and best, i Matinee Saiiuibiy and Sunday. Rock Spring' Coal On hand all tho time. Phono ICO.;. BURBIDGE TIIF COAL MAX. Fill Ire Change of Proraiue. Latest and Itcsl Plmtoplays', Music. Messrs Crawford &. Crowcll OXi: IM.MK AXl) WOUTM MOKI A Closing' Out Wo havo 00 tons of nay; also ten tons of barley. Don't stop at the West Side, but come to tho corner of a rape and ICIghth. Phono 0402. Hesidenco phono CO 11. A. B. Tull "NAT" THEATRE Shows all tho latest and best films. Change of program Sunday, Tues-1 Oood program day and Fridays, for tonight. ADMISSION' 10c. 'HS. rf COLUMBIA DISC RECOEDS AHE Doiifole Discs J .& roeords aft n faE sinlo prlco JJ, Don't spend another cent for tnl.ir.g-niact.ii)o records till you lavo seen and heard Columbia Doublc-Diic Records. They fit any machine, and outwear any ether records in the world. Double value for your money I Call m I Get u catalog I Medford Music Shop 220 West Main Street Havo you noticed tho sun- 8hlno? j 'ismi Tliro to got that Kodak. Only ono placo, lot us show - Arjm you Medford Book Store lib- S&TL &i(r i. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles 0ENKRAL OVERHAULLNQ & MACHINE REPAIRINQ. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 63J1. x Torner Contral Ave, and 8tk Si Medford, Or. Vi '.'I K 1 I I vJhNII lSI 8 C9