P2GE THREE JAPAN WANTS PEACE HilH U. S, Announces That if Their Treaty Witli BOMBS EXPLODE: AlEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR1MOX, "MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1911. Bank Notice If prudence, safety and economical management are matters of consideration, then our methods must in terest you. We know how to handle your business satisfactorily and expeditiously. Capital full paid $100,000.00 Surplus $..65,000.00 The Jackson County Bank Pounded in 1888. W. I. Vawter, President. C. W. McDonald, Cashier G. R. Lindloy, Vice President. LATE Police Are Making Every Effort to Apprehend Persons Responsible Believe Attack on Jail Was Orig inal Plan. Fnnlnnd Interferes With New American-Anglo Alliance That They Will Be Willing to Revise. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 3. Cablus from Tokio, the result of hur ried exchanges between the Japanese ninbussador and the foreign office of Japan, were reeeived here today which declare, that Japan will ex pedite in every way possible the pro K).sed Anglo- American arbitration agreement. Through its representatives here and in London, Japan, it is said, will announce I bat if necessary it is pre pared to agree to a revision of tlic llayashi-Landsowne treaty with (Ireat Hriluin if any clause in that agreement should be found to in terfere in any wuv with the peace insurance plans of the I'nited Slates WEST POINT EVIDENTLY IS DEVELOPING SNOBS ANNAPOLIS, Md., April .!.--Through the reported affront to Miss Mary II. Biers, daughter of Profes sor llierri of Yale because she is ('unloved us an invalid's companion. the naval academy has placed :i ban on all "nurse girls" attending hops. This unwritten law will be strictly enforced according to officers, "no matter what the social standing oi the girl is." Meanwhile il is learned the navy department is willing to order an in quiry into the snub offered Mi.ss Piers should her father request it. Players Released. LOS ANGHLKS, Cab, April 'X Pight fielder Teek, Pitcher Coleman and utility fielder II. L. Deal, who have been trying out. with the Los Angeles ('oast League team, were released today. Arthur Stadille, a youngster who blew into the ball park n few min utes before yesterday's game, ask ed for and was given a trial, and will go north with the team tonight, lie played last year with Shreveport and Vieksburg in the Louisiana league. Reactionaries Claim Victory. MA Mil I), April .'.Despite Pre mier t'aualejas' retention of his post after having resigned, the reaction aries today claim a victory over the lcpublicun element in Spain. It is reported they threatened to seize the government if King Alfonso refused to re-organize his cabinet. Canalejas' resignation and subse quent' re-uppoiuijiucnt, they assert. will mean that anti-clerical measures hereafter will be less severe. Great Farewell for Diva. NEW YORK, April 3.-Luin Tet razzini today was radiant hero over 'the success of Iter "farewell" conceit last night in the Ilinpodrome. More than 11,000 persons jammed the- huge edifice. The crowd and tho singer were both enthusiastic. Totrazzini bang until she was exhausted and the crowd gave her a perfect riot of ap plause. 'Commercial Court Busy. WASHINGTON, 1). C, April a. -Hearings were commenced hiye to day before the new commerce court The most important ease now before the tribunal is that of the Louiilic and Nashville Railroad Company ver sus (he inter state commerce lotn mission. known as the New Orleans board of trade case. liolli cln- ami commodity rates filed bv the L. uiul N. fjoni New Orleans to Memphis and other points on the s,wciu an invoked in the proceedings. KL PASO. Texas April .'1. Milynr Mnrtinr.es today ordered the police to make every effort to apprehend the persons responsible for the ex-i plosion of three bombs in Ouile Diablo, Ciudad Juaiez, early Sundayl morning, which resulted in the death of Francisco Sonora, a federal sol-. dies, and injury to three others. Federal authorities today expres sed the belief that an attack was planned ,ou the jail, and that the dropping of the bombs from the roof of LaFavorita dance hall was an accident.- A woman who saw two men on the roof gave the nlaiiu from (he LaFaxorite Puilding. The tiiM lit terally blew Sonora to pieces and the second wounded his companions. AMERICANS WILL E E ST. PAUL, Minn.. April o Kn vironment, according to Dr. A. !'. Jenks,'authropogisl of the University of Minnesota, will make the descen dants of present day Americans all of the Indian type, dark eyed, black and dark skinned. Discussing the future of Ameri cans, Dr. Jcnkf. said today that the day would come when immigration from F.urope would be stopped and that, with the influx of blonde Scan dinavian and Saxtjn races stopped, inhabitants of this continent soon would revert to Indian types. Stage Falls Over Precipice. POINT. ARF.NA, Cal., April :$. One man is dead and five other per sons are badly injured here today through the overturning of a stage which plunged down a 100 foot preci pice near Stewart's Point. Driver Hitchcock was killed. Only Jhe icnr wheels and the body of the coach went over into the canyon, the horses remaining unhurt in the road. Big Merger Planned. WKAVKIiVILLK, Cal.. April .1. -Negotiations were completed here lo day for the merging with the Gug genheim interests of preperties val used at over $'J.").0()0,00(), including the Union Hill Mine at Douglas City the Dutlons- Mines, Lower Duttoii Creek and Steiner's Flat, the Fields property, tho Hupp Mine, the Hook and Ladder, Harvey Consolidated Placer Mine, the Woodbury Placr Mine and Hindley Placer Mine. Mist of the properties are located in Northern California. luuiicii luis iiuiiircici iui uiu ruiiii Known as Bituliihic HOQUMI IIOQUIAM, Wa-h., March HI.--(Special). K street properly own ers voted to recommend bitulithie puveinent for K street, between Fifth and Fighth streets, at a meet ing held in the offieo of City En gineer J. I). Moughmer, Monday night. The property owners having expressed a proforonco for bitulithie pavement, the council last night let the contract to the lowest bidder for that form of work. Hasklns for Healtn Reward 11 Hy comnarason and without know ing tho prices, many people have gained the Impression that "Medford Hoights" lots are quoted at higher prices than other enst side additions. Wo are reported to have sold u lot to a business man for $2000. This U ru error, and It Is a fact that con sluerlug locution and distance from the business center. ".Medford Heights" lots are from one-third to one-half less. The actual prices are from $100 to $050 each and the terms are one-third cash. Investiga tion will quickly prove every state ment made here. Tlll: VAN DYKi: UKAII'V CO. March .11, mil. jTO WHOM IT MAN COXCKIt.V: 1 We are reliably notified that two i men. one representing himself as H. i H. Schwartz, are traveling through the country representing themselves as employees of tho Slngor Sowing .Machine Co., and by this means are fraudulently collecting money from the people on the htrength of this representation. The public Is hereby warned against them as they have no connection with tho Slngor Sow ing .Machine Co. ! We hereby offer a reward of $30.00 for the arrest and conviction of tho said S. II. Schwartz. Please notify any town constable or sheriff, who is authorized to pay the same for , the arrest and conviction of said , party. Singer Sewing Machine Go rnu ur.N'CAN' 1". L" il K ir. ,i nt iie NEW- BEST- READY. and 'a :ra 'lam Mm 'A lll W7 III SiMrH Ivffiffl "MILLER-MADE I AN you think of seven words which, could tell a more complete story of Spring styles ? We want you to understand that tne styles are right up to the scratcn, just the sort to appeal to men and young men who are style insistent. That they are tne vest for the money cannot he questioned; value sticks out all over them and what you cannot see is inside them. T hey are ready for you to try on, purckase and wear. 1 here 11 he no sussing or fuming" about tlieir fit tkey are absolutely certain to fit you m just tke manner test suited to your individual needs. I o clinch our argument we mi'ghf also say that "Miller-Made" clothes insure you your full money a worth. If tlicy don t prove out to your entire satisfaction, you get your money bach and without an argument. $15. to $40. H 23k "MILLER-MADE" STORE 'TPV I C JVH.JN NER CO A rjri KJtt ruiy Kem .cirkci bl er A Columbia, Double D Isc Record fmih M ililll 10c e Regularly Priced 65c for Tlit,v.' rcconN will not Jaht IniK "M foi'tncr iMrl'ii('(' luis jirovcn K't yours its cully nn possllilc, iu:m: is what this si'Kciai ItlK'Oltl) CONSISTS OK One of tho selm-llona Ih one of the moHi liciiutlful southorn mulodlos -v-tr written, lendered hy u fainoiiH (inurii't and full orchttstru accomiiu nlnii'iit. The othor sljlo Is somothlUK distinctly novel, and out-of-thu-ordln-nr -soiiiBthlng you've never heard lit f'oro. Kemenihor, our nllotuient Ih limited, and they're sure to go fast only oiy record to each machine own- r Come today anil hrliiK a dime. Tills record fits any disc machine. If cii live out of town, send your numo and the record will ho reserved. M earor McNealy &. Co. usic Shop 220 West Main St. dM California Irrigated Lands IX SUIiDIVISIONS, 20 ACIU2H AND ri'WAllDS KASY PAYMKXTS THE IIOM13 OP ALFALFA, ID13AL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Write us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Go. DIXOX, CALIFORNIA. Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manufacturers of GrLAZEP CEMENT SEWER PIPE Plant CRUSHED "ROOK SCREENED GRAVEL Delivered 16 any pnrt of city. Office: fruitgrowers' Hank ItltlK. lMiouo M. 052. WASHED SAND North Riverside Phone M. 6091 C. ,T. SEMON, Mgr. for Concreto for Ilrlck Work for l'lnstoriiif; Medford Iron WorRs E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE k CO. IIAHItY LUY BENJ. M. COLLINS County Seat Real Estate Ofiice Wo wish to niinonnco to prospective piucluiHors that wo still havo hui'KaliiB In fiirni nntl city propory to offor you, nlso tlmhor and wood hinds. Lnat, hut not lciiHt, a fow of tho UEST STOCK AND ALFALFA HANOI 1ES In Southorn Orogon nt prices and tonus that wHl plonso you. Thcso ranchos havo an ahundanco of water for Irrigation, KO"d liulldliiRS nndsomo stock. Lot us "show you." Office in Hank of Jacksonville IlldK., .Jacksonville, Oregon. LUY (EL COLLIN Borse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing .IlY IIUfiH KLIilOT'I', tho noted homo shoor.. I carry tho largest Block and keep nothing hut the hest inechanlcH and guarantee all work. Wo Make a Hx:elnlty of bholng driving horHCB. Corner IUvei-sldo mid Klghth Mtreets. Phono Home .10. Pacific 3101. sS0 s ..... t PLUMBING! i STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guariintoorl Prices Reasonable Z COFFEEN (SL PRICE t linunnit urnnir PVfmiAVnp mv tl. CTIM.M.VT mrnvid flltft T Mil J1UH Jlltlf IlliUV. IV, J'JT M Mif- A4 " MHi UII14IV& . ww a 7C4'4 1444444l44A(4444-M4tf4f4-4(- &P-JJJVp'P''J---!W-lJJlP. Medford Jobbing Co. Tlie only c.clunlvo Johhliig compnny In Medford whoro you can J get all of your llttlo odd Johs douo at once by expert workmen. 2 Our Specialties Cleaning, Kalhlmlucd or papered walls and ceilings. ALL KLIXTIUCAIA APPLIAXCUH HHPAMIKI). Wo will tako $ charge of any Joh yr.u may have, call us up and talk It over, Jj WK OirAUAXTKK BATISIWOTION IX WOHIC AND PRICES. PI I O.N K MAIN (inoi. Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MAltKS 11LOOK. r& II.. kn.s i'..r Health. ijrr-tf'X-';