w? MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OHJiXJOX, MONDAY, APRTL 3, 1911. PAGE TWO j Campbeli & Baumbach CUM LAKE'S GOVERNOR WEST 10 PLAY SAIL "Madame Sherry" Thursday MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, j CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS p. Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranches j and fruit land. i PHONE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY BLUU. Medford is Put to the Bad Have i Will Pitcli First Ball In Opening of Receipts Durinjj March Breaks All Records Sheriff Collected Over $100,000 in Taxes Recorder and Clerk Busy. Nothlnn on Imported PitcherT . ... t 1911 Baseball Season in Portland Local "Boys Fail to Practice as Was Once Some Pitcher Him self. They Should. COUNTY MONK M WINNER --m.a et A ti VI cb C( VI fl II o (1 11 1) I. o 1) U C o (i t II 8 1) '. 0 t J 1 1 J i ( 1 The,Crntcr TnUi baseball team Hlipped ouo over on Medford Sunday and the scoro stood 0-7 in favor or tlio Cratar Lakou when tho ninth was over. Over-confidence and tlio absence of Crowes and MeFarten defeated the local team, and also a bonohead play In tlio seventh Inning. Tho score at that tlmo stood 7-7. With two moil on bancs tlio Medford foam played like a town-lot baseball team. A squeeze play was nttombt od'by1 tho Orator Lakes 'and Wick played tlio name right up to tho tlmo for tho throw to the plate; then ho lioavod tho ball over tho fence. It was Brent, all right, all right. In the ninth the locals did their boit to score hilt McCoy after tVo runners got on bases struck out the players. The indoinltablo Wllkennon fanned twleo .nnd the ciowd was dlllrlous with' Joy. Tho -Medford team could do little with 'McCoy's pitching, while both Uurgcss and Wick woro badly ham mered. Hut at the tlmo Uurgcss was taken out of tlio box ho had settled down 'and was pitching strlko-out ball. If ho had stayed tho Hcoro perhaps would liavo been the other way, as It then stood 0-1 in favor of Medford. Tho shortstop on tho Crater Lakes was wank, and four runs were re sponsible for bin errors. Tho lad, though had benn sick and was then unable to stoop tl ground. The Crnter Lakes did not kill tho ball, but they certainly hit at tho right times nnd placed the ball. Tlio two teams will meet two weeks from Sunday, as Medford plays Grants Pass next Sunday. V It was a good gamo yostorday and also, considering that tho Crater Lakes had novor played together be fore, It was a great win. . LADIES SOON WILL PRESENT "THE CHIMES"' Tho Greater Medford club will pre sent tho "Chimes or Normandy" on the iMth and liMb of this month. TIiIb play, or musical epic, l ono or the most celebrated plays In America and Is an old favorite. Tho cast will all bo o.-profesHlonal singers, with the addition of several of the bust talent In Mudford. Mr. Whotsol will tako tho leading tenor pint and Mrs. lloll will play Corinalne. lid Audrown will also take a lending part. Either Charles Hazolrlgg or Frank Andrews will bo the musical director. Practice is called for tonight at 7:tt0 sharp, at Mrs. 13. M. Andrews' studio In the Natatorlum. TAFT WELCOMES METHODIST DELEGATES WASHINGTON. I). ('.. April II. -Pronidont Tuft welcomed today In WHeliington the delegate to the liullimnro cottftM-enoe of the Metho dist HpiMcopnl church, which in in jKiHsiim here. In his address the presi dent na'nl: "One must lmve some reiMiiiihil ity rtir government, such as Ml t my lot in tlio Philippines, to undor stllliil tilt) illipoi'liince of (lie HupMut of the oluireUcs of right uoverii inpiil "It lins liM'w iiiv good fortnne to know iw-w iiiiifii the supporter of militant MelbodiMii lime eoulribiitcd to progrehK and government and in the eivilUulion f iht- umWl." Father Wantc His Children. KAN FltANt I WO, C.d.. April :. In senrcli of hU ! clnldien. wlm wo to m warded linn b Judgi' llukin nf Slt He utter (he divtnrc wliili hiipaiitlti(l he Htid his witr, Albert A. Ilmiry, a clerk m the Se.iMle N.t tioniil Hank, arrived heiv tmlny am) sought aid in his (pic-i iroui t lie lot il police, Henry claims that h niovenipul i on foot to hum- lils children from' tho tiflilos into Meii-o His nttor-l The Ferrer ilnbnto will be resumed noy dltilms Hint the children ale in in tho cor tea tomorrow, and there Hie miro of n nurse imiiH'il Miss Wiek-j ari fttronx pi-ulmliilltios of Hiriou off.' ! i roubles during the dfcetisMou of tin The, Iroulilo whli'li disrupted the execulum of llio "Patriot of Hwive lIoill'iv lioimeliold fnlltd a senndul lona." involving' Ktiatoi- ICelly, secivt.nv of (ho inBtiliition liv which Honrv i einiilfiyfd; Tho affair was ilk- u-i-eut Qojisntion of Seattle. Hasslnu Hnnos In May. I'On'J'LAND.Oio., AprU'fl.- -1"':-- Kavaiiaugh Unny sol Miy 18 ( ihe (litif for tlio ojcouiilion.of Jnus ll sing who was convicted of killing hi wifo. Tho 'Hin was oominilleil ' iho efrput sovoral mouths ago. ( PORTLAND, Or., April 3. Oov ernor West In his younger days was ono of the crack pitchers of Astoria, Salem and other Oregon towns, and has accented J ho Invitation of George S. Shepherd, secretary of the Port laud baseball club, to pitch the first ball across the plate in the opening ceremonies April 18. Bath Tuh Trust In Bad. WASHINGTON, D. C, April .1. The government prosecutors today are concluding the preliminary work in the approaching prosecution of III Individuals and 11 corporations, compromising the "bath tub" trtist. It was predicted that court proceed ings would be under way next week All tho defendants will be called to answer Indictments, no promise of Immunity having been made by the department of justice officials. BOY WIIS HONORS COUVAMilH, Ore, April H.Tlm stuff of officers rut-cully elected for tho Zetegalliian Literary Society nl tlio Oregon Agricultural College is composed of boys from hoven dif ferent counties, as follews: President H. J. Atkinson, I'ortluml, Multnomah county; Vice 'resident, V. 0. Gibson, Wnriiisprings, Crook county; Secre tary, A. IC. Andrews, iMcdl'oid, Jack son county; Treasurer, It. M. Thomp son, (.'orvullis, Benton county, Re corder, It. K. Ointher, Corvallis; Ser geant nl arms, II. ,1. flilkey, Grunts Push, .lohcpliitic county; mid Jam tors, F. G. Urown, Fort Klainat'i. Kliimntli county, and C. Nelson 1 Scuppohc, Columbia county. ES HER INTENT: THEN SHOOTS SELF SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April .1 "I'm going to kill myself, conic up and get our daughter, ,Mar." Telephoning this message to her husband, Charles A. Hock, who was engaged in divorce pinrccdiugs with her, .Mrs. Meek shot herself last night and today is dead in the emer gency hospitals. A policeman to 'whom Reek appealed when ho got the ileuth threat, arrived just as .Mrs. Meek fired the fatal shot. Gates Wants Divorce. XKW YORK. April :i.-Charles 0 Gules, son of "llet u Million" John (lnte, in a defeudiiiit here today in it suit for divorce brought bv his wife, Mrs, Mary V. Gates. Gules was married thirteen years ago in St. I,nuis, Tho couple lisve no cliil ilien. There is only one ground up on which n suit for absolute dhm -e can be brought in this state, that i fur a statutory offense. Willard to Arrange Meet. I .OK ANGKLKS. Cal., April !l. Aviator Charles Willaid will leave i'niglit for Salt Lakke City to meet iepresentnlie of u new- coinineieial I'l'g.mirtiitinii and nrraiige for a 'J, IKK) mile cross eouiilrv flight. It i-. said the route will be fiiun New Yil ti Denver in ohhv stage. Premier Rrorjiauizcs Cahinet. LONDON, April St. Madrid .le-pnti-hes to the lehange 'IVIegiuph tmlav hny that Premier Canale.i.i lias eoiit)leteil Hie rc-orguiiirutuiii f Ins cabinet, which will be trougl military Stockks Active. NKW YOUK. April :i. At the openiuj today the stock mailet was firm hut quiet. Canadian I'm i fie i-ained '.. Handing 3-1, I'niou Pacific M Pnii'. l.ehiith N'alley.' Asuoi-iuU'd Oil juniHd t 1-3. The inarfct( cliwed strong. llond- wer firm. 11 nl 'i- tor Ih-Ul. .What is pre-einineiilly the liigiret musical iiltractioii thai ha- lelt in New York in many year is "Madame Sherry," the chic and fascinating' French vaudeville, which is announc ed for appearance at Iho Medfoid lliealer, Thursday, April (5th. "Madame Sherry" is the reigning sensation of the day. It completely captivated New York nnd Chicago and has broken all records on its Iriumpliiiiil tour to the Pacific con -t. In Sun Knineiscn it tested the i-npa.- TO SUCCEED IS GOULD'S PUCE NKW YOUK, April ."I. W. I1'. Mu-h, president of tho Pittsburg Teriuiiiul Coal and liailroad Coinpany, a Ooiild man, it was learned Unlay,' Iiiih been selected to succeed UoorgO .). (loiiltl1 as the head of the Missouri I'ncifie. ; It is said Itusli will be elected this week at a meeting of the .Missouri Pacific directors here. ' I A California nclontlat clalina to liavo greatly Incroaiicd tho breeding, capacity of a flock or sheep au well as their yield of wool by pwUuring I them beneath high voltage electric wires. ew BUSH Ti ootwear flj '(n will liki- tlie 1011 si'mu' iittiili'ls in fine .'out wear For nii'ii, wuiiii'ii and rhildivn. 'l'lic latest lasts are now on display and we invite your inspection. IJ ltMMKj.Mlil'M?, w'cm'II t.nlx the slnu that aivsuro to weat well. 3 J F tdmeaded 0r&4 Si'SBSffiSt!IBW Medford One KM, Thursday, April 6 SEATS ON SxuE MONDAY, APRIL 3, FOJl THE MUSICAL COMEDY RAGE OF 2 CONTINENTS Woods, Frazco and Ledoror's World Wide Success The n M s l.i-i st Int. u ,''i is w, iu'i in ' , ,t, luai?- Ilit'li'i'llt .'dlii Ituli, u u m1 iMe 1 uliii'ih , Mid all those ellrh.llltillii luelodlr, ill ludtliy "livery Little Movement Has q Moaning All Its Own" H of tlit ( iliuubia lb iter at eve.v )n i iWiiiniicc, and nl'li'.iigh it re mimieil in tlmt city l"i- three week not one half the people who were anxious to enjoy the performance could he accommodated. It will be seen here in all its completeness, with its wonderful cast, stunning ehoru inassive production, special orches tra, delight fill coined v and all tho-e eharniin- melodies, including the thcino song of the piece, "l-'.very Lit tle Miiemciit lln-! a Meaning All II ( )wn." Scat - nnw -i lliug. ORIS TO SUICIDE l.OS AXCiKUOS, Cal., Apiil :t. After an attempt at biiicide made li the. University Police station, 0. W Thompson, a carpenter, i- held in i padded cell at the Central neteutio Hospital today, mid a eonnnissiui probably will pass upon the (pie-tim nf his sanity tomorrow. Thonipsoi rushed into the station and demandei protection from a mob, which he -aid Avag niirsiiing him. Then he ru-hei' into tho hallway and sla-hed ln throat. Iln-kins for Hi til Ii- ff ft Spring i H68IrC More business was transacted in the county offices dtirinj,' the month just cloned than duriii,' any previous months since Jackson county ha. Iieen on the map. Kvury official has had his hands full, and receipts run large. la the sheriff's office pnyment of taxes kept Sheriff Jones and u In rue force of clerks on the jump. During the month $105,url.-' was collected The month was a busy one in the Recorder's office, in all 01!) instru ments were recorded during tins month. The recorder took in 077.33 for fees nnd $00 for registration ol titles. Count v Clerk Coleman also went some, collecting fees totaling $-l"7.'20 The treasurers report for March receipts is as follows; Aiuout on hand March 1, $1'J0,- 2II.-I.7 1. H. Q. Cileiunii, subscription for Phoenix bridge, .-f37.".00. G. F. Wert., justice of pence, for tine of Harry Tripplet .f.'l.'i.OO. Henry Dox, justice of peace, 11. M. Ileeincr", $30.00. J. O. Hurt, justice of peace, fine for II. Michaels .flS.riO. . L. A. Wail for rent of John An derson home $0.00. V. W. Henson, seerctnr.v of stale for forest reserve and rental sales, f'J.O'J.").!)!!. V. W. Henson, secretary of state, for bounty on wild animal .-f'JOI.'J."). Fred Colvig. recorder, for leg-i-tration titles $00.00. Fred Colvig, reeord"r's fee $077.33. Count v elerkk, W. H. Coleman, fes $i:7.20. Total $13.'),220.23. This is the largest total in nine months. Uasluns for health. Smith Apartment House 1217 S. KlVEItSIIHO AVKXCE Everything new and strictly inadern. rates reasonable Electric Rooms Oponed Monday, March 6th in Elec tric building, 21S West Main street. Everything now and modern, Includ ing steam heat, baths, otc. Ucst in city. Rates reasonable. Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors Van Dyke Realty Co. CITV I'HOl'KUTY 1UKMS, FKUIT RANCHES li! E. MAIN STREET. Canton Restaurant Meals Served at all Hours. Good OmkliiK, flood Service, Reason able Prices : : : : Sam LocR, Prop. I'pstairs on South Front Street. Pansy Plants Ke.uU to bloom. Ornamental shrubs iml bade tii-e. .1, T. IIROAUUHV .V CO. Greenhouse near oity rfenoir Stoia Corur Sixth xml Oiltul. PhifuM RlSl; ltai. T "Buv ut h'ine and lu-lp Mi-ihid " rn.Mn thf sr.RNES AT SALEM' A book of fascinating facts about the last Oregon Icgl Bl me Contains chapters and roll calls on Important que. tlon. jlc of each member's record, contributions by Speaker I i hK. Sntor SIt Colloch, Uepresentativcs Eaton, Derby and Drownhlll. Col. h. Hoftr rltTon by Carl Smith and II. V. Edward, newspaper corres pondents, who saw the session at close range. Eighty pages, il lustrated. For sale at MB1KUIU HOOK STOKE Oil IIV .MAIL, HOX 77, Portland, Ore. PKICE U CENTS- Summi THE CHOICE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. All improvements in. Street paved. Cement side walks. Sewer and citv water to the lot line. Duildint? restrictions. Only four blocks to the new Jackson school. East front lots West front lots 5725 Easy Terms. W. T. York & Company Selling Agents. yyriimiHM i'"""'lwuyii XTIL !-- V! i VMiu,, it. I "nw KwTk1 J A t Mil i tl Hi. . w i . Mm l! v mi-M . Private Ambulance Service Sick and Injured Conveyed to Any Part of the City or Country. JOHN A. PEEL PHONES: Day Bell Main 351, Residence 41 1 1; Home Phone 179-L 9 - 9 - -0- 1 TTTrr ivieuioru Official Map of Jackson Countjy, Ore. j Compiled especially for the Mall Trlluino by tho J .Inckson County Abstract Co. Approu'd and ofH- s daily adopted by tlio county court, July, 1010. s 5 Shows ownership of each parcol of property, township nnd section linos, county roads, forost ro- J serves, railroad grant, city and town boundaries 2 s and all othor necessary information. 5 j Tho only convculont, handy, comploto map of Jackson county publlshod In many years. Size 20 by 40 Inches, on heavy map paper, tinned at s X both ends. J j No homo comploto without this map. it sells for $2.50. but will be givon away freo to btibserlb 5, ors to tho Medford Mall Tribuno. j HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE J SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY MAIL FOR ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE .. X OR FOR THE WEEKLY MAIL TRIBUNE TWO I X YEARS IN ADVANCE AT $1.50 A YEAR. $3.00 X AND THE MAP IS YOURS. X i s I Or got cno now subscriber to tho Dully or two i now oues to tho Weekly, remit and wo will send tho X map. X Old subscribers may up arrears and subscribing in advanco. Medford Mail Tribune 27 N. Fir Street Medford, Ore. X s s s s X s s A 4 A , fi . r r, ;-. " i. A"--r- r ij 52 i i mm i'i7V 1 1 n - m in ! - ' sr? r - V--- f jr-vr-rrvr-KX iYiau inounes TRIBUNE S.-v no - - - . . (-.-. " i ; secure the map by paying s X s s s X s rfSi5 r ..l i jr'A . 'l.'iUzu gp WHMI "WW mifv -w 4