Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 03, 1911, Image 1

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    University Nowi Offlo, K
Medford Mail Tribune
Saturday $i!0,)i:7.
Monday j:j.r(.i)
Fair Ilnr. 2I.00, Max. 07,
Mln. .11, Mean 50.
No. 10
Supreme Court Knocks Out Present
Custom Whereby Manufacturer
Prevents Sale of His Articles at
Cut Rate Prices.
Oklahoma Loses Fight for Same
Rates Court Rules it Has No
WASHINGTON, I). C. April 3.
Tho United States supreme court to
day decided that any manufacturer
fixing a minimum retail price for
which his products aro salable,
through wholesalers, does so In vio
lation of the Sherman anti-trust act.
The opinion is one which will
swccplngly affect the trade in pro
prietary medicines. The decision was
evoked through an action In which
the Or. Miles Medical company of
Elkhart, Iud., sought an injunction
restraining the Park and Sons com
pany of Cincinnati from selling the
Miles medicines to cut-rate druggists.
The lower court denied the Injunction
and today's decision by tho supreme
court upholds tho verdict of tho low
er tribunal.
(ovci-uincnt whit.
After having been defeated two
years ago In the highest courts In tho
construction of commodities clauso,
the government this afternoon won
tho first move In a bnttlo for the
same provisions ngalnst the Lehigh
Valley railroad and the Lehigh Val
ley Coal company.
In a decision today tho United
States supremo court reversed the or
der of tho federal court of Pennsyl
vania, so far as that court refused to
permit the government to amend its
petition against tho railroad to in
clude stock ownership by railroad or
coal company as part of Its allega
tions. Hate Case Dismissed.
The tight of the Oklahoma state
officials to prevont tho Atchison, To
peka & Santa Fo Uallroad company
from charging higher freight rates
within Oklahoma than those allowed
in Kansas for similar classes of goods
for a similar haul was dismissed by
the United State. supreme court to
day for lack of jurisdiction. The case
was brought by Oklahoma and charg
ed that differences In rates for tho
transportation of lime, brick and oil
were so great, compared with the
rates charged in Kansas, as to
amount to discrimination. Tho court
also dibinissed Oklahoma's suit to se
cure an Injunction preventing more
than 20 roads In tho state.
Commission I'pliclri.
Affirming tho docislon of the Inter
state commerco commission, tho Unit
ed States supremo court today held
railroad forwarding agents wero en
titled to carload rates In official
classification territory. Tho railroads
sought to enjoin tho commission, as
sorting that only whom tho shipper
or the consignee was the pwnor of the
shipment was tho carload rata per
missible. Memphis Wants Bryan.
WASHINGTON. I). C, April :i.
A bit: Memphis (Toiinoseo) delega
tion holy today will inite William .1
Hryan to movo to that city. Tho
whole south is suppoiting a plan to
raise $100,000 to induce Hryan to!
transfer bib Commoner plant to that
city, where a homo for Hryan will persons have been killed. A big bli.
lo provided. I "'d i raging over the northern On-
Senator John Sharp Williams of tario region and nearly all tho wires
Mississippi and ex-Senator Horry of nro down.
Arkansas will urge Hryan to accejit
Laundry on 8-Hour Basis.
3. -
NKVADA CITY, Cul., April
The largest laundry here began today
nn an eieht hour dav for the women
employes, to moot tho requirement of
the law pafd bv the la-t legi-lalim,
but which d..- not -.. mi., effect f..r
i.. iici.Ui-.
Extra Session Democratic Congress Meets
Reforms Planned; To Consider
Bryan and Harmon arc Both on Hani
to Watch the Wheels Go Round
Three Important Investigations to
Be Made.
WASHINGTON, I). C., April .1.
With both William .1. lJryan and Jud
son Harmon on tho ground to "watch
tho wheels go round," tho democrats
completed today their plans to take
over the government at tho opening
of congress tomorrow.
Tho democratic, program for the
extra session has been completed.
They plan to pass President Taft's
reciprocity measure, to accomplish a
reapportionment under tho new cen
sus figures, to revise tho tariff sched
ule by schedule and to institute a
general policy of economy and re
trenchment. In ndditlon to thoso policies decid
ed upon, there aro to bo three Impor
tant Investigations. Tho department
of justice Is to bo probed in connec
tion with its failure to prosecuto the
steel trust; the postofflco department
Is to be combed over In connection
with the fcecond-class mall rate con
troversy between Postmaster General
Hitchcock and the magazine publish
ers, and tho nallingor-PInchot fight
In tho Interior department is again to
be mndo tho subject of a full Inquiry.
Plan on Foot to Put Town on Open
Shop Basis Such as Exists in Los
Angeles at Present Attorney
Studies Situation.
CLEVELAND, O., April II. To put
Cleveland on an open shop basis sim
ilar to that now in force In Los An
geles is tho aim of tho Employers'
association of this city, which an
nounced its determination today to
wago war on organized labor. Tho
association has a membership of 000
and tho fight will affect 100,000
working men.
.Iny P. Dawley, attorney for the
Employers' association, has just re
turned fiom Los Angeles, whoro ho
made a careful study of tho opon shop
situation, and ho will report fully In
a few days to tho association. It Is
expected that his report will bo made
Hie basis for tho beginning of tho
local war.
WASHINGTON, I J. C, April :i.
Congressman Sulzcr announced thU
afternoon that the house democrats
will force the regular republicans to
give the insurgents good committee
assignments, lie said tho democratic
caucus had decided that if the regu
lars tried to side trackk tho insur
gents, tho democrats would provido
assignments for (hem.
Wreck Reported.
MONTH KAL. Que., April . De
spite denials from officials of the
Canadian Pacific Railroad horo, it is
reported through other sources that
a serious wreckk has occurred .it
Shreiber, Ontario, and Hint several
ernor Johnson will dallvor an address
welcomo to the delogatei of tho
National Educational association
'on It meets here in July. The gov-,
ernor's acceptance of the Invitation j
tn th,J address was received to-,
Prominent Republicans Say That
Taft Will Not Allow Present Tariff
to bo Monkeyed With Democrats
Laugh at Threat.
WASHINGTON, 1). C, April I!.
Prominent republicans who aro close
to President Taft declare that should
tho democrats succeed In getting any
tariff revision bills through both tho
houso and tho senate, the president
will certainly veto them. In splto of
this threat, the democrats at their
conferences today, reiterated their de
termination to revise certain sched
ules of the tariff act during tho spe
cial session which opens tomorrow.
Such measures, It Is believed, will
go through tho house with a rush,
and the democrats believe that a suf
ficient number of insurgents In the
senate will voto. In favor of revision
to pass the bills In that body. Tho
matter will then bo up to tho presi
dent, and his veto, tho democratic
leaders believe, would make mighty
loud campaign thunder next year.
Up to noon today President Taft
had not written his mossago to con
gress. It will bo very brief and prob
ably will urgo only Canadian recip
rocity. It may also recommend that
tho houso postpone any consideration
of the tariff.
Insurrectos Said to Be Preparing to
Move on Little Mexican City in
Near Future City in Precarious
SAN D1F.GO, Cal., April :i. Alarm
at Knseuada over the threatening at
tituto of tho insurgents under General
Hcrthold, who has made Alamo u
stronghold, is increasing daily, ac
cording to passengers who arrived
today from the Lower California
capital. They said that the Knseim
daus have become hysterical again,
and that practically all their soldiers
have gone lo meet the rebels at Mei
cali, leaving only tho warship Gen
oral Guerrero available for the town's
Tho rebels aro becoming restless
and are said to be prowling over the
whole west coast of tho peninsula'
south of Knseiiatla and north of Saul
Quentin. A large party was report-1
ed at San Vincente, a seaport south
of Knsenndn, yesterday. There is no
doubt that tho insurgents are now
well equipped to attackk the city of
Knsonnda, especially since the sold
iers have gone. Reports that there
are 200 soldiers in the ciiarlcl are
not generally credited by visitors to
tlio capital, the idea prevailing that
tho city is in a precarious position.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., April .'!. Ono
of tho quietest city campaigns In tho ,,, HOt hy Km Ko,0t socialist may
history of San Dlogo closes tonight.!. . , ,., , ,, , . , ...,
. ., , . i or of Milwaukee, .Mayor-elect J. Stltt
A mayor, two coiincllmon and four i
members of tho school board will lolwn"0 UlUi0(l t0,1"y ()f hl l"ctlcin
oloctcd tomorrow. Interest Is keen, vor Hovorly lloiignond, republican,
howovor, In tho ehanco that George A. i by a majority of' 181 votes.
Garrott, socialist candidate for coun- "You need not export anything
ell, has of winning. Ills supportors, j dramatic or spectacular In my work
who Incliido many Independent ro-'as Horkoloy's mayor," said Wilson
publicans, havo boon much encour- today. "Wo aro now faco to face
agod by tho oloctlon of J. Stltt Wll-.horo with practically tho name prob
son. socialist, as mayor of Herkoloy. loins which confronted Soldol when
ho waH oloctcd mayor of Mllwaukeo,
WASHINGTON, I). C, April 3. and I expect to go about solving thorn
Chairman Underwood of tho ways
and moans committeo announcod this
aftomoon that Victor h. Horgor of
Wisconsin, tho lone sooialiht in con-
gross. would bo uivon committee as-
iignments by the domoorats. Horgor, ,0 Initiate a municipal policy foriHv lli(t j,rr,ti,Pr Honior Hillman, also
j,o said, would bo allowed to heloct Herkoloy looking to tho ultimata own- ft m, 0fclllto ,,,, ur(, ,ivising Hill.
,i1P ,,,,.,. ,, ,j,., . ,hfl , ,'orshlp of all pui.U utilities, but I do (1)lll (o ,.,.. (l. .,.,,.,.,. without
m - iu i"' oxpoct to uhIk i In socialism ' ......i.. .. lllII)P(li
Such is Charge By American Anti
Trust League Which Sends Letter
to Every Congressman Denouncing
Committee Appointment.
WASHINGTON, 1). C, April H.
Hitterly assailing Koprosentulivc
John F. Fitzgerald, (democrat, New
York) as the "representative in con
gress of the prodotory interests" and
denouncing his reported selection as
chairman oL' tho powerful committee
on appropriations, a letter from the
American anti-trust league, has been
received by every ticmncrut in the
house. d
"Behind Filzgorajd stand the Wall
Street trusts, who are republicans
when the republicans are in power
and democrats when tho democrats
are in power" says the letter. "Fitz
gorald takes his orders from Cannon
and the trusts."
The letter demands that Fitzgerald
bo not named as chairman of the ap
propriations committee.
No Sunday Ball in Nebraska.
LINCOLN, Neb., April 3.--Suuday
baseball in Nebraska was killed to
day when Governor Aldrich vetoed
a hill pnsed by thq legislature per
mitting it, with restrictions.
f TTTtt f-t V-T -H-I
The Koguo River Horticul
tural Society at its session
Saturday adopted the follow
ing vote of thanks:
Whereas, the Medford Mail
Tribune of this city has al
ways freely devoted its space
and influence to the further
ing of tho horticultural in
terests of tho Rogue River
Valley, and
Whereas, its policy in this
respect has been conducive
of great good,
Therefore, lie it reselved:
That the Rogue River Horti
cultural Society, convened in
regular session, do tender to
the maniigemeul of (lie Mail
Tribune a sincere vote of
thanks for its aid and co
operation in furthering hor
ticultural interests in the
Rogue River Valley.
4444444 4 4 4 4444444
Socialist Mayor of Berkeley Will Fol-
. , roii. ..! .
low Plan of Scigel of Milwaukee,
Says Not to Expect Anything
UEitKELEY. Cal., April 3
daring that ho will follow tho oxam-
' lo h"o dlxnlfled and conserva-1
tlv" manner that ho has omployod.
"Politics will not ontor Into my ,
appointments, as only morlt and abli-1
'ty count in public sorvlco. I oxpoct I
Important Measures
New Democratic Press Bureau
Scores Taft for His Intimary With
Wall Street Norton's New Job is
Pointed Out.
WASHINGTON, I). C April :.
Hot shot for President Taft's admin
istration for its intimacy with Wall
Street handed out by the now demo
cratic congressional press bureau
here is the cause of the prediction
hero today that the coming session
of congress will sec some sizzling
Under the caption "White House lo
Wall Street and vise versa" and re
ferring to President Taft's former
private secretary O. I). Norton, be
coming vice president of a Morgan
bank, the bureau says:
"Do Morgan and Rockefeller give
out those high salaried positions to
government employes for services
rendered by thoni while they are in
the government, or is it because of
a realization that men like a secre
tary to the president are likely lo
have valuablo secrets which may bo
useful for speculative purposes If
"Going and coming, tho path be
tween Wall Street and President
Taft's immediate circle is short and
much traveled."
Northwest Coal Mines Arc Tied Up
Arc Endeavoring to Force the
Operators to Uphold Closed Shop
-Non Union Men Hired.
ELLENSUUKO, Wash., April I).
In nn endeavor to force tho mine own
ers to observe tho "closed shop,"
UfiOO miners employed by the North
westorn Improvement company nt
Clo Elum, Koslyn, Jonesvlllo, Ron
ald and number 5, went on strlko to
day. Tho miners' union signed a con
tract last September submitting to
an "open shop" agreement. A month
ago K10 men wore discharged at Clo
Elum and tho minors' union claims
that many non-union men have been
employed to tnko tho places of thoso
discharged who wero members of that
Saturday night tho unions held
meetings at tho various towns af
fected, and voted to demand a closed
shop, notifying Superintendent Clng-
. horn of the Northwestern Improvo-
J inent company of their action by tol-
ephouo Sunday.
,,,,. . ,milpnvnr , .,.
gate the effect of tho slrlko, ordered
Immediately all mines controlled by
the company to bo closed.
Sheriff German has sworn In 110
deputies, tho Clo Elum pollen force
has lieon Increased to .'10, and In oth
er camps scores more of special offi
cers aro guarding proporty.
Thus far there has boon no demon
strations, but that trouble Is antici
pated Ik ovldencod by tho activity of
police officers in adding to their
SKATTLK, Wash., April 3. Aftorj
remaining in tho county jail in do-,
fault of $12.'i,000 cash bail, sinco 5
o'clock Saturday. C. I). IMIiwin. mill.
inajro n,al otdnto operator, and
jM,,m, lown builder, eamo into United
stntoM Judge Donwortb'a court today
( i,n,.r the rulinir nn hi annoal.
i.vinmlb. nf Hillmnn ,.nd hid enrw. -
Calls Stilzcr Into Conference and Ex
plains Details of Recent War Move
Does Not Care to Have Matter
Aired Now.
WASHINGTON, I). C, April 3.
Anxious to avoid publicity, ono of tho
reasons which led to the American
naval and military demonstrations on
tho Mexican border, President Taft
today received William Sulzor, con
gressman from Now York, and gavo
htm tho whole Inside history of tho
move. After tho talk Sulzcr, who Is
chairman of tho now houso foreign
affairs committee, refused to discuss
tho matter, declaring that ho had
been asked to keep tho Information
Imparted to him a dead secret.
It Is pointed out horo that Presi
dent Taft, In endeavoring to forestnll
an investigation, Is conferring with
momborB of tho foreign affairs com
mittee, and not tho members of tho
committee on military affairs. This,
it Is hollovod, Is a sine confirmation
of tho statements mndo that tho mo
bilization was la no senso moroly a
"manouvor" to test tho efficiency of
tho troops, but was prompted by a
pressing danger through tho machin
ations of some outsldo nation.
Will Investigate Change Made By
Magistrate Corrigan That City Un
tier Gayor is More Wide Open
Than Ever Before.
NEW YORK, April 3. To Inves
tigate Maslstrato Corrlgau's assertion
that New York under Mayor Gaynor
Is more "wide open" thnn over It was
under tho palmy days of Chief Dov
ory, and that tho pollco aro habitual
ly protecting criminals and strong
arm men, tho grand Jury re-convened
Pollco Commissioner Cropsey was
up for Interrogation and It Is said he
wan examined In the light of Infor
mation held by tho grand Jury
through tho possession of the police
"squeal book," which lu some mys
terious manner hns been furnlslied to
the Imiulsltorlal board.
Another alleged phase of tho grand
Jury Investigation Is to ascertain who
Is having Magistrate Corrigan dogged
by detectives and who ban caused his
telephone to he tapped since ho made
the charge that the pollco wore pro
tecting vice. It Is reported that n
high city official ompoyed detectives
to shadow Corrigan with tho Idea of
ascertaining what pollco officials are
giving him Inside Information as to
the activities and omissions of tho
force and the political powers which
control It.
Mann Is Candidate.
When the house republicans meet In
caucus tonight, It Is reported that
former Speaker Cannon will present
Congressman Mann's candidacy for
tho speaker to tho caucus. Tho prin
cipal business tonight will bo a de
cision as to how the minority mem
bers of tho committee shall bo chns
on. Searching for Woman.
hA-N i-'KANUIHUU, April :t -worn-
'"B '" '"JiiGon with Sheriff Jack
Smith of Santa Rosa, local dotectlvos
t,,,la' inntltutoil a clty-wldo soarch
!for "Mnncho Thompson." who is nl-
Kd to havo occupied rooms
In a
I,n' "troot l0(1lnK ,loUH0 wlt Dr-
,'0W,B (V Chlsholm, hold In tho So-,
"onm cmmty Jnl1 for tno alKH" r-
,d" of John I), Powell.
Hume Interests Are Confident of Be
ing Permitted to Operate During
Month of April When Big Run of
Chmooks is on
Grounds on Which Injunction Will Bo
Asked Have Not Yet Been De
cided Upon.
Several lawyers aro busy in the
Ilumo's behalf seeking some pretext
whereby tho federal court can be in
duced to grant an injunction against
the enforcement of tho Oregon initia
tion law closing tho Rogue river to
commercial fishing. As it is a poor
lawyer that cannot secure a tempor
ary injunction upon some pretext or
other, tho Hume interests are confi
dent of being permitted to opernto
during tho month of April, when tho
big run of Cbinooks is on, nnd are
making preparations to this end.
Tho nbovo is the statement mndo
by Ivan Humason who hnd cliargo of
tho legislation campaign made to rc
penl tho initiative bill, to members of
the Rogue River Fish Protection As
sociation, wiio havo just returned
from Portland. Mr.. Iiumnson is
showing in trumph n statement print
ed in a Medford paper staling that
not one person in a hundrod in tho
Regno river vnlloy is benefited by
Hosing llio stream lo eomniorcinl
Mr. Iliiinasou Rlnlcd that tho
grounds for asking tho injiiuclion hnd
nol been definately decided upon. It
might ho tho right of tho federal gov
ernment to regulnto fishing ns
against the right of Hie stnte, and
it might be necessary to attack tho
legality of the initiative nad refer
endum. Flaws in tlio law nnd in its
submission (o tlio people nro being
eagerly searched for by thu best legal
LAS VEGAS, N. M., April 3. No
arroBts hnvo yet boon mado horo In
connection with tho kidnapping of
little Waldo Rogers, and It Is report
ed that an attempt at a compromise
with those who shared tho $12,000
ransom will bo mado and no ono will
bo Jailed,
Detectives aro shadowing local res
idents and an unconfirmed rumor Is
current that efforts nro bolng mado
to shield woll known persons horo
who aro mixed up in tlio affair.
Upon Home lead which has not
been made public, an armed posso
left hero for tho south last night, and
this afternoon had not yot returned.
NFAV YORK. April U. At tho an
nual meeting hero today of the Pan
aiuii Railroad stockholders tlio pres
ent directors nnd officers wero re
elected. The ipiesliou of chiinging
rales across the isthmus to meet
competition by the Hawaaian-Auiori-can
Steamship Company was deferr
ed until the next meeting.
Prisoners Escape.
Pohhoh sought fruitlessly today for
six Jallbreakers who last night sawed
out a bar In a window of tho county
Jail horo and escaped. Not ono of tho
six apparently loft any trail, nnd for
this reason it was bcllovod that tho
fugitives romalnod togothor and pos
sibly intend to mnko a fight If nppro-
hondod. Tho men dropped 12 foot
fro mtho window to a drivoway and
then scaled a 20-foot wall boforo
gaining tho opon.
No Trouble for Powers.
WASHINGTON. I). P.. Audi .'l
Announcement was mndo horo tint
lu0 democratic caucus hnd decided
to entertain no protest against the
-eating of Caleb Powers of Kontuokv.