Medford Mail Tribune SECOND SECTION LLEDFORD, OktiCIOtf, SUNDAY, AP1UL 2, 11)11. No. 9. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS IN MEDFORD SOCIAL CIRCLES society f Burr Mcintosh spent several days in Medford last week anil was great ly charmed with the Rogue river val ley. Mr. Mcintosh is one of the best war correspondents in the country, and during our recent wnr with Spain it wib he who furnished the first sto.'icu and pictures of the land ing of the troops in Cuba, lie also accompanied President Tuft when as secretary of war he made his trip to the Philippines. Mr. Mcintosh has the reptuation of being one of the lincst photographers in the country and the pictures which were shown during his lecture hero showed what wonderful work he can do. A small but most appreciative audience heard his talk on "The United States ,.f Today," which was most interesting and deserved a big house and the pic tures illustrating it were unusually good. This was followed by a short sketch which was well put on and very realistic. Mr. Mcintosh took many pictures of the valley on his trips to the various orchards. The Elks again proved their title as royal entertainers when they enter tained the ladies Thursday evening Each lady was presented with a bunch of violet, in the dreeing room, by the maid in attendance. Af ter the ladies were formally wel comed a "Kangaroo" court was es tablished, when many fines were col lected. After court adjourned a very good musical program wib given. A. E. Burgess, R. Burgess, F. 0. Burgess and Frank Walters sang as a quar tet: "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eye.s." The sextet from "Lucia" was given by Mrs. Ilnzelrigg, Miss Edna Eil'ert, Frank Walters, F. 0. Burgess, A. E. Burgess and Bob Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Enmos, violin and cello duett. E. 0. Burgess and Erank Walters, a duett. A beautiful silken flag was presented to the lodge by (leorge E. Bors of Seattle. Mr. W. W. Eiferl, past exalted ruler, was men presented wait a gouien grand lodge badge, which was presented by the newly elected exalted ruler, Clar ence, Beanies. After an elaborate banquet, (ho remainder of the even ing was spent in dancing and cards. Mrs. Jesse llouck w;;s hostess Tuesday afternoon at ."()(). The dec orations were pink and white and the color scheme was carried out in the refreshments. Mrs. Perry with the highest score received a handsome souvenir spoon, lhe guests present were Mcsdnmes John Barneburg, Perry, McCowun, Antle, Hargravc, Lawlor, Newbury, Carter, Coble, Ed Trowbridge, Suminerville, I'm din Scott I)avi, John Butler, Orr, El wood, Shearer, O'Brien, Pottcnger Hohues, Bess Trowbridge, Delia Caddis; Misses Weeks, Bank and Nay lor. .Mrs. Nye and Mrs. Watt enter tained at bridge at t lit hamc of .Mrs Nye, Friday afternoon. Miss Sara Reiley was tilts winner of the first prize, a basket containing a potted plant, and Mrs. Luko the second, a jardiniere with a fern. The invited guest., were Mcsdames W. II. Brown, .Merrick, Knight, Page, McDonald Wilson, E. B. Davis, York, Konlner, English, Deiiniston, Luke, Burr Budge, Carey, Clin. Brown. Kiild l.innitftn 1?inl l!ilnm lTnwrlil?l "" -.., ...wv,, .....I...... ....... Misses Hubbard, Burr, Beiley, Ber tha English and Bess Keutner. Mis. Charles Boynton was hostess at a very pretty luncheon given at Tells of Lee's 1 hae recently read in Harper's Monthh for February an article by Major A. R. II. Ransom entitled, "Cenoral Leo's Last Sad Night Be fore His Surrender to 'That .Man' (Irani. '" To mo its interest was' much marred by the reckless state ments of its author, in consideration of which I am moved to place before J tho public my own recollections of some of those historical events. Tho; niHJor says: "It hud been raining all thu afternoon and I was quite wet," that in General Lee's tent "they Mit on bundles of rye straw, as the ground wa wet from tho rain." And uguin, "My poor mare lay flat ou her, hide in the rain, fa at asleep." Now its a mutter of fact it did not raiii on Saturday, April b, 1S05, in the vi cinity of Appumatox Court Houe, Yh., nor to amount to anything, if at' nil, that week. I, as first lieutenant in Company D, Second New Yotk eavulrv (Harris Lights) had the Ihiimr In be ih't.iiled 111 cumin. mil "I (c l.i ( ustej's ,u.tiiii gu.ilil on SlflHIFPftQZj . BHl JfttSfliS-" Mff? "Tf?BB 0 arggly T- M- "Br MafJ mm fc.H. T B0i3& " TM HF JK ., JP , vvjMMflCk JJff ff tPw wBw ia tf V"t(wBJ i?fcj3&i JL3W Atf4&AJ4WW Scene on the Yacht The No attraction announced for the quality of tin-- lug musical produc Medford theatre in yea is has at-Jtion which took New York by storm traded die attention now being ecu-, and which has just completed its tri tered in the engagement of ".Madame umphant march to the coast, leaving Sherry" on Thursday, April (i. Fori a trail of laughing thousands and the past few months the air has been vast audiences that Had been en filled with reports of the unusual i tranced by the beauty of the produc the Nash grill Friday in honor of the house guests of Mrs. .Madden. The table was a mass of jonquil most nr tisticallv arraiiL'ed. The tmesis were Mosdiimes Toinlin, Neal, William ,M,iden, llntlzoll, Messrs. Williams .Worthing, Sterling and Toinlin.' Mrs. A. Slover was hostess at a dinner last week, given in honor ot Mis Berna Huberts' birthday. The decorations were ferns and carna tions. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Caitwright, Mrs. Bellin ger; Misses Berna Huberts and Iva oBeck and Mr. Wing and Mr. and I Mrs. Slover. I The Question club was entertained I by Miss Ioiiiic Flynn Tuesday afler- I noon "when preparations were made for a picnic to Ashland, which nc- i furred Friday, when the club spent in most enjoyable day in the park i and IiimI their luncheon there The Pythian Sisters will give a so cial evening Wednesday. The com mittee in charge arc Mr. ami Mis Ahnstcad. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cray, Mr. and Mrs. B. ,1. Trowbridge, Mrs Cleon Bodge, ). ). Trowbridge, jr. and Joint Phcleager. The Mandolin club had a very jol ly time at the city reservoir Monday afternoon when they gave an Indian supper. Those present were Misses Ccrtrudc Shonltz, Lcmmrc Codlov Florence Clark, Hazel Putney, Ethel Neal, Sidney Neal, Mary Trowbridge Vera Ahnstcad, Mr. ami .Mrs. Ho-)'. ami Professor Collins. .Mr. Walter Miimly was host Sat urday week, at a dinner a t the Nash. The guests were Mr. ami Mrs. Ud. llaaley. .Mr. and Mrs. Mike llanley and Mrs. Mainly. j Surrender to the allernoon nf lhe St h of April. ISii.'j, and with orders to go to Ap pomattox station to arrest all men and hold for Custer to question and to notify tho general when near tho station. My memory i dear that thu weather wan also clear and pleasant that day. But having in mind that these events occurred ! yours ago next mouth, 1 havo forti fied my memory by consulting with my neighbor and friend, Captain John B. Forcum, late commander of the Fourth North Curolinu infuutry, who also was surrendered under Lee. Tho captain has a good memory and U well poted in history. And by courtesy of Colonel C. C. Royce of Chico I have been able to consult the official Union and Confederate war records, covering the Apotnat to campaign. The official reorU of many colonels and yencraU on both tfides make no mention of rain that week. Returning to the ad vance jfii.ird a vvc appriiHi'hed the " I .llll.ll' "l . Ill , III .11 I 1 tic 1 . i ' ! iiei .i ii.ii- ,i i i In Famous "ISumt I it 1 1 o Movement" ('horns In "iMadame Sherrv" at the lMedl'ord Theater, Thursday Nitrht April (ith. The flit-Is' club of the Presby terian church had a jolly outing last week, when they climbed Hoxy Ann. Frank and Charles Hay, lleibert Al ton! and Carter Brandon look the party in their auto to the Merrick ranch, from which place the stait was made. A picnic lunch was served on the mountain, after which a snow ball fight was enjoyed. The Rev. and Mrs. Shields chaperoned tin party. The Chrysanthemum circle of the Women of Woodcraft were enter tained most delightfully Tuesday night by the guard of the circle. A very enjoyable program of music and recitations was given after which an elaborate banquet was served. The tables were prettily decorated with shamrocks and inlets. There were about"'J(l guests besides the members of the circle. Colonel and Mis. Frank Hay were hosts at a dinner Tuesday at the Nash, given in honor of Mr. Burr .Mcintosh, The guests were .Mr. and Mrs. Evan Reanios. Mr. ami Mrs Chas. ilazelrigg, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baler; Misses Moral! of New York Boyd and Putnam; Messrs. Mcin tosh, Putnam and Jack Merrill. Mrs. Ocorge Harvey and daughter Miss Mar.orie, who have been visit ing Mrs. Ilnmil (Mrs. Harvey's sis ter) J'or Hid part year, left Tuesday for (be east. They will spend the summer abroad. The senior class of the high school picnicked at Table Hock Wednesday. Mis Estcs and Mis .Meat's chaper oned the party. w Mr. Ed Andrews left for Portland las) week on n business trip. General Grant ling of locomotives, I sent a courier l : lo Ceueral Custer telling linn we were alxmt u half mile from the s,,iinn and not expected, u we met no skir-J mishers or pickets. Coiioral Custer ordered the lieuten ant colonel of our legiinout (my brother) to take the first battalion t of thu regiment, charge the station and hold thu trains and he would bo supported, just as we began to see, light beyond the woods (the station was in a clearing surrounded by tim ber) the First buttulion overtook us on a gallop, and we swept down on the station to find four trains loaded! with iupplie for Lee's army, and three online. The roads were filled j with wagon trains jutarriving for, ratioui. A wrl of us gave out at-' tentipjt to the wagons firing some, overturning others crosswme of the road and cutting hoe many mule, thus blocking any attempt to move file wagon trains. Others took lunge of the railway trans, Lieu ten. mi Ciont-it, ,hi engineer, jumped i il" mil' n, , ;ni i nil- it d in. in tion and the tunefulness of its mu sic. From New York to San Fran cisco to New York the story has been the same the best musical comedy of the generation. Only four cilh's along the coast fnlin Eos Angeles to Portland are given the opportu - Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Braggeiaan of Seattle, who have been the guests of "Mrs. Carey and Mrs. Budge, left for their homes Monday, but expect to return later. All thu ladies weie in the wreck which occurred Saturday, a week ago, and were fortunate enough to escape with only bruises and a bad shaking up. Mr. Jack Merrill entertained at dinner at his couulrv home at Cold i Hill Friday night. The invited guests were Colonel and Mrs. Frank Ray; .Misses Ethel Boyd. Ruth Boyd and Putnam; Messrs. Colonel Ton Veil" and Sprague Riegle. The Faster sale which the ladies of the Presbyterian church hold will be in the club rooms on April 11 Dinner will he served and the sale will continue throughout the day. The Women's Missionary society will meet with Mr. Eltn Stevenson, at their home on the Ashland road Tuosdav afternoon at 12:11(1 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. Colonel and Mrs. Hay entertained at dinner Thursday ill their charming home at Cold Hay. The honor guest was Mr, Burr Mclnlosh. Covers were laid for' 1(1. Mr. J. I). .McArdle was host at din ner last wee at the Nash grill. Bis guests- were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Root, Miss Josephine Root, Miss Ware, Ira Dodge and Lee Rool. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Filzpalrick who have spent the winter in Med ford, left last week for their home in Lostine, Or. Mr. Coiu-o Fiero has from a trip to Portland. leturued j& iut another and a negro into the third tiiid slowly the supply luden trains moved toward Farmville, from which direction Sheridan's galloping regiments weto fust advancing to our holp. Ojiickly, perhaps 1(1 or l,"5 minutes after our arrival, the enemy opened upon us a brisk artillery fire. Wo threw down a rail fence and wont af ter the battery, but were repuUed. We rallied as our icgiineiit camo up and charged again, lull thu onnmy had also been reinforced and wo had to retire again, hut the continual ar rival of roini'oreeiiicuiK onabled us lo take thu cannon, my biothur being the first man lo lay hands on one of, them. But let me quote from Ceueral Custer's rejiort. He any: "Learn ing that tho oneiuy wan moving u huge watfon tram from Appomattox Court House, towards the station, guarded by about two divisions of iiitantrv (about 'JO regiments) mid mer .'til cannon under command of M.iior ( I W.ilUr. Mo-t ot the iiiciiiv'- ijiuil w.i- ui position uinl nity to see this big production this season, and each will doubtless turn out en masse to witness this tremen dous success. "Madame Sherry" comes here with that wonderful cast which includes Oscar Figiaan, Ann , Tusker, Mary Quive, Lottie Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Madden and Mr. W. II. Sterling entertained at dinner at the Nash (Jrllle for their bonne guests Those present were Mrs. 10. C. Wil liams, Mies Alleea WIlllaniH and MIhh IOIhIo Worthlngton or Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Daggett,, MIbs JchhIq Sterl ing, Mr. Androw .1. Mel.aln of Chi cago, Mr. John W. Wlllnms, Mr. and Mrs. Madden and Mr. Sterling. An elaborate danro will lm given Faster Monday y the Elks. The committee In charge nro T. 10. Dan iels, chairman, Hcrt Thlerof, Martin .1. Roddy, A. C. Burgess and J. J. Wilkinson. An opera will lie given April 2 t ami l!.r, under the auspices of the Creator Medford Club and tho Com mercial Club. The rehearsals will start Monday night under thu direc tion of Mr. Chas. Ilazelrigg. Mr. HuigcRH was host Monday ovealag at an elaborate dinner at tho N'ash Crille. Ills guests were Mr. ami Mrs. Conro Fiero and Mm. Hathaway and Miss Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. John I), dwell are expected homo Sunday night from an extended eastern trip. Mr. Muse Barksdiill will meet them in Sun Francisco and re I urn with them. A very elaborate dinner was given at tlio NiihIi Crill Tmuiday night by .Mr. JobiiHon and Mr. Burgess In honor of Mrs. Burke and he MIbsoh llurke. The C. W. B. M. of lhe Christum church will meet with Mrs. Eiucopfl Wednesday afternoon. The Juvenile Dancing Club meet Monday night at tho Nat. their fire was concentrated upon the' road over which wo must advance. They repulsed most of our attacks until about 0 o'clock p. in., when, in a general advance, we forced Ilium hack, taking '1 pieces of artillury, many prisoners, a number of battle flags and all wagon trains. Our ad vance reached Appomattox Court House that night and charged into the camp id' the rebel army. The .next inoruiiig, Uhu Dili, wo moved towards the courthouse about whu-h tho whole of the rebel army wa mussed, moving rapidly under a heavy artillery fire. I placed my command on thu ext unite right of our army (moaning Cultural, Sheridan's forces), which weru thenj moving to the attack, when u flag of truce came into our lines, unking for a suspension at once of hostilities," i Ceueral Custer at once, and alo-ie galloped over lo lhe lebel linen which weru in plain sight anil about bull a mile "II. Ot ionise we of thu liiiik .mil I lie could "liens at. All it W.i-, going oil, but our glU'-S Cheridnh Simpson, Harry Benhani William Cameron, Harold Rohil, Ed ward Elkcs and a score, of other mu sical comedy celebrities, as well us the Broedway chorus and a special orchestra. Seats on sale Monday April !i. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter ian church will meet Wednesday af ternoon, April ,r, to finish work for the Master sale which will be April 11. Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Heard and MIhh Clndys Hoard returned Friday frpmj Loh Angolea where they havo boon for the past two months. Dr. ami Mrs. Seely have as their guests Mr. and Mra. E. C. Simpson of Portland, Mr. Simpson is Mrs. See ly s brother. Mrs. (Scoi-gc, Daggett entertained at her country home Thursday night in honor of the house guests of Mrs Madden. The Wednesday Bridge club was enlertiiined by Mrs. Hargrave last week. Miss Weeks was the winner of the club pin. Mr. and Mrs. Rainsford, former residents of lhe valley, are the week end guests of .Mr. and Mrs. (Icorge Daggett. Mcsdnnies Charles R. Ray, Mundy. Cameron ami Minn Hay, motored In Sams valley Tuesday, and spent the day. Mr. Tom Wilson entertained at dinner at the NiihIi Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Florn and the MIhsoh Nor wood. The Eastern Slur will hold a so cial night Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Slover and Mrs. Bellinger vis ited friendt, in Jacksonville last week. Miss Hazel Davis entertained the afternoon bridge club Thursday. Recent Article was u good one, for soon Ceueral Custer, a wiperb horseman and nmg iiifiecudv mounted, came back at full speed and whe.i near enough to be heard he reined in his horse and standing in the stirrups, swinging his broad-hrimmed cowboy hat, his long yellow curly lochs tumbled ;iy the lnee.e, nuide a pictuiu lo be long remembered. Then in voice clear and ringing he said: "Ceueral is unmg to surrender with his wholo army." What a soul-inspiring oecusion to be there, a participant in these, mo ment nous events; it wic: a privilege highly esteemed by the writer. The effect of Hint announcement upon the troops within hen ring beggars my powers of description, and even now, nearly a half a century later this memory picture is almost ovor (xiweriiig. It seemed as though we would go mad with joy. Amid cheering and i liouts, hand-shaking and embraces, at mock auctions in which the bos (we were all hoys, ni-tll nol set J'2) olfeivd for stile The ladies Aid society of First M. F. church mot in weekly session Wednesday in tho basement of tho church. Arrangements for tho fair to ho given April 5 were completed. The fair will bo held in tho building formerly occupied by tho Allen Gro cery company, comer of Main and Central avenue. Hefrcshntcnts con sisting of pie, sandwiches and cof fee, cake and ice cream will bo served both at tho noon hour and in tho evening. There will be an Enstor fair given by the ladies of the First M. E. church next Wednesday, April 5, in the building formerly occupied by tho Allen Crocory company, corner of Main and Central avenue. Tho salo of articles will begin at 11 a. in.; at 11:11(1 a. in. continuing all day an elegant lunch will bo served consist ing of cake, ice cream, sandwiches, pie and coffee. All kinds of fancy work, nprons, hags, etc., will bo dis played for sale, to which all friends and tho public generally aro invited. The nniiual meeting of the Oakdale Tennis club was hold Monday even ing when tho officers and directors for the coming year wore elected: William P. Mealey, president; M. 10. Tinny, vice president; Paul Junney secretary ami treasuror. Directors Messrs. Mealy, Jannoy, Johnson, Mc Nealy, Bellson, Tinny and Campbell. Mrs. Frank Ray of Cold Ray en tertained informally Wednesday af ternoon for Miss Moran of Now York. Mesdames Merrill, Tichnor and Clark and the Misses Bcntloy mado the trip to Tahlo Rock Friday. Mrs. V. E. Bono and son Kenneth were guests of Mrs. W. E. Thomp son ol Cold Hill last week. Mr. and Mrs. MoKillop of Central Point were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tattle Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Root had ns dinner guests Wednesday Mr. Dodge and Mrs. Ira Dodge. air. and .Mrs. C. T. Neal of Kansas City are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Toinlin. Miss Sauleo of tlw Medford high school spent thu vacation week in Eugene. Mrs. Ada Cornell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. C Burtruni in Rosehiirg. . Mrs. Munger of Portland is spend ing the week with Mrs. (leorge Dag gett. The Monday evening fiOO club met with Mr. and Mrs. Luke last week. Miss Certrude Triechler visited friends in (Irani Paso last week. Mrs. F. A. Miles is a guost at tho homo of her soij, Mr. F. T. Mills. The Lcud-u-lutiids met with Miss loan Anderson Wednesday. Land Withdrawn. WASHINGTON, I). C, April 1.-- .Secretary of tho Intorlor FlHhur with drew from entry today (1,790 acres of lauds in WnHhlngtou statu and Central Utah. Contradicted their horses and equipments, back pay and prospective bounties and laud wurrants, many wrote hurried letters with the glad news to dear ones ut home. Wo woro at rest loungiiigs around at random when the buglo sounded "To horse, to horse!" amid a rattling fire of carbines ami a ritbh of horse men against our brigade. Wo woro forced hack ti short distaneo, but rallied and repulsed an attempt of a portion of tho rebel ouvalry to cut their way out. Thoso woro to us tho last shots of the war. Tho official report of tho First brigade, First division, Fifth army corps, says Lieutenant Hiram Clark of the 18flth New York infantry was killed by a cannon ball just as tho flag of truce oamo in. 1 know him quilo well. And vvhero was Ransom that he heard noil her shot nor shell Was he in the rear, wot with tho rain that never fell? 1). JL 1HKDSEYE, Late of Second N. Y. Cavalry. f ' V' i