TLEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, ISLEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APUITi 2, 1911. PAGE MVE r ' r TRAIN SERVICE TO BUTTE FALLS Passenger Service Intsitutcd When Train Pulled Out; Yesterday After noonChief Engineer Makes the Trip. ''Hogulnr passenger service between Medford and Dutto Fnlls wns Instltut ed'oii the Pacific &. Eastern Saturday afternoon when the train started 'at 3M5 j. in. with eiiRlncr Clay Cole and C. A. Bacon, conductor In charge of the train. 'On the train were, William Gcrlg, chief engineer, A. P. Doltz, suribrln tendent of construction, H. D. Mills, nianagor of tlio Dutto Falls Lumber company and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ca'rnaluui. Mr. Carnahan is super ' intendent of the Blue Ledge mine. .'.Broin Uutto Falls tho road has boon surveyed to tho Narrows in Klamath county, head of lower Klam ath lake, a dlstando ot 51 miles. From there, striking duo cast some eight miles a connection with the Oregon Trunk can bo secured. The highest point in crossing over the mountains is near Fish lake, an elevation of 5300 feet being cross ed. "The route from Butte Falls, lies along Willow creek. Thence up Lit tle Butter Past Fish Inko, crossing a meadow at that point and strikes near the lake of tho woods. Up four mile creek and pass Pelican bay. Down Short creek and then due east to the Narrows. . - f ANDREWS FINDS MAY COLONISTS Says Each Firm in Medford Should Have Representative There as There Are Plenty of Good Pros pects to Be Brought Here. i MACK PLEADS FOR PEACE IN COLORADO DI3NVKR, Col., April 1. Norman Mack, national democratic chairman, today telegraphed Lloutenant Gov ernor Fitzerald asking that ho urge the Colorado legislature to follow New York's oxamplo, break tho dead lock, and elect a United States sena tor. He said this should be done in justice to the people and to the demo cratic party. Under date of March 111, Ed An drews writes to the local real estate exi'linnjje as follows; "Received package of literature There arc lots of peoplo coming in here; in fact, more than half u doz en men could interview. I am pick ing out the most desirable prospects and talking J Fed ford and Hogue river valley to them strong. 1 be lieve it would be an advantage if you would make a brief list of some of the best bargains which' you or any of the members may have on their books, and send tho same to me. "You may say to the real estate men for me, that I believe it would he to the advantage of every firm in Medford to have a representative in Portland for tho next two weeks ! certainly seems to me that oilo could not be here a day without finding , good prospect. Of course, my talkk has to bo general, rather than special. Let me kuow whether my work is bearing fruit." (Signed) E. M. ANDREWS. To Test Anti-Treat Law. TACOMA, WashTT April 1. Pre parations are being made today by Attorney Gordon to appeal to the superior court the caso of G., W. Klesel, a saloon keeper, who was con victed in police court of violating tho new anti-treatlng law anil fined ?0. It .Is said that the caso will bo carried to the stato supremo court for a decision as to the constitution ality of the measure. Klesel Is the first to He tried allowing treating In his saloon. HOQUWHJOPAVE Council Lets Contract for the Form Known as Bitulithic IIOQl'lAM, Wash., March 31. (Special). IC street property own ers voted to recommend bitulithic pavement for Iv street, between Fifth and Eighth streets, at n meet ing held in the office of City En gineer ,1. I). Moughmor, Monday night. The property owners having expressed a preference for bitulithic pavement, the council last night lot tho contract to the lowest bidder for that form of work. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Office of Agent, Medford, Or., Feb. 8th, 1911. Advertising Department: Wo tako pleasure in announcing that our eastern connections will sell second class colonist tickets daily at reduced fares March 10th to April 10th. Inclusive, 1911. Wo have received tho following I rates and will be pleased to accom 1 modato you in giving you all tho In formation that is required. You can deposit tho money hero in Medford 'and wo will bo glad to notify ind 'have our agents in tho east furnisli 'your friends or relatives with tlckots i and sleeping accommodations. Fares frem: Chicago J33.00 Minneapolis 31.75 Missouri rivor points 25.00 Now York, N. Y 50.00 Yours truly, A. S. KOSENBAUM, Agent. San Diego Gets Coin. SACRAMENTO. Cal., April 1. . Governor Johnson signed today tho 50,000 appropriation bill for tho Panama-California exposition in 1915 at San Diego. Tho bill was signed with n gold tipped ostrich quill pen from an ostrich farm near San Diego and tho ink used was tnken (rqiu a huge silver topped crystal Ink wolf presented by. tho citizens of San Diego. North's Fate in Balance. WASHINGTON, 1). C, April 1. The depnrtmeul of justice reported today to .Secretary Nagel upon the case against Hart II. North, immi gration commissioner nt Snn Frnn cfceo, who was suspended some time ago. Tho report confirms in part charges made against North by In spector Aainsworth. Upon this report Nagel will decide whether to make North's suspension permanent. ,,..-.. Britain's Revenue is Billion. LONDON, April 1. For tho first time in the history of the kingdom tho revenues of tho Great Britain passed tho billion dollar mark dur ing tho year ending Match 31, Tho figures made public today glvo $1, 009,252, SI 0 as tho total which Is $2S, excess of the expenditures. MEDFORD MARKETS. Retail Prices. VEGETAnLES. J'otatoi's !fJCrj)'J.J5 per ewt. Cabbage 3c. Squash 8fcl$. Parsnips' 'J'jo . California lettuce 10c head. Carrots '2c. Meets 2c. Onions 3e. Celery 7fio and $1 doz. Cauliflower 10lf)e head. Turnips 2'je. Radishes 5 bunch. Onions Oram, flc bunch. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman has n timber and stone right of 1G0 acres, price to tho government $2. GO per aero. No cultivation, residence or Improvement required. I have about twonty-flvo claims to locato, boo me and havo a. talk, this land Is worth 120.00 per acre. Call or write. A. II. HALINO, Room 31 Jackson County I tank IJuililfng. 21'8 FRUIT. Cocoanuls lflc, each. Tangerines lfic doz. Prunes, dried fie lb. Lemons 30c doz. Oranges 'J.'iOSc doz. Grapefruit 7i)c$l doz. .Hananas s'J030c doz. BUTTER, EGOS AND POULTRY. Hutter, fresh ranch (roll) (JOe creamery, 73c. i Eggs, frosh ranch 'Joe doz. Poultry lions, dressed, 23e; live, 15e; springs, dressed, 30e; live, 20c. Turkeys 2830e, dressed. , ,. HAY AND FEED. Hay Timothy, ;?1(; alfalfa, $11; grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushel; oats, $Ub ton; barloy, $31 ton. i MEATS. Hoof Cows, 10 to 20c; steers I 121so to 25o. Pork 2022o. j VomI Drossed, 1525o. j 'Mutton lJ2Vi20; luinb, InflV 2 'to. Colonist Fares From the Middle and Eastern por tions of the United States und Canada to OltlXSO.V, WASHINGTON AND ALL THE XOKTHWKST will provall DAILY MARCH 10th TO APRIL 10th over tho r Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon From Chicago at $:t;i.oo HI. Louis :t'J.OO Omalin 23.00 Kansas City Sfl.OO St. Paul 11,1.00 and from other cities corrcsiiomUiigl)' low. You Can PREPAY Fares Tho Colonist fares are Westbound only, but If you havo relatives or friends or employees In tho East whom you desire to bring to this stat you can deposit tho value of tho f.v with your local railroad agent, and an order, for a tlckot will bo tele graphed to any address desired. Let the WORLD Know Of tho vast resources and splendid opportunities for HOME RUILDLVO Call on the undersigned for good instructive printed matter to Bend East, or give him the addresses of those to whom you would like to have bucIi matter sent. W.M. Mi-MURRAY ncncml Passenger Agent. PORTLAN'I), OREGON City Property 3 rooms, modern, fiiie lot, 3 blocks from business, $1001); terms. 3-room modern bungalow, new, enst front, $2300; good terms. 5-rooms, furnished, 73 ft. frontage warehouse properly, $2730. lOOxlOP, business corner, (J-room house, $8000; terms. 100x100, business corner, modern house, $7000; terms. 5 acres for platting, inside city limits wnter in street; price- low, easy terms; very desirable. Now modern 5 room bungalow, cem ent foundation, screen porch, lot 30x120, owner sells at exact cost to build. $400 will handle. RANCHES 14 acres, three-quarter mile to town, 91; acres in bearing orchard, team tools, etc; 7 room house, barn shed; price $7300; good terms. 20 acres fino fruit land, close to rail road, all cleared; $100 per acre. 10 or 20 acre tracts, close in, cleared, cheap, good terms. 1(50 acres, half mile to station; 8 cows, dairy outfit, $130; good terms. 23 acres, good, barn, S acres orchard, grapes, berries, rich soil close to Medford; $23 will handle Fine pear oichiyd, regular preducer: owner tijkes payment out of crop best buy' in tho valley. WANTED 2 ranch hands. 1 carpenters. 4 laborers. Girls for general housework. City and ranch property to list. Man and wife on ranch. L F. L TT CONVICTS TO BUILD ROAD TO FAIR GROUNDS SALEM, Or., April 1. Tho busi ness men of this :city have been in vitcd by Governor West to a meet ing to talk over the matter of bring ing to completion the plans for u boulevard from tho business district of the city to the state fair grounds with the aid of convict labor. The Salem bonrd of trade and Husiness Men's league took this matter up a year ago, but on account of oppo sition, work on the highway wns post poned. Governor West is anxious that the boulevard bo completed be fore this year's state fair, and is willing to place convicts at tho dis posal of the city in order to hurry the work along. RACES CALLED.0FF AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT STOCKTON, Cal., April 1. Asa result of thctragedy at the (Sockton race track late yesterday in which C. II. Land lost his life, tho motor cycle races between Stockton and Sacramento, schedule for tomorrow have been called off. The latest theory is that Lund was victim of heart failure and thai ho died beforo b struck the tree. Ho Jiud been speeding around the track for the race. Tracks show that he made n straight line for the tree, never wavering from his course for a distance of more than 100 feel. i To contomplnto ndvortlplng won't bring business. Start now and you will bo:omo convinced that It pays to advertise all tho tlmq. -r . -f4-f4-f-f 4i4 -ff f4-44- -4 4- 4ff Room 206. Phlpiis Building, JUST OUT Medford JVfail Tribune Official Map of j Jackson County, Ore. Complied ospcclnlly for the Mall Tribune, by tho $ Jackson County Abstract Co. Approved and offi cially adopted by tho county court, July, 1910.' Shown ownership of oach parcel of property. township and section linos, county Vonds, forest re- X i serves, railroad grant, city and town boundaries ? and all other necessary information. !! Tho , only convonlont, handy, completo map I; of Jnckson county published in ninny years. Slzo ',', !; 29 by 40 Inches, on heavy map paper, tinned at ! both ends. ;. No homo comploto without this mnp. It soIIb for $2.50, but will bo given awny frco to subscrlb- z ore In Inn RTpflfiirrI Mnil Trllimin I HOW TO GET THE MAP FREE i ! sunscmnra to the daily mail i! TRIIlUNE !; 'i FOR ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE $5.00 J; I. I OR FOR THE WEEKLY MAIL TRIBUNE TWO ;I luaivo hi jOJViiiWjn ill ?i,iu ji 1 rjiiu ..?. oil AND TUB MAP IS YOURS. j Or got ono now subscriber to tho Dally or two i now ones to tho Weokly, remit and wo will sond tho I map. Old subscribers tuny secure tho map by paying up arrears and subscribing In advance Medford Mail Tribune 27 N. Fir Street Medford, Ore. lrr9r Y, 9 4 Exclusive Agency ORANGE BLOSSOM CANDY PURE DRUGS Exclusive Agency VINOIL The Place to Get Your Prescriptions Filled Condition Powders Buy now and here and your stock will bo well cared for, Main 101 Day or Night Squirrel Poison BOSS Squirrel Poison gets them and f 4gct;s the best results if sovn now. s Medford Pharmacy "IUTY AT 110 A! 10 AND "I! 10 L P M"rci)'KO'iei)" Near tho Postoffice '.er'w I YES I still have a nice stock of j Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, I Vines, Plants Rose Bushes. All stock guaranteed to please j EDEN VALLEY NURSERY i I pit: lim N-Ccntral AvCl N. S. Bennett . v l ill sj . 1 J A $'j rijj j !4MA I W f fllltl til PRE EASTER SALE OF TAILORED SUITS Only Twelve Days to do Your Easter Buying, do it Now, do it at 4HRENS. Beautiful New Spring Suits $32.50 and $35.00 (IJ9Q CA values at peFeJW Come in Mannish worsted, Gilbert worsteds,, novelty cloths, serges, etc., jackets are 2l to 28 inches long, new skirt models. vll sizes from misses M to '15 in Stouts special $29.50 Other strong values at $15, $17.50,$24, up to $45. Handsome Millinery for Easter The assortment is now at i$s best. Trimmed Hats, Hat Shapes, and Hat Trimmings We have never on a'n.y former occas ion shown such a charming variety of styles and exclusive lints ns this season. The styles shown embrace a particul iai'ly brilliant line of original ideas as well as tho latest Parisian models. Then our order department can' turn' out work to your entire satisfaction many are pleased weekly, why not you! Foulard Dresses, Pongee Dresses Wool Challie Dresses Exceptional in Beauty and Valuo. Priced $17.50 and up many of these will be shown for (he first; time tomorrow. lOspccial interest also attaches to the many new chiffon, net, luesaliue and marqiiesette dresses in the many strik ing effects. Dainty Shirt Waists Exclusive Fashions Mimy beautiful new models in linen and lingeitf in the Famous Royal Shirt Wnist noted for its excellent tailoring and fit, these are priced $1.50 to $10.00. Then there is a host of pretty models in chiffons, nets, silks, etc., priced at from $5.00 to $35.00. IT.i-Lit.- f.,i Health. 222 WEST MAIN ST, r4V''''-'4'-44-4'-