m " -i '' m -w?. ., M U " 1 .1 ; V " I i i ' t" ?l - r w ittj Medfokd Mail Tribune ltfllMH!IKt DAILY KXC'KIT, HATUU 1JAY HV TIIIJ MJIDI'OItO I'llIKTIKU UU. " l The OclilotTHtlc Tltnm, The MiMlfon Mull, Tin Mftiriiril Trlbiim-. Ilio Soiitli ','! urn oregoiiiun, " i ' """r 0 KOI (Q 12 PUTNAM. Eilltor anil Mutingrr ..... t .. , . ,....i.rinuj mnltfr No ' SffSVSl. ,',I.".S?;.ttlun,rr W'acT S i'.iiii'i pii m w n. i.i.. . . .. .... Mincli 3, 1879. Official J'hixt of tli- C'lty of Mclford SUIJHCRt-'TION RATES "! vont1 liv infill . $n on 22 On month hv mull ,; IVr moiilli, iIhIIm'M-iI liy i-iiiil-r In .MUtllOril, .ItiC'KIIIIIIMNl- IHl.. . . .,- Itftl Point Simony only, liy mull, l-r y,'r ;"" Vn-kly, iM r yor ' ' SWORH CIItCUI-ATION. i.ll.. f.,i- lv liilllllllH Hiullni' I7III1T Ht'iwfl' " " . c-tnW 31. miu.i-i Tull leased Wire United Press DlKimtclien. 1 """The Mull Tribune In "n mi If nt tin- i Kerry Ni-wh Stuml. S.in riuiiclM-o I'oflfnn.l Motel N-w.k ' I'ortlainl ' JtowniHii Ni' '. I'oilliin.l. Ore. j W. O. Whitney, Hi mill. V111' , j Hotel HiMikmir N wh Stuml. Spokane, MEoroRD, onnooN, I Metroimlld of Smith. in Oii-koii nnd Northern I'lillfornhi, mnl Hip ruMi-Mi-KroWliiK rltv in Oi.-Kon I'lHillliitloii--1 H niiMim 1W10. 8810 ,,lt.,mte.l In Novrnhor I0. loooo Iflvf huiiilri'il iIioiihuihI ilnllur Onivitv Wrfler HyHlfin cuinilfifil. kIvIiik -Iih-m' Niitinlv iniif niiinntaln wnler urn six t.-Mi inllm of Htt-ft lifliiK imvfil iim cotltrHeleil for nt ii rout cxffiillnK I (ino.non, hkiUIiik h tll r iwi-nty inllfi of jMVnifiit. ,. I'lmtorni-f ri'filniM for yir on.lliu Novfinhi-r 30, in io. hIiuw n KiUn of r.i 1"i'tHnkt'.lfM)llH Wfio a.37fi,r.32. n Knit of Kit 1HT ffnt llninipr fruit pity In Oipi:oii Kiikih Hltfor Hiillrfiihcix iiiiIph won hwipi HtHltfM irlsp mill lltlf of "Apple King of tlio Worlfl.w nt iIIip Nnllonnl Aiil Hliow, KpokiUK lliOll, hihI u cur of NfWtownH won rlrut Trlzo In 1010 nt riiiiiiilliiii IntiTiiiitliiiml Aiil Show Vunuotivpr, II ' , ,,,,., ItoKUf ItlviT iiciu-H tirotiKhl IiIkIipm' prlciM In nil itmiki-tH of Hip woilil dur JUL' tilt' llllHt HlX VI lirh Write cotniiii ipIiiI cluli. InclwHlurr pcnlH for pimtiiKi for tin flni-Mt voiiiiiiu till V piiinplih t i m r wtitlin ROGUE APPLES Unl(c Kccplny Quality of Local Fruit Is Shown by Shipment Go inn Astray Box on Road foi Months Air,vt in Good Condition I I'OU'll wo iw, April 1. Util ; qm pi i ! nl ti' KiioplliK iinullllL'H r I Ronuw UJvi't V.illoy fnill cninc to tlio iHUi'tttloii "f ! I'orllniiil (NiiintiiMTliil f Clnli laAui Im it loiter wiih n'nt'lv hiil tioiitnlnliiB 1IiiIiiix ti'lllHB "I" ' Hlilpiiii'iit of iipploH from .Mmlfonl to St. l.oiiln tlmt wont iiMtrny and wiih on tint road Tor inontlm, y't when II fin ally arrlvi'tl, lliu frnll wiih In uxi-H-liint fiinilltlon. Tlio liiHtaiipo In iiiont Icinoil In tlio St. honii taolio Dumocrat In Hh 1h- hiio or Mnrcli 10. A St. LoiiIb man nninoil .lolin I'lrlcli wim nt'iit a ln nf iiniili'M fi mil Moilforil liy lilw (IuiikIi- ' tur,tM'lin plaiincil to liavo tlio fruit h . roiaih IIh ilKHllnatlou by (MiiiHtmatt. Wlitm tlio itiilH liail coinpli'tcd pari of tlio Joiirnoy, tlioy woro, tliroiiKh 1 aoniu inlHtalto, Hlilppod back to tlio HtartliiK point. Thoro tlioy wpio tiont i lUirilllK POIIII. 1 IIm o uu won- n-m on tiioir way auain and tiion fniiow- oil inontliH of poltliiK about on rail roiuU, tlio Hlilpiiii'iit coimtaatly bo poiiilnx loitt, and boiiiK hoiiI In wioiik (llrCctloiiB. TbV'appiw tnat .i.ouii i.avo nr- irlvfd Ht (MirlnliiiHn, rout-liod St. LoiiIh (Mm(!ll !l Bill! tile IIIOHI It'IllMIKHIIIO luot nbout tlio wlioli tli I an U tnat tuo n fruit wh uppuroniiy. in at kooii con- ...., 1....1 ...i..... rl..ui i union ujiuii uitivhi rii wim 1 h!iid. TUIh Ii cortululy a HtroiiK twilmoalal to tho kpoplim iiuhIIUoh of Kotiutt Hlvor uVlloy fruit. t No Word From Rchols. I SAN' PIKUO. (tl, April 1. S11100 ilio Mtxiraii ivbt'U uiiiloi' (loniMul Murtliolil oailtiii'il Alamo Monday no tiii'i'ot word hii-. Iioi'ii ri'iM'iM'il luMo oonceiiiiiiK llic uiot'iiint of I lie in vurrt'otoH in l.owor t'alifuruin. AtM'orliii to iiiiuoi'o ivo'iid lion' (lio li'iloinl JuiPi'M tuv inoviiijj; to whihI Muxioalt and it i prodii'U'd thai lite higgi-Hl luittio of the piv out iiiMinvcliuii urtv oiiiir nnir that )litMJ in tlif uear t'tiluru. The lvl'uifiH'i at l'aniio, Toparti' iliul Tilt juaiui have bp'ii Iimmuit ilur illK lite IuhI tow ila, and the tip ' )oitln for loud' and ilnllun- har liPiin I('ik munoron-. Stanford Loses. SKATTI.K. W11-I1.. Apiil I, The SUlit'onl uuiMMhit.v ilcliatim; toani Willi dufoatod ln'if n.-.( mulit by tin1 IJni vomit v of Wiisliiiii'toii Ipiim. ilu lhlf iililijuot tor dfli.ilp Ih'iiij; Khip Mih. fA) Wiihliinjitoii uphi Id I ho atftr 'nuUtvo. Tho Si.i.il'onl I emit will loavtj iiniiit'diati'ly lor I'.ilil'oiuia. ) . Mitnleriir Caught. UK1AII. ChI.. AihII l John Fmir tlio allUM'id iiiui'diM-or of KMUu III own vU u'uu Kin 11 In tlio ti'iiuYiiuin tlu. PAGE FOUR BREAK RECORD trial of 1'oi't HrKK. Krtdav uftor-1 'Jf'W 1 noon, whs loilgod in tin- tmiiity pnlltUf I lioro thU iiftoriioon. Tins' " w.m mp turod early today by SIimii' p 1: Jljrmi. 1'J inlloa wihI of I'mi 1! TWirWrr vttt f T TO MAKE WAR PLEASING PASTIME. i r A 1? m11 1no if nrrnrs W nilli, u ., 1((..,s.mt lmstime instead of the scourge" of the nations. This Immune paratively new invention. It wild horses of Nevada. Instead ol lassoing tne nurses, mc Mii-in-diili. cattleman shoots them with narcotic bullets i' ,. which cause Iheni to lapse into ''(I Illld hobbled. There is no doubt that the ulmiinil iVii- use in warfare. will not be long before The 'n.. tin. iiiin.fitii. Imllet. exelcusivelv 111 all conllicts hetweei .itr;iivnl iHiHinis. It will be mtions to use.lhe old-fashioned leadeJi pellets which leave asting effects ujion the anatomy. With all jiossibility of fatalities removed from the war nine, there will be no difficulty in obtaining recruits for ill the armies. Kvcry male citizen of every country will not onlv be eligible but willing to take up arms for his .oiintrv and risk being shot with a hasheesh pellet and dumbering a lew hours rot his. country's sake. In lact he recruiting offices in time of war will have to turn vol- tnteers awav. Men suffering from insomnia will be par- iiciilarly anxious to go to the, front in order to be 111 line o be shot with a sleeping potion. It is reported that the bullets liave scored a great suc- ess in the matter of wild horse hunting. An animal struck v tine of these bullets immediately rolls over on its side liid commences to sleep. While the creature is under the 'nfluences of the narcot ic bullet a child can do as he pleases with it. , The Carnegie peace fund will probably be withdrawn Vfore long, for with all ol" the nations using the narcotic bullets, war will have become more than humane. It will 'lave become harmless and pleasant, and all of the more occilablo nations will no doubt engage in frequent eoni a1s in orde.r to feel the southing effects .which will be brought about bv this innovation. Mars and Morpheus .vill walk hand i'n hand, and the warrior will always be ;vadv to bare his breast to the storm of narcotic bullets. There will never be a lack of nervous patriots willing to face the discomfort of a few hours' sleep when their ounfrv calls. The (lavs of redhanded carnage will soon be iver. 'The battlefield' of the future will be a huge dormitory. A SPRAYING CALENDAR. Mil tm 1 1 Til 10 Mail Tribune todav publishes a spraying calendar compiled by Professor I .1. O'dara, pathologist, idapted especiallv to the conditions in the Rogue Uiver Valiev. liv consulting it the orchardist may tell at a glance when, how and what to spray, for any pest or disease which may infect his trees. It is complete and au thentic in everv detail. It is with no little gratification that the Mail rl ribune offers this to its readers, many of whom are actively en-"iio-ed in the growing of fruit. The calendar was prepared bv IVofessor'O'dara at the request of the lail Tribune. Copies of it will be struck off and may be secured later by application to the professor. It will be found invaluable bv orchardisls. The publication of this spray calendar is in keeping with the policy of the Mail Tribune, which never overlooks in iiiiiwii'iiiiiil'v to be of service to its fruit growing read rs. During the past three years the Mail Tribune has pub ;..i...,i ..!,... ,i.ii . .in1 ImI iiil'ni'iiml inn i'i':ii'(liii' scient ific linill II lllinr 1111111 nun iiii ,, ,-1 -- culture of fruit trees than any other journal in the Cnited States. Notable among its articles was a complete treatise hi iwimm 1 mi-1 ini one on "! " ?- ; - vi 1 j 1 i articles were written by iTolcssor u nara, wno stands ai the head of the field experts Uieut in point of general information, experience and sue- ! ... 'it ll ll It!.. ' It I ......... 1. . ill M'ss. I lie Mil lire ol Hie Utigue mver nun ucpemih m a great degree upon the success of its orchards. Hence hi? vvilliiiiriicss of (lie Mail .; ....... . .. tnv subiect wlucli eUects iruil growing. 1 uai us ponc ' 1 iil'i las met with ravor among lrungrowers is patent wnen iim irciilation books are consulted. FRIED TUN good wies of Kansas Mint Ii.ms been introduced it unlawful to fry beefsteak. In support of his measure the Kansas lawmaker maintains that fried steak is un healthful, fruitful of domestic discord and a frequent cause of divorce. Whether it has anything to do with panics, bribery or siin.spots.this reformer does not state. Steal; friers are up in anus against this threatened legislative invasion of the kitchen. Healthy gentlemen who have lived long, useful lives on beefsteak burned hard and dry as shingles are pushed forward as unwilling ex hibits. ' Testimony as to domestic harmony is heard on all hands. The unfortunate Solon's bill will hardly pass, but if lux agitation results in the increa.sed use of the broiler, lie niav feel that he litis not lied in vain. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY TIMK TAUI.K EFFECTIVE APRIL 1st, 1911, 12:01 A. M. ypthoiiud. Kiwtbnuml N'-J' J1)'"- -LJ' MU I.KAY K 7:0011.111." 0 Taria.iii.1 7s.Wh.ui.'! m..-i ,S:1U tt.in.t 17 n :.Wa.in.i.KS.: Ii tiilUa.in.H'Jl Ari M JO. I iil.H'Jl u, m i .. in : ii i in i i 'o I; "i.i '. h .. .. . 1 liiitti' Fall KiUilU Derby Sihiuil lloiiso Oup Mount View Kugltf Puinl Knw'lx Point AkmUi Table Itui Djivw Uwtr Vvk if. MKDKOHI) JulOpm ' ::U' i in 2:3(1 1 in I (Ml p in 10:00 a in. :t:i Ar MEDFOTCD .MATI TRIBUNE, rm.. l i...ii ...:n! soon. The narcotic l.uuei wnii . . . . I instrument ot war is a com is now being tried upon the e l" . . , .. ,, sluniDer until tney are rop i- 1 narcotic bullet will soon be It Humanity uemanns 11 Hague conference will declare I 2(i a breach of the laws of tlu nue-hii I) utr snrav. 1 nese ol the agricunurai depart Tribune to devote its space to ? .. . .mi . . 1: . STEAK. are till agog over the bill into the legislature making AltltlVK' No. 'o. I ) :lo p.m. 0 :'JA p.m. a:.Wp.iu. I :.W p.ui I :A p.m. i :3A imii Ar 1 iR (tun 11:10 n.tu J4:1Q p.ni.'ll :(H)h m 1:10 p.m.1 10 :.'.'. .i.ni :i:;tti p.m. lu:.t.i a in :t:l' pi.i ID- (o ii M uritu; In. .i .1 M l.v aiEDFORD, ORECiON, SUNDAY, APKTL 2, 1911 Till: WKATIIKIt IX MAIICII. .Mln- Date Max linutn 59.0 C5.2 70.4 74.0' 72.0 71.0 72.0 71.0 77.0 ' 7o.O 71.5 80.0 00.0 ori.r. (51.0 fiO.O 70.O 77.0 81.0 8i!.r Sfi.O 72.1 A,arch) lintini 33.0 25.0 24.0 25.0 27.0 29.0 29.0 31.0 30.0 32.0' 32.0 35.0 Jfi.O 12.0 33.5 30.0 31.0 31.0 35.5 3(5.0 39.5 32.1 n M Ifl 17 J 18 20 21 22 2,' 24 2o 27 '8 ! ::o 81 Moan. Date of opening local weather Maximum 80.5, 30tb of Mai eh. Minimum 24.0, 13h of March. ' Greatest Dally Range 50.5, 30th 10 days clear. 2 points cloudy, 3 Mean Maximum 72.1 degrees l- Mean. Minimum 32.1 degrees F. HOBOES FLEE FROM ROUK PILE News That Mayor Had Ordered Granite for Weary Willies' Bene fit Causes Boes to Make a Sud den Exit From City. I'll.- news of the rock pile, as plan- ,wi i. M..V.,,,. (.... i..,i rhiof nf II... IIJ ...llj... x. Police illtlson has caused the hoboes to scatter. Tlu. inavor and chief ordered a couplo of cars of granite rock and every hobo and drunk who could not pay their fines were to break rocks The morning following this an nouncement thirty-five hoboes "beat It" out of Medford and every day saw others follow. North and south the news flow and whoren each freight before had unloaded passengers by the dozen only an occasional one gets off nt Medford and he too "hits the grit" as soon as lie hears of the or der. The police court each morning used to seo from five to six night lodgors, now one js a large num ber. At present there Is one drunk and one "moodier" in the city Jail after three days bard work. House wives slate that thoro are but lew tramps bogging food where only throe weeks ago there wore dozens. One lady fed from two to six tramps a week last mouth, the past week not one came to the door. SWINE FOR SALE Fancy registered Poland China and liorksliire Swine. Orders taken for .prins; delivery. Prize winning stock. ' GREEN FIELD FARM, Klamath Falls, Orcnon. TURN EXPENSE INTO INVESTMENT If it's merely a question of what you can "get along with," use an ordinary paper for your business stationery. If, however, you are seek ing to turn expense into in vestment, use 7V ..'ix.ir ir fr fultHfll sl.ttltxny n Mwcwii mm The added intluence given your messages by the clean, crisp sheets will wipe out the expense item and leave a bal ance on the other side. A liu'e J.Miiwy tuto tli rllnEt ol y.nir ..w.i hiiih! hi I .irrnglfcninuriirsu. Illflll .1 llrll. .1,1 Ut (M .1 .fMCIIIHNI Ukii. o1 Ii ii.r .howlm; lith4il. nu.t .ll.yr I ii.uif lorillk. pruilwl, litho WTJi'tn-vl .i.l cii,.iil ' 0e vbf n.l kuilri. ..l.-roi lHl IUMC4KIHK II. Mi. It'. UkMlll UAMIIi Ma.tr t v llAiirxHim l'l'K l.'UiM I n.l I 4V1 I it Ihr woji.lm UM'C U 1 a)ore(cla nxl) J Medford PrintingCo. Char'ter of Day Clur Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clenr Clear Clear in. Cdy Cloudy in. Cdy Cloudy Ilany Cloud) I Range 18 4 0.2 40.4 49,0 35.0 4 2.il 43.0 40.0 4 7.0 43.0 39.5 45.0 15,0 23,5 30,5 35.0 38.0 4 0.0. 48.5 50.5 4 5.5 Ualn T. N.W. N.W. N.W. N.W. S. K. I N.W. N.W. N. N.W. N. K. T. T. .03 N.W. I S. E. I S. I N. 12 N. K N.W N.W N. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear bureau. of March. cloudy. Kvery time a hobo sues a poliee ninn coming ho skips or else If caught tells him he has 'money and shows it so he won't go on the rock pile. Taft Favors Merriam. CHICAGO, 111., April 1. Bringing news of President Taft's endorsement of Charles K. Merriam, the republican candidate for mayor of Chicago, sec retary of the Interior Fisher arrived here this afternoon. Fisher said that the president hoped to see Merriam elected In Tuesday's election. Um mm! n.n PHnntlytKtlfl DntM ni" ' "."" Ul ",uw,,,u oul '" . M'iW lOKK, Apnl J.--A ilaugli - H'r was iiorn today to in. uiuui'.i Kiim.sey, u (iniigntor in ino inn- wi- i. i I j it 1 1 i.i.l.l ward II. Ilamman, the rniiroiid ning- uale. TALK PERFECT no a EYE GLASSES liy Dr. Klckett, .Meilfonl, Oregon. (j LASSES were invented a great many years ago, so were eyes. The eyes In construction are the sanie today, but the glasses have changed. The science of optics has steadily advanced, until now we are able o grind glasses o cor rect all defecs of vision, and, these defects are many and of varied forms. Few persons com paratively speaking, have perfect eyes. An ago which is not perfect Is nn annoyance to the brain; the eye and the brain are very in timately connected. When the eyes differ wo have iinequnl vis ion inioiiual vision causes head ache and nervousness; these are symptoms of eye strain. I correct unequal vision with lenses sclent If fically made. Op tical lenses are made from scien tifically made glass, except In chenp spectacles; In these the glass is made the same as for windows. I use pure and fault less crystal only. Dr. Kickert specialist Over Keutuer'a. i FINE JOB PRINTING IS OUR SPECIALTY WE CAN AND DO MAKE QUICK DELIVERIES GET OUR PRICES 29 N. Fir St. i Pre. Wind ! I N. I N.W. N.W. rw)h 4 S .-v M.XiD;uau CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. .r-rr-r t Draperies Wo carry a very completo lino of draperies, laco qurtalns, fixtures, etc., and do all classes of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will givo as good service as Is posslblo to get In even the largest cIUgb. Weeks & McGowan Co COLUMBIA DISC RECORDS AEE poeerda at a .5fx avatilo price U'L. Don't spend another cent for talkinp-machino records till you have seen and heard Columbia Double-Disc Kecord3. They fit nny machine, and outwear any other records in the world. Double value for your money I Call in I Qot a catalog i MedfordMusicShop 220 West Main Street Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap nroval of the recipient of "v message. Any old kind r i Tviessenger won't answer. The best should always be sent ''if" you wish the re cipient to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness .stationery isn't quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy T"it stJHjjtti fjftr far hilirtrst itjlimtt? i r?rr n n n r? r? laflii f. I I IfVv w I, w. i ft m , HJHI "Uvkjtr tht wittr-iurM" because it pleases you, but because it inlluences the man you write in your favor. Hi ii fKipsnim; llohD ia clean, critp imuti , mide lur iltutti, trip bu.mei, I Iks. It it .aid on 111' ntonnplUHi Out Ititr' H..ni.my tnti4lity. A liamikiine ftM'cin'u l hiU itii.ii upon m-Mki, shoMr. ti( Irtfi-rtie iJ an.l otner bumrs ti-rinr, ITinifd nilii;r.ii'ril :id nruvl 00 the Hi at and lou"e-'i u!or. Mile'-y It .mkiiihi '..IK l Ml M I . mil pjpri l U-ri . hew u 1 in ikin . MTr-lr Umv1) Medford jfl Where to Go Tonight AT TIIK THE ISIS THEATRE TOXIOIIT ,ii.m nniiiiiV Coincdiaii and ViMllor. ALSO (Ji:oUC.5 MAKKS. Blackface comedian and btickln- rm.-.w,. unnta tl wing dancer, imw -.s t pictures and a good - song by s ISlancliard. Special Matinee every Saturday nnd Sunday at '2:30. T S VAU 1)K VI I jTiB tvl I ovixo l'lrruKKa XjXfWj Illustrated Song. 5 TOXIGIIT LOOK WHOSH IIKAIt! ltOSK l'OX. ill her hobble skirt and with her? TWO PICKAXIXXIKS. Moving Pictures, latest and best. ? .Malluco Satnrilay and Sunday, i &&$& Knl Ire riiango of Programe. Latest and Ucst Plioloplays. .music. Messrs Crawford & Crowell .. . OXH D1MI3 AXI) WOKTII MOItK e-trr rNs "NAT" THEATRE Shows all the latest and best films. Change of program Sunday, Tues- X day and Fridays. Good program ! for tonight. ADMISSION' 10c. wwwwwwww NATATORIUM Skating, Bowling, Billiard., Peel, J Box Ball, Shooting. I Metlfortl's Amusement Palace. ; men. Tub Baths for Ladies nnd Gentle- ODAKS Havo you noticed tho aun 8hlno7 SliHSIJSI Tltr-o to get that Kodak. Only one placo, let us show you. Hi'Aum Medford Book " Store Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OVEItnAULINQ & iL-CHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN H2J1. Corner Central Ave. an. 8tk St Medford, Or. 'I 'I A ..'