PA'GE TWO MEDFGRD MAIL TRIBUNE, afTCPFORP, ORECIOX, SrmY, APRIL 2, 1P11, -4 WB LOCAL AND PERSONAL Jolm W. Wolford and Mr. Arron holdt of Ycj'For, West Virginia will nrrlvo tonight to locate In Medford. Dick WHkenson of Koysor, West Virginia Is In Medford looking for a business Investment. D. W. Chaffee of tho Young & Chaffee Furniture Company of , Grand Rapids, Is visiting with lilf . brother and Blatcr-In-law, Mr. and ' Mih. Chaffee of Wont Main street. Sir. and Mrs. George A cane, are . visiting with Kngenc friends thin weak. Mrs. G. G. Shirley in visiting In Portland tlila week. ! . Two nnd ono-half acros In nlfalfa olio nt 11a of WaHhlngton Bchool, easy terms. A. W. II. Hvorhard, 212 Fruitgrowers' Hank bldg. tf Mm. W. 1. Vawter returned this week from Portland. On her way home hIio vIhHuiI at Hugene with her son, Vernon. C. C. Gorman of Medford Ik a HiiKfiic visitor this week. Loose leaf lodgers made In Medford at the Mall Tribune office. Scott V. Davis spent a fow hours In Grants Pass this week. M. C. Anient of Grants Pass was in Medford on Friday for a fow hours. Money to loan. Spraguo' Uros., 11 Farmers & Fruitgrowers 'Hunk bldg. IV.7 P. M. Kershaw of Medford was In Grants Pass Wednesday. Tho Quostlon Club gave a picnic to Ashland on Friday. Tho most favored pooplo on the coast aro tho Medford pooplo. They have tho Medford Jobbing compnny to look after all of tholr little odd Jobs, repair their electrical appliances and clean tholr wnlls and ceilings. Medford Jobbing Co., office, Medford Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phone Main 0150 1. 330 OIney Roddy spout Saturday In Jacksonville. George Faucet I former Wells Fnrgo agent In Medford was a biiBl- ness visitor here and at Ashland this wcok. Spring Is hero. It Is houBccIoahlng time, llavo thoso walls and celllugs cleaned by tho .Medford Jobbing Coi's now Parisian process. Nothing like It. Offlco Medford Music Shop, SJt Mnrk'B block. I13G Geo. Cheny was In Jacksonville In court business Hut unlay. .Mrs. C. 10. Smith of this city was' a guest of Mr. and Mrs. I), W.o Mr- 1 Coy of Ashland tills week. Dr. J. 12. Shonror, physician and t surgeon. Offlco ovor Strang's drug storo. it 10.' A. Reames spent several hours In Jacksonville Saturday. Robert G. Smith or Grants Pass spent Filday In Medford. Gregory leading photographer, vlows, portraits. 323 Miss Leda and Miss Pert ha Prim arrived home Satin day in answer to a telegram stating that their sister was dead. George P. Minis, of Seven OaKw, was a guest at the Nash on Friday. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggago wagon. 451 10. 10. Herbert of WlllUton, Nortoh Dakota arrived Friday to look ovor he valley. It. II. Harris of Gold Hill was In Medford on business Friday. Don t fall to go to the meu'ii meet ing Sunday afternoon. li Mr. niul Mrs. I). W. Moor left for Toledo. Ohio, on Saturday when tbry will make their home. All hinds or bindery work dono at Mall Trillium officii. Joseph Shaska of Grunts 1'iibs whs a IiiihIik'hh tailor h'rldnv. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDIOIITAKKRS DAY PI ION 15 2137 1 Nitfht 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT Jphn A. Perl Undertaker and Embalniur Succossor to tho uudortaklng dir partinont of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company CALL Oil I'UONK FOR Ambulance Sick nnd Injured conveyed to ny part of city or country. Tolepuouai: Day 361. Night: Johu A. Port 4 ill. O. W. ConlUIn, 3C01. J. II. Ilutls-, 3C71. ' ,h '$ O. C. Hoggs was a court visitor on Saturday In Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Jacobs of Seattle are visiting with Medford friends. ' Henry French of Spokane Is at the Nnsli. Mr. and Mrs. Hondlnot Connors of Table Hock, spent Saturday In Med ford. ltemember the men's meeting Sun day afternoon. O. S. Ulnnchard of Grants Pasd was In Medford business Saturday It. M Wbllninn arrived from San Fni'ucfsco Saturdays K. I.; Plielps of Leland arrived yestordijy oil business. A.C'.I'roaoy of Oakland stopped off Saturday to spend'Sitnday In Med" ford. Do you want II lots fiOxHn each for $2400 on ensy terms? C. W. II ICverhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Dank bldg. tf Get busy Lizzie. A. J. Irwin of Hums, Oregon b a Medford visitor. J. J. Monahan of Portland Is In this city on business. It. C. McMillan of Portland Is In Medlord for a couple of days. A. J. Jeman of l.awlon, N'oitl Dakota Is touring the valley. J. It. Iloovey of Grants Pass ai rived Saturday on business. It. K. Nell of Spokane is leglstor ed at the Nash. Seo R. A. Jlolmos, Ttio Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. tf. Dr. K. Stellandeer of Ited Hluffi Is a guest ai the Moore. W. T. ICIebs or Portland Is visit ing Medford friends. P. Welch of Spokane arrived Sat urday from that city to spend a few days in Medford on business. Medford local Socialist party moots every Sunday night at 7:. '10 at Smith's hall on North Grapo street Everybody Invited. tf. A. M. La Hrandt of Lawton, North Dakota is spending a couple of days in Medford. H. 10. Zimmerman of Detroit Is In Medford on business. C. Sf. Leo of Snn Francisco is reg istered at tho Nash.' J. It. Roily of San Francisco Is In this city for a few days. Itdlchntoln for wood. Yard corner Fir and Tenth. 32!) J. S. Malloy of Spokauo Is on a business trip to Southern Oregon and stopped here Saturday Charles Monklns or North Yakima Is vlstthig' friends lu this city nnd, also touring the valley. Alfred UarneK of Twin Falls Is a business visitor. Jeff King of North Yakima Is spending a few days lu Medford on business. I). M. Cross of Oakland Is lu Med ford for a few days on business. Do you want 5 acres In alfalfa, one mile south of Main street, cheap? C. W. If. lOvorhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Hank bldg. tr R. 10 Graham or North Yakima Is looking over oichard Investments. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Stewart of Albion, California are visiting friends lu this city. Wake up; Llxzle. II. Darling or Doltou, Colorado, Is visiting with .Medford friends. Mr. ami Mrs. George D. Hamilton or Detroit are guests at the Moore L. R. Davles or Del i oil Is In Med ford on private business. Antihunt Steam Landry, Medford. office, phono No. 1201. tf. II. P. Sherrielil of Foit Jones, ChIIIoiiiIr Is in Medford and tour ing tho valley. It. O. Smith or San DIcko. Is tour ing the Rogue River Valley. j Win. L. Davles of Detroit Is In Medrord, looking over realty lnet 1 incuts. ' Is your houso wired? One cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase lu comfort. Stint IMug the electric life. tf M. A Hull of Portland Is visiting ! wild Medford friends. I Miss l.eona Ulrlch of Jacksonville was In Medford Satiirduy morning. 1 Have .miii noticed that people who iie looking for houses generall) find what they want when they go to I I'umv at 201 Ournett. Corey build Mug'' n ' K A Young of Minneapolis is a ' Medfoid business visitor. Uiib Newborn left for Jacksonville Sui in day morning on Im slues Lute luuguilues. periodicals aud pa 1 per ut the free rending room In chap el hack of tha Presbyterian churoh. Open ovenlngg from 7:00 to 10 p. m. All men slid boys are Invited. . tf 1 John Chi kin was lu Jacksonville on hiisliittss fur h few hours Satur day. Printing, Mil kinds st Portland prices. MhII Tribune office. Mi unit Mis C D Uriggs of Ash land were visiting In Jackttouv 111.' Haturdav Mail In Medford, any style of loos leaf or blank book, at Mail Tribune office. John H. Carklw, attorney at law, ovr Jackon County bank. Office rooms for rent over U ml ford lluidvwne Co. Inquire of It F llnv t len I O ,' Y' i. I f't! J. M. Speldel of Corvallls Is so journing In Medford. M. H. Peck of Portland Is a Med ford visitor for a day or ho. G. 10. Feschor of San Francisco ar rived In this city Saturday. A. C. Thompson of Ilodd Itlver In ' this city on private business for a fow days. It. II. Roberts, a prominent busi ness mnu of Letanon, Oregon Is a guest at tho Mborc. Ladles, why fuss over a cook stove on a hot day when you can buy good home made pies, cakes, bread, salads etc, at the food sale held nt Warner. Wort m an & Goto store every Tuesday afternoon by tho Warner Christian Temperance Union. Mr. and Mis. J. D. Heard return ed from Los Angeles Friday night, iccompunlod by their daughter Gladys.! While In Los Angeles Miss Heard had' tho misfortune to slip on a glass sidewalk' light and falling sustained a fracture of her left arm. The break Is healing rapidly. Thoroughbred Rhode Island Reds for sale. Choice cockerels, ?1. lOggs 1 per setting. Address Ulrlch Pros, lacksonvllle. -10 Advcrtisinn Not Soliciting. HIOLLINGIIAM, Wash.. April 1. Holding that advertising is not soll 'itlng and that the local option stat ute being a criminal law, must be interpreted strictly and not hrondlv, lude John A. Kollog of tho super ior court this morning sustained the lefoiidnnt'fS demurrer to tho Infor mation against .1. Arouson, wholesale ilipior dealer of Seattle, who was charged with a violation of the liquor iaw because he advertised his liquors In the public press in Helliugham, which Is a dry unit. The case will be appealed by the state A E Il comparason and without know ing the prices, many people have gained the Impression that "Medford Heights" lots nie quoted at higher prices than other east side additions. We are reported to have sold a lot to a business man for $2 000. This Is an error, and It Is a fact that con sidering location and distance from the business center, "Medford Heights" lots are from one-third to one-half less. Tho actual prices are from $100 to I'JfiO each and the terms are one-third cash. Investiga tion will quit kly prove every state ment made here I'll 10 VAN DVlii: UHAII'V CO. MM tt t -f- - 4 4 TOO -ATE TO CLASSIFY. IlIOIICh'OFT residence sites are sell ing daily; make your selection be I'ore clioice lots aro sold. tf FOR SAliK -I'artnersliip inlerest in one of (lie best chtablished real es tate nnd insurance business in the city. This is n moneymaker for the right man. Act quickly. Address X Co,. .Mail Tribune. FOR SALK -We have Hill neien in Williuins creek valley, Josepliine county, section '27, township liS, range ,r vvesl, adjoining town of William on Grants I'ls-U'ogue River Railroad, :i( acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture, ll'-'O acres bottom laud, balance bench; 1(1(1,001) I eel of saw timber; good wnlei riglil. I'lice .i.')l!(ll); terms. Ad Iivhj W. !'. lleriiuger, ILI (5 s(,, Hi'nnlw 1'iihs, Or. Hi KO SALM- Luixo ice eliit, brnnd new, never heeii used. Appl.v on .Monday ut Onkilnlo Cash (Sim cerv. ! I'Olf SAliK Corn at road. Isaac la lU'll. Kagle Point KKWINC. MACIIINKS CAN V. DIN CAN, local rcptesonlutive for "Sin gcr" and "Wheeler & WiNon" revv ing mticliiucN, Mioue til) I.I. Ma chines for Mile or rent. Repairing FOR SAM1' -Strictly modern bunga low, close in; north front lot ; street to he . paved soon. Price 'JtlOII; einy terms. l.uicolu-Harnc biug-lloke Co., 101 (Siunett-Coivv bldg. ' I'OIf SAUU Large .S-roum low mi puel street, new finished tlirttuiiliout. 1'nce biinu.i Hnclv ':," I. terms. UucmW Ha niching-1 ln.vt Ci..IOI(iirnelt Crcv bbkr FOR SAI.K I.-.' I. "a liav. on. to si Ion-. lt i r , ii. ,"U s Oakdalc. M. ll.VJ. 0 FOR SAIir". - Roll tup dck and chair child'- crib and tluee !I'J inj- niul oilier hiMi-eli.dil ..,,,.!, noil HIi Smith Apartment House iti i itsint' i INCH . ,, lh i' PORTLAND SENDS 2 ID E PORTLAND, Ore., April I. The second relief fund of $fi,00, ralhed by Portland popular subscription to aid Chinese famine surfers wns cab led to China today The first $5,000 fund was raised in l"as than a wcok and the second fund In two weeks. VULCANIZING -. PIANI MOVES Carl Fitchncr is Compelled to Move to 18 South Riverside Avcnito in Ortlcr to Procure Needed Room. (nil hfeluicr Im- recently re moved his viilcnnizin plant from the alley Auto company to No. 18 South KiversiJe incline. Don't throw away vour old tire-, for Curl can fix them so that they will do a "lent deal in MTviee ami may De nie means of hriiiin you safely in from u.lniig run. Carl Fitelificr ha li.itl n gieiit deal of experience in (hi., ;m. r work and the fuel that his work in .Medford has proven satisfactory is shown by the fact that he hud to seek laiger quarters tlieicby ncce.s sieatiiiK the move to South River side. A whole chicken can be roasted in 1.") minutes, and lamb can be broiled m three minute. The rapid cooking result in reluming the juices of the meats-. Reward March 31. 1011. I'O WHOM IT MAN COXCKRX: We aro reliably notified that two men. one representing himself as S. I!. Schwartz, are traveling through the country representing themselves as employees of the Singer Sewing Machine Co., and by this means are fraudulently collecting money from the people on the strength of this representation. The public Is horo'by warned against them as they have no connection with the Singer Sew ing Machine Co. Wo h Ore I ry-f for a reward of $."0,00 ror the arrest and conviction of the nii Id S. It. Schwartz. Plenso notify any town constable or sheriff, who is nutliomoil to pay the same Tor .he arrest and conviction of said party. ' SingerSewing Machine Go CARL DCNC N. !." Local Representative. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY .Homes any part of city Lois wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 2112 Ki'ii if growers "Rank Bldj; 0ciitf Mc Latest i And most up to ? in Jew- f d.iU' thing it I i,li v lu i m-ll I limit , V IU'i' "1 , a fine assoitinci j hi t ,n II Run;.- The Jeweler i i Near Post Office Kla Wtch aud Jewelry Uopntrlug. HCTfflS sm r'Srx . vmK J fMWtiitfi$(D ifl 1 T i Martin J.j Diamond Sen in Specialty. nd nnaravlng n kHE you Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March Cth in Elec tric, building, 218 West Mnln street 13verythlng now and modern, includ ing steam heat, baths, etc. Rest in city. Rates reasonable. Mr, mid Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors Van Dyke Realty Co. Cl'l'V lMIOI'KKTY KAItMS, I'Kl'IT UANCIIKS I'M K. MUN STUKKT. Canton Restaurant MeaN Servcil at nil Hours. Good Cooking, fJooil Service, Reason, able Prices : : : : Sam Lock, Prop. I'pstalrs on South Front Street. Pansy Plants Rc.idv t. bloom, and shade Irco. Orn.inu'iitul -hi ub .1. T. IIKOADI.KY V CO. np Greenhouse near city ri-crv..u :or Comor Sixth uud iViiuil. I'hone .MSI; 1 IM. 'R,i :it h..liu' '111,1 li. I(. M ' . ',1' "$&. Yih 3Vv ,M' 11 rn-! VXVtv ll II COPYRIGIM '""vV 1 II MlCUAOWTEaN tCO.,N-, THAT SUIT! suit VOU want in like, at the price 3011 want to pay! Sounds too good to be true? Perhaps, but at any rate we want you to see our models for Spring. Don't overlook the fact that we can show you the smartest line of boys Knickerbockers ever shown in the town. Our kuarantee goes with every garment. You take no chances with us. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR KNOX HATS. M .3.-"xcl,-s CSoxatT'evcs'L- Cllc'-fcr.i2.s, Bank If prudence, safety and economical management are matters of consideration, then our methods must in terest you. We know how to handle your business satisfactorily and expeditiously. Capital full paid Surplus The Jackson County Bank Founded in 1888. W. I. Vawter, President. C. W. McDonald, Cashior G-. R. Lindley, Vice President. Sho'wr ii3amsjamiiasusisx Cowrt TO YOUR TJRED. OVERWORKED FEET. Yotl Will l)lr-.s ' rest and (mmiiI'i" roiiradist. ll.! I ll;i nt; $aoiB Atphe M Marinello Room ". Over Kentner's Phone 111. the fabric N otice $100,000.00 .$ 65,000.00 ome esy .ill'onli'd llicin so liiiifh tin-in treated hv the Chi- Shop .- r I i