". PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNB, MEDFORD, OKIWOX, srXDAY, APRIL 2, 1911. V i 1 el A tl v d V n i) o (t ii i t, ATTEMPTS PRANK: FATALLY SHOT Gav Younn Lothario Lies Near Death's Door Followlnu His At tempt to Frihten Two Young Girls in Early Dawn. WORK RUSHED in Gfc O'GORMAN NEW I.Y. SENATOR for Washington next Monday It was ' nnonunced that ho will hi1 n ' mil pro- grt'HBlvo" but opposed to "now nn- tlonnllHin." STOCKTON, Cal., April 1. .Too Ardanaz, a gny young Lothario, lice noar death In the emergency hotipl tal hero today with a bullet holo In his stomach, received while attempt ing to perpetrate a rash praul;. A few days ago, two French girls arrived at the Iloyal Hotel on south Hunter street. Ardiuiiiz and Martin Sareno made their acquaintance. Karly today Ardanaz and Sarono inado their way Into the hack yard of tho hotel. Serono grubbed a clothes lino which he believed led to tho window of the room In which (he girls were sleeping. Ho gave a Jorlc to arouse the girls. Tho clothoB line, however, was at tached to tho window of tho room In which John Gulchon and his wire wore asleep. Thinking that burglars wero trying to force an entrance, (lulchon fired through tho window, tho bullet striking Ardanaz. Gulchon has been exonerated af ter an Investigation by the police and tho district attorney. Scott V. Davis Buililinu is Rising Democrats Believe That His Election in Fast Order Garaoe will be 60x 100 Feet in Size Full Basement Built. 400 DIE DAILY PLAGUE CHINA Over 35000 Deaths Are Reported to Have Occurred in Interior Durinjj Past Few Weeks Is Stamped Out in Russian Provinces. The Scott V. Davlu garage, on South Front stieet will soon bo completed. The concrete forms have been com pleted and Joists lor tho floor are being laid. The garage will be (iOxlOO and be one story in height with a basement. Tho basement walls are concrete1, tho building will be brick. The basonient will bo used a the machine shop and cars will be lot down by an Incline The main floor will be used as a storage and sales department. ilie rraior i.ako uarage will oc-i cupy the building Mr Davis reser-1 lug a Hiuall space for his agent y Will Cement all Differences in Their Ranks Is Progressive But Not a Roosevelt Follower. MOW YORK, April 1. Democrats celebrated today the election of sup reme court Judge .lames O'Oornian as United States senator from New York to succeed Chauncey M. Depew, It was believed that O'Oorman's election has cemented all differences In tho demon-rat Ic rankB and it was predicted that when the legislature re-convened after JOaster It will pass all reform mensiires demanded by the democratic platform. Senatoi -elect O'Uonnan will leave The Victor MONEY RAISING SHOE SALE William Ulrich States That the Money Has Poured Into This Sale In a Constant Stream. Steel Cut Coffee smcl Kdison ST. PBTIOHSniJHO. April I. Ad vices received from Peking stated that 100 deaths from the plague are occurring lately In tho Klu Klang dis trict, which Is only :i() miles from Poking. While It was reported that tho plague Is practically wiped out of i Russian andw Japanese territory, It la said to bo still raglpg In the in-' torlor of China where .15.000 deaths have occurred within the last few1 wooks. ' Tlie money raising shoe sale Im luken like wild file. II' you eer saw u prairie i'ire as it ran wild you would know what lliut means. From the first day (lie htoie lias been .jammed and crammed and hardly was there a moment during any day for the past two weeks thai Ihe sales' force has Inn any great lime (o Kill j I'lrich slated to u Tribune reporter j yesterday that lie was told that llus was the greatest sale ever put on hi this city. lie siiid that he knew' Hint he was gelling a lot of money and that lie would carry Ihe sale on until every pair of shoes was dis posed of. There wiih a $21,110(1 stock lo begin with iiud about $1.'),0II() still J remain unsold. I am cutting Ihe prices nil the law will allow and wish lo assure nil Ihal there uifl lie no favors shown hut all will gel shoes at eveeptioually low sacrifice sale prices. If any member of the fam ily needs shoes we hint dial it would he a good lime o supply those needs right now juM as the new stock is being opened up. Al .'10c n pound will tasle belter and go larther than most eol'tee on the market sold up to .'ille a pound its in the cutting. Huso your coffee cut heie. White Diamond Flour The Flour that Never Fails Olmste&d 6 Hibbard West Side Grocers Way is ever the safe, sure awl pleasing way. Alost all of the world's greatest sing ers and musicians, sing and play exclusively for (lie Victor or Kdisou. Why ? Every great artist desires to he heard naturally when singing or playing in your home and the Vic tor and Edison machines reproduce absolutely per fectly. Call and hear the new Victor and Edison rec ords. Whetsel Music Co. With Sherman Clay & Co. Mr. Hill says: "The Rognc "River Valley looks lilco ihe pictures in the advertising." Irrigated Or ,s PLANTED TO STANDARD VARIETIES OF TREES PLOWED, LEVELED AND FENCED. The varictv of trees in your on-hard is of vast impor tance. When vour orchard 'is in bearing it should produce marketable fruit, the kind that is in demand in the mar ket and the kind for which this district is famous. TRANSPORTATION. Nothing is more important to ihe grower than conven ient transportation. This feature of our proposition is one of its attractions. The Hill system has built, its P. & 10. H. R. directly through the center of our lands and cxact I yin the midd'le of our orchard tracts the company will build a station, giving prompt and adequate service to the growers both for shipment and for passenger traffic. The station will be seven miles north of Main street in Bed ford, and will be known as Koguelands. It will give the growers of this locality every convenience enjoyed by the growers of the older districts. OUR LARGE AREA. We have an area comprising boOll acres of rich red soil, known to be the best orchard land in the valley. These tracts are plowed, leveled, planted to standard varieties of trees and properly irrigated. Every acre carries with it a perpetual water right. OUR PAYMENT PLAN. Our monthly payment plan covers more than sufficient time for the development of your orchard. It provides for the care and development of orchard tracts. This plan should interest every man who is looking for the best pos sible investment. There is nothing better and if you will call at our office or write to us, we will take pleasure'in giving you full information relative to this attractive prop- osition. Rogue River Valley Caea AND ROGUELANDS Co. INC FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. Medford National Bank Building. " " HMMN f4efeNftl t See the New 1911 THE CAR THAT CALLS EOR VERY FEW REPAIRS U you want a 1911 CADILLAC put your order in soon or it will be too late. Only a few of our allotiment left Points of Interest lo 1-2 inches is (he highest clearance of any car sold in iMedford or southern Oregon. I earn how this car is made and you will understand how it is possible to run vears with little or no repairs. Eer part is made in such a way that it is guaranteed to gie satisfaction. Specifications ll(i-iiich wheelbase: :S horse-power; IW-inch wheels, which gives clearance of VA -',) inches; full floating timpkin rear ax.; high tension Hosch magneto; fully equipped with top, wind shield and speedometer. Delivered to you in Medford tor USED AUTOS At Very Small PricesEvery one Sure to Give Service Olio 1010, :i() II, 1. YYIutt (las Car; oul run about .1000 miles; top wind shield, pnMo tank, 04 AAA fully equipped. Will sell I'm- .. vltVU One 1908, :U) II. I Kambler; all new tires, flJCn 361; a bargain $VdJ 1909 Cadillac Touring Tar, in perfect condition; top wind shield, speedometer, fully equiped; (M AAA to go now for cash .. ' tpJLUUU 3910 Oadillae, fulls equipped, presto tank, tt Or A n ca iii i etc, Bear Creek Motor Co 114 So. Bartlett St. Pacific Tolophono 2551 Main.. Home, 255. J. H. Corrigan, Mgr. and Sales Agent. MEDFORD OREGON 9 r MtMMMrtMgidlifrt.iitiiiiiiif. vfT kamni