Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 02, 1911, FIRST SECTION, Image 1

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    University Mows Offlcs 13
Medford Mail Tribune
Cloudy Hnr. il.74; Max.
.-; M!n. :).5; Mcnn. 02.
No. 9.
spring TRADE
Merchants Are Pleased With Condi
tions in Business World March
Was Best Month' in History of City
for This Time of Year.
Mercantile establishments of the
city never diil a bettor spring busi
ness than that during tlio month
which lias just passed. Spring
came with its line balmy southern
Oregon days and business took on u
quiekektied pace. Local merchants
all testify to a great improvement
, Over one year ago the business of
six firms seen Saturday by a repre
sentative of the Mail Tribune, has
increased, according to the proprie
tory ',") per cent. All arc optimistic
and say that a better month than this
March ha been has never been ex
perienced by them in Medford.
Tlie frnwilx mi the street vestcr-
- -
day were an index into the amount
of business being done. J
G HT-0 F-W
After Looking Over Country Thor- Re-indicted for Perjury Boss Flees
oughly Men Leave for San Fran-' Officers Fail to Locate Him Al
cisco Give Much Attention to Del though They Have Searched En-
Norto County.
Kl'RHKA. April 1. It straws
show which way the wind blows, it
will not he long boforo dirt will he
fl.ving in construction operations on
a railroad to connect Eureka and
rMedford, Oregon by rail.
After a spcody automobile trip to
Crescent City to Eureka, a distance
of !", miles, yesterday Messrs. .1. M.
Eild and II. Summers, generally con
ceded to lie tight of way men In the
seiice of the Mill Interests, depart
ed on the City of Topeka for San
Francisco with all tho maps and in
formation obtainable of the territory
through which they had just passed,
In tlielr possession.
The HIM Interests for a long per
il d have boon planning to enter the
California const section. This am
Mtion of tho northern railroad mng
iww has kept tho allrrlinan systom
Ihibv devising moans and wnys by
which to kiop hint out of this rich
ti nitory.
Eor M mo time pant Hill has boon
tnrglng flown through central Ore
gon. Tho Pacific & Eastern from
Medford Is running east. it is
thought that this lino will he extend
id to the coast at Crescent City.
Messrs. Eddy and 1 1 III whllo In
Eureka yesterday interviewed Potor
Heli her and lookod over all maps
available In Mr. Hotelier's offices,
.liitg out the impression that tiny
wi'Ve export lumbermen of Porll.i'id
Thc gave considerable attention to
the maps of Del Norte county, - vi
rlciitly looking for thofeo section, of
possible new rullroad territory w r
tin- tlmbor Is standing thickest nd
freight shipments will bo of the u r
M quHiititioa. At tho conclui-'cn
of their visit to the Helchor o (!'
Mr Belcher showed thorn th ough
the Elks' hall, a trout which th -y ap-j
pteiiated greatly. U'.htliu will be I trallzoil in Colorado
It would apponr from th hurrjr it ,m amn4menr Introduced In the
in which the visitors passed tl ough tnu here todav u adopted,
t h Ik necctlou that some rallroiK lUn 1h amendment, was made to a
for new line to tho south fro Ore- ,e'ti-, hill In favor of tho fight
K'"ii are to be mndo and tba hMU anio it legalize fights boforo rug
Is imepatlve. 'iir'y orgmnneil club. According to
"Shopping" that is IihiwiJ iifaoci nd
leading is usually n profiliible us
i.f uiic's time.
Year Ending March, 1911, Increases
41 Per Cent Over Year Ending
in March, 1910 Payroll Also Re
flects Growth Made.
Industrial and commercial activity
as shown by the March receipts at
the local post offlco places Medford
In the row of the cities of Oregon.
A great increase was made, over one
year ago and business Is keeping up
The receipts In the local offlco for
the year ending .March 1910 wore
$U 1.3 11. S5. For the year ending
Friday they were $:il,3GS.2i, an In
crease of $10,012:1. 11 or 41 per cent.
Not alone does this fact show that
the city Is growing but tho postoffice
payroll Is now $1,050 a month. One
year ago it was $SS0. The Increase
Is $170 or 20 per cent.
tire City.
CINCINNATI, Ohio,, April 1.
Ccorgo 11. Cox, "boss" of Cincinnati,
re-lndlcted yesterday evoning for per
jury liaB disappeared and efforts to
find hlin have failed. Cox disappear
ed from his office soon after the in
dictment had been returned. Detec
tive Ryan was given the papers to
serve on him but has not been able
to locate hi in.
Co's lawyers have refused to say
whore lie is. Their secrecy Is be
lieved to Indicate they am planning
another coup.
Prosecutor Hunt this afternoon
telephoned Ciovernor Marshall of In
diana asking him to aid in the search
tor Cox. Ho uructl Marshall to or
der that Cox bo held for tho Ohio nil- J
thorilies if located lu Indiana. It
is bollevod lie may ho at tho Laughery
Club IIoiiro near Rising Sun, Indiana I
Investigation this afternoon at the
Laughery Club indicated that Cox,
is ronialuing In concealment. Max
Basz, In chargo of tho club, insisted
that Cox had not been there for years.
Another story was that Cox had been
seen in tho dining room of tho club.
It is reported that Prosecutor Hunt's
offlco has positive information that
Cox is at tho Laughery Club.
INDIANAPOLIS. Intl., April '.
Kun if ' Huh" C'o of Cincinnati Is
In Indiana. Governor Marshall said
thin afieruoou ha could not order
Cox' arr( until an affidavit stat
ing that he ww a fugitive from jus
tice bad been rllwl bore.
May Bet in Colorado,
IHCNVISR. C.t . April 1. netting
m the I'arl-iunMia system and prize
ii liTO'hrioi"1 Me doolslons aro to bo
pTinlUt4 tad th- Bcrappem will havo
t lttl lo aUted per (-outages of tho
k. ' -
One Year Acjo They Were Not Half
as Great for First Quarter of Year
as They Arc in 1911 Means More
Homes in City.
Not alone do tho postal receipts
of the city testify to great gains In
commercial activity In tho city hut
the receipts from property owners
for water .rents Hkowlso testify to
tho Biules Medford Is making. Kor
the quarter Just ending citizens paid
$5,700 for water. Ono year ago dur
ing tho corresponding quarter they
paid tho city for water rent $2,100.
The Increase Is $11,000 or 120 per
cent, truly a great gain.
The Increaso points primarily to
the Increase In the number of homes
built In tho city during the past
year as well ns an Increaso In ser
vice mains. Each month shows a
great gain In these receipts. This
month they were the largest yet.
Main Points Demanded hy Revolu
tionists Were Conceded in Message
to Congress hy Dictator All Is
Quiet in Mexico City.
MFAICO , CITY, via Galveston,
Texas, April 1. The main points de
manded by revolutionists wete eon
ceded by President Din, in bis nies-
.aj:u to tlie iUexican congress til u
o'clock tonight. All is quiet here.
A rumor, practically confirmed
says Diaz will resign when
peace is restored.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, April 1.
l'pon the character of President
Diaz's message to the Mexican con
gress which met in Mexico City to
day, is believed to hang the proba
bility of peace in tlie country. Mem
bers of tlie rovolttiionnry junta here
declare they don't believe the mess
age will be satisfactory to Madero,
and that the revolt will be on again
in deadly earnest.
Americans arriving hero today
from Monterey sny the whole of that
section of the country is under arms
and only awaits a signal from Ma
dero to rise.
Army officers here are of the
opinion that upon Dia.'s utterances
will largely depend whether the Unit
ed States will interfere in Mexico.
Berkeley, Calif., Elects Wilson to Of
ficeRan for Governor in Novem
ber Wins Over Republican by
Narrow Margin,
SAN FKANCISCO, Cal . April 1
For the flifct time lu its hlatory Hor
lioloy oluctod a BocialUt mayor today
In tho portion of J. Stltt Wilson, who
ran for governor In November lu this
fctato. His plurality over HodKohuad,
republican was 2.S1. No othor koc
iallst ran.
Loses Grip; Drowned,
POHTI.ANI). Ore., April I. Whllo
climbing a rope from tho Oak titreet
dock to tho Steamer J. N. Ton I. Hd-
win Oort, aged IS. hut hU grip and
foil into tho rlvor and was drowned
today. The body has not boon ro-
coveivd. I
4- t
Tho following table shows
Iho constant and .steady gain
made by the local postoffice
for the year ending each
month back to September,
11)08. The sums given in each
instance are the total receipts
for tin; year ending the
month given:
September iH:i,-liil.i)L
October 1 l,t)!l(i.:i(i
November 1 ,.")) l.(iS)
December 11,802.1)7
.Innunry 1."),1 ,"(), 1(1
February IMfil.81
March l.",8f.V2H
April 1(1,1207.(10
May 10,710.."i.r)
June 17,1-IIUM
July 17,l(il).:i7
August 17,788.70
September 18,181.18
October IS.filLMKl
November 1IU82.1W
December 120,073.02
January 20,013.2:1
February 121,:iM.8."
March 22,121.11)
April 22,(i!)!)..()
May 2:1,28:1.50
June 2:1.700.71
July 2-1,01 0.IIO
August 2."i,8i)5.:i2
September 25,1)10.1)4
October 2(1,721.08
November 28,012.75
December 20,420.1:1
Jnnuary '10,i:i8.00
I'br.uiry rt;7 15.78
March .1J,:i08.21)
Democrats Meet in Secret Caucus
and Get Action of New House Out
linedChairmen of Important
Committees Arc Named.
At a secret caucus of the house. demo
crats Champ Clark was nominated
for speaker without opposition. Hur
leson of Texas was chairman of the
Ileforo tho meeting, Chairman Un
derwood of tho new wnys and means
commlttco announced that tho nam
ing of membora of that body would
be tho last business taken up.
The first mattor considered was
tho election of tho house officials.
Tho caucus proposes to reduce tho
number of omployes, saving 1 1 15,000
Palmer's resolution eliminates one
third of the former omployes of the
house and abolishes tho following
Militia, Pacific Itallronds, ventlfla
tlon, acoustics, private laud claims,
levoo Improvements on tho Mississippi
At tho caucus tho ways and moans
committee was authorized to appoint
a committee of three to apportion
pntronago among the democrats. It Is
reported that each will got patronage
approximately $2,000 annually be
sides his prlvato secretary.
During tho deliberations of tho de
mocrats, Champ Clark spoke In favor
of economy, saying that ho did not
intend to use the speaker's automo
bile, thus offectlng a caving of $0,
000 annually. He promised to tako
advantago of every opportunity to
practlco economy.
Palmer's resolution abolished tho
practlco of giving tho Ihhibo employes
an extra month pay annually and
wiped out tho following pens:
Under tho speaker, threo, with sal
alios of $H,600; under tho clork of
W1U m,Ub -n Wlin ""'urios or i;i,-
'no- u,1(,0' " RortioaiU at arms 82
P"noii with ttalarlwa of 7,060;
"dor tho door koopor, 28, with sal-j
(Continual on payo V)
In Every Quarter of City the Song
of the Saw and the Hammer Is
Heard Many New Buildings Arc
Started Tills Past Month.
With the month of March came
spring weather and tlie song of the
hammer and the saw has been heard
since the rain censed, ascending in
nu over increasing volume from every
section of the cily. Downtown
business blocks nro rearing their
heads heavenward while in all of tho
Tcsidcnce sections now homes are
seen on every hand.
During March no lens than 40 new
dwelling houses in the city were con
tracted for. These for the most part
are huiidsoiuu bungalows. Down
town districts on every hand show
signs of more building. Business
blocks ure starting on every hand
March has indeed seen u groat
Intuiting era open.
Mrs. Blanche Powell Confesses a
Long and Intimate Asociation
With Dr. Chisholm, Accused of
Murdering John D. Powell.
SAN FlUNriSCO, (Jul., April 1
Mrs. Blanche Powell today confessed
to Captain of Detectives Wall a long
and intimate association with Dr
Lewis Clark Chisholm, who is held
in Santii Rosa for the murder of her
husband, John ). Powell. The
woman made her confession after a
long "sweating" at police heuilipinr
ters here. Mrs. Powell, however, de
nied that she had any knowledge of
the murder of her husband, and
maintained that if he had been
killed to secure a $2111)0 insurance
she is in ignorance of the facts.
.lolin W. Powell was found mur
dered i a leul in Coleman's gulch
near Fort Boss early in March. Two
bulet W'oumU was responsible for his
death. A icvolver was found near
his body, but an inquest showed that
either bullet would have caused
death, making it impossible for him
to have committed suicide.
Miss Venice Dean, a trained nurse
was responsible for Cliishohn's ar
rest. She told the police (hat I'liis
bolm tried to gain her consent to as
sist him in collecting old insurance
policies. When she refused to enter
into the arrangement she stated that
Chihhnlm replied that he would gel
"Blanche" to assist him. TIiIh fur
nished the police with the clew thuta
the murder was committed with the
motive of collecting Powell's life in
surance policy. Investigation
showed showed that he carried a
ijitiOOO policy.
Several days Inter Chishohu wiik
arrested and tho police endeayoted (
connect him with Powell's murihu'
C'hishold indignantly denied all
knowledge of the crime, stated that
he had never seen Powell and that
that he bad never been in the vicin
ity of Fort Bosh.
Several Sonoma county raiieheis
were then brought to San Frmieibi'-i
as the man who accompanied TAO
and positively identified Chisholm a
the man who accompanied Powell
when the latter applied for hhellor
at a ranch near Santa Bona a few
lu.Vi previous to the murder. Cbis
lioliu was alxo confronted by Mr
Powell, (lie widow of (he dead man
at the same time, but, she declared
that idle had never seen Cliishohu
CIumIioIui was I lien lodged
m the Sonoma county ail and
charge of murder ontoruil iiguiiiwt
I,, (h meatitiino the polico scoured
(Continued on Pato 0)
Building of Power Plant at Prospect
and Civic Improvements All Will
Add Momentum to Present Busi
ness Rush in the City.
The mouth of March has seen the
aiiuouucemeiit of much work to be
done this season, chief among which
wns the news that Colonel Frank
II. Way of New York city would
erect at once an 800,000 power
plant at Prospect. Contracts for
this work has been let.
Civic improvements got under way
during March and are being prosecut
ed with duo vigor. Payrolls arc
springing up on every side, and these
will boost business along.
The completion of the Pacific fc
Eastern to Butte Falls brought forth
announcements that wnrkk in the
timber belt near there would bo re
sittucd at once. All of which menus
payrolls and business benefits for
Killed for Tuberculosis She is Found
to Havo a Rcrjular Hardware
Storo in Her Inner Renjons Barb
Wire and Door Knobs.
VAI.UC.IO, Cab, April 1.- Because
his cow coughed constantly, neigh
bors forced Henry Studer to kill the
animal, as It was bolieved sho wiih a
victim of tuberculosis.
Hut this surmise proved all wrong.
A post mortem examination showed
that tho cow had tried to make a
Junk shop of Itn stomach. Among the
articles found In the stomach were a
gold watch and chain, a diamond
ring, a doorknob, a piece If Iron
rlialn, several pounds or nails, six
feut of barbed wire and HI" hair
pins. HACBAMIONTO, Cal., April 1. -Coventor
Johnson signed today tho
Walker fish and game hill, which
opens tin' season for trout through
out the state hegiiiulug today with
tho exception of district number
three, which includes Lake Taboo.
Ralph L. Blosscr Makes Written
Confession to Attempts to Rob
Portland Bank Wife is Said to
Have Committed Suicide.
PORTLAND, Oro., April I. -Ralph
I. ninsHor, tho husband of draco Hlos.
nor, whoso body was found Wednes
day In her homo, Is tho man who on
hint Monday morning attempted to
rob the Sol I wood Hank, by aumiilt-
lug tho aged Janitor, Peter Jensen,
and who on last Novombor awiaulted
tho bookkeeper lu the banumont of
tho bank.
Blower was arrested today at hi
homo lu Sellwood. a siilmrb of Port
land by Dotflctlvog Oolonian and Snow
and at headiiunrtoru made a wrltton
(I'ontlmu-I on PK" 0 )
Trees Arc Heavily Set With Buds
Promises Big Crop 0'Gara Says
Outlook Was Never Better for a
Banner Crop in Rogue Valley.
During March the Inspectors under
tho direction of Prof. P. .1. O'Gnra
completed an Inspection of Hoguo
River orchards and stated that this
season's fruit crop would ho tho ban
ner ono of the valley all past 'crops
being discounted. No trace of peat
or dlsoaso was found and orchards
nro In better shape now than thoy
over havo boon before.
"Tho local orchards will bear ban
ner crops this year according to pres
ent Indications," states Professor P.
.1. O'Gnra. "Never havo I scon them
looking better or give promlso of hot
ter production. They nro Bclontlfl
cally cared for and freo of disease.
And climatic conditions havo border
ed on tho Ideal."
By April 15, Company Will Have a
Payroll of $25,000 a Month
Over 200 Head of Horses and
100 Men Arc Now at Work.
With UOO head of horses and over
J 00 men ut work, with others being
put on daily, with supplies being
rushed to various points of vantage
about the city, with grading start
ed and with the curb and gutter gang
preparing to start work Tuesday,
with UfiUO barrels of cement or six
carloads under way nnd n puyroll
that will soon exceed $'Jo,0()() n
month, the Chirk & IJcuery Con
struct ion company may be said to
have opened the season's work of
paving in earnest. Arthur Clark,
manager of the local work of tho
company, is fast getting the huge
taskk under way in full blast and
on such a scale that it assures the
early completion of the present con
tract hold by the company, which
calls for the laying of I'JO.OOO udtli
lional yards of paving this boasou
in the city.
By July 1, if all goes as expected.
Iho Clark & Ilouery company will be
looking for more work. That menus
that four months of the suuson will
ho left for additional work. Over
'JOO.IIOO yards of paving in addition
to that ('(intruded for hat been
askud of tho council by property
owners but this will also be cleaned
up before Urn end of the season. And
other streets (mitcinpluiiuir. paving
can be taken care of boforo the full
rains again stop work.
The company has I'JO.OOO yards of
paving yet to lay on the old con
tract. Tho following streeta remain
uiipaved, but will soon be taken itaru
of, as the company will lay ovor -000
yards a day:
North (Joul nil, Court to north city
North Front, Sixth to Jnukksou.
Highlit, Central to Hivorsido.
Fourth, Oakdrtlo to oust city liin-
Orape, Sixth to south oily limits.
Jaekhon, Hivcrsido to west oity
Main, Koosovolt to lop of hill.
Orunge, Seventh lo Toulli,
Quoeir Anne, KoosnvW oL Phippd,
Rivornhlo, Jaojckson lo north uity
(Continued oa I'nce 0.)