MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1911. In mmmmmmmmmmmmitmmmmmmmmmmm i rr I Only Days Left 1 wo a i f PXGE EIGHT M i 1 1 i t j , ; t j -' Rl 3 I ( f lif'ite ;'1 ,?'' 1 . i If Possible the EMPORIUM STOCK Will Be Closed Out Friday g Saturday Mar. 31 and April 1. r t ,i Saturday night the Emporium Stock will be a thing of the past if all goes as expected. rIt is our intention that the present sale will be closed. It will be our endeavor to clean up this stock in the jjext two days at less than 50c on the Dollar Think of of getting Stylish, High-class Ready-to-wear Goods for Women and Misses at JUST HALF WHAT YOU ORDINARILY HAVE TO PAY. COME IN THE NEXT TWO DAYS AND SHARE IN THIS WONDERFUL Bargain Feast of $5,000 Worth of Desirable Merchandise Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Corsets, Underwear Hosiery, Belts, Buckles, Ribbons, Neckwear, and Fancy Goods are now going for almost any price you care to offer W. D. Welch - - Sales Mgr. rs f - s . ; ; I i ,'f f i! :: 'i :: I !: i: ;:1 i ' w I 1 M : 1 1 i L i t