flEEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, TiroRSDAY, MAttCTE 30, 1911. PAGE SEVEN ' i LOST. LOST A white fox boa Tuesday evening, between1 Jfcdford and Gold Hay. Please return to Mrs. Frank II. Ray and receive suitable re- Ward. "BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Good opening for young man with .$400.00 cash; you .can buy one-half interest in a good paying business. Box 27, this of fice. UiaiJCROFT residence sites are des tined to double and trcbio jn lvalue. FOR SALE Boardim? heuse: everv- tiling new; reasonable terms. Call 1317 E. Jackson. 331 DO YOU WANT to go into business in Medford; if so, here is a ehanco to get in on the best paying business in Rogue River Valley; one half in terest for sale only; prefer a good young mnn that is not afraid to work. This is gilt edge. $5,000 will handle this. Act quick for this won't lust. Address Opportunity core this office. FOR SALE Plaza cafe at a sacri Tfiee on account of poor health of proprietor. 128 E. Main. FOR SALE OR RENT. Business Property FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ing for general merchandise atoro in, now town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, 200 W. Main. r . FOR EXCHANGE. Real Estate TO EXCHANGE I will exchange, 10 acres of young pears, 1 miles 'jfrom Central Point, valued at $3500.00, for a home in the city. E. S. Tinny, 201 Gnrnett-Corey bldg. 9' T(0 EXCHANGE I have 230 acres of good fruit land at $80 per acre 'jthat I will trade for Los Angeles erty. E. S. Tinny, 201 Gnrnctt y bldg. 9 EXCHANGE Medford and ? ' rban proporty, ranohes, timber ' . -. for other property. Address 199, care Mail Tribune. 1- CCHANGE-Colorndo nild'Tfc :: a landsj improved and unim , d, to exchange for Rogue Rivoj i- rties. The Best-Fuller Realty Irants Pass, Ore. iNGE-r-Your choice of 40 new pianos or player pianos for an au tomobile. Eilers Music Houso, ad dress 90 Medford Mail Tribune. 8 City Property Lot and buildings for prico of the lot, only 5 blocks from business , section, very desirablo. New 5-room modern bungalow, oaijt front, modern. Prico low; good terms. 5-room houso furnished, rents for $30, with 75 ft. frontage; will oon ho warehouse, property; $2750; good terms. Business corner close to federal building, 100x100; G-room modern i, house, $7000; good terms. 5 acres for platting, inside city limits water in street; price low, easy t terms; very desirable. Corner 100x100 with, G-room house, east front, next to business section $8000; good terms. 7 room modern house, close in, own- ner will take small house as first payment. New modem 5 room bungalow, cem ent foundation, screen porch, lot 50x120, owner sells at exact cost to build. $400 will handle. RANCHES 160 acres, half mile from station; fine dairy ranch, $3800. 14 acres, three-quarter mile to town, 9V acres in hearing orchard, team tools, etc; 7 room house, barn shed ; prico $7500 ; good terms. 160 acres near Medford, Vs miles to railroad and station;. 40 acres . fruit land, $3500. 30 .acres in pears at the prico of tho land, close in; good terms. 20 acres fine fruit land, closo to rail rood, all cleared; $100 per acre. 22 "acres, fine modern house, good . barn, 8 acres in orchnrd, grapes, i berries, etc., rich soil, close in; prico right; only $2000 to handle this. 10 pr 20 acre tracts, close in, cleared, cheap, good terms. Block of bearing Newtons in perfect condition, close iu, $800 per acre. WANTED 10 ranch hands. Girls for general housework. City and ranch property to list. Man and wife on ranch. 2 Pmners. . F. L BMR Room 206. Phlpps Bulldlmj FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 acres"! iAmjes f Aml'taSttifefcd on good rond; will take modern bung alow pnrt payment. This tract will pint nicely into 5-acre tracts. See Brown & Wakefield. 8 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Beat located room house in Medford; will tnke modern bungalow part pay ment in exchange. Brown & Wake field, Palm blk. 8 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Will take automobile as first payment on 10 or 20 ncre orchnrd tract, balance long time at G per cent. Address Box 312, Medford, Or. T FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE for city property ' In Medford or nearby towns, 10 nnd 20 ncre orchard tracts; half mile from good town nnd railroad. Address box 470, Med ford, Or. 7 FOR, SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-cylinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office. FOR RENT. Board and Room. BOARD AND ROOM Meals served family style. '906 E. Main. 11 ROOM AND BOARD With Mrs. J. D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bartlett. . ROOM AND BOARD Home cooking family style, $G.0Q per week. 44 S Evergreen. Phono 101, 319 FOR RENT Room, with, privato board, at 510 N. Riverside. Furnished Ilooras , FOR RENT Nicely furnished room at 129 South Ivy street; gentlemen only. Price reasonable. 10 FOR RENT Furnsned sleeping room;, everything now and clean; reasonable price; easy walK from Main st. Only men need apply. Qleson and W. Hamilton sts. Phone Main 4474. FOR RENT Elegant furnished rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, clectrio lights, nowly furnished, single rooms or en suite, by tho day, week or month. Iuquire room 103 Electric building. 218 West Main street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for transients only. No. 10 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrow ers' bank. " FOR RENT Ono sleeping room for rent, 520 S. Holly. 8 FOR RENT Nice sunny front room clos,o in, 2 blocks from Main street; Rent reasonable. 219 S. CcntraP avenue. FOR RENT' Light room, modern house, close in, references required and given. 1201 E. Main st. 8 FOR RENT At tho Cottage, mod orn furnished rooms with or with out board. Rooms equipped with privato telephono service, .hot and cold running water, sleeping por ches, bath accomodations and heat if desired. G04 West 10 st. Phone call private exchango 141. Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT Two comfortably fur nished housekeeping rooms; close iu; nil modern conveniences; no small children. 234 E. Ninth' st. 7 FOR RENT Nice clean housekeep ing rooms. 317 W. Second street. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; 108 East Fourteenth street. Mrs Damel. 10 Furnished Houses FOR RENT Now two room furnish ed house. Large pantry and closet. Electrio lights, city water. 317 W, Second street. " Houses FOR RENT Family of two with new well furnished bungalow, will take refined married couple to share house. Box 24, euro Mail Trib lino. 7 FOR RENT New 6-room house. -In-quire at 501 Bentty st. 8 Business Rooms FOR RENT Business room on W Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or othei business, steam heat. Gold Ra Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. Office for Rent. FOR RENT Over the postoffice with heat and lij;ht. See A. A. Dnvis. FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec trio building, nodera equipment, steam beat, electrio light,- baths, toilet, hot and cold water. Gold Rnv Realty Co.. 216 W. Main st. Farces FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 aores, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general farmintr ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21 0 West Main. Miscellaneous FOR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunting resort on ensy terms. Box 32, Mail Tribune. FOR RENT Storage on the track at reasonable rates. E. M. McKenny room 1, Stewart building. FOR RENT. Miscellaneous :-l)i) Mi-il FOR RENT Garden land In tracts of from one acre upwards, with wa ter for irrigation. Owner will fur nish team and implements for cul tivating and seed for share of crop or will rent for cash or share of crop. Inquire of Bnffum, Rogue River Electrio Co., 21G West Mnin street. . ' , f ' . 1 ill.. , t I ll I. ,l' GOpD PASTURE 450 acres volun teer, old Richardson place, Sams vajjey. "Horses, $lf0Q per mbnth. For pnrticilnrS address Talent R. F. D. 128. 330' FOR SALE Duslncsi Property FOR SALE Choiot busineBB prop orty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address Condor Wa ter Powor Co. Acreage FOR SALE 5 and 10ncr tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments, Address Condor Water fcower Co. F.OR SALE Ton ., acres, half mile from Central Point, six acres In Bartlett nnd.Bosc pears, 5 years old, 2 acres in Bartlett and Cornice 2 aud 3 years old, 2 acres not planted; $500 per acre, terms. W T. York & Co. FOR. SALE 812 acres fruit aud poultry .ramcti, 200 head of poultry team and tools go with place if dei sired ; west of S., Oak'dalo avenue See ownor on pYace.1 Robert Dif ton. FOR SALE $500 per Acre 10 acres half mile of Central Point, G acres 5-year-old pears, 2 acres 2 and 3 year-old pears, balance not planted, Bo,rtle'U, Bosc and Cornice, Terms'. W. T. York d' Co. " . ' FOR SALE A tract of good gar den land containing 4 acres good houso nud bam; inside city limits of Jacksonville. Price $3500 J. Hnrtmnn," Jacksonville. Or, 344 ' 1 i' 11 .1 FOR SALE 16 dord tract, ctostf depot, school and church. Good nino roomed house, barn, largo packing tmuso; fine, sightly loca tion;' G, acres in bearing" penr,s, 5 acres, in young grapes, 2 acres fam ily orchard, bearing, smnll patch ul falfa. Excellent biry, either for a homo, invcHtnient 'or speculation. Seo J. W. Gillette, .owner, Second house north of Jacksonville depot. FOR 'SALE--Thrco largo- lots,- eloso hi, two blocks from school, price $500 each. Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 E. Main. ' ' " FOR SALE liot on S.-Central ave nue, 50x140 feet. Prico $500. Van Dyke Reulty Co., 123 E. Main. FOR SALEIIill View nt west end of Second street, g"ets water nnd sower, also pavement to tho very corner with no expense to pur chaser, finest in city at lowest prices nlid easy terms; let ua show you. Humphrey, room 3, Adkiny blk. , 10 FOR SALE 57x127 foot corner, on pavement, West Second; no ex pepse. to purchaser for improve merits; bargain. See owner. Hum phrcy, room 3, Adkins blk. 10 FOR SALE Lot comer North Cen tral and Curt streets, 50x215. Good location for grocery or meat, mar ket. Priced low for quick sale. W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE Best vncunt lot on west Tenth street, 50x101, pavement; Hewer, water, nnd cement walks. See owner at W. Eleventh Street Gro cery. ' " Y ' FOR SALE Building lots in city oi Jacksonville, Or. I have 75 lots 111 different purjs of tho town, for salo 'at'pr'ce8 ranging' from $75, to $150 each. Call nnd fiee me. No trouble to show property. J. Hart man, opposite U. S. hotel, Jackson ville. Or. 334 HIGHCROFT residence sites have the most superb view of the city, val- Jey nnd mountains. FOR SALE Lot 62x300; small house; chicken houses, chicken fence) black loam soil; all in choice fruit and garden; $nod;'terms. A M. Rose, 902' E. 9th' st. Address Box 522, city. FOR SALE A block of four hoiiUi front lots jut one block off Went Main adjoining KenwQod Addition for $1100. This figures just $275 per lot, and surrounding lots are selling at $400. Tumy, 201 Garnclt Cofey Block. 8 FOR SALE -An east front lot on Centrul, near Jackson on which tho water, sewer and paving ore paid in full, can be hud for $1600. Tumy, 201Garnett.foroyUlock. 8 FOR SALE- Four lots on Palm st., 'between- Hoe and Summit avenue for $475 each ornorms; just one block over fr.m Ross Court where lotH are $11 1 Gnr- nett-Corey - 8 F0FI SALE Houses FOR SALE 'Why pay rent wlicit yon can buy one of tho most attractive bungalows in Mcdfqrd, with adjoin ing lot, for $2850," .f800 down, bal ance like rent. House, just being completed; east front; one block from W. Mnin; has five rooms nnd bnth, slocping porch, cabinet kitch en, buffet, fireplace, splendid view. Tel. 5084, or see owner, 423 S. Ncw town st., and save commission. 12 FOR SALE Five-room home, mod ern, 31 S. Orange st., $1800; close in. John A. Henderson. 17 FOR SALE A four room modern hbuso nenr Olson and Palm streets, for $1650. Just $400 cash is asked and the house is now rented for $22.0.0 a month, paying 17 pur cent on the investment. Tumy, 201 Gnr-nett-Coroy block. -8' FOR SALE A five room modern bnngnlow,' just completed nnd close in, can be bought for $2,300 on terms. Tumv, 201 " Gnrnett-Corey block. 8 FOR SALE A house nnd lot in Jack sonville, Or., Lot contains IVa acros. Five blocks from postoffice. Good barn and a number of fino shade trees on tho proporty. A good com fortable home for somo ono at a barguin. Prico $1500. J. nnrtmnn, opposite U. S. hotel, Jacksonville. Or. 334 FOR SALE Now 5-room modern bungalow just finished; good loca tion. Prieo $2300. Van Dyke Realty Co., 123 E. Main. FOR SALE New 5-room modern bungalow just finished; good loen Jion. Price $2300. Van Dyjco Realty Co., 123 E. Mnui. FOR SALE A 4-room strictly modern fur nished bungalow on an east front comer lot, about 10 minutes from this office iu the southwest part of town. , Living room 12x20, vith archway into dining room. Bath betweou bedroom nud kitchen. Hot and cojd water throughout. Front porch-9x15. Back. porch, 8x12. , , Woodshed connected to bnek porch, built of same material as house. Electric lights throughout, gas lino in street, nnd tho entire house screened. Tho furniture consists in part of n lihrary table, 'Wilton velvet rugs, dining room table, chairs to match. A $40 range and innny otlior ar ticles too numerous to mention. As a home it in a dandy, or as an income property it will rent for $30.00 a month tho year round. Tho prico is .'12200.00, half cash, bnlunce easy. Co'rhetius-Gnrncr Realty Co,, ' in w Tni,i tj o .i. 11. .i...... . n FOR SALE Good 9-room brick house, in'city of Jncksonville, wlih lot containing 2 ucres of good garden land ; only 2 blocks from tho courthouse Prie,o $4500. J. Hnrt mnn, office opposite U. S. ho(cl, Jacksonville. Or. ' 334 Roai Estate HIGHCROFT residence sites aro des tined to doublo and trcbio i value. FOR SALE 40 acres unimproved timber and wood land, 2 miles from R. R. F. L. "Fnught, ownor, Jacksonville. 8 FOR" SALE 30 acres rod Jruit lnnd 4 Vi! miles from Medford; will set to any kind of fruit nnd furnish trees and will euro for tho orchnrd for five years for $250 an acre; will clear ond plant for $200 per ncre. Land as it is $125 per acre. II. E. Bowman, Jacksonville, Or. 325 SEE OUR LIST OF PROPERTY Office iu Gumott-Coroy Building, Room 217, Second Floor, Tako thG elevator. Fivo and 10-ncre tracts on monthly payments for those earning salaries. Bearing orchards, young orchards, alfalfa land, large aud small tracts ' of unimproved lands on easy terms. City property. Lots in all parts of tho city. Some good buys in bungalows that ure modern aud reasonable. A good buy in a good " paying furnished rooming house. ' A" Bhap G-robm house, with largo lot, $2100. Have a good buy in a stock ranch. Wo aro always "pleased to show customers. Courteous Jrontment to all is our motto. Mako yourself at homo in our office. Jackson County Realty Co., H. M. Coss, Manager, Gumett Corey Bldg., Medford, Or. FOR SALE-IG0 acres, 110 in cul tivation, 65 acres in alfalfa; good house and hnni; about 1000 young fruit trees; 1000 grapes; laud all iu crop; 7 miles from Gold Hill; 1 mile to store, postoffice; fino view, valley unlimited; outside range joins pluce; will sell buyer a (oo1h, stock and horses, cattle, hogs, goats nud will make prieo uud terms attractive. Address Owner, Chus. Gilchrist, Sams Valley, Oiegon. FOR SALE. Real Estate. t tir-U.i HIGHCROFT resiaenoe sites are of forcd nt prosont prico for a short 1 tune only. FOR- SALE 16 acres nenr Medford; 12 acres set to pe.trs, now buildings; for particulars nddrcss D enro Mail Tribune. -7IO FOR SALE A farm with stock tools, otc. Farm consists of 100 acres of good laud situated in the Applegnto valley, 28 neres in al falfa, 13 good dairy cows, 9 year lings, 4 hogs, span of work horse, lot of chickens, wngon, buggy and harness; full outfit of farm imple ments nnd tools, blacksmith shop and tools; good limine and barn; telephono in houso niul interest iu telephone lino goes with properly Prico $0500. J. Hnrtmnn, office op posito U. S. hotel, Jacksonville Or. 334 FOR SALE A ranch in tho Ariplo grito valley, containing" 80 acres qf good land, 12 acres in alfalfa; 4 acres in grain; 2 good houses nnd n large barn on land; privato ditch and wrttor right goes with this prop erty. Price $3500. A bargain for Rome one. J. Hnrtmnn, offico op posite U. S. hotel, Jacksonville, Or. 334' FOR SALE 20 acres, 3 year old pear and apples. Sams Valley, G miles from Gold Hill; cared for tll 7 years qld; under guaranteed con tract; fino soil; nicely situated; $8,000; smnll cash payment; biO onoe G per cent, 27 acres splendid spil, beautiful location, 0 miles from Ashland, nenr Helms orchard; privato irrigation S'itch; abundance of water; 0 acres year old apple, peach fillers; bal ance mostly iu grain; first class al falfa land; no better plncq iu Ameri ca for fruit'; dairy;' chickens and garden; $250 per acre; easy pay ments, 10.2 ncros, 3 year old apples and pears; 3 miles from Ashland; splen did building fipot; deep rich black soil; 300 nor acre. ' 4 acres city property. Worlds of frllit just coming 111 to bearing; will yiold $2000 this year; handsome new bungalow, good bam; all of the tools; ii fynrgnin $, 7,750.00. 7ft ncros wilh Nowtow1!! orchard 011 part of it that producos 5000 to 0000 boxes of prime apples per year. Hns netted as high us $1150 iu one year;, try and buy this. A snerifico oi'fer of modem, sWit Iy" city home. $7500 value for $0500 if sold soon. Staples Realty Agency, AHiiinnu, yregon. Seeds and Trccir. FOR SALE Com. Inquiro Dr. Clnnoy office, Phipps Bldg., or phone Muiii 001. Poultry aud Kggs. FOR SALE -Crystal White Orping ton eggs' for setting. Guaranteed. 707 W.J llh at, 8 FOR SALE Buff Cochins and Rhode Island Reds, ,-jil.fiO per sotting of 15 Inquire D. Slngler, telephono Fnnn 7203. n FOR SALE Barred Rooks from sol eotcd laying stook, eggs $1 per 15. V. Bursell, Central Point, Ore. Phono Medford Fnrmels 7180. 310 FOR SALE Orders taken" for day old chicks from host White Log horn stock, 10c each. Addross Lock Box 31, Jacksonville, Or. 328 Miscellaneous FOIt SALE Corn for salo at Vita ranch. 33 FOIt SALK -Alfalfa hay, first, sec ond cutting; $18 ton. F. C. Clay ville, Medford. 10 FOIt SALE Rodk; 1000 tons build ing rock for sale cheap. Inquiro Queen Anne school basement. 8 FOR SALE A dapple grey team 8 and 0 years old, weigh 2500 lbs. Sound and true. Addross Box 41, care Mail Tribune, n FOR SALE A sanitary couch, good as new, $5.00; u purrot and cage, purrot learning to talk, $10.00; set of Scribner's "Dickens," shelf worn only, cost $05, new. Will sell for $35, 34 volumes "Nations of tho World," 32 vols., $15, samo as now. Some popular novels and stuudnrd works all iu good condition. Call nt 502 S. Fir. St., aud hod them. G FOR SALK Six tons alfalfa hay at $16 per ton. Room 26 Jackson County Annex. 9 CLOUDY HlFOfALS-Rocemcnh'd good as now while you wait. Do tho reading purtH of your double-sighted glassuB blur? I will clear them tip for you at a very small cost. Dr. Rickert, over Kentnor's. --11 FOR SALE Farm wagjm, practically now, with roller bearing steel wheels. Dr. J. L. Holms, First near Fifth, city. 7 FOR SALE Cheap 1-800 pound mule 4' years old or will trade far young 1300 to 1400 pound horse nnd pay difference. Room 16 P. O. building FOR SALE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Ono runabout automo bile; new tires; cngino just over hauled ; everything in first clasB con dition. Can bo bought almost for prico of tires. Inquire of Powel Auto Co. ' FOR SALE Building rock for Sale Inquiro Queen Anno school base ment. 8 FOR SALE Fifteen horses ' nnd mules. All good young work slock Address C. W. Anient, 654 N. 8th st, Grants Pass, Ore. t FOR SALE Four tenuis good heavy young mules, well broken. See G Alldor, 20 Summit nve. 7 FOR SALE Piano, loft in enre of St. Mary's academy. A good in strument. Terms cash. tf FOR SALE A fino single comb White Orpington from one of the best strains. Can fill a few more orders for day old chicks from my trnpnested Orpingtons and Leg horns for May delivery. Mrs. E. E Oman, Jacksonville, Ore. 29 FOIt SALl-Registvred Red Poll bull. Mooro funn, 4 miles north Gold Hill. . 8 FOR SALE Ono low Studebnkor wngon, 3-in. gear; prico $50. Also ono second hand ono horse buggy prico $15.00. Inquiro of E. E. Mor rison, R. F. D. No. Box 47. 8 FOR SALE First class incubator and brooder, as good ab now. In quiro Buffum, euro Roguo River Electric Co., 210 W. Main st. FOR SALE Board and room at 21(1 N. Front st., opjuisilo now depot. 7 WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED To buy a fnnn, 40 ucres or more with irrigation, if possible, 5 to 10 acres of orchard; good houso, barns, fences, etc.; good qunlity drinking wntor. Send full particulars to Jus. M. Harris, 532 W. 111th st., Now York city. 11 WANTED Reliablo party to rent nnd manage a first class dining room. Call nt room 217 GarnoU Coroy bldg. WANTED'-Mino owners to know that our specialty is to sell mining properly. Oregon Renlty & Mining Co.. 310 Onrnett bldg. '7 WANTED Ono sound work horse; quiet disposition; blooky build. E W. Carlton, Centrnl Point, R. F. D, No. 2; phono 114 Farmers. WANTED Good second hand cook sfovo or range. G. B. Peck, Med ford. 8 WANTED Furnished houso or rooms for light housekeeping. Address Reed this offico. 8 HELP WANTED. Help Wanted Mnlo WANTED Salosmcn in overy local ity of tho northwest; monoy ad vanced yockly; many mako over $1000 month; ohoico of territory. Yakima Volloy Nursery Co., Top penish, Wash. WANTED Teams for wood hauling. Rogno River Vnlloy Rililway Co. WAWItjI) l'.lectriciau, non-union, will join union if necoXHary, most experienced in repair work aud in- Hide wiring. 7 WANTED Experienced truck gard ener to work on uhnrcfl; Eagle Point ranch, only two milcx from station; with or without hoard uud lodging; references required. Address Uox 28 euro Mail Tiihuno office. 10 Help Wanted Female. WANTED -Young lady for general Iiouho work, lioflt wngOB. Inquire Huffum, Roguo River Electric Co., 210 W. Main st. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Married man wantH Htcady job' on ranch.' Inquire at Or egon Rooming House on Front Ht. 11 WANTED Position by gentleman bookkeeper nnd stenographer, age U0; Bovorul years experience; best of references. Phono Fnrmor 715x5. 318 MISCELLANEOUS HiailCROFT rosidonco siten will ho known ad tho real "Nob Hill" of Modfprd. tf FOR SALE UIOIICROFT residence sites hnvo delighted everyone who has seen the proporty. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. D. It WOOD Orneral accountant. Your books audi Ifil und kept for u reasonable : Phlpps bldg, room 209. Phono 312J Anayer and Analyst. KAUU V INCJELS, II, R Host equipped BHHuy of Ice In Oregon, food products, soils, fertilizers, spray products, wuler etc, analysed, flrunts Puhv. Architect!. JOHNS & TUItNEK. Architects nnd Ilulldors orrico 7-s, 32a Mulu; phone Main 3471. Kitsldenco phone. Ht. A."p. OODWIN, Apihlteot, offico 310. corner l'ront und Third. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. COLVl(AUtEAMK-UAV'i' MjUCtolvlir. C. I lteaim'H. lawyers, Offico Medford ixuuonni liunK Duiminir, second floor. POUTHU J. NKPK, Wit. V, MKALI0Y 1 .iiiuiii.-jn-iii-iuii, 11 ua. 1 unci . 1'flKl offico InilldliiK A. K. HEAMICS Lawyer. domett-Corey bulldlntf. I- WIT11INOTON & KKM.Y Lawyers. I'lilnt bUiniltiK. 11. R JtUI.KtCT Lnwyor. Itoom 30 Jack son Co,, Hank bldg. Billiard Parlors. S. T. llltoWN & CO. Milliards. Clears and 80ft Drinks. Up stairs. Youns Ik Hall building. A nle, cool place) lo1 spend , llio hot, aftprnoons Bill Potter. VKUNR T CANON Hill poster and Dis tributor. All orders promptly filled. Itoom 29. Jackson County llank bulld liiff, Medford, OrcRon, Clgam nndobacco7 mni.AND & ANTLi:, Smokohous DcuUtb In tobacco, cltfurH, and smok ers' Hupplles. KxclUHlVH tigi-nt of Lowlrt SlnKln Hinder, Kl Slerlto and El l'alcn cla. 212 West Main Htreet. OWU Engineers. ASTI1UUY & TBH. CIVIL KNOINRKUS. Htirveyora. Specialty; PluttliiK, huIi dividing nnd municipal enKtneorlntf. Phono -1081. Itoom 408 aarnutt-Corry bldg., itedford, Oregon Contractor and Builder. CONTIIACTINQ AND UUILDINCJ W. J, Kaufman or Canton, Ohio, Is now located at 123 South Holly uud OoMlre to kIvo any ono nn cntlmato on build in rh of any xlzn or description) 2d years oxperfenco In tlilH lino of work. LowcBt prices, consistent with good work. Seo me before lulling your con tractor call phono Muln 1801. IS SlltAOUU DlZOfc. Contractor und bullderx; lot tin help to finance thn building of your home. 211 Krultgrow- ers isniiK mug. McDUNAM) & LOVULACD. Contractor and bulldem. KHtlmatcH furnlnhcd On nliort notice. Phone 3632. 20 Tnrnltnre. II. y, WILSON' & CO., dealer In new and second-hand furnltum and hunl wart. Agents for, Hounehold ntoveii nnd ranges. 10 Holllh Kir Btrect. Phono Main 3161. Home 26C-L. MIHSION KUIlNlTUIti: "wSlUCH Eorl ner 8tH und Holly streets, Medford. Mission furniture madn to order. Cub- " Inot work or nil kinds. A trial order solicited. MOHDOKF & WOLKK Cookstoves und ranges. Now and second hand furni ture, End a' old stand, 18 Kir street, .South. Phono 1)1. Home 283-IC. Med ford. Qranlta Work. HOLD KAY UKAN1TK CO., 210 West Mulu street, manufacturers nnd deal ers In monumental and building gran ite, crushed granite, common brick and pressed brick, coarse and fino Washed river sand. , MEDKOKD KKIC1C CO. Oeo. V. Prlddv. O. D. Nugle. Geo. T O'Urlen Contrac tors and manufacturers of brick: deal ers In pressed brick and lime, Offico In aarnetNCorey block, room 209i 2d floor. Phono No, 3181. notary fttbllc. N6Tu7y PUBLIC Itoom 207 Phlpps b u I Idlng. ' iflCLHN N. YOCKKY. Nolury public. Urlng your work to mo nt tho sign of Tho Mali Tribune. . Home t Cleaner. JAMES JOHNSON Klectrlo. Vacuum Cleaner, Cleans draperies, rugs, pianos, organs, etc. All work guaranteed. "Jll H. Centrnl. Phone Ma I n S7f.l. in Tent and Awning. MEDKOUD TEN? AND AWNIN11 CO , makers of new, repairers of old. Ilolli phones I Of. S. Onkdale. Nurcerleg. MEDFOKD OKEEN HOUSE Cut flows orb, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 K. Main. Phono 3711. QUAIvKK NUKHEKIErt Our trees uro budded, not grafted. Our stock Is not Irrigated. Wo guuranteu everything put out. Wo-tiro not In tho trust. H. II. Patterson, offico removed to 110 E. Main st. KOOUE ItlVEK VALLEY NUKSEKY CO.. Inc. Oiowors of high grade nur sery stock. Offico 20 W. Main. Tolt pliono 1201. Phyilclnua nnd Surgeoni. J. E. rillEAKEK, M D., Pliyslclun and Surgeon. Special attention given to In ternal meiilcluo and general offlro practice Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to -l, Offico phone 731, residence phono 1210. Offico over Htrung's drug storo. DK, H. A. I.OCKWOOD " Physician and Surgeon. Offico 210 E. Main st., over Hau- ' kins' drug store. Phono Main 1001. DKS. CONllOY & CLANCY Physicians and surgeons, Taylor and Phlpps bldg., rooms 210-21 1-212. Office phono 001, residence nhone 012. Offico hours 0 11. in. to 8 p m ' Dlt. R O CAKLOW, DK. EVA .MAINS CAKLOW Osteopathic physlcluns. Moved to rooms 4IC and 417 (liirin)lt Corey bldg. Phono Main 6351. Dlt." E.H. POItTEIt DIseuseT of' win men a specialty, ltooma 0, 0, 7, 8, St. Murk's bldg, Medford, Oregon; phones, Offico -1961, residency 1901. DK. CLAKIC E. SADND'EKS Practlclt limited to diseases of tho eye, oar, homo and throat Offico suite 318,, Oar- iHui-v.drey milk' DK. AKTEMAS W DEANE Dentist Offico In Klalto bldg, 123 E. Main Has administered for extraction of teeth . Telephono Main 681. Night puonn 4-133 DK W. V. WU'K- Homeopathic physl rluti; residence 203 Olson St.. phono Main 4174, office, rooms 3 and I, St. Murk's block, phono Muln 1871 DK. STEAKNS Pliyslclun and surgeon. Offico (Jarnett-Corey bldg., looms 211-212, phono S0U1. Kculdcnco 113 Laurel st , phono 2092. DK. MYKTI.E H. LOCICWOOD Pratlfco limited to diseases of women. Offico llnsklns bldg. Phono Main 1001. Dr. W. M. Vun Scoyool Dr. C. C. Van Hcoyoo. Doutlsts. CJurnott-Conay bldg., suite 318, Medford. Orego n. lloth Phopes. DK. kTe. (1KEE.V. eye, oar, nose, una throat. Itooms 212-213 aurnott-Coivy lilt. i;. E. KOCH, dhlropruotlco ileni onstintor of Psychology. Euso for all dlseasu. No drugs. No knives. Phono 6701, or call at 300-307 Ournett-Coroy block Hours ! lo 12, 1 to 0, und 7 to V; by appointment, on .Sundays. CHOW YOUNCJ'S Chinese inedlclmiFwIlt euro rheumatism, catarrh, colds, goit ers, throat aud lung Double, deafness, purnlysls, private dlieases and (ill kinds of clirunlo und nervous ailments, Stomach trouble, cnnitlpattou. Indiges tion, womb uud bladder troubles. Seo mo at JIIH Kront st . .Medford. Ore. DK. LEK5V M'OOltDON-ChlropraoTfo splnuloglst, over Medford Hardware UIUK. t:o. 210 1: Main st.. .Medford. Oregon. Dlt. J. J. EMMENS Practice limited to dlseuso of tint eye. ear, nose uud throat. Offico 216 K Maln street. yiano and Voice. MKS. J J HAlMtl. piano and voice. 211 Sturt stroot Phono 5232. 11 Prlnteri and Fabllahere. MEDKOKD PKINTINO CO.. has tho best equipped Job office In Southern Ore gon; book binding, loosa leaf sybtems; cut paper, etc, etc, Portland prices. 27 North Kir street. ELLA ST ftUANYAW Pulm tllock. Stenographic work dono quickly nud well. PUHLIC STENOOKAPHEK. 402 Gurrt- Corey bldg, Medford, Ore. Miss ! J. Kingston. Telephono lloino 95. Tin Shop!. J. A. sSUTH-iTiii shop, tin and aheet Iron ware on hand und mudo to order. 128 North O street. wmijtwynBit Blgui. VALLEY rllON ADVEKTI.SINO CQ,'H HIONS will heln build up your busi ness. Phono 802, IS Klversldu avunue. t iV " ,-'A 'i " J