lM l w ri' V r ; ir PAGE SIX CITY NOTICES. OHDINAXCE NO. 171. ' All ordltlr.nco dcclhring tlio as sessment on tlio property benefited for tho cost of laying n 0 Inch wntor main (in Jackson street from Ccntrnl Avenue to Vermont street and direct ing tho recorder to enter u statement thereof in tho wntcr main lien dock et. Tho city of Medrord doth ordain as tallews: Section 1. Whereas, tho city coun cil did heretofore, by resolution do clnro Its Intention to lay a C inch water main on Jackson street from Central avenue to Vermont street ntid to nssess tho cost there of on the property fronting on said portion of said street In propor tion to tho frontago of said property, nnd fix a Jtlmo and place for hearing jfrotcsts against the laying of said water main on said pari of said street and tho assoHBment of tho cost there of as aforesaid. And whereas, said resolution was duly published and posted nB requir ed by section 11C of tho charter of said city: And whoroas, a meeting of the council was held at tho tlmo and plnco fixed by Hald resolution, for tho purpoao of considering any such protests, but no protests were at said time, or at any othor time made to or received by tho council to the said layhig of srtlrt wator main or the nsBCBBtnont of tho cost thereof as aforesaid, and said founnlt hav ing considered tho matter, and deem ing that said water main wub and Is of material benefit to Bald city, and that all property to bo assessed there for would bo benefited tboroby to tho extent of tho probablo amount of tho respective assessments to be lovled agalnBt said property did or der said main laid. And whorcas, tho cost of said water main hntf tfcen and lioroby Is de termined to ho tho sum of $2,020.72. Now thorCtaro, It Is lioroby fur thor determined that tho propor t dnuto sharo of tho cost of laying said water main of each parcel of property fronting op Bald portion of, said street Is tho amount set opposite Mm ilnunrllitlnll llf each IinrCOl Of lUtld below, and that each plcco or parcel of land benefited by tho loylng of said water main to tho full extent tif tho amount so set opposite) tho de scription of tho smno, nnd that the rVspectlvo nmountB represent tho pro portional bcnoflts of said water main to said respective parcols of land, and also tho proportional frontage thereof on Bald stroot, and tho coun cil does lioroby declaro ouch of tho parcols of proporty described below to bo assessed and each of the same lioroby In assessed tho nniount sol opposlto ench description for tlio cost or laying said wator main. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX INCH WATER MAIN ON JACKSON STREET FROM CENTRAL AVE-" NUE TO VERMONT STREET. Assessment No. 1 C. M. English. H. for I). Lot 4, block 20, Original Townslto of tho city of Medford, Oro gon; froiltago 121.7 feot on tho south side or Jackson street; 101.4 foot; rate per foot $1.10; amount $152.42, Assessment No. 2-August Law rontz. Lot 5, block 20. original Townslto of tlio city of Medford, Ore. gou; rrontugo 121.7 feet on tho south sldo or Jackson street; 121.7 feet; rato per foot $1.40; amount $177. OS ABBOssmont No. 3 -Oregon & Cali fornia Land Co. Lot 7, block 27, Orlglunl Townslto of the city or Med ford, Oregon; rrontugo 85.2 roet on the south side or Jackson street; 85.2 feet; ruto por foot $1.40; amount $124.30. 7 Assessment No. 4 Frunzlskii Oluck. Lot 3, block 37, Original TownBlto of tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontago 1011.5 feet on tho south sldo of Jackson street; 1011.5 reef, rato por root $1.10; amount $151.11 Assessment No. 5 Frnnzlsktt (Murk. Lot I, block 37, Original Townslto or tho city ir Medfoid. Oie gon; rrontugo 103 5 feel on tho south sldo of Jackson Htreet; 10:1.5 feet; rato por Toot $1.10; amount $151.11. Assessment No. 0- ( C. lJeokmali Lot 0, block as, Original Townsite or tho city or Medford. Oregon; fron tago 121.7 feot on tho south side of JackBon street; 121.7 feet; rato per Toot $1.40; amount $177 08. Assessment No. 7 II. A. Frodon burg. Lot S. block 1, Oak Park Ad dition1 to ttho city of Mcdrord, Ore gon; mintage 100.17 reel on the iiorth side or Jackson Htreet; 50 feet, into per root $1.10; amount $73 00 ' Assessment No. S Kilns Turnei A parcel or hiinl fronting 0 8 33 fool on tho norlli side of Jackson street, and marked Al on tho maps of the olty of Medfoid, Oiegon, and rorord fift In volu'uo 77. pngo 10 1, count) recorder's i ononis or Jackson count), Oiegon; 08 ;i;i Mot; rate jier root $1.40; amount $00 70. Assessment No. 9 Julia 13 Skoet yrs. A parcel or land fronting M 07 feet on tho north Bldo of JnclUou street, and marked Al on the map 6r tho city or Medford, Oiegon, and rni'ordod lu volume 71. page 2 12. ennui v recorder's records of Jnckmin ! county. Oregon; 81,07 reet, rate perl AtuHwmuont No. Oolroy dutchell foot $1.10; amount $119 25. I South 70 feet ot lot 18. block 55. Assessment No. 10 Charles F oilglnal Townslto of the city or Med HkeolorH, et ux. A parcel of land ford. Oregon; frontage 70 feel on fronting 126 feet on tho north side t, W(gt utile or drape street; 70 tif Jackson street, and marked A.I foot; rato por foot S3 cents; amount on Uio map oi uio cuy m imiimni Oregon, and recorded in volume 71. page 155, county recorder's record! Of Jackson county, Oregon; 12 5 feet; . 7 T . , n 1 i. V r.i, rillO por lOUl (.l". minium T IO..OU i.... &.. r.,it... i Kouuedy. Lot 3. block 10, llentt) Addition to the city or Medrord. Ore- gon; rrontago 21.6 toot on the north sldo ot Jackson stroot; 24.6 feot; rnto por foot $1 40; amount $35.77 Assessment No 12. Wnltor M. Kennedy. Lot 4, blook 2. Whltiitf) Addition to the city of Medford. Ore gon; frontage 13 1 looi on m norm Assossinent No It F. M. Wilson Lot i. block 2. Whitney Addition to tho olty of MedMrd, Oregon; front - ugo 152.5 Met on the north sldo of Jackson streot; 62.5 MW. rato por foot $1.40; amount $70.05. rlflii Conipnny. A panel or land nown a Uio Railnuid RiKht of WAV and fronting uu f.-.t on the Bouth ldo of Jackson Btjoot, lu the Assessment iso. ih-Houincrn m sldo or .lac (houirooi; ut uwi, thip soutii uu iti in ioi i. uuh-k ui. njBiiiu aiuuhimi i n 'j .-..-. , - - . ,,- per Mot $1 10; umotint $196.01 Orliiluiil Towiulte ot the i-lty or Med- ford. Oregon, hiii! markwl as ulle ' 'r,, ' "i""", 70 cost of ABsesH.noni .mi. is aw)' ' oni. wregon; i r.i ihi i ."" . '."' J"'; V . Z?L ... structlon of btild sower has I,Ol :, liiocu , viiiiuw Aiiuiuun i I nut tbi mint in urupw i. v iwk un iu imuu '; '" i,,,rnhv In iteterminpd to be tho olty or MedMrd. Oregon; rront- Met; into por root 88 cents; muuuiit 15 Met; into per foot 71 cents; lioroiij is ueiermmcn io ue ago U7.6 Met on the north rn.de r T I.T0. mnotint $11 is. J ,, . . ol1 llt. Jnckson streot; 97.B twi into pel I AuiMiiUMit No. 7--Lllllmi N. Wood-1 Aw(MiniHit No. 6 Mrs E. A Now thoroMre. snld clt ;..... . ak. ........ ...i tuviK I r i u,..in. Kit rui lit in! in hiiwif lutiu idiiai tR foot of lot 0. block dutii and declaro flat cacti kU !' ,--....--. ,. -r--- .- - ..- - ...... . u III .JI1.1II. III IIIUUL VI 1 H.UU. !. uu ( II 9d r -' b sua mmwvm s,wv . - - - -- - . -- - -- -..- CITY NOTICES. city of Medford, Oregon; 00 feet; rate per root $1.40; amount $87.00. Assessment No. 10, Southern Pa cific Company. A parcel of Innd known nB the Railroad Right of Way and fronting 00 feet on the north side of Jackson street In the city of Medrord, Oregon; 00 fuel, rnto por root $1.40; amount $87.00. Section 2. And It Is hereby order ed and ordained that tho several ns BossmentB and tho liens thereor bo entered In tho water main lien dock et or said city, nnd that thereupon notlco be given to the owners or ro puted ownorB or said proporty, and Hint the Bnmo bo onrorccd nnd col lected in tho manner provided by tho charter or snld City ror tho collection or assessments Tor tho Improvement or Btreets therein. Section 3. It Is rurther ordered that the notlco above provided tor bo pub lished three times In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a nowspuner published and or general circulation In said city, in tho manner provided by ordinance No. 250 or said city. Tho roregoing ordinanco waB pnER ed by the city council or tho city or Medrord, Oregon, on tho 8th day of March, 1311, by tho following vele: Morrlck aye, Watt a'o, Wortman absent, Emerlck a A". Elfert aye, and Millar aye. Approved March 9th, lflll. W. II. CANNON, Attest: Mayor. IIOHT. W. TELFER, City Rccohldr. NOTICE. To tho owner, or reputed ownor, of ench parcel or proporty described lu tho roregoing ordinanco, as named therein, nnd In tho Hen declared by said ordinanco, iib recorded In the docket or city Hens: You nro hereby notified that the assessment declarod by tho roregoing ordinanco hau been mndo and tho Hon thoroMr enterod In tho city lion dock et, and that tho same Is duo and you mo hdreby required to pay tho sumo to tho city recorder within ten days rrom tho sepvlce or this notlco, which servlqo Is mndo by publication or tho roregoing ordinanco nnd this notlco three times In tho Medrord Mall Tri bune, pursuniit to an order of the city council of Bald city. ROUT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. OIIDINAXCK XO. 171. An ordinanco nsscsslng. tho prop orty ndjncont to and bonoflted by the 8 inch latoral Bower constructed along (irapa street rrom Hlxtlt street to Eighth stroot ror tho cost ot con structing tho samo and providing tho inaliner of carrying Bald assessment Into full effect. Tho city of Medford doth ordnm (IB follOWH! Section 1. Whereas tho council did herotoroii) piovldo by ordinance Mr tho serving or the owners of prop orty adjacent to and bonontod by tho construction or tho lateral sower horolnnrter described to appear bo roro said council and show causo, If any, why nald property should not bo nBHOHHod ror tho construction of said sower, and did fix a tlmo' for hear ing any such protests, which notice was given lu accordance with said ordinance, moro than ten dnys before tho beginning or the construction of said sower, but no protests agalnBt snld construction or assessment ot tho cost thereor was mndo by anyone and said sewer wub, by said council ordered constructed. And, whereas, tho cost of the con struction of said sower has been and hereby Ih determined to be tho sum or $771,00; Now thererore, said city doth gr dalu and declaro that each parcel or property described bolow 1b adjacent to and heuerited by that certain lat eral newer 8 Inches lu size, construct ed on drupe sheet rrom Sixth stieet to Eighth street and that tho propor tion or the cost or sewer which each of said parcels or bind should boar, bused on tho benefits derived respec tively by said sevornl tracts or land Is the amount set opposite tho des cription or each parcel below, that ouch or said parcels lu actually bono fltoil In tho amount set opopslto Its description below nnd that said sever al amounts represent mo proporuuii al benefits of said several parcels from said sewer. And each of said parcels Is hereby nssoisod the amount set opposite Its description below ror the construction or snld tuwor ASSESSMENT FOR AN Kill! IT INCH LATERAL SEWER ON dRAl'E STREET FROM HIXTH TO EldHTIl STREET, Assessment No. I F. E. Martin Lot I, block 55, Oilglnal Townslto or thu dtj of Medford. Oregon; front ago 110 feet, on the west Hide or (Irnpo street; 10 reel; into per root S3 cents; amount $33 20 AtMeHHincut No. 2 Hold Ru) Realty Co. The noith 70 reel or lot 18, block 55, Original Townslto or the city or Medfoid. Oregon; front age 70 reel on the west side of drape street: 70 feet; intt per root oil cunts, amount $5I 10. $5S 10. AwMMiiiiuit No. 4 Robert J. liar tor. Lot 1, block 51. Original Town site or the city of Medford, Oiegon; froutHMO HO feet on tlio west slue oi r, ..,..,.. 1 iii r....t I..,,,. i,ii rtiAt j.3 eenU, Hiuoiiut $110 20. AHsotwuiuiit No. 5 Henry llnijwull. North 60 feot of lot 18, block 51. uriglUHl lowiiiiie oi ine ciiy iii .moo- rord, Oreuon; rrontnuo 50 fmu on the weal vide or (Irnpo tret ,60 toot rste por fool S3 $11 50. Ausettaiuout Nn. 0 ct)ut; nniount -I), d Kuril ' H. OrlKliiNl TownsIM of tho city of Mvdfoi'd. Oregon; froutag 60 Mot un tho t aid of drupe mret; 60 Mot, rate per Mot S3 cents; amount $41.60. ABiOhfiinoul No. s u. Noniormoyor &' Cnllle Pnlni. UU IT. hleek 4lJdrus. Lot T. blook 1. Rumumdo Ad.,sowor whloh onch ot said imrcels ol Original TowtiHlte or the rlly of Mwl- Mid Oiegoii. frontage 110 Mot on Uu u.i md uf Uiape sire.-t Ho Met, rate per foot (3 u'lits, nniount ftfEDFOftD MAIL TftlBUNE, CITY NOTICES. 11C 20 " . ' ' . . . ,1 ml. ..... ASBCSSincni JNO. y 1. W. iiiuiiiun. uuiij. nut. . u"v ' ......... J...-- -- Lot 10, block 15, Original Townslto dltlon to thd clly- of Medford, Ore or tho city or Medrord, Oregon; Mont- gon; rrontngo "9.04 reet on the north ago 110 rect on the east side of side or 13th street; 19 reet; rate per drape street; 140 reet; rate per root root 714 cents; amount $14.15. H'i cents; amount $110.20. Assessment No. 8 P. J. O'dnra. Assessment No. 10 C. L. &. II. W. Lot 2, block 3, Sunnysldo Addition Schermerhorn. Lot 17, block 45, i to the city of Medrord, Oregon; Mont Orlglnnl TownBlto or tho city ot Med- age 50 reet on the south sldo or 13th rord, Oregon; rronlngc 140 rect on the east side or drape street; no foot; rate per foot 83 cents; amount $110.20, Section 2. And It Is hereby order ed and ordained Hint the snld sov oral assessments and tho liens there of be entered In tho Hen docket otj said city, nnd that thereupon notlco bo irlvmi tn the owners, or renuted own- om. of Rtilii nronerty. and thai thcnlltlon to the city of Medford. Oregon; naino bo enforced nnd collected in frontage 50 Met on the south side dm innnner nrovldod by tho chartoriof 13th stroot. west: 50 feot; rate of Bald city taj the collection ot as sessments ror tho Improvement of streets therein. Section 3. It is further ordered that the notlco above provided for be published three tlmcB In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a ilownpaper published and of general circulation In said city, In tho manner provided by ordi nance No. 250 of said city. Tho foregoing ordinance wns pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on tho 8th day of March, 1911, by tho following vete: Merrick aye, Watt ayo, Wortman absent, Emerlck aye, Elfert nye, and Mlllnr aye. Approved Morch 9th, 1911. W. II. CANON, Muyor. Attest: ROUT. W. TELFER, City Ilccdrdcr. NOTICE. To tho owner, or reputed owner, or ench parcel or property described In tho roregoing ordinanco, uh named therein, nnd lu tho Hen declarod by said ordinance, as recorded in the docket or city liens: You aro horeby notiried Hint the assessment declnred by tho roregoing ordinanco Iiiib been made and tho Hen thoreror entered In tho city Hon dock et, and that the, sano Is duo and you aro hqroby required tb pay tho name to tho cty recorder, within ten days ft nin tlm sorvlco ot tills notlco. which Borvlco Is mndo by publication ot tho rorogolng ordinanco anil tniB nonce threo tlniea In tho Medrord Mall Tri buno, purHuntit to an order of tho city council or said city. ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. ORDINANCE Xo. IHO. ' An ordinanco assessing the prop erty udjaeont to ntid bonorlted by tho 0 Inch lateral sewer constructed tllong West Thirteenth street frcnn King street to Nowlown street for tho cost or constructing tho sumo and providing tho manner or carrying said assessments into Mil effect. The city of Medford doth ordnln as rollewB: Section 1. Whereas, tho council did heretofore jirovldo by ordlnnnco for the serving of tho owners or proporty adjacent to and bonorlted by tho con struction or tho lateral sewer herein after described to appear before Bald council nnd show cause, If any, why said propei ty Bhould not bo assoHsod for the construction or said sower, and did Hx a time Mr hearing any such protests, which notice was given In accordance with said, ordlnnnco more than ten dajs boMro the be ginning ot tho construction ot said sower, but no protestB agatnst said construction or assessment or tho cost thereor was Hindu by unyono and said sower was, by said council or dered constructed. And wheieas, tho cost or the. con struction or said sewer hns been and hereby Is determined to bo tho sum or $733 S3. Now- therefore, said city doth or dain and declaro that each parcel of pi opert v described below Is adjacent to and benefited by that certain lat eral sewer 0 Inches In size, construct ed on West Thirteenth street from King street to Newtown street and that ho proportion of the coat of said sewer wttien eacn or saui par ruin of hind should bear, linsvtl on tno benefits derived respectively by sa li 1, several tracts of land, Is tlio nniount sewer, and Hint wild several amounts lepresent ine proporununi nenems oi said several parcels from said sewer. Anil each ot said parcels Is hereby assessed the nniount set opposlto Its descilptlon below Mr tho construc tion of Mild newer. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX-lNClt LATEltAL SEWER ON WEST THIRTEENTH STREET FROM KINd STREET TO NEWTOWN STREET. sei opposite urn mmi .i.t.u .1 -,.. tm,rofor ontcrcd in tho city lion uock purcol below, that each or said par- j Umt tho H.uno l3 tlll0 .Uld you eels Is actually benefited In the . .... rcn,r0(i to pay tho same amount set opposite Its description "' .. p,(J rp;or,0r within ten dnys below by Hie construction ot snltl ,...., ,,, ' i,.. miIh notice, which Ashosmnont No. 1 E 11. Foster. ' 0(l aloK sixth stroot from Ivy street The west 120 Met or lot 7, block 2. t0 Mvorsldo nvonuo Mr tho cost or Sunn) side Addition to the city of constructing the snine and providing ModMid, Oregon; rrontago 12,0 Met ,,, mnnner of carrying said assess on the north side of 13th street; 20 ,mnts Into Mil oHod, feet; into por toot 71 cents; I Tlu p)t ()f Moiiford doth ordain amount $1190 as follews: Ahset-snient No 2 Sarah M An- a .. . ,,,,..,...,. tno council us., Kir r,;!o 'aw & nts! ?z$s$i IDhiiiv aimiiiiuii i ii" '"J "I ' f .. u,11...Illl, llf !, owners of nro p- ford. Oregon, nun mniKoti as aitej atreot. 12S Met; rato por loot VJ uouts. amount $96 30. . . . ...&.... m r.iriv inn iimiih ill n nil iiitiiiiiiiv 11 ki v ,5 Met; rate Per foot 74 cent.; rar !li.n No 1 Mrs E why hhI.1 property should not be iis- lyk 7Z 'I "i.!N0l Mot ot'lot o"blocVk whI for iho contrctloa of sa d v ..,! dm ,uiui t',7 feet of lot T sewer, and did Hx n time Mr lie.ung i(HakU,2.,s;,nuSdoXddHonf to' the any ""&$ 0X rit, or. MedMrd. Oregon; Montage Blvon . X UC J m onH las leal on mo norm biuw i ui urrrfs xioixxnk s'Bacoft 2. Suunynlde Addiuou o iu euy oi MedMrd. Oreuuii; Montage 126 Mot on the north Hldu ot 15th itroet; U .Met; rate per Mot 7 1 cents; amount $l.ll .uiM8ineiii jno 6 Sarah M. An- dltn to ihe city of MedMrd. Oregon, fit.utugtf lu'l feel on tho north aide .,1 1 tth Kiie,t 103 Met, rat.- p.-r .root 7 1 ' n-nts, lunouui $70 74 AtEDFOftD; OKfiClOX, TITUftSDAY, MAttCII 30, 1911. CITY NOTICES. Assessment .No. 1. w. i. ijmsen- ',.... t f. I.IM. 1 Cimtivatfln Ail. street; ro reel; rato por loot i i va rnntft: nniount S37.25. Assessment No.' 9 Paul Molhnish. Lot 3, block 3, Sunnyaldo' Addition to the city or Medrord, Oregon; rront ngo GO root on the south side of 13th Btreet; 50 reet; rate per foot 74 & cents; amount $37.25 Assessment No. 10. A. Tnck- strom. Lot -t. block 3. Sunnysldo Ad per Mot TiVt cents', amount $37,25. AsoBsment No. 11 John ai. ios tor. Lot 5, block 3, Sunnysldo Ad dition to tho city of Medford, Ore gon; frontngo 50 Met on the south Bldo or 13th street, west; 50 Mot; rato per Mot 71 cents; amount $37.25. Assessment No. 12. W. A. & II. E. Medley. Lot 0, block 3, Sunnyside' Addition to tne city or MedMrd, Ore gon; Montage 50 feet on the Boutb side or 13th street; 50 foot; rnto per Mot 74 Vfe centBi nniount $37.25. Assessment No. 13. Agnes Dug gun. Lot 7, blocck 3, Sunnyside Ad dllion to tho city or MedMrd, Oregon; rrontago 00 Met on tho south Bldo ol 13th Btreet; 00 Met; rato per Mol 74 cents; amount $44.70. Assessment No., 1 1, James Darn ington. Lot 8, block 3, Sunnysldo Ad dltlon to the city of MedMrd, Oregon; rrontago 50 Met on the south sldo ot 13th street; 50 Met; rato per Mot 74 cents; amount $37.25. Assessment No., 15. Wm. plotch dr. Lot 9, block 3, Sunnysldo Addi tion to the city ot MedMrd. Oregon; Mpntnge 5Q Mot on tho south side oi 13th street; 50 Mot; rnto per Mot 74 cents; amoniit $37.25. Assessment No. 10. E. 13. French lx)t 10, block 3, Sunnysldo Addltloi to the city ol MedMrd, Oregon; frontago 50 Mot on tho south sldo o 13th street; 50 Mot; rato per foot 74 cents; amount $37.25. Assessment No, 17. Oeorgo II WoU. Lot 11, block 3, Sunnysldo Ad dltlon to tho city of MedMrd, Oregon; rrontngo 50 Mot on tho south side o' 13th street; 50 Mot; rnto per Mot 74 cents; amount $37.25. Assessment No. 18. Ccorga II Wolf. Lot 12, block 3, Sunnysldo Ad dltlon to tho city of MedMrd, Ore gen: rrontngo 50 Mot on the soutr sldo or 13th street; 50 Mot; rato pot foot 74 centalamount $37.25. Section 2. And,U Is hereby order, od and ordalnod Hint said several as seBsmontH and the lions thorcot In entered In tho Hen docket or salt' city, and that theroupon notlco In given to tho owners, or reputed own ors, or said propprty and that thr same bo enforced hnd collected In thf manner provided by the charter ol salt! city Mr tlm collection of as sossmoutH tor Uo Improvement ot streetB theroln. Section 3. It Itf rutfthor ordored thai tho notlco nboYu provided Mr be published threo, .Hmos, lu tho Dall. Mnll Tribune, n newspaper publish cd and or general circulation In salt! city, In tho manner provided by or dlnanco No. 250 ot said city. Tho foregoing ordlnnnco was pass ed by tho city council of tho city o MedMrd, Oregon, on tho 21st dm or March. 1911, by tho following vete: .Morrlck aye. Wntt absent, Wortman ayo, Emoiick nyo, Elfert nyo and Millar absent. s Approved Mnrch 22. 191 1. W. H. CANON, Mayor. ROUT, W. TELFER, City Recorder. NOTICE. To tlm owner, or repuled owner'. ) or each parcol or property described I in the foregoing ordlnnnco. ub nnnied I therein, nnd In tlio Hon declared l)j I said ordlnnnco. na recorded In the 1 docket ot city liens: y ' beroby notified that the monl declared by tho foregoing or(limnco )m8 e0n ,nn(ie nnd tho lion sorvlco Is made by publication or the foregoing ordinance nnd this no tlco threo times In tlio Medford Mall Tribune, pursuant to nn older of the city council or said city. ' . KOIIT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. . An oi dlnanco assessing the prop erty ndjncont to nnd bonoflted by tli.." tn.lnp.n lateral sewer construct- i'. " "'"" .;..", ,...i i.;. m beginning of the construction of snld sewer, but no nroiesis ngninsi siu ctinstrnctlon iir nssessiiivilt ot the the con- been and the sum doth or imrcel or proporty doeorlbcd bolow Is mljuivnt tij and bouented by that curtain lat eral sower 10 Inuluis In alio, run structotl on Sixth Btreot fnnn lvj treot to Rhernldo avoiiue and that the proiiortlon or tho cost ot said land miould hmir. hiihed on the bene- fits dmlwd reap-ctheh U said o eMl tracts or Intnl. is the amount set opposito the desulelUm of cuh pat CITY NOTICES. co), below, thut each ot said parcels Is nctunlly Jicnorited In the amount set oppostlea 1U description below by the construction ot Bald sewer, and that said several amounts represent the proportional benefits, of said aey oral liarcelri from said sewer. And ench of hald pnrcels Is hereby assess ed tho amount Bet opposite Its des cription below for tho construction of snld sower. ASSESSMENT FOR A TEN-INCH LATERAL SEWER OX SIXTH STREET FROM RIVERSIDE AVE NUE TO IVY STREET. AounBKinpnt No. 1 J. O. Ooble. A parcel of land fronting iOO feet on the nortlt smc oi sixui 8ire aim marked M on tho map of tho city of Medford, Oregon, and recorded In Vol. 70, pago 002, county recorders rocordB or Jnckson county, Oregon; 1Q0 Met; rato per Mot $1.74; amount !? Assessment mo. r . w. i-hk-- parcel ol land fronting 55 Mot on the north side ot Sixth street nnd marked N on the map of tho city ot MedMrd, Oregon, and recorded In Vol. 74, pago 472, county recorders .onm-.ta nt inpifRnn cottutv. Oregen: nr. fent: lttlo nor Mot $1,74; nniount $95.70. Assessment No. 3 F. C, Page. A tint-nni of lnnd frontlnc 100 Mot on tho north sldo of Sixth street and marked O on tho map of the city of Medford, Oregon, and recorded in Vol. 74, liao 472, County recorder's recbi'drf Of JacKribn-county, Orogon; 100 feet; rate per foot $1.74. amounl $174. ' Assessment No. 4 II. U. Lurnsden. Lot 1. hlbck 12, original towilslto bf the city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 100 Met on tho north Bide of Sixth street; 100 Met rate per Mot $1.74; amount $174 Assessment No. 5 Carrlo B. Car uahnn nnd W. J. Mahoney. Lot 12, block 12, orlglnnl townslto of the city of MedMrd, Oregon; Montage 100 feet on tho north sldo of Sixth street; 100 Mot; rnto per Mot $1.74; amount $171. Assc'BBinont No. C DpHlnh Brad shaw. Lot 1, block 22, original town slto or tho city of MedMrd, Oregon; frontage 100 feet on tho north side of Sixth street; 100 Met; rato per Mot $1.74; amount $171. Assessment No, 7 z. Cameron. Lot 18, block 22t original townslto or tho city of MedMrd, Orogon; rront ngo 100 Met on tho north side of Sixth street; 100 Mot; rnttf por Mot $1.74; amount $174. Assessment No. 8 Cold Ray Real ty Co. Lot 1, block 43, original town slto or tho city of Medfofd, Oregon;' rrontago 100 Met on tho north sldo or Sixth Btreet; 100 Met; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $174. Assessment No. 9 Rachel M Whiteside. Lot 18, block 43, orlg lnnl townslto ot tho city or MedMrd, Oregbn; rrontngo 100 Mot on tho north sldo ot Sixth otreotj 100 Met; rate per Mot $1.74; nniount $174. Assessment No. 10. A. Conro Floro. Lot 1, hlock 50, original town site or tho city ot Medford. Oregon; frontago 100 Met on tho north sldo or Sixth stroot; 100 Mot; rato por Mot $1.74; nniount $174, Assessment No. 11 Home, -Tele, phono & Telegraph Co. East 25 Met of lot 12, block 56, original toWnrilte of tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 25 Mot on tho north side of Sixth street; 25 Met; rato per fpot $174; amount $43.50. Assessment No. 13 Emll Molir. West 75 Mot or lot 12, block 5G, :rlglnnl townslto of tho clfy or Med Mrd, Oregen: Montngc 76 Met On tho north sldo or Sixth stroot; 75 Mot; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $130.50, AQsessmont Xo. 13 Bort Anderson ot al. Lot 1, hlock 00, orlglnnl town slto or tho city or MedMrd, Oregon; rrontago 100 Mot on tho north sldo or Sixth streot; 100 Mot; rate per Mot $1.74; nniount $171. Assessment No. 14 W. C. Croon and Bert Anderson. East 20 Met or lot 12, block 00, original townslto or tho city or MedMrd. Oregon; Mont rtge 20 Met on tho north sldo or Sixth Btreet; 20 Mot; rato pdr Mot $1.74; nniount $34. SO. Assessment No. 15 R. A. Kulpp. West 30 Met ot Jot 12, block 60, orlglnnl tow'nslto or tho city or Med Mrd, Oregon; rrontngo 30 Met on tho north side or Sixth street; 30 Mot; rato per Mot $1.74; amount $52.20. Assessment No. 10 Helen L. Sut lirf. West one-half or lot 12. block 00, orlgnlnl townslto of tho city or Med Mrd, Oregon; rrontngo 50 Mot on the north sldo ot Sixth Btreet; 60 Met; rnto por Mot $1.71; nniount $87. Assessment No. 17 K. W, PI kol Lot 9. block 07. orlglnnl townslto ot the city ot MedMrd, Oregon; rront ngo 25 Met on the Boiith Bldo ot Sixth street: 25 Met; rate pbr foot $1.74; amount $43.60. Assessment No. 18 B. 11. PIckel. Lot 8, block 07, orlglnnl townslto or the city or MedMrd, Oregon; rront ago 25 Met on tho south sldo or Sixth street; 25 feot; rato per foot $1,74, amount $43.50. Assessment Xo, 19 E. II. PIckel. Lot 7, hlock 67. original townslto or tho city ot MedMrd, Oregon; rront ago 25 Met On the south side of Sixth street; 25 feet; rato por foot $1.71; amount $43.50. Assossinent Xo. 20 E. B. PIckel Lot 0, block 07, orlglnnl townslto of the city of Medford, Oregon; rront ngo 25 Mot on the south sldo of Sixth street, 25 Mot, rato per foot $1.74; nniount $43.50. Assessment Xo. 21 E. B. Plckol. Tho west 10 Met ot lot Ti,-4ilock 67, original townslto ot the city or Mill ion!, Oregon; rrontngo 10 rect on tho south sldo of Sixth street; 10 Met; rnto per foot $1.74; amount $17.40. Assessment, No, 22 Etta M.. Vaw ler. East 10 Met ot lot 5. block 67. orlglnnl townslto of tho city of Mod ford, Orogon; trontngq 10 (wl on the south sldo ot Sixth street: 10 foot; rato pet- foot $1.74: amount JF17.40. Assessment Xo 23 Etta M. Vaw lor. Lot 4 hlock 67. original town site or the city nr Medford. Oregon; frontago 25 Met on the south side ot SKth street; .. Mot; rato prr foot $1 74; nmouut $43.50. Assossmont No. 24 Etta M Vaw lor. Lot 3, block 67t original town slto of tho city of -Medford. Oregon; frontage 26 Met on tho south sldo of Sixth street; 25 feot; rate per foot $1 7 1, amount $1.1 50 ' Aswineiit No 3, Etta M. V- 1 tor 1 ..t 2 bhuk 07 orlglnnl town- jbite of the city of MedMrd, Oregon, CITY NOTICES. rrontngo 25 Met on the south side of Sixth street; 25 Met; rate per fdot $I.74r amount $43.50. Assessment No. 20 Etta M. Vaw ter. Lot 1, bloqk 07, original town site of the clly of Medford, Oregon; rrontago 25 Met on the south side or Sixth street; 25 MetJ rato per Mot $1.74$ amount $43.50. Assessment No. 27 Anderson Green Co. Lot 9, block 55, original townslto or tne city of Medford, Orc pon: Montane 25 Met on the rioutli side or Sixth street; 25 Met; rate por foot $1.74; amount $43. 5o. Assessment No. 28 Andersbn Orecn Co. Lot 8 nnd wesl 5 Met of lot 7, hlock 011, orljrtnru lownsuo 01 the city or MedMrd, Oregon; rront ngo 30 feet on the south side of Sixth street; 30 Mel; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $52.20. t , t Assessment No. 29 Independent Order of Odd Fellows. East 20 feet or lot 7, block 55, original townsite ol the city or MedMrd, Oregon; front ngo 20 Met on tho south side ot Sixth street; 20 Met; rat6 per foot $1.74; nmntint S34.80. Assessment No. 30 Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Lot 6 nnd tno West 10 Met of lot 5, block 55, orlg lnnl townsite ot the city Of MedMrd, nt-minn! fMinljitfo .15 foet Dn tho HOlltll side or Sixth street; 35 Met; rale per Mot $1.74; nmount $60.90. Assessment rsTo. 31 r. u. murin. East 10 Met of lot 5, and lot 4, block 55, orlglnnl townsite of the city of Medford, Orogon; frontage 35 Met on tho south side or Sixth street; 35 Met; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $60.90. ' ABP9sme!nt No. 32' F. E. Martin. Lot 3, block 55, Original townslto of the city of Medford, uregon; ironi ago 25 Met on the south side or Sixth street; 25 Met; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $43. &o. Assesamont No. 33 F. E. Martin. Lot 2, block 65, original townsite ol tho city or MedMrd, Oregon; front ago 25 feet on the south sldo of Sixth street; 26 Met; rato per foot $1.74; dmount $43.50. Assessment No, 34 F. E. Martin. Lot 1, block 55. original tpwnslto of the city or MdflMrd, Orogon; front ago 26 feel on the south side of 8lxth street; 25 Mot; rato per Mot $1.74; amount $43.50. Assessment No. 36 Eliza Wood ford. North 90 feet of ldt 16, block 4 4 orlelnnl townslto of tho city of MedMrd, Oregon; rrontngo 25 Met on tho south side ot sixm street.; o Mot; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $13.50. Anaonsnlnnt No. 30 Eliza Wood- ford. North 90 feet of lot 15, block 44, original, townsite of tne city oi MedMrd, Oregon; rrontago 25 Met on the south side of Sixth streot; 25 Met; rato per Mot $1.74; nmount $43.50. , , Assesment No. 37 Eliza Wood Mrd. North 90 Mot of lot 15, block 4 orlglnnl townslto of the city of Medford, Oregon; rrontngo 25 Met on tho south side of Sixth street; 25 Met; rato per Mot $1.74; amounl $43.50. j Assessment No. 38 Eliza WoOd Mrd. N6rth 90 Met of lot 13, block 44, original townsite or tho city ot Medford, Oregon; frontngo 25 Mot on tho south side of Sixth BtvoctJ 25 Met; rato per Mdt $1.74; amolmt $13.50. Assessment No. 39 John A. Wes torlund. Lot 12, bJufck 44, original townslto ot the city or MedMrd, Ore gon; frontngo 106 foot on the soutu sldo of Sixth street; 100 feet; rate per foot $1.74; amount $174. Assessment No. 40 City of Med ford. Lot 5, block 21, original town slto of the city pt MedMrd, Oregon; rrontngo 100 Met on tho south side of Sixth street; 100 Met; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $174. Assessment No. 41tJ. K. Howard. North 90 Mot or lot 4, block 21, orlg lnnl tbwnslto or tho city pt MedMrd, Oregen: rrontngo 25 Met on tho south Bldo or Sixth Btreet; 25 Mot; rato por Mot $1,74; amount $43.50. Assessment No. 42 J. K. Howard. North 90 Met ot lot 3, block 21, original townsite or the. city or Med Mrd, Oregon; rrontngo 25 Met on the south side or Sixth streot; 25 Mot; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $43.50, Assessment. No. 43 J. K. Howard. North 90 Met ot lot 2, block 21, orig inal townsite or the city ot MedMrd, Oregen: rrontago 25 Met on the south sldo or Sixth Btreet; 25 Metr rnto por Mot $1.74; nmount $43.50. Assessment XO. 44 J. K. Howard. Xorth 90 Met ot lot 1, block 21, orig inal townslto or tho city ot MedMrd, Oregon; rrontngo 25 Met oiyho south sldo or Sixth street;' 25 Met; rnto per Mot $1.74; amount $43.50. Assessment Xo. 45 Big Bend Milling Co. Lot 9, block 13. original townslto or tho city of Medford, Oro gpn; frontago 25 Mot on tho south side or Sixth street: 25 Met; rato por foot $1.74; nmount $43.50. Assessment Xo. 40. Big Bend Milling Co. Lot 8, block 13. original townslto of tho city ot MedMrd, Ore gon; rrontago 25 Mot on tho south sldo of Sixth streot; 35 Met; rato per Mot $1.74; amount $43.50. Assessment Xo. 47 . Big Bopd .Milling Cp. Lpt 7, block 13. original townslto ot the city of Medford, Oro gon; frontngo 25 Mot on tho south sldo ol Sixth street; 25 Mot; rato por Mot $1.74; amount $43.50. Assessment Xo. 48 Big Bend Milling Co. Lot 6. block 13. original townslto or the city or MedMrd, Ore gon; rrontago 25 Mot on the south Bldo of Sixth streot; 25 Met; rate por foot $1,74; amount $43 50. Assessment Xo. 49 Big Bend Milling Co. Lot 5. block 13, original townsite of the city of Medford, Ore gon; froutage 20 Met on the south side or Sixth street; 20 Mot; rato per root $1 74; amount ?34,su. Assessment Xo. SO Wm. T Floyd North 115 Met ot lot 4, block 22, original townsite or the city of Med ford. Oregon; rrontago 25 Mot on the south sldo of Sixth streot; 25 root, rato per foot $1.74; amount $43 50 Assessment Xo. 51 Win. T. Floyd Xorth 115 Mot of lot 3. block 13, original townsite of tho city of Med ford. Orogon; frontngo 23 Met on the south side of Sixth street; 25 MetJ rate per root $1,74; amount $43 50 Assessment No. 52 - Win T Floyd North 115 Mot of lot 2, block 13 original townsite of the city of Med Mrd. Oregon; rrontago 25 Met on the south sldo or Sixth street; 25 Met. rato per foot $1.74; amount $13.50 Assessment No. 53 Wm. T. Floyd Xorth 115 Met of lot 1, block 13, original townslto of the city of Med ford. Oregon, frontngo 2 feot on the s.mth aide of Sixth btreet, 21 reet rati? per foot $1 74 amount $43 50 , COUNTY NOTICES. Assessment No. 54 "-Henry Hum phrey. North 65 feet of lot 9, block? 3, original townBito or tho clly. ot Medford, Oregon; frontago 25 foot on tho south side of Sixth street;, 25 Met; rato per foot $1.74; nmount $43.50. .. ., " Assessment No. 55 Henry Hum phrey. North 05 feet or lot 8, block 3, original townslto of tho city ot Medford, OfCgbn; rrontago 25 Mot on the Bouth side or Sixth street; 2.i Met; rate per Mot $1.74; amount $43.50. ., . . .ucomoni xn. Eft Henry Hum phrey. Xorth 65 Met of lot 7, block 3, original townsite of tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontngo 25 Met on the south Bldo or Sixth street; 25 Met; rate per M6t $1.T4; amount $43.60. Assessment No. 57 Henry Hum phrey. Xorth 65 Met of lot 6, block 3, original townsite of tho city ot Medford, Oregon; frontage 25 Met on the south Bldo of Sixth streot; 25 fe'dl; rnt6 per foot $1.74; amount $43.50. ' ' ' Assessment Xo. 58 Henry Hum phrey. Xorth 65 feet of lot 5, block 3, original townsite of tho city of MedMrd, Oregon; rrontngo 25 Met on fh. hhuth sldo or Sixth Btreet; 25 Melt: rate per foot $1.71; amount $43.50. Assessment Xo. 53 J. E. Enyart. Lot 4. block 3, orlglrfal townsite ot the city or MedMrd, Oregon; front age 25 tcet on the south side of Sixth street; 25 Met; rato per foot $1.74; amount $43.50. Assessment No. 60 J. E. Enyart. Lot 3, block 3, orlghint towilslto of the city ot MedMrd, Oregon; Mont age 25 Met on the south sldo of Sixth street; 25 Met; rato per Mot $1.74; nmount 9-u.ou. Assessment No. til J, u. jsmyarw Lot 2, block 3, orlglnnl townBito oi the city or MedMrd, Oregon; rront ago 25 Met on tho south sldo ot Sixth street; 26 Mot; rato por Mot $1.74;' amount $43.60. Assessment No. 62 J. E. Enyart. Lot 1, block 3, original townslto ot the city or MedMrd, Orogon; rront ngo 46,2 Met on the south sldo of Sixth street; 45.2 feet; rato per Mob $1.T4; amount $78.65. Section 2. And It Is hereby ordor ed and ordnlned that said several assessment!) and the liens' thereor bo entered hi the Hen docket Of snltl city, nnd that thereupon notlco bo given to tho owners, or reputed own ers, of said property nnd that the Bamo bo entorced and collected In tho mnnner provided by tho chnrter ot said city for tho collection Ot assess ments for tho Improvement or streets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordered that the notice above provided Mr bo published three times in the Dnlly Mnll Tribune, u newspaper published nnd ot general circulation In said city, In the manner provided by or dinance No. 250 of said city. Tho Mregoln ordinance waB pnss ed by the city council ot tho city of Medford. Oregon, on tho 8th dny ot March, 1911, by tho following vete: Merrick aye, Watt ayo. Wortman nb sent, Emerlck aye, Elfert ayo and Mlllnr nyo. Approved Mnrch 9th, 1911. W. 11. CAXON, 'Mnyor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. NOTICE. To tho owner, or reputed owner, of ench parcol of profiorty doscrlbed In the foregoing ordinance, as named theroln, nnd in tho Hon declared by said ordinance, as recorded in tho docket of city Hens: Von aro hereby notified that tho assessment declared by the foregoing ordinance hns been mndo and tho lion thorofor ontorcd In tho city Hen docket, and that tho samo is due and you nro lioroby required to pny tho samo to tho city recordor within ton days Irom tho sorvlco ot this notice, which service Is mndo by publication ot the foregoing ordinanco and this notlco threo times In tho Medford Mnll Tribune, pursuant to nn order of tho city council of ald city. ' ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recordor. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. Tho city council of tho city of Med ford, Oregon, will recelvo soalod pro posals for tho ptirchaso of $38,000, flvo per cent, ten yenr, general Hon bonds, nt Its regular meeting, to bo hold April 18, 1911. All bids must be accompanied by a certified chock equal to 5 por cent of tho amount bid for, sn(d check to bo mado payable to tho city treasurer or tho city ot MedMrd, and to bo for feited to said c'ty In case said bid Is accepted and said bonds aro not purchased in accordance with Bald proposition within 20 days aftor tho notlco ot said nccoptanco. All bids to bo filed with tho city recorder nt nny tlmo before 5 o'clock p. m. April 18, 1911. Tho council reserves tho right to reject nny and nil bids. ROBT. W. TELFER," City Recordor. Dated thla.'22d day of March. 191 1 $1,000.00 will go farther near Medford In good Investments than any section of Ore gon. Investigate and' be satisfied. , Mine, Owners What have you to soil? Prospective Purchaser See us before buying. 5 Oregen Realty & Mining Co. ail) Ouniett-Cotvy Building. 1 i, 'A