MEDFGRP MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAttOII 30, 1911. PAGE MVE i LOCAL AND PERSONAL Two and one-half acres In alfalfa one mile south of Washington school, easy terms. A. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bids. tf nS R. Newman of Cleveland, Ohio, is looking over uogue lllver or chards. Loose leaf ledgers made In Medford at the Mall Trlbuno office. Don Townea of Tacoma Is n Med ford business visitor. Money to loan. Spragno Bros., 214 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. 337 Frank Moore of Butte Falls is trading in Medford. f Tho most favored peopio on the coast are tho Medford people. They have tho Medford Jobbing company to look after all of their little odd jobs, repair their electrical appliances and clean their walls and ceilings. Medford Jobbing Co., office, Medford Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phono Main GC01. 33C . O. D. Miller of Stockton, Utah is a recent Medford arrival. Spring is here. It Is housecleanlng time. Have those walls and ceilings cleaned by the Medford Jobbing Co.'s new Parisian process. Nothing like it. Office Medford Music Shop, St Mark's block. 336 Theodore W. "Benton of Colusa, California is touring Oregon taking views of scenery for an eastern pub lication. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and eurgeon. Office over Strang's drug store. tf R. E. Richie of Ogden is a late ar rival from the east. Keep your eye on tho Fish Markot this week, fresh crabs, lfic, two for 25c. Halibut 12 l-2c; fresh shrimp, 12 l-2c per pound; black cod, 12 l-2c por pound. Wo ask tho ladles to como In and see our Improvements. Order your Sunday chicken. We have added to our. stock. Wo want customers to remember us. Note tho low prices for Friday and Saturday. Messier & Kenworthy. 8 Gregory leading photographer, views, portraits. 323 Gus Waters of Marysville, Callfor nlt is visiting friends in tho Ap plegate valley. Call phono 2161 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 Offlco rooms for rent over Medford Hardwaro Co. Inquire of H. E. 3oyclcn. B. E. Leigh of Salem Is a Med ford business visitor . All kinds of bindery work dono at Mail Tribune office. 1311 Dahack of Eaglo Point has i jrchased from W. H. Humphrey, a lot on RIvorsIde avenuo, opposite tho Natatorlum for $4,500. Ho intends to erect a two story business block. First floor will be cjovlded for two stores. Tho upBtalrs will bo used for fam ily apartments. The work on the building will commence In a short time. Mado in Medford, any stylo of loose leaf or blank book, at Mall Tribune offlco. Dave Mulr and Mr. Sturtovent have purchased four of tho largest lotsfrom Humphreys at tho west end of Fourth Btreet in Kenwood Addi tion, which will probably be taken In to the city next month at a special election. John H. Carkln, attorney at law, ovor Jackson County bank. John S. Manley, general sales manager of Roguelands, Inc.. Is reg istered at tho La Salle In Chicago. H. B. Patterson, 116 E. Main, has somo nico English Hollies and all kinds of shade trees. Roses (all the best). Now 1b a good time to plant. Drop in and see me. tf Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: T. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and EmbaliM Successor to the undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture (iompaiy CALL OR PHONE FOR Ambulance Sick and Injured convoyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 361. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conklln, 3801. J. H. Butls. 3671. Mrs. J. W Myers, wife of tho fruit luspector at Central Point was in Medford yesterday. Dp you want 14 lots G Oxl 4b each, for $2400 on easy torms? C. W. H. Everhard, 212 Frultgrowora Bank bldg. tf S. A. D. Hlgglns tho local popu lar bill collector spent Wednesday In Grants Pass and purchased a lot In that city for $200. See R. A. Holmes, Tno Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. tf. A Bowers of San Francisco visited with Glenn Tabriso on Wednesday. Medford local Socialist party meets every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grape Btreet. Everybody Invited. tf. A. S. Ash, who has been visiting his daughter Mrs. Charles S. Lebo, left for Spokano Wednesday evening. Relchsteln for wood. Yard corner Fir and Tenth. 329 Judge F. M. Calkins came In from Jacksonville yesterday afternoon by auto. Do you want 5 acres In alfalfa, one mile south of Main street, cheap? C. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. tf A. S. Rosenbaum, local Southern Pacific agent left for Grants Pass Wednesday evening. Ashland Steam Landry, Medford office, phone No. 1201. tf. W. H. Humphrey sold thrco lots on Geneva street to Eastern parties for $3,700 on Wednesday. Is your Iioubo wired? One cigar loss a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Start living tho electric llfo. tf Havo you noticed that pooplo who are looking for houses generally find what they want when they go to Tumy at 201 Garnett-Coroy build ing? 9 Lato magazines, periodicals and pa pers at tho freo reading room In chap el back of tho Presbyterian church. Open evenings from 7:00 to 10 p. m. All men and boys are invited. tf Printing, all kinds at Portland prices. Mall Tribune office. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brooks, of Lakovlow, Minnesota aro registered at the Moore. Philip Jassby of Detroit Is a Med fordbuslncs8 visitor. E. Jj. Weiaman of Eaglo Point was trading In Medford Thursday. Miss O. Alger of Price of Wales District, Canada Is visiting Medford friends. N. J. -Taylor of Roseburg was n business visitor Wednesday. - R. O. Smith of San Diego, Is so Joining in Medford. Thomas Blades of Modesto Is in love with tho Rogue River Valley. John Maney of Willows, California, Is n business visitor in Medford. H. A. Marshall of Now York, Is stopping at tho Moore. W. W. Harmon hift for Jackson ville Thursday morning on busi ness. Gus Nowborry wbb a business visi tor in Jacksonville Wednesday. Geo. Cherry spent Wednesday In Jacksonville. A. E. Michaclson of Portland paid Medford a business visit Thursday. Geo. H. Parker of Grants Pass, camo down Thursday on business. W. E. Dolan of Southbury, Con necticut Is visiting Medford friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lamb of Ash land woro Medford visitors on Wed nesday. t S. NIedorberg, of San Francisco Is In Medford for a few days on busi ness. J. Pv Chiirchhll! of Yrokn is in Medford n business. Philip Do Trelsha of Paris Is tour ing tho Roguo Valloy. Allx RoBborough of Oakland ar rived Wednesday on business, W. R. Banks of Lanford, North Dakota Is visiting with Medford friends. A. Co Hough of Grants Pass Ik spending a few days In Medford. Jnmo Floldlger of Corvallfs Is visiting friends In tho Applegate val ley. Medford Is the candy town said Jack Merlin. Mr. Merlin Is a travel ing salesman and he says Medford is tho best ordor town south, of Port land, H. D. Mills of Klamath Falls ro turncd from a business trip to Butte Falls Thursday. W. E. Dewing of Kalamazoo is registered at the Mooro. John V. Haversham of Red Oaks, South Dakota left for home Thurs day. D, E, Peck of Roseburg is a Med ford visitor. Tomasino Redino, who has been working on a ranch near Medford left for Sacramento Thursday. J. W. Meyers of Central Point was a business visitor Wednesday. R. F, Brighton who has been touring the valley loft for his homo in Berkeley, Thursday morning. B. E. Marsh of Salem, returned to that city after a brief business trip to Medford. Al Woolverton of Central Point is in Medford, talking. socialism to his converts. The Elks ladleg soelal will be Klven tonight E RULE BILL IS DEFEATED IN OHIO COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 30. Proponents of tho Home Rulo bill which was defeated In tho houso by a voto of 56 to 60 declared today that they would not attempt to bring tho bill up for re-conslderatlon, be lieving that the effort would provo unsuccessful. Tho bill proposed to glvo cities of 5,000 nnd over tho right to decide whether saloons would bo allowed to operate within the city limits, re gardless of tho vote on liquor matters In tho county. h TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 4 IUGHCROFT rosidenco sites are Bell ing daily; make your selection be fore choice lots aro sold. tf FOR SALE Partnership interest in one of the best established real es tate mid insurance business in the city. This is a moneymaker for the right num. Act quickly. Address X Co,. Mail Tribune. DHS. SAUNDERS AND GREEN' Practice limited to oye, enr, nose and throat. Offiee: Suite 318 Garnett-Corey bldg. Roth phones. FOR SALE Now 5-room bungalow just completed in Kenwood addi tion, large lot. If sold nt once $1300; $500 cash nnd bnlnnco ensy terms. Tho Vim Dyke Realty Co.. 123 E. Mnin st. BUY A LOT in Medford Heights, on tho stopes of Nob Hill, closo in. Van Dyko Realty Co., 123 E. Mnin street. MEDFORD HEIGHTS lots now on ifho market. Van Dyko Really Co. WANTED Work by the day or hour. Call on Mrs. Liepold, 23 Roosevelt nve, or phono Main 3811. 8 BOARD With or without rooms, Mrs. L. Judson, 317 E. Jackson. Phono 3712. 12 WANTED Girls nt the Bismarck Cafe. 0 WANTED Womnn for general housework in family of three. Call at 321 Apple st. 9 FOR SALE Five room house, cheap. Part terms. 218 Realty st. i) Norman Poultry Yard "KVSTAIj white OHI'IXOTO.V A record of 263 oggs In 272 days tho largest clean leg bird In tho world, eggs $10 por sotting If not sat isfactory hatch second setting half prlco, also young chicks, $2.00 each. J. r. NORMAN, Owner TALENT, OREGON. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman has a timber and stone right of 160 acres, price to tho government $2,50 per ncre. No cultivation, residence or Improvement required. I havo about twenty-flvo claims to locato, boo me and havo a talk, this land Is worth $20.00 por aero. Call or wrlto. A. II. BALING, Room 81 Jackson County Rank nulldlng. 31S 0Jf&JH0J IPLUMBING i u , CTriU lkil MOT UATtTD MrATIMfl ) uiiin raiwiivs .in.un uimw , i( All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable J COFFEEN & PRICE HS IIOWAIU) BLOCK, KNT1MNCK ON Itii STHKKT. PHONE .103 i'' 4f444f4W lb 9 X, 91 I 0-0r-00000 Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies I EAGLE PHARMACY, 100 East Main St. Pheucs: Home 03; Pnc. 232 WEST SIDE PnARMAC. 200 West Main Street Pheucs: Home 43; Pao. 4041 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thos. Bartholomew, Hi. C, General Mgr. rho Ro.xall Stores Medford, Ore. 52 Years in Rogue River Valley H. L. White & Co. Main st. Ashland, Ore. REAL ESTATE Ask any Bank in Ashland jjJJJj)JSfrJS ss.srssssrssssssssss rwW GOLDEN GATE COFFEE There have been many substitutes for coffeo, but most people prefer the genuine. All who use Golden Gate Coffee are loud in their praises of its most ex cellent aroma. It is all that a good coffee can be. Allen Grocery Co. 4 . 32 South Central Avenue. "BUY A'jIjIOME AND HELP MEDFORIV ' Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmi thing .111" HUGH KLLIOTT, tho noted liorso shoer.. I carry (ho largest stock ami keep nothing but tiio best mechanics anil guarantco all work. Wo Mnko a specialty of slioIng driving horses. Corner Rivcrsldo nnd Eighth streets. Phono Home 30. Pacific 3101. ssrjvrr Campbell & Baumbach I MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BOND! Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranch and fruit land. 320 GARNETT-COREY ILtt. e0000000000r00-000000 PH0NE323I. JWN)MlWfjMflil)M)Mll Medford Jobbing Co. s Tho only exclusive Jobbing company in Medford where you can J i i get all of your llttlo odd Jobs dono nt onco by expert workmen, i J !l i Our Specialties Cleaning, Knlslitilned or papered walls and ceilings. ALTj KliKCmlCAIA APPLIANCES IMPAIRED. Wo will tnko PHONE MAIN 0501. charge of nny Job ypu may have, cnll us tip nnd talk it over, j AVE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IN WORK AND PRICES. Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MARKS 11LOCK. yry"'W rVrrNr 00-00-0W0--000 000- ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phono Main 4282. Home 298 K. . N. H. Mark SWINE FOR SALE Fancy registered Poland China and Berkshire Swine. Orders taken for spring delivery. Prizo winning stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, Klamath Falls, Oreqon. Draperies Wo carry a Tory complete line of draperies, lace curtains, fixtures, etc , and do all classos of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will give as good service as li i. i , in even the lar : Weeks i.vLii.wan Co Friday Mar. 31 Our 15th Friday and Saturday SURPRISE SALE Saturday April I. 27-inch Foulards in the newest of Op patterns, regular 35c grades, yard A Ladies Real Silk Hose, Black and AAs Tan, all sizes, 50c grade, pair J. M-v And Don't Forget the "Ladies' Waist "A REAL 5ALE" All Ladies' Waists, values to $1.19 All Ladies' Waists, values to $1.59 All Ladies' Waists, values to $2.19 Sale" vt' " 'if '' 89c $1.19 $1.59 HUTCHISON 6 LUMSDEN 'BUY AT HOME AND HELP MEDFORD" N ' ! -i nn VJ C ttnt0 00000 00000000000000000000 0' t-