' MEDFCRD MAIL' TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 29, 1911. PAGEMVE f i ! tl , r :V V il L LOCAL AND Two and one-half acres in alfalfa ono mllo Bouth of Washington school, easy terms. A. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers' Bank bltlg. tf The Natatorlum Specials beat the Senators in three straight games Mon day night. Looso leaf ledgers mado in Mcdford at the Mall Tribune office. C. D. Woolverton sold his homo on Roses Court yesterday for $5,000 to Money to loan. Spraguo Bros. 214 Farmers & Fruitgrowers BanV bldg. 337 The homo is modern in every oy L. E. Wakeman. The home Is mod em in every respect and Is beautiful ly located. Tho moBt favored peoplo on the coast aro tho Medford people. The; have tho Medford Jobbing compnn to look after all of their little odt Jobs, repair their olectrlcal appliancet and clean their walls and ceilings Medford Jobbing Co., office, Medforr" Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phon Main 6G01. 33C The funeral of J. B. Meehan wa held this afternoon. Tho funeral ser vices wero held in the Seventh Daj Advents church and at tho grave tin last rites wero said. Tho body wai intered at tho I. O. O. F. cemetery Spring is here. It is housecleanlni time. Uavo thoso walls and ceilingi cleaned by tho Medford Jobbing Co.'i now Parisian process. Nothing Ilk it. Offlco Medford Music Shop, S Mark's block., 336' Tho Hoosler Society will hold r meeting April 5 and after a shor' business meeting tho society will hav n feed of "good eas." Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician nnr" surgeon. Offlco over Strang's drur etoro. tt The B. P. O. Elks will glvo a lad ies social Thursday night. Gregory leading photographer views, portraits. 323 Tho case of W. Puhl, for non sup port of children was dismissed yes tordny upon motion of tho district at tomey. Mulkey was convinced tha no intentional wrong was committee and that tho man would "do better it the future and ho was given a chance Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 461 J. S. Norton of Philadelphia Is i Medford visitor. All kinds or bindery work dono at Mail Trlbuno office. W. S. Itedfleld who Is employer at tho Rogue River Fruit and Pro duce .Exchange has returned from n trop into Southern California and Mexico. While in tho south, ho salt1 Ii decided to go to Tia Juana whlcl Is Just across tho border. At thai time tho wnr was on in full bias but nil I saw was a. army of Amor! can soldiers who wero sent from the Presidio. Thero were 1500 men ir that division. Mado in Medford, any stylo of loosi leaf or blank book, at Mall Trlbun offlco. C. S. Ray of ortland is a Medford visitor. John H. Carkln, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. V. L, Cohrung of Grants Pass is in Medford on business. Do you want 14 lots G0xl4b each for 12400 on edsy terms? C. W. H Everhard, 212 FruitgrowerB Bank bldg. tf Ralph Davis, Waltor and Thomar Ran and Edgar HusBey, spent Wed nesday In Jacksonville. The boyf wero on a picnic to the hills. H. B- Patterson, 116 E. Main, has some nice English Hollies and all kinds of ubado trees. Roses (all the best). Now Is a good time to plant. Drop in and soe mo. tf Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: P. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalnw Successor to the undertaking dt partment of Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company CM.h OR PHONE FOR Ambulance Sick and Injured conveyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. 0. W. Conklln, 8601. J. H. BuUar, 13571. !ti PERSONAL W. Jordan of Grnnts Pass Ib visit ing friends in this city. Seo R. A. Holmes, Tho Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. tf. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Dickenson of Minneapolis aro visiting with Med ford friends. Medford local Socialist party meets every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grape otreot. Everybody Invited. tf. J. S. Carl of Grants Pass was a business visitor Wednesday. Relchsteln for wood. Yard corner Fir and Tenth. 329 John Townsend of Onargor, 111., s a late arrival from tho enst. Ho s registered at the Moore. Do you want 5 acres In alfalfa, no mile south of Main street,' cheap? i. ,W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers 3ank bldg. tf Dan Jordan of Grants Pass Is In Bedford on business. Ashland Steam Landry, Medford ffice, phono No. 1201. tf. J. W. Luke of Portland dropped off Vednesday to spend a few dnys In Bedford. Is your houso wired? Ono cigar loss a day would pay for a hundred jor cent increase In comfort. Start iving tho electric life. tf Thomas Blades of Modesto, Call 'ornla arrived Tuesday night for a lay's visit in Medford on his way to Portland. Late magazines, periodicals and pa pers at tho free reading rpom in chap el back of tho Presbyterian church. Open evenings from 7:00 to 10 p. m. Ml men and boys aro Invited. tf Frank Clfford of Elkln, Ohio is a ;uest at tho Mooro. Printing, all kinds nt Portland irlces. Mail Tribune offlco. C. H. Moyors of Cincinnati arrived Vednesday to spend a day or so in ledford on business and visit friends. Tho Smoko House team over whelmed tho west side team at bowi ng on Tuesday evening. They won hreo games by largo scores. A. P. Mathews, of Portland, Is 'Isltlng Medford friends R. A. Blnnton of Denver who Is uterested in mines Is looking up lossible Investments in Southern Oregon. ' P. H, Harris of Portland is regiB ored at the Nash. D. P. Lewis of Portland is a Med "ord guest. ' R. K. Lewis of Eaglo Point was a Medford business visitor Wednesday. E. Ackorman of Tncoma Is a Med ord visitor who arrived Wednesday nornlng. A. L. Peters of Portland stopped n'or Tuesday In Medford on busi ness. L. R. Prlnco of Ubston stopped ov )r Tuesday for a fow hours to visit 'rlends. Karl R. Wnndt of Boiso arrived Wednesday and Is registered at tho N'ash. Don Blalsdall of Redding Is so 'ournlng In Medford. J. H. Lawrenco of San Joso Is a mslness visitor in Medford. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Beach of Spo kane arrived Tuesday to visit Med 'ord friends. W. C. Larcom of San Joso, Cali fornia Is looking over tho valley for 'nvestments. J. F. Brown of Eaglo Point wob In Medford on business Wednesday af ternoon, Frank Colby of Applegate wns a Medford visitor on Wednesday. James Carolton of Albany Is in Medford on busuincss. Rev. R. A. Wright of Boston stop ped over Tuesday and spent tho day In Medford. He loft on Wednesday for San Francisco. Mr. Wright was well Impressed with tho valloy. David B. Leach of Red Bluffs, loft for homo Wednesday after a stay In Medford of a week, spend ing tho timo In fishing In tho Rogue. Brells R. Mac Qulro of Chicago who has been visiting friends near Medford left for homo Wednesday ovenlng. Thomas Fferguson of San Joso, left for homo Wednesday. James Brighton of Modesto, who has been touring tho valloy left for homo Tuesday afternoon. Tho father of Erall R.' Pech of tho Rex,, market Is critically ill at his homo near Central Point. Ho Is stricken with paralysis. Mr. Pech Is one o ftho pioneers of this section. Emll Pech loft for Central Point Tuesday. V. P. Dole of Chicago, who has been visiting hero loft for Portland Tuesday night. A. D. Conltor left for Seattle Tues day night to remain ten days. Realty Investments call him there. Mayor R. P. Nell of Ashland has ourchasod a E. M. F. touring car of Sullivan and Hanley. D. P. Poolo of Roseburg arrived Wednesday to visit friends in the Applegate. Fred Day, adjuster for tho South ern Pacific left for Portland Tues day evening accompanied by his as sistant B. C. Wilson. T J Roilly. special agent for the Southern Pacific left for Roseburg Tuesday night, RAILROADS GIVEN II FAULTY IIP Representatives of Four Western Roads Learn That Ohio Militia is to Be Sent to California and Ask for Routing. COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 29. Claiming to Imvo been "lipped off" that the entire Ohio militia soon would be sent to California, the pas senger agents of four western rail roads called upon Adjutant General Weybreehl for the privilege of carry ing the troops. They said that the Ohio national guard would hu sent to San Antonio. General Weybrceht declared their stulements were news to him and conforred with his staff preparatory to tho possible order issuance to pro ceed to California. He denied that any official notification of .such a move hnd been' received by him. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 2!). Denial that the War department in tends calling out the militia of any stnto wns given out today'at depart ment headquarters. ROCK PILE FOR Mayor Canon and Chief Hitson Plan Strenuous Employment for Men Are Habitual Offenders in This City Hard Work Promised. The polico court was busy Wednes day morning and Judge Canon and Chief of Police Hitson huvo decided that there are too many drunks and hoboes in Medford and are going to devise a new method of punishment. Two carloads of rock will he or dered and every hobo caught in Med ford will have a chance to become a hard working citizen by the rock pild route. Every drunk enught will get the snmu chance or the alternate of a fine. Two plain drunks were given their walking papers and if again are caught in an inti.xicated condition will be set to work. All liquor is to bo refused blcklist members, or.those who frequent the polico court "the morning after." E HERE AFTER DATA W. V. Woehlke, special magazine writer for tho Sunset Magazlno and C. A. Malboucf of tho Commercial Club wero out viewing tho Rogue RIvor Valloy on Wednesday. Mr. Woehlko will gathor datas for a beautifully Illustrated article on this vulley for tho Juno number of tho Sunset Magazine, Mr. Malboucf will assist In gather ing the data and also glvo all the asslstanco possible. Tho article will be finished in four colors and will bo tho finest" pleco of work attempted by tho magazine. Mr. Woohlko gained considerable fame from an article publlshod In the Saturday Evoning Post, describing with graphic languago a shipment of four cars of Rogue fruit which wore sent to London by John D. Olwell. Mr. Woehlko Is a great admirer of tho valley. Notice Fruit Growers Wo have leased tho Page Packing houso and will oporato In tho Med ford district this coming season, We aro tho second oldest company In California and are inombers of the California Fruit Distributors who handled 7G per cent of tho decldcous fruit out of California this past sea son. Call on our northwestern agent G. M. McKeany, room 1 Stewart building and talk matters over with rim before making your seasons ar rangements, Advances mado it do. sired. PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. No Plans Chosen. The library board did not nccopt plans labt night for tho now Carne gie librnry as none of them wore ac companied by bpuuiflcutioiis. The plans to be accepted must he within the sum of $17,000 as $3000 of (ho $20,000 nlloted for the library Ijy Cuniegie mubt be used for equipment. OS DRUNKS Ilabkins for Ilculth. FINED Sit- FOR SPEEDING AUTO J. W. Corrlgan Pays Ten Spot to City for Running Machine Too Fast on West Main Charge Is Brought by Chief of Police. J. W. Corrlgan, manager of the BoBar Creek Garago was fined $10 for speeding on Orango nnd Mnln streets Tuesday aftornoon. Tho charge wns brought by Chief of Po llco Hllson. HilKon was driving a car, accom panied by Dr. C. H. Hny and Mr. Sturgess. Turning down Orango street from Tenth they raced down to the Washington school, at a speed of forty miles an hour Bnid the of ficor. W. G. Aldenhazcn was going to his homo accompanied by his dogs, a cockerell spaniel. As tho dog crossed the street tho nuto struck the dog killing it immediately. Fire in Bcllingham. BELLING HAM, Wash., March 20. Fire which started at 1:15 o'clock this morning partly destroyed a build ing situated at the corner of Hay nnd Holly streets, and for a time threat ened tho entire block. Tho damage is estimated at between .$.1,000 and $10,000. NOTICE. Regular mooting of tho Hoosler Socioty, April G, at 7:30 p. m. nt St. Marks hall. Full attendance desir ed. Signed G. E. Wilson. 11 Ilnskins for Health. f ftttttf f TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. HIGHCROFT rcsidenco sites nro sell ing daily; make your Bolection be fore choice lots nro sold. tf WANTED To buy a farm, 10 acres or more with irrigation, if possible; f to 10 acres "of orchard; good house, hams, fences, etc.; good quality drinking Avntor. Send full particulars to Jas.' M. Harris, fiU'J W. 111th st., Now York city. 11 FOR SALE Good opening for young man with $400.00 cash; you oun buy ono-hnlf interest in u good paying business. Box '27, this of fice. WANTED Immediately, u ifeat seamstress to sevnfternoous from 1 until 0 o'clock, 1019 Roddy nvo. (J LOST A white fox boa Tuesday evening, between Medford and Gold Ray. Pleaso return to Mrs. Frank II. Ray and receive suitable re ward. FOR RENT Family of two with now well furnished bungalow, will tnke refined married couple to. share houso. Box 21, euro Mail Trib une. 7 FOR SALE Three largo lots, clime in, two blocks from school, price !?.r)00 each. Van Dyko Realty Co., 123 B. Main. FOR SALE Lot on S. Central nvo nue, 00x140 feet. Price $500. Van Dyko -Realty Co., 12!1 E. Main. FOR SALE Now 0-room modern bungalow just finished; good loca tion. Price $2:100. Van Realty Co., 123 K. Main. Dyke FOR SALE New fi-room modem bungalow just finished; good loca tion. Price $2300. Van Dyke Realty Co.. 123 E. Main. ADVERTISE ir tot; Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Situation Want a Servant Olrl Want to S.U a Piano Want to Sll a Carriage Want to Bll Town Property Want to Bell Yonr Orocerlea Want to Bell Your Hardware Want Cuatomeri for Anything Advertise Sally In Tbla Paper. Advertising U the Way to quccen Advertlilnir Bring Cuatomeri Advertiilng Keep Customers Advertising Insures Success Advertising Snows Energy Advertising Bbows Pluck Advertising Is "Bli" Advertise or Bust Advertise Xong Advertle Well ADVERTISE At Once In This Paper JOHNSON NOW SNUG IN CEEE Pugilist Awakes to a Cup of Coffee and a Dish of Mush Appears in Court to Face a Further Charge of Speeding. SAN FIUNCISCO, Cal., March 20. Snug in a cell in tho county jail, Jack tfohnson awakened today to a meal of coffee and mush before bo ing taken to Police Judge Weller'a court to nnswer another charge of speeding than the one on which Judge Trcadwoll sent the pugilist up for 2,r) days. The new charge, which may got Johnson a further sentence, was pro furred by Policeman Cuiuar, who caught tho fighter speeding near the park. At that timo Johnson promised to ho good and the charge was not pressed. In view of his later actions, however, it is possible tho negro may get u further dose of tho cells. Johnson's appeal from tho jail sen tence he h now undergoing will be filed by his attorneys today in the district court of appeals. In view of the fact that ho pleaded guilty in Judge Trendwell's court, howevor, it is believed doubt fid that an appeal will got tho cropper out of quod. Send a Messenger that will meet with the ap proval of tho recipient oJ nur message. Any old kind n messenger won't answer The best should always ht sent "if" you wish the re eipicnt to pass a favorable verdict. What you think about busi ness stationery isn t quite so important as what your corre spondent thinks. Don't buy Tit ilanJitrJ fittf fer bmitiin italhitrj OLD HAMKHIRIE BOBD "lMkor tht vialtr-mari" because it pleases you, but because it influences the man you write in your favor. Old IUmmiiikk Bend It u clean, ctlip paper, mole lor clean, crop buinii folks. Il it told on lli aouimtloii llmt thtre'i economy In quality. A nandxune ipeclnun book givrn upon rniuetl, iliow. inz leiierlurfund other liuilnni fnrini, printed, lithographed and engraved on (lit white and louiteen colon Made by Hamiiiiikk Pafsk ConrNV, the Mily paper inat'era in Jie world making bond Mperemlutlvely, Medford Printing Co. Draperies Wo carry a vory complbto lino of draporlos, laco curtains, (lzturoB, etc., and do all claBaoa of upholHtorlnt'. A special man to look aftor this work delu sively and will kIvo aa good aorvlco oh is possible to get in ovon tho largest cities. WeeKs & McGowan Co WdOD FOR SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.50 PER LOAD Phone Main 2581 or leave orders at Medford Hardware Company Rock Spring Coal On hand all tho timo. Phono 1C02 BURBIDGE Tim COAL .MAN'. fcflJ r4- r4 MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. !; !'! ll'clty i i 'i 'i FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg Pansy Plants Ready to bloom. Ornamental shrubs and shade trees. J. G. BROADLEY & Co. Greenhouse near city reservoir. Sloro Cornor Sixth and Central. Phonos 5181; 1-151. "Buy nt homo and help Medford." TOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY ritOl'EUTY . FAILMS, FUU1T ItANCHlCS 12.T K. MAIN STREET. Medford Theatre Wednesday, March 29th burr Mcintosh and Company in "THE RANCHMAN" A One-Act Play, Followed by "THE UNITED STATES TODAY" Mr. Mcintosh's Intensely Interesting Talk Illustrat ed with 400 MAGNIFICENT VIEWS PRICES 25c, f)0t, 75e. and $1.00. Seats on sale Monday, March 27. ...Orchard Tracks... Five and ton-acro orchard tracts, planted to "holco varlotlca of pears; host fruit land In valley; ono inllo from town; also boiiio one-acre tracts In big oak grovo. If you would llko a flue suburban homo, have a look at theuu tracts. Ileautltully located on macadam road. Good car aorvlco. Dopot on property. Our prices aro rluht. See J. A. PERRY, Owner (JOt Wi'Ht .Main St., Medford or .Mcdfort! Nationul Hank. Campbell & MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BOND I Money on hand at all times and fruit land. PH0NE323I. 320 GARNETT-COREY lilt. ' nt Electric Rooms Oponed Monday, March Gth In Eloc- (trio building, 218 West Main Btroet. Everything new and modern, Includ ing steam heat, baths, etc. Best In Rates reasonable. Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors Canton Restaurant Meals Served nt nil Hours. Good Cooking, flood Service, Reason nblo Trlcea : -:- : : Sam Lock, Prop. Upstairs on South Front Street. Notice to Colonists Having spent two years traveling through iho' northwest looking for safo land investments, hnvo loouted 11 section where land values aro not inflated, which comes under govern ment project of irrigation, work of which is now uiHlcrVay. Just return ed from visit to this section, with authority to offer some good bar gains. I maintain no exponsivo nuto or office. Uoing a former Akron, Ohio man, would bo pleased to meet nil easterners at my rcsidenco nftcr G p. m. if only for a visit. It will cost you nothing nnd may possibly bo of bonofit to you. To protect an option 011 Klamath Falls land I am placing my 8 room bungalow and one good lot on Quince stroot on tho mnrket for n price bo low nctuul cost of bungalow. Houso has hardwood floors, living and tim ing room paneled, with beam ceilings, built-in mantel, buffet, and window scats. Is arranged for two families. I will muko a price which will sur prise you up to April fith. H. J. Tichnor 48 QUINCE ST. Baumbach jj to loan on improved ranchtti ; . K. ?! S , , j. iff B r vvv' -i? r .T. h te mi -1 1 ,S1 A VI , '