fr l : 8- 4 rT li Kt n i'j A ' $ ' IX PXGEFOUR Medford Mail Tribune AN INDKPKNDENT NKWHPAPEH PU1SMHIIKD UAII.Y EXCEPT HATl'It- DAY 1JY THE MKlJl'OltD PUINTINO CO. Tim Democratic TIiiich, TIi Modforc Mull, The MiMlford Trlbunp, Tin- .South trn Oretfonlan, Tlu Anlilatiil Tritium- QEOnOE PUTNAM, Editor imJ MunnRfi to Hntcrcil ns Heeohd-cliiHR mittler Nn vcmhor 1, 190'J. at the poBtofflce at Medford, Oregon, under thu uct of March 3, 187!). Official Paper of the City of Medford SUDSOttlPTIOK "ilATES. Olio year, li.v mall $5.00 Oun month hy mall CU Par month, delivered hy carrier In Medford, Juckmiiivlllo and Cen tral Point 60 Sunday only, hy mall, per year.... 2.00 "Weekly, pur year 1.00 SWOK.1I CIRCULATION. Dallv average for hIx moutliH endlnc Decern Iter 31, 1910, I. mil Xeaied Wire United Frcis Dispatches. Tho Mall Trlhune Is on Halo at tin Kerry Nowh Htand, Han Kninclsoo. J'ortfnnd Motel Ncxvn Stand, J'ortland. Ilowmnri Nowh Co, I'ortlund, Ore. V. O. Whitney. Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokane NeWH .Stand, Spokane. MEDrORD, OREdON. MntrppollH of Kotilhern Oregon nnt Northern California, and tho fiiHlest Krowlnc city In Oreson. Population V. H. conmm 1910; 8840 t-Htlinated In Novemher, 1910, 10,000. Flvo hundred thousand dollar Ornvlt' Wilier Kyutein completed, KlvInK flnen Hupply imru mountain water and hIx teen inlieM of Htreot heltiK paveil an contracted for ut a cost uxceedliiK Jl, 000,000, maklitK n total of twenty mllei of iaveinent. PoHtofflco receipt) for year endlni Kovemher 30, 1910, tdiow a kuIii of C per cent. Hank dcposllH were $2,37G,ri32, u Kali of 21! per cent. Ilanner fruit city In Oregon Ilocu' Itlvur HpltzonherK apple won Hwc.ep HtakeH prlxo and title of , "Apple King of tho Woria." nt the National Apple .Show, Kpokanc 1909, and n oar of Nuwtowim won Tint rrlio In 1910 nt Canadian International Applo Khow Vancouver. It. C. Kokuo Itlver penrn hroimht hlKhen prleoH In all marketx of thu world dur ini: thu piiHt hIx yearn. Vrlto Commercial oluh, Inclosing ( tn for poHtaRo for the flnuHl coininu- pamphlet over written, USD FATHER STABS PHYSICIAN ! I frees His Way Into Room When Doctor and Girl Are Together am Badly Injures Physician Claims Mis Daughter Was Hypnotized. 'AKIjAN'D, Cnl., March 20.- inty-ycnr old Klliel I'nlriek am her mother nro today closeted will tho pjolicc at hoadquarters following tho HtnlibiiiK last night of Dr. A. K Ilyron by .litinos'T. Patrick, a groeoi who found his daughter Kthol in tin company of tho physician at tho Al hambru apurtiiumtM hero. Tlio enraged father, after l'oreiiu liis why into thu room, found li daughter lyiiitf on tho lied and I)i Ilyron hiding in a clotlieH cIohuI. Hi attacked the pliynician with a pookot knife, int'liulin it deep wound in tin vicinity of the heart and a two inel' gash on the right wrix!. Then l'nt rick walked to the police station im', told hia story. i Tho polico found tho wounded doe tor reclining in a chair in tho apart ment. Hu was taken to a honpilnl whuro it is wiid today lie Iiiih an uvea uhaueo to live. Tho polico nro prohiug thu charge made hy Patrick that Dr. Hymn hyp notized bin daughter, hk he had dope other women, and that hu had made hor a nervous wreck. A horse belonging to A. K Ware took freight TueMday noon and ran away. It was Htopped In Medford by tho police and Htablod In tho went side barn. "Jnko" Wwre a oa had bwii work ing tho horse, lu tho orchard and wa driving him to thu barn. . A youngor brother drovo near the hlaulc ma re with an iiutoiiiobllH mid it became frolghtouvd and break Inn t,ho tugs and llnw, ran down the road to tho Ashland plko, turned and ran into Med ford. FALGS AnE HALF MASTED IN HONOR OF DEAD SAN UlKfiO. Cal . March 29. Flags on all war vteln mid about the haipor were at half matt yentci day in honor of Hear Admiral Sllaa W Torry, rotlred, who dim! at WanhiiiK ton llohruary U. They will be half mantQil again toilay in honor of Hoar Admiral Arthur l. Niuro, who dlod at J a ma lew Plains, Kehrunry 10. Only one cruiaur fliet la In tho har bor today, the California, which will remain here, probably until Thurs day. Tho Wuat Virginia and South Dakota nro oxpupiod in tomorrow. The thlrd-clauK cruiser lluffalo loft today to tow target for tho cruUer Maryland to shoot at. Hnukiii.s for Health. CAUGHT SHEEPS AND GOATS IN POLITICS. NO one today is at the same time so close an observer of political tendencies and so brilliant a writer about them as William Allen White. In a remarkable article in ihe April American magazine Mr. White appears in both apaeities at his best. lie writes: ' "But the line of division between the sheep and the ;'oa(s of politics is not between the Socialists and the rest of the world. The line is between the obstructive and the onstructive forces of politics. Their differences arc not jf party, nor of section, nor of professed, creed; between hose who look forward and those who look back there ire fundamental differences of temperament. These tem peramental differences make the lines of cleavage, separa bly members of the same party into progressives and con servatives, reactionaries and insurgents. Now look around 'n the world, all over civilization, and you will find no jreat reactionary leader. "(Jo through history with the same quest, and you vvill find none. Conservatism does not lead it follows, Iragged by the scruff of its neck! Today in our own poli rics the men whom the people follow are jiot the conserya ives. Our leaders are progressive most of them mili tant and insurgent. And all this is because the conserva tives have nothing to offer. AVhat program, for instance, is Mr. Cannon offering the American people? He will an swer probably that he is standing upon the Republican olatform of .1908. But if you ask him what certain of its blanks mean, being translated, he will interpret them into i declaration in favor of letting well enough alone. Mr. ldrich has a similar attitude. They have the political deals of the campaign of 189b"; they have learned noth ing and forgot nothing since the days when it was suppos- Jd that it we kept the nation prosperous we would be keep ing it righteous. "Mr. Jlarmon, in the Deinoeratic party, is of the same tvpe of mind. Mr, Murphy and Mr. ' Fingy' Connors stand with Mr. .Harmon for what gland group of senators represent in the Republican party. They are all busily engaged in stamping out the blaze in the powder-mill. That is their program in politics; it is hardly necessary to add that it may be regarded politi cally as 'extra-hazardous,' for the fire has gained a good headway, and soon tho places that knew these gentlemen will know them no more, and the historian will be dry loaning the landscape to identify them." PEOPLES' PROPERTY NEGLECTED. N1CED for a eh;uij;e in the nmnagemont of comity affairs is proven hy the condition of the road building ma hinery owned hy the county. A Vat or was left in the hoilers uid pipes of the throe steam rollers, which were wintered ut the poor farm, with tho result that the tubes broke when cold weather arrived and repairs costing $500 have boon thereby necessitated. In one of tho rollers, fourteen flues were cracked as well as steam pipes, and two weeks steady work by machinists has not finished the needed repairs. The public's business is very apt to bo no ones business. Cosily equipment is left to deteriorate and depreciate, if owned by the people. Nonce the employment of a road engineer whoso business it will be to safeguard those in terests, is universally approved as sound business policy. In tho purchasing of supplies, in the distribution of road funds, in Inany ways, there has been a looseness of methods which has proven expensive to the taxpayer. In many instances the policy has boon penny wise and pound foolish. The change inaugurated by the county court is 'hailed with satisfaction as the promise of a wiser admin istration of count v affairs. E Exhibit BiilldliiH Is Now Dare With Exception of Stuffed Animal Re minds One of Donheur's "Ruins of Ancient Rome." A lone coiikht today prowls about (he wreck of tho exhibit building which for years haa attracted tho at tention of now comers lu tho city, for the moving of exhibits huu been completiNl with tho exception of u rouiinr bclonglin; to J. hi. Kuynrt. which htauda In an empty window. The bceue romludH one of Honlieur's palming "The ruluu of undent Itomo" lu which a huge huutl of prey gaxoti over a xcfiic of devolate ruins. The commercial club which takes poatit'iuilnn of the building April 1 in pl.iunlnt: tn col Iff t an exhibit for the IxilliluiK' IS DONE WITH POLITICS HE SAYS sr.ATTI.r. ..-!i. 2d Ai n huiKiiut kivin in hi- honor at tin' c.i'luaie Ituinicr club lust night, H. A. ltullingvr, fonuerly secret ry of the niteriur, reitt rated kis decltue tiou I hut he wiik dotie forever with imlitiee. Mannlnii to Go Soutli. ASTORIA. '-h.. Marvh 20. Or derx he jttr-t been re'eied hy offi uers of the itexciiue t'uttt-r Manuini; to prcpure l'r the crui-.e ( Ahihka. The hi will (ak on ii plies hero mid will dtp.iit April 10. N U M RUNS MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, Mr. Cannon and the New En 160 ARE THOUGHT LOST IN STORM Steamer Yonrjala Reported to Have Gone Down at Sea With All on Doard Pieces of Wreckage Arc Picked Up. MHLHOUUNK, .March 'JO.-The steamer YuiikhIii, with J(I0 nhoar.l. i; report ed to have gone down at ea i with all on hoard. The vessel was! hiht been off Howen, Qiiuaiibliuit! j when a severe jjale wn raying. Pieces of w'reckiiK havo eonu'l anhore in tliat iietKhborhood mid thei only couoltiioii that can ho drawn1 that they belong to tile mining hip. j it in ywuornlly believed everyone of tlio I (10 poop) poritilnul. ' Tho YwngnJa, whieh was a const-j in? feloamtr, was houml from Towux-' ville to .Maukoy. Sim was owned lv the Adelaide Steamship euiuimitv (' Adelaide. ' DEMOCRATS TODAY CONSIDER WOOL TARIFF WASHINilTiiX, 1). t. March ji The new tieiuociutie houe wa anj weits eoiuwitee IimUv wet miuI ilitwiMMNl the tariff iiuestion, ebietl the wool schedule whieh U e.peeteil to he the first part of the Pa.Mie Ahtrich law tw bo attacked when eon trr nun is. A new UnglUh automobile uneed ouicter that can be mid from the roadside as well ns from the vehhl. Ii.--.lf iiiiks a bell and bwltiln mi it red light f a set speed be exceeded MEDFORD; OREGON. WEDNESDAY, aLARCH 29. FLAW SETS NEWS BUTCHER FREE indictment Faulty and Calkins Directs Verdict Train Boy Sold Obscene Book to Younrj Lad Who in Turn Gave It to Girl. Hoy Watson, a Southorn Pacific newa agent was Bet froo yesterday by u jury on a directed verdict given by Judge Calkins. Ho wns charged with selling obscene literature. In Indicting Watson the grand Jury at the 'suggestion of District Attor ney Mnlkey set forth tho crime stated, and In general terms the things contained In the book. But it Is required to print word for word the language used. The Indictment being faulty the Judge ordered tho directed verdict One other case of this nature has been tried In Oregon and the same mistake occurred. Watson had sold previous to his arrest an obseeno book to a young boy. Tho boy after reading It gave It to a girl playmate. She gave the book to tho proper authorities and the boy was apprehended. He in turn gave tho name of tho news agent. Watson was caught In a trap. He Hold one to an officer. Watson said that he lias lost his position on account of this arrest. He stated that tho practice of soiling this litoraturo was carried on secret ly by all of tho agents. Each agent passing It over to tho next man who kept it In Ills pockot. The practice slnco tho arrest of two of tho men has caused the practicing of selling this literature to be abandoned. China's government will establish an arsenal of tho largest and most approved typo to keep at homo tho great amounts of money expended each year In othe'r countries for tho purchnuo of munitions of war. FlflHkino for lipnltb TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, .man or woman baa a Umber and stonolght of 1(50 ncres, prlco. to tho government $2.50 por aero. No cultivation, resldonco or Improvomont required. I havo about twonty-flvo claims to locate, seo mt and havo a talk, this land is worth $20.00 por acre. Call or wrlto. A. It. SAMXd', Itooin lit Jackson County Hank llullding. .118 ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark COLUMBIA DISC RECORDS ARB Double - Discs 2 rocordi nt a single prioo 65c Don't spend another cent for talking-machino records till you havo Been and heard Columbia DoublcDlsc Records. They fit any machine, and outwear any other records In tho woil J. Double value for your money I Call in t Qet a catalog I MedfordMusicShop 220 West Main Street : ITSf jfl Where to Go Tonight rsrssr "NAT" THEATRE ,; showg nU tho and begt f nmfl i ; I Change of program Sunday, Tues- ' ilnv nml TTrMnvs. fin nil nrncrnm !l -, ...... -v . , j for tonight. i: ADMISSION 10c. ti-rm' NATATORIUM Skating, Howling, Billiards, Peel, Box Hall, Shooting. Medford's Amusement Palace. men. f Tub Haths for Ladies and Gentle . AT THE THE ISIS THEATRE TONIOHT Clark and Clifton, assisted by Dill, In tho laughable comedy sketch, entitled, "Before and Aft er Taking." Also tno Hnrtelli Brothers with their string orchestra, Introduc ing the laest and most popular ballads. Theso gentlemen having Just closed an engagement of ten weeks nt Honolulu is sufficient roferenco as to whether or not they can deliver the goods. Three Keels of the Latest and Hest Pictures X and a good song by nianchard. Special Matlneo every Saturday 2 and Sunday at 2:30. U-GO VAUDEVILLE ;! MOVING PICTURES ; ; Illustrated Song. ! TONIGHT Special : MIKADO i . Tabloid version by thu Clareinonts , Ileautlful stage setting. Unaur-;; passed singing. : .MOVING PIOTUKES 1 Song by Mrs. Etta Hates. ! rNTr-sssrsssssrNsr TONIGHT s 'I Music Photo Plays. "Life Potniyals Our Speciality.";: 1 Nuf Sel. 1 DI.ME NO MOKE 1 DIME i S Sss-s't KODAKS Havo you noticed tho sun shine? Tltro to get that Kodak. Chily one placo, lot ua show you. Medford Book Store w Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles GENERAL OYERHAULIKG & MACHINE REPAIRING. FIrstClass Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN B3S1. Corner Central Are. mi 8th Si Medford, Or. : i hmM, 1911 USBP TOlBpSfe. Medford BaRery TODD & CO. HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY HAKHY LUY DENJ. M. COLLINS County Seat Rel Estate Office Wo wish to announco to prospective purchasera that wo still have bargains in fnrm nnd city propory to offer yon, also timber and wood lands. Last, but not least, a few of the BEST STOCK AND ALFALFA RANCHES In Southern Oregon at prices and terms that will please you. Theso ranches have nn abundance of water for Irrigation, good buildings and some stock. Let us "show you." Office in Bunk of Jacksonville Bldg., Jacksonville, Oregon. LUY (& COLLINS Notice to Investors Income bearing orchards apples or pears, in Rogue River Valley, Ore gon, Medford district, In large or small tracts. Improved land, suitable for sub -dividing for orchards or alfalfa. From flvo acres to five hundred ac res, good deep soil. Near shipping points. Choico business property, residences and vacant lots In Medford, Ore-eon- i . IiA LOMA REATj ESTATE CO. W. II. Stewart, I M. Amy, XV. II. Snvuge, Room 2, Stewnrt Building. Phenes: Pacific 51151. Home 201-K California Irrigated Lands IN Sl'BDIVISIOXS, 20 ACRES AND UPWARDS EASY PAYMENTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Write us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. DIXON, CALIFORNIA. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST AJ1 kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE h CO. Medford Concrete Manufact urers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE CRUSH KD ROCK Qru;iiTi,Ti no GRAVEL UU1V 1J'J1 IU IJ Delivered to any part of city. Orflce: Fruitgrowers' Bank Bldg. Hume M. (152. i FORD 1911 TOURING CAR, $925.00 Fully equipped, f. o. b. Medford Four-t'ylinder, shaft drive, 100-inch wheel-base, mag neto of course. "Let us show you." Ashland Motor Car Co. rl.l MILL STREET, ASHLAND, ORE fJO.V. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. t: j. k. wiuui, rresiaent . ...... F. E. MERRICK. Vlce-PresldJit W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. The Medford National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. A nnvi'iur, mvn-tvn BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Wo j Mako a Selection of our small cakes and specialties and you'll havo a collection of ns tempting nud toothsoino dainties as wero ever set before a king. Don't bo too Into coming for yours, how over. Yo can never seem to bako enough no matter how many extra tvo bake fresh daily. (EX Delicatessen SOUTH CKNTItAL AVENDK LADY COOK IN CHARGE. Construction Co. I Plant I North Riverside ! Phone M. 6091 C. J. SEMON, Mgr. WASHED SAND for Concrete for Brick Work for Plastering . j. a. PERRY, Vlco-Presldont JOHN S. ORTH. Cashier SOIJCIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 44444444 '! ''I .".