mepforp mail ttutone, medford, qriwon. Wednesday, mat? 20. wu. PXGE THREE ,j V ftr 7 a; Our Correspondents CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. City council met in spechfl session Monday night, for the purpose ol dis cussing the sewerage system and ex tending the water system. A com mittee was appointed to secure the right of way for trunk lines if the sewer beyond the corporation, and it was agreed to make a bond issue at once to extend water to all parts of the sewer system. Our city engineer T. YV. O.-good of Medford was in at tendance. .Mrs. Dalryniple spent Tuesday in Grants Pass. .Gome Warden Charles IK Gay spent Tuesday with his parents here. JIV. Sturtovnnt, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Brown, S. F. Hathaway and George E. Fox spent Tuesday morning in Medford. -Shipley Hoss has accepted a clerk ship in Mayor W. C. Lecver's hard ware store. The "sidewalk on Fourth street will soon bo completed and ready for iim1, F. G. Olson, who was injured in the motor wreck, was detained a day or so by the accident, left for his new home in Montana Monday wtili his family. BEHIND SCENES m m CAR SCAPIIOL H I The lnrgo motor car which has Newspaper Correspondents Publish, bcon in tho 8"ona tor soino tlmo un dergoing tho regular season's over Story of Recent Session as Scent hauling was taken to Grants Pass yos- Frnm Ihn Inclrlnc Wniu PnliHoe tenlay I Today Was Played. eveiinig mm K TIS HEO STAY So Say Dress and Health Experts of New York It Cannot be Laughed Away States Authority Is Far More Hygienic Than the Old. NEW YOItK, March 29. If any one thinks tho harem skirt is going to be laughed and ridiculed out of fashion much tho sumo as the direc toire (own and sheath skirt woto, and as the hobble is now being, that person has another unusually large sized mini; coming, accerUinj: to many of tho dress and health ex perts of New York. And should the harem remain 5n our midst, dressmakers are agreed that-common sense will have scored the greatest victory over mere fashion on record. Not many can bo found to rave over the appearance 'of the bifurcated skirt, although leading modistes say that when wo once get used to it, it will appear as as n Worth gown. (, uii , haiem is comfortable and what is even more 'important hygienic, few will deny. Tho committee on public health of the American Women's Medical as sociation, held its annual meeting in this city recently. Dr. Hello J. Mnc donald was one of the New York City delegates and hero is what she had to say of tho latest Paris ini mortalion: "From the stand point of hygiene, it is a capital innovation. In the, first place, the trouser-Iike division gives perfect freedom of motion. Hat more important, the harem skirt will not drag going down steps, as even a short tailor-mado skirt is apt to do. This means that tho wearer will bo freed from tho collection of germs, dust and mud that is bound to gather on the bottom of the or dinary skirt. Also on wet days the tho ankles will bo protected from the chill caused by damp skirts rubbing against them. If all women adopt tho harem, rybelievo they will be much healthier." WHITE HOPE IS STIILJ HOPE Carl Morris Puts Sclicnck Out in Six Rounds Both Men Slow and Awk wardMorris Shows but Little Class. it mado Its first trip tak ing tho place of tho wrecked motor which was tho smaller of tho two. "Shopping" that is based upon ad rcading is usually a profitnblo use of one's tinio. 552 ACRES SOLD; $31,000 IS PAID Osgood & Stover Have Sold Their Property Near Ashland to Portland Men Who Will Set It Out to Fruit in Near Future. G. D, Hoggnrd and E. C. Weaver of Portland have purchasod from Thos. W. Oswood and A. P. Stover, 552 acros qf land four miles south of Ashland. Tho consideration was $31,000. Tho land is woll suited for tho raising of apples and pours and tho now ownors have doclded to plant Itto treos lmmodldtoly. Thoy aro ontliuslastio ovor thoir purchaso and figuro that this land will bo one of tho largest ami best orchards in that vicinity. SUPULPA, Okla., March 29. By knocking out Miko Schreck, Clncln natl heavyweight, in six rounds here yesterday Carl Morris of this city kept himself in tho running ns a "white hope." That was all ho did, however, for his showing was not such as is calculated to indicate that Champion Jack Johnson is in Immi nent danger of losing his title to tho ex-onglneer of Sapulpa. A right hook to tho jaw won for Morris. Morris boat Schreck fairly enough. About all Schreck did was to act as punching bag for Morris and await the coming of the end. Tho first two rounds wore devoid of features. Round IS Schreck sent left to jaw. Morris landed right to stomach and a right and three lefts to tho head. Ho repeated with two lofts to head. Schreck fell off tho platfonh. Morris landed with right and left to 4iead, three lofts to tho stomach and right to head. Schreck claimed a foul, saying that Morris hit him when ho was on Ills Knees. Tho claim was not allowed. Morris' round. Round 1 Morris rained rights and loft to tho stomach nnd head. Schreck countered with a right to tho head. Morris sent Schreck through tho ropes. Morris sont right and left to tho head. Schreck's face was bad ly cut and his eyes nearly closed. Morris' round. Hound 5 Schreck sent loft to stomach and they clinched. Miko landed a loft to the Jaw. Morris land ed a fire of rights and loft to tho Jaw, Schreck drow blood from Mor ris' nose. Morris sent right hook to Jaw and tho loft to tho head twice. Morris' round. Round C Schreck landed right to tho head. Morris sent right to kid neys and right to stomach. Carl smashed a left to the head, then right and left to tho head. A right hook to tho jaw sent Schreck through tho ropes for a knockout. ANIMAL ACTS AS DEATH'S CHARIOT Great Plague Which is Sweeping China Was Spread by Rodent Re sembling American Woodchuck Chinese Were Afraid to Kill. Progressive voters all over tho state will find valuable information about thoir senators and representa tives In the last legislature In a lit tie hook Just published by two cor respondents of a. Portland newspaper, who were on tho Job all through tho session and collected many of tho underground currents of intrigue, and log rolling among tho lawmakers. Tho book Is refreshingly frank In Its treatment of the petty politicians. Thoro Is not a dry page of reading. Tho writors hao mado an entertain lug short story of each Important matter of legislation, telling how tho wires wore pulled, what the corpora tion lobby did, and how each mem ber voted. It Is a new Idea In Ore gon political history, and gives an Insight into tho last session that can not boliad from any other Bourco. "Uehlnd tho Scenes at Salem" Is tho title. Some of the topics, treat ed in one, two ir three pages each, aro "Tho Old Guard In tho House," "Did Howonnan Play Politics?" "The Speakership Fight," "Tho Senate and the Oregon System," "What tho Cor porations Killed," "Rural Suspicion Kills Good Roads," "Rogue River Fishing Hill, rho Flat Salary Hill," "Amending the lnltlatlvo Laws," and "Tho Balloy Investigation." In each of these, and in numerous other In stances, voters of all varieties of poli tical Ideas will find plenty of Inter est. Another featuro of Interest ?' is striking comment on tho session by Speaker R"nsk and other moinbers, who have contributed short articles and indulge in rathor surprising com ment. Rusk condemns tho legisla ture for wasting tlmo on politics, while Representatives Derby and Urownhlll suggest that It might ho well to do away with the legislature. Representative Entnn contributes tho only dofenslvo article. Correspon dents of tho Orcgoiiian and Telegram and 10. llofer of the Salem Capital Journal have also written Mime crisp crlllsni. Tho last part of tho book -in do voted to an intimate personal esti mate of each nionibor of tho legisla ture with regard to his value as a legislator and his stand on progres sive measures. Each member "sized up" according to tho ideas of tho progressive authors. It is a book tho progressive votem of tho stato will relish and tho other kind of votors will rind worthy or serloiiB thought, it tells the things tho people want to know, and the courso of every legislator can be traced In tho coinmont and roll culls. The book contnlns 80 well printed pagos, with half tono cuts of Gover nor West and prominent legislators. Tho authors aro Carl Smith and Har ry P. Edward, It Is for salo at the Medford Rook Store. KHA1 IX SUNSKT MAGAKINK "MOTOK1NG THROUGH CALlKOIt- XI A" by Lloyd Osbourno. Uenutlftilly Il lustrated in four colors. "Tho Spell", a romantic serial by C. X. and A. M. Williamson. "In the Shadow of the Dragon," by Grant Carpenter. Des criptive story of San Francisco's Chi nese (innrtors. April issue now on sale, 15 cents. l)t) IT XOW. Medford l'coplo Should Xot Walt Un til It In Too Late. Tho appalling death-rate from kid-1 n oy disease Is duo In most cases to tho fact that tho Httlo kidney trou bles aro usually neglected until they becomo serious. Tho slight symp toms give place to chronic djsorders and tho sufferer goes gradually Into the grasp of dropsy, Urlght's disease, gravel or some other sorious form of kidney complaint. If you suffer from baccknche, head aches, dizzy spoils; If tho kldnoy secretloiiB are irregular of passage and unnatural In appearance, do not delay. Help tho kidneys at onro. Doan's Kldnoy Pills nro especially for kidney dlsordors thoy act whoro others fall. Ovor one hundred thou sand peoplo have recommended them, Horo's a case at home: Mrs. Grace Skcotors, C W. Jackson St., Medford, Ore., says: "I can rcc onunend Doan's Kidney Pills, procur ed at llaskins' Drug Store for pain and stiffness in tho hack and other symptoms of kidney trouble This remedy relieved mo when I used It and I hnve Wen well over since." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United, States. Romembor tho name Donn's nnd tako no other. To the Public SWINE FOR SALE Fanoy registered Poland China nnd Rerkshiro Hwinc. Orders taken for spring delivery. Frizo winning stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, Klnmath Falls, Orenon. Wo wish to call tho attention of prospective buyers to tho fact that wo havo been in tho county ovor 40 years and nro prepared to show soino of tho choicest tracts In tho valloy. Costs noth ing to look at our list ot bar-gains. For Sale McDonough & Demmer KEATj ESTATE AM) 1NSUKANGE ROOM J!, STEWAUT ULDG. Corner Main, and Hartlott Sts. Phono UI71. 'BEHIND THE SCENES AT SALEM' A book of fascinating facts about tho last Oicgon legislature. Contains chaptors and roll calls on Important questions, review of each member's record, contributions by Speaker Rusk, Sonator Mc Colloch, Representatives Uaton, Derby and Urownhlll, Col. 13. Hofer and others. Written by Carl Smith and II. P. Edward, nowspapor corres pondents, who saw the session at close tango. Highly pages, il lustrated. For salo at MKDFORI) BOOK STORK OR ItV MAIL, BOX 177, Portland, Ore. PRICK !( CHNTH Nrr''srrr trNrNrrNr' Modern Store Room to Lease Best Location in City, r Right in Heart of Bus- iness District. Address or call on CLAUD MILES Room 215 Garnett-Corey BIdg s..sss4 vrssJs' TTasklns for Health. Woman's Greatest Trouble. Big Sandy. Tonn. Mrs. Lucy Can- WASHINGTON, D. O., March 29. That the great plague which is swoop, ing China, leaving a trail of doath and starvation, was startod by a fur hoarlng animal closoly resembling tho American woodchuck, Is tho state ment made In a roport of tho ma rine hospital sorvlco. The Chlnoso, It Is stated, havo until recently boon afraid to kill tho animals because of suporstitlou. It was oKtimatod by Surgeon Gon oral Wymau that In tho cities of Har bin and Mucliltioii alone, more than 1000 person havo died of the plague during the present epidemic. A report recuivod from Consul Grotmo at Har bin states: "The epidomlc Is having a dlsns troua offoct on trado. Only under exceptional conditions can Chlnuso merchants now travel from place to troll, of this place, says: "Kvory two weeks. I had to go to bod and stay thero sovoral days. I sufforod untold misery. Nothing soomod to holp me, until I tried Cardul, tho woman's tonic. Although I had been afflicted plnco along the railway, while the with womanly weaknesses for seven danger from brigands nnd from tho years. Cardtil hoi pad mo moro than! disease itself deters them from going an thing also ovor did. It is surely by cart. Preqtiont outbreaks of the best tonic for wonion on earth." jplaguo among the laboring classes Weakness is woman's greatest trou-j prevent the handling of freight; or hlf Cardul Is woman's greatest (Unary communications with Puchl medicine, because it overcomes that tlon is stopped ami foreign merchants weakness and brlugs back strength, beltato to enter Into any contractu or address In tho past 50 years. Cardul helped with Chinese for fear the latter may ' over a million women Try it for not live to carry out thoir engage., TALENT ! Real Estate FOR SALE ' i Good business opportunities and lo-j cations, all paying, TFDDY'S DAMSITH Isn't In It with our LANDSITK. For Instance, a 1000-acro tract containing ovor 200 ncros of tho fa-, inoiiB Bear crook bottom, land, in nl-1 falfu, and extending to tho higher j laud, which Is sot to orchards In part,' all the land being good fruit land I Some of tho land is now in bear ing troos and may bo purchased at reasonable figures, the alfalfa land1 wltji a good smnd of alfalfa for $270 to $350 per aero; young orchurds, good stand, $250 pur aero, and grain land at I7G per aero. I This Is an "Ideal" tract for a col ony, as it would cut up Into small or largo places to an advantage, or may bo purchased in 10, 12, 20, 40, 50 and 00-aoro or any slzo trlcts. Kasy tonus given at low Interest. Located threo miles from Ashland and one mile from Talent, Or, A 74-acro tract 2V6 mlloa West Tal- Alit rt . .1 0a.n.a. Imtiur. .1 i In.lffl clt, uuw o-tuyiu iiuurq UIJU mibui baru; 8 acros under ditch and In al falfa nnd garden land; 31 acros un der plow, and trees; 20 acros of or chard, of which G acros aro In boar- Ing; telephone and R. F. I).; half cash, balance good torms and easy payments. For plonty of other bargains cull IRRIGATION We have the Water and the Terms are Easy Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg Irrigated Orchard Tracts The Returns from Strawberries and Cantaloupes grown in be tween the trees will meet your payments. ROGUELANDS INC. FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager. A flno four-acro ranch near Talent; very tortile alfalfa nnd fruit soil; woll w'ntorod; nil fenced nnd cultivated; peach orchard, young, of 1G0 trees; applo trees, 3G, apricot 1, cherry 2, English walnuts 2, pear 12, plum 5, qulnco 21, ncdaslno 1; Tokay nnd Mnlaga grapca 3 years old; straw berries; 1-2 aero raspberries and Lo gans for family uso; chicken ranch; chicken house; now woodshed; wag on shed, etc.; good houso; spring, water piped to house; creek runs through tho placo; only $1700, cash down. 1G acros, 3 miles from Talent, renced, timber, alfalfa and fruit land; good hnuso and water; 300 pear troos; near school. $2000, half cash. 34 acres, 1 milo from Talent; 12 acres In Nowtowns pcach-flllcd; 7 acres timber; good houso; plenty of water; pumping plant, $13000; $7000 cash; easy torms. 20 acres finest alfalfa and fruit lands with timber; 1 mile from Tal ent; $32G per aero; cash. Talent city lots at lowest figures, will doublo in a year. 17 ncrcs, 14 acres commercial' or chard, 2 miles from Talent; $10,000. half cobIi. ' "f 80 ncrcs finest timber, $2000, half cash. 40 ncrcs fruit land, 3 miles from Tnlont; $1200 ot timber on it; good buildings; $2000; $1200 cash. 29 acres orchard and alfalfa land sub Irrigated 2 1-2 miles south of Tnlont; $1300 fruit trees, bouso and outbuildings; suporlor fences; $225 por acre; half cash. 1G0 acres finest timber, 39 mile from Portland, $5000 cash. G acres richest fruit nnd alfalfa land, 4 ncrca now In alfalfa; only 1-3 milo from city of Talent. We 'will sot It nil to nny kind ot trees the buyor wants. Now houso. Irrigating woll. $3000; $1000 cash. 40 acres farm, doop fruit golf; J6 miles south of Medford; S acres In apples and poaches; 6 acres alfalfa; good houso nnd barn, gnsollno engine, team, cow, wagon etc; all for $6300; $2000 cash. Flno homo of 18 acres, richest soil, irrigated; 12 acres In pears, 2 ncrcs in Nowtowns, all heavy bearing, 2 acres alfalfa; 6 room house; Only ono block from Talent post office; team; cow; tools; all for $12000; $7500 cash; easy torms. 1 milo from Talent on Ashland road; 8 acros good soli, 4 1-2 acres cholco orchard; up to dnto bungalow; bam; packing houso, and outbuild ings; plenty of water; $4800; half cash. 280 acres, 2 1-2 miles oast of Tal ent; 1G0 acres cultivated, all free soil, flno for pears and npplcs; well fenced, surrounded hv suporlor or chards; houso, bain outbuildings; windmill otc, only $125 por ncro; $12000 cash; rest easy torms. LUMAN N. JUDD, Agent TALENT. OREGON MODERN 7-Room Cottage Bungalow LOT GOxl 33 CLOSE IN. Comont sldowalk In nnd paid; two Installments on wntor nnd sowor paid; one Installment on pavomont paid. $500 Cash balanco easy. If you want something nlco, lot us show you this boautlful homo. Phone Main 8G2. MVEIIS, WIUTKSIDE & HOLMES 8. E. Cor. Main and Central. I M G. A. Gardner 22 Acres 8 acres in orchard, modern houso, good barn, richest soil in valley, $7000 w an(e, your close in, price right P""" own terms on bal. Bittner & Clark Room 207 Phipps Bldg. Ashland Orchards MH. INVESTOR: Aro you looking for an Invest ment that is an Investment? If you nro, then road this: WFo nro authorized by tho own or to offor for n short tlmo at only $2G0 per acre his 30-acro one-year-old orchard, which is located with In IVi miles from Ashland and right In tho valloy. This orchard is all sot to tho flnost varieties of pears and ap ples and has boon well cared for. Wo will siibtllvldo this Into 10 aero tracts to suit purchaser and will glvo torms on tho same. Rogue River Investment Co. 77 OAK ST., ASHLAND. ORHGON i.M 1 WWt 4 .VX s-7f.1fil - 'r. i . A k M I m your troubles, today. mcuts TALENT, OltEGO.V. v