' ItfEDFOftD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOTID, ORIOGON, WEDNESDAY, MAKOH 29, 1911. P2CGE TWO 14 YEAR OLD fill TAKE OWN LIFE 99P&& iPLUMBING h J .MLi GOUTY 8Y JURY tl STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING s Hi f v All Work Guaranteed JPrices Reasonable COFFEE.N (Si PRICE 25 HOWARD IILOCK, KNTRANCK OX (Jth STltlSKT. PHOfK SOS yw Jl 1 Population Has Been Practically Wiped Out in Different Provinces of China Russia to Take Steps to Control Situation. Body is Found In Bushes in Portland .Suburb Revolver Found Beneath Her Body Showing Child Had Killed Herself. Portland Contractor Convicted of Killing His Wife Attorneys File Formal Notice That They Will Ap pealJurors Out Five Hours. ' . ' I'!. Jvvrvcr t .IVifen? Widow Coming Soon IPLABUE WORSE m. IN SPRINGTIME 1 "4 i r l.fr. 11 f f iff tlF f 0' 'oL' ... MS . WE&m WWW S5 ,cha&. r T&.TS,. GKAlfAII m v BRANT E HERE FOR CITY PARK Fifteen Cars Arrlvo ami Spreading of Granite Begins Walks of Old Park Havo Been Renovated and Aro In Good Condition. MM IS GUILTY ATTEMPT TO ROB J. W. Canon, Charged With Attempt ed Highway Robbery, Is Convicted Now to Face Trial ,for Petty Larceny. Tlio If) eursni' granite mnl wliieh the, Southurn l'licifiu niilroal gnvo to,.tjio ladies ol! tlio Giuutui' Muiirunl. club, have boon received. j.,W S Hnrnuni, owner of tliu Koguo River Vulloy railroad, haulod tlio ours to llie jmrk and delayed hi other freight t( iieeonimodnto I ho oily. In order lo got tlio car to tlio pack on wool; !u.vi'lio hat had to run an o.lrn Sunday, train. ' Tliclsuhd will be ued un the walk oil lioth tlio now mid old purl;. The wnlkB of the old park lie been eo orcd but thoho "I' tlio now park aio not finiwliPil. In Miinc pliieeH tlu Mind on tlio walk ik over one foot in ili'plli. ohoim city is pian Out-of-Tqwn Ladles Who Arc Fruit-. qucnt Visitors'ln the City Plan to Obtain Room In Which to Rest While Here Need Is Great. Tlio jury on tlio ease of .1. W. Ciuioa, charged with attuinptuil rob bery, returned u ordict of guilty yoh lorday afternoon. Judge Calkiiih will hiMitimcu him Saturday. Canon utleinplod to hold 'up Fred Oudiuau at tlio point of a fun, hut on dUcovuring that bib victim bad but ono hand big nerve Jailed mid he let him go. Today Canon alul bin partner, A K. Noring, will bo tried for potty lar 1'iiiiy of a dwelling liclonin to (liul mini, whom thoy attouiptod to hold up, at Sinkiyou. Tin1 nii'ii aio iifcui'd i-l HlccliiiK kuivoH, KtiiiH and ciiiliidi's Tlio nii'ii ou aiipii'hi'udud at A'i-laud. ST. PKTHKSmJIia, March 2D. Klutly coiilraillctlng hoiioful reports from Peking, tlio RiiBHlan govorn niont today Is In receipt of advldos fr6in the far oast which snythat the spread of J ho plague there Is In evitable with the coming of fliirlng, u ml Unit In many places the popula tion hits heen nlinoat wiped out. in Pildzladnn, the Chlncsi' quarter of Hnrbln, the reports ay, tlio jlGPu f at Ion hnn dropped !y plilciie frihn 40,000 to l.OOO.andmost of the'kur- vlvora'Hro chlldi'en. the- plnguo rarely (ittiicking anyono under 15 years of age. i.i' '! 1 1', it nWv tliiflirohlv ' M ' ' lihnortnHcc u'onieri'ln'Kuroifcan Hitachi, It Is dald, till? gdvcrnmoiit lir'driiW TnllHhry rdrdona nroitud 'tho lnYWled districts and" will ordiir tho fcoldlors.'t'o"fihoot down all who try to break through. . ,, , ll...l. "' ' ' KOTIOK' ''' ""''' ' N'dtl6o Is hereby gIVoir tlmt't7ibr(ilty rif'Medford, JAckson' Chanty1, Jregiii, vlllftako iip'n'hd ciinfefil Ihb' following llortds, and thrtt Intcrcat thereon hlihll ticaso ill' the lntfcrrst Jiayhieht 'porlod next following, (April 1st, 1011): Improvement hdn'dtf Nds. 1, 2, '0, 10, 11 anil 12, dated April M.'lOOO. 1 IninrnviMiioiit. hoiuls N'Os. l)i 10. 11 and 12,'dnteTl Oclohor 1st,' 1D09, ' Water main bonds Nos. 1, 2, a, 4, C and' C, series "A" dated April 1st, 1910. ' ' M !M h. L. JACOUS,' ' 1 " ' ' City Treasurer Dated Kobrunry 28, 1911. 293 Unnklnn for Health. YOl It HO'MK CO.UFOUTS. Wo can wire your house, or do re pair work on tho sorvlco you now iiave, and will savo you nionoy on tho work. Pioinptness and satisfac tion aro two other ossontlals that you'll always get hero. MOTOIl HKPAIUIXO IMiAT IKOXS i-uxs, i-'iXTrmcs. Crater LaRe Wiring Co. XO. 27 NOKTII UAUTIiKTT ST. PORTLAND, Ore., March 29. With the positive Identifacatlon of tho revolver as one belonging to' her cousin, detectives today declared that there was no doubt but that Susano Quiring, 11, committed suicide by shooting herself In the head. It Is believed that she brooded over a slight reprimand given by a school teacher until she decided to end her life. When the body of the child was found by Charles O'Neill, a contrac tor half hidden in the brush on a tract near JSaat Thirty-seventh street ho telephoned Into police headquart ers that tho child had been murder ed. This theory was exploded, however, whoa officials discovered tho weapon under her body, two cartridges tied up la her handkcrchlof and learned that sho had seemingly been de pressed for two days provlous to her death. The girl was living with relatives. Her father resides near Dallas, Oregon. Pleasant. Htinugi Guentl don't know half tlio people In the room. Just look at that woman over there tlio cross eyed, rod headed ouo. And bomu ono told me hho iwis married. Don't you think tho follow was a fool? Oilier (Juest (meek ly) I know ho was. I'm hltn. Haiti more American. ' A inovoiuout lmn bottu launched by a mimhor or out or town ladle who aro frequent vhritoi In ,M ml ford tii soouro Home down town room' Mini fit It up as a ludUw rot room. Thoy stnto that they havo no plxce In which to Hpond a fow bourn in the city" HixQuptlug at tho human of frlgnds. Tho ladle plan to have tha ptc comfortably furnUhed hikI iiippUwl With periodicals. They point out til at tholr litisbaiidt lmve oll yyUy sliould (buy not he tlio roat room, whltih will iwirUko of the nat ,uro of a club. Steam stump imlllui; iuiMn'8, fol lowing In tho wako of th.- lumlHtr man, aro converting former Umber lands of tho norlhweat Into fertile farms at.it rate of fioui one to three ncroa a day for each mm blue phi-jdoyed. TolUod Too Much. Wlfo (reproiiotifully) - You forgot how yon iliico brcatlitxl your love In my ear and promised that my every wish should be gratUUtl. Hub-No, I don't, but I wish now I'd followed thu hyvlenlc rule of keeping my moutu shut while tireathtnu.-lloston Trim ciipt. OlllUrdi. "Havo you heard the billiard enmin drum? Well, here It Is; "Wluu made the rod Ifill IiIunIi?' "'Why. when ll saw the two white kiss In the couiur."' Pure Clear Sparkling You ean't nffonl to do without Una splendid, rol'ioxliing drink. Call up and order a enso sent to tho house. Tho purest, most healthful drink known is simiYou MINERAL WATER P. C. BIGHAM, Agent. Comlttency. Murllla-Do you consider onpngo monts bludliiK? Mllllcuiu-Cortnlnly If one didn't there would bo tio fun In urtMkltiK them. llluairatwl Hits. Of the 0. 000,000 totib of coat ion ufud In loeomotlvoe In tho Undid Stnto mcu year, loes than hair act unlly re utllUul to pull trains, the nmjorlty beliiK wntitod In gaves. In iinutlllted etem, in wlti-hinir and in nshufl. ' On thu thaary that gmy hair is OAitsdd by mluroliiw, a Huselnu set- Klitlst claims to-preserve Its original i rolnr by curling or waving it with hot Irons, which Kill the hiuu.Ii.-h j IThtiully (hero ih un nd in this pa per which eoiilains information th.it would snve money for you some times u few cents, sometimes u few dollars, sometimes many dollars! PORTLAND, Ore., March 29. At torneys for Jans William Hasslng, a contractor, found guilty of wife mur der, today filed formal notification that they will appeal. Tho Jury convicted Hasslng after being out five hours. Hasslng shot and killed his wife on a streot last November, and then attempted to kill himself. The coup le previously had quarreled and were living apart. Hasslng declined to discuss his case. Nearly Smothered. Chnndler, N. C. Mrs. Augusta Lnmax, of this placo, writes: "I had smothering spells every day, so bar that I expected death at any time. I could not silt ui) in bed. I suffered from womanly troubles. My nerves were unstrung. I had almost given up all hope of ever being better. 1 tried Cnrdui, and It did mo more good than anything I had ever taken. I am better now' that I ever expected to be." Thousands of ladles have writ ten similar letters, telling of the merits of Cnrdui. It relieved tholr headache, backacho and misery, just ns It will relieve yours, If you will let It. Try. Hasklns for Hoalth. l3"l!'".'lW.0'MMHW,iW 5RW&;i -ati". ',- f - 33 i- .' ' . ' , Ts TSf... 1M kimffij . raRi!tN4& . ii v MMm Hi 'A I I i 4V. nh n r iJM t I L.I fr-j t . - J '" "wC 'u,aMi"'ifww;& l SZJ!rF, ft Ij, ,a . hW MtMifdJ4l i-Wti Att! 'rh "j 1 i y ' ' ".' Ti "M ?'" - ', . ' f a'7 W' l . ' .v i..ju.i .. . ..-"7JCTSLS c;.r.v.- ;:h 'twii mm fsnsmswjmts Private Ambulance Service Sick and Injured Conveyed to Any Part of the City or Country. JOHN A. PERL PHONES: Day Bell Main 351, Residence 41 1 1; Home Phone 179-L Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies EAGLE PHARMACY, 109 East Main St. ? Phenes: Ilomo 03; Pac. 232 WEST SIDE PIIARMAC. 200 West Main Street Phenes: llome -13; Pac. 4011 Eagle Drug Co., XxiCo Thos. Bartholomew, Pii. C, General Mgr. Tho Rcxall Stores Medford, Ore. r 4 Dorse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing .IJY HUGH ELLIOTT, tho noted horso sboer.. I can-y tho largest stock and keep nothing but tlio best mechanics and guarantee nil work. i Wo Make n specialty of slioing driving horses. Comer Riverside and Klgbth streets. Phono Home .11). Piiclfc 101. GOLDEN GATE COFFEE TUqvq have been many substitute. for coffee, but most pco2)lo prefer the genuine. All who use Golden Gate Coffee are loud in their praises of its most ex cellent aroma. It is all that a good coffee can be. Allen Grocery C Jm 32 South Central Avenue. "BUY AT TlOMlt! AND II IS LP MIODFORD." M Jr&k' MDl,Y DIRtCTB Gf PRICES REDUCED I jHr On Saih unit V&Z3 IK 0. h.' U.IAMS CO. WSfI Particular P eople Prefer Our Footwear , Our New Spring Styles are sure lo please the most fastidious. Our values are second lo none. Our lines are new and every pair will give satisfaction. You aro urged lo call soon. ST dmcade4 SmM gjgmwf&sizj& "' Mm I jr t Tit- j-i t f lvieoiora joDDing KjO. j 4 The only exclusive jobbing company in Med ford uhcro you can 5 get all of your Uttlo odd jobs done ut once by expert workmen. Our Specialties Cleaning, Kalslmlned or papered walls and ceilings. 2 1 .i ' s ALL KLKCTRICALS AWLIAXCKS RKfAIRKI). We will tako cliai-go of any job yr.n may have, call us up and talk it over. WIS (JUAUAXTKH SATISKACTIOX IX WOHIC AXI) PRICKS. PIIOXK MAIN 050t. Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MARKS RLOCIC. 4 4 $ JUST ARRIVED A New Line of Switches, Crescent Curls, Puffs, Transformations, Hygenic Hair Rolls and Human Hair Nets. Marinello Shop Room Five Over Kentners Phone Main 111 ru3 H. B. PATTERS ' The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Everything in the Nursery Line Sec the nice English ITollies. All kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only tho most perfect plants), and full line of pear, peach, apple, apricot, prunes, etc., etc. iU Office H6 Main Street Office Phone 2381 Res. Phone 2493 t U 'i V 'U. A