if Medford Mail Tribune CLEARINGS Hank clearings today wero WEATHER Fair llnr. ill. I; Max. 77 Mln. ill; Menu. 54. FOttTY-FTRST YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29. 1911. No. 6. " SEVEN ARRESTS TO W w IIKFIIE Flagrant Violations of City Ordi nance Providing for Equipment of Buildings With Proper Apparatus Am to Bo Presented by Officials. FIRE CHIEF SAYS HE IS TO FIGHT FOR MORE ESCAPES Frame Apartment Houses Are Fire Traps Doors of Work Shop Locked On Saturday. LOS ANGELES, Ciil., March 2!). As ati uftennuth of the Triangle shirtwaist firo horror in New York Saturday last, seven arrests were or dered today by Building Inspector Backus for alleged flagrant viola tions of the city ordinance providing for the equipment of buildings of various clashes with proper appa ralus for i'iro protection. The war rants issued were for owners of frame apartment houses, and Backus declared (hat ho will proseeuo every property owner in Los Angeles who is violating the city ordinances con trolling the protection of human life. Firo Chief Ely, discussing the lo cal situation, said this afternoen: "I have been fighting for more fire escapes nnd I am going to keep on fighting until all of our buildings of every class arc properly equipped. There are many frame apartment houses, particularly in the hilly dis tricts, that well, God help us if they ever catch fire." NEW YORK, March 2. District Attorney Whitman today examined ,lf() witness most of them survisors of Saturday's fire, when 1-13 lives were lost in the ' destruction of the Triangle shirtwaist factory. All agreed that tho doors leading to the sairways and tho pasenger elevators wore locked when tho fire started and laid largely to this fact tho enormous loss of life. It wn.; decided today to postpones the funerals of the 20 unidentified victims of the firo for a week, when u great labor demonstration will be a feature of their burial. TAFT MIXED IN LOB CASE Wholesale Unofficial Denials Come From Washington Following State ment That Hincs Helped Elect Lor lmer Taft Wanted It So. SI'IMNGFIFLt), March 21). - Wholesale unofficial denials from Washington aro streaming in heie to day to 'tho senate's Lorimor investi gating eoinmittuo following following a statement by Edward llines, the lumber king, yesterday that he helped to elect 'Lorimor because Senators Aldriclt and Penrose told him Presi dent Taft wanted Lorimer chosen. The committee may ask Penrose and Aldrich to tostify as to whethor they ever niontioned President Tuft's name fn connection with the matter. Rcycrs Coming Home. MKX1CO CITY, March 2S. It was learned bore today Hint Gonoral Bor nnnlo Hoyos had loft Rome last night for Purls and that ho will bo horo In two weeks. Reyes will not tako a Bout In tho cabinot, but will bttcomo active commandor of the fod oral troons In Chihuahua. With the exception of tho ministers of foreign affairs and of tho Interior, tho now cabinot was sworn In horo today at noon. New Judge for Cox. CINCINNATI, Ohio, March 20. Chief Justice Jones of the Ohio oir ,..,li istiirt lms deuided that tho af fidavit submitted by Prosecutor Hunt o.irfSninnt in .Tndwas Stt'tnt' nnd Smith as trial judges as in tho onse (.f Boas Cox indicted for perjury.) Judge Jones will nnmo Hip men Avho wil try the Cox cai I SAYSLORIMERISTHE GREATEST MAN SINCE THE TIME OF CHRIST Such is Belief of John I. Hughes, Capitalist, a Witness in Legis lative Itrilivry Investigation SPRINGFIELD. Ills., Mnrch 29. William Lorimor, "tho greatest man since the time of Christ." Tlmt is the opinion of the Illinois senator held today by John I. Hughes, a capital ist, a witness la the legislative bri bery Investigation being made here. Hughes extensively praised Lorlmer and declared that ho urged every member of tho lower house of the legislature under investigation to vote for Lorlmer. He denied, how over, that bo used any money In the senator's bohalf. Fdward J. IHiiob, a Chicago lum ber dealer, made similar dculul and said ho talked with only senators Ir connection with tho Lorimor candl acy. OLD, OLD, STORY OF BIG VOLCANO IN SISKIYOU AGAIN' GOING AROUND Prospectors Assert That Kartli Threatens to Krtipt in Siskiyou Yellowish .Itla.e Is Show. RKDD1NG, Cal., March 20. The usual soinl-annual story of throntcn ed volcanic eruption In tho border rango of Modoc and Siskiyou countlei as told by prospectors near Lookout arrived horo today. Tho only now feature of tho tale" is that a yellowish blazo was seen to shoot from tho side of Glass Mountain. Tho flamo ex tended half a mile, say the reports, nnd tho phenomenon lasted thirty minutes. Lour rumblings accom panied tho mighty fireworks. "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH WIVES," SIGHS GOODWIN AND SWEARS "NEVER AGAIN" "I Don't Give a D " is Remark When Told That Ktlim Good rich 'Was Divorced. ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 29. "Never again" sighed Nat Goodwin today. "I have had enough wives." Goodwin had been asked if ho were going U) try tho matrimonial game again. His fourth and latest wife, Edna Goodrich, actress yesterday secured n divorce In Now York. "I don't glvo a damn," ho remark ed when told tho court had sovered bis matrimonial bonds. WOMAN NOW OWNER OF ST. LOUIS NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL CLUB Is First Feminine Base Hall Magnate Robinson Dies and Leaves Hulk of Property to Niece. CLEVELAND, Ohio, March 20. llv tho will of Stanley Robinson. nrlncliml owner of tho St. l-rouls Na tional Loaguo baseball club, which died horo a few days ago, a woman bocomos tho first feminine baseball magnate. Robinson's nleco, Mrs. Helen Robinson Hrltton, Is bequeath ed all tho dead man's baseball Btock and other property to mako up three fourths of the estate. Her mother, Mrs. Sarah Robinson, gets tho other fourth of tho magnate's holdings. 'YOU ARE WORSE THAN JUDAS," SHOUTS CAMORRA LEADER AT WITNESS AhlmtincagKlo, tho Informer, Gives Ills Testimony Against Prisoners Charged With Murder. V1TEHBO, Italy, March 20. Ah hatmonirtrio. thoinformor, object of execration by tho ! Camorrist momboro on trial for tho murder ot Ounuarro Cuocuolo nnd his wife, continued his tostimony today at the trial. The recital was exactly liko tho written confossion tho informer gave the authorities. Disorder oc curred wlion Knrico Alfuuomtho, Camorriet loador, sheuted: "You aro infinitely woreo thun Judas." Steamers Collide. NBW YORK', Mnrch 29. Tho tfteHtiior Cedrio collidod yostordnyju the bay with tho steamer Mnroqui jne, from Trinidad. Tho big cedric smashed into tho Maronuijno's port quarter. Thon, backing away she triod to pass to windward nnd hit tha'Mnroauiine drain. Promnt action by the liner's officers provontod any wnie on board, UNITED STATES IS E OF PEACE Duo to President Taft, Army Off! ccrs Say, if Peace Comes to Mex ico Think President Dictated Message to Diaz Forcing Move. IMPORTANT BATTLE IS WON BY REBELS Tired and Worn They Rush Import ant Base in Lower California and Capture It. SAN ANTONIO, Texas, March 21) Peace in Mexico, army officers hero today believe, will, if it comes, bo due directly to an alutiinntum earned from Washington to Mexico City y Minister Lima tour. His message lo President Diaz is believed to have dictated by President Taft and the threat of American intervention is thought to have been the means of bringing to tho Mexican president -it last to a realization of tho necessity of u compromise. Conference Tomorrow. To go into conference with (he Mudero family, former ambassador to tho United States do la Burnt will arrive here tomorrow. Ho will be met by Francisco Madero, senior, and his son, Alfonso. The party will then, it is said, go toward Monterey, whero they nro to meet Limnntour. It is roported that then tho whole party will go to Chihuahua, whoro Fran cisco Mndoro, jr., tho rebel leader, will participate in tho negotiations under u flng of truce. It is believed the Chihuahua ncgo tuitions will be only fonnnl and that both sides hnve already virtually ac cepted tho torms of peace. Important. Hattlo Won. SAN DIEGO, CaCjL-irch 20. What may prove to bo one of the most important hattlet: of tho Mexi can revolution is reported by passen gers arriving hero today on the steamer San Diego, in from Enson ada, capital of Lower California. They say that on Monday, Alamo, a small town 80 miles south and cast of Ensenada, was captured by a band of 200 rebels under General Horthold. Tho little town was attacked by a skirmish parly of rebels last week, hut tlioy were merely scouting. In Monday's engagement Berthold was wounded in the leg. Insurgents Were Worn Out. The insurgents aro said to hnve been in a pitiful condition when they roaclicd Alamo, having traveled on foot and in a hurry from Tccarte, near tho Mexican line. Most of them were without shoes and their feet were by cactus and sabgerush. In addition they till suffered from thirst and had but little food to sus tain them ill their long march. When tho little band reached Ala mo it is said some of them wore nearly crazed by suffering. Tho capture of tho town was al fost bloodless, as tho rush of the insurreclos was so fiorco that it took all tho fight out of tho federal de fenders. Berthold Leads, Berthold is said to have been in front of his men every step. Ho is receiving medical attention from Dr. Foster of Alamo, who at first re fused to treat him, but was prevailed upon by force to do so. His wound was received in a scrimmago while Berthold was in the net of getting it horso from a seller close to town. Ensenada is not well enough do fended now to warrant tho bonding of a largo body to tho relief of Al amo at once, ns all tho men who can bo spared have .go no to Tecarto and toward Mexicali. Colonel Miguel Mayot and 010 fod orals with some artillery wore to leave Tecarto today for Mexicali. The Alamo situation may cause him lo return to Eiuenada. Tho capture of Alamo is taken to mean that tho rebels will try to maintain a base there. This is the first real engagement on tho ponin suln nnd tho presence of tho rebels in that section of Mexico may prove to he a real thorn in tho side of the federal forces. Even at your favorite store you will find unusual buying opportuni ties at particular tlmea "sale,' "barguin," etc. And your favorite store's advertisements will keep you fully informed about these ovents, EMPIRE STftTE TO HOG New York's $27,000,000 Capitol Building Gutted by Flames Causing an Estimated Loss of Over $6,000, 000 Defective Wiring Cause. HUNDREDS OF VALUABLE DOCUMENTS DESTROYED State Library Containin 400,000 Vol umes Gone Legislative Cham bers Blackened and Soaked. t fc ALBANY, N. Y.f March 20. Firo scorched and wnteij stained, Bhowing a net loss of $0,000,000, not Includ ing thousands of precious nnd trrc- placablo documents, tho Now York state capltol today stands pnrtly In runs following a fire that raged for seven hours in Its .courts and corrl- dars. Tho state library with Its 400,000 volumes, was destroyed. Tho sonato and assembly chambers aro smoko blackenod and soaked with water. Tho offlco of tho department of education, tho court of claims cham ber, tho sonato flnnnco committee room, tho offlco of tho scunto presi dent pro torn, tho assembly library, nnd tho document and clonk rooniB, all woro gutted. .iU7,00,00 Wasted. Tho Great Western stairway with Its great architectural beauty Ib blackened and Its marblo chipped. Tho western wing Is flooded and tho roof of tho north wing Is sunken. Tho $27,000,000 that has been pourod into tho capltol by tho state for many generations has boon wast ed. Tho groat building, tho prldo, and also tho sluunj) of tho omplro state, was plannod in 1803 to cost $1,000,000. Tho construction prov ed too tempting a ctftinca for graft, and so far $27,000,000 has been spent upon It, and still tho original plans were unfulfilled. Tho capltol Is in such a stato of chaos today that no ono can toll what may bo Its fato. it Is a sad wreck at cursory glance, but later Investigation may show that enough of its beauty may bo salvaged to war rant rehabilitation. Flimsy DccoraloiiM. Tho question arising hero Is wheth er tho Btato may now bocomo more economical and erect a firo proof building lo houso Its dopartmonts. It Is admitted that millions of dollars worth of decorations woro placod up on flimsy flre-tomptlng framework. Tho democratic legislative caucus had adjoumod only an hour boforo tho firo started. Defective wiring had been reported yestirdny in the assembly llbrnry. Snioko was scon Issuing from tho northeaBt corner of tho building shortly boforo II o'clock this morn ing. Documents, ornato hangings and the rich furnlturo woro fuel tin on which tho flames gnlnod groat headway. With no appreclablo chock tho firo spread to tho assembly cham bor and its corridors. Tho flames communicated to tho western stair way and Its million dollar celling, ono of tho finest mural paintings In tho world woro destroyed. Flromon risked tholr Ilvos In a bombardment of falling masonry to stop tho ndvanco of tho firo. It swopt nlong toward tho sonato cham ber and attacked tho Btato library. Old Documents Hum. By 3:. 10 o'clock tho assembly lib rary had been wlpod out with Its shelves of documents and papers, somo dating back to 1770. All docu ments of tho sonato Judiciary com mlttoo of tho presont session wore consumod. FIvo minutes later tho state lib rary was burning, filled with In flamablo matorlal, It became a fur nace Hint drovo back tho firo fighters. Unable to save the library, tho fire men attempted to savo tho offices on tho third floor. Tho smoko baf fled thorn and drovo them out. Whllo tho flromon wero fighting to save the state's most precious doc urn outs thoy wero being aided by a constantly IneroaHlng force of vol untoerB. Stato senators, nssombly men, dorks and attaches thronged tho corrldorH and committee rooms in advance of the fire and stoumad out of tho building, staggering under loads of books and pnpors. Archivist Von Lehr today express ed the hope that tho greater num ber of tho moHt valuable papers had been saved. .It will bo soveral days before ho can estimate tho losses. It Burr Mcintosh Rogue Valley HHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIilililH. ;mBBBniHIHH IHflE!fiBPslSISIE.9HSEi9iillHI Burr Mcintosh, lecturer, nctor, nr tlBt and prince of good follows, In tends to extensively advertise Mod- ford and tho ltogue Itlvor Valley In his future lecturo nnd for that purposo spent Wednosdny spent yud nesdny sight seeing In tho valley and taking photographs of orchards and picturesque sections to add lo his collection. Tho best photos will bo published In Burr Mcintosh's monthly, and also bo used In hlsloor turo upon "our country," and should GIANT LUMBER MERGER IN EAST Michiuan Pacific and Michliian Pu ijet Sound Companies Combine Vast Tracts Arc Held by Them in British Columbia. imTltOIT. Midi., 'March 20. -A .f'J.fiOO.OOO lumber merger wag oon Mimtnufcd last uighl al Grand lip ids, il was leu rued today wlion I ho Michigan Pacific and the Michigan 1'iiL'ct Sound comoanicti combined. The companies are distinct organi sations, cacti powoHHiug omoiihivo fiinlmr lioldillL'H ill tint WOMt lllld Itl'it- isb Columbia. The .Michigan I'uuifiu company holds ;i2,000 hitch while the other company controls .uu note on Vancouver island. Tho former corporation it capitalized at $1,000, 000 and the latter for 1 ,000,000. STARTLING DEVELOPMENTS EXPECTED IN PAXTON CASE I'AKADKNA, Cal., March 21). Tlml I here will be laitling dewlop- .i il I ft i .. .. mem in I mi Ho-caucii riniun i'ii.-c within the next H hour is the be lief today of Chiel of I 'alien Wood. Wood hnx received a despatch from Cliiciitfo which resulted In a conference betwoon him and tho de lect ivo in chaiito of the case, It was rumnwd that another woman may he brought into (he ensu. The officer uro busy troiiK Ihu alleged forged deed up'ti which the woman giving the inline of Lilllnu I'axUui is alleged to huvo triad to ne gotiate a loan, Colleue Infants Want Green Caps. COKVALLIK, Or.. Muroh 3Q. -Green cu for wear by the freshmen the rent of the year thin is what Hip first year xtudeuU have voil for thBinselvtis ut O. A. f., and oiy wuit- iiiK the iiHiietion or tlia upper uiaa mau to don Hut verdant budge. Tn inut institution the uppar classes have to Tore the cap on (lie young uter.; at O. A. C. they take care of Uiefllr.fi Kf4 Is known that all the Dutch and cl qiiUU p-'iiidn it loimuiiu'd and that the hhitoilial Van ItennsfUei collect lou hnti bi-eii destroyed. Is to Feature In His Lectures bo tho means of advertising this sec tion widely. Tuesday evening Mr. Mcintosh was tho guest of Col. nnd Mrs. Frank 11. Hay at dinner at tho Nash hotel. Tonight at tho Medford Theater ho will bo heard In a ono net play followed by a lecture, which thoBo who have heard, pronounce woll worth whllo. The lecturers illustrate ed by over 100 colored slides nnd In Its course, th"o friitli of tlio Japnneso Mexican war scare will bo portrayed. II 00.000 RE SAYS Publisher of Cliicajjp Record Herald States on Stand' That "the Inter ests" Raised Hiirjc Amount to Elect William Lorlmer Senator. SI'ltlNUFIIOLI), 111., March I!!). Flat declaration that "tho Interests" had mined $100,000 to elect William Lorlmer to tli United States was made hero today by II. II. Kohlsaat, publisher of tliu Chicago ltecord Ilorald, when ho yns examined bo foro tho leuato Investigating commit too which Is probing the l.orlmor cage. KohlMint thrlcM rolteratod his as aurtloii when atkud rogimllng an edi torial In 1 1 lit paper which declared that a large ninth fund had been rain ed to lend tho "blond lams" to the sonato. Ho declared hu had good grounds for hi auurtlou, and when usked If hu watt mire of bis Informa tion ho ttald In certainly was. Brown Not Map Wanted. . PORTLAND, Or., March 20. OfMi'ifff Brown, a laborer urrontcd at Malum, suspected dm the muiderur of five yeur old Mm barn Ifolxmun In Portland has been released from tho city jail. The authorities were sat ittfied tliu ( hu wax not lh man waul ed. With lirowu proved innocent, Uiu detective are aw much iim ben to day tiH the day the child's body was uuuovortMi an u longing nmisu on KllHSell r.llfft. Clilcano Greeks Aid Camorra. ClC,0(), 111., March 20. The exUUmce ut a plunder band In tho iullau ipiHrter to oolluct funds for the dftfentte of the Camorra gang on j trlttl at Vltf-rbo Is awarted hure today by u local newapuuer. It lit allogod that lieo.oeo tuiM been culleetod from KultaiiH bt-ie Tha money principal ly is r i the deferiM of Lulga and (iiU-iil Aifim, Chicago Italians on tual at Vitubo. Tho postal monoy .vnler records show that largo Bums have bufii sent to Vltorho rocoutly. LUSH FID US MEDFORD IS ASKED TO CONTRITE FACTS FOR iSURVEY Government Turns Its Attention to Development 'of Crescent City Har bor and Medford Is Wanted to Glvo tSatistics and Data. HARBOR TO BE IMPROVED SOON BY UNCLE SAM Engineers to Make Survey of Harbor Next Month Wants all Available Data. Crescent City harbor lias received attention from tho government and tho city authorities of tlmt city aro calling upon the Medford Commer cial club to coutirbute facts nnd fig ures bearing upon tho proposed rail rond from this city to thointorior. Tho river and harbor bill which carried tho provision for a survoy of tho Crescent City liarbor has re ceived tho siguaturo of tho president, nnd engineers will arrivo in thnt city early in April for tho purposo of making such a survoy. Tho Crescent City authorities' aro in receipt of n letter from Lioutcn-. nut Colonel John Middle, corps of engineers, U. S. A., in which ho states that ho would liku to havo their co operation in obtaining all facts and data, available in regard to demands of present nnd prospective commerce that would bo effected by contem plated improvement.' lie asks for complete detailed statistics of tho character and amount of Iho com merce concerned, and iho"" Crescent City authorities in turn huvo ma do a request in Medford. Manager Charles A. Mauboouf of tho Commercial club will at once for ward lo the Crescent City pcoplo, tho slaislics regarding lonnago and tho liko uvnilablo should tho road con templated bo constructed. The improvement of tho harbor (at Crescent City will lead lo tho con struction ot inland transportation lines. While it hurt not been an nounced officially it is believed that tho Pacific & Fastern will eventually bo extended lo tho const and "Cres cent City is tho logical point. When (he present survey of tho harbor has been completed congress will be usked for mi appropriation to complete (io work recommended. TAFT WOULD NOT EXPLAIN MOVE Anticipation. Awkward Situation When Congress Gathers He Is En deavorinn to Stavo Off LaFolletto Resolution. WASHINGTON, I). C March 29. -President Tuft, anticipating awk ward situations when congress meets, today is using every possible effort to slave off the LaFolletto resolu tion demanding mi investigation of the unity and navy mobilization on the .Mexican border, lie thinks that if a majority of the BcnutorH are confidentially acquainted with the real cnuso of tho war move, he may escape embarruHsmoul in being forced to formally define the altitude of theadmitiistratiou to other coun tries. a m -i hi 1 1 IOWA HOPES TO BREAK DEADLOCK TOMORROW DKS MOINKS, Iowa, March .20. Flection of a United States senator from Iowa is expected to break tho long deadlock hero tomorrow, Tho republioaiiH probably will hold u cau cus tonight and soluct a general can didate. . . Borden Resigns. OTTAWA, Out., March 20. 11. L. Borden today resiguod the loader ship of the consorvntive opposition in tho Caiuuliun parliament. if 7 it ,-.