MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, 0REC10N, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1911. PAGE SEVEN Njy ' & . r LOST. LOST A necklace about 28 pearls, set around an amethyst on n woven gold chain, lost nt wreck at Crater Lnke Junction, March 25; please return to the Southern Pacific Co., agent or this office and get reward as it was a gift to the owner, no questions asked. 5 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALEWIotel,. -mid' business house and livery barn; one of the best paying hotels in southern Or egon. Ql W. Owings, Eagle Point, Oregon. HIGHCROFT residence sites are des- " tined to double and treble jn vnlue. FOR SALE Boarding houso; every thing new: reasonnblo terms. Call 317 E. Jackson. 331 1)0 YOU WANT to go into business in Medford; if so, here is a chance ' to get in on the best paying busines? in Rocue River Valloy; one half in terest for sale only; prefer a good vounir man that is not afraid to work. This is gilt edge. $5,000 will handle this. Act quick" for this won't last. Address Opportunity care this office. FOR SALE Good paying business with low lease for sale; $800 cash buys it. Address Owner R, this of fice. FOR SALE Plaza cafo at a sueri fice on account of poor health of 'proprietor. 128 E. Main. BUSINESS CHANCES In live ' Southern Oregou town, lawyer want cd, one who has $1000 to $1500 to invest in business which will net him $75 to $100 per month with very littlo personal attention Blacksmith shop for sale nt a bar- train on account of sickness. Stock will invoice $1200, will sell build ing, lot, stock and all for $1300. terms. Must be good horseshoer Write The Glcndalc News, Glendnle, Oregon. 0 FOR SALE OR RENT. Business Property FOR SALE OR RENT Good open ine for general merchandise store in new town with $15,000 monthly payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co, ' 200 W. Main. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger 4-oylinder touring auto mobile. Address Box 200, care Mail Tribune office. CHOICE BUYS FOR SALE OR EX change Will take good automobile as first payment on 10 or 20 acre orchard truct, bnlanoo long time at fi per cent. Address box 312, Med. ford, Or. 1 FOR EXCHANGE. RenTEstutw- FOR EXCHANGE Medford and .suburban proporty, ranches, timber lands, for other property. Address Box 190, euro Mail Tribune. TO EXCHANGE Colorado and No braska lands, improved and unim proved, to exchnngo for Roguo Rivo properties. The Best-Fuller Realty Co.. Grants Pass. Ore FOR EXCHANGE Colorndo and Nobrnska lands, improved nud un improved, to oxchnngo for Roguo River properties. The Best-Fuller Realty Co.. Grants Pass. Or. 311 EXCHANGE Your choice of 40 new pianos or player pianos for nu au tomobile Filers Music House, ad dress 90 Medford Mail Tribune. 8 FOR RENT. Board and Kooms ROOM AND BOARD With Mrs. J. D. Fay, 3 blocks from business cen ter. 310 North Bartlett. BOARD With or without rooms Mrs. L. Judson, 317 E. Jackson Phono 3712. 310 ROOM AND BOARD norno cooking family style, $G.00 per week. 44 S. Evergreen. Phone 1101. 310 FOR RENT Boom with private board, at 510 N. Riverside. Furnished Booms FOR RENT Nice v furnished room at 129 South Ivy street; gentlemen only. Price reasonable 10 VOR RENT Larco well furnished room with hot and cold running wa ter, electric light and bath, pleasant , location. 722 Dakota avenue, two blocks west of South Onkdalo. 0 FOR RENT Furnshed sleeping room; everything new and clean; reasonable price; easy wnlK from Main st. Only men need apply. Oleson and W. Hamilton sts. Phone Main 4474. FOR RENT Elegant furnished rooms, stenra heat, hot and cold wnter. baths, electric lights, nowly furnished, single rooms or en suite, by the day, week or month. Inquire room 103 Electric building. 218 West Main htreet. FOR-RENT Furnished rooms for transients only. No. 10 N. Grape st., next to Farmers & Fruitgrow ers' bank. 1 FOR RENT One sleeping room for rent, 520 S. Holly. 8 FOR RENT I urulslietl Jloonis FOR RENT Nice sunny front room close in, 2 blocks from Main street. Rent reasonable. 219 S. Central avenue. FOR RENT Light room, modern house, close in, references required and given. 1201 E. Main st. 8 FOR RENT At the Cottage, mod ern furnished rooms with or with out board. Rooms equipped with privato telephone service, hot and cold running wnter, steeping por ches, bath accomodations and heat if desired. 604 West 10 st. Phone call private exchange 141. Housekeeping Rooms FOR RENT-'-Two comfortably fur nished housekeeping rooms; close in; all modem conveniences; no small children. 234 E. Ninth st. -7 FOR RENT Housckecpin rooms. 45 North Bartlett street. o r. FOR RENT Nice clean housokecp ing rooms. 317 W. Second street. iin -nnvTfll IT 1 : . ..n. run Ji r-ii1! i jiuusuKuuiJiiig muiii. 118 East Fourteenth street. Mrs Darnell. 10 Furnished Houses FOR RENT New two room furnish ed house. Largo pantry and closet, Electric lights, city water. 317 W. Second street. FOR LEASE By April 1st for threo months, 5 room modern furnished house, close in, rent $32 per month. Call at 520 South Ivy street. Mrs. E. M. Smith. 6 FOR RENT Family of two with now well furnished bungalow, will take refined married couplo to share house. Box 24 care Mail Tribune. 5 Houses FOR RENT Two houses. Inquire nt Palace hotel. 318 FOR RENT Now 0-room house, in quire at 501 JBentty st. 8- FOR RENT Four room house. 719 South Central avenue. C Business Room FOR RENT Business room on W. Main st., 24x140, suitable for res taurant or billiard room or othor business, steam heat. Gold Ray Realty Co., 210 W. Main st. Offices for Rent. FOR RENT Over tho postoffico with heat and light. Sou A. A. Davis. FOR RENT Office rooms in Elec tric building, modern equipment, steam heat, eloctne light, bntEs, toilet, hot and cold wnter. Gold Ray Realty Co.. 210 W. Main st. Farms FOR RENT Farms from 40 acres to 400 acres, alfalfa land, fruit ranches, garden lands, general farminor ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 21(1 West Main. Rliscellancous FOR LEASE Fishing, boating and hunting resort on ensy terms. Box 32, Mail Tribune. FOR RENT Garden land iri tracts of from one aero upwards, with wa ter for irrigation. Owner will fur nish team and implements for cul tivating and seed for shuro of crop or will rent for ensh or share of crojl. Inquiro of Baffum, Rogue River Electric Co., 210 West Main street. FOR RENT Storage on tho track al reasonnblo rates. E. M. McKeuny room 1, Stewart building. ' GOOD PASTURE 450 acres volun teer, old Riohnrdson place, Sauib valloy. Horses, $1.50 per month. For particulars address Talent R. F. D. 128. 330 FOR SALE RuitincM Property FOR SALE Choice business prop erty at a bargain, on long time, easy terms. Addroes Condor Wa ter Power Co. Acreage FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-nore tractf just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Watei Power Co. FOR SALE Ten acres, half mile from Central Point, 6ix ncrea in Bartlett and Boso penrs, 5 year? old, 2 acres in Bartlett and Cornice 2 and 3 years old, 2 acre3 not planted; $500 per acre, terms. V T. York & Co. . FOR SALE 8V6 acres fruit and poultry ranch. 200 head of poultry team and tools go with place if de sired; west bf S. Oakdale nvenue See owner on place. Robort Dut ton. FOR SALE $500 per acre 10 acres half mile of Central Point, G acres 5-yearVold pears, 2 acres 2 and 3 year-old pears, balance not planted. Bartlett, Bosc and Cornice. Terms W. T. York & Co. FOR SALE A tract of good gar den land containing 4 acres .good house and barn; inside city, limits of Jacksonville. Prico $3500 J. Hartman, Jacksonville, Or. 341 FOR SALE. Vcrc,flgo FOR SALE 10 aero tract, close it Jfepot, school and church, Good 'nitie roomed houso, barn, largo packing house; fino, sightly loca tion; 0 acres in boaring pears, 5 hcrqs iu youhg grapes, 2 acres -family orchard, bearing, smalt patch al falfa. Excellent buy, cither for n home,, investment or speculation. See" J. W. Gillette, owner, Second house north of Jacksonville depot. Low FOR SALjE Lot comer North Cen tral and Court streets, 50x215. Good locatiou for grocery or meat mar ket. Priced low for quick sale. W T. York & Co. FOR SALE Best vacant lot on west Tenth street, 50x101, pavement; sewer, water, and cement walks. See owner nt W. Eleventh Street Gro cery. 7 FOR SALE Building lots in city o Jacksonville, Or. I have o lots different 'parts df tho town, for salo at prices ranging from $75.' to $150 each, Call and see me. No trouble to show property. J. Hart man, opposito U. S. hotel, Jackson ville Or. 334 ' HIGHCROFT residenco sites hnvo the most superb view of tho city, val ley and mountains. ' FOR SALE Lot 02x300; small house; chicken houses, chicken fence! black loam soil; all in choico fruit and garden; $1100; terms. A. ,M. Rose, 902 E. 9th st. Address Box 522, city! , ' FOR SALE A block of four south front lots just one block off West Mhitr hdjriining Kenwood Addition for $1100. This figures just $275 por lot, and surrounding lots are selling at $400. Tinny, 201 Gnmclt Corev Block. 8 FOR SALE An cast front lot on Central, near Jackson on which the water, sewer nnd paving are paid in full, can bo hnd for $1000. Tinny, 201 Garuett-Corey Block, 8 r FOR SALE Four lots on Palm st., between Rose and Summit avenue for $475 each on terras; just one block over from Ross Court where lo(s nro $1000 each. Tumy, 201 Gnr-nott-Corey blocks 8 Houses FOR SALE A house and lot in Jack sonville, Or., Lot contains acres. Fivo blocks from postoffico. Good barn and a number of fino shadu troes on the property. A good com fortable home for some one at n hargain. Prico $1500. J. Hartman. opposito U. S. hotel, Jacksonville. Ori 334" FOR SALE We have one of the heal ,10.' ncro tracts in tho valley that can bo bought, right. Tho property lies ono mile front tho town of Englo Point, is fencod has good rdads, and lays fino for Irrigating. Tho jmoo is less than $1000.00 and can be handled on vory attractive tonus. It will certainly pay you to in vestigate this, nnd you can do so nt our expense. Cornotiua-Garncr Realty Co., 132 W. Main. FOR 'SALE A six-room houso on S Newtown, between W. Mnin nnd W. 10th St., for $1800.00. Tho lot if, wortli the price, and we will guar antee $20.00 per month income on this property. It is a good homo or a fino in come proporty. CornitiuH-Garncr Realty Co., 133 W. Main sL FOR SALE A brand new 5-roont bungalow only five blocks from this office, thnt is strictly modern, has electric lights, bath toilet, cabinet kitchen, and all modom conven iences. Tho street will be paved within GO days; only $2500.00, on ensy terms. Let us show you this. Cornitius-Gurner Realty Co., 133 W. Mninst. FOR KALE Seven-room house in course of construction, water and sower into lot; fruit trees. Inquire 719 W. 13th st. 5 FOR SALE Two houses' and one acre, close in; enn be cut into lots For quick sule this goes for $1700 Terms. John Reter, 10 N. Fronl street. FOR SALE Good 0-room brick house, iu city of Jacksonville, wtil lot containing 2 acres of good garden land; only 2 blocks from the courthouse. Prico $4500. J. Harts man, office opposito U. S. hotel, Jacksonville. Or. 334 HIGHCROFT residence sites are des tined to double and treble :n value. Real Estate FOR SALE 40 acres unimproved timber nnd wood land, 2 V miles from It. R. F. L. Faught, owner, Jacksonville. 8 FOR SALE A milch in tho Apple- gnto valley, containing 80 acres of good land, 12 acres in alfalfa; 4 acres in grain; 2 good houses und n large burn on laud; privnto ditch and water right goes with this prop erty, Price $3500. A bargain for some one, J. Hartman, office op posito U. S. hotel, Jacksonville Or. 334 FOR SALE Heal Kstato SEE OUR LIS? OF PROPERTY Offico in Garnott-jCorey Building, Room 217, Second Floor. Take the elevator. Fivo and 10-ucrd tracts on monthly payments for those earning salaries. Bearing orchards, young orchards, alfalfa land, lnrgc and small tracts of unimproved lands on easy terms. City property. Lots in nil parts of tho city. Some good buys iu bungalows that tire modern nud reasonable. A good buy in a good paying furnished rooming house. A snap G-rooni house, with largo lot, $2100. Have n good buy iu a stock rnnch. Wo arc always pleased to show customers. Courteous treatment to nil is our motto. Make yourself at homo in our office. Jackson Couuty Realty Co., II. M. Coss, Managor, Garnett- Corey Bldg., Medford, Or. HIGHCROFT residence sites aro of fered at present prico for a short time only. FOR SALE A farm with stocfc tools, etc. Farm consists of 100 acres of good land situated in the Applegate valley, 28 nores in al falfa, 13 good dairy cows, 9 youv liugs, 4 hogs, span of work horscr, lot of chickens wagon, buggy and harness; full outfit of farm Imple ments nud tools, blacksmith shop and tools; good house and barn; telephone in houso and interest iu telephone lino goes with property Price $0500. J, Hartman, offico op posite U. S. hotel, Jacksonville Or. 334 FOR SALE 30 ucres red fruit laud 4V miles, from Medford; will sot to any kind of fruit and furnish troes nnd will Caro for the orchard for fivo years for $250 an aero; will clear and plant for $200 per acre. Lund as it is $125 per aero. 11. E. Bowman, Jacksonville, Or. 325 FOR SALE Cheap, 40 acres, 20 under cultivation, 200 bearing trees. 2 houses, 2 bams, 2 chicken houses 1 dryer and 1 bicyclo shop, 3 cows 3 young fruit stock. All implements on tho plnco and 500 cords of wood to bo cut off place, mostly oak and fir; sub-irrigated; one-quarter mile from depot. For further informa tion call at Medford Dyo Works, 120 N. Front. 7 FOR SALE 2a ' acres, 3 year old pear and apples. Sams Valloy, (1 miles from Gold Hill; oared for till 7 yours old; Under guaranteed con tract; fino soil; nicely situated; $8,000; sumll cash payment; bal ance 0 per cent: 27 acres spteildid soil, beautiful location, 0 miles from Ashland, near Helms orchard; privato irrigation ditch; abundance of water; G acres 3 year old apple, poach fillers; bal nncd mostly, in grain; first class al falfa laud; no better place in Ameri ca for fruit; dairy; chickens and garden; $250 jfe'r acre; easy pay ment. 10.2 acres, 3 year old applets and pears; 3 miles from AHlihiud; splen did building spot; deep rich black soil; $300 per acre. 4 acres city property. Worlds of fruit just coming in to bearing; will yield $2000 this yeur; handsome now bungalow, good bam; all of the tools; n bargain $7,750.00. 75 acres with Newtown orchard on part of it (hot produces 5000 to 0000 boxes of prima applos por year. Has netted as high as $1150 in one' year; try and buy this. A sacrifice offer of modom, sight ly city home. $7500 value for $0500 if sold soon. Staples Realty Agency, Ashland, Oregon. FOR SALE 100 acres, 110 in cul tivation, 05 acres in alfalfa; good house and bam; about 1000 young fruit trees; 1000 grapes; land nil in crop; 7 miles from Gold Hill; 1 mile to store, postoffico; fino view; valley unlimited; outside range joins plnce; will sell buyer all tools, stock and horses, cnttlo, hogs, goats and will mnko price and terms attractive Addressi Owner, Clius. Gilchrist, Sams Valloy, Oregon. FOR SALE- 10 acres near Medford; 12 acres sot to pears, new buildings; for particulars address D caro Mall Tribune. 10 Heeds und Trues. FOR SALE Corn. Inquiro Dr. Clnnoy offico, Phipps Bldg., or phone Main 501. - Poultry and KgK. FOR SALE Barred RoekH from sel ected laying stock, eggs $1 per 15. V. Bursell, Central Point, Ore, Phone Medford Farmers 7180. 310 FOR SALE -Orders taken for day old chicks from best White Leg horn stock, 10c each. Address Look Box 31, Jacksonville. Or. 328 Miscellaneous FOR SALE Wnter Spaniel puppios cheap, 21 South Peach strcot. Mrn Ford. 0 WANTEDKlnglo buggy; must In In good condition; phone 7078. - (I FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, first, sec ond cutting; $18 ton. F. C. Clay, ville. Medford 1(1 FOR SALE Rock; 1000 tonR build- ing rock for sale cheap. Inquire Queen Auue school basement, 8 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous FOR SALE Farm wngjw, practically new, with toller bearing steel wheels. Dr. J. L. Helms, First near Fifth, city. 7 FOR SALE Cheap 1-800 pound mulo 4 years old or will trade for young 1300 to 1400 pound horse and pay difference. Room 1G P. O. building FOR SALE Ono runabout outomo bilo; new tires; engine just over hauled; everything in first class con dition. Can bo bought almost for prico of tires. Inquiro of Powel Auto Co. FOR SALE At Threo Onks Orchard, young pigs, fenco boards, fence posts, liny. Telephone 4081. W. J. Hnrtr.ell. 318 FOR SALE Building rack for sale. Inquire Queen Anno school base ment. 8 FOR SALE Team mules. John Norris on Jacksonville rond, one nud half miles west of Medford. 315 FOR SALE Bedrock prices, 20,000 Newtown Pippin nnd Spit7.enburg apple troes and 5000 Bartlett pear trees. Writo for particulars. Rock Island Nursories, Wenutcheo, Wash ington, 310 FOR SALE Fifteen horses and mules. All good young work stook Address C. W. Anient, G54 N. 8th st. Grants Pass, Ore. FOR SALE One" pair young work horses, 1 pnir young mules, 1 pair carriage horses, 1 gang plow, 1 Fresno scraper. Seo E. Moore, Snowy Butte orchard, Centra Point. 0 FOR SALE Four teams good heavy young mules, well broken. Seo G Allder, 29 Summit ave. 7 FOR SALE Piano, loft in caro of St. Mary's academy. A good in strument. Terms cash. tf FOR SALE 500 Jonathan apple trees; 1000 Bartlett pear trees; 300 Aujou pear trees, 200 Howell pear trees. Theso trees aro all 4 to G foot nnd fancy stock. Seo R. II. Hun nuor. rdom 10 P.'O. blk. 5 FOR SALE A fino single comb Whito Orpington from ono of the host strains. (Jail nil a lew more orders for day old chicks from my trnpnested Orpingtona and Leg horns for May delivery. Mrs, E. E Omaii, Jaoksotivillo, Ore. 20 FOR SALE Registorcd Red Poll bull. Mooro farm, 4 miles north Gold HiJI. 8 FOR SALE Ono low Studobnkor wagon, 3-in. gear; prico $50. Also ono second hand one horse buggy price $15.00. Inquire of E, E. Mor rison, R. F. D. No. Box 47. 8 FOR SALE First cluss incubntor and brooder, as good as new. In quire Bnffum, care Roguo River Electric Co., 21G W. Main st. FOR SALE Board and room at 21(i N. Front st., opposite now depot. 7 WANTED. Miscellaneous WANTED Reliable party to rent and manage a first class dining room. Call at room 217 Gamo't Coroy bldg. WANTED Mino owners to know thnt our specialty is to sell mining property. Oregon Realty & Mining. Co.. 319 Gnmett bldg. T WANTED Ono sound work horso; quiet disposition; blocky build. E W. Carlton, Central Point, R. F. D. No. 2; phone 114 Fanners. WANTED-To rent by April 1, 3 or 4 rooms or small houso, furnished or unfurnished; must bo modern nud not morethun (I blocks from oonter of city. AddresH Box 777. caro this offico. 5 WANTED-Good stove or range, ford. second hand cook G. B. Peck, Med 8 WANTED Furnished house or rooms, for light housekeeping. Address Reed this office. 8 HELP. WANTED. Help WsiHcd Mule WANTED Sulosmen in ovory local ity of tho northwest; monoy ad vanced weekly; many make over $1000 month; choice of territory Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Top nnniHh. WnHh. WANTED Teams for wood hauling. Roguo River Valley Railway Co. WANTED We want one or two good salesmen, only live wires und bust lurs need apply. CoruntiuK-Garner Realty Co., 133 W. Main st. WANTED Electrician, non-union, will join union if necessary, most experienced tn repair work und in side wiring. 7 WANTED Experienced truck gard ener to work on shares; Eagle Point ranch, only two miles from stntion; with or without board and lodging; rofcrencoH required. Address Bo 28 caro Mail Tribune office. 10 Ifefp Wuntedl'V-nutfe. WANTED-OirlH to fold at tho Mail Tribune office. WANTED-Youug lady for general house work. Best wages. Inquiro Buffum, Roguo River Eleotriu Co., 210 W. Main Bt. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Position by gentlcmnn bookkeeper and stenographer, age 30; sovoral years experience; best of refcrenecs. Phono Farmer 715x5. 318 MISCELLANEOUS HIGHCROFT residenco sitec will be known as the real "Nob Hill" of Medford. tf " FOR SALE HIGHCROFT residence sifts have delighted ovoryono who hns scon the property. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants D. R. WOOD Genornl accountant. Your books audited and kept fr 4 reasonnblo figuro; your busmosS solicited. Offico Phipps bldg.) room 200. Phono 3122. Assnyer nnd Analyst EARL V. 1NGELS, IS. S. Bost equipped assay offico in Oregon! food products, soil3, fertilizers, spray products, water, oto., an- nlvzod. Grants Pass. Architects JOHNS & TURNER, Architects aud Builders. Office 7-8, 325 Main. Phone Main 347L Residence phone 744. A. P. GOODWIN, Arehitict, office 340,. corner Front and Third. Attorneys COLVIG & REAMES-i-W. M. Cob vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank build- Ing, BocbndjQoor PORTlfTj. NEFF, WM! P. MEA LEY Attorney8-nt-law. Nob. 1 and 2, Postoffico building. A. E. REAMES Lawyor, Gnrnett Coroy bldg. WPMINGTON & KELLY Palm building. -Lawyers B. P. MULKEY Lawyor. Jackson Co. Bank bldg. Room 30. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gnrs nnd Soft Drinks. Up Btairs Young & Hall building. A nice cool place to spond the hot after noons. Bill rosters VERNE T. CANON BUI poster an. Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jackson Count' Bank huilriinp. Medford. Or. Cigars nnd Tobacco IRELAND & ANTLE, Smokehbuse Doalors in tobacco, cigars am smoroka' supplios. Exclusive ngont of Lewis Siuglo Biudor, El Morit nnd El Pnloneia. 212 West Man street. Civil Kngluccrs. ASTIiUHY & TEE, CIVIL ENGIN EHRS, Surveyors. Specialty: Pint ling, sub-dividilig and municipal engineering. Phono 4081 Rooir. 408 Garnott-Corey bldg., Medford Ore. Contractors nnd Builders. CONTRACTING AND irjrt.HlNfl -W. J. Kaufman of C'lliton, Ohio, l now located at 123 South Hollv and desires to give uny ono nu es timate on buildings of nr.y size o description; 25 year cxperieuca lu this lino Of work. Lowest price? consistent with good wirlc. See mo before letting your ontrnct or call phono Main 1801, 320 SPRAGUK BROS. Contractors nnd builders; let us help to fiuauco tho building of your homo. 214 Fruit growers' Hank bldg. MoDONALD & LOVELACE, Con tractors and builders. Estimate fumishod on short notice Photic 8032. 330 Furniture II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers it now and Hisond-hund furnitun aud hardware Agents for House hold stoves and ranges. 10 Soul) Fir street. Phono Main 3101. Home 205-L, MISSION FURNITURE WORKS" Conior 8th and Holly rtrcotB, Mod ford. Mission furnituro made ti order. Cabinet work of all kinds A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cookstovet aud ranges. Now and socond-hanc furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W F fit., South. Phono 01. Home 283,K. Medford. Granite Works GOLD RAY GRANITE CO., 216 W Main Bt., manufacturers and deal ers In gmonumental and bulldlo grnnlto, ennthed granite common brick and pressod brick, coarse and fino wnshod river wnnd MEDFORD BRICK CO. Goo. W Priddy, O. D, Nuglo, Goo. T. O'Brien Contractors and manu facturers of brisk; dealers in pressed briok and lime. Office in Qnrnott-Corov block, room 209, 2d floor, Phone No. .1181. Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC Room Phipps bldg. 307 HELEN N. YOCICEY, Njotury Publio Bring your work to mo at the sigu of thu Muil Tribune ti BUSINESS DIRECTORY House Cleaners. JAMES JOHNSON Electric, Vac uum Cleaner. Cleans draperies, rugs, pianos, organs, etc. All work guaranteed. 011 S. Central. Phono Main 5751. 320 Tents nnd Awnings MEDFORD TENT AND AWNING Co., makers of new, ropairors of old. Both phones 405. S. Oakdale. Nurseries MEDFORD GREEN HOUSE Cut flowers, potted plants, shrubbery bulbs. 923 E. Main. Phono 3741. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees aro budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. Wo guarantee ev erything put out. Wo are not in tho trust. H. B. Patterson, offico removed to 116 E. Main at. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUR SERY CO., inc. Growora of high grado nursery stook. Office 25 W. Main. Tol. 1201. Physicians and Surgeons J. E. SHEARER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to internal medicino and gen eral offico practice. Offico hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Offico phono 731, residenco phono 4542. Office over Strang's dru store. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Surgeon. Offico 21G E. Main st., over Haft kins' drug store. Phone Main 1001. DRS. CONROY & CLANCY Phy sicianH and surgeons, Taylor ana Phipps bldg., rooms 210-211-212. Offieo phono 501, residenco phone 012. Offico hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. P. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. Moved to Rooms 410 and 4J.7, Garnott-Cdrey bldg. Phono Main 0351. DR. E. H. PORT.ER Discuses of women a specialty. Rooms o, 0, J 8. St. Mnrk'o bldg., Medford, Oi Phenes: Office 49G1, resident 4951. DR. CLARK E. SAUNDERS Prao -tico limited to diseases of tho eye, oar, noso nnd throat. Office Suito 318, Garnett-Corey bldg. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE, Dentist Offico iii Rialto bldg., 123 E. Main. Gas administered for ex traction, of tooth. Tolophono Mam 081. Night phono 4432 DR. W. W. WICK Homeopnthh physician; residence 203 Olson st., phono Main 4474; offico, rooms 3 and 4 St. Mark's block, phono Main 1871. DR. STEARNS Physician und sur goon. Offico Garnett-Coroy bldg rooms 211-212, phono 5501. Rcsi denco 113 Lnurol st., phone 2002. DR. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD -Praotico limited to discuses of wo men. Offioo Haskins bldg. Phonr Main 1001. Dr. W. M, Van Scoyoo. Dr. C. C. Van Scoyoo Dentists. aarnolt-Coroy bldg., suito 318, Med- ford, Or. Both Phones DR. R. E. GREEN, oyo, oar, noso und throat. Rooms 212-213 Gar-nnott-Corov bldg. DR. E. E. KOCH, Chiropruclio dem onstrator of Psychology. Easo for all disease No drugs. No knives. Phono 0701, or call at 300-307 Garnett-Coroy blk. Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 0, nnd 7 to 8; by appointment on Sundays. CHOW YOUNG'S Chlneso medicines will cure rhoumatism, catarrh, colds, goiters, throat and lung trouble, donfness, paralysis, pri vato disousos and all kinds of chronic and nervous ailmonts. Stom ach trouble, constipation, indiges tion, womb and bladdor trouhloR. Seo mo at 241 S. Front st., Mod ford. Or. DR. LEROY M. GORDON Chiro praclio spinologist; over Medford Hnrdwaro Co., 210 E. Main st.. Medford. Or. DR. J. J. EMMENS Praotico limit od to diseases of tho oyo, ear, noso and throat. Offices 210 E. Main st. Piano und Voice. MRS. J. J. HAURI, piano and voice. 211 Stark stroot. Phone 5232. 322. Printers und Publlslicni MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tho best equipped job offico in South ern Oregon; Book binding; looso leaf systems; cut papor, oto, etc., Portland prices. 27 North Fir Bt. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Pala Hlook Stenographic work ttons miieklv Ani well. PUBLIO STENOGRAPHER, 402 Gurnott-Coroy Bldg., Medford, Or. Miss L. J. Uingston. Tolophono Home 95. Tin Shops J. A. Smith Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron waro on hand and made to ordor. 128 North G st. Read - Signs. VALLEY SIGN ADVERTISING CO.'S SIGNS will help build up your busi ness. Phono 802. 18 Riverside Ave. Y v. '4 S