te-a A c 1 I sC PAGE SIX CITY NOTICES. OIUHNAXCK NO. -47JI. Ail ordinance ileelnrinc (he assess ment on llio property benefited for the 'cost of lnyinir u 4-iiich water iiiaih on Oak and Mimic streets, iroin u point on Oak street '280 feet south hi! Mnple street to Pine street and direetinir tlio recorder to enter n Htitteincnt thereof in the water main lion docket. Tlio eitv of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. Whcioiis. Ilia city coun cil did heretofore, bv resolution dc eluro its intention to lav n 4-inch water main on Oak and Mnplo streets from a point on Oak street 280 feet south of Muplo streot to Pine street and to assess the cost thereof- on the property front ing on said portion of said street In proportion to the frontline of said property, and fix a time and place for licarine protests nmtinst the lnv Intr of said walor main on said pari of said street and the assessment of the cost thereof as aforesaid. And whereas, said resolution wnt duly published and posted jib re. (inired bv section 110 of the churtei of said city: And whereas, a mcctine of the council wns held at the time anc place fixed bv said resolution, foi the purposo of eonsidcrinir nnv sucl iiroLests, but no protosts were at Said time, or nt any other tiiiio nindi to or received bv the council to the said lavimr of said water main oi the assessment of tliu cost thcrcoi ns aforesaid, and said cotyicil ha intr considered thu matter, and deem intr that Kilid water main was itni is of material benefit to said eih and that all property to bo assessei therefor would bo benefited thereb" to the extent of tlio probable amoun of tho respective assossuicntH to b levied atrainst said property did or dcr said main laid. And whereas, the cost of said wa tcr main has been and hereby is dc termiucd to bo tho sum of $1104.83, Now therefore it is hereby fin ther determined that tho proportion ale share of tho cost of luvinif sab water main of each parcel of proper! frontinc on said portion of sail street is tho amount set opposil. the description of each parcel o laud below, and that each Piece n parcel of laud benefited bv tho ln hie of said water main to the fiii extent of tho amount so sot opposit tho description of the same, and the tho respective amounts represent th proportional benefits of said wate maiv to said respective parcels o laud, and also tho proporliona frontneo thereof on said street, an tho council does hereby declare cue. of tho parcels of property ilesoribc. below to bo assessed and each of th same hereby is assessed tho iiuioun set opposite each description for th cost of luyine said water main, ASSESSMENT l-'OK A FOUlt INC1 WATKIt MAIN ON OAK AN1 MAPLE STHEETS FROM POINT ON. OAK STKEET 28' FEET SOUTH OI-1 MAPL. STREET TO PINK STREET.' AHsessiuunt No. 1. -School Hislric No. -ID. A parcel of laud known a tho North School block, and inurkei AS on tho map of the citv of Med ford, Orecon. Frontneo 1811 feet oi tho east side of' Oak street: 1811 feet rato per. font 07o; aiuouut $183.33. Assessment No. 2. School Distrie No. 41). Lot 1. block il. Meeker's ud ' rition to the citv of Medford. Or. frontairo 100 feet on the east side o Oak tttraet; 100 feet: rate per foo !)7c; amount $07.00. Assessment No. ;j,- -Ida M. Morri Lot 30. Hiehluud addition to tho eit of Medford. Or.: frontneo 4ri feet o. the west side of Oak street: If) fool rutu per foot 07o; uinount $43.05. Assessment No. 4. J, A. Lvon, Lo 35. Highland addition to the eitv o Medford, Oregen: frontneo 4(1 fcot o tho wust side of Oak street; 40 foot rate 'per foot 07c; amount $14.02. Ast-eshinent No. fi.--A. S. Cline smith. Lot III, Hiehluud addition i the eitv of Medford. Oreiren: front niro 40 feet on the west side of Onl street: 40 feet: rate per foot 97o amount $44.02. Absessmout No. 0.--1. L. Ilnmittoi Lot Kit; lliehlund addition to thu eit of Medford, Oreiron; frontnu'O 41 feet on the west Hide of Oak streot 40 feet: rate per fool D7e: niiioum $44,02. Assiwsment No. 7. -.1. P. Fuller Lot 112. Ilighliind addition to the oit of Medford, Oioeuu; froutuiro 4( fcut on tho wofct hide of Oak street 40 feet: rato per foot 07o; aniouni $ 14.02. Ahriesauieut No. 8. J. P. Fullci Lot ill. lliehlund addition to the oil of Medford. Oregon; frontairo 4C feet on tho west side of Oak street 40 leut: rate per foot 07o; amount $ 14.02. AhsehSinont No. I). School Dis trict No. 41). -Lot 3, block 3. Meol. ur's addition to tho citv of Medford. Or.; frontairo fill feet on tho south hido of Mlo street; 2ft fcot; rate pgr fool U7; amount $24.2ft. AtiHnssmimt No. 10. Sehool l)is- trial No. 41). Lot 4. blook !l. Mock er's addition to tho eitv of Medford Or.; 50 foet: rato por foot 97e; amount $48.50. AKHofihinont No. 11.- School I)i- ' triet No. 40. Lot ft, blook 3. Meek ur's addition to the citv of Medford Or.: frontairo 50 feet on tho outh hido of Muplo street ; 50 feet; rate per foot l)7o; amount $48.50. Asfioshiuont No. 12. School Dis trict No. 41).--Lot 0. blook 3. Meek er's addition to tho citv of Medford, ())'.; frontage 50 foot on the btiiilh gidu of Muplo wtreut: 50 feet! rate .per loot 07c; amount $48.50. AHsubsmuut No. IS. John Kinerk Lot ill blook 2. Meokur't addition jn flio citv f Medford. Or.; froiitiivo hO feet ou (he north side of Mnple street; 60 led. rate per loot Die. amount $18.00. ' CITY NOTICES. Assessment No. 14. John Kinerk Lot 10. block 2, Meeker's addition to the citv of Medford. Or.: 50 feet: ruto per foot 07c; amount $48.50. Assessment No. 15. John Kinerk Lot 1). block 2, Meeker's addition to the citv of Medford. Ore.; frontuire 50 feet on tho north side of Maple street: 50 feet: rate por foot 07c: amount $48.50. Assessment No. 10. John Kincrk Lot 8. block 2, Meeker's addition to (he citv of Medford, Or.; frontneo 50 feet on tho north side of Maple street: 50 feet: rate per foot l)7o: amount $48.50. Assessment No. 17. John Kinerk Lot 7. block 2. Meeker's addition addition to the citv of Medford. Or.; frontline 50 feet on the north side of Maple street: 50 feet; rato per foot 07c: amount $48.50. Assessment No. 18. John Kinerk Lot 0. block 2. Meeker's addition to thu citv f Medford. Or.; frontuire 30 feet on tho north side of Maple street: 50 feet: rato per foot 07c: iimount $48.50. Assessment No. 10. John Kinerk. Lot 5. block 2. Meeker's addition to tlio citv of Medford. Or.: fronlnirc i0 feet on the north side of Maple street: 50 feet: rate por foot 07c: Jinount $48.50. Assessment No. 20. John Kinerk Lot 4, block 21. Meeker's addition o tho citv of Medford. Or.; 50 feel; rate per foot 07o; amount $48.50. Section 2. And it is hereby or dered and ordained that the several isscssmonts und tho liens thereof be Jiitered in the water main lien docket of said eitv. and that thereupon notice oo trivon to tlio owners or reputed iwners of said property, and that ho samn bo enforced und collected il the manner provided bv tho chnr cr of said citv for tho collection of isscssments for the improvement of itreets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordordd hat Hie notice above provided for be niblislied three times in the Daily Mail Tribune, a newspaper publ ished and of irencrul circulation in oiiil city, in the manner provided bv ndiuance'No. 250 of said citv. Tho foroiroinir ordinance was insscd bv tho citv council of the citv if Medford. Or., on tho 8th day of Inrcli, 1011. bv the followiuir vete: Merrick live. Watt live. Wortnmn ibsent: Etnerick avc, Eifcrl aVe, und Miliar aye. Approved furuh 0. 1011. W. II. CANON. Attest: Mavor. KOI1T. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. NOTICK. To tho owner, or reputed ownor. if (fmili parcel of proportv describeil il tho forecoiiiL' ordinance, us named herein, and in tho lieu declared bv mid ordinance, us recorded in tho locket of eitv liens. You are hereby notified Hint tho assessment declared bv tho foreiro nir ordinance lias been made and ho lien therefor entered in Iho citv ion docket, nnd that tho same is dur uid vou are horebv reuuirod to pay bo same to the city recorder within 10 diivs from the service of this no lee, which service is inndo bv pnb ieation of tho.foreroinir ordinance uid ibis notice three times in tho Wodford Mail Tribune, Diirsuapt to in order of tho eitv council of said utv. HOHT. V. TBLFKK. Citv Hecordor. OUIUNANCIl NO. 17(1. An ordinance authorizing tho Ih unnco or ?:iS,000 of tho bonds of ho city of Medofrd, WliproiiB, thero Ih duo and owing y tho city of Medford oinountH ag iregatlng $aa,ri00.00 for trunk, sanl ary and storm sowers hurctoforo con itructod by said city: And, WhoroiiH, It Is nercasary to iiakn certain liuprovcinontH In tho water system of said city and to lay ertaln storm sowers therein at a ost which will aggregate J7.R00.00; And wlieieas, It Is nceeKKiiry to nako IniprovunientH In tho flro do imrtment of mild city at a total cost if 18,000. Now therefore, In piirsuanro or nibdlvlHloiiH (e) and (f) of section 7a of tho charter of the city of Med ord, twill city iloth ordain as nforo wld, that for tho solo purpoHo of allying for said trunk and sanitary sewers and of Improving tho water 4YHtom or milil city and of making improvements In the flro depart ment of mild city In an amount not xcoodlug 18.000, the negotiable cou pon bonds of said city shall bo Is sued to tlio amount of JltB.OQO, to be Known iih general lien bonds of 101 1, to bo dated April Int. It'll, mid to bo payable April 1st, 1031, being In denominations of $1,000 each, num bered from ono to thirty-eight, lu (lusulvo, bearing Interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, piiyiinic Homl-iiutumlly on tho 1st days of Oc tober and April of tiurh year, bth principal and Interest to bo puyublc ut tlio office of the treasurer of the city of Medford In mid city. Keetlon 2. That tho form of said bonds ami the coupons evidencing In loroMt on tsuld bonds nnd attached thereto, shall bo substantially In the follow Inn forms, rospoctlvuly. to-wlt- United States ot Aniorloa, statu of Oregon, county of JuiUun, olty of Medford. $1,000; No (louorul fund bonds of 1011. Know till nitii by Uuwe pronts That tho city ot Modfonl. tu the county ot JHi'Waun and tMtp or Ore gon, a municipal cornorHllon duly organized and oxUttng as a city un-ilm- ii I'lmrtor dnlv adonted b.V the people or said city HckuowlmlMes It-. Mtiir to owe nnd Tor the vnlu re ceived hereby iroinUi' to pit)' !' buarttr tlio uiiui of $1,000 on April 1st. 10S1. toBeiher with tiiturusl on bald Bum from the ditto hereof until paid, at tho rule or flvtt por cent per annum, puvablu semi-annually un tho 1st days ol October mid April In ouch Miir. us evidenced by and upon pre MOiitatlnii and mirrwiulor or Dih In t..rital liiniiulis liciclu attttt'lled .IH they hou'i all) bti-oiue due, both nrln IVtEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, CITY NOTICES. clnal and Interest payable In lawful Oregon. Tho said license Is tcr monoy of the United Btatcu of Amorl-j mlnablo at nny time at tho will of ca at tho office of the treasurer of I tho Southern Pacific Cpmpany, Hues tho city of Medford In said city. And' In. Oregon, and, In any event, ends for the payment of this bond, with In- on tho 31st day of December, 1913. torcst iiB aforesaid at maturity the! In consideration of this license, the full faith, credit and resources of Bald) party of tho second part agrees to city are hereby Irrevocably pledged, pay tho party of the first part ten This bond Is one of a scries of . (10) cents per month during the con-tblrty-elglit bonds of like date and tlnuance of this license, payable as tenor Issued by said city for tho solo follews: purposo of providing funds for mak- At tho date of this contract pay ing Improvements in mo waier sys- tnm nt Rnlil eitv nnd navintr for trunk. sanitary and Btorm sewers horoto- fore or hereafter constructed In said city, and or making Improvements In the flro department ot saiu city in an amount not exceeding $8,009, and Is Issued under authority of nn nmendment to tho charter or the city or Mediord duly approved by tho majority vote ot the qunllflcd electors at an election duly called and held on the 10th day of March, 1011, and of nn ordinance passed at a legally held meeting of tho city council of said city. It Is hereby certified and recited that nil things, nets and conditions required by the constitution and laws of the stato of Oregon and the char ter or said city to happei and be donn and pcriorm precedent to and In this Issuance ot these bonds hnve hnppencd and been properly done and performed In regulnr and duo form and time roqulrcd by law; that the total Indobtednoss or said city or Medford, Including this bond, docs not exceed any constitutional and Btntutory limitation! and that pro visions has been mado to pay In terest on the principal of this bond and of said scries of bonds promptly when and as tho samo fnll due. In testimony whereof the said council of tho city ot Mediord has rniiKml 111 In bond to bo slcncd bv the mayor of said city and attosted by tho recordor or said city and mo soai or said city to bo hereunto nfrixod and tho coupons hereto attached to bo executed on tho original or litho graphic fascsmllo signatures of the mayor nnd recorder or snldclty. This tho 1st day or April, A. D. 1011. Attest: Mayor. City Hecordor. Section 3. There Bhall bo attached to said bonds twonty coupons evi dencing tho Intorest tboreon, each or which shall bo In tho rollowlng rerm: No $25.00. On tho 1st day or 10... tho City or Modrord In tho county or Jackson and stato of Ore gon, promises to pay tho bearor the sum ot $25.00, lawful money or tho United States of America, at the or rico or tho troasuror ot tho city or Modrord, In said city, Tor soml-an-nual Interest duo that day on Its gen oral fund buiidB or 1011. Numbor Attest: Mayor. City Hecordor.' Hopllnn 4. Tlutl Mm rnlil liomlit shall be ulgned by tho mayor nnd at tcMtoi) liv tlio cllv rocordef. with tho seal or the city affixed to oach bond. and thu coupons attached to said bond b ha bo executed wltlt tun original or lithographic facsimile signatures or the said officials, and the said ofriclals are hereby authori zed to so oxecuto said bonds nnd cou iioiih nnd deliver tlio samo to the our- eluisers thereof upon thu payment or the purchase price thoreror. Soctlon 5. Tho city recorder or the city or Mcdrord Is herohy directed to advertise said bonds for salo in the imlly Mall Tribune, a newspaper pub- iisiieii nnd of general circulation in said city, for a period of twenty days, and to stato In Biild advertise ment that sealed proposals for the purohnso or said bonds at not less than par and accrued Intorest will bo received by him at any tlmo bo imj inunvii iij nun lit iii.t iiiiiu "" mini mm iivw..." - -... ,....--. -. fore five o'clock p. in. on April 18th,' property described bolow Is ndjacont 1011, and that each proposal shall I to and benefited by thnt certain hit bo accompanied by a certified check ' oral sewer C Inches In size, construct for flvn nor cent of tho amount bo I oil on alloy between Otikdnle aveniio bid, said check and tho proceeds i thereof to be pnyable to tho city of MtMUoni, nun io no rorioucu io saiu city in caso said bid is accepted nml said bonds are not purchased In ac cordance with said proposition with in twenty days after notice of such acceptance, and to be returned to the person making such proposition In rase such proposition bo not iu ceptod by said city. Tho foregoing ordinance wns pass ed by tho city council of the city of Medford, on the 21st day of March, 1011, by tho folhrwlug vete: Merrick aye, Watt aye. Wort man aye, Kmurlek nyo, Eirort nyo and Millar aye. Approved March 22, 1011. W. II. CANON, Attest: Mayor. ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. , ORDINANCE NO. t7t. An ordinance authorizing tho on. terlug Into a contract with the South ern Pacific Company, to lay and maintain across their right ot way n storm and sanitary newer. The city or Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. Tho Mayor and Recqr dor are hereby authorized to enter Into it contract on bohair or tho city or Mcdrord, with tho Southern Pnclflp Company, a corporation. In words and figures, us follows, to-wlt: This agreement uptdo and entered into In dunllcate this . . day of tu by and between tn U.iulliikMn ltirtlfli Pmttlltl ' 1 lit lU I It lM!llll'4 11 1 1 Ml I PtllHlj Itttvo Oregon, party or tlio rirst part, nml city ot Medford, party of the sec-i . . ..... ".. I out! part. WttiiosBotli; o...i.... -v.... fi in,., ,... m the first part, ror and In consldera- tlon ot the covenants and payments hereinafter mentioned, to be made, kept and performed by said party of tlio second pnrt, does hereby lie euso and permit tho said party of the second part to lay and maintain across the right of wuy of tho party if tliu flrwt Hurt nt n nolnt across the lltl(ll KIIIIIIIUV. tllullK till" niiiirt ilii' iui uiihiii ! .... .-..., of East SlJtth Btreet. If producod. from asstujainonts and tho lions thereof be the south Uuo of Front street to entered in the lien docket of said the north lino of Fir street. In tlio city, and that thereupon uotlco be city of .Medford. as por blue print given to the owners, or reputod own. attached, which Is herohy made era, of Bald property, and that tho pnrt of this agreement, n 24 lux 10 In. samo bo ouforcud and collected In tlio storm and sanitary sewer, the work manner provided by the charter of In be done under the direction of thu nald iltv for the collection of assess-i,..idin.i!-iii- or settbui foreman of nuuU lor the tiiiproxeiiu'in tf stteeii Sxutliiiii Piuifit Oinpaii), Lino in, therein depot kiouiuU. along tho center line lUEDFOBD, OKECION, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1911. CITY NOTICES. mom snail oo paw up i mm mtmu Utr Mm .Tint flnv of December, fol lowing, and afterwards shalt bo paid yearly, In advance, on tlio 1st day or January or each year during the continuance or tins license, Section Two (2). Tho Bald party or the second part agrees to bear all expenses or laying paid sewer, in cluding superintendence of tie road master or section roreman; that It and Us successors or assigns will maintain tho samo In good condition and repair, nnd will pay all damages which may he caused by or result rrom said sower or Its condition. This license may be revoked at any tlmo by said Southern Pnclflc Com pany, lines In Orogon, or Its succes sors or nsslgns, by tho giving ot thirty (30) days' notice In writing, mailed to the party or the second pnrt nt Mcdrord, stnte of Orogonj and should tho said sower bo permitted to be In bad order or condltlpn for twenty-four (24) hours, then said Southern Paciric: Company, lines In Oregon, may at pneo revoke this lic nnan without tint I en. In witness whoroof, tho pnrty of tho first pnrt nan caiiseu mis agroo mont to bo signed by Its Gonoral Mnnntmr. mill tlin nnrtv of the sec ond part has herounto subscribed its namo, tho day and year lirst above written. Southern Paciric Company, lines in Oregon. By General Mnnagor. By ...V.'.V.V.'.V.V." f Mayor. By ., ,..., Recorder, Tho roregolng ordinance wns pass ed by tho city council or the city or Modrord, Oregon, on tho 21st dny of March, 1011, by tho roljpwlng vete: Merrick aye, Watt aye, Wortman absent, Emerlck absent, Eirort nyo, and Millar aye. Approved March 22nd, 1011. W. II, CANON, Attest: Mayor. ROUT. "W. TRLKEH, Olty Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 170. An ordlnnnco assessing tho proper ty adjacent to and. benoritod by tho C-lnch lateral sower constructed along alloy bctweon Oakdale ayenuo and Ivy street rrom Firth to Fourth strcots ror tho cost or constructing tho Bnme nnd providing tho manner or carrying said assessments Into full effect. Tlio city of. Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. Whereas, tho council did herctoioro provide by ordinance ror tho serving or tho owners or prop- ni'lv mllnnntit tn mill benefited bv till) construction of the, lateral sower hero-" Innrter described to appoar uoiorq said council and show causa, If any, why said proporty should not bo as sessed for tho construction of said sower, and did fix n tlmo for hearing, any such protests, which notlco wat) given In accordance with said ordl nnnco more than ton dnys boioro tho beginning or tho construction ot snld sower, but no protests ngalnst said construction or assessment or tho cost tnoreot wub made by anyone and said sower was by said council ordcrod constructed; And whorons, tho cost ot tho con struction of said sowor has boon and hereby Is determined to bo tho sum of $3G0.00; Vmv tlioreforo. said citv doth or dain and dcclaro that each pnrccl of and Ivy street from Fifth to Fourth Btreets, and that thu proportion ot th-J cost of said sewer wnicn oacn oi sniq parcels or land should boar, based on tin belief Kh derived respectively by Bnid several tracts of land, Is tlio amount sot opposlto tho doscrlptloii of each parcel below, that each of said parrels Is actunlly benefited ill the uinount set ppposlto Its doscrlpj tlon below by the construction of said sewer, and that said several amounts riiiirnuimt tlio nrniiortloiial benefits ot said sovoral parcels from said sowor. And eaoli pi saiu parcom ib uuiuuj lutinamxi tim ninniint set onnoslte its description below for tho construc tion ot said sowor. ASSESSMENT FOR A SlX-INCII LATERAL SEWER IN THE AL LEY BETWEEN NORTH OAIv DALE AVE. AND IVY STREET, BLOCK 80: Assessment No, 1 Lizzie lv Ronnie, Lot S, block 80. at the orlg,- iiuil tmvnslto of the citv or Medford, Oregon; trontago 50 reel on tho west side of alley; 00 feet; rato per iooi 1,40: ninount 170. Assessment Nn. 2 Robort B. Reiuuo. Lot 0, block 80, original townslto ot tho city or Modrord, Oro gon; frontage 50 foot on tho west sldo lot alloy; 50 feet; rato per toot $1.40; aiuouut $70. Assessment No. 3 Trustees or the Christian Science Church. Lot 10. blook SO, original towiiBlto ot the city or Modrord, Oregon; rrontuge 50 reel op tho west sldo or alley; 50 foot; rato per toot $1.40; amount $70. .,.-. .- - - - Assessment io. -i trustees u my unmtinu fcoieucu soured, wi . block SO, origin"! towmiito of th ..I... .. ,.i.l..M,l f...r lnntnirn KA il city of Mediord, Orogon; frontago 50 f.i.it nn ttn wiist sldo of nllev: 50 root; rato per foot $1.40; amount J70 Assessment No. 5 -,Orogoii & Cal ifornia Laud Co. Lot 12. block SO, orlglnat townslto or tho city or Med ford. Orogon; trontago 50 root on tlio west sldo or alloy; '50 reet; rate per root $1.40; amount $70. Section U. And It is hereby order ...i .....I rt.tM l.i.t.1 ili.it tli.i unlit ti.tvttrnl CITY NOTICES. Section 3. It Is turther ordered that tho notice above provided lor be published three times In the Dally Mall Tribune, n newspaper published and ot general circulation In Bald cit, in the manner provided by ordi nance No. 250 ot said city. The toregolng ordinance was pass ed by the city council or the" city or Medrord, Oregon, on the 8th day or March, 1911, by tho rollowlng vete: Merrick nyo, Watt nye, Wortman nbsont, Emerlck ayo, Eirert ayo and Millar avo. Approved March 9th, 1911. W. IL CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. NOTICE. To the owner, or reputed owner, ol each parcol or property described in the toregolng ordinance, ns named therein, and in the lien declared by said ordinance, as recorded In the docket or city Hens: Yon are hereby notified that the assessment deplared by the foregoing ordinance has been mnde and the Hen therefor ontered In the city lion dock et, and thnt tho same is duo and you are hereby required to pay tho same to the city recorder within en days from tho service of this notlco, which service is made by publication or the foregoing ordinance and this notice three times n tho Medford Mail Trl bnno, pursuant to an order of the city council of Bnid city. ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. NOTICE OF SALTS OF BONDS. Tho city council or tho city or Med ford, Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals for tho purchaso of $38,000, tlvo por cent, ten year, gonoral lien bonds, at Its regular mooting, to be hold April IS, 1911, AH bids must bo ncqompanled by a cortltlpd chepk equa,l to 5 per cent of tho amount bid lor, said check to be mado payablo to the city treasurer or the city of Medford. and to bo ror foltod to said c'ty In case said bid Is accepted and Bald bonds aro not purchased In accordance with said proposition within 20 days attor the notice ot Bald acceptance. , All bids to bo rilod with tho city recorder at any tlmo botoro 5 o'clock p. m. April 18, 1911. The council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. ROBT. W. TELFER, City Recordor. Datod this 22d day ot March, 1911. ORDINANCB'NO. 47a. An ordinance declaring the assess ment on tho property benefited for5 tho cost of la.vinir a- 0-inch water main on Cottuiro streot from bast Mn in street to south end of streot, and direetinir tho recordor to enter a statement thereof in the wator main lieu docket. Tho Citv of Medford doth prdnin as follews: Scotlon 1. Whereas, the citv coun cil did heretofore bv resolution de olaro its intention to "lav a 0-inch water main on Cottaco stroet from Knst Main street to south end of street and to assess the edst thoroof on the property fronting on said nor-i ton of sajtl street in proportion to tho froiitneo of snid proporty, and fix a time nnd plnco for hourine pro tests nirainst tho lavlnsr of said water mnin on said pnrt of said street and tho assessment of tho cost thereof as aforesaid. And, whereas, said resolution wos duly published and postod as re quired by seotiou 110 of tho charter of tho said city. And. whereas, a meotincr, of the council wns hold at the tinio and placo fixed bv tho snid resolution, for tho purpose of considerine any such protests, but no protests were at sujd time, or til unv other time mudo to or received bv the council to tho said lavimr of said water main or tho ussesineiit of tho cost thereof ns uforctmid. and said council havimr considered the matter, and decmimr that said wator main was and is of material benefit to stud city, and that all proportv to bo assessed there for would bo benefited thereby to the extent of tho prohablo amount of the respective nsschsments to bo lev ied uirninst said property did order said main laid. And. whereas, the cost of sliid water mam has boon and hereby is determined to bo the sum of $1947.50. Now therefore, it is hereby further determined Ihitt tho proportionnte share of tho cost of lavimr said water main of each jmrool of prop orlv frontinir on snid portion rif said street is the amount .set opposite the description of each puree of land be low, mid that each piece or parcel of laud benefited by the layinir of snid water main to the full extent of the uinount so set opposite tho de scription of the siime, mid that tlio respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said water main to said respective parcels of land, mid ulwi the uroportiouul front airo thereof on Miid street, und tho council does hereby declare each of tho unreels of proportv described be low to bo assessed and eaoh of the same hereby is assessed the amount set opjwsite each description for the oust of lavimr said water mnin. ASSESSMENT KOK A SIX INCH WATKIt MAIN ON COTTAGE STHKKT FROM KAST MAIN STKKET TO THE SOUTH END OF STKKET. Assessment No. 1. L, B, Koqt Lot ;l. block 1. Cot tn ce Home addi tion to the Citv of Medford, Or.; frontuire IJ 10 feet on tho east side oi Cottusre street; ; 10 foot; rafo per foot S'.V; amount jJ'JTS.SO. Assessment No. 12.- L. H. Kent. Lot IS, block 1. Jackson's addition to the city of Medford, Or., frontage 120 ft on the east side of Cottaire street; 120 foet: rato per foot 8'Je; amount mAO. Assessment' No. 3. Sarah C. Wood v. Lot tl. block 1. Cottaco Home addition to the citv of Med iord, Oi , l rout aire 00 feet i-n the eat CITY NOTICES. side of Cottnirc street: GO feet; rale per foot 82c; amount $54.12. Assessment No. 4. P. A. Pefl. Lot 7. block 1. Cottaire Home addition to the citv of Medford, Or.; frontntre 84 feet on the cast Bide of Cottage street: 84 feet; rate per foot 82e: nmount $08.88. Assessment No. 5 P. A. Peil. Lot 8. block 1. Cottnsre Home addition to the citv of Medford. Or.; frontacc 84 feet on the east side of Cottaire street: 84 feet: rate per foot 82c: nmount $03.88. Assessment No. G. Amos Bliss Lot 9. block 1. Cottaire Home addi tion to the city of Medford. Or.: frontnirc 84 feet on the east side of Cottaire street: 84 feet; rate per foot 82c: amount $G8.88. Assessment No. 7. Amos Bliss. Lot 10. block 1. Cottaire Home addi tion to tiio eitv of Medford. Or.: froptairo 84 feet on the east side of Cottnirc street; 84 feet; rate per loot 82c; amount $08.88. Assessment No. 8. Effic Burch West 127 feet of lot 11. block 1. Cot- tnire Home addition to the citv of Medford. Or.: frontneo 84 feet on the east side of Cottaire street: 84 feet; rate nor foot 82e: amount $68.88. Assessment No. 9. Effio Burch. North 30 feet of lot 12. block 1. Cot taco Home addition to tho citv of Medford. Or,: frontuire 30 feet on tho east side of Cottaire street; 30 feet; rate per foot 82c; nmount $24.00. Assessment No. 10. E. J. Pouts. A pnrccl 'of land frontinir 100 feet on the cast side of Cottaco street nnd described in Vol. 7G. pace 470, coun ty recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oreiren: 100 foot; rato per foot 82c.; amount $82.00. Assessment No. 11. Dr. R. W. Stearns. Part of lot 10. block 2. Cot taco Home addition to the citv of Medford. Or. ; f rontnee 50 feet on tho west side of Cottaco street: 50 feet: rato por foot 82c: amount $41.00. Assessment No. 12. Cora Lvon. A parcel of land on the southwest in tersection of East Main street nnd Cottnce street, frontinir 137 feet on the west sido of Cottnce street, .nnd described in Vol. 58. pneo 259. 470 and 471. county recorder's records of Jackson county Orecen: 137 fcet: rate per foot 82c: amount $112.34. Assessment No. 13. Cnrrio E. Leonard. A parocl of land frontinc 100 feet on the west side of Cot taco sdreot nnd described in Vol. 82, pace 203, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county Orecon; 100 feet; rate per foot 82c; amount $82.00. Assessment No. 14. Mnria L. Tripp. A parcel of land frontinc 58 foct on the west side of Cottaco street, beinc a portion of that parcel of land Uescribod in Vol. 42. pneo 021. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Orecon; 58 foot; rato per foot 82c: nmount $47.50. Assossmeiit No. 15. Victoria M Chessmore. A parcel of land front inc 50 feet on tho west side of Cot tnce street and described in Vol. 00, page 487, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Orecon; 50 feet rato nor foot 82c: nmount $41.00. Assessment No. 10. Victoria M. Chessmore. The south 50 feet of tho west half of lot 4. block 2, Cottaco Home addition to the oitv of Med ford. Ore: frontneo 50 feet on the west side of Cottnce street; 50 feet: rate por foot 82c; amount $41.00. Assessment No. 17. Conrad Hoin kins. East hnlf of lot5. block 2, Cot taco Home udditjon to tho citv of Medford. Or.: frontneo 70 feet on tho west sido of Cottneo streot 79 feel: rate per foot 82c; amount $04.78. Assessment No. 18. M, S. John son. East half of lot 0. blook 2, Cot tnce Home addition to tho citv of Medford, Ore.; frontneo 79 feet on tho west sido of Cottaco street: 79 feet; rate per foot 82o; amount $04.78. Assessment No. 19. Piatt J- Van Onsen. East half of lot 7. block 2 Cottneo Home addition to tho citv of Medford. Oro,; frontneo 70 feet on tho west sido of Cottaco street: 79 feet: rate per foot 82e; uinount $04.78. Assessment No. 20, Aueust Law- rontz. North 50 feet of the east half of lot 8. block 2. Cottaco Home nd dition to tho citv of Medford. Ore.; frontneo 50 feet on tho west side of Cottneo street: 50 feeU rate por foot 82c: amount $41.00. Atibcsntnent No, 21. -Merrick & Enyart tract on Cottneo streot in the citv of Medford. Or,; frontneo 50 feet on tho wost side of Cottaco street; 50 feet; rato per foot 82c; uinount $41.00. Assessment No. 22. Aliens Mno Donald. Part of lots 9 and 10. block 2, Cottnce Home addition to the citv of Medford. Ore.; frontneo 100 feet on the wost sido of Cottaco street: 50 feet; rato per foot 82o; amount $41.00. Assessment No, 23. H. I?. Hotoh kiss. Parts of lots. 10 and --. block 2, Cottnce Home addition to the citv of Medford, Ore.; frontneo 50 feet on the west sido of.Cqttace street: oO feet: rato psr foot 82e; amount $41.00. Assessment No. 24. J. C. Ward et al. East half of lot 12. und south east 42 teot of lot 11. block 2. Cot. tnco Home addition to the city of .Metllord. Ore.; irontueo 100 feet on tho west sido of Cottaco street; 100 teet: rate per loot 82c; amount $82.00. Asse,t.ineiit No. 25. Aliens nnd Clara MaoDonald. South 29 feet ot lot 13, blook 2. Cottnce Home addi tion to tho eitv of Medford, Ore.; frontaee 29 fert on the west side of Cottneo sheet; 2!) feet: rate per loot 82e; amount $23.78. Assessment No. 20. C. R. Heim roth. North '0 feet of the eal half 't lt LI. bl..i k 2, r..ttfli;e Hum n.I. dittou t. the nt i.f Midtord, Ore ,j COUNTY NOTICES. frontaee 50 feet on the west side of Cottaco street; 50 fcot; rate per foot 82c: amount $41.00. AconocMonf Tn. 27. AllBllS MllC- Uonald. North 75 feet of lot 14. block 2. Cottnce Home nddilion to the citv of Medford. Ore: frontneo 75 feet on the west side of Cottnce street; 150 feet: rate per foot 82c: amount $127.92. Assessment No. 28. Effic Burch. South 82-feet of lot 14. block 1. Cot tnce Home addition to tho citv of Medford. Ore,; frontneo 82 foot on tho east side of Cottnce street: 82 feet: rate per foot 82e: amount $07.24. , , Section 2. And it is hereby ordered and ordained thnt the several assess ments nnd the liens thereof be entered in the water main lien docket of said citv. and that thereupon notice be civen to the owners, or reputed own ers, of said property, nnd that the same be enforced and collected, in tho mnnner provided bv the charter of the citv for collection of assess ments for the improvement of strocts therein. Section 3. It is further ordered that tho notice above provided for tin iinliliulinil three times in the Daily Mail Tribune, a newspaper published nnd of eenernl circulation in said city, in the manner provided bv or dinance No. 250 of said citv. The forceoinc ordinnnco wns passed bv tho city council of tho citv of Medford. Ore., on the 8th duv of Murch. 1011. bv the followiiic vote : Merrick nvc. Watt avc. Wortman nbsont. Emcrick avo, Eifert aye. and Millar avc. Approved March 9. 1911. W. II. CANON. Attest: Mavor. ROBT. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. NOTICE. To tho owner or reputed ownor, of eaoli parcol of proportv described' in the forceoinc ordinance, as named therein, and in tlio lien declared bv snid ordinance, as recorded in tho docket of citv liens. You are hercbv notified that I he assessment declared bv tho forceoinc ordinance has been made and tho lien therefor entered in the citv lien docket, nnd that tho snmo is due nnd you aro horebv required to pay tho samo to (ho citv recorder within 10 days from the servico of this no tice, which service is mado bv pub lication of the foreeoino1 ordinnnco and this notice three times in tho Medford Mail Tribune, pursunnt to an order of the citv council of said citv. ROBT. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. Hasklns for Health. TAIENT Real Estate FOR SALE Good business opportunities and lo cations, all paying. TEDDY'S DAMSITE ' "-j Isn't, in it with our LANDSITE, For instanco, a 1000-acro tract containing over 200 acres of tho fa mous Bear creek bottom land, In al falfa, and extending to tho higher land, which Is set to orchards In part, all tho land bolng good fruit land. Some of the laud 13 now in bear ing 'trees and may bo purchased at reasonable figures, tho alfalfa land with a good stand of alfalfa for $270 to $350 per aero; young orchards, good stand, $250 per acre, and grain land at $175 per acre. This 1b an "Ideal" tract for a col pny, as it would cut up Into small or largo places to an advantago, or may bo purchnsed In 10, 12, 20, 40, 50 and 60-acro or nny size trlcts. Easy torms given at low Interest. Located three miles from Ashland and onp mile from Talent, Or. j A 74-acro tract 2b nillos West Tal ent, good 8-room house and largo barn; 8 acres under ditch and in al falfa and garden land; 34 acres un der plow, and trees; 20 acrca of qr chnrd, ot which 5 acres aro In bear ing; telophone and R. F. D.; half cash, balanco good terms and easy payments. For plenty of other bargalnB call or address G. A. Gardner TAL13NT, ORKQON. $1,000.00 will go farther near Medford In good luvestmonts than any section of Ore gon. Investigate and bo satisfied. Mine Owners What havo you to sell? Prospective Purchaser See us beforo buying. Oregon Realty & Mining Co. ttll) Garnet t.Corey Untitling. , St 4-