MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1911. PAGE MVE V r" V LOCAL AND John F. Stover of Salem is In the city on business. J. "W. Green of Pnonlca, Col., Is touring the Rogue Rlvor valley. Frod N. Cummlngs, manager of the Roguelands, Incorporated, arrived ( home, yesterday from a trip to Port land. , Two and one-half ncres In alfalfa one mile south of Washington school, easy terms. A. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. tf George V. King of Phoenix was a business visitor Monday. J. A. Wcsterlund goes to Portland tonight. Looso leaf ledgers made In Mcdford at tho Mall Tribune offico. Mrs. L. R. Jackson of Sams Valley was trading in Mcdford yesterday. H. A. Smith of Portland is regis tered at tho Moore. Money to loan. Spraguo Bros., 214 Farmers & FruitgrowerB Bank bldg. 337 J. E. Verdi of Grants Pabs was a business visitor Monday. Mrs. George W. King of Phoenix visited with Mcdford frlonds Mon day. The most favored people on the coast are the Medford people. They have the Medford Jobbing company to look after all of their little odd Jobs, repair their electrical appliances and clean their walls and ceilings. Mcdford Jobbing Co., office, Medford Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phono Main 6501. 336 T. E. Merrill, brother of tho Misses Merrill, who own the Merrlvold Shop, haB arrived from Chicago and will be associated with them In business, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Haley of Fres no arrived Monday evening to visit relatives. Spring is here. It Is housccleaning time, Havo thoso walls and ceilings clcanod by tho Mcdford Jobbing Co.'a now Parisian process. Nothing like it. Offico Medford Music Shop, St Mark's block. 336 MrB. F. A. Miles of Oregon Is visit ing' with their son, F. T. Miles, of this city. Mr. Miles 1b the local Wells Fargo agent. E. C. Arno of Dubuque, In., ar rived Monday night to look over tho Roguo Rlvor valley. Dr. J. E. Shearer, phyBlcian and surgeon. Offico ovor Strang's drug store. tf Harry Young spont Sunday In visit ing his family at BrowuBboro. Nathan L. Bell, president of tho Empire Plaster company, arrived on Monday night to seo A. W. Clnrk, manager of tho Clarke-Henery com pany. Gregory leading photographer, vlewB, portraits. 323 Ernest Shanock of Wood visited ( frlonds In this city on Monday. Call phono 2151, 1032 for baggage wagon. 451 Joe Memslc, known as Joe Light- foot, won his bout In Weed. Ho agreed to throw Henry Lewis, strong est man In Siskiyou, twice In one hour. Ho got the flrat fall In eight minutes, tho second In 24. Tho bout was catch-as-catch-can. All kinds of bindery work dono at Mall Tribune offico. J. M. Bcebe of Los Angelea Is a Medford visitor this week. Mado In Medford, any stylo of loose leaf or blank book, at Mall Tribune offico. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnes of Ash land spent Monday In Mcdford on business. Mrs. George Archer entertained her sister, Mrs. Cotrell, and daugh ter Sunday. Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHONE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orf, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT John A. Perl Undertaker and Embalnw Successor to tho undertaking de partment ot Medford Furniture Co. Office With Medford Furniture Company CALL OR PHONE FOR Ambulance Sick and Injured conveyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. V7. Conklln, 3601. J. H. Butle-, 1571. PERSONAL F. G. McWIIHams and Bon, C. L. McWllHams, drovo up from Ashlnnd yesterday. They were accompanied by J. G. Schultz and It. F. Poland, president of tho Citizens Banking & Trust company. Mrs. George Harvey and her daugh ter, Marjorlo, who havo boon visiting with A. Conro Fiero, left for Now York Tuesday. After n week's visit in Now York they will go nbroad to spend the summer. John H. Carkln, attornoy at law, ovor Jackson County bank. Miss Mildred Blssoll Is spending her vacation with friends at Table Rock. Vance Colvlg, who has been work ing In Corvallls, arrived today to visit his mother and father. Do you want 14 lots 50xl4tt each, for $2400 on easy terms? C. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. tf R. D. Mann ot Portland was a Medford arrival Tuesday. James T. Johns of Portland Is looking over tho valley for Invest ments. David B, Randall of Sonoma, Cal., is visiting Mcdford friends. Vcrn Pendleton and Clyde Barnum spent Sunday at "Tho Oaks," Table Rock, after inspecting Phoenix and Talent orchnrds last wcok. H. B. Patterson, 116 E. Main, haB lomo nice English Hollies and all kinds of shade trees. Roecs (all tho best). Now Is a good tlmo to plant. Drop In and seo me. tf Mis. B. A. Blssell Is seriously 111 at the home of her son in San Diego, Cal. Mrs. Blssell is tho mother of E. O. Blssoll and Mrs. E. S. Spltzlor of this place, and lives with her daughter here, but with her husband, Is visiting their son. John S. Black of Roseburg Is in Mcdford on business. Dave Wells of Applegate was trad ing in Medford Monday. See R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man, Over Jackson County bank. tf. Miss Santeo of tho Medford high school Is spending tho woek In Eu gene. Dean Wright of Marysvlllo arrived Monday to visit friends. J. G. Mnrklcy of Glcndalo 1b a Medford visitor. H. C. Stoddard Is In Portland on business. Mcdford local Socialist party meets overy Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grape street-. Everybody Invited. tf. Officer HelmB found a leather suit caso Sunday morning on East Main in front of tho Spartn building. Tho suit case Is filled with working clothes and Is n good leather enso. The Orator basoball team Is practlc- Ing overy night at tho ball grounds.A pitcher and catcher from tho cast will nrrlvo during the week. A game will be played with tho frultplckcrs !a week' from Sunday Heichsteln for wood. Yard corner Fir and Tenth. 328 Ruth Hutchlngs spent Tuesday in Ashland visiting with friends. A. M. Duffey loft for Ashland Tues day on a short business trip. James Cardigan of Spokane Is In Medford on business. W. J. Roberts left for Portland on business, D. It. 1 1 nn ford of Wood Is a busi ness visitor In Medford. Do you want 5 ncres In nlfalfa, one mllo south of Mnln Btreot, cheap? C. W. II. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. tf Robort SteenKcn of Now York Is In Medford on private business. V. S. Phelps of Portland arrived Monday evening on business. Ashland Steam Landry, Medford office, phono No. 1201. tf. W. L. Reed of Kansas City Is visit ing with friends in this city. It. Topham of Chicago Is reglBtor od at tho Nash. Is your house wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent Increase In comfort. Start living tho electric life. tf B. B. Stewart of Blsmark Is look- Ing over the valley for for invent tments. I Walter Johnson of Tacoma is spending n few days In Medford. Late magazines, periodicals and pa ' pors at the free reading room In chap el back of tho Presbyterian church. , Open ovcnlnga from 7:00 to 10 p. m. All men and boys aro Invited. tf j F. W. Fenton of Omaha arrived Monday night. Ho Is well impress ed with the valley. Printing, all kinds at Portland prices. Mall Trlbuno offico. A. H, Davison of San Francisco Is a Medford visitor. J. II. Owens of Seattle Is sojourn ing In Medford. j T. E. Medley of Orovlllo Is visiting with Medford friends. R. A. Blenden of Tacoma, who has been visiting friends, left for home Tuesday. R. A. Dodge of Oregon City, who has been in Medford for some time. left for home Monday. 1 J. R. Lyons of Salem, who has been investigating fruit lands In the valley, left Tuesday an admirer of tho valley TO CHOOSE PUN LIBRARY BLDG Board Will Meet Tonight Six Ela borate Sets of Plans Are Differed One Will Be Chosen and Sent to Carnegie's Secretary. Tho library board will meet tonight and solect the design and plans for the Carneglo library building. The board has received six stcs of plans from ns many architects, among them being soveral of the most noted in tho west. Tho plans nro said to bo works of art and tho bonrd will havo a hard tlmo in making a choice. ho plan selected will bo olnboratcd upon and then sent to Cnrneglo's sec rotary, who will approve or roject as tho case may bo. Tho building will cost $17,000. Threo thousand dollars will bo ex pended for equipment. Tho building will bo of Grecian de sign and will bo of classic finish and will be ono story with a bnsoment. A library room, a stock room and nn art room will bo on the first floor. A children's room nnd study room mny bo provided also. Tho main rending room will have tables for periodicals and papers. "Two plans nro on foot. Ono to havo tho building fnco tho park foun tain and on Oakdalc. This double entrance building would bo tho pret tiest design by far," said a momber of the board. Tho building for this plan would havo to bo built In tho center of the park. , Tho second plan Is to havo it face Mnln atrcot. The now library will bo finished by October 1. t Tho board has decided not to move tho presont library until tho now building is entirely finished. T CUMMINGS IS GIVEN THIRTY DAYS licit Cummiiigs, charged with stealing a watch was convicted Mon dny nt Jacksonville of larceny. Judgi Cnlkins sentenced him to DO days Tho ovidonco was conclusive. Cummings wns usbisting in tin Wonder Store fire and was sent ti stairs to got a dog. Ho took tho wntel and the dog, but gave only tiio do; over to tho owner. He was arrested and the watch found in his posses sion. Thomas F. Fryo of Corvallls nr rived Monday to visit frlonds. It. D. Benton of Red Bluff nrrlv ed Monday night to look ovor tin Roguo River vnlley. T. N. Ylrk of Albnny Is n Medford arrival. George Colby of Applegate Is In Medford for a fow days on business P. E. Morse of Snlom Is a Medford visitor. James Downing of Ashlnnd 1b Ir this city on business, Tho members of tho high schoo orchestra gave a picnic yeatordny aft emoou. About 15 took tholr luuchei and walked to tho resorvolr. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. " iIIGIICROFT residence Rites nro sell ing daily; make your soloction b'j foro clioieo lots nro sold. . tf CLOUDY BIFOCALS Hocemcntw good ns new while you wnit. Do (li reading purls of your doublo-sighl ed glasho, blur? I will clear then up for you at a very small cost. Di Hiokert, over Kentner's. 11 FOR SALK A five room moderi bungalow, just completed and closi in, can be bought for $2,1100 oi tonus. Tuiny, 201 Gurnett-Coret Mock. 8 FOR SALIC A four room moderi house near OImmi and I'nlin street for $1550. Just $100 cash is askuc and the house is now rented fo $22.00 a month, paying 17 per con' on the investment. Tinny, 201 (Jar nett-Coroy block. 8 FOR SALE - A line new player puun and 82 rolls of best music, big bar gain. Address Reed care Mcilfon .Mai! Tribune. - 8 Draperies We carry a very complete line of draperies, lace curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all classes of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will give as good service as Is possible to get lo even the largest cities. Weeks & McGowan Co MCALLOM LOSES LE Poisoner is Still at Large and Fan cicr's Blooded Animal is Latest to Fall a Victim Several Cases Re ported Lately. Tho dog poisoner who has been nt work all wlntor in tho city Is still carrying on his nefarious work, n blooded animal of Walter McCal lum's being tho latest to fall a vie Urn to his arts. Mr, McCallum owns an cxtcuslvt kennel, nnd makes a business of rais ing full-blooded animals. Tho loss of a dog to him means a heavy finan cial loss. He stands ready to pay a heavy reward for the prolsoner. A numbor of dogs havo been pois oned during tho past fow days. MANY NEW LAWS IN CALIFORNIA (Continued from Pace 1.) plo n constitutional amendment pro viding for the initiative and referen dum. Under this proposed amend ment petitioners for nn initiative oi referendum election must number mn less than 8 por cent of all tho vote of all candidates for governor at the Inst goneral state election. Resolution to submit to a voto ol tho pcoplo, u constitutional amend ment providing for tho recall of nl! clcctivo officers, including tho judi ciary. Petitioners for n recall elec tion must number not less tliui. twelve por cent of the votes cast foi all candidates for governor at th last state oloction. Railroad rato bill: extending the powers of tho state rnilroitd commis sion. Ono indication of tho fulfill ment of Governor Johnson's promise o "kick the Southern Pacifio out of California politics." Tho measure provides for physical valuation of railroads and tho es- hiblishmcnt of rntcs on that vnhin tion. The powers of the commission to fix and maintain rates aro extend cd. A resolution to submit to tho vote of tho people n constitutional amendment that will extend tho juris client ion of the railroad cointnissior to all public utilities corporations. II 's known as the public utilities coin mision amendment. Board of control bill: Designed to effect more efficient management of niblie institutions. The mensuro pro vides for three members to bo np minted by tho governor. Tho board f control, will replaco tho old board if examiners. ( is empowered to ourchusc all supplies for public in stitutions. It is empowered lo pur luiho nil supplies for public institu ions, let contracts, supcrviso all e.x lenditurcs, inspect nil work dono foi bo slato and otherwise prevent waste ind extra vaga nee. Resolution to submit to a voto ol ho M!oplo n constitutional amend ucnt grnnting suffrage to women. Full trnin orew bill: nnaliziug rail roads for failure to carry full crown in all trains. Amendments to election laws prov ding for a return to tho Australian inllol system by abolishing the part circle. The election of judges an!' )f tho state superintendent or public instruction is mado non-partisan b. tho provision tlitit candidates for thoso offices shall havo no political designation on tho ballot. Bill limiting the labor of women to sight hours per day nnd forty-eight lours per week except in the perisb iblo fruit industry. Violation of Unl aw is made n misdemeanor, punish tide by fine or imprisonment. A bill and a constitutional amend ncnt resolution to shorten the ballot 'y providing that tho state printei mil the clerk of the supreme court be ippointivo by tho governor instead of clcctivo as at present. WmirJna for Health TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman has u timber and stono right of 160 acreR, prico to tho government J2.G0 por icre. No cultivation, residence or improvement required. I havo about twenty-flvo claims to locate, bco mt and havo a talk, this land is worth 120.00 per aero. Call or wrlto. U. It. HALING, Room HI JatkHou County Hank Ilulldlng. 318 nun o ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark DIRECTORS TALK OF MARKETING Roguo River Fruit and Produce As sociation Directors Talking of Plans for tho Disposal of This Sea son's Crop. For tho purpose of discussing plans for tho marketing of this season's fruit crop, tho directors of tho Rogue Rlvor Valley Fruit and Produce as sociation aro meeting today. Tho on tlro day will bo devoted to a discus sion of plans. Several different methods aro proposed nnd tho direc tors of tho association plan to glvo each a thorough consideration. Notice Fruit G rowers Wo havo leased tiro Page Packing houso and will opornto in tho Med ford district this coming Benson. We nro tho second oldest company in California and nro members of tho California Fruit Distributors who handled 70 por cont of the decldeous fruit out ot California this past soa aon. Call on our northwestern agent E. ' M. McKcany, room 1 Stowurt building nnd talk matters ovor with boforo making your seasons ar rangements. Advances mado It do sired. PRODUCERS FRUIT CO. Hnskins for health. Notice to Colonists Having spent two years traveling through tho northwest looking for safe land investments, buvo located a section where land values nro not inflated, which conies under govern ment project of 'irrigation, work of which is now under way. Just return ed from visit to this section, with authority to offer sonic good bar gains. I maintain no expensive unto or office. Heiug a former Akron, Ohio man, would ho pleased to meet nil easterners at my residence after i p. in. if only for n visit. H will cost you nothing and may possibly bo of benefit to you. To protect nn option on Klamath Falls land I am placing my K room bungalow nnd one good lot on Quince street on the market for u price bo low actual cost of huuirulow. House has hardwood floors, living and din iiiL' room tmuclcd. with beam ccilimrs. nuiii.-m mauiei, linnet una window seals. Is arranged for two fnnulies. I will m nke a price which will sur prise you up to April filli. H. J. Tichnor 48 QUINCE ST. COLUMBIA DISC RECORDS ARE Double - Discs jfl 2 record at m, 4fifg Hintfle price XJJV, Don't spend another cent for talking-machine records till you have eeeli and heard Columbia Double-Disc Records. They tit any machine, and outwear any other records In the world. Double value for your money I Call in I Get a catalog I Medford Music Shop 220 West Main Street yJrBX ?rr - 4 - Medford Theatre Wednesday, March 27th burr Mcintosh and Company in "The Ranchman" A One-Act Play, Followed by "THE UNITED STATES TODAY" Mr. Mcintosh's Intensely Interesting Talk Illustrat ed with 400 MAGNIFICENT VIEWS PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Scats on sale Monday, March 27. .............................f.fffl.fffffffJf 44?44:l04 Ik 52 Years in Rogue River Valley H.LWhite&Co. Main st. Ashland, Ore. REAL ESTATE Ask any Bank in. Ashland ti,)JftJaaa! Orchard Tracts,.. Five nnd ton-acro orchard tracts, planted to "holco varieties of pears; best fruit land In valley; ono mllo from town; also somo ono-ncro tracts In big onk grove. It you would Ilka n flno' Biiburbnn homo, havo a look at thoso tracts, beautifully located on macadam rond. Good car service Dopot on property. Our prices aro right. I See J. A. PERRY, Owner (JO I West Main St., Mcdford or Medford National Hank. srs SPRING MILLINERY Tho now Spring Btyloa will pleaso you. Call and lenvo your order. Our trimming room Is turning out many exceptionally taking patterns. Barnard & l SOUTH CENTRAL AVKNUK. i Steam and Hot Water Beating Tf you want to bo comfortable, heat your homo with ITot Water. It coals you nothing to talk with Ponting" 6 Renz the only straight Heating Shop in Medford. 37 SOUTH CENTRAL. Medford Bakery TOD!) & CO. HOME-MADE PIES AND PASTRY Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS Money on hand at all times and fruit PH0NE323I. - 4t - - r i ir00 Cornoyer Mako a Selection of our umnll oakos nnd specialties and you'll liuvo a collection of ns tempting and toothsomo dainties as woro ovor sot boforo n king. Dou't bo too Into coming for yours, how over. Wo can novor seem to bakq enough no mattor how many oxtra. wo bnko fresh daily. L Delicatessen ? SOUTH CENTRAL AVKNUK LADY COOK IN CHARQH. to loan on improved ranche j land, 320 GARNETT-GOREY lUHi. m Sj$ y.Mi w - ttf -,y t s.