PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TETB.UNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", TUESDAY, MARC1I 28, 1911. ' v ' ;r . '. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDRPENDHNT NnWSPAPEIt PUDLIHHKD DAIL.Y KXCKPT HATUH- DAY UV TIIR MRDFOHD PRINTING CO. The Democratic Times, The Medford Mall, The Medford Tribune, The South crn OroKonlati, Tho Ashland Tribune. GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE. Entered ns necond-claiis matter No vomber 1. 1900. at the Doatofflce at Medford, Oregon, under the net of March J, 1879. Official Paper of the City of Medford. UBBOBIPXIOir BATS. One year, by mall fS.OO one month by mail &u Per month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jacksonville und Cen tral Point &0 Sunday only, by mall, per year.... 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 1WOBN CXBCUX.ATIOW. Dally averuge for nix months ending December 31, 1910, 2721. Tall Zemtd Wire United Press Dispatches. The Mall Trlbuno Is on sale nt the Ferry News Htand, San Frnnclnco. Portland Hotel Nows Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland, Or. W. O. Whitney, Seattle, Wash. Hotel Spoknno News Stand, Spokane. MEDrOBD, ORSOOH. Metropolis of Southern Oregon am. Northern California, and the fastest growing city In Oregon. Population U. 8. census 1910; 8840, estimated in November, 1910, 10.000. Five hundred thousand dollnr Gravity Water System completed, giving finest supply pure mountain water and six teen miles of streot being paved und contracted for at a cost exceeding $1, 000,000, making a total of twenty miles of pavement. Postofflco receipts for year ending novemoer av, iviv, snow a gain or 0 per cent. Bank deposits were 32,376,632, a gain of 22 Dor cent. Banner fruit city In Oregon Itogue 'intr oimzunuiTK nnpies won sweep takes prize and title of "Apple ring of the World" at the National Apple Show, Spokane, 1909, and a car of Nowtowns won rirst PrUe In 1010 ft Canadian International Applo Show, Vancouver, D. C, Rogue niver pears brought highest firlcos In all markets of tho world dur ng the past six years. Wrlto Commercial club. Inclosing C cents for postage for tho finest commu nity pamphlot over written "wr Bin" is 6LAD GLAD CRY Pacific Coast League Off Today on 1911 Season Players Met at Noon on GroundsFollowed by Street Parade. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl Jtaivli 2S Tho air Iiiih ii peculiar tantf, ilic skios tiro bluer, tho nihH jjreonur and tho liij- and iitllu bo,vn liappior todnj titan at any finio hiiii'ii 11)11 hcpui. Thin fjcnurnl jjood feeling cuiicuiit rul ed today at Recreation Park, when tlio San Francisco Coast League bnho hall team was scheduled to open tho pennon with Vernon. Thoro will ho oilier punes in olhei const league, cities, hut that's tluu'i lookout. San I'Vanoisco fans ha oiioiirIi on their hands in conning tho pro-senson reports of tho work ol their )ols. Three or four new facet will ho seen in the Seal line-up to day and three in I lupin's team. At noon (ho players met al tho grounds and mingled with the city of i'ieialH. Then into liuxjr. wagons 'for a streot parade, "the greatest of itt, kind" as the circus men say. if: f COMMUNICATIONS. . fff fttfffff THERE are many reasons why Medford should go slow in the matter of a Carnegie library. Tt is proposed to place the library jn the public park a $20,000 structure upon a $100,000 site ruining the park, and preventing its use for any other purpose in the future. This will evoke widespread protest. The city does not need a library building one-tenth as much as it docs a library of books. There arc at present 1200 volumes m the library. There should be 10,000 be fore a library building is demanded. The entire amount of the hvy raised for library pur poses must be spent in maintaining the Carnegie library leaving no funds to purchase books with. J low are we to get the needed books? What is the use of a library building, costing a couple of thousand dollars a year to maintain, when there is noth ing to put in it? Why the shell without the kernel? .Is it not sound business .judgment and common sense to spend our money J'or a few years in buying books, until we have something worth while to house, before spend ing all our coin in maintaining a fancy structure. The library needs, most oi all, books and a tree reading room. We can gradually acquire the books with the money that would otherwise be spent in maintenance. We caii secure the reading room at a nominal cost. Why, then, the necessity for a library building until we have the library? Another thing delay will lose the city nothing. Car negie gives money for perpetuating his fame in the shape of libraries, upon a population basis. A city of 10,000 pop ulation gets twice as big a building as one of 5000 popu lation, etc., A few years' delay in a rapidly growing city like Medford will secure twice as large a structure as prom ised now, iiccause mere win ue iwice as many people ncre. Tt will also afford opportunity to acquire the needed books, and without books the library will be a iarce. Medford has no library worth the name. It is then lolly to bind the city to spend its library money in main taining a library building that is not needed, when it should be spent purchasing the library. And when Medford has a library, there will be plenty of time to discuss a library building! Is this not common sense? POLICE COURT IS VERY BUSY Mayor Cannon Annexes Considerable Coin of the Realm Didn't Really Blamo Grants Pass Man But, Then $5 Please. , THE PARASITE WOMAN. 'In Regard to the City lleiiutlful." After yearliiB your editorial In the Ihsiio of March 22, would say: l(ow nliout the ndornnuints on North Hr utroot? Theso not only nnnoy the loaut- lovlng residents of that part nf the city, hut they make up iho fltst gllinpso of Medford that now nrrlvuU got as thoy Htup off tho train al otti inagnlfleont now depot. Lumber yards, lumber pilot), planing ihIIIh and debris are no hoautlflor, 1 am mire. Not only are thoy a detriment to an artUtlu ayo, hut Uioko same lumber plica nro a groat menace to tho Biife ty of our hullilliiKH. Hepeatetlly huvo wo booh tramps lighting clgarotttm and pipes and lat er throwing tho burning bIiiiuph pro intMcilously at omul. Wo nro of your opinion whoa It coineH to Improving the appearnnco of Medford. and wo are willing to qvoii part with our proverbial "Wlggs' rabhago patch" when our surround Jiiks are different. Hut iih It has been In tho past, we liuhlhod tho Hplrlt of tho neighborhood and con sidered this hhiuo rnbbugo patch an appropriate accompaniment to the othor feat in oh of the vicinity We nro more than willing to hoop up tho pneo townrdts tho city beauti ful whonovor our Immediato horizon in cleared of all tliouo dlinrucablo pictures. Commence tho Htrldo and wo ro with you. heart and hand. MHB, AND MIHH LANOLICY. pROFESSOR SCOTT NEAPING of the University ol A Pennsylvania takes a gloomy view of femininity. I It daclares that "if the women of today continue to be the economic burdens to men that they are now, they will ruin this country just as the dissolute women of Rome ruined that empire. "The wife no longer contributes to the familv income by creating values. With the increased standard of elab orate dressing, she is often its chief burden. Today we have the parasite woman. The whole idea of the woman ol the middle and upper classes is to sponge upon the men "Either woman must continue to be a parasite and go down to ruin, dragging nations with her, or she must be come a producer with an economic necessity for her exist once. All of which is interesting and to a degree true. Bui the future of the country is not at all endangered by the tendency of women to become parasites, though such a tendency exists today as it always has existed. But the percentage of parasites is no greater, though publicity avenues being wider, more is heard of their frivolities and follies. There never was a time when there were more women engaged in productive work, when there were so many ave nues open for women, when woman was of such industrial, commercial and political importance as today and hei field of opportunity is constantly broadening. The "parasite woman of the upper and middle classes" forms such an infinislismal part of humanity such a tiny bubble of froth on the great wineglass of life, that she cannot be considered as seriously affecting it. For oven parasite there are thousands of willing workers, for worn an, as well as man, is understanding more and more that the purposeless life of the non-producing parasite is not worth while, and that the idle sin against themselves as well as against society, which in its imperfect organization, still tolerates thorn. REPORTS CURREHT'OFAZ TO GIVE Mayor Canon had a busy day today In the police court and annexed con siderable coin of tho realm. C. Watklns of GranlB Pass waB brought before him for being drunk. "Where did you come from?" aek tho Judge. "Grants Pass," your honor. "Did you got full?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I don't blame you," Bald Canon. Ho told hi liithnt he would allow him to go-back to Grants Pass without a fine, but it ho stayed, $G please. Watklns left. Dan Riley wns brought before the Judge. "What are you hero for?' he said. "Mooching Is the charge, said the policeman. "Say, your faco looks familiar," said tho Judge. "I was here Saturday." "Oh, you wore. Well, $10 fine." George Glbboney came up to the bar. "There'8 no chance for mo," ho said. "I was drunk." "He resisted Officer Helms Is the charge," stated Chief Hltson. "ItoBlsted an officer? $10 fine," said Mayor Canon. Glbboney and Itlloy wore broke, so they wore put on tho streets for five days. Where to Go Tonight NATATORIUM Skating, Bowling, Billiards, Peel,) jjox jinn, snooting. ( Mp.rlfnrrl's Amiigpment P.nlnpp ....... ................... . .w. , I men. ; Tub Baths for Ladies and Gentle- svSSS SWEATSHOP CONDITIONS ARE RESPONSIBLE SAYS 0'CONNELL i i i WASHINGTON, I). C, March 28. That sweat shop conditions are re sponsible for the New York lioleo cttust was the statement here today of Vice President O'Connell of tho American Fedcrtltion of Labor. "Conditions stieli as prevailed in the 'TriniiKlo Factory," he said, "Do not exist in a single union shop in tho country. Organized labor would not tolerate such a sweat shop in the country. Organized labor would not tolerate such sweat shop conditions. Congested (ptartp'ra ure not permitted in union shops and adetpiato fire es capes are compulsory. I think the blamo for the disaster is equally divisible between the employers of Iho dead girls and the city authorities." ItKAD I.V Sl'XSKT .MACAZIXK "MOTOItlXtJ TIIItOlHill CAIill-'OK. XI A" by Lloyd Osbourno. llonittlfully Il lustrated In four colors. "Tho Spoil", i romantic serial by C. X. and A. M. Williamson. "In the Shadow of the Dragon," by Grant Carpenter. Des criptive story of San Francisco's Chi nese quarters. April Issue now on Nile, 15 cents. Hnsklns for Hoalth. 1rrs $ AT T1IM THE ISIS THEATRE TONIGHT Clark and Clifton, assisted by 2 Dill, In the laughable comedy j BKeicn, eniuieu, "lieioro anu aii er Taking." Also trie Dartelli Brothers with !; their string orchestra, Introduc-;! ing the lacst and most popular ! ballads. Tlieso gentlemen having Just closed an engagement of ten weeks at Honolulu Is sufficient i reference as to whether or not J they can deliver the goods Three Heels of the Latest and Host i Pictures 7 and a good song by Blanchard. i Special Matinee every Saturday 2 and Sunday at 2:30 SNS For Exchange 80-acro ranch; 50 acres in 5-year-old navel oranges; 30 acres in sweet potatoes and garden truck; two 4 room Iioubos; large barns and out bultdlngs; flowing well of 75 inches of water, with Irrigation system of most modern type. This property Is located in Riverside county, California. T1IOS. II. K. HATHAWAY 134 WEST MAIX STREET FIRE Big saving to owners of brick and concrete buildings; 3 years insurance at twice annual rate. See S. B. Graham Fire Insurance Man. Room 3, over Postoffico. Ilns old line companies that paid . 1,000,000 each in San Francisco fire. rrNN'sssv. U-GO VAUDEVILLE MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Song. TONIGHT Special MIKADO !; Tabloid version by Hie Clarcinonts ', Beautiful stage setting Unsur- 'i ii.isspd Hlnclnir. J; MOYIXG PICTURES ' Villi If 111 llfc. lOttll llilfdU Matiucc Saturday and Sunday. rssssNsr . kgM, PHOTOPLAYS MUSIC Comedy Drama History j Music by MIbbcs Crawford and J Crowoll always a feature. OXE DIME. ONE DIMEj srstfssrsssssrsrfssssss rc "NAT" THEATRE Shows all tho latest and best films. !; Chango of program Sunday, Tues day and Fridays. Good program i for tonight. N"NNr.S ADMISSION 10c. HARRY LUY BENJ. M. COLLINS County Seat Real Estate Office We wish to announce to prospective purchasers that we still havo bargains in farm and city propery to offer you, alBo timber and wood lands. Last, but not least, a few of tho BEST STOCK ,VND ALFALFA RANCHES In Southern Oregon at prices and terms that will plcaso you. Theso ranches have an abundance of water for irrigation, good buildings and some stock. Lot us "show yoit" Office in Hank of Jacksonville Bltlg., Jacksonville, Oregon. LUY (Q. COLLINS Notice to Investors Income bearing orchards apples or pears, in Rogue River Valle. Ore gon, Medford district, in largo or small tracts. Improved land, suitable for sub -dividing for orchards or elfalfa. From five acres to five hundred acres, good deep soil. Near slipping points. Choice business property, residences and vacant lots in Mcdfor, Oro gon. LA LOMA REAL KSTATE CO. XV. II. Stewart, V, M. Amy, XV. II. Savage, Room II, Stewart lluldliig. Phenes: Pacific 5351. Home JOl-K California Irrigated Lands IN SUBDIVISIONS, 20 ACRES AND UPWARDS EASY PAYMENTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR URANGSS AND LEMONS. Write us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. DLXON, CALIFORNIA. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pimip Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon fo' FAIRBANKS, MORSE k CO. DIAZ RESIGNED No Chance of Intervention in Mexico Until Conocss Meets When Taft Is Expected to Make Full Report on Situation. "Shopping"-Jjat i habod upon ml. roadjng is riiHiiiilly n profilahlo use of one's time. SAX ANTON 10, To.uih, Mareh 28. KeporU tuo curenl hero today that I'lOhtdout Dim of .Mexico liu repli ed, hut go tar no eoufliuiHtiou Iih. boon obtained. ' A liny officers o.picfccd IoiIh.v their opinion Hint theie i no chance of intorvoutiitn in Mexico until con gi'Ofct meelk when I'los'ulen! Tal't i evpei'ted to umho a complete report of the xituation and to explain iu full the loiiMtnt. which led to tho nrm and naw t the Tailed Stutes heiiiK mobilised. LAND JO POOR Will Recommend In Message to Con gress an Appropriation of $10,000,-0 000 With Which to Purchase Land for Distribution. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. PILKS CUKKD IN O TO 11 DAYS. PA.O OINTMKNT Is Eunranteed to cure any ccbo of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding pllea in C to 14 d.-.ya or nionoy rofundod. 60c IlAhMn for health. .MBXiro CITY, .March 'JS.-l'roM-dent Diiu, in a mo.ssugo to Cougioec will recommend an appropriation ot i 10,000,0110 to purchufco largo tract of laud for division uniomj poouu .Me.xioHu ehuso, ueuonliiit to a re mt cun out here today. Tho method of dividiiiK tliic Und, tho icport a.w. ItHfe not been decided iikii. It i know, however that oor muco I In outbreak of the prooout i evolution the .Mexican ohiof executive hah been eiitwtMiuitiff mu'h a plan. AeeoidiiiK to the report, nki-UmiHui--al lauds in nnou mrU of tho re IHihhe will taken ovor bv tho fd erl gfiivonuuont. They will be jwr eelod out Biuoiit; Me.xii'tm citiiou who Mt- not imw land lioldor hIou uiotb uU to ho determined upiui nU: Ilnskins for health FOR SA1.E CITY PROPERTY Jlonips any part of city Lots wholcsalo and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bid n i n KODAKS Havo you noticed tho sun shine? Tliro to got that Kodak. Only ono placo, let us show you. Medford Book Store Medford Concrete Construction Co. Manufact urers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE CRUSHED ROCK J?. ., SCREENED GRAVEL North Riverside ,. ! Phone M. 61 Dehvored to any part of city. 0. ,T. SEMON, Xar. Office: KriiltKrowers' Hank Illih:. rhone M. (I."U. WASHED SAND for Concrete lor llrlck wrk for riast-riK i inai WOOD FOR SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.50 PER LOAD Phono Main 2581 or leave orders at Medford Hardware Company Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY l'UOPKRTY FARMS, I'RUIT RA.VCHKS l'JJJ K. MAIN STIIKKT. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles QENERAL OVERHAULING & MACHINE REPAIRING. . Flrst-Clasi Workmanship Guarantwd. PHONE MAIN 8331. Corner Central Ave, and 8tk Si Medford, Or. FORD 11C 1911 OPEN ROADSTER, $825.0) Fully equipped, f. o. b. Medforc Four-eylinder, shaft drive, 100-iueh whetrbaso, inng to of course. "Let us show vou." Ashland Motor Car Co. Mil MILL STIIKKT, ASIILAXI), ORKGLV. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Repusentativo. Phone 2551. srbM V J. K. ENYART, President J. A. PERlY, Vice-President P. E. MERRICK. Vlce-PrealdJut JOHN S. nTH, Cashier W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Chler. - The Medford National Bank Capital, $IOO,OCO.OO Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFK I)Kl0SIT 1IOXES FOR RENT. A GENERAL IIANICING lU'SIN'KSS TRAXSACTTEI). No SOLlT VOIR PATHO.VAfiK. A " - I 444-444444m4m4m4444 e