Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 26, 1911, THIRD SECTION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 18

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An ordinance declaring the assosv
7714c; amount $38.75.
Assessment Xo. 16. R. H. Toft.
AH of block 3, Imperial Addition to
mont Otl tbe property benefited fori ho rltv nf Mnflfnril. nreinn: frnnt
tlio oot of laying a 4 Inch water: aK0 3C0 foet on the W0Bt g(le of porU
main on Portland Avenue from Eaati jand avenue; 3C0 feet; rate per foot
Main street to Southern Boundary i 7" c; amount $279.00.
and directing the recorder to enter xmmnntt, i7i. Tir..i.hnw
Lot 3, of the Llndley Addition to the
city of Medford, Oregon; Front
age 290 feet on the eaut side of Port
a statement thereof in the water main
Hen docket.
The city of Medford doth ordain
M follews:
Section 1. Where, the city coun
cil did heretofore by revolution de
clare it Intention to lay a 4 Inch
land avenue; 290 feet; rate per foot
774c; amount $22 1.75.
Assessment So. 18. Walter S.
Crank. Lot 4 of the Llndley Addition
Si ,?"! 0J"cnll""en'rlm ' to th city of Medford. Oregon; front-
.. XOTICE. ers addition to the citv of Medford,
To the owner, or reputed owner, 0 . -,, , . . . f . 9-
of each parcel of property described . ,o-n
in tho foregoing ordinance, ns named' urnoum -o-
therein, and In the lien declared by Asement No. 11. School Di
lald ordinance, as recorded In the! trict Xo. 40.--Lot o, block 3. Meek
docket of city liens: it's addition to the citv of Medford
You are hereby notified that the,jr: front ne .") feet on the south
assessment declared by the foregoing, Mj,e of jfpe stret.t; :,0 feet: ratt
ordinance has been made and the, , foot 7e. arn0llllt .48..-j0.
lira mereiur cuw u in hib uij iiou, A .-..... V 10 in,A n!..
" V I1H HI, AIJ . - 1 1 ' iy
ICaat Main street to Sonthorn Houn
clary and to assess the coat thereof
on the property fronting on au lnir
tivn of said street In proportion to
the frontage of said property, and fix
x time and place for hearing protests
Against the laying of said water main
on said part of said street and the
Assesmnent of tbe cost thereof as
And, whereas, said resolution was
duly published and posted ae require
by section 110 of the charter of the
Mid city:
And whereas, a meeting of the
council was held at the time and place
fixed by the said resolution, for the
purpose of considering any such pro
tests, but no proteatB were at said
time, or at nny other time made to
or received by the council to tbe snld
laying of said water main or tbo ns
seasniont of the cost thereof as afore
said, and said council having con
sidered tho matter, nnd deeming that
said water main was and Is of mntor-
kil benefit to Hnld city, and that all
nroilortv to be assessed therefor
would bo benefited thereby to the
oxtbnt of the probable amount of t"
respective nstiumiuunts to he leviou
against said property did order said
main laid.
And whereas, the cost of said wa
ter main lias been und hereby Is
determined to bo the sum of $2,
filO '7
' Now therefore, It Is hereby furth
er determined that tho proportionate
alraro or tho cost of laying said water
main of each parcel of property front
ing on mild portion of snld street Is
tho amount set opposite tho descrip
tion of encb parcel of land below, nnd
that onch piece or parcel of land
benefited by the Inylng of said water
infitn in I lie full extent of the amount
so set opposite the description of tho
same, and that the respective amounts
represent tho proportional benefits
or sold water main 10 snitl rospucuvu
parcels of land, and also tho propor
tional frontage theioof on said street,
and the council does boroby declare
each of the purcols of property de
scribed below to be assessed and each
or the same heroby Isassessod the
amount net opposite each description
for tho cost of laying said water
IMRY. Assessment No. 1 1211a C. Wester
Itiud. A parcel of laud described in
volume 70, jingo 2f.O, county recor
der's records of .Jackson county, Ore
gon; frontage 23(1. r, feet on the west
side of Portland avenue In the olty
or Medford, Oregon; ISO.r. feet; rate
jitir root 77 tic; amount $183.20.
Assessment No. 2 .1. T. Miller. A
pal col or land described In volume OS.
page 281. county recorder's records
or Jackson county, Oregon; frontage
1X7 feet on the west side or Portland
avenue, In the city or Medford, Ore
gon; 187 reet; rate pur toot 77 Vie;
amount $14S.U3.
Assessment No. 8. Hanmol Mc
Phereou. A jmrcel or land ns describ
ed iu volume 72, liago 153, county
recorder's records or Jackson county.
Oregen: frontage 2110, reet on the
west aide or Portland avenue, In the
elty or Medford. Oregon; 200 feet:
rate per foot 77Vc; amount $22t.7fi.
Assessment No. I Anna muhii
Lnt I. block I, Imperial Addition to
UiecUy of Medrord, Oregon; frontage
87Vfc feet on the west side ot Port
laud avenue; 37 Vs reet; rate jer root
T7Vke; amount $2!.otl.
Aasessuieut No. ,5 Anna Smith
Lot 2. block L lmp"rlal Addition to
tho city or .Medford, Oregen: frontage
(0 feet on the west side of Portland
a venae; 50 reel; into jier foot 77Vc;
amount $38.75.
Assessment No. 0 M. L. AUord
Lot 3. block 1. Imperial Addition to
lb city of Medford. Oregon; front
Hge DO reel on the west side or Port-
iHinl avenue; no rem; rwie per iooi
?7Vc; amouut $38.75.
Assessment No T. .1. J. lluchlor.
lot t. block 1, IttijwrlHl Addition to
the olty or Medford, Oregon; fioiit
age GO reel on the weal side or Port
land avenue; 60 feet; rale jier toot
YIVsc; amount $38.76.
Assessment No. 8. -M. L Alfonl
Utt r, block 1, llfltilHl Addition U
tbe city or Medford, Oregon; frouluge
(0 feet on the west side of Portland
avenue; 50 feet, rale jr foot 77 He
amount $3s.7.p.
Asikessirieut No. - M. L. Alford
lot I block 1. Imperial Addition to
lit oily of M ml ford. Oregon; front
age 60 reet oil (he west side of Port
land avenue; 60 feet; rate per root
77 tye; amount $38 76.
Assessment No. lo M L Alford
t 1, block 2, luiuerlal Addition to
IH city of Meilford. Oregon; front
age &0 r,'ot (" 'h ent side of Port
land avenue; 60 feet; rate jier foot
TTViu; amount $38.76.
AasesHnieiit No. 11. M. L. Alford
IXtt 2, block 2. Imperial Addition to
Ike city of Medford, Oregon; frontagf
60 feel on the weal side of Portland
avenu: 60 feet; rate per foot 77 Vic
amount $38.76.
Aaaeuuuent No. It It. H. Toft
Lot 3, block 2. Imperial Addition to
the City of Medford. Oregon; front
age 60 fifi ou ike wuet side of Port
land Hveuue; 60 feet; rate Iter foot
77Vto; amouut $38.76.
8aetsNiucut No. 13.M. L. Alfotd
Lot 4, bluck 2. I in perl a 1 Addltlou to
tm ully of Medford. Oregen: froni
(uy SO reet on the west side of Port
land iivonue; ro feeil; rte jier foot
rjfQqi uiiKiiiii $:im 76.
ikBoui,,i' No H.- M L. Alford.
iJvf. WlocK '! Imjierlal Addition to
tho oHy of Meciiord. Oregon; front
ago CO foot ii Hi" west side of Port
land nvoniio. ! feet; rate jmm fooi
776o; amount $38.76.
ASSoBBliiellt N. 16. -JJ. L Alfi
age 90 feet ou the east side of Port
land avenue; 90 feet; rale per foot
1 7 He; amount SCy.ii).
Assessment No. 13 P. E. Martin.
Lot , of the Llndley Addition to the
city of .Medrord, Oregon; frontage 00
feet on the oast side of Portland ave
nne; 90 feet; rate jier foot 77 Vic;
amount $09.75.
Aaseeamont Xo. 20. B. P. Powor;
Lot C, of the Llndley Addition to the
city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 90
feet on the east side of Portland ave
nue; 90 feet; rate per root 77 Vic;
amouut $09.75.
Aasemmunt No. 21. Mary Down.
Lot 7, ot the Llndley Addition to the
city or Medrord, Oregon; frontage
111 feet on the east side of Portland
avenue; 14 1 feet; rate ier root
77 Vie; amount $111. CO.
Assessment No. 22. J. W. Hlch
nrdson. Lot 1, block 7, Imjierlal Ad
dition to the city or Medrord, Oregon
frontuge 60 feet on the east side or
Portland avenue; f,0 reet; ruto per
root 77c; amount $38.7r.
Assessment No. 23 J. W. Rich
ardson. 1-rfit 2, block 7, Imjierlal Ad
dition to the city of Medford, Oregen:
frontage 50 feet ou tho east side ot
Portland avenue; 60 feet; rate pOr
foot 77 Vic; amount $38.75.
Ahsessment Xo. 24. J. V. Rich
ardson. Lot 3, block 7, Imperial Ad
dition lo the city or Mddford, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet on the east
Bldo of Portland avenue; 50 feet;
rate jier foot 77 Vic; amount $38.75.
Assessment No. 25. Amelia R
Toft. Lot 4, block 7, Imperial Ad
dition to, the city of Medrord, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet ou the oast
side or Portland avenue; 50 reet;
rate jier root 77 Vic; amount $38.75.
Assessment No. 20. Amelia !'.
Tort. Lot fi, block 7. Imperial Addi
tion to the city ot Medrord, Oregon;
frontage 50 feet on the east side of
Portlund nvoniio; 60 feet; rate jier
foot 77 Vic; amount $38.75.
Assessment No, 27. M. L, Alford.
Lot 0, block 7, Imperial Addition to
tho city of Medrord, Orogon; front
age 50 feet on the east side or Port
land avenue; 60 reet; rate jier root
7Vtc; amount $38.75.
Assessment Xo. 28. M. L. AHord.
Lot 1, block 0, Imperial Addltlou
to the city of Medford, Oregon; front
are 60 feet on tho east side of Port
land nvenlie; 50 feet; rate er foot
7i7Vio ;nmouut $38.75.
Assessment No. 29. M. L. Alford.
Lot 2, block C, Imperial Addition to
the city of Medford, Oregon; front
ago 50 foot on the oaBt side of Port
laud avenue; 60 foot; rate jier root
77 Vie; amount $38.76.
Assessment Xo. 30. M. L. Alfonl.
Lot 3, block G, Imperial Addltlou to
tho city or Medford, Oregon; front
age 60 feet on the east side of Port
land avenue; 60 feet; rate per foot
77 Vic; amount $38.75.
Assessment Xo. 31. M. L. Alford.
Lot I, block 0, Imporlnl Addition to
Hie city of Medford, Oregon; front
age 50 feet ou the oust side of Port
land avenue; 50 feel; rate jier root
77 Vic; amount $38.75.
Assessment Xo. 32. -M. L. Alford.
Lot 6, block G, Imperial Addition to
the city of Mudford, Oregon; front
age 50 reet on tho east side or Port
laud avenue; 50 reel; rate jier foot
77 Vic; amount $38.75.
Assessment Xo. 33. R. K.
O'lliieu. Lot , block 0. Imperial
Addltlou lo tho city or Medlord, Ore
gon; frontage 50 feet ou the oast
side of Portland avenue; 60 foet;
rnto jier foot 77 Vic. amount $3S.75.
Assessment No. 31. A. K. linker.
Lot t, block 5, Imperial Addltlou to
the city ot Muilfonl, Oregon; front
age 60 foot on thu east side of Port
laud avenue; 60 feet; into ier fool
77Vc; amouut $38. 7o.
Assessment No. 35.--George P.
Llndley. Lot 2, block 6, Imperial
Addition to the city of Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 60 feet on the east
side of Portland avenue; 60 feet;
rate ier foot 77 Vic; amount $38.75.
Aaseasmeut .No. 30.- lU'orge P.
Dudley, hot 3, block 6. Impertul Ad
dition to the City of Medfonl. Ore
gon; frontage 60 feet ou the east
side of Portland avenue; 50 feet;
tute per root 774c; amount $38.76.
Asaeavuieiit No. 37.- M. L. Alfonl
Lot I, block 6. Imperial Addition to
the city ot Medrord, Oregon; front
age 50 feel on the east side of Port
lund avenue. 50 feet, rale per fool
77Vc; amount $38.76.
Assessment No. 38. -11. R. Mc
Cabe. Lot 5, block 6, Imperial Ad
dltlou to the clt yof Medford. Oro
gou; rroutago 60 feet on the east
side of Portland avenue; 50 feet;
rate per root 77 tyc; amount $38.76.
AssesNiiit'iii No. 39.- It. It. Mc
Cabe. Uit 0, block 6. linjit rial Ad
dition to the city or Medford, Ore
gon; frontage 60 feel . ou the east
side of Portlaud avenue: .'.0 feet;
rate jht foot 77tyc; amount $3v7&.
geetlou 2. And it is hereby order
ed and ordained that the several
aaaesanienta and the lletts thereof
be entered in the water main lien
docket of said city, and thai there
upon notice be given to the owners,
ir reputed ok iter of said prtmerty,
and that the same be enforced apt!
collected In ike manner proklel ?
the charter of the clt) for collection
of assessments rot the lmprovenuuil
of streets therein.
Bectlou 3. It is ordered
i hat the notice above provided for
be published three times In the Da(ly
Mall Tribuue. a newspaper publish
ed and of general circulation iu said
rliy. iu the manner proded by or
dinance No. 250 of said city.
The foregoing ordinance was pass
docket, and that the same is due and
you are hereby required to pay the
same to the city recorder within ten
days from the service of this notice,
which service Is made by publication
of the foregoing ordinance and this
notice three times In the Modtord
Mall Tribune, pursuant to an order
or the city council or said city.
City Recorder.
An jirdinnnce declaring the n.shew
ment on the proertv benefited for
the co-t of luvinir u 4-ineh water
main on Oak nnd Mimic streets, from
a point on Oak street 'J8U feet south
of Maple street to I'ine .street and
directing the recorder to enter a
fctHluuicnt thereof in the water main
lien docket.
The citv of Medford doth ordnin
as follews:
Section J. Whercn.s. the citv coun
cil did heretofore, bv resolution de
clare its intention to lav a 4-inch
witter uiiiiti oil Onk and Maple streets
l'mm n uoint on Onk street 1281 feet
south of Muple street to Pint-
street and lo iihschs the cont
(hereof on the property front
ing on snitl portion of said street iu
proportion to the i'roiilutre of said
property, iul fix u time nnd tilaei
for heurinir protests ngtiinst the Jnv
inir of said water muiii on said pari
of said street and the nsseinenl
of (lie cost thereof ns nforewnid.
And whereas, said resolution was
duly imlilislied und posted its re
uuircd hv section 110 of the churlei
of said citv:
And whereas, a nicotine of Hit
council wits held sit the time anil
place lixed hv said resolution, foi
the purpose of considering nuv such
protests, hut no protests were at
said time, or at nuv other time made
to or received bv the council to Hit
said Li vintr of said water main oi
the assessment of .thu cost thereof
ns aforesaid, and said council hav
iiiL' considered the mutter, and tlccm-
iiitr (hat said water main was and
is of material benefit (o spid citv
and that nil property to he assessed
therefor would he benefited therein
to Hie extent of the nrobahle amount
of (he respective nsosstiioiits to he
h'ied neiiinsl said property did or
der said main laid.
Ann" whereas, tho cost of sftid wa
ter main has been and hereby is de
Icimiucd to be thu sum of $1101.8:1.
Now therefore. ,it is hereby fur
ther determined that the proportion
ate share of the cost of laviuir snitl
water main of each parcel of propoi t
li'ontuiL' on said portion of said
street is the amount set opposite
the description of each unreel oi
laud below, and that each piece oi
parcel of hind benefited hv the lav
ing of said water main lo the till'
extent of the amount so net opposite
the description of the same, uiAl that
the respective amounts represent the
proportional benefits of said watei
iintis to said respective parcels ol
laud, and also the proportional
troiitnuo thereof on nid street, tun'
(ho council does hoiobv declare each
of the unreels of property described
helow lo be assessed ami each of the
hiiiiic hereby is assessed the amount
set opposilo each description for the
cost of Inviiitr said water main. .
Assessment No. 1. School District
No. ID. A iHircul of laud known as
the North School block, and marked
AS on the man of the citv of Med
lord. Oregon. Ft outage 1SU feet on
the east ide of Oak street; 18U feet.
rate per foot D7o; amount -? I S:i.:t:t.
Assessment No. 'J. School District
No. ID. Lot 1. block :i. MeekerV tul-
ilioii in the oils of Moilfonl. Or.:
IrniilaL'c 10(1 feet ou the east side ol
Oak street: 1(1(1 feet; mte per foot
!l7c; amount $1)7.0(1.
Assessment No. :i. Ida M. Morris
l-'l ;tti. Hiuhluud additiou to the ch
f Modl'iiid. Or.; Iron luge 4n feet ou
I he west side of Oak street; 4.1 feel:
rule per foot l7c; amount $43.(13.
Assessment No. 1. J, A. l.von. l.ot
:i.r). Highland addition to the citv ot
.Medlord, Oregon; frontage Hi feot on
the west side ot Oak street: 411 feci;
rale per foot D7c; umouiit 4 4.(12.
AosesHineut No. .". A. S. ('line
smith. Lot .11, lliuhland ntltlitimi to
Hie Htv of Medfonl, Oregon; front
age Kf feet on the west side of Oak
street; 4(1 feel; rate per foot U7V:
amoiim $44.li2.
,seswneul N'o. 0.--1. L. llainilliui
l't 33. Uiyhlnud additiim to the cit
of Metlfortl. Orvirou; frontuge 4ll
feet mi the west side of Oak street .
Id tct; rule iht fHl )T; niuoiiiit
AsHesstneul No. 7. J. V. Fuller
Lot ;J. Iligulund addition to the cit
ot Meetfonl, OrogAtii; frontage 4(i
(Vet ou the wet aide of Oak streei;
111 feel; rate per foot UTos amuuut
Aiaeul No. 8. J. 1. Fuller.
lo( 31, Highland addition to (he citv
trict No. 40. Lot 0. block 3. Meek
er's addition to the citv of Medford
Oi'.: frontage 50 feet on the south
ide of Maple street; oO feet! rati
per foot 97c: amount $48.."0.
Assessment Xo. 13. John Kinerk
lot 11. block '2. Mceker'.s additioi.
lo the citv of Medlord. Or.; frotitRgi
"i0 feet on the north side of Manh
street: ."iO feet: rate per foot 97c:
amount .48.50.
Assessment Xo. 14. John Kinerk
Lot 10. block 2, MeekerV udditioii tt
the citv of Medford. Or.: 50 feet:
rate ncr foot 97e: amount .48.."0.
Assessment No. lo. John. Kinerk
Lot 0. block 2. Meeker's addition to
the citv of Medford, Ore.: frontage
")() feet on the north side nM(ipl
street: "0 feet: rale per foot 97e
amount $48.."0.
Assessment Xo. 10. John Kinerk
Lot 8. block 2, Meeker's nddition to
the citv of Medford. Or.: frontage
)(l feet on the north side of Manic
street: 50 feet: rate per foot 97o
amount $48.00.
Assessment Xo. 17. John Kinerk
Lot 7. block 2. Meeker's addition
.tddition to the citv of Medford. Or.:
frontage 50 feet on the north side ol
Maple street: 50 feet: rute per fool
07c: amount $48.50.
Assessment lsTo. 18. John Kinerk
Lot (i. block 2. Meeker's nddition to
the citv of Medford. Or.: fmtitugc
50 feel on the north side of Maple
street: 50 feet: rale per foot !)7c;
amouut $48.50.
AsscHntuent No. 10. John Kinerk
Lot 5. block 2.. Meeker's addition to
the citv of Medford. Or.: froutngi
50 feet ou the north side of Maple
street; 50 feet: rate per foot 97c:
amount $48.50.
Assessment No. 20. John Kinerk
Lot 4. block 21. Meeker's nddition
to the city of Medford. Or.: 50 feet:
rule nor foot 97e: amount $48.50.
Section 2. And it is hereby or
dered und ordained that the several
assessments and the liens thereof be
antercd in the water nuiin lien docket
of siiid citv. mill Hint thereupon notice
be iriven to tho owners or reputed
owners of said property, and that
the same ho enforced nnd collected
in the manner provided hv the char
ter of said city for the collection of
nsscssmonls for the improvement of
streets therein.
Section 3. It is further ordered
that the notice above provided for he
published three times in the Daily
Mail Tribunu. a newspaper pub
lished mid of general circulation iu
said citv. in tho tunuuor provided Lv
ordinance No. 250 of said oily.
The foregoimr ordinance was
passed bv the citv council of the eitv
of Medford. Or., on the 8th drtv of
MiuVh. 11)11. by the followiiiL' vete:
Merrick live. Watt nvc. Wortmn'i
absent: Kmeriek nve, F.ifort live, and
Millar nve.
Approved Ma roll I). 1911. i
Attest: .Mayor
City Recorder.
United States of America, state ot
Oregon, cobnty of Jackson, city of
$1,000; Xo
General fund bonds of 1911.
Krtow all men by these presents:
That the city of Medford. In the
county of Jackson and state of Ore
gon, a municipal .corporation duly
organized and existing as a city un-
ler a charter duly adopted by the
people of said city, acknowledges It
ieir to owe and ior the value re
ceived hereby promises to pay the
Nearer the sum pi $1,000 on April
1st, 1921, together with Interest on
aid 6um from the date hereof until
laid, at the rate of five per cent per
innum, payable semi-annually on the
1st days of October and April In each
rear, as evidenced by and upon pre
station and surrender or the in
terest coupons hereto attached as
hey severally become due; both prln
dpal and Interest payable In lawful
money of the United States of Ameri
ca at the ofrice of the treasurer of
the city of Medford In said city. And
for the payment of this bond, with In
terest as aforesaid at maturity the
lull faith, credit and resources of said
city aro hereby Irrevocably jiledged.
This bond is one of a series of
thirty-eight bonds of like date and'
tenor Issued by said city for tho sole
nirpoBO of providing funds for mak
ing Improvements in the water sys
tem of said city and iiaylng fcrt- trunk,
sanitary and storm sewers hereto
fore or hereafter constructed In said
city, and of making Improvements In
Ihe fire department or said city in
an amount not exceeding $S,000, and
is issued under authority or an
amendment to the charter or the
city of Medford duly apjiroved by
the majority vote of the qualified
electors at an election duly called
and held on the 10th day of March,
1911, and of an ordinance passed at
a legally, held meeting or the city
council or said clt.
1 It Is hereby certiried and recited
that all things, acts and conditions
required by the constitution and laws
ot tho state of Oregon and the char
ter of said city to happen and be
done nnd jierform precedent to and
In this issuance ot these bonds have
hapjiened and been projierly done and
performed in regular and due form
LOST Three yards of blnck silk be-.
tween Apple street and Baptist
church. It was poods to finish a
dress. Return to the Mail Tribune:
office or phone 0341. Reward. 3
HIGHCROFT residence sites vrill be
known as the real "Nob Hill" of
Medford. tf
WANTED Responsible party with
experience and means wants to rent
small farm of 10 acres or more
within 5 miles of Medford or other
good railroad town jn Rogue river
valley for cash or share; water for
irrigation and 0 or 7 room house,
close to school required. Will con
sider purchase later. Address or
call at 33G S. Riverside, or Moor
Ehin Co. 315
FO. RSALE Hotel, nnd. business
house and livery barn; one of tho
best paying hotels in southern Or
egon. 0. W. Owings, Eagle Point,
Oregon. tf
HIGHCROFT residence sites nre des
tined to double and treble in
value. tf
FOR SALE Boarding house; every
thing new; rcasonublo terms. Call
317 E. Jnekson. 331
main on said portion of said street
nnd the assessment of the cost there
of upon the projerty fronting there
on will be heard.
The foregoing resolution was pass
ed by the city council of the city of
MedfordMedford on the 21st day of
March. 1911, by tho following vote::
Merrick aye. Watt absent, Wortman
aye, Emerfck aye, Elfert aye, Millur
Approved March 22d. 1911.
W. H. CAXOX, Mayor.
noirr. w. telfer,
City Recorder.
DO YOU WANT to go iuto business
in Medford; if so, here is n clianco
to get in on the best paying business
in Rogue River Valley; one half in
terest for sale only; prefer a good
young man that is not afraid to
work. This is gilt edge. $5,000 will
handle this. Act quick for this
won't Inst. Address Ojjportunity
enro this office. tf.
FOR SALE Good paying business
with low lense for snlc; $800 cash
buys it. Address Owner R, this of
fice, tf
and time required by law; that the
total Indebtedness of said city of
Medford, Including this bond, does
not exceed any constitutional and
statutory limitation; and that pro
Visions has been made to pay In
terest on the principal of this bond
and of said series of bonds promptly
when and as the same fall due.
In testimony whereof the said
council of the city of Medford has
caused this bond to be signed by the
mnyor or said city and attested by
the recorder ot said city and the seal
or said city to bo hereunto affixed
and the coupons hereto attached to
be executed on the original or litho
grnjiblc fnscsmlle signatures of the
mayor and recorder of said city.
This the 1st day of April, A. D.
To the owner, or repntod owner.
of ouch parcel of properly described
in the .forci-ping ordinance, as mimed
I heroin, and iu the lien declared hv
snitl ordinance, as recorded in Hie
docket of citv liens.
You ure hereby notified Hint tho
assessment declared bv the forego
ing ordinance has been made and
Ihe lien therefor entered iu the citv
lien docket, nnd (hat the same is due
und you aro hereby required to pin
Ihe same to the eitv rocorder withi'i
10 davs from the service of this no
lice, which service is mrtde hv pub
lication of the foregoing ordinunce
ami this notice three times iu the
Medford Mail Tribune, pursuant In
mi order ol the eitv council of said
Citv Recorder.
City Recorder.
Section 3. There shall bo attached
to said bonds twenty coupons evi
dencing the Interest thereon, each qf
which shall bo in the following ferm:
Qn tho 1st day of
19.., the City of Medford In the
county of Jackson and state of Ore
gon, promises to jiay tho bearer the
sum of $25,00, lawful money or the
United Slates or America, at the ot
flco of the treasurer of the city ,of
Medrord, In said city, ior seml-an-nunl
Interest due Hint day on Its gen
eral fund bonds of 1911. .Number
AS808BII1UUI . 10. -4). I. Aiiiiiu Ai.lirY
Lot 0. block 2. mijer al Addition i. y u, flAN0N. MWQf
S C0 unZ'utli I " l.r. W. WLPIIK.
tf MtHifun!, OnN-tun: fmututf -t
ed by the city rouucll of the city of ! V' " tu w,,', ' ' k street;
MwllWd. Oregon, oft he tut Uy ""' ""' '" i'' fool 7c; iimount
or February. I V 1 1 . by Ihe rollov,hif ' $44.02.
Vel: i Assewuieut Xo. U,--Scliool Dte-
Mwrilrk aye. Wall aye. wortMM' trirt No. 4. -Lot 3. block H. Meek.
tr's addition lo (be eitv of Medford.
Oi.: frul 60 feet ou Hie boulh
ul of Mi.pI,- si,,.,t: .-. itet: mte! bo,7s ,d
imr l (MM -, . ihiihuiii J .k.
aye. isuierli'k y. Kliert aye, Mid
Millar aro.
i' prove Febrgary 31 at, 111 I
lund uvtrnuo; uo feet; rato por footj
City Recorder.
nuiuxAXn: xo. itii.
An ordinance authorizing the Is
mianco of $3S.O00 of tho bonds of
the city of Modofrd.
herons, there Is duo nnd owing
by the city pf Medrord amounts ag
gregating $22,500.00 tor trunk, sani
tary and storm sewers horotoiora cou
nt ructed by said elty:
And, Whereas, It Is necessary tt
make certain Imiirovements In Hit
water system or said city and to la
certain storm sowers therein at a
coat which will aggregate $7,500.00;
And whereas, It Is necessary to
mako Improvement In tho fire do
jiartmeiit ot snld city at a total cost
of $s.000.
Xow therefore, la jnirsuaiice of
subdivisions (o) mid If) of section
T2 of the charter of the city of Med
ford, said city doth ordain as afore
said. Hint for tho sole purpose of
paying for said trunk and sanitary
sewers and of Improving the water
system of said elty and of making
Improvements iu the fire depart
ment of snld city iu nn amount not
exceeding $6,000. tho negotiable cou
jmmi bonds of snld city shall bo Is
sued to the amount of $3S,000, to be
known as geueral lion bunds of 1011.
to be dated April 1st. 1911. and to
be payable April Ut, 1921, being In
denominations of $1,000 each, mini
berwd rroni one to thirty-eight. ln-
clusulve. bearing latere! at the rate
City Recorder.
Section 1. That tho said bonds
shall bo slgnod by the mnyor and at
tested by the city recorder, with the
soal of tho city affixed to each bond,
nnd the couiions attached to said
bond shall be executed with the
original or lithographic facsimile
signatures of the snld ofNrlals, and
the said officials aro hereby authori
zed to so execute said bonds and cou
iions and dollver the same to tho julr
chasers thereof upon the jmyment Of
the purchase price therefor.
Section B, The city recorder of the
city of Medford Is hereby directed to
advertise said bonds ror sale In the
dully Mall Tribune, a nowsjmpor pub
lished and of general circulation In
said city, ror a period or twenty
days, and to state In said advertise
ment that sealed projmsals for tjie
purchase of said bonds ut not less
than par nnd accrued iaterost will
be received by him at any time be
fore five o'clock p. in. on April lstli,
toil, nnd that each proposal shall
be accompanied by a certified check
ror five jier cent of the nniount so
bid. snld check and the proceeds
thereof to be payable to the city of
Medford. and to be forfeited to said
city Iu case said bid Is accepted and
said bonds aro not purchased hi ac
cordance with said jirojiosltlon wltji
lu twenty days nftor notice of such
acceptance, and to be. returned to
the iiersou making such jirojiosltlon
lu case such proposition bo not au
coined by snld city.
The foregoing ordinance was liais
ed by the city council or the city of
Medford. on the 2 1st day of March.
1911, by tho following vete:
Merrick aye. Watt aye. Wortman
aye. Emerlck aye, Elfert ave and
Millar aye.
Apjiroved March"' 82. 1911
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder.
ouniXAXCH xo. trn.
An ordinance authorizing the en
tering into a contract with the South
ern Pacific Company, to lay and
maintain across their right of way a
storm and sanitary sewer.
The city or Medrord doth ordain
as follews:
Section 1. The Mayor and Recor
der are hereby authorized to enter
Into a contract on behalf of the city
of Medford, with the Southern Pacific
Company, a corjioratlon, in words
and figures, as follows, to-wlt:
This agrcehient made and entered
Into in duplicate this . . day of ....
, 19 . ., by and between tho
Southern Pacific Company, lines In
Oregon, party of the first part, and
city of Medford, party of the sec
ond part, Wltnesseth:
Section One (1). The party of
the first jiart, for and in considera
tion of the covenants and payments
hereinafter mentioned, to be made,
kejit and performed by said jiarty
or the second part, does hereby lic
ense and permit the said jiarty or
tho second part to lay and maintain
across the right of way of the party
of ihe first part at a point across the
deiot grounds, along the center Hue
of East Sixth street, If produced, from
the south lino of Front street to
the north llhe or Fir street. In the
city of Medford, ns per blue print
attached. Which is hereby made a
part of this agreement, a 24 lnxlO In.
btorm and sanitary sewer, tho work
to be done under the direction of the
roadmaster or section foreman or
Southern Pacltlc Company, Line In
Oregon. The said license is ter
minable at "any time at the will ot
the Southern Paciric Company, lines
In Oregon, and, In nny event, ends
on tho 31st day of December, 1913.
In consideration of this licenso, the
party or the second part agrees to
pay the party of tho first part ten
(10) cents per month during the con
tinuance of this Hcenso, payable as
At tho date of this contract pay
ment shall be paid up to and Includ
ing tho 31st day of December, fol
lowing, and afterwards shall be jmtd
yearly, In advance, on the 1st day
or January or each year during the
continuance of this license.
Section Two (2). Tho said party
of the second jiart agrees to bear all
expenses of laying said sower, In
cluding superintendence of the road
master or section foreman; that It
and its successors or assigns will
maintain the same In good condition
and repair, and will jiay all damages
whtch may be caused by or resujt
from said sowef or Its condition.
This licenso may bo revolved at nny
time by said Southern Pnclflc Com
pany, llneB in Oregon, or Its succes
sors or assigns, by tho giving of
thirty (30) days' notice In writing,
mailed to the party of the second
part at Medford, state or Orogon; and
should tho snld sewer be permitted
to be In bad order or condition tor
twenty-four (21) hours, then said
Southern Pacific Company, Hues In
Orogon, may at onco revoke this lie
ense without notice.
In witness whoreof, the party of
the first part has caused this agree
ment to be signed by Its General
Mnnagor, and the party of tho sec
ond part has hereunto subscribed Its
nnuie tho day and year first above
Southern Pacific Company, lines In
FOR SALE 1'Iazn cafe at a sacii
fiee on account of oor health of
proprietor. 128 E. Main. tf
llusincss Property
ing for general merchandise store
in now town with $15,000 monthly
payroll, on railroad, 12 miles from
Medford. Gold Ray Realty Co,
20fi W Main. tf.
FOR SALE OR RENT One nnd one
third acre tract, improved, 5-room
house, large barn and other build
iilgs, trees, vines', etc.; corners
southeast with school grounds;
chickens, wood, hay, house fur
nislied for .2000, half cash. The
best and cheapest property in Cen
tral Point, Or. Two other fine rcsi
dence properties closo in, 2 lots
each, 5 rooms each ; nil newly paint
ed and papered for $1000 and $1200.
See me before others for bargains
Rex 180. Owner at white house
southenst corner of school grounds
Titles gunranled, taxes paid. 31"
passenger 4-cylinder touring auto
mobile. Address Box 200, enro
Mau Tribune office, tf
exchange income property in Med
ford for ranch near city. Phono
1092 day. 2002 evenings. 5
property in Medford or nenrby
towns, 10 nnd 20 ncre orchard
tracts; half mile from good town and
railroad. Address box 470, Med
ford, Or. 4
change Will take good automobile
as first payment on 10 or 20 nero
orchard tract, balance long time nt
0 jier cent. Address box 312, Med
ford. Or. 4
FOR EXCHANGE Medford and
juburban property, ranches, timber
lands, for other property. Address
Boi 199, care Mail Tribune. tf
TO EXCHANGE Colorado and No
braska lands, improved and unim
proved, to exchange for Rogim Rivei
properties. Tho Best-Fuller Ronlty
Co.. Grants Pass. Ore.
FOR TRADE-We will trade som
choice city property for Into mode
5 jmssengcr cnr. Phone llfil. tt
FOR EXCHANGE Colorado and
Xebrnska lands, improved nnd un
improved, to exchnngo for Rogue
River properties. The Best-Fuller
Koalty Co., Grants Pass, Or. 311
Geaoral Manager.
Re it resolved by tho city council
of the city of Medford. Oregen:
That it Is, the Intention of tho
council to lay a 4-Inch water main
of ft nor cent iter annum, uavable Palm street from Olesou streot in
semi-annually on the 1st days of Oc- J Summit avenue nnd to assess tho
tober and April of each year, both j t thereor ujioa the property rronv
principal and be iaaile "S "H said portion of said street In
at the office of the treaaurer of The 1 proportion to' the frontage of said
city of Medford In said city. j property. '
bectlou 3 That the form or aald Tho oounall will meet at tke onnn.
tho coupons oUileucIng In- ell chamber in the eitv h.n 1,, sni.i
taviul On oulil Imtula nuil i lunli.ul I all , .... tt... Hi. .., . .. ...I
.Uiu.,t No, 10. -School DU.-' thereto, shall be substantially mhe'at 7T0 n m . JXi-h ...f"':lr.L'
iru-t No. IU.- Lot 4, bluuk 3, Meek-1 follow injj forms, respectively, to-wlt: I tests against the lujlng said water
The foregoing ordinance was jiass
ed by tho olty council of the city
of Medford, Orogon, on the 21st dav
or March. 1911, by the following
Morrlck ayo. Watt ayo, Wortman
absent. Emorlck absent, Elfert aye,
and Millar ayo.
Approved March 22nd. 1911.
Attest: Mayor.
City Recorder.
Ofrice of the City Treasurer, Med
ford, Orogon, March 23, 1911.
XoUco Is hereby glvon that there
aro funds on hand In the city treas
ury for the redomptlon of nil out
standing city warrants Usuod against
tho street and road fund.
Interest on the same will cease aft
er tho above date.
31 Olty Treasurer.
WANTED Reliable party to rent
and manage a first class dining
room. Call at room 217 Garne-.t-Corey
WANTED Mino owners to know
that our specialty is to sell mining
property. Oregon Realty & Mining
Co.. 319 Gnmett bldg. 7
WANTED Ono sound work horse;
quiet disposition ; bWky build E
W. Carlton, Central Point, R. F. 1),
Xo. 2; phone 114 Fanners. tf
WANTED To rent buggy and .sin
gle ImruoN for a week or two. Ad- itox 11, care Mail Tribune of-
WANTED A second hand sewing
ninohine in good condition; price
rouKonablo. Inquire 1103 W. 4th
stryot. '1
WANTED A young and hound geld
ing to weigh about 1-100 lbs. ami
broke to work single. Big Pine.-,
Lumber Co. 4
WANTED To rent by April 1, 3 or
4 rooms or small house, furnished
or unfurnished; must he modern
aud not morvthnu 0 blocks from
center of city. Address Box 777.
. cure this offW r.
WANTED Good second hand 060k
toVe or range. G. B. Peck, Mod
ford. g
Hasklna for Health.
HIGHCROFT residence sites have
delighted everyone who has seen tho