PAGE FOUR arrcPFORD mUi trtbunte, arEDORi), promox. Sunday, lakcd: 26, ion. r, i H t ,J flV K fJ 3 J O TtS" -fl'T i'1 Sir 4'V : f !! I ft s W 1 :VS ' V" 1 : MO PIONEER E PUSSES 10 BEYOND ELECTRICITY IN PURIFICATION OF WATER verted partially into ozone. The of water flowing in the opposite di- thnt about UOO kw-hours of electrical ozonized nir is then forced through njrection. The contained bacteriu are energy are required for each million standpipc in which it erneti n current destroyed by the ozone. Jt is stated gallons of water treated. W. H. Bostwick, for Many Years a Resident in the Applegate Section , In k',k'r ,lircd,or Jft ,t,,e department of public works, Phila- rasscci Away Friuay mgnt at (U,,ljhln I)lu Mr w xv 0ibl(J J)n.Hi Midllifillt. dent of the United Water Improve inont company, given hoihc interebtingj " ' figiirt's on the roHiilts obtained in the' W. If. Itimtwick. on,. if ilio r.liW of electricity, for removal of1 ' -- --....... --..w -- . .. . -..., jiioneors in southern Oregon, an answered the final call Friday night Mr. Host wick has been afflicted with eiincor of the tduinuvli an liver and for the punt throe month lnies boon receiving treatment at the homo of Ids son-in-law, Mr. Schultz, rowid ing At 121) X. Central avenue.. Last evening he became worse and at l'J o'clock death Mimmoucd him. Mr. JJoslwick liiu lived for ninny yours in the Applcgutu valley and his old pioneer friends were shocked, to hoar of his death, yet for the pant month little hope was given for his recovery. The deceased was (15 years of ago. lie loaves a widow, a son, and two daughters. He leaves 10 children besides a widow. His children arc William T. Dora, Cameron, John K., Charles W. Kmma 0. Payne, Hurt 1). Ilnltie Ly- I 't tons, Lena K. Sluiltz, and two broth- i t i I 1 or. Irvine Jiny Itostwick ami Lee Vance Hostwick. The funeral will be held at 2 p. in today at the grave. The body will be interred in the Jacksonville cem etery. Ho has been a resident of the -Applegate 1il)ey for Ithe past 'J!) years. M r i HEIGHTS ARE SQLDVAN DYKE Ei! and Vcrn Van Dyke Get Control of Splendid Residence Section on No!) Hill Will Subdivide and Sell at Once. to Ed l. Van Dyko and J. Vorn Van Dyku luivo purcliiiHcd from ClinrluH W. Sultt of Plilladolplilu, Pa., the ft no ronldonctt property on top of anil on tho oiiBtorn and woHtorn Hlopos of Nob Hill, In Kimt Medford. Tho con sideration Ih tmld to lie' ? on, 000. Part of tliU proporty la uIho mi tho lovol optico adjoining Koli Hill on tho wot and lyliiK directly north or Imperial addition. It Is on the Haaniiil lionch, tho uouthorii portion 6r Nob Hill, whore tho $100,000 hos pltul will bo built by tho SlHters of Provldonce. Tlie tract Is aubdlvldod and will bo placed on tho market at oiico. Uh location and convenience nuiko It a valuable proporty. Gets Jewels Back. LOS ANdKLHS, Cl., March 25. 5- fl'red II. Si-kliurt, wealthy meiehant of VanooitMir, H. ('., i today the poMiMHor of a $100(1 diamond pen dant which dixappenred a year ago On lonvinic I.o AukcIch hiHt April Kohart proHvutud u eat-off suit of I'kilhes to one of tho bellboys of a lo ol lintel. The boy dUeovored the juwulry in h turned up euff of the IroiiKoiv and liHiidcd it to the hotel plork. KfforU to loeHto Kekhait fulled until he returned to I. An golan and mentioned hi loi to the hotel proprietor. i r DO IT NOW. K t V Mrdford People Should Not Wait Until It Is Too Late. The npMlliiig death rate from kid ney diheMMc is due in iiionI ciuets l 111 fact that the little kidney truu Idof nre inmully neglected until they Iibooiuu NeriouH. The s'iglil symp tuinM give Atmo to chronie iliMirilcri nml tin uuNVrer goes yruduully into 4 he (tmnp of droy, Ilriulil' di eune, jfTHvel or itoine other hciioU" form of kiduey eoinplNint. If you xuffur fiimi buckarhe. liMilnehe, disxy apelU; if the kid iwy iMCretioiu are irregular of wih A(0 mmI luiiuiluml iu Mppenruaee. do not delay. Help the Icidnwyfc at one. Pohu'b Kidney PilU are eepuoiiiily fur kidney diiMirder--lliey net where other fail. Over one hundred tkoii ttiid iMole haeu recuiiueudd thwa. lluru'h cKe at heme: jVn. Qraou Kkpeters, 0 Wet Japk B0n Mlraet, Medford, Or., wiyn: "I (tan recommend DouaV Kidney PilU jiroopred at Ilnskitw' Drug Store, fur pain ami tiffncH in the back and olhor byniploiiih nf kidney trouble. This rijinedy lelieved me when 1 ued it and I have been well rer "inw.'' For 1 by all dealer-. Prie 5SJ cents. Koslor-Milbiiru ('., Uuffalo, New York, moIu ugoiil- l" 'li I'uit cd Stnto. Ittunenibor (lio jmjue Dunn' and lake no other. , bacteria from large (iiiautities of water. Tests have been made at a plant having n rapacity of 1,000,000 gallons of water per day. Bacterio logical examination showed that the raw water of the .Schuylkill river at a certain point contains us high 2,500,000 bacteria per cubic centime ter; uftcr a rough straining, to re move the coarser particles of sus pended matter, tho water contains from 25:1,000 to 700,000 bacteriu; af ter ozonizutioii it contains from 5 to 55. The process of ozonization is elec trical, current at 100 cycles and 10, 000 volts being employed. Jly the use (u iiiouciauce cons anil (ouilciiscrs numerous discharge points assist in the formation of pencils f blue light Atmospheric nir, which is drawn across these points by means of an air-pump, is thus converted partially info ozone. The ozonized nir, which is drawn across these xiuts by means of an air-pump, is thus con- 22 Acres 8 acres in orchard, modern house, good barn, richest soil in valley, close in, price right Bittner & Clark Room 207 PHipps Bldg. $?ftft() w handle, your pb)JJ own terms on bal. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST 'All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps; Boilers and Machinery. "Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE k CO. I ? It FIRE . Hig saving to owners of brick and concrete buildings; .'I years insurance at twice annual rale. Seo S. B. Graham Firo Insurance Man. Koom :i, over Postoffico, Has old line companies that paid $1,000,000 each in San Francisco fire. DO YOU KNOW? That NOW is the time to replace, your old fence with a new onq. That it will improve the appear ance of your properly fully FIFTY PER CENT if the fence is right and properly constructed. That The Page Wire Fence is best suited for tho purpose, ny it is mnde up of the best High Carbdn Steel Wire that is found in fencing; in addition to this, it is the &nly fence which has the PAGE KNOT, and continuous cross wire to weave it together, hence it . Is The Best Fence Hint money can buy or modern science produce. Owing to each line wire being coiled before the fence is woven, Page Fence is easily erected over hills and through dales, without tho necessity of cutting and splicing. It is MADE at Adiinn, Mich., nnd shipped by us in carlond lots, direct' from the FACTORY TO THE CON SUMEIi, thus insuring tho greatest value at the lowest possible price. Let us show you why you should use Page Fence in preference to any other. Wo furnish, without charge, estimates on cost of fencing tracts, and contract to build fences complete. Wo will figure with you on nny amount of fencing, from olio rod to a carload. If you are wanting Fence, Gates, or either yew or cedar posts, lelt us figure with yon.. We furnish man and tools and assist in tho erection of Page Fence without extra cost. GADDIS & DIXON "THE PAGE FENCE MEN" PHONE 2C81. Distributors for Southern Oregon and Northern California. MAIN OFFICE, 134 NORTH RIVERSIDE AVENUE, MEDFORD, ORE. 9 ss Ssssss "-.'.s.t.'.. Medford Heights Addition "The Real Knob Hill" MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1911 One Hundred Beautiful Lots in Medford Heights Addition WillBe Placed on the Market THESE LOTS SURROUND NOB HILL AND ARE SITUATED ON HIGH AND SIGHTLY LAND. WE WANT ONE HUNDRED HOMESEEKERS TO VIEW THIS PRETTY ADDITION AND CHOOSE A FUTURE HOME IN THIS WELL LOCATED AND CONVENIENT PROPERTY, WHICH IS PRICED WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. THE CLOSEST IN RESIDENCE PROPERTY NOW ON THE MARKET. THE MOST IDEAL LOCATION. THE MOST HEALTHFUL LOCALITY. ' THE FINEST VIEW. THE PRICES FROM ONE-FOURTH TO ONE-HALF LESS THAN MORE DISTANT ADDITIONS ARE ALL TO BE FOUND IN MEDFORD H EIGHTS. "' YOU DON'T NEED TO RIDE; IT'S CLOSE IN; WALK OUT TODAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF THIS BEST ADDITION OF THEM ALL. MEDFORD HEIGHTS. GOLDEN GATE COFFEE There have been many substitutes for coffee, but most people prefer the genuine. All who use Golden Gate Coffee are loud in their praises of its most ex cellent aroma. It is all that a good coffee can be. Allen Grocery Co. 32 South Central venue. "BUY AT HOME AND HELP MEDFORD." jjJJMj...9:0&.P..JM ) v.. For Prices and Terms See The Van Dyke Realty Co. 123 EAST MAIN STREET. PHONES HOME 79-L; SUNSET NO. 682. L '.?,r', Or any of tho following authorized agents: AVI I ITKSI 1)E, MEYERS & HOLMES, Seventh and Central Ave. Sunset Main 862. A. F. BARNETT, Medford National Bank Building. D. H. JACKSON & CO., 118 V4 East Main. Phono, Sunset, Main 2722. TUMY, Room 201, Garnett-Coroy Building. Sunset 6641. Medford Jobbing Co. Tho only exclusive jobbing company in Medford where you enn (jet nil of your little odd Jobs done at once by expert workmen. i Our Specialties Cleaning, Kulsimlned or impured walls and ceilings. ALIj ELECTMCAIA APPLIAXCES llK-PAIUEI). We will tako chargu of any Job ycu may have, call us up and talk It over. WE GUAKAXTEE. SATISFACTIOX IX WOIUC AXI) PRICES. PIIOXE MAIX 0501. Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MARKS BLOCK. I '4'--,r PLUMBING! !J STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING J ) . . , All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable i! COFFEEN & PRICE : 23 HOWARD BLOCK, EXTRAXCE OX Gth STREET. PIIOXE 303 wiwwwwwyy4W Nothing Just as Good as the REXALL Remedies EAGLE PHARMACY, 109 East Main St. Phones: Home 63; Pac. 232 WEST SIDE PIIARMAC. 206 West Main Street Phenes: Home 43; Pac. 4041 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Ttios. Bartholomew, Ph. C, General Mgr. The Rexall Stores Medford, Ore. ?,? f ... j.f. f.f.f.f.f.f.f.jLf.j.j. j-j. j- f j-j-- j- j.,,-j-j-j-jr,r. jj - r j- jiaaaa H. B. PATTERSON The QUAKER NURSERYMAN Everything in the Nursery Line See the nice English Hollies. rAll kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only the most perfect plants), and full line of pear, peach, apple, apricot, primes, etc., etc. Office 116 Main Street Office Phone 2381 -Res. Phone 2493 t--4