v PAGE SIX MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, OTiDFORD, OREOON, FRIDAY, MARCH 2-1, 1011 lv v.. r I - ' I 1. CITY NOTICES. OllPI.VAXCH So. 101. An ordinance) declaring the asscss ment on tho property benefited for the cost of laying n -1 Inch water main on Portland Avenue from Kant Main street to Southern Boundary ...i iiir.iMimr tins recorder to enter a nlatcinont thereof In the water main lien docket. Thu city of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. Whereas, the city coun cil did heretofore by resolution Ie olare Its Intotitlon to lay a 1 Inch water main on Portland avenue from Kast Main street to Southern Boun dary and to assess the cost thereof on the proporty fronting on snld por tion of said street In proportion to tho frontage or sold property, and fix a time and place for hearing protests acnlnst the laying of said water main on said part of mild street and the assessment of tho coBt thereof as aforesaid. And, wherons, said resolution was duly published "'! Hosted ar required by section 110 of tho charter of the said city And whereas, a mooting c, mu council was bold at ft fixed by tho said resolution, for llo p1,rposeofconHder tests, but no pi t hIh were at sa time, or at any ( t Ir I m i or received by tho council to no sni i laying of wild water main e)r tho us sessment of tno cost tnorcoi hh mum said, nnd said council having con "S1!'1, r,V ", ! tioCr 'Zi i dee.. Pit that Hlderod tho matter, and Ieoinmi, ii ai ..i.i ,,,i,.. imiiii wiiu mid Is of mater Jul benefit to said city, and that all property to bo. assessed thoroior would bo benefited thereby to the extent of tho probable amount of tho respective uBBCSKUiontH te be lovleej against said proporty did order said main laid. . , .. , And whoreas, the cost or said wa ter main has been and hereby Is determined to bo the sum or ?-,- r.30..T7. , , , , ,, Now therefore, it Is hereby furth er detormlned that tho proportionate Bharo of tho cost of laying said wateir mnln of each parcel of property front ing on said portion of said street Is tho amount Bet opposite tho descrip tion or each purcol of land below, mid that -ouch pleco or parcel eif land benefited by tho laying or snld water main to the full extent eif the amount so set opposite tho description eif the :ime, and that the respective amounts re-present the proportional benef Its eif said water mnln to said respective parcels or land, and also the propor tional rrontngo tliureor on said street, and tho council does hereby doclnre each or tho parcels of proporty de scribed below to bo assessed and each of tho samo horoby lsassossod tho amount sot oppoalto each description for tho cost or laying said water ABSBSSMBNT FOR A KOUIMNOIl WATKU MAIN ON POItTLANU AVKNUK FltOM 13ABT MAIN STItKKT TO SOUTH KIIN 110UN- DAItY. Assessment No. 1 Kiln C. Wester lunel. A parcel or land doscrlbed In volume 70. page 250, county receir dor's rocemlH eif .luuksein county, Oro geiu; frontage 2K.5 le-et on the west fildo of Porthuiel avenue In the oil) of Moeironl, Oregon; llt0.fi feiet; rat per root 77 tec; amount $18;). 20. Assessment No. 2 J. T. .Miller. A parcol or land described In volume 08 page 281, ceiunty recorder's record er Jackson ceiunty, Oiotfein; frontline 187 feet on the we-st side eif I'm Hand avenue, In the city or Modrord, Ore gon; 1X7 reel; rato per feieit 77 V6t amount $1 1 1.USi. Assessment No. 3- Samuel Mc pherson. A parcol of land as eloscrlli ed In volume 72, page lfa. county let-order's reenrels eif Jite-kneiii ceiunt Oregon; frontagei 200, feet em Hi' west side' of Portland avenue, In the illy eif Modforel. Oregon; 200 feel; rat" per feml 77 Vfc; amount $22-1. 75. Assessment No. I- Anna Smith Leit 1. block 1, Imperial Addition to tho city or Moeironl, Oregon; frontline ;J7 Vfc feet em the west side or Port liind avonuo; 74 feet; rate per root, r.7e; amount $80.00. Assessment No. 5 Anna Smith Lot 2, block 1. Imperial Addition to the city eif Medfeud. Oregon; I'reuitngt f.O reel on tho went side eir Peirtland ave-nuo; GO reet; rate per root 7TWic; amount $88.78. tm , AenesHUient No. 0M. L. Alford Lot 3, block 1, Imperial Addition te the city of Medford, Oregon; front ago 50 feet on Hie wet tide of Peirt land avenue; fiO rR't; rule per Teiol 7Vv; amount $SX.75. AewtMinent No. 7.-J. J. Huchlor Lot I. block I, Imperial Addition te. the oily of Medford, Oregon; front age 60 feet on the went aide of Pert land avenue; 50 femt; rate per root 77 Vic; amount $.is.75. Assessment Nei. 8. M. L. Alford. Lot 6, bleick 1. Imperial Addition t the city of Medfeiid. Oregon; fronlgge 50 foot on the west side tr Portland avonuo; 50 feot; rate per Toot 77 Vic; amount $3K.75. Anneesnieut No. 0M. 1 Alford Lot 0. bleck 1, Imperial Addition to the city of Medford. Oregon; rremt age 00 feat em the wwtl side of Port land avenue; 50 reel; rale per Tool 77 Vfcu; amount $3S.75. Assessment No. 10. M. L. Alford. Lot 1, bleick U, ImperlHl Addttton to the i-Jty or Medford. Oregou; front age CO feet on the west side of Poit laud avenue; 60 reet: rate per root 77 Vie; amount $88.75. Assessment No. 11.- W. L. Alford 1 nl ii. lilnck a. lihovrtal Addition to thOClty or Meelford. Oregoii; frontage 110 fuel oji the wiwl side of Port laud nvguu); 50 fgot; rate per foot 77 Vic; amount $88.75. Asseasment No. 11.-It. H. Tuft. Lot 'J, liloeli t. Imperial Addition to thu City "f Medford, Oregon; freut ago 50 feet on the west side of Port land avenue; 50 fet; late per foot 77U.n: muouut $38.75. Awiotwinent No. 18- M. L. Altord Lot 4, block 8, Imperial Addltleiu U (liu city eit Medford, Oregon; frout ngp 50 feot on tli weal slel- of Port land avenue; 50 feot; rate wr foot 77Hil. nil'"'"'1 $88.75. ABseiBgnienl No. H. M, L Alford. Lot Ti, bluoU 2, lmM-rlal AddlHem to tho city ot Modfeird. Oregon, f Mint age 50 foot on the fil side of Port land avonuo; 50 f: rate pr foot 771dc; iiminiit $38 70. " lnmnt Kb. 15 M. L. A If.. id Lot (J,,l)leak 2, Utiioill Addition t. tho city or Mn. v.i.Bo... nuin uko DO feot on tho wost i.i.. of Port- land avonuo. 00 loot; iato per feot CITY NOTICES. 77, &c; amount SH8.7fi. Assessment No. 16. It. II. Toft. All of block 3, Imperial Addition tc the city of Medford, Oregon.; front age .TGO feot on tho west slilK Port land avenue; .'JG0 feet; into per fool 77 &e; amount ?27!).00. Assessment No. 17. Lqe Ilrndshav Lot .'!, of tho Llndloy Addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; j-ront-age 290 feet on the east side of Port land avenue; 200 feet; rato por root 77M.c; amount $22 1.75. Assessment No. 18. Walter S. Crank. Lot 4 of the Llndloy Addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; front ogo .'JO feet on the east side of Port land avenue; 00 fet; rato por foot no; amount $G'J.7fi, Assessment No. 19 F. E. Martin. Lot r, of thu Llndloy Addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 'JO feot on tho east side of Portlan ave nue; 'JO ieci; rate por iooi t i vnv, amount $0!.7r.. Assessment No. 20. K. P. Power; Lot G, of the Llndloy Addition to the city of Medford, Oregon; frontago 1)1) foot on the east side of Portland ave nue; !I0 feel; rato.per loot i i '&m -. - - - '""a sessV.ent No. 2 IMary Down, a.i.iimihi to the ;, -f Mm 6 tronUw u ()f Iortai, 1U f(fat ,,llo ,,. f0( ,,.,.,., ,,, n . 77 1.C! .'iniount $111.00. Assessiuont No. 22. .1. W. Itich- '. nrdsoii. Lot 1, block 7. imperial Ad ditlon to the city of Medford, Oregon; r,.,,,,.,,,,,, r.o r..t on tho east side ol frontiiKe 50 feot on tho east side ol Portland avenue; 50 feet; rato pot roeit 7714c; amount $28.75. Assessment No. 211 J. W. Itich arelson. Lot 2, block 7, Imperial Ad dition to tho city or Meelford, Oregon; frontago 50 reqt on the qast side) ol Portland avonuo; 50 reel; rn.to per foot 77Vac; amount $38.75. Assessment No. 2i. .1. W. Ulch- ardson. Lot 2, block 7, Imperial Ad dition to the city or Medford, Ore gon; freintnge' 50 feet on tho east side of Portland avoniie; 50 reet; rate por foot 77Vi; amount $118.75 Assessment Nei. 25. Amelia V. Toft. Lot I, block 7, Imperial Ad-' ditlon to tho city of Meelford, Ore gon; frontago 50 reet on the east sldo of Porllanel avonuo; Q0 reet, rale per root 77 Vie; aineiiiut $;J8.75. Assessment No. 20. - Amelia K. Tort. Lett 5, block 7, linperlnl Addi tion to the city eiT Mediorel, Oregein; frontage 50 reel on the oust slelet ei Pen Hand avonuo; 50 root; rato per root 77 'jc; amount $88.75. AsueiBBinent No. 27. M. L. Alford. Lot 0, block 7, Imperial Addition tei tin. piiv of Modforel. Oreiieni: front age 50 feet on tho east sldo of Port land avenue; no root; rato per iooi 77V)!c; amount $38. 75. Assessment No. 28. M. L. Airord Lot 1, bleick 0, Imperial Addition to tho oily eir Me'dford. Oregein; rront afo 50 reel on the east sldo or Port hind avenue; 50 fesut; rate per foot 77 V&c amount $38.75. Asse'SHinont No. 20. -M. L. Alford. Lot 2, block 0, Imperial Addition tei Mm ultv of Moil fen-el. Oreueiu: freint nge 50 feet em the east sldo of Port- laud avenue; 50 re-eil ; rale per root 11 Vic; amount $118.75, Assessment No, 311. M. L. Alford I nl :i lilnrlt Ii I III lll't-llll Addition let tho city or Modforel, Orogon; front ago 50 feot on the oast slele if Port- laud avonuo; 50 loot; rato por root 77 Vic; amount $38.75. Afcsessmeut No. 31. -M. L. Alford. Lot I, block G, Impm'lal Addition lei Mm t'.ltv of Modrord. Oreuen: frout- iiiii no feet on llm mist sldei ot Port land uvenuei; 50 fM't; rate per root 77 Vic; amount $38.75. Assessment No. 32. M. L. Airord l.nt r. Iiliii'tt (', liniiiM'lul Addition to thu city or Meelford. Orogon; freint- ngu 50 reet on the emst suiei or I'ori- laud avenue; 50 feet; rate per leiol 77 Vic; amount $38.75. Assessment No. 33. It. K O'Urlen. Lot 0, block 0. imperial Addition to tho city eir Modieird, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet oil tho oast sldo or Peirtland avonuo; 50 fei-t. rato per foot 77Vte; amount $38. 7j Assessment No. ;. A. 10. linker Lot 1, block ft. Imperial Addition tei Mm I'ltv or .Moilford. ureiien: front- Hgo 50 feet on tho oust sldo or Port land avenuei; nil reiet; rate per reiot 77Mie; amount $38.7t. AsseaMiuout No. 35 deeirgo P Llndloy. 1-ul 2, bleick 5. Imperial Addition to the city eir Meelford, Ore nun: frontuKo 50 reet em tho east Ide or Peirtland nvuuuu; 50 reel; rate per root 77 Vie; amount $38.75. Assessment No. 8.--ueeire i Lludluy. Lot 3. block 5. Imperial Ad dition to tho City or Modrord, Oie- gou; freiulHge 50 feet on the oust sldo ot Portland avenue; 50 toet; rate per root 77 Vic; amount $8S.7f Assessment No. 37. M. L. Aireud Lot t, block ft, Imperial Addition to the ctt of .Moeironl, Oregein; front ago 50 feet on the oast slele eif Port laud avenue; 50 leet; rati) per foot 77 Vie; amount $38.75. Assessment No. 38. - H. H. Me Cabe. Lot b. block 5, Imperial Ad dition to the clt of Medford, Ore gun; frontage 50 feet ou the west side of Portland inouuo; 50 feet; mite per foot 77 Vic; amount $88.75. AsaesHiuunt No. 30. -11. U. Mc Cabe. lt 0. block 5. Impel Jul Ad dition tu the city of Medfoid, Ore gon, rreuilage 50 foot ou the oust side or Portland avenue; 50 reet; rate per fool 77 Vic; amount $88 75. Bullion 2. Ami It la hereby eirelor- i'd and ordained that the several uiniHiiioiiru mid the Ileus thereof be 1'iitoivd In the water main IImi docket or Mitel city, and that tlie'iw eioon notlee Ue given to the eiwnera, or repuU'el owner or aald propertj, and that tho samo lie enforced mid rolloiti'd In the manner provleleel by the charter or the clt.) Tor collection of asaesamenta fur the Improvement of si reels therein. aitinn K li la furl h or ordered J that Che notice above provided for oe puoiineo iniuti uinea in m uno Mall Tribune, a uewanaper publisg ed and of general circulation In said iity. In the manuer provided by or dinance No. l&u of aald city. The foregoing ordinance was paag ed by Hie city eouuctl of the city of Medford. Uiegon. ou tho Hat day of Kebruar), lll, by the following vete: Merrick ae. Watt ave. Wort man :ivu. UmerUik Mve. lflifert ate. and ' Mitlur are. Api'ioxt'd IN'binsry 21 at, lll i W II CANON, M)oi ...... imi1T w ...i Aiuwi. UOlll. W. Cll TWUNBU, Hucordor. CITY NOTICES. N'rvrmw. To tho owner, or reputed owner of each parcel of property describee In the foregoing ordinance, as unroof 'heroin, and in tho lien declared h? 4tild ordinance, as recorded in-the locket of city liens: You are hereby notified that the assessment declared by tho foregoint irdlnance has been made and the Hen therefor entered In tho city Hot docket, and that the samo Is duo tint you are hereby required to pay the imnej to tie city recorder within ten JnyB from tho scrvlco'of this notice which service is made by publicatlor Of the foregoing ordinance and thli nolioe three tlmos In the Medford tnii TriinitKi. nursiKtnt to an ordei of the city council of raid city, HOUT. W. TKUirBK, City He'corder. OltDLVANCI-: NO. I7ij. An ordinanco providing Tor tho li cnslng and regulating of the truffle In Intoxicating lienors within the cij if Medford, providing penalties foi flotation thereof and repealing nP mllnnnces or pnrtB of ordinances In 'onfllct therewith. The city of Muitford doth ordain ne follews: Section 1. Deflnltlnn: Tho wordt 'intoxicating lleiuemi" whenevor used in this ordinance) shnl) bo taken te noun and Include siilrltous, vinous, "ermeiiteel, mixed nnd malt llqiiors (2) The weirds "peison" whetievoi used lu this ordinanco shall bo taken to menii and Include, a natural person or either six, porBejns, co-partnerships, corporations nnd assoclutieiii!: or persons, and the singular number diull liiclueto the plural, and tho inas--uljiio pronOun shull Include the feiti Inlno and ileutur. (3) Kor the purpose of this ordi nance a manufacturer Hhall bo taken to liii'iin any person who manufac tures Intoxicating liquors. l-I) Kor tho purpose of this ordi nance, a wholesale liquor dealer Bhall be taken to mean any person who soils or in any muniier disposed of Intoxicating liquors in original pack igoB and not to bo drunk on the .iromlsos. Wholesale liquor doalort ehall bo divided Into two classes: (a) wholesale' liquor donleru who sell In oxicnllng lleiuors to other dealera lu Intoxicating Illinois only, nnel who niitkc) no sales directly tei the couiiu nor; (b) wheilesale lliiieir dealers wlio soil lu iiuautltien to couHiimert llrect. (5) For (ho purpose) of this ordi nance, it retail liquor dealer shall be taken to inoan any person who sella )r lu any manner disposes ot Intox icating liquors to bo drunk on the remises or elsewhere. (0) For the purpose of this ordi nanco, a druggist Is u person who linker the compounding or medicine mil the selling or drugs his chief oc uiputlou, and who sells or servos In oxlcatlng liquors only on a prescrlp lou eif ti icgutarly licensed pjiysl Inn with only one sale with each pre icrlptlon. and who keeps a register )tutiug the articles and tho amount purchased, the price paid, and tho -nirpose for which It Is tei bo used, iild tho personal slgnatuio and ad Iress of tho purchaser. Section 2. Hale or Intoxicating Liquors, Llconso Fee Required It ihall bo unlawrttl for any person tei soil or In any manner dispose of, or o keup for sale, Intoxicating liquors within tho city or Medford, except lrugglsts us defined ubove and whole eale dealers or class (a) as defined ibove, without first obtaining a II .'oiiso therefor, In necorduueo with the iirovlslons or this ordinanco, Section 3. Persons neit entitled to liltior lluimses; No llqueir license shall lies granted, jlther by eiriglnnl Issue or Iransror, n the following persons; Any keeper, proprietor or employe r u b'uudy holme, eir any owner, agent r h'sseir or any building, premises ir placei, where prostitution Is con ducted en- permitted; any Keeper, pro irletor or employe or any gaming or tumbling house, disorderly house, or place reserttfd to for the purpose of juiokliig opium, or any place resorted to for gambling or prostitution, or visited by lewel weijnon, or any place llrectly or ndlreeitly connected there wlth,tor tei any person not a cltlon or tho Pulled States; neir to any re umle person, tiny person under the ,ige eif twenty-one yours; any porsoul who wllnln one jonr una neon con victed of n violation of this ordinance, r any ordinance or the city ot Mod feird, relating lo lutoxiontliig liquors, or or any eir the liquor Inws or Hie itnte or Oregon, nor to any person not well disposed tei the penco and goeid order or seiclety, nor any person whei Is ueit of good moral character, ir any person who has been cenivlct d of felony, nor In any locality whore the same Is obnoxious to tho resi dents or tho vicinity. Section 5. Applicatien: Any person doslrlng u license un der the provisions of this ordinance shall tor ten elays publish notice ot his Intention to apply to tho city council for such lleoiiho lu one ot the new simpers or said city, which notice shall Htnte the date when his petition linll be presented to the ceuiucll, the place (by stteet and number) whore the proposed business Is to be con ducted, and the nature and class of mild busluesa, as dettueel by Hits or dinance, and when said applle-apt pre sents his petition to the council for Us action he shull ulso present a cop f such printed uotlce, and thu aftl dwvlt ot the publishers at the news paper lu wbl ill It was publUthod. alio win when, how loug ami lu what iteuapaper It was published. All np itllcuttoiis shall be accompanied by a cei lifted check on muiio bank in the clt of Meeirord, payable to Hie treas urer of the ciy of Meelford. lu the amount of the license feu for Hie en suing sis mouths, if the llccuae l re fuseel by the council, the reeoreler shall return said certified cheek to the applli'HUt. The council may re fuse to grant any applle-atlun fur 11 cciia when lu Us judgment the per sou applying therefor Is not a suit able persou tu be grunted a Itcetise. or the place fur which a Urease U uaked la uut a proper place therefor Set'llou 0 Trausfers: No enuisfxrn of any liquor ln-ensi In tlu ill) of Medford shall be nude fiuni one place o another oi from OIK' Mkl l IllltltlU'l. without till' I iilli of tin- In W'llt loll (if (lit pi'toou .loKln, tb' .iinie to uypl) lu Hie coun cil therefor ahall be given lu acconl atice with the preceding section. An) CITY NOTICES. Icensed liquor dealer of tho city ol Medford who desires to change hi ilnce of busIneBS from one locatleir o anothor, may make application hcrefor to tho council or said city; ny licensed liquor dealer deslrint o transfer his license to another por on to conduct btiBlnesB at tho snmt )r itnotlior locntion, shull execute nr nstrument of assignment of such 11 ense to such other person. The as ignee shall make application to the ouncil Tor such transfer, which ap illcatlon Bhall bo accompanied by the iBBlgnment. Said assignment shal ie executed and acknowledged with the samo formality us a deed of con 'eyanco. In case of the death, Incom ictency or bankruptcy or the llcen nee, the assignment may bo executed y his duly appointed, qualified and nithorlzed executor, administrator (iinrdlun or trustee In bankruptcy. At he time of making any application or tho transfer of a liquor license is In tills section provided, tho ap illcant shall deliver to the council r ertified check in the sum of tei ! $10) dollars, payable to the treastir ir or tho city or Medford, as a fee or Biich trnnsror. In case the trans or Is refused by tho council, tho re order shall return such check to the ipplicant. It shall bo unlawful foi ny person to engage In or conduct ho business or selling or In any man ler disposing or Intoxicating liquors it uny plnco other than tho place lamed In Ills license. Every applica tion for a license, or transfer, shal' jo accompanied by a iionel, with suf lclent sureties, In the sum or five limdred ($500) dollars, conditioned hat the petitioner will not violate my law of tho utate or Oregon 1p arrylng on said business at the place named lu the application, that ho wll teep an orderly house, and not allow my gambling, or any riotous conduct In or about his said premises, nut' hat ho will not violate any or the jrovlslons or tills ordinance. Rontlon 7. License Fees. Tho llconso rees Tor tho sale of ntoxlcatlng liquors In the City of .Modrord shall bo as follews: Wholesale liquor dealers, selling to oiiHiimorH, $100.00; socinl clubB J200.00; retail liquor dealers, $1, inn on Section 8. No social club licensed mdor tho provisions of this eirilln inco shall sell any Intoxicating llq lorn except at the times when Bul lous are authorized under the pro Islons of this ordinance to sell In dxlcntlng liquors, and no such so Hal club shall Bell any Intoxicating Iqiioru nt any time except te IU numbers In good standing, and no inch club Bhall at an time sell an) Intoxicating liquors to bo removed ir taken from its club rooms or ex opt the samo Is to be consumed with ,n tho rooms or said club. Section 9. Hours of Bale. No intoxicating liquors shall be -told, or lu any manner disposed ol n tho City or Me'dford between the lours of 11:30 p. in. on Saturda) mil 5:00 o'clock u. m. tho following Monda), nor between tho hours ol 12:00 a'clock midnight and 5:00 clock a. m. em the either elays ol he week, nor during the votinu aoiirs of any city, county, state oi mllonnl election day. and It sliul ie unlawful for nv licensed llqnoi dealor between such hours to keel jpen or unlocked, any doors or elooif ir passage ways, to any saloon or bai .ooni, or to permit any person to re ualn in or about tho place where In toxicating liquors uro sold or In an) inaniier disposed of. Section 10. Disorderly Saloon oi liar lloom. No licensed liquor dealer or pot ions having the management or con .reil eir u saloeiu or bar room, elthei is u proprietor eir employee thereor, )hull In such saloon or bur room, oi ilaco or room connected therewith, iv nny door or either opening, oi .lied lu connection therewith, punnlt ,iny breach ot tho peace, or dlstur banco or the public order or decor uni, or uny noisy, riotous or ellsor Icily conduct, or sell or give, oi lermlt to bo sold eir given, any In 'oNleatlUK liquors to any person al ready Intoxlcuted, eir to any per son under the ago or legal majority ir permit or allow any minors to be, ir remain Ju or about any saloon ir bar room under his mauagouieiit. supervlslein or control. No person under tho age ot legal majority shall no Into, or remain In any bur renin ir saloon. It shall be unlawful foi any person to uause, permit, suffor, r allow, any theatricals, minstrel shews, exhibition, concert, musical or entertainment, to tiiko place li .my saloon or bur room. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause permit, autfer or allow any game ol cunls, or ellce. te) be played In an) saloon or bar room, or room con nectod therewith, or gambling of anv kind to be carried on therein. Section 11. Women Kxclnded. No licensed liquor dealer In the Clt) of Medford shall permit or suf fer anv feinulu person to outer for the purpose of buying or drinking any Intoxicating liquors, or remain or loiter for any purpose, In or about any saloon, bar room, drinking shop or place when) Intoxicating liquors are kenit lor sale at retail. Section 12. The council may at any Hinu rouikp or cancel any license theretofore granted by It to any per son. Wltouevur any such license shall be revoked, the Council shall direct that the proportion of the license fee for tw unexpired term shall be refunded to the licensee. Section 13. It shall he unwaltul Tor auy poraou whether he bu a Uccusod liquor dealer, or owner, or manager or bar tender, or employee In or of any saloon, oar room or otherwise, to violate any ot thu pro visions ot this ordinance. Section 14. it shall bo tawta! Tor the rather, mother or guardian of auy minor to notify lu wrltlug auy Itceuaed liquor dealer not to sell liquor to such minor, and any disre gard or violation of such notice shall be, deemed ami taken to bu couolus (ve evidence, of guilt; and It shall i.- to.fil fit,. th wlft mnltinr or riUnv .if IihI.iIiihI .Irimkuril tn ttiv notloe lu writing to any lluonsed llq-i nor dealer that his, or her. oU or husband. Is a habitual drunkard. I I .....I l.n, u....lt liarfAU aliull kk.k, U.ll I givo or In au) ummier dUiuise nf I ..... ,,.! I. .,tlu lln.tnM t.. tfll.lt t.rtlK. I nil. tin.,., ti , " IH(vvaB " .... .'. ton. and iinv dlsrtgjirel or vlolullunj of suili not li but mn ahull be deeiiiod auU Uketi ui be toiictuslve uvldeuce of guilt: ami U sliall be unlawful tor t aii) minor pcrsuu tu uitsreproeiit hl, CITY NOTICES. age to any licensed liquor dealer for tho purpose of obtaining liquors, and any minor mnklng such misrepresent tatlon or any habitual drunkard ob alning liquors by misrepresentation from a licensed liquor dealer, shal' bo deemed builty of violating the provisions of this ordinance. Section 15, All ordinances and partB of ordinances In conflict here-' with are hereby repealed. Section 10. Any person vlolatlnp the provisions pf this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof, be BUbJect '.o a fine or not less, than ten noi more thnn one hundred dollars, ot vjy Imprisonment at hard tabor not exceeding fifty daya, or by both such fino and Imprisonment, and for n 'bird conviction tor a violation oi any or the provisions ot thte ordin ince ,the punishment shall bo both c fine iof ono hundred dollars und Im prisonment at hard tabor for fifty lays. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass "el by tho city council of tho clt) -jf Medford, Orogon, on tho 21st eta) of March, 1911, by the following vete: Merrick aye, Watt aye, Wortman aye, Emorick aye, HUcrt uye, and' Millar aye. Approved March 22, 1911. I W. H. CANON,' AtteBt: Mayor. KOHT. W. TELFBlt, City Recorder. OIMHXAXCE NO. i77. An ordinanco providing tor the construction or n 0-inch lateral sower along Minnesota streot rrom Gonovo uvenuo to ItooBevolt avenue and Tor the nssessmont of tho cost thereof on the proporty d'rectly benefited there by and udjncent thorcto, and provid ing a meeting of the council to con sider protests ngaliiBt said construc tion and assessment and tho serving of the owners of such property with notice, thereor. The city or Modrord doth ordain as follews: Section 1. It is tho intention of the council to causo a latoral Bower to bo constructed along Minnesota itreet from Geneva avonuo to Roose velt avenue and to assess the cost Jiereor upon the preiporty directly benoritod thereby and adjacent thero- Sectlon 2. The council will hear mel cemsider any protests against said construction and the assessing ur said proporty Tor the coat thereof at a meeting of tho council to bo held April 4th, 1911. at 7:30 o'clock p. m., In tho council chamber In said Ity, und all property owners ot prop erty adjacent to said sower and ben efited thereby are horoby called upon ,o appear borore snld council at said tlmo nnel plnco, and show cause, It any they hnvo, why said construction should not bo mado and the cost thereof so assessed. Section 3. Tho city recorder Is horoby directed to serve notice there )r upon the proporty owners nfore iiilel, by causing threo copies ot this ordinanco to be posted In throb pub ,1c places In said city, and said ordl naneio to bo published onco lu a dally newspaper published and or general circulation In the city, at least ton days bororo thu date of said mooting. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council or t'no city of Medford, Orogon, on tho 21st dny of March, 1911, by the following vete: Moxrlck ayo, Watt ubsont, Wortman ayo. Emorick aye, Eirort ayo, ami Millar aye. Approvoel March 22d, 1911. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: UOI1T. W. TELFElt. City Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. I7H. An ordinance provlellng Tor tho roust ruction ot a 0-Inch lateral Bow er along Palm streot trom Oloson -.treet to Summit avenuo and tor the assessment of (ho cost thereor on tho property directly Iwnerited theroby mil adjacent theretef, and providing ,i meeting or tho council to consider u-otests against said construction md assessment and the serving or he owners or such property with no tice thereor. Tho city or Modforel doth ordain ns feillews: Section 1. U In the Intention of the council to cause a lateral sower to bo constructed along Palm street (reim Oloson street to Summit ave nue und to assess the cost upon the property directly benefited thereby and adjacent thereto. Section 2. The council will hear md consider any protests against said construction nuil the assessing of said property for the cost thereof at a meeting ot the council to bo hold April ith. 1911, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., In the council chamber in said cltv. and all property owners or prop el t'y adjacent to said sewer and ben efited thereby are hereby called upon to appear before said council. at Balel time and place, and show cause, If anv they have, why said construction should not be made and tho cost thereof so assessed. Suction 3. Tho city recorder Is hereby directed to serve notice there or upon the property owners afore, said, by causing three copies of this ordinanco to be posted In three pub lic places In said city, and said ordi nance to be published onco In a dally newspaper published and of general circulation In thu city, at least ten davs before) the date of said meeting. The foregoing ordinance was pass ed by thu city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, on the 2161,1111)- of March. 1911. by the following vutei Merrick ave. Watt absent, Wortniau aye. Kmorlck ayo. Elfurt ayu, ami Millar ayu. Approvud March 28d. 191 L W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: , ROUT. W. TELFBR. City Recorder. HUSOLPTIOX. lie It resolved b the elty council of tho city of .Medford, Qregen: That It Is the Intention of the cauiicil to lay a 4-lnch water main on Palm streot from Oloson street to Summit avenue and to assess the rot thoroof upon tho property rront lug on said portion ot said street la uDPortlnn to the frqnlago of said property. The council will muot at the coun cil chamber In thu city hall In said cjty on tho 4th day of April. 19)1. at 7 30 p. m . at which time all pro tests against the doing said water CITY NOTICES. main on snld portion of. said street and tho assessment of the cost there of upon tho property fronting there on will bo heard. The foregoing resolution was pass ed by the city council of the city of MedfordMeeirord on the 2l8t day ot March, 1911, by tho following voto:: Merrick nye, Watt absent, Wortman aye, Emerlck aye, Elfert aye, Millar aye. Approved March 22d. 1911.. W. H. CANON, Mayor. Attest: RODT. W. TELFER, City Recorder. "RESOLUTION. Do it resolved by the city council or tho city or Modrord, Oregen: That it Is the intention or the council to lay a 4-inch water main on Minnesota street from Geneva av eniie to Roosevelt avenue and to ns sosb the cost thereof upon the prop erty fronting on said portion of said Btreot In proportion to the frontage of said property. The council will meet nt the coun cil chamber in the city hall In said city on the 4th day of April, 1911, nt 7:30 p. m at which time all pro tests agaUBt the laying of said water main on snld portion of said street and the assessment of the cost there of upon the property fronting there on will be heard. The foregoing resolution was pnss od by tho city council of tho city of Medford on the 21st day of March, 1911, by the following vote: Merrick ayo, Watt absont, Wortmnn aye, Em orick; aye, Elfert ayo, Millar aye. Approved March 22d, 1911. W. 11. CANON, Mayor. AttesC ROUT. W. TELFER. City Recordur. notice of Sale of bonds. The city council or the city or Mod rord, Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals ror tho purciinso or ?38,uuu, rive oer cent, ten year, general lien bonds, at its regular meetlngi to bo hold A-pHl 18, 1911. All bids must bo accompanied by a cortiried check equal to 5 por cent ot the amount bid for, snld check to bo mado payable to tho city treasurer or the city or Medford, and to be for feited to said c'ty In case said bid Is accepted and Bald bonds aro not purchased in accordance with Buid proposition within 20 elnys after the notlco of said acceptance. All bids to be riled with tho city recorder at any time before 5 o'clock p. in. April 18, 1911. The council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. ROBT. W. TELFER. City Recorder. Datod this 22d day of March, 1911. CITY' TREASURER'S NOTICE. OfNce of tho City Treasurer, Med ford, Oregon, Mnrcli 23, 1911. Notlco is hereby given that there aro funds on hand in tho city treas ury for tho redemption of all out standing city warrants Issued against tlio street and road fund. Interest on tho samo will ceaso aft er tho above date. t L. I,. JACODS, 314 City Treasurer. TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE Good business opportunities, and lo cations, all paying. TEDDY'S DAMSITE Isn't In It with our LANDSITE. For Instance, a 1000-acro tract containing over 200 acres of the fa mous Rear creek bottom land, in nl fiilfn, and extending to (he higher land, which Is set to orchnrds In part, all the lnnd bolng good fruit land. Some of tho land Is now In bear ing trees and may bo purchased at reasonable) figures, tho uiraira land with n good stand or alfalfa for 5270 to $350 per acre; young orchards,! good stand, $250 per acre, and grain lnnd nt $175 por aero. This 1b an "Ideal" tract ror a col ony, as It would cut up into small or lnrgo placos to an advantage, or may bo purchnsod In 10, 12, 20, 40, 50 and 00-acro or any size trlcts. Easy terms given at low interest. Located threo miles trom Ashland and ono mllo from Talent, Or. A 74-acro tract 2V miles West Tal ent, good 8-rootn house and largo barn; 8 acres under ditch aud In al falfa and garden land; 34 acres un der plow, and trees; 20 acres of or chard, of which 5 acres aro lu bear ing; telephono and R. F. D.; half cash, balance good terms and easy payments. For plenty of other bargains call or address G. A. Gardner , TALH.NT.pitKaOX, NOW Is tho time to have your ground laid out. Wo havo tho oxperienco ami the knowledge us to how thoy should bo laid out to (he best advantage. We have also a fine lino of ornamental .ihrubs, simile trees and two year old roses which will bloom (his year. I'ricos for same can bo had nt the lore, comer Sixth nnd Central. Tlione 1451. Greenhouse and nursory near city reservoir. Phone 61S1. J. T. BROADLEYtacO. Florists and Landscape Gardeners. P. 0, Wax 521. ltemembor we are OADorienne.l in all lines of florist ntid laudsciipe work. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY Homes any part of city Lots wholesale and retail 4 MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrow6rs Bank Bldg Ashland Orchards Mil. INVESTOR: Aro you looking for an invest ment that is an investment? If you are,, then read this: WFo are authorized by tho own er to otrer Tor a short tlmo at only $250 per acre IiJb 30-acro one-year-old orchard, which is located with in IK: miles trom Ashland and right in the valley. This orchard Is all sot to tho finest varieties of pears and ap ples and has been well cared for. Wo will 'subdivide this Into 10 acro tracts to suit purchaser and will glvo terms on tho samo. Rogue River ' Investment Co. 77 OAK ST., ASHLAND. OREGON City Property 5-roout house furnished, ronls for .30, with 75 ft. frontago; will son bo warehouse property; $2750; good terms. Ilusincs.s corner closo to fedoral buildiiitf, 100x100; U-room modern house, $7000; good terms. Six-room modern bungalow, closo in 3 bedrooms, Hereon porch, $2500; good terms. G room modern bungalow, new, com pletely furnished, $3000, (onus. 5 acres for platting, inside city limits. water in street; price low, , easy terms; very desirable. Corner 100x100 with (5-room house, oust front, next to business section $8000; good terms. 4-room hoiihe, niodorn, close in $1850 with, furniture, $2150; o!ok in; good terms. 7-room house, 2 lots, S. Orange $2000; good tonus. RANCHES 1(!0 acres pear Medfoid, 1V miles to railroad and .station; () acres fruit lnnd, $3500. 10 acres in pears at the price of tho laud, e-loso in; good terms. 20 acres fine fruit laud, close to rail road, all cleared; $100 per uere. 22 acres, fine niodorn houso, good barn, 8 acres in orehard, grapes, berries, etc., rich soil, close in; priou right; only $2000 to handle this. Block of hearing Newtons in perfect condition, close in, $800 per uuiv. WANTED 10 ranch hands. flirls for general housework. City and ranch proporty to list. Man and wife on rnnoh. 2 Primers. . F. S. Room 206. Phlpps Buildlntj 7-Room Bungalow, Modern Clos'o to Mnln Street. Lot GOxlOG, Fast Front Sidewalk, Sower and Water In and Paid. 1 Assessment on Pavement Paid :?;i,00(, GOOD TKKMS. Myers, Whiteside & Holmes i Main and Central. Van Dyke Realty Co. CITY PltOPKKTI FARMS, FUUIT RANCHES 123 K. MAIN STREET, M ', H '"ST