MEDFORD MATT TRIBUNE, arTCDFORD,. p-REGON, "FRIDAY, MAROTT 21, 1911. PAGEMV1 "fcr '' V i, ft fin 7 t LOCAL AND PERSONAL Blue Laws for Ashland did talk to tlio Hoys' club of tho Y, M. C. A. ut their room Tuosiloy eve ning. Ills subject v(ih banking. Mrs. Clara Moulden, who has been visiting In Lincoln, 111,, for several nlonths, returned yesterday. Mrs. Moulden was very glad to get back to her home. She would have re turned sooner, but for an accident, in which she suffered a broken arm. Tho Valley Auto Co. unloaded threo Chalmers "30" nutos. All are beauties and this firm is to be con gratulated on the splendid showing they make. R. 11. Irwin of Chicago who 13 a Rogue River valley enthusiast, left for home Thursday night. Are you looking for a house? I lmvo it. Are you looking for a lot? I have It. Aro you looking for a ranch? I have it. Come see Tinny at 201 Garnett-Corey Building. 312 T. K. Mills of Weed, Cal., is n Medord visitor who Intends to lo cate here. Two and one-half acres In alfalfa ono mile south of Washington school, easy terms. A. W. H. Kverhard, 212 Fruitgrowers' Dank bldg. tf Joe Memsic, former Medford po liceman, has entered tho wrestling game and will have several bouts In Weed and other California points. He is advertised as "Joe Lightfoot," the Cherokee brave. Loose leaf ledgers made- In Medford at tho Mall Tribune office. Charles Ballon of Portland, repre sentative of tho Auburn cars, is in Medford for the purpose of establish ing an agency for this car in Med ford. . Money to loan. Spraguo Bros., 214 Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. . 337 Colonel George P. Minis of the Soven Oaks orchard was in Medford Thursday for a few hours. Watch and' look Chickens at the Fish Market always. Columbia riv er smelt, 8c a pound. Ranch eggs, 22 l-2e per dozen. K. J. Kaiser, editor of tho Valloy Record of Ashland, was a business visitor Thursday. Tho most favored people on the coast aro the Medford people. They havo tho Medford Jobbing company to look after all of their little odd Jobs, repair their electrical appliances and clean their walls and ceilings. Medford Jobbing Co., office, Medford Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phone Main G501. 33G G. A. Gardner, tho rustling real estate man of Talent, was In Med ford Wednesday. Spring is hero. It is housocleaning tlmo. Ilavo those walls and collings cleaned by tho Medford Jobbing Co.'s now Parisian process. Nothing like it. Office Medford Music Shop, St Mnrk's block. 33C James Adams, a veteran of the civil war and pioneer of Klamath Falls, Is visiting Medford friends. John II. Carkin, attorney at law, over Jackson County bank. Ernest Lister, a business man of Grants Pass, Is a visitor in Medford. Gregory leading photographer, views, portraits. 323 Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wergorsen of Alta, la., are registered at tho Moore. Will sell my homo nnd some fur niture; homo valued low at $5,000; all for $3,650 cash for quick sale. Address J. Owner caro this office, tf Mrs. V. J. Emcrlck left today for Eugene, where she will spend a few days visiting her daughter, Alotha, who is attending the Univorslty of Oregon. Do you want 14 lots 50x145 each, for $2400 on easy terms? C. W. II. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. tf For a treat in tho amusement line, go to the "Isis." You will witness the cleverest vaudeville and the clearest pictures. Tho only radium screen in the city. See the long, lank lean, skinny fellows In their skinny dance nnd hear thler skinning, skin ny, skin song tonight and Saturday night. I Weeks & McGownn Co. are to be ( congratulated for threo most excel lent accomplishments. First, they have exceptionally fine bIiow wln- , dows; second, they have the most complete window showing of dra peries ever displayed outside of Port land in Oregon, and, third, they havo a mnn who knows all the newest ideas In drapery work. See R. A. Holmes, Tno Insurance Mnn, Over Jackson County bank. tf. 11. J. Neely of Spokane left for his home Thursday night. Medford local Socialist party meet every Sunday night at 7:30 at Smith's hall on North Grape street. Everybody Invited. tf. James Frees of Prospect is visit ing Medford friends. Mrs. R. L. Gardnor of Ashland was. trading In Medford Friday. Relchsteln for wood. Yard corner Fir and Tenth. 329 Tom Dranga of San Francisco ar rived Thursday for n fishing trip up the Roguo river. B. N. Marsh of Meadows was trad ing In Medford Thursday. Do you want 5 acres In alfalfa, ono mile south of Mnln street, choap? C. W. II. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Bank bldg. tf T. E. Mendle of Central Point le In Medford this week. C. W. Erlck of Butto Falls Is a business visitor this week. Ashland Steam Landry, Medford office, phono No. 1201. tf. J. J. Hardage of Masseltav Ga., Is a Medford visitor who Is well pleas ed with tho valley. R. E. Flynn of Eugene is a busi ness visitor in this city. Dr. J. E. Shearer, physician and surgeon. Offlco over Strang's drug store. tf P. Longfellow of Valley City, N. D is visiting former friends who have made Medford their home. Gerald Volk of Forest Grove is reg istered at tho Nnsh. Is your house wired? Ono cigar less a day would pay for a hundred per cent. Increase In comfort. Start living tho electric llfo. tf R. W. Roes of Corvallls arrived Thursday evening on business. Mrs. Charlie Molony of Eugene Is visiting Medford friends. II. B. Patterson, 11C E. Main, has some nice English Hollies and all kinds of shade trees. Roses (all the best). Now Is a good tlmo to plant. Drop In and seo me. tf J. P. Davnell of San Antonio, Tox., Is a Medford visitor. E. J. Elsenhart of Oskaloosa, la., is looking oj-er orchard and realty Investments. Late magazines, periodicals and pa pers at tho free reading room In chap el back of tho Presbyterian church. Open evenings from 7:00 to 10 p. m. All men and boys aro iuvlted. tf II. D. Mills of Klamath Falls Is In Medford on business. J. E. Wheeler of Redding Is so journing In Medford. Printing, all kinds at Portland prices. Mall Tribune offlco. L. A. Keller of Portland arrived Friday for a short business visit In Medford. Rlloy Smith of Redding arrived to day to look over fruit possibilities In this valloy. To the Editer: Tho oracle lmtlu spoken and a special election is to bo hold on Saturday, March 23th, lo make Ashland a closed town on Sun days, not permitting any place of business to bo open, nor nmusements of nny kind to bo indulged in. The measure is fashioned after tho old ancient blue laws of New England of a century ago. It may seem a hardship to some of the moro progressive citizens, in eluding the city council must bow in meek submission' to tho big boss nnd his bunch. Not being satisfied with having elimianted the saloons, which no one in Ashland seriously objected to, this crowd must go further nnd dictate to the pcoplo on nil questions. We believe that this sissy policy has been listened to now too long by tho people of Ashland and further be lieve that this very influence is why Ashland has lost to Medford the proud distinction of being still the metropolis of the famous Hoguo river valley that it had held for years. However, this crowd are long and loud in their appeals that the repu tation of the holy city must be main tained at nny cost, and are making n tremendous effort to carry the elec tion for the blue laws. Quito a number of honicseekers have arrived in Ashland in the past week. Though not nearly as many as we expected from reading the Portland papers, southern California furnishing many moro than tho mid dle wct up to date. They aro good buyers, as 10 families have bought homes r.iuco February 1, and aro well pleased with their new homes. SUBSCH1HEK. sEugene Courtney arrived Thurs day to visit frlonds. Mr. Courtney Is a prominent business man in Sac ramento. Call phono 21C1, 1032 for baggago wagon. 451 A. II. Weber of Portland Is- regis tered nt tho Nnsh. George MoVisse of Tacoma Is a business visitor in Medford. All kinds of bindery work dona at Mall Tribune offlco. J. II. Chambers of Cottage Grove is visiting Medford friends. Mado in Medford, any stylo of loose leaf or blank book, at Mall Tribune office, Lynn Purdln, who Is compositor for the Valley Record at Ashland, Is In Medford. W. E. Boynton of Oakland Is vis iting Medford friends. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. Miss Lena Downing, who has been spending the winter here, returned to her homo at Applegate Monday. Miss Garvin entertained her class nt the Christian church Monday evening. The young people spent a cry enjoyable time. Dr. E. Kirchguessner is here from iiis Rogue river ranch on professional business. City Engineer T. W. Osgood was in Central Point Wednesday on city business. Registered nt Hotel Dunlap up i noon Wednesday were: Harry Starr, W. B. Mitchell, C. L. Hampton, C. L. Weaver. M. A. Goldsmith, II. Hall, all of Portland; John Barneberg, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Whitney, John L. Den nington, all of Medford; George L. Miller, Chicago; Martin Olson, Seat tle; John V. Kexne, San Francisco; W. U. Evans, Gold Hill; II. I). Hoke and E. L. MoAlwtor, city. Ed Briseo of Asbestos was in our city Wednesday on a business trip. Rev. Day of Woodvillo was hero transacting business Wednesday. Mrs. T. J. Hanson of Chico, Cal., w tho guest of Dr. E. Davis and family. Eugene Sanborn of Grants Pass is visiting his family. Work on the new Cowley buildiiu has been resumed. The roof is al most completed and the floors will he laid this week. Mr. and Mrs. Honry Warner loft for their new homo at Eugene Thurs day morning. N. Jorry has returned from a trip to Portland. C. Carey of Phoenix was visiting old friends hero Thursday. Bankor J. O. Isaacson gavo a splon Orrine for Whiskey and Beer Habit. Orrlnols the Mamtanl remedy ami la every whero recotfiitznl at the most successful mid relUtiln homo treatment fur tlio "Drink Habit.' It Is highly praised by thouH.imls of women, because It has restored their lovol ones to lives of sobriety nnd usefulness, and tho week I v waif es which at ono tlmo wcrcspeut for "Drill It'1 are now used to purchase tlto necessaries aud many comforts of home. Attv wife or mother who wants to nave her husband or son from 'Orlnk" will bo plad to know that nho cau try OKRINT. ami If no benefit Is obtained altera trial, we will refund tho money, ORKlNi: Is prepared In two forms. No. 1, secret treatment, npowacr.nosotutely tnstelett nnd ortlorless, given secretly lu food or drink OKKINKNo. 2, in pill form, Is for those who desire to tnke oluntary trentmeut. ORRIN1) costs only $l no n box. Write for l'ree Orrlm liookletlmnlled in nlalu scaled euveloue) U ORRINE CO., GUU Orrlno Building, Washington, D. C. ORRINE Is rec ommended and Is for salo In this city by Leon B. Hasklns, 211 East Main St., Medford, Or. j)i i" .!i'. "'- ji i. i. . i i. ii.' ;'niTi-JJiuiHi-4uJjy-jw-u, SrVHfvr TT rj; tfsS) - r TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 4- -----f-f --4 HIGIICHOFT residence sites aro sell ing daily; make your solection be fore ehoico lots nro sold. tf WecRs & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS DAY PHOiNTE 2271 Night 'Phenes: F. W. Weeks, 2071 A. E. Orr, 3692. LADY ASSISTANT JjJohn A. Perl g LUndertakerfanT"Eiiiba!int;rr Successor to tho undertaking de partment of Medford Furniture Co' Kib Office With KJ.b ' Medford Furniture Company Sick and Injured convoyed to any part of city or country. Telephenes: Day 351. Night: John A. Perl 4111. C. W. Conkiln, 3601. J. H. Butle', 3571. Louvre Cafe K. A. WILSON' Proprietor. Millinery Correct in Style A HAT OF MERIT NO MATTER WHAT PRICE IF BOUGHT AT THE Home! Millinery .OPEN EVENINGS. 1021 W. NINTH ST. t p HH rmwm-r-r-r-w-r w " -y - r - f r r-,-r- H 3333lj YOLK IIOMIC COMKOKTS. Wo can wlro your house, or do re pair work on tho service you now havo, nnd will savo you money on tho work. Promptness and satisfac tion are two other essentials .that you'll always get hero. MOTOR KEPAIHIXG l-1 1 j AT IRONS FANS, FIXTURES. Crater Lake Wiring Co. NO. 27 NORTH BAKTLKTT ST. 80 Acres 15 acres cleared and fenced; 40 acres In wheat; -1 acres old erchard: free, black soil; 5-rooni house, barn and other outbuildings; water piped to houso. $100 an acre; $2000 cash, balance ?1000 a year at G por cent. Will sell half. Myers, Whiteside 6c Holmes S. 1-:. Cor. Main and Central. Closing Out Wo havo CO tons of hay; nlso ton tons of lmrloy. Don't stop nt tho West Sldo, but conio to tho cornor or Grnpo and Eighth. Phono G102. Residence phono G941. A. B. Tull particular People Prefer Our Footwear Our New Spring Styles nro sure to please the most fastidious. Our values are second to none. Our lines aro new and every pair will give satisfaction. You are urged to call soon. 0g 11 Medford Theatre Sunday March 26 THE MARJORIE MANDEVILLE CO. -m- U ZAZA THIS WILL BE THE FAREWELL APPEARANCE of these Popular Players. ' PRICES 25c AND 35c. SEATS NOW SELLING JHJ&M0JHJHMJJ 5 Meeker's Saturday Flyers KKEXCII DIXXEIt, lli M. to H P. M, 7."5c. OLYMPIA OYSTERS, COCKTAIL A LA DARKDIA ICED CELERY QUEEN' OLIVES CONSOMME EN TASSE, POIS AUK PETIS FILET OF SEA RASS AU VIN BLANC POMMES DUCHESSE SWEETHREAD CUTLETS SAUCE MUSHROOMS BANANA FRITTERS AU KIRSII STUFFED YOUNG TURKEY OYSTER DRESSING CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES FRUIT SALAD PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM ASSORTED CAKES SALTINE WAFERS ROQUEFORT PASTE To overlook these SPECIALS is to throw away the GREATEST MONEY SAVING EVENT you have ever had offered you. READ: White Nubbed Linen 27-inch, shrunk, suitable for all kinds of wear; sold regular G5c yard; to close Satur- OC day, yard dt 10 yards to customer only. BLACK AND WHITE STRIP ED VOILE. A big novelty; silk finish; 27 inch; 50c, values; Satur- 9P day only udL 10 yards to a customer. Linen Finish Suiting Just ihe thing for waists, skirls and children's dresses; full weight; 27-inch; 15c, regular; Saturday only, per O -i Qp yard 0 1-Ot FANCY PIQUE. 27-inch; heavy pique; makes nice skirts and dresses; 25c reg ular; sale, Saturday jAp .'50-inch fancy stripe ; 25c -f A value; to close, yard "" Evangelistic Meetings m The Presbyterian Church 8 1-3 and 10c Lawns Saturday - - 5c MUSLIN SALE CLOSES SATURDAY EVE 9:30 Satisfaction or Money Refunded i You will enjoy it. ) COME Everybody is invited to come. Rev. J. A. McVeigh of Portland, Or., is the evangelist. Moetino-s Sun- day at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Every afternoon at i; o.oa ... ..., !: :.u p. in., aim every eve- ;; ning at 7:30 o'clock. Meet ings commence with song :; service. :: .r sssg WSffljjgS rttTTlr rir-A. t ..a.. . IMUUii at'UIAlj .MUUliA tOrTKE'Z . -. ...wn m. v ZO J. KsXLIH I t1fL, .... ...... .uuBic uy mo j-amoua , y j HONOLULU STKING OKCHESTJIA 4,r , t San Jose, California Alfalfa and Fruit Land ClioniioHt litiul In tho stnto, taking into consideration cllmato and faollltloH. GIoho to San FrancUco markets. Tho host reHldouco city on tho coast, '" We liavy many traqts or first oluss land, ranging in nrlco from $17.". per ucio and up. Values will soon bo rising. Wo will ho ploasod to mall further Information and Htoraturo up on application, i tK T. S. Montgomery & Son 7 WICSr SANTA CLAUA STUKOT, SAX JOSE, OAL1FOUXIA :: mr JH H. m V.i