V fc m t V Hi , P2SE ITOUK IW I. II ! IIP MEDFOKD MAIL TltlliUNE AN INDHPRNDHNT NRWSPAPIJIl PUHMHHKU DAIIiV KXCKPT HATUIt- DAV I1V TUB MKDFOKD I'KINTINO CO, Tho Doiuocratlc Times, Tlio Mcdford MbII, Tlio Medford Tribune. Tlio South ern Ort'Konlnn, The Anhlnnil Tribune. OKOltQl: PUTNAM, Rill tor nnd Manager D Entered ub Becond-ulnwH nmtliir No vpinbcr 1, 19011. ut tho poitofflco at Mcdford, OroRon, undor tho act of March 3, 187, Official Paper or tlm City of Mrdford sunscnirriON bates. One year, by inn It 15.00 Ono month by mail 60 Per month, ilellvernl by carrier In Medfaril, Jackaonvlllo anil Cen tral Point f'O Rundny only, by tnall, per year. . . . 2.00 Weekly, per year 1.60 swoun cmcur-ATiow. Pally nvi-rngo for hIx montliH cndlni; December 31, JitlO, 27.il, rull Z,oaea Wire United Vif Slspatclieit. JOSEPH FOLK TO SE HERE SATURDAY MEDFORD MATLTRTBCTCTE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRTDAY, MARC n 24, 1911. '' jssssimmaaBaBa IIIIIIBIIIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIHV? '' IIHllllllllllllllllllH BfJpM CLUSTER LIGHTS NEEDED. Till subject of cluster lights is one that interests every one in Med ford. Cluster lights are an important step in the creation of a city beautiful. Mcdford cannot afford to longer lag behind cities of similar size and even smaller towns. Its boasted progres siveness has not materialized in this important detail. The city council has been considering the subject for a long period. It is time to ad. (Muster light posts should be installed with GO days. Alighting rale, no higher than paid in other cities, should be paid. If the posts can be obtained at reasonable fig ures, and they can be, and lights obtained at a reasonable figure, and such an offer has been received, why longer delay? (I ranis Pass pays $1.7;") per month per cluster of. three '10-watl Tungsten lights that burn all night. The con tract is for ten years, with a minimum of 500 lights. Medford has been offered a rale of $1.80 per month for the same lights, on a basis of ISO lights on a five-year con tract. A ten-year contract for 000 lights would probably bring the same offer that (J rants IJass has, and if Grants Pass can use 500, Mcdford ought to use .1000 lights. Salem's city council is considering a proposal to pay $3.50 a month for each cluster of lights. Portland pay's $1.00 per 40-walt light, or $3.00 for what CI rants Pass pays $1.75. So that its readers may know whether or not a reason able light rate proposition has been made to Mcdford, the Mail Tribune has written every Oregon city using cluster lights to ascertain the rate paid and the replies will be printed Sunday. Kx-flounior .Tow pit Folk ih loo well Known to milh noi'il any mention hero, anil hi- coming to thin city will not only ho mio of tlio mn-t notablu ovoiiIh in llio liinliny of I he Jycoiim iioiir&o, lint in (ho liixlory of llio ooininniiity. It will also hn ol intoiURl to hnovv tluil lio in MinMinriV cnnilidnlo I'm- tho pivniiluiitinl iiiiin- uinlion on I ho di'ihiiomlio ticket. Tho ri'diul ol' all tho rofuiiiiM hi' inniignrnti'il whilo ho hold ol'fli'o in iMiwHOini, wniihl of t ImmiimuIvch nioio than fill Ihix mko. Clovi)raor Folk ;m roKiu-ileil hh (ho irionuiM- in the Kivnt minium fight njrninHl trrnfl whii-h ik now uoiiiK tin ovorywlutro, lioth in tlio siato ninl nation, Ah Kovunior lio put an' anil to hooillin in lojjia lativo ufTniix. Ho nholiMhml (lie jiraotico of li'nislaluii'8 ami offioialN riding on fmn iwhnuh. Ilu prueiiivil Iito piiMHatjo oT a law itl'lor a hard lepulativo fiitht ropualin tho raco lniolc law whoruby Kiunhliiu,' wan !o Kulizod, ami put tho inoxl iowoi'ful ami iiiHolcnt racetrack Hviiiliilnlo in tho world out of luminous. Ho Hlampoil out kniI'Ioi'm in tho police ilopartiiicnl, ho nppuiutoil uioii of tin hljthiwl (Intruder to nil ignitions of iuhlio tnu. I, cloned (ho gnmhlinir ilho in St. LoiiIh and enforced tho law olottiiijf tho Kituihlimi ilivox in St. l.nnU muiI oaforcoil the law cIohjiik hrIooiih on Kiimluy, in tho face of iulwimu opposition ami ilennnciution. Thin hUui wuh tho hi'ifiimiair of tho iiiovwucnt for law eiiforoemout that im now RoiiiK on in nourl all tho laro iotieM. (Invoniur Folk will snak tur day niittit in the huiuII hwllivmu at tho Xiiltttonuui. OA'IWItltll IS SIMtlCliV A DA.N'ftltltors DISUASIJ TliunaanUH or ieoil allow catarrh to slowly undermine tho whole ' tttin until n iwrloua dlwuno dovolob soineUinea rouuinp(lon. 'oilo who havo catarrh ahoulU iih evrr effort lo got rid or It, but ahould above all adopt a aeuiilble methoit. Steinaeb tloalns. apraya and tlouohea wou't eur eatanh Uecuunt U 1 ft kerm dlaNMW. and Iho genua inuat be (Ivatroretl twfore the dla osau ohu be euu'iuerml. HYOMI01 la Uve one aeualble cure (or uaUrrh becauae It reaches vary fold, orevlee and nook in the uiu 0Ot4a membrane and geta where tho derma are. You broathe HYOMKl nud M It paaaoa over the inflamed number Its auothlug Influence heala tUe aorcuexa and catrova the germa. A oomploto IIYOMK1 outfit roata $1.00. TMa ronaUU of a bottle of 11YOMK1 and a hard rubnr inhaler. I'our u. foH drops of ItYOMKI Into the Inhaler itnd breathe It a few niluutos each da), that's all you have tp do. It hi Kuaranteed by Chas. Strang and diURitlsts evory where to otire catunli, roughH rulds and sore throat or nuu) lun k lUtra Ixitdo of HYOkllSI cons Co ,, uu. Fioe trial sample on requint fi nt Booth's Hy mnal Co., JJuffalo, N. Y. Hasklna for Health. READY TO BUILD NEW ARMORY Adjutant General Finzcr Advises Ashland Executive That Work Will Start in the Immediate Future if Money Is Available. Mayor U. J Noil of Ashland aftor tho Hpi'oial city election promptly in formed Adjutant General Finzor that the city wan prepared to product) its ijwfiOO for the armory liuililinn and desired to hod construction hein im mediately. The mayor and council had made uiTanp'iiioiitn with the United Mtale.s National ami First Na tion to linaiico tho city's end of tho ileal. Several locutions are htiinj; pro posed ami will ho offered as silo for thcarinory. The following letter from the stale hoard shows its dobirti for oaily coin plotien: State of Orepui, .Militarv Dopar' moiit, Adjutant Goiioral' Oftiee, ' I'ortlanil, March 7, 11)11. . J Him. II. I. Noil, Mayor of Ashlantl., Dear Sir: I am in receipt of on' letter of tho (ilh iust., infonnin m that the city lias appropriated $7.'i()0 for tho construction of an nruitm ' liuildin. Will you please inform mol how soon thin money will ho imult hie and if you ctniHlder that iiituiikc inoiitK can ho made to hi'Kin the con striicliou of a huildiui; at once. Tho state will ho ready to hotrin the work within 00 days, ami is will in to hoar its part of the o.poi i ' of construction of this huilriiiitr. 1c .perl fully, W.K. FINZKK'. I Adjutant General ' - ' I'nsl.iiiH for llculth ' NEW RURAL ROUTE IS D MAN DRUNK .IS ASLEEPi TRACK Butte Falls Contractor is Found Just in Time to Prevent His Death Wants Judge to Give Him His Whisgey Back. ('. V. Kriclc, a sig" jiainter and contractor at Unite Falls, was found last cvcniiij,' hy niht officers Hall ti Cinycaid, lyiiif,' across the Southern l'aeific track booth of Main street in a drunken stupor. The nijjht train was due within a shoit time after his discos cry by the police. Other wise he would have heen hitting the ties on the road to eternity this morning. When arrested Hrick had $l.:i(5 in change and u bottle ol whisky. Ho doaiandeil that the whiskey be returned to him, it being his private property, but the mayor refused. Flick said that ho had come here to older 800.00 worth of paints to be shipped to Hiitte Falls. His ship ment goes today. Mayor Canon fined him ."), which is to ho paid the next time he comes to Medford. Kriek claims ho was lobbed of $18.00 and threatened t got u lawyer to fight his ease for the whisky. Two other men, put in for drunken ness, were released on promise Jo I mil work or hit tho trail. The other two will bo brought be- ! fore Mayor Canon. Postofficc Department Villi Start One Operating Between Ashland .ami Sulla Springs June I Star Route is Reduced hy Officials. Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March Cth In Elec tric building, 218 West Main street. Everything new and modern, Includ ing steam heat, baths, otc. Best In city. Rates reasonable. Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors to cum: A COM) IN onk da it Tako LAXATIVE DIIOMO Quinine Tablets. Dttigglsts refund mouey If J !t falls to euro. E. W. GHOVE'S slg naturo iu o.i each box. 26c. ' CongrcHHinan Ilawloy writes Sec rotary W. It. dowdy of tho Ashland Commercial club that his efforts at ' obtaining a rural routo between Ash land and Sudn Springs, No. 1, wore. successful and that the sumo would ho put on Juno first. Tho star routo was reduced from j six to three times a week last week. This was a great Inconvenlenco to V. It. Potter, tho contractor, for tho past six years, as ho has made tho trips during the had roads of whiter lit a loss and was oxpectlng to iiiako a few dollars canning passengers and I'Mirosi for tho fnrint rs ODAKS Ilavo you noticed tho sun slilao? Tliro to get that Kodak. Only ono placo, let us show you. r ' Medford Book Store Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles Notice Fruit Growers Wo have loaned tho Page Packing lioimo and will operate In the Med ford district this coming t.oason. We are tho socouil oldest company In California and aro members of the California Fruit nistrlbutors who handled 70 per cent of tho doehloouu (rult out of California this past sea toil. Call on our northwestern agent IC. M. MeKfluuy, room 1 Stewart bulldlnK nad talk mutter over with f lm before makhiK your seasons ai J rami omenta Adwuirea made It do ' a trod. ' m i'itoi)i(i:i:s ritriT co. ; MACHINES PLEASE Double Disc Records 65c Medford Music Shop McNTM.Y .V CO., irjo wisr mi suti:i2T MSN'EKAL OVKIIHAULINO & MACHINE REI'AJRINO. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN flasi. Corner Cuntral Ave. and 8tk St Medford, Or. Block Wood For Sale In Any Quantity. 1MIOXK MAIN' U.-HI Or inrjulro MIOIU'OUI) IIAKDWAKE CO. TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man or woman haB a timber and stono right of 160 acres, price to tho government $2.50 per acre. No cultivation, resldenco or Improvement required. I have about twenty-five claims to locate, soo raa and have a talk, this land Is worth $20.00 per acre. Call or write. A. It. SAMXCJ, Itoom IH Jackson County Hank ltiilldlng. 318 Gentlemen! Here Is a Platting Proposition for You The most desirable tract of land in the city of Medford for a platting proposition is now on the market. Eight Acres on Jackson Boulevard Between Summit and Columbus Ave's. This is to be the first block paved in Medford this year. The tract is near the new Jackson school and lots tire in demand in that vicinity. This tract has been platted into forty lots, but never put on the market before. "WATER and SEWER are in and paid in full on every lot on Jackson Boulevard. .Taeksou is to be the longest paved boulevard in the city. It willljo the most popular automobile drive and will tin-. doubtedly become one of Med ford's BEST RESIDENT STREETS. The Price Is Only $1 1,000 ON TERMS This figures just $27") per lot, and surrounding lots are selling today from $-130.00 up. They will bring over .$600 each when the paving is completed. By conservative fig ures this proposition will net the buyer a PROFIT OF $5700.00 IN ONE YEAR. THIS IS HANDLED EXCLUSIVELY BY Earl S. Tumy 201 Garnet-Corey Buildiug ilniklus for lhmltr FIRE Ii'k a 'in uk shiinii- hut tho OWIUM lf ti of tlU' H''lll.-.t, KtiUlh up di il.iU' bunnalowh In Medford haa given UN Til ItlCU HAYS ONI.V lu wtilrh to rlisf urtiul COST. Th lota hut doublod In yftlut. C'vmout itldoMKlks all paid (or your gala. CU08K IN' COMB TODAY lt uu luw ou Phone 109H. Oregon Realty & Mining Co. Mil) (lanutt-t'iiivy Hnililliij;. iWrtM)art LAST DAY OF THE FIRE SALE Sattirday Mar. 25th I Goods Damaged by Fire or Water at Any Old Price 200 PIECES ROYAL TOKIO JAP CHINA 125 PIECES ROYAL SERVIAN CHINA 300 PIECES GERMAN DECORATED CHINA at SO per cent Discount at 25 per cent Discount at 33 1-3 per ct. Discount MONDAY, MARCH 27th.-OPENING OF OUR NEW DEPARTMENT RIBBONS RIBBONS - MEN'S NECKWEAR, LADIES' NECKWEAR, LADIES', CHILDREN'S AND MEN'S HOSIERY NEW LINE OF JEWELRY. Lace Department Opens About April 1st THE WONDER STORE I I ; ; . : - ; -fi iatdMimnairliirfivi.r..i....f....,.,.,..f,., firrrrrrrrrrrryrTrijrvrytrxfVJfvv1JfTjfVljfg