MTCDFORD "MAIL TRTBUNIO, MWDFORD, OR KG ON, FRIDAY, MARCH 2J. 1011. PGE THREE ftr tf ? i c KISS CURRY IS UDJT REST Sorrcwinn Friends Pay Last Tribute '"Simple Words of Comfort Are Spoken Classmates Appear in Deep Mourning. The, funeral of" Miss Wray Curry was hold this aflernoon from (he late residi-nce on South Central uve iitie. , A message was received Tluirhday, stilting that John Curry, hur father, was heriously ill and unahle (o travel. The news of her death was a groat .hock to him as it came so suddenly. The services at the home were con ducted hy the Uuv. Theodora Matlock of the Christian church. I lis appre ciation was chnraeteristic of the girl simple, direct, and filled with a ten der sweetness, lie spoke of her lov able character and of her wonderful personality that instantly won her the friendship of all who nicl her. Ik told of a life that furnished each Iioui some ray of gladness, and the re sulting happy, cheerful disposition. The funeral was one of the largest in the history of this city. Long he fore the hour of the funeral service friends and schoolmates gathered to take a. last look on the loved face and few eyes were dry as the sorrow ing friends left the bier. The coffin was banked with rare and beautiful floral offerings sent in great profusion. The high school attended in a bod and marched to the grave. The .pin ion class of which she wa a mem ber appeared in deep mourning. The pennants of every class in 111. nigh school were decorated in mourn ing and her desk banked with flow ers. Six students of the high school act ed as pallbearers, Frank Hay, Doi Itmler, Walter Merrick, Fletchei Ware, Frederick Heath and Eininei son Merrick. Wray Curry was born in Med ford December '2'2, 18!)1, and died March 21 at midnight, aged 1!) yeaiv. and '. mouths. She lost her mother at the ag of !) and has lived since witli hoi grandmother. She was a girl loved by all vh met -her. A happy, cheerful di-p -sition that tried to make life casici for those about her. She was kind ness herself. Her friends arc numbered by tb hundreds in Med ford and among h schoolmates she was loved and hon ored. A leader in her class, both in studies and in its social circles Brilliant in conversation she was pop jilar with all. Her teacher's regre' her death deeply. She is surviuM by two sisters, Miss Ethel and Mis Gladys Curry, an aunt, Miss M.t Curry, an uncle, John I'hmalc, an' two aunts on her mother's side, Mil's Horace Nicholson and Mrs. Mcadi Fox, and her grandmother, .Mrs. Jnt.r Plynmle. ' The body was interred in the I. 0. 0. V. cemetery at Medford. WSk N Q) COURT? IrMLJBI !W New Cases. II. D. Iteed vs New Process Gold Mining & Development company ; ac tion to recover money. J. L. llam mersley, attorney for plnintiff. Gold Ray Realty company vs. W. R. O.xloy ot nl.; suit for injunction. A. E, Iloiunes, attorney for plaintiff. State of Oregon vs. Ralph E. But ler; criminal. Stnto of Oregon vs,. .Tuck Davis; criminal. State or Oregon vs. .Tosto Jonos; criminal. Alice Trnsk v. J. X. Mnnnlhk; action to recover money. Naff & Men ley, attorneys for plaintiff. Marriage Licenses. J. Arthur Cunningham anil Lotta Luke. Prolmte. Gerard Hello llniberger, ordei made appointing J'. F. Swayur guardian. Kslate Uose Anna Fox, ordered that April '2'2, 1!)11, bo appointed a day for first settlemoul. Stoipcl Tliose Pains. Copper Hill, Va. Mrs. Ida Con ner, of this place, saysi: ''For years I hail a pain In my right side, nud I was very sick witli womanly troub les. I tried dlffeient doctors, but could get no relief. I had given up all hope of ever getting well. I took Cardul, and It lellovod the pain In my side, anil now I feel like a new person. It lo a wonderful medi cine." Many women are completely worn out and discouraged on ncocunt of some womanly trouble. Am you? Take ('nrdui, the woman's tonic. Its ec6rd shows that It will help you. Why wait? Try It today. Ask youi druggist about it. MUISOI MY I HEAVY LOSE II CHICAGO UHETC R NC IF 0 AM Chances of Charles Merrinm Bright en Hundreds of Prominent Wo men Making House to House Can vas in His Behalf. CHICAGO, 111., .March 24. With hundreds of prominent women mak ing house to boiiso canvasses in bis behalf and a great impetus of reg istration in wards known to be for the republican candidate, the chances for the election of Professor Charles Morriaifi lo the mayoralty over for mer Mayor Carter Harrison, the dem ocratic candidate, have brightened visibbly in the last few days. licgistration in practically all dem ocratic wards save the liOth and :tlth, show losses. ! Coast Mills Receive Large Orders- Possible Winter Campaign hy Unit eel States Forces is Forecast- Amount of Order is Half Million. Knockout Brown May Come. SAX FRANCISCO, March 2 1. "Knockout" Drown of New York, ac cording to Promoter Griffin of this ulty, probably will be seen In action here next mouth. Griffin, who holds the fight permit for that time, said today that If LaGravo makes good ngalnst Wolgust ho may get the date. If LaGravo falls to show class, "One Round" Hogun may bo Urown's opponent. X ' SAX FHANCISCO. Cal.. March 21. Mills at Portland, Salem, San l'Vancisco and Napa, Cal., have re ceived orders from tho war depait nient for delivory to the quartermas ter at El Paso, Texas, of a quantity of heavy blankets. The amount of the order will be !f"0l),00()f and de livery is to begin as soon as possi Me. The blankets will meet with the se verest inspection. A test of weather exposure for several mouths is given. The order, ty is believed, foio.shad ows a possible winter campaign in Mexico. Bible Lecture. Mrs. O. S. FnwJcr-Chuiuos, ilie not ed psychologist and teacher of olec-to-therapoutlcs, will preach at Med ford theater Sunday, March Ufi, 1!:30 p. in. Subject: "Tito Sclonce of The ology and the Genesis of Life." All aro welcome. TInsklns for Health. WOMEN'S BEAUTY. Imperfect Digestion Causes Bad , Complexion and Dull Eyes. The color in your cheeks won't fade, the brightness in your eey won't vanish, if you keep your stom ach in good condition. 'Holcbing of gas; hunxiucfcb, sour taste in mouth, dizziness, hil'ioui-no and nausea occur simply because the stomach is not properly digosting the food. The blood needs nourishment to carry vigor, vim and vitality to every part of tho body and when food fer ments in the stomach enough nour ishment is not supplied. Mi-o-na stomach tahlots give in stant relief to upset stomachs, but tjiey do inoro; they put strength into the stomach and build it up ho that it ' can easily digest a hourly meal without giving its owner hour, of misery. "I had stomach trouhlo for u yarn for days at a time could eat nothing at all. After taking Mi-o-nn trdatmenl 1 am in perfect health and oflti cat anything." E. M. Campbell, 3200 S. Protpect St., Sedalin. Mo. Mi-o-na io sold by druggiU every-' 'here and by Chiis. Strang at 50; CfliU a lurgo box. It is guaranteed1 to cure indigestion or any tomuU dUtrei, or money back. ) lip qmm jj SB '- ifll mik. am ; K&3&& i mhsmmmmmmMmm ' c YOl'H WIFH has much to do with your success or failure. If she's thrifty, your for tune's half made, if you could see the names of depositors In our books a large proportion of feinlnlno ones you'd see the key that opens tho door of contentment in old age. Dig roason In this fact: We allow 1 per coat Interest each twelve-month on every dollar left hero and compound that Interest every year. To got the whole story of buccccs call hero or rt'rito to our Information bureau. Farmers a Fruit Growers Bank rs-vNNs - -rrsr Welcome. fifJlJfflTS-Welcome A WKLCOMI3 IlKAIlTlliV ILVJ'KVIHM) VoU IIV TIIK WESTERN BONDING (Si INVESTMENT CO. And wo wish to offer you the coin testes of our Information and Investigation Departments. Thet-o departments are maintained for your help and guldanco and aro yours to command at all times in person or by mail, though these departments wo aie able lo give j on any iiilorinaliou icg.irdiiig lauds or investments in tho state of Oregon or Northern California. Ueineniber (hat Ashland hns the cream of tho Kogue'lliver Valley mill better lands can he bought for less money hero than any other part of this valley. NOW JXVi:STI(i.TI: THIS and you will see the facts. LAND CN HI3 UOUGI1T ON THIS COAST FOIt .r,.00 1'UIl AC UK AND UP. THE WESTERN BONDING & MEDPOfeD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OP MUSIC. ' PULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. Rock Spring Coal On hand all tho time. Phono 1G02, I I BUDGE Til liS COAIj 31 AN. SWINE FOR SALE Fancy registered Poland China and Berkshire Swine. Orders taken for spring delivery. Prize winning stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, Klnmnth Falls, Oregon. Canton Restaurant Meals Served at all Hours, flood Cooking, Good Service, lteason able Prices -: -t- : ;- Sam Lock, Prop. Upstairs on South Front Street. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22 South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark California Irrigated Lands IX SUHDIVISIONS, 20 ACKI3S XI UPWARDS KASV PAYMKXTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA. IDEAL CONDITIONS FOR ORANGES AND LEMONS. Wrlto us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Co. DIXOX, CALIFORNIA. ssrsssssNsNsrs"sr srsNr I Campbell & Baumbach MORTGAGE LOANS, COUNTY WARRANTS, CITY AND SCHOOL BONDS I Money on hand at all times to loan on improved ranchey PH0NE323I. and fruit land. 320 GARNETT-COREY ILOtt. s-ssxssssrssssxsJS sJsrsxl'ly''y ..OrcKard Tracts... l ? 5v l& Flvo and ten-acrd orchard tracts, plnated to "hoico varlotles of pears; best fruit land la valloy; ono mllo from town; also aomo ono-acro tractB in big oak grovo. If you would llko a flno suburban homo, havo a look at thoso tracts. Beautifully located on macadam road, Good car Borvlpo. Donot on nronorty. Our prices nro rlcht. See J. A. PERRY, Owner (IDT West Main St., Medford or. Mcdonif NationIliuilc; Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing .HY 11U(JII ELLIOTT, tho noted horso slioer.. I carry Ue largest stock and keep nothing but tSio best mechanics nntl gunrttiiteo gll work. Wo Make a sju'dalty of hholng driving horses. Corner Riverside and Eighth Btrecta. Phono Home 30. Pacific 3101. EiKs Bldg. N'r.-r- AshlaVid, Ore. 0 J MltS. O. S. FOWLEIl-rill'.MOS, Frci in tuns on Llfi 's Deepest Laws," by Mrs. O. S. Fowler Chuinos. Now subject dally. Friday, Mar. 24, 8 p. m. to all Saturday, March 25, S p. in., to all. Sunday, March 2C, 2:30 p. m., to Mil. Health consultations nud phreno loglonl Qxatnliiutlonu glvun dally- at Ilotol Nash, room 2S, fiom 9 a. in. to 9 p. in. until April 7th. ClanoA will be Instructed , her now system of applying olectrlclty to euro dlicjutt, beginning Woduesday, Marcn 29, at 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. in. Flvo IrMoas will be given to each class. -Raskins for Hoaltb. FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARrS FRUIT LA23DS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CQ. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites vith private hath liootns include largo clouet and sleeping porches. Also hot rod oold wutor in oonnootiou. llraakfast served, if denired. Hetiou rooins for giiesta. CIsbUsumu ouly. 70C S. Oakdalc Ave, MEDFORD, ORE. JP-fr&3P'X&3&&&9-39&9-9-9-VP-J9-P- J. E. ENYAKT, President J. A. PERRY, VIco-Presldent F. E. MERRICK, Vlce-Presld?nt JOHN S. ORTH, Cashlor W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashlor. The Medford National Bank Capital, 9100,000.00 Surplus, $20,000.00 SAFE JMiPOSIT HONES FOIt RENT. A GENERAL HANKING RUSINESS TIIANSACJ'EI). Wo SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. 44444r4f4rrrttr44-M4r4r4f4M4 A V r .. s&m&vsSZZM tf X &w3B3&'j maam te.'tt&fc 2L S &K.m yiH.MiTr i&.waTV jorr.ia -r '.''ws -r-v JM viinrm- r ntT's" -' 4WS KMW . mfmm 'jtizzsm $M7Y mS&v, fs!!Sri Y7W& mtifjiK' 1911 OPEN ROADSTER, $825.00 IFORDl IRRIGATION Is Liquid Gold Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FEED N. CTJMMINGS, Manager. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg Irrigated Orchard Tracts If you had bought an orchard 5 years ago, TODAY YOU WOULD BE RICH. IT IS NOT TOO LATE R0GUELANDS INC. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. 1911 TORPEDO ROADSTER, $875.00 Fully (iuiip(Ml, f. o. h. Mod ford jMHir-('linliT, 1 1 :t it drive, lOO-inrh wliccl-basp, mag ncto of coui-sp. 1-t t us show you." Ashland s Motor Car Co. lit .MILL STREET, ASHLAND, OUICGO.V. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. 22 Acres 8 acres in orchard, modern ,housa, good barn, richest soil in valley, t9jftfl will handle, your close in, prce right vvv own terms on bal, Biltner & Clark ( Room 207 Phipps Bld. .".& ...