WEDlTORDMAni TRIBUNE, anSDJTORD, ORIOCION", lRIDAV, MARCH 21,1011. PAGE TWO ? ft Tsm I TO FACE CHARGES S. C. Bartrum, Formerly a Resident of, This City, Is Accused of Incom petency, Neglect of Duty and Dis honesty by Forcstcr'C. N. Odcn. Incompetency, neglect of duly, niul what virlunlly is n uliuro of dislioii only, tiro (ho cliurgi's which Jmvo been prefen'ed' nuuiusl Sujioriiiloiiflcnt S, C. liarlrum, head of the forestry scr- vioo'for'lhc TJitilxiua Wrest, df Hose-' bun,' Mi' Hurtriim was formerly in clmi'Ko Of the CuHcauVnulioiMl i'or ckI, now known as the Crater na tional forest, arid for soine time wild a' resident of Mcdfoi'd, Jfrs. JJimiiuit being ti Jackson county girl. Tlio charge is tho result of differ enco of opinion between Siiperinlond chl Bartrum mid Forester C. N.! Oilon; According to papers prepared in tho iinKn liv Attorney K. h. Cniw noiij doilnsel for OdOn, and w'hicli'p1'-' pent liavo boon filed witli the district forester at Portland, the differenced worn first. tnrlrl liv llui'trum asking Odcn to sign fnlee Affidavits. It il said thiit Mr. Hurtriun wanted a uoi'J tain water power site in the forest resorvO and in Order to HCcurb it wal to represent to the edpartment the site was needed as a ranger sta tion, under which the land could hti withdrawn for settlement. Odeii chiiiiis ho refused to sign the affida vit for tho reason (hat tho place wuh totally unfit for a ranger station! Oden also claims that Hart rum asked him to sign affidavits attacking somd of Ihirtrum's own relations, with whom ho was having; trouble During tho period of forest fiict last year, n bad fire occurred noai' Odeit's district Which Mr. Hnrtrunf represented to (ho department Should have been belter handled by Oden, ml (ho report says. Oden has secured affidavits from rcaidontB of (he fire district flaying (hat the fire was ini L'OntrOlliihlo. He also comes back nf JJiirtriini by claiming that he, ISar truui, was at Diamond lake at Hits time enjoying an outing, fiUOO feel elevation, whore no fires occur. That (he telephone. Hues, over which he could have summoned help had (hoy hen in working order, were down, and (his statu of affairs ho clnipiH us neg lect of duty on (ho pari of tho su perintendent. Charges being preferred nguiufll Oden, he was asked Id resign or an swer thu charges within 10 days Oden H(utih) thai it was expected he woul rdesign, bill instead of doing so, ho answered tho charges and pre ferred (he charges against his chief. He circulated a petition quietly, which is signed by about 100 cilixeus 1 tho county, and reads: "We, the un dersigned residents of Uoschurg, Or., nuil vicinity, have known Fores I Hu porinlondoiil S. ('. Marl nun for a number of yours. We believe Mr. Ilur trutii (o bo of an unfair prejudiced disposition and feel (hat ho shows jiarlialilv more or less in nil hU deal ings. We deem him unfit for (he po sition he now holds, and it is otu opinion that moit of the ill feeling mid hostility ngainsl the 1'onmt ser vice is duo to bin arbitrary and un fair iiuuiiiKcnietit." This petition, together with (he olhor paper in (ho ease, were sent lo (he district attorney's office In I 'art land luet week and resullud in the arrival hore this week of C. II. Plory, nn&'ntanl dislricl forester, who will invoatigule tho fliHi'KOs nira!nt Mr. Hail nun. Mr. Odeu's attorney asked for a local hearing but wan rofuaed by the department. 1 1 1 1 Situation Out Little Better. KIj PASO, Tm. MhitIi !.- Op (hniiiui that the end of (ho .Meicun revolt is nearly in sight, which wns rampant here yenterday, Iihh puled mid a I in ok t ilUttppenrctl lodfty thmugh (ho failure to receive any iiipxangv jlrOhllBltiK jieace from Meico CHy. 'rlioliiipioduioil here now U that Diai lltib reftisod to tliacuaii any proHs iibj until thi) rebellion U over, and both revolutionary eymnathiaert and! iVIlersIs think it looks now like a lout', hard ftieht lo a ftuiau. Tiiri'liK HAM) SPOT. ,t . If Vou Wnnt One Don't Ask Clias. Strang About Parisian Sago. ' If Parisian Sage wou't atop that litUo bald spot from spreading nota IntfMn tlila wnrhl -will. HuldnrfBH. thin hair and falling hair tiro onMaod by ilaudruff germ. If j'oft have dandruff kill thu gerwi ai OIICQ. ' , J 1 pnrlfllnn Bage la guaranteed u Olins. Htraug to kill dandruff germ, . huriUh dandruff, stop falling hair and' Itching soalii, or inoiity back. It Is a da! lit' bilr dreaeljjg that will inaico tho'lialr bright anil fan-lnmlng-Largo 'fiat Ho1 id oenlfl. Sold in i-iv town In 'Ainofloa.'Tlio lrl with th. nubiirn hair qh ovorv 141-ion Ilaalilus for Health. "Merry Widow" Next Week J ffP W MjC IMJJWQ 'M IJfjf lbS- - I I JvfiPm, & Fr '& I'm W 1 Amx2j OKAS. ' 1 i'lrmn ' ' jiAitiu wiiiiiiTit and Tint hi-: Or thi: oKioi.VAii "mhuiiv wid- OW" CAST Mi:i)l'()ltl THHATIIir, AIAIU'II ill. To aiiiioiinco the forllicomliig 011 Kagoniont of "Tho Morry Widow" at tho Medford Tliualor Friday, March .11, Is an o.xroplloiial pleaauro, Inns much nu tho prodiietlon In at run pod with the nanio of Hoary W. Savage, a lilanngor who, playgoers have learn ed by oxporlence, never scuda en tour an Inferior production. Thu com pany, which will be seen here, In said to be superior to any oricau laatioii (hat haa presented Kraiic ho llar's dullgh.fiil oparetta lu America. Among tho carit am Mabel Wlbur, Charles MeAklns, Ivl Hcolt, It. IS. (iiahaui, Fred Frcar, F. .1. MeCar lliy, llaiold Itlako. r. p. MciMrr and lieoua llrnudt. The entire produc tion, Including costumes and scenic appoint uieuta, is entliely new. The KowiiM ami lints were hrouicht from Paris Inat July by .Mr. Savan and rttprosout tb latest HiIiik In the art of tho modistes of tho Preach capi tal, which Iiiib for so ninn years dictated wonien's stlcs AceouiimiiN liig the oifanlziitton will be two 01- HOTEL IS RAPID First of July Will See Keys Tinned Over to Owners With Hotel Com-, pletc Says Official of Construction Company. "Work on tho uew .Medford linlcl la being rushed ns liipldly as poasl-1 bio," aald an official of the conatruc- j Hon company this morning, "and Ifj thr la ho ilaliiy In receiving canteiitj' iv win nave tue ouiBlUB work rln IbIumI in l. w-Mka. Aftor that it will will b only fiup fiulalilug work, a all of the plumbing aud rough par- tltloutug m dune as wa do tha out-j aide work. ( "Tua sacoud Btury la aliuoat flu- lahati and lu a fw tiara tka brtcs ' will L autlraly Itid for that story "All of the partitioning for the second fulor la uearly flulahed. aUc tha pluiuWug aud elertrtral work "Tha flrirt of July will are us turn over th keys of the moat hsiidkino. hotel In soul horn Ort-Koii to Its own re " WOOD Wclwi 11 ill GO tli lh nf C,Mi( lllv' wood at the coiner of (liape ami nigttth, Wa ara cloalng out. See Now Ktii draul r phnnr OffitiM iitu l:z. Uridanrol nholU" 5891 ! nnnnnrnn nn unu iKuiiiaoo ufntt)i A"f wm w xwmX 'r ' sf ' JW -rn. r .? x JFMI I XV-K is 1 v . clicBtras, tho Savngo Cirand Opera orehoHtra under tho ablo leadership of Uraliui Vandenberg, who will be recalled for tho totirs lie ban hither to made as a pianist with concert companies, and tho Hungarian Trolibadouis, who were brought, from nudapest. Farewell to Mnmicvillc. The MarJorle Mundovlllo Stock company will give their farewell per formance lu Medford Sunday night at the Moil ford theater. These popu lar plriyorB huvo entertained large audiences for the past six mouths, first at the Pro theater and Inter at Hie Medford, and for the admissions charged have given ically splendid porforinnncoB. For Its last appearance tho ciini puny bus Bolected probably the most ambltloiiB bill ihey have yet attempt-oil--,,JCaa" made famous by Ken He Carter. A special effort will be made to make the farewell perform ance a notable one N'o Increase In piboH 2."ic and U5c. Draperies Wo carry a vory complete lino of draperies, laco curtains, fixture, etc., and do all classos of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and will glvo as good service as Is possible to get lu even tho largut cities. Weeks & McGowan Co Notice to Investors Income bearing orchards apples or pears. In Rogue Hlver Valley, Ore gon, Medford district, lu large or siuull tracts. Improved Isiid, suitable for sub -dividing for orchards or alfalfa. From five acres to five hundred acres, good deep soil. Near shipping points. Choice biistuase property, residences and vacant lota In Medford, Ore gon. I .A I.OMA UU.V I, I1STATK CO. W. 11., F M Any, W. II. Sawige, Itoom 'J, Stewart Uiilldlug. Phenes: PuifV -.T.l Home l!Ot-K (AC iWJVcibdlL'll' Medford Bakery mniiAM-o. HOME M1K riPS NP PAKTIIY Where ho Go Topight r-v fgmmP ' I'hoTOPIiAVS MUSIC 1 :! i TJntlrc Chango of Program. : Comeily Drtinui History ; Music by Misses Crawford ami Crowd! alwas a feature. " niMH oxi-: "NAT" THEATRE j Shows all tho latest and best films. ;j Chango of program Sunday, Tucs-1! day and Fridays. Good program for tonight. ADMISSION 10c. -rr I NATATORIUM (JOVKUXOK KOIjIC will siicak Saturday nltflit, In the small ballroom at the Natatorum. All holders of tickets must niaUe S NI3W reservations. r e Jsassa AT TIIK I THE ISIS THEATRE j TOXKiHT Pig doublo bill at TIIK ISIS for tlueo nights only, Friday, Satur- $ day and Sunday. Tho Two hong J Fellows, cccontrlc comedians, In- J troduclng high-class singing and X dancing. Also the Hartolll llrotli- X era, with their string orchestra, Introducing tho latest and most popular ballads. Theso gentlemen i having just closed an engagement of ten weeks at Honolulu, Is suf-J flclent reference as to whether or not they can deliver the goods. z Tlirc Heels of (lie Latest and Pest s Plctiiivs and' a good song by Hlaiichard. Special Matinee every Saturday i and Sunday at 12:110. j 0 - NNs. t -9 VAPDKVIliliH movix( pirrniKs Illustrated Song.1 TOXIOHT COMIMiKTK CIIANOK VAUDHVIIilii: I Don't fail lo see Walters Chireiiioiil in "Why Kid-, l.einei Home. I'arcc comedy. Scream 1 1 otu t.nt to Jnuli. II Kids Moving Pictures -3 .Matluce Sat unlay anil Sunday. v.. lll! - ll .mil i' 1 in ill 1' 1 . S, 0 to OWIU 1 hm k biddi 1 . I 1 . - ' iWlll .11 till 1 itc. Fire lii-urance M.m. Uiioiii .1, ocr Po-ti'l tici 11a-. old line compauie p.iul $1,0110.00(1 each iu rianci-co tuv (hat San Make a Selection of our autall euks and sH)eiaJUs and you'll havo u uollecUoii of tempting god tootksowo dainties gc were aver et bafora v king. Uon'l be too lata coming for yours, ho. cor. V mi gover eea to Uk enough uo matter bow many extra we hake fresk Jallv. (Sl Delicivtessen IU-G0 x s s s S. B. Graham soini cuxTiuh AVitvpit'LU'TlrtlM 1. JUlU, AQent I ViY COtK IN I'll HUIC STUDIO 70H SOUTH OAKDALI3 PI I OX K 0072. Private or class lessons In oil, wa ter color or tapestrv. Orders taken. AGNES H. GRANT. Notice to Coiorsists Having spent two yea re trav eling through the northwest looking for safe land invest ments, have located a. sec tion where land values are not inflated which comes un der government project of ir rigation, work of which is now under way. Just return ed from visit to this section, with authority to offer some good bargains. 1 maintain no expensive auto or office. Be ing a former Akron, Ohio man, would be pleased to meet all easterners at my residence after 5 p. m. if only for a visit. It will cost you nothing and may possibly be of benefit to you. I H. J. Tichnori 48 QUINCE ST. Wo wish to call the attention of prospective buyers to the fact that wo havo boon lu tho county over '10 years and nro prepared to show soino of tho" choicest tracts In tho valley. Costs noth ing to look at our list of bargains. t- A." nuts'J. to im rusiiii McDonoughjS & Demmer? KEAIj estate xi ixsrit.wcK KOOM !J, HTinVAHT llliDO. Corner .Alain ami llartlctt Sts. Phone ;t IT 1 - For Sale 1.1 acres, 3 miles from Talent, fenced, timber, alfalfa and fruit land, good hauso and water; !00 pear trees; near school. $2000b Imlf cash ' 3 1 ncres. 1 mile from Talent; l-, acres In Newtowns poach-filled; 7 1 acres timber; good bouse; plent ofi water; pumping plant, $13000- stood cash: oasv tonus. 20 aeres finest alfalfa and. fruit lands with timber: 1 mile from Tal- 2 cut; $825 por aero; cash. -'"' lloAltl) 1U.OCK..1CXTHAXCK OX (1th STUEET. PHONE t) Talent city lots at lowest figures, i&f4:44Kc&4st44:4-a-will double lu a year. I t" acres, 11 acres commercial or chard, 2 miles from Tnlont; $10,000. j half cash. SO acrea flueat timber, $2000, halt cash. I 10 acres fruit land, !l miles from Talent; $1200 of timber on It; good buildings; $2000; $1200 cash. 21' seres orchard slid slfalfn land , sub Irrigated. 2 1-2 mllea south of j 5 Talent; $1300 fruit trees, house and , J outbuildings; superior fences; $225 ? icr mii'i unii inou. 100 acres finest timber, 39 miles from Portland, $5000 cash. j 6 acres rlcheat fruit and alfulfa land, 1 acres now ui alfalfa; only 1-3 mile from clt of Talent. We will set It all to any kind of trees tho J buyer wants. .New houae' Irrigating well. $3000; $1000 cash. 10 acres farm, deep fruit aoll; ti in lies south of Medford; S acres in I applea and peaches; G acres alfalfa. S good house and barn, gasoline engine , j team, cow, wagon otc; all for $6300; , $1000 cash. 5 Pine home of IS acres, richest J soli, irrigated; 12 acroa in pears. 2 J acres In Newtowns. all heavy hearing. : J ! acres alfalfa; 6 room house; only!! one block front Talent poat office; , team; cow; toela: all for $12000; $7500 eaah; aaay terms. '!? 1 mile from Talent on Aahland ! road; S acres good soil. 4 1-9 acrea v choice orchard; up to date bungalow; ; barn: (tacking house, aud outbuild- $ lugs; plenty of water; $1800; half cask. i ISO acrea, I 1-1 wiles eaat of Tal- eut; 110 acrea cultivated, all free I aoll, fine for peara and applea; welli fenced, surrounded by superior or- J chardt; house, barn; outbuildings; indmtll etc, only $125 per acre: i f 12000 rash: rest aaay terms. j !i nnnt i nmn . . Tl I'M', nltl't.'ON Medford Iron WorKs JE. O. Trowbridge, Prop. FOUNDRY AJID MACHINIST All kiwis of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, T3oiJors and Maobiuery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MOBSS & CO. i i i i J ' If you aro coming down town be sure and call at this store and select your fresh vegetables. If yor can't conic down just step to tho 'phone and orai, what you want, If It doesn't please you send It back. yi u i ivarflfln J iii iaua Everything In garden and flower stock. Remember, ore wi troce ItliBI li PHOXH MAIX 1571 1 HOME 1171. r0rrr. ..rffrJxiftftrP;ff:t.;'i'W'i Medford Jobbing Co0 The only exclusive jobbing company In Meilforil where you can get nil of your little odd Join done at once by o.xport workmen. 1 Our Specialties Cleaning, Kalhiir.iiicd or iMipcml walls anil idlings. AMi EIjKCTHICAIA APPMAXCES HEPAIHEI). We will take charge of any job yi.u may have, call us up and talk it over. WE (JFAHAXTEE SATISFACTION IX WORK AXI) PRICES. IMIOXE ."MAIX (WO 1. Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MAHUS 15LOCK. ! f '4'tf4tT4tf'yNf4'4'44rrctfT44'3'C4rr4wr 5tsss?'.rsJK. a f gl STF.AM AND HOI ' 2 ... ... , , ,? A Work CtUai'JUltPod ;1 nO TiT"' 1J " rv s at mi ti vi i ij Nolhing Just as Good as BAULK PIIAKMACV, 101) Ent Main St. Phenes: Home Lo; I'uc. 2:13 TTftiTT T3T XTE, S3 HTfc. r3"S V t.n -Mrv r- r -t va i i-u v isi rx itiA u R a vuz u r. Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Thos. Bartholomew, Ph. C, General Mgr. Hie Hexall Stores r- The QUAKER Everything in the Nursery Line See the nice English Hollies. All kinds of shade trees, shrubbery, roses (only the most perfect plants), and full luie of pear, pen oh, apple, aprieot, prunos, etc., eto. Office 116 Office Phone 238! -44- .sP liwuwu lu seeds and they are new guaranteed o Hour line T Q J W. 1I SOPTH CEXTHAli AVE. tmw a. A A A A A 9 : A A A A A A A A A' A' A A A A n i vf WATEI? HEA1ING Prices R4iiHona,ble ffi Vf S (TW arj hi i v m . mj- r, the REXALL Remedies WEST SIDE 1M1ARMAC. 'JlJtt West Main Street Phone--: Home l.'l; Pae. -1041 Meilforil, Ore. wr--4 NURSERYMAN Main Street - Res. Phone 2493 X X ! a a