HBWWKiWft flwiwiFirwwT "-""" T-vjrvw-err -BR JBff v PAGE SIX fltEPITORP MAIL TRIBUNE, aiEDFORP, OirrcaON, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911. i w By GRAND JURY Inquisitorial Body is Very Busy Grimlinji Out Matters Brought Be fore Them Many Prisoners Arc Freed. CITY NOTICES. , Application of C. C. McClondon to register title; decree by default. Mabel Streeter Ilnrvey vb. George Lyon; dtvorco; decree by default. i Florence II. Goffo vs. William G. ,Goffo; divorce; decree by default. State of Oregon vb. John Williams and John Smith; Brand Jury returned noPa' trtio bill. Stato tit Oregon vs. Sam Cherry; grand jury returned not a truo bill. State of Oregon vb, A. G. Heeding; ' dismissed. Stato of Oregon vb. Norman Gran tham; forgery; dismissed. ' Stato of Oregon vs. Gabrlol Gun dcrBon; nnsault; dismissed. Stato of Oregon vs. August Hart wlJkt larceny; dismissed. Stato of Oregon vb. William Thur- man;, ordor exonerating bond and Indictment hold against defendant , pending further ordor of court. Stato of Oregon vb. John Dee; hoII' , lug ; lltiuor to a minor; dlHinlssed. Stato of Oregon vs. CharloH Rob ,lnson; bold for murder; grnnd Jury returned not a true bill, , Stato of Oregon vb. William Pau ley; grnnd jury roturned a true bill to charge of carrying n concealed weapon. State of Oregon vb. Nichols Hams ford; larceny; dismissed. Stato of Oregon vs. Harold Mack; larceny; dismissed. Slate of Oregon vh. Leonard Gas ' kins; larceny; dismissed. Stato of Oregon vb. J. E. Cuth bert and II. S. M. Kolllpx; dlnmlsHed. Stato of Oregon vb. William llnw IcIiih; soiling liquor to minor; dls missed. State of Oregon vs. Charles llurk nian; polygamy; dlsmlsHCd. Stato of Oregon v. Louis Illgb- land and W. SwaiiHon; larceny; dls inissed. Eliza J. Lewis vs. Amanda Robln son; action for ejectment; dlsmlsaed. SPRAY BULLETIN. IS NOW READY Professor O'Gara Has Issued Article in Pamphlet Form Covering Spray Which No Orchnrdlst Can Afford to Be Without. I'rofutihor 1 J. O'dnru in planinn u spray bulletin Unit not only i prmtlioal mid easy to comprehend but will lie or incalculable value ti. iliu onilinnlibl. lit tliu bulletin, the tinui to xprn is ;ivon, and how to judgu when tli.it limo arrives. What lo spray for i givun in the next column. In the ue.sl, tlio Kind of hprny to iimo and liow l mix it. Finally the orchiiidiht io tyN wlioi'u and how to J'iud nun o data i llio Htilijcel mi that he can bccomi i'limiliar with llio nihjuol. "Thi; 1)11110(111," htiid I'roft'hM.i O'tinrii, "is not quite ready, ami I Intvo spared no pain to make it h simple and readable iih poaiho, It (hits lined iu Hit' direction Mute, tliomwimU of dollarh will bu Mixed to tliu oivlnmliuU of the valley. "The lime xulpbur bulletin i now ready for dit rilint ion mid those de hiring to Kt it can cull at my offi.-i or on tlio inspector of his tlintrict "The coM in iioiiiinul, beiiujr but .' 0011U pur copy, which jit oouu tin oot of print inn." PlMi UUREP IN TO II DAYS. IAZO 0INTMI3NT 1b guaranteed to euro any ctao of Itohlng, blind, bleeding or protruding pllou In fi to M days or mnnoy rofunded. COc. NOTICE OF KALE OK ROXDS. Tlio city coiinell of the city or Mud ford, Oregon, will ruculvo sealed pro posals for tlio purehiiHO or $38,000, five per cent, ton joar, general lieu bonds, at Kb regular mooting, to ho hold April IS. 1!U I. All bids must bo accompanied by a rortifiod cheek uquul to 6 per cunt of tlio amount bid for, said chock to be made payable to the city treasurer of tho city of Medford, and to bo for feited to said e'ty in cusa Hnld bid Is accepted and said bonds are, not p u roll a mid in accordance with wild proposition within 0 days aftwr tlio notlco of said acceptance. , All bids to bi filed with tlio city .rocordor at aiiy time boforo 5 o'clock in; April 18, 11)11. Tho eoiiuull roHcrvga tho right to lojeet any and .all bidB, KOnT. W Tlfll.FER. City Keomler Dntod this Ji:'il da of M.u. i. nil ORDINANCE NO. 1(15. An ordlnr.nce declaring tho as Hossmcnt on the property benefited for tho cost of laying a C Inch water main On I'.n.it Washington street from Howard street to Hoosevelt avenue and directing the recorder to enter a statement thereof in the water main lien docket. The city of Medford doth ordain as follews: Section 1. Whereas, tho city coun cil did heretofore, by resolution de clare Its Intention to lay a 0 inch water main on feast Washington street from Howard street to Hoose velt avenue and to nssess tho cost thereof on the properly fronting on said portion of said street In propor tion to the frontago of Bald property, and fix a time and place for bearing protests against tho laying of said water main on Bald part of said street nnd the assessment of tho cost there of as a foresaid. And whereas, said resolution was duly published and posted as requlr ed by section lie of tho charter of said city: And wheroaB, a meeting of the council was hold at tho time nnd plnce fixed by said resolution, for tho purpose of considering any such protests, but no protests were at said time, or at any other time made to or received by the council to the said laying of nald water mnln or tho assessment of the cost thercdf ns a foresaid, and Raid council hav ing considered tho matter, and decni ing that said water main wnB and Is of material benefit tp said city, and timt all properly 10 bo assessed there for would bo benefited thereby to the extent of the probabjo amount of tlio respective assessinontB to be levied against said property did or der said Jiialn laid. And whereas, tho cost of mild water main has been and hereby Ih de termined to be tho sum of $1,03G.0Q. Now therefore, It Is hereby fur ther determined that tho propor tionate Hharo of llio cost of laying said water main of each parcel of property fronting on said portion of said street Is the amount set opposite tho description of each parcel of land below, and that each piece or parcel of land bonoflted by tho laying of said water main to tho full extent of the amount bo set opposite the clu Kcrlpttou of tho Biiiuo, and that the respective amounts roprosont tho pro. portloiml benefits of said Water main to said respectlvo parcols of land, and also tho proportional frontage thereof on said street, and tho coun cil does hereby declare each of the parcels of property described below to bo assessed and each of the same hereby Is assessed tliu amount sot oppOBlto each description for tho cost of laying said witter main. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX-INCH WATER MAIN ON HAST WASH INGTON STREET FROM HOW- AIM) STREET TO ROOSEVELT AVENUE. Assessment No. 1 C. W. Roberts, ot lix. Lot 11. block 1, Frultdalo Ad dition to the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage GO feet on the north side of east Washington street; 50 feet, rato por foot $1.12 'j; amount SliO 21 Assessment No. 2 Win. Angle Lot 10, uiul the 111. 8 feet of tho west side of lot !, block 1, Krultdale Ad dition to tho City of Medford, Ore Hon; frontage 0(1. 8 feet on the north tide of east Washington street; (50. 8 feet; rato per foot Sl.l!!1: amount $75.15. Assessment No. !!-- Jackson County Building & Loan Association, Kast 311 1-3 feet of lot I), and the west Hit 1-!1 feet of lot 8, block t, Fruit dale Addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 00 i-'. feel on the north side of east Washington street, Cfi li-I! feet; rate per foot $1.112 ;., amount $75.00, Assessment No. I George II Med ley. Kast Hi 12-It feet of Lot S, and lot 7, block I, Frultdale Addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon, front age CO 2-11 feet on tho north side of east Washington street; 00 2-11 feet, rate per foot $1,115 ',; amount 175.00. Assessment No. 5- -L. G Porter Lot ii, block I. rrultilulo Addition to the city of Medford, Oregon, front age 17 feet on the north side of east WashliiKlon street; 17 feet; rnto per root $1.12 ; amount $52. S7. AusetiKment No. (i L. G Porter Lot 5, block 1. Frultdale Addition to the city of Medfoul, Oregon; front hko 17 feet on the north side of ouvt Washington id roet: 17 foot; rato por foot $1.12 ; amount $52 S7. AsHOHHiuont No. 7 -L. G. Porter. Lot I. block 1. Frultdale Addition to tho city of Medford, Oregon; frontage 4X fuot on tho north side of utigt WaHhliiKtou street; IS feet; rate por foot fl.12; amount $5-1.00. AHesiueut No S J. C. Ward, el al. Lot 1, block 1. Frultdalti Addi tion to tho city ot Medford, Oregon; frontline 1 tit reel on tho north aide or oait Washington street; IS toet: rato por toot $1.12 li; amount $S.U7. AHSOtwinunt No. ii. L. G. Porter. Lot 0. block 8, Frultdalo Addition to the city of Medford, Oiokoii; front ii go 1 Hi fet on tho south Hide or oust Washington street : 13 feet; rate per foot $1.12 ,i; amount $IS.7. AuMMHiuout No. in L. G. Porter. Lot 7, block H. Frulldulti Addition to the city, of M ml ford. Oregon; trnntage 142 fuot op tho uouth nlle of east Washington sll'Httt; 112 fot. i'H to per foot $1.1214; Hiuuiiut $159.75. AiuKMumu'iit No. 11. -Linda L. LHUoruiHii. Lot 1, block 2, Frultdalo Addition to tho city of Medford. Ore gon; rronuige ou rvm on in soiitn sldo of oHHt Wnshlugtou stroll; root; rate por foot $1.12 V4 $50.25. Assoasiuout No. 13 I Luiiormuu. Lot 2. block 2. FrultdHloi Addition to tho city of Mwlford. Ore gon; froutMgo 50 feet on tho boutli side of oHst Washington slroet; 5( foot; rato por fuot $1.12 H; muuuut $50. SB. Asuoswinent No. 1.1.- J. II. Hork ersmlth. Lot 8. block 8. Frulldulti Ad dition to t tio city of Medford, Oivgou. frontage 50 fel ou tliu south ldf of oast WashliiKlon tri; 50 foot, rate por root $1 t K H : amount $56.2. Assoeamout No. 11, -S A. Syv. Lot I, block 2, Frultdala Addition to the city of Medford. Oregon; fronUK' 50 feet ou the south side of e.no Washington -.tteei ' ft .-e i.iie p. foot $1 r ' Hii'iini $ t, AHl.i.llt III V J I I II land Lot j, b'i'ik l' 1 o.td.it. CITY NOTICES. dltlon to the city of Medford, Ore gon; frontage 50 feet on tho south side of east Washington street; -GO feet; rate per foot $1.12 ; amount $50.25. Assessment No. 10. J. W. Herry. Lot 0, block 2, Frultdalo Addition to the city of Medrord, Oregon; front age 50 feel on the south side of oast Washington street; 50 feet; rnto per foot $1.12Vfc; amount $50.25. Section 2. And It Is hereby order ed and ordained that the several as sessments and tho liens thereof he entered In the wnter main lien dock et of said city, and that thereupon notice be given to the owners or re puted owners of said property, and that the same be enforced and col lected In the manner provided by the, charter of said city for tho collection i of assessments for the Improvement of streets therein. Secllon !!. It Is further ordered that tho notlco nbovo provided for be pub lished three times In the Daily Mnll Tribune, n newspaper published and of general circulation In said city, In tho manner provided by ordinance No. 250 or said city. Tho foregoing ordlnanco was pass ed by the city council of tho city of Medrord, Oregon, on the 21st dny of February, 1911, by tho following vote! Merrick aye, Watt aye, Wortman nye, Kmtjrlck aye, HUort aye, and Millar aye. Approved February 21, 1911. W. II. CANNON, Attest: Mayor. HOIJT, W. THLFI3H, City llecorder. FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FBUIT LANDS Large arid Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 2.12 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg TAIENT Real Estate FOR SALE lo- NOTIOK. To tho owner, or reputer owner, ,of each parcel of property described In tho foregoing ordinance, as named thoroln, and In tho Hen declared by said ordinance, as recorded in the docket of city Hens: You aro hereby notified that tho assessment declared by tho foregoing ordinance has been niiido and Hie Hen therefor entered In tho city Hon dock et, and that the sanio is duo and you aro hereby required to pay tho same to the city recorder within ten days from tho service of this notice, which servlco Is mndo by publication of the foregoing ordlnanco and this notice three times In tho Medford Mnll Tri bune, pursuant to an order of the city council of Bald city. HOHT. W. TICLFI3U, City Hccordor. MR Good business opportunities and cations, all paying. TEDDY'S DAMS1TB Isn't in it with. our LANDSITI3. 'For instance, a 1000-acro tract Containing over 200 acres of tho fa mous Hear creek bottom land, in al falfa, and extending to tho higher laud, which Is set to orchards in part, all the laud being good fruit land. Some of tho land is now in bear ing trees and tnay be lAirchased at reasonable figures, the alfalfa land with n good stand of alfalfa for $2 70 to $350 per acre; young orchards, good stand, $250 per aero, and grain land at $175 per acre. This is an "ideal" tract for a col ony, as It would cut up into small or largo places to an advantage, or may bo purchased in 10, 12, 20, 40, 50 and 00-acre or any size tricts. KtiBy terms given at low interest. Lornted three miles from Ashland and one mllo from Talent, Or. A 7I-acro tract 2i miles West Tnl ent, good 8-room house and large burn; 8 acres itndor ditch nnd in al falfa and garden land; 34 acres un der plow, and trees; 20 acres of or chard, of which 5 acres aro in bear ing; telephono nnd H. F. D.; half cash, balanco good terms and easy payments. For plenty of other bargains call or addresa G. A. Gardner TALIJNT, OltkaON. THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites with private bath Rooms includo large closets nnd slcepiiiff porchos. Also hot rnd cold water in connection. Breakfast served, if desired. Itoccption rooms for guests. Gentlemen only. 706 S. Oakdale Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. STUDIO 708 SOUTH OAKDALE TJIONK 0072. Private or claBs lessons In oil, wa tor color or tapestry. Orders taken. AGNES It. GRANT. NOTICE FROM HEADQUARTERS to all COLONISTS These arc some of the bargains of this valley, and they must bo sold at once, look them over carefully and then hurry for they can't last long. This place must sell at short notice, iu acres an level, 4 acres in bearing fruit about 5 acres in alfajra, 7 room house and barn. This property is Just out side tho city limits of ASHLAND and a beaullful home. The property 1b easily worth $7, C00. 00, but can bo bought today for $5,750.00; Terms can bo arranged if necessary. Now this won't last long so If interested get busy. A party with $3,000.00 cash to puruchase a tract of land on ASHLAND BOULEVARD, consisting of ten (10) large lots, no paving assessments, title guaranteed. The best of location, only three (3) blocks from the NEW $75,000.00 HIGH SCHOOL. We will under write this tract guaranteeing you 10 por cent on your investment. NO TERMS. NOW THIS IS A BARGAIN. Chicken Ranch Wanted: We Have THEATRE FIRE It's a burning hIkiiuo, but tho owner of two of tho awollost, Htiictly up-to-date bungalows in Bedford lias given us V I V 10 I) A V S O X Ij V in which to realize actual COST Tho lots have doubled In value. Cement BidownlkB al) paid for your gain. CLOSE IN COMK TODAY Let us show you. Phono 1092. Oregon Realty & Mining Co. Jill) Gnriiett-Coroy HiilMing. City Property Six-room modem bungalow, close in 8 bedrobms, screen porch, $2500; good terms. 0 room modern bungalow, new, com pletely furnished, $3600, terms. o acres for platting, inside city limits water in street; prico low, easy terms; very desirable. Corner 100x100 with (l-room hotise, east front, next to business section $8000; good terms. 4-room house, modern, close in $1850 with, furniture, $2150; close in; good tonus. 7-room house, 2 lots, S. Orange $2000; good terms. RANCHES 10 acres m pears at tho price of tho land, close in; good terms. 20 acres fine fruit land, close to rail road, all cleared; $100 per hero. 22 acres, fine modern house, g;ood Imrn, 8 acres in orchard, gropes, berries, etc., rich soil, close in; price right; only $2000 lo handle this. Block of bearing Newtons in perfect condition, eloe in, $800 per acre. Iiusiucss corner 100x100, near site of fedoral building, especially priced at $7750; good terms. WANTED 10 ranch hands. flirls for general housework. City and ranch property to list. Aran and wife on ranch. 2 Primers. CHICKEN RANCHES, of one to ten acre3. ALFALFA RANCHES, ot five to fifty acres. GRAIN OR STOCK RANCHES of 1000 to C000 acres. j$&i$i Orchards of all kinds, age and size, r YOU LOSE m: YOU FAIL TO HUH US FOR LAND OR CITY PRO! KRTY. If terms can bo made, we can mnko them, just tell us what you want. The Western Bonding' & Investment Co KIKs Building AihUnd, Oregon i-iJ '' ' , California Irrigated Lands IX SUBDIVISIONS, 20 ACRES AND UPWARDS EASY PAYMENTS THE HOME OF ALFALFA, IDEAL CONDITIONS F0R ORANGES AND LEMONS. Write us for Particulars. Dixon Alfalfa Land Go. DIXON, CALIFORNIA. Notice to Investors Income bearing orchnrds apples or pears, In Rogue River Valloy, Ore gon, Medford district, In largo or small tracts. , Improved land, sultablo for sub-dividing for orchards or alfalfa. From five acres to five hundred acres, good deep soil. Near shipping points. Choico business property, residences and vacant lots in Medford, Ore gon. LA LOMA REAL ESTATE CO. W. II. Stewart, F. M. Amy, W. II. Snvage, Room 2, Stewart Hullding. Pbeueti: Pacific 53151. Home 201-K THINK ESTATE E. F. J. BTTNER Room 206. Phipps Buildimj To the Public .MRS. O. S. FOWIiER-CIU'.MOR, Free lectures on j.jfo'H Deepest Lawn." b .Mrs () S. Fowler UhumoH New Hiiliject dally. Thursday, March 2l, S p. m., gou tlemun only. Friday. March a I, S p. m., to all. Saturday, Match SIS, S p. in., to all. Wo wish to call the attention of prospective buyers to the fact that we have heon In tho county over 10 years and aro propared to tdiow homo of tlio choicest tracts In tho valley. Costs noth ing to look at our list of bargains. Sunday, March 2tl, 8:30 p. in., to all. Health couuiiltatloiiH and phreno logical oxamluatloiii given dally at Hotel Nash, room 2S, from 1) a. m. lo It p. in. until April 7th. I Chuacti will he ImdruHod , her new' hytitwiii of applying electricity to euro, illtei bttgtuuliiK Wednsaday. March aa. at a 80 p. m mid 7.30 p. m. Five lMomi will bo Klven to each iluss. McDonough & De miner REAIi ESTATE AND INSURANCE ROOM . STEWART ItMKi. Corner Main and llartlett Sts. Phone :t 1 7 1 . tub fie I": 7-Room Bnng&low, Modern I'lobu tu Main Street. hot 50li)tf, Eiut Front Sidewalk, Sewer and Water iu and 1'Kld 1 Attsenkineiit on Pawnitnit Paid JSU.OOO, GOOD TERMS. ! Myers, Whiteside 5 Holmes Main anil Central. Offutt Rornes Auto Co. Automobiles OENKRAL OVERHAULING: & MACHINE REPAIRING. First-Class Workmanship Guaranteed. PHONE MAIN 6331. Corner Central Ave, an 8tk St Medford, Or. For Sale 15 acres, 3 miles from Talent, fonced, timber, alfalfa and fruit land; Reed hause and water; 300 pear trees; near school. $2000, half cash. 34 acres, 1 mllo from Tnlent; 12 acres In Nowtowns neach-fllled: 7 acres timber; Kood Iioubo; plenty of water; pumping plant, $13000: $7000 ensh; easy terms. 20 ncres finest alfalfa and fruit lands with tlmbor; 1 mllo from Tal ent; $32r per aero; cash. Talent city lots at lowest figures, will double In n year. 17 acres, 14 acres commercial or chard, 2 miles from Talent; $10,000, half cash. 80 acres finest timber, J2000, half cash. 40 acres fruit land, 3 miles from Talent; $1200 of timber on it; good buildings; $2000; $1200 cash. 29 acres orchard and nlfnlfn land sub Irrigated, 2 1-2 miles south of Talent; $1300 fruit trees, house and outbuildings; superior fences; $22C per acre; half cash. 160 acres finest tlmbor, 39 miles from Portland, $5000 ensh. 5 acres richest fruit and alfalfa land, 4 acres now In alfalfa; only 1-3 mllo from city ot Talent. Wo will set It all to any kind of trees the buyer wants. Now houso, Irrigating well. $3000; $1000 cash, 40 acres farm, deop fruit soil; fi miles south of Medford; 8 ncros in apples nnd peaches; G acres alfalfa; good houso and barn, gasoline ongine, team, cow, wagon etc; all for $G300; $2000 cash. Flno homo of IS acres, richest soil, irrigated; 12 ncres In poars, 2 acres in Nowtowns, all heavy bearing, 2 ncroa alfalfa; G room houso; only one block from Talent post offico; team; cow; tools; all for $12000; $7500 cash; easy terms. 1 mllo from Talent on Ashland road; 8 acres good noil, 4 1-3 ncres choico orchard; up to date buugalow; barn; packing houso, and outbuild ings; plenty of water; $4S00; half cash. 2vS0 ncros, 2 1-2 miles oust ot Tal ont; 10 awes cultivated, all free soil, fine for pears and apples; well fenced, surrounded by superior or ohards; houso, barn; outbuildings; i windmill etc; only $125 per acre; $12000 cash; rest easy terms. T O OP BUYING EEAL is to think of tho LINCOLN - BARNEBURG - HOKE CO. See our listings oi' orchards, fruit lands and city property. They will please you. 401 GARNETT-COREY BUILDING PhonesPacific 6661. Home, 574. ..Orchard Tracts... Flvo and ten-acre orcbnrd tracts, planted to choico vnrioties of pears; best fruit land in valloy; one mllo from town; also somo one-acro tracts In big oak grove. If you would llko a fine suburban homo, havo a look at these tracts. Beautifully located on mncadam road. Good car service. Dopot on proporty. Onr prices are rlcht. See J. A. PERRY, Owner UOl Wc,t Main St., Medford or Medford National Rank. Ashland Orchards MR. INVESTOR: Aro ypu looking for an invest ment that is an Investment? If you are, then read this: WFo are authorized by tho own or to offer for a,sbort timu at only $250 per aero his 30-acro one-year-old orchard, which Is located with in lVi miles from Ashland and right In the valloy. This orchard Is nil sot to tho finest varlotlos of pears and np plos and has been well cared for. Wo will subdivide this into 10 aert tracts to suit purchaser and will give tonus on the same. Notice to Colonists Having spent two years travr eling through the northwest looking for safe land invest ments, have located a sec tion where land values aro not inflated, which comes un der government project of ir rigation, work of which is now under way. Just return ed from visit to this section, with authority to offer some good bargains. I maintain no expensive auto or office. Be ing a former Akron, Ohio man, would be pleased to meet all easterners at my residence after 5 p. m. if onlv for a visit. Tt will cost you nothing and may possibly be of benefit to you. LUMAN N. JUDD, Agent TU.KNT, OREGON Rogue River Investment Co. H. J. Tichnor r sv 77 OAK .ST., ASHLAXI), OREOON 48 QUINCE ST.