Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 23, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Braydon Millar, who lives in the
Illinois valley, Is in Medfard for a few
T. M. Stewart of Eagle Point was
In Medford Thursday on business.
C. W. Lake of Eagle Point was a
Medford visitor Wednesday.
Miss Cordelia Goffo of Central
Point waB shopping In Medford yes
terday. Are you looking for a house? I
have It. Are you looking for a lot?
1 have it. Are you looking for a
ranch? I have It. Come see Tumy at
201 Garnett-Corey Building. 312
Charles B. Gay, reputy game war
den, was In Jacksonville this morn
ing on official business.
Two and one-half acres in alfalfa
ono mile Bouth of "Washington school,
easy terms. A. W. H. Everhard, 212
Fruitgrowers' Bank bldg. If
The grand Jury Is still grinding out
Indictments and will hardly finish
tne business before it this week.
Loose leaf ledgers made in Medford
at the Mail Tribune office.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Night 'Phenes:
F. W. Weeks, 2071
A. E. Orr, 3692.
John A. Perl
Undertaker and EmbaliM
Successor to the undertaking de
partment of Medford Furniture Co.
Office With
Medford Furniture Company
Sick and Injured convoyed to
any part of city or country.
Telephenes: Day 361.
Night: John A. Perl 4111. C.
W. Conklln, 3601. J. H. Butls--,
4-444 4
Why It Will
James Adams, tho Klamath county
booster, is among his G. A. It. com
rades in Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Dow of Jack
sonville aro in Medford.
See R. A. Holmes, Tne Insuranco
Man, Over Jackson County bank. tf.
Assessor Grieve spent Wednesday
afternoon in Medford.
Medford local Socialist party meets
every Sunday night at 7:30 at
Smith's hall on North Grapo street.
Everybody invited. tf.
Tho regular March term of circuit
court for Jackson county will con
vene next Monday, with an extensivo
docket. ',,
Reichsteln for wood. Yard corner
Fir and Tenth. 329
Ernest Lister, one of the promi
nent young business men of Grants
Pass, was in Medford this morning
en route to Jacksonville.
Do you want 5 acres' In alfalfa,
ono mile south of Main street, choap?
C. W. H. Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers
Dank bldg. tf
Fred Kelly and E. C. Faucett, who
have been developing mining prop
erties in Ditto Lcdgo district during
tho past three months, returned to
Medford Wednesday.
Ashland Steam Landry, Medford
office, phono No. 1201. tf.
E. L. Jones, tho well known min
er, is in Medford again after a pro
tracted absence. He is interested in
the Siskiyou copper belt, which Is
showing up well.
Dr. J. E. Shenror, physician and
surgeon. Office over Strang's drug
store. .. tf
O. F. Selsby is making ortland ono
of his periodical visits.
Will sell my homo and somo fur
niture; homo valued low at ?5,000;
all for $3,660 cash for quick sale.
Address J. Owner caro this office, tf
Mark Finney of Jacksonville Is em
ployed In Medford for tho present.
Do you want 14 lots 50x146 each,
for $2400 on e.-fey terms? C. W. II.
Everhard, 212 Fruitgrowers Dank
bldg. tf
A. W. Yocum, tho granger, was In
Modfonl this morning on his way to
tho county seat!
All kinds of bindery work dono at
Mall Tribttno office.
Colonel George P. Mlms, "as brown
as a berry," Is nmong his Medford
is a new department with us never having carried Boy's Clothing before, we can
you only the very latest, up-to-date styles in ages 6 to 17 years, all with short pants.
"KNICKOBOCKER" style is a great favorite this season. A few patterns carry two
pair Knickerbockers to the suit.
f4 - 444 -
Everything is new; all clothing comes from a manufacturer who turns out nothing but high
class goods; our guarantee of worthiness goes with each suit sold and the prices are exception
ally low, when quality and workmanship &i ntA nlnnn nn in tlC
is taken into consideration $ dllU UlUlIg lIJ W $ 1 J SUIT
This Is the First Shipment. Others enroute
Mrs. P. J. O'Gara visited with
j friends In Central Point on Wednes
day. ' R. I. Phillips of Lester, S. D., is
visiting former friends who moved
from that state to this valley.
Mrs. Fred Luy of Antelope Is visit
ing relatives living in Jacksonville
Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Holt of Eaglo
Point were with their Medford friends
Call phono 2161, 1032 for baggage
wagon. 461
J. W. Parker, tho affable represen
tative of tho Realty associates of
Portland, Is making the valley a bus
iness visit.
Mado in Medford, any stylo of looso
leaf or blank book, at Mall Trlbuno
J. U. Carllle, chief of police of
Ashland, and Mr. Hill, his assistant,
wore called to JackBonvlllo thl sweck
and are In Medford today.
Printing, all kinds at Portland
prices. Mall Trlbuno office
William Campbell has returned
from a trip to Ditto Ledgo district.
Smoker given by teamsters union
of the Rogtie River Valley on Wed
nesday night, March 22 at tho Angle
Opera house. All teamsters Invited
of tho Rogue River Valley. 311
Everett Forney of Peoria, 111., Is
a new arrival who Is convinced that
Medford Is the placo to live In.
Lato magazines, periodicals and pa
pers at the free reading room In chap
ol hack of tho Presbyterian church.
Opon ovonlngs from 7:00 to 10 p. m.
All men and boys are Invited. tf
John Hayton of Hewitt, 111., and
James Wilson of the samo placo are
visiting in Medford.
H. B. Patterson, 116 E. Main, has
somo nlco English Hollies and all
kinds of shado trees. Roses (all tho
best). Now Is a good timo to plant.
Drop In and sco mo. tf
Frank Shcnrs of Gold Hill Is In this
city on business.
Is your houso wired? Ono cigar
less a day would pay for a hundred
per cent incrcaso in comfort. Start
living tho electric life. tf
Gottfrlod Rodtgues left for Port
land Wednesday night to recelvo his
gold medal and money for his walk
ing trip.
John II. Carkln, attornoy at law,
ovor Jackson County bnnk.
W. A. Hcaly of Portland Is In this
city on business.
Gregory leading photogrnphor,
vicwB, portraits. 323
F. H. McClcms of Portland arrived
Wednesday evening for a few days'
business trip.
r tM444444
4 4-4r-4-4-4Ht-r-4'4-4-4-44-4-44
Pay You
V. B. Humphrey of Long Dcach,
Cal., Is visiting Medford friends.
L. Johnson of Leach, S. D., Is lit
this city on prlvnto business.
The most favored pcoplo on the
coast aro the Medford people. Thoy
have tho Medford Jobbing company
to look nftor all of their Uttlo odd
jobs, repair their electrical appliances
and clean their walls nnd ceilings.
Medford Jobbing Co., offlco, Medford
Music Shop, St. Mark's block. Phone
Main C501. 33G
E. E. Strutz of North Yakima, is
investigating fruit conditions In this
D. W. CharleBworth of Dandon Is
a Medford visitor.
Peter McCabo of Eurekai Is a late
arrival at the Mooro.
Spring is hero. It Is housccleanlng
time. Have those walla nnd codings
cleaned by tho Medford Jobbing Co.'s
new Pnrlslan process. Nothing llko
It. Offlco Medford Music Shop, St
Mark's block. 336
Walter S. Linn of McMlnnvlllo Is
In this city on a short business trip.
J. II. Mehrcnt of Wesslngton, S.
D has come to Join tho South Da
kotan colony In this vnllcy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Crothors or
New York city aro In Medford look
Medford Theatre
Sunday March 26
. of these Popular Players.
to Look
444 444,44444t4444444444444444444444r4444-44444-4't
ing over the valley. They may pur
chase. K. J. Khocery of Waldo arrived
last Monday to look over mining In
terests. C. N. Miller of Salem Is at tho
Mrs. Robert Hammond of Gold Hill
wns in Medford Wednesday visiting
with Mr. and Mis. Charles Young.
Wednesday evening John Grlbblo,
land examiner for tho forest service
who hns been here for Bomo tlmo on
government business, left for Port
land In response to nn urgent mes
sage. E. J. Eastman left for Portland
Wednesday evening for a short busi
ness trip.
John Lldell of Cashmcro, Wash.,
Is registered at tho Nash.
L. Rlppey loft for Woodvlllo Wed
nesday night.
R. H. Bullock Is a Grants Pass vis
itor this weok.
Rev. C. H. McKee wns a Grants
Pass visitor this weok.
J. E. Marshall of San Francisco,
who hns been fishing in tho Roguo
rivor, loft for homo Wcdnesdny, woll
pleased with his trip. Ho said: "Tho
Roguo Is tho best trout stream In
thO WCBt."
Here Before Buying
P. E. Manlcy of Applcgato Is In
Medford on business this week.
George E. Whiting of Salont Is vis
iting with friends In this city.
Dculnh R. Morso of Weed is In
Medford on business.
W. I. Vnwtor will drlvo a 1911
Frank Watson of Klamnth Fnlla
who has been In this city during the
wlntor, loft for homo Wednesday ovc
ntng. P. T. Rookcy of Sacramonto is in
this city for a fow dnya looking over
real cstato Investments.
B. R. Black of Astoria, Or., Is In
this city on prlvnto business.
Hasklns for Health.
Particular People Prefer
Our Footwear
Our New Spring Styles
arc sure to please the most fastidious. Our values aro
second to none. Our lines arc new and ovcry pah;
will give satisfaction. You arc urged to call soon.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
If you want to be comfortable, heat your home with
Hot Water. It costs you nothing to talk with
Ponting 6 Renz
tho only straight Heating Shop in Medford.
"Medford's Correct
J. E. Crane of Now York city Is
sojourning In Medford.
Funeral Notice.
The funeral of Miss Wray Curry
will be held nt tltc Into residence,
Sottllt Central uvenue, tomorrow af
ternoon nt '2 o'clock.
Wo wish to thank tho Smoko club,
tho Smoke House, tho Manhattnu
Cafe, Ryan & Brown and Mr. Goll
and II. Welnhard for their asslstanca
for the smoker given by tho Team
liters' Union.
J 312 Socrotary and Treasurer.
i -
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