,r PAGE SIX i1 wwiriwniim lrEl")V0"RD MATL TRIBUNE, OTDFORD, OREfiON, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1911. WIZARD Kill VELLE 1 TO SAVE NATION t Editor Lampman of Gold Hill Jap War Fame Announces Wonderful Discovery Which is to Save United States From Yellow Invasion. Court? HOME ;W kk NE (Gold Hill News.) Colonel Ton Voile of Med ford, ri vnl of Lutlior liiirbimk and fumed inventor of the nlfuborry, realizing Hie imminence of war with Japan, and knowing that the United Status Is woefully bhorl of gunpowder and tin menus to maimfautiiru the Kamu, has tet to work to progogalo a gimpow der plant, which, when watered with a solution of saltpetre, will in an amazingly short thno prodtieo podb 'or hulls continuing a fine quality of the stuff that will send a steel junket bullet Hinging on its errand of death. Borne danger wil ittluok to the culture Df the plant. If the pods are allowed .to ovcrripen, they are likely to burnt .with an exclamatory pop, such as may ho heard at the Crater Lake club in Med ford any time from 11 p in. till fi g. in. Thus, if a single pod is allowed to become loo ripe and ex plode, a whole field may he set pop ' ping, and the harvest ruined. Colonel fl'ou Voile is confident that he will get (ho results he desircH by a hy hbbridizalion of (he red peper plant, the mustard plant, the lima hcmi and the jiiiiHou weed. The .Med ford Com mereial club has passed a resolution endorsing his efforts, as it is con sidered that in caso he is successful in propognling the gunpowder plant, tho country will not only he safe J'rom the .laps, hut the achievement will bo another long advertising plume in Medford's already finely decorated wnr-bonnoL The colonel expects his now vegetable explosive will ho more powerful than the .Jap anese shiniose, tho most terrjblu ex plosive now known to warfare. The soil in and around Mcdford, owingi time to its wonderful richness and thick-' iiess, is expected to prove thu best adapted for the culture of the new , plant, whoso product should, and un doubtedly will, be known to llui worh as (ouveiiiic. Probate. Estate of Noll Henry order made confirming Bale Of real property. Estate of ,Wm, Jones order made appointing II. C. Span, Hay Walker and II. II. OllleUo appraisers. KHtuto of Jacob L. Padgett, , final account filed and approved and or dor made discharging execution. EXTRA! EXTRA!! GOLD HILL SAFE r . Japanese Fail to Arrive and Little Burjjlet is Fast Losing Faith in Its Phophcts Great Scheme of Japanese is Exposed hy Dikeman. OPPOSE MODEL 111 LAW; Club Members Say Club License! I Proposed is Prohibitive Liquor Dealers Oppose Licensing of Drug Stores. X'W discs. Ashland 'Manufacturing company vs. C. E. Wllstrom, suit for Injunc tion, etc. W. re. l'hlpps, attorney for plaintiff. L. H. Warner, Jr., vs. Sadlo Whit man, a minor ot al. Suit to quiet title. Porter J. Neff and Win. P. Mealey, attorneys for plaintiff. Alice Frank vs. J. N. Manning, ac tion to recover money. Neff & Mealey, attorneys for plaintiff. THOUSANDS STUOY FARM BUSINESS Second Edition of Text by Prof. J. A. Bcxell of 0. A. C. Just Off Press Accounting and Commercial Metli oils for Country Taught. Gold Hill is fast losing faith in prophets, When the town clock chimed out the hour of midnight Sun day and Draperies Wo carry a very complete lino of draperies, lace curtains, fixtures, etc., and do all classes of upholstering. A special man to look after this work exclu sively and wjll glvq as good Bcrvlco as is possible to get In even tho largest cities'. Weeks & McGowan Co Considerable Opposition is being offered to tho passage of the New model Honor license luw now under I r.fmutflf.riitimi lii flirt fitv pmmi.ll. the encircling hills, which ...,,,, ...jn , ,, p i.n,.,.;,,,, flt . . ... ,. ...- 1. .- ".v, !' -" . . nun neon expected 10 siiukc wim me loIljKhti B88ioii. The members uf thunder ot .Japanese uriiiiery unci 1(J ,wo S0(.;al cllbs ; t,u city 8,nt0 bbristle in tho solemn starlight with lhat tho li(!011H0 proJ0B(,(1 r,. aiHbs, Japanese bayonets, remained merely, or m ft ftp i(J pnjhibitive. while encircling iimu, wiin u vv u iiii liu i(1(,r ,uaerH nro opposed to nor jio more oi a nrisiiu iiuui u mick Rock Spring Coal FIVE THOUSAND CATTLE AT LIVESTOCK SHOW f TTt-r - PORTLAND, Ore., March 21. Tlvo thousand cattle, tho prize ox- ampleu of northwest Btoclcrulslng, and valued at 1250,000 nro on exhibit at tho stnekyurds at Pacific Northwest Livestock association's cattle show. 'Stockmen from all over tho west and northwest nro in attendance. Ono of tho exhibits at tho show Is a carload of Scotch Highland cattle, tho first to ontor tho local stock yards. Thoy were brought from Caldwell, Idaho by Hales & Jones and nro attracting wide attention. Aiiothor exhibit of Interest is a prize. Hereford bull which has won many honors in tho mint, exhibited by Ocorgo Chandler of Uaker. It wan sired by Crusader four years ago and wulghs 22&0 pounds. Hales & Jones hnvo another Inter esting bunch In Home hay fed cattle brought from tho lllg Horn llasln, Montunn. Thoy will coiupoto with tho grain fed cattle. There is ul no a number of horses shown at the hIiow in addition to sheep and swine. JACK GARRY WANTS TO PLAY WITH PORTLAND I'OHTLANI), Or., March 'Ji. .lack Harry, former big league out fielder, who played with .Milnu);i' for the last three m'iimhin, wants to piny with the I'u) tluiul club in the Coast league. Harry, howeser, hah a slight chance to catch on with tho Heavens as .Mel'icdic ha I i out fluid well filled. Harry prefers to play with I'mt Juiid on uci'oiiut of In real elate IwltliiiK in Oregon. OREdON AORICULTURAL COL LEGE, CorvnlllfJ, Ore., March 21. That thousands are studying farm accounting and business methods as taught by Dean J. A. Iioxol! of tho Oregon Agricultural College school of commerce lu demonstrated beyond doubt by tho fact that tho first edi tion of 2,000 volumos of his text on tho subject was exhausted a short after It came from tho press, and a now edition of -1,000 copies mo io thus Hindu necessary, to sup ply tho demand. Prom every state In tho union and from six, foreign countries requests for copies have boon received, several hundred still unsatisfied. A large number of the ugrlfiiltimil colleges or the country and tho farm Journals have written Mr. Ilexoll of their ap preciation of tho value of the work. Already bo vent 1 high schools and col luges have adopted It as the text hook to he used lu Instruction lu farm business methods and accounts. "My aim," said Mr. Iloxell, In dis cussing tho liook, "has boon to make tho exorcises In It ns practical as possible, but no attempt has been made to limit the Illustrations to ac tual experleuco on any particular farm. Tor this reason both prices and results will vary considerably from actual practice. This will not, however, reduce tholr Illustrative value, I have Introduced many now labor saving devices conforming with the best business methods. "Tho lucreaHlug Internal hIiowii in farm accounting and business meth ods would warrant a belief that It will shortly be introduced In the ti I WCli schools of the country as one o ftho regular subjects for Instruc tion. .Surely there Is no other more nadly neglected, and none more wor thy of attention. I shall be grateful for aliy suggestions or criticisms from fanners or teachers who be come acquainted with my book, us thoy will grately aid me In the pro pnratlou of future editions." I'lLKS CITRIC!) IN TO 11 DAYS PA.O OINTMENT Is guaranteed to euro any ci;hu of Itching, blind blooding or protruding piles In 0 to II d..ys or ninnoy rofundml. BOe. A want ad campaign will find an agent, a cuuviissur, a salosinnn or h representative who can help you tr. materialize your business venture! Look at the Bottom Before Reading This, Its an Ad We have u purpose in writing ml. We thoui!ii wo had lots of room hut find we are crovwlcd and we will i V m'oii may read Iheiu lor cunoKity. hut it is meant to do you nt well n not run u cm wiled More. WO, BOIUO gOO.I. ........... .....;.. ..tf.,-,,,1 w tfliml. ... ,'0"l junk. Wtttch the window. W'u n now Killing from it to ," bicycle- Hoginiiing now we are through our stock. There nro a few plnso out, and if you will wateh ourj,iuw Mffova JM illl(lflirU it w, windows and this paper you inuy b.yo , Mutl,,, lklf wiluloWM Ym, ,.', ulilu to benefit. JtM to stnrt tl.mgK RhyHy- u,u whw, lUU (J. we nro tfoing to put .WJ00.00 W(Hhi dm ujK m9n, gfc w-ilA , uf jialut on (he market nl a price window. (hut it can't bo replueed at. It in, ... , ' ., , , . .vt i , ii .. Wo nave mles uf goodi urn oui 'Nnon'. J'ure," overy cuii guuniu- . . .. . '., " . . ' ... ill iir I ' Hllll IK litfll. )OU IHHHt IIMHI UK. JlU e,od by innker and by in. vu ikvo, , , ." . , , ' A , , ., . "' , WMtch th WlllUUH". (mU U for nasi fi year and no kjttka. We have u lot of odd- ud .'" l'U" "' ",tt "ihvr m ,u" m&Jtynl wo wilj pilo up lu pili wm1w. I lie flan is on top ..r the huuNnrice below the whulemiln piiee. hiilltIUJ6 .UiiBiriB Die onlv wav lluw article OAltNK'lT - COHKY IIAUDWAHK ifiJi is ll', "li' wy imn he had and mhi had better come early, Wulcli the windows. Cor COMPANY. .Mn ii i and (liiipc. iug piglet, the Gold Hill imagination, funned (o u fever heat, of expectan cy by the sanguinary predictions of 11. W. Dikeman, wlo out-Ilobsons the fninous kisser himself the Gold Hill imagination, mentioned hereinbe fore, received a judo shook amount ing almost to a bump. Alt. Dikeman, to evidence his good faith in the role ho hud chosen us wuc of the chorus of "ancestral voices prophesying war," wugcrcd iTvu large round units of I'uclo Sam's wuiupum that the conflict would be on with the little brown chrysuiithcmums by midnight's holy hour Sundiiy. He expected the immediate nuptiirc, of Gold Hill mountain by the Japs, and had warned Colonel liny, who owns the depression in terra i'irmii which indi cates the exact spot on the mountain where the faipous pocket which yield ed a (punter of u million in gold was taken out. This wus a long, long lime ago, however in the fifties, runs tho golden legend before Col onel Kay bought the mouiituiu, in cluding the aforesaid depression, which, like thu star spangled banner, is Ktill there. iMr. Dikeman warned the iMcdford-Now York fiiiauciul cup titiu that unless gold Hill wus prop, erly fortified, it would surely full it n easy prey to the slant-eyed minions of the mikado, who would ut once construct the long-projected tunnel through the mouiituiu and, having taken possession of the Southern Pa cific from San Diego to Sent lie, would u t once iuuuguruto a system of electric locomotion, power to be furnished by the waters of the Rogue, turned into the tunnel ut its upper or northern end, to come thun dering out on the south side of the mountain with a fall of Hf feet and the physical energy of exnetly 'JH,- li:i0,()L':i horses. With this great pow er and the mountain ot fine man ganese iron, capable of being traus fonucd into the highest ipiality of steel by un elect ricul process. Mr. Dikeman contends Hint not only would tho Nipponese ho able to keep the entire interior of (he Pacific coast in subjection by menus of swift armored inulor-ours, mount ed with rapid fire guns and eiich cur rying a company of .Itipaneso vol enti soldiery, but that aruuuticnt rifles, gulling, big guns, little gun-., middle Mzud guns and gimlets to say nothing of nriuor-plute, nrmor piercing shells and Htool-jtickoL bul lets, would he able, (lint is the Jap anese would if Colonel liny allowed them to capture (lio mouutuiii, to uiuiuluiu the conflict for many your inurclliiiii they would if the moun tain were properly fortified. Another sickening thought which come to .Mr. Dikeman is that the Jnppies, who are able to exist on a menu of dried fish and fried rice for tin indefinite period, would at once plnce gill-nets ucro the tunnel at a point nunc dihtuueo in from it liioulh, and tnke cery single sal mon, hteolheiid, 1 1 out and silvei'hide Hint the sovereign people of Oregon decreed at the his) election should not be hogged by the lluines. "Yes, I lost my bet," said .Mr. Dike man, who was in Mcdford thi morn ing to purchase a Japanese disguise from a local funny drill ball out tit ter, "but wail. Just wait. I am waiting. So is Tnfl. So nro all these girl in the ruiliiiintiiU. Wait. 1 was a trifle subsequent, but 1 am waiting, wailing. And watching too." And he oast a warlike glance at tho Jap porter of the Upivnrkity dub, who was down down to buy it few innocent supplies. grunting n liquor license to drug stores. The ordinance will in all probabili ty come up for consideration tonight. TALENT Real Estate FOR SALE A fino tract, quarter of a mile from Talent, 8-rootn house, good barn; 300 trees. Prlco $-1,000; terms given. Oood business opportunities and lo cations, all paying. A CC-ncro tract, G-rooin liouso nnd largo bam, 3 miles from Tnlent, partly cleared and lots ot good wood on placo; must bo sold soon; will go for ni00. A 60-acro tract, water to Irrigate same; has a C-rooin houso and barn to hold G head of horses, Im plements to run tho place, and a wagon, This placo put up 30 tons of hay last year, and no water was used. Prlco, $3000, half down. A 71-acro tract, 2V4 miles from Tal ent, good 8-room house and large barn; 8 acres under ditch and In al falfa and gardou hind; 3-i acres un der plow, and trees; 20 acrea.of or chard, of whlch5 ucres are In bear ing; $10,000, half cash, balance good tonus and easy payments. A 14 1-3 aero tract, lies entlroly In city limits; has 0-room plastered houso, good barn, woll and power for irrigation of whole (met. Part ly set to trees; easy terms. For plonty of other bargains call or nddross G, A. Gardner TALKNT, OIUCGOX. On hand all tho tmo. Phono 1002 BURBIDGE TIIIC COAL MAN. Money In Jewlery Is Money Saved tJThere is hardly any way you pan spend your money so advantageously as to hwy good jewelry. JIt gives pleasure to the wearer does not depre date jn value like other things and can niost readily be converted into money if desired. JFor fine watch and jew elry repairing, diamond setting and engraving, see Martin J. Reddy The Jewelsr Near Postoffice. City Property Six-room modern bungalow, close ii i :t bedrooms, screen porch, .f'2500, good terms. Largo lot, f blocks from P. O., $8f0; good tonus. i 0 room modern bungalow, now, oor.1- j ; plctcly furnished, ifMOO, terms. I 7 room houso, modern, now, hath, l pantry, cement iundatiou and walK, fire place, built in buffet, excellent location, tho best vnluo in Mcdford nt the price $.1500, good terms. Six-room bungalow on pavig, close in, now, $-1000; good term SILICATE OF SODA (Liquid Glass) West Walnut Park lots, fir.V.iriO,, jnpt Anlxr rfsA $'J5 down, $10 month, 0 per cent ii 1 UC Vflliy VjOUU 't acres for plutting, inside city limits , water in street; price low, ca.sy T?fYfY.l)rCiCyCirxTcki if terms; very desirable. fiygff Y rCSCrVm! VC 100x100 with (J-rooin housciz . at Medford Pharmacy! Hnsklnc for HenUn 7-Room Bungalow, - Modern Corner I east front, next to business section Cni-n s irAs $S000; good tonus. J jClS PET OcMOU i -i-rooiu House, moilorn, close in $ I $1850 with, furniture, $2150; close, 2 I ; i i i ill, kiii iriius. I 7-room house, 'J lots, S. Orange I if'JOUO; good torius RANCHES , 10 ncros pear land, close in, $l7fi ' per nere; good terms; subdivide- . fine block of bearing Newtown cioso in, .tiuiui per ucro. liXT ID fC 110 acres in pears n( tho price of'lNear 1 OSt VjlIlCe i no mini, closo in: good terms. 'JO neros, uloso in; part in bearing orchard, only $100 pur mire; terms '20 aeros near Mcdford; close n 2 Piiili-ntiil nil in 'Viiu-liiwti nn.1 I pemw; 1 and 'J yours, old; big simp fr flflOrP RlnQAtTI al $'j;.0 per acre; easv tonus. i VKUlgC UlUaUlllJ 100 acrotf; H. H. through tract, $2f X liar .'ii'iic hu-nm -' . m i - r'x 4 .'lil'OS ('inn l'fnil liliul ii)ni In i-nil. VVVV ,...- ...w ...... ., . ,. ... ..... oad, all cleared; $.100 per acre, neros, fine modem limine, good i Clone to Main Street. Lot 50xlOC, Ifiaat Front Sldowalk, Sowor and Witter In Hint Paid. 1 Awesninent on Pavement Paid iSti.OOP, (,)OI) TKIt.MS. Myers, Whiteside & Holmes Main and Central. , Room 20G. nam, a aetvs in oreiiard, grapes, berries, etc., rich soil, close in; price right ; only $-'000 to handle this. WANTED 10 ranch hands. OirU for general housework. City and ranch property to list. Man ind wife on ranch. 2 Primers. 1 Candies, Exclusive! Agency! Li Ii Hi T ,j Phone Main lOl !NihL Clerk Philips Bulliiiny. f -rf NOTICE FROM HEADQUARTERS to all COLONISTS These are some of tho bargains, of tliJs valley, nnd, they must bo sold at once, joofc fhepi over carefully aiidtnen hurry for they can't last long. Chicken Ranch Wanted: This place must soil nt short notice, 10 acres all level, Ate acres In bearing fruit about G acres In hlfalfa, 7 room liouso and harp. This proporty Is Just out side the city limits of ASHLAND and n beautiful hqme. The property Is easily worth $7, fiOO.00, but can be bought today for $5,750.00; TerniB can be arranged If necessary. Npw this won't last long so If Interested get busy. A party with $3,000.00 cash to piiruchaRo a tract of land on ASHLAND BOULEVARD, consisting of ton (10) largo lots, no paving assessments, title guaranteed. The beat of location, only three (3) blocks from tho NEW $7G,000.00 HIGH. SCHOOL. Wo will under write this tract guaranteeing you 10 per cent on your Investment. NO TERMS. NOW THIS IS A BARGAIN. CHICKEN RANCHE.S, of one to ten acres. ALFALFA RANCHES, of flvo to fifty acres. GRAIN OR STOCK RANOHES of 1000 -to 0000 acres. Orchards of all kinds, ago and size. YOU LOSE WHEN YOU KAIL TO SEE US FOR LAND OU CITY PROP KKTY. If terms can be made, wi can inako tliciit, just tell us what you want. The Western Bonding (Sl Investment Co EIKb Building AsHland, Oregon We Have CATCH WORDS AND TEXT Eyeglasses and spectacles. Fitted with Lenses that arc grouiloMn Torlc-form to cor rect your defective sight, or relievo strain, are sure to give Relief and Comfort to those tired, soro eyes, when fitted correctly by my method (without drops.) DR. RICKERT, over Kentner'i x - - X Fresh Vegetables If yon are coming down town be sure and call at this storo and seloct ypnr fresi vegetables. If you can't como down Just step to tho 'phono and order what yon want, If It doesp't please you send back. ... v -vwjmssB Garden Seeds Everything In garden 41ml flower seeds n'nd they 'are ijew guaranteed stock. Remember, Pure White Flour 1 n 1 .I, Allen Grocery Co. PHONE MAIN 2711 HOME 271. 32 SQUTII OENTKAL AVE. i Notice to Colonists Having spent two years trav eling through the northwest looking for safe land invest ments, have located a sec tion where land yalues are not inflated, which comes un der government project of ir rigtition, work of which is now under way. Just return ed from visit to this section, with authority to offer some good bargains. I maintain no expensive auto or office. Be ing a former Akron, Ohio man, would be pleased to meet all easterners at my residence after 5 p. m. if only for a visit. It will cost you nothing and may possibly be of benefit to you. H. J. Tichnor 48 QUINCE ST. Electric Rooms Opened Monday, March 6th In Elec tric building, 2 IS West Main street. Everything now and modern, Includ ing steam heat, baths, etc Best In city. Rates reasonable. Mr, and Mrs. Felix T. Swan Proprietors Garden and Flower Seeds qCompleto now stock Including every variety adaptable to tjils vnl- Chicken Feed Cfdrlt, ground bone, oyster shell, chick feed, cracked wheat, etc., etc. You can doublo your crop of eggs by feeding our brands of chicken feed. OLMSTEAD "AND-- HIBBARD Van Dyke Realty Co! C1TJ.' lROIEUT' FARMS, FRUIT RANCHES 12.T E. MAIN STREET. y if V.