if' PXGE 3?0UK 1MEDF0RD MAIL TRJ13CJNE, MEDFORD, ORTCCION, TUESDAY, MAKCn 21,1911. Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED DAILiY EXCEPT SATUR DAY BY THE MEDKOUD PRINTING CO. Tim Hptnnprntln Tlmm. Thn Mndford Mall, Tlio Aledfonl Tribune, The South- I crn orogon mn, tiic Asniitna Triuune. GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Manager ai Entered iih secoml-clasa mattur No vember 1, 100'), at tho poMtofflce ut Medford, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 187i. Official Pnppr of the City of Medford. BUuncniPTiow eateb. One year, by mull ' JG.00 One month by mall CD Per month, delivered by carrier In Modfsrd, Jacksonville und Cen tral Point CO Sunday only, by mall, per year, . . . 2,01) Weekly, per year'. , 1.S0 )!WO)lN OIBCULATIOH. Dally averiten for hIx montha ending December 31, 1910, 2721. rail Xieaicd Wire United Ties Dlipatcl). S CITY ENGINEER Mayor Canon Sends in Name of For mer Assistant as Succssor to Har ry .Foster Thought He Will Be - Confirmed. ,j . . ' Olcn Ariispigor, civil ongincor, will l)c named by Mayor Canon at to night's Hussion of lliu city council city engineer, it i thought (lint the council will confirm him without do hate. Mr. Arnspiger lias boon n resident of this cily for the past throo years. Ho worked under City Engineer Fos ter i'or nearly a year and is well and favorably known. SMALL GAINS IN STOCK MARKET ; NEW VOUIC, March 21. Thero woro fow important charges at today's oponlng stock market. International RM Harvester gained 3-4, Texas nnd Pa- Japanese In largo numbors aro leav clflc C-S and Utah Copper 1-2. Na- lug Taconm and vicinity for boiiio tlonal, Hallways of Mexico second preform! lost D-8 and Southern Pa cific 2-8. Tho market closod strong. Uomls woro stoady. A want ad campaign will euro you of your poMHlsmlsm concerning a man's chances, nowadays, to find profitable and suitable employment y-whoro tho road to promotion Is not closed. 5-rfr'''rJ Last Day of Our Great Introduc tory. C1p WONDERFUL VALUES ALL DAY WEDNESDAY DOMESTICS Best dress prints and good quality apron ginghams, this sale onlv 5 CENTS' A YARD RIBBON AVide, all silk ribbon, good colors, worth up to 20c, special 10 CENTS A YARD GINGHAM 2000 vards fine Zephyr. dress iriiiLdianis, last col ors, worth 1 "', special 10 CENTS A YARD FLAXON 50 pieces of this fine fabric in new patterns, worth 25c special 19 CENTS A YARD TOWELS. Good size towels, special 3 CENTS EACH Extra large towels, worth 38c, special 10 CENTS MANN'S ARM MILLION IF Criticisms of German Military Expert Answered by Congressman Hull Points Out Possibilities of Present Army More Warships Needed. WASHINGTON', D. C March 21. AiiHWorlng the crltlclHiiiB ot Colonel Oaoilko German military expert, who declared that tho Amorlcau navy is very weal;, army officer hero today point to tho statements of former Congressman John A. T. Hull, of Iowa, who for twenty yonrs was chairman of tho house coinmltteo on military nffnlrs. "Wo can arm 1,000,000 men In the mobile army today," declared Hull. "Wo are within 28,000,000 rounds of tho Hiipply of small arm ammuni tion that tho ordinance- bureau thinks wo Bliould havo as a reserve. It Is truo that In caao of war wo would havo to draw upon all our reserve ar tillery ammunition, but that Is bo causo tho supply Is ordered by ano ther coinmltteo which Iiiib frequently been nntl-inllttary. "Wo havo a small army and should not bo niggardly In ammunition Bup- Ply. "I bollovo that this government should havo a great reserve of vol unteer forces. An army of 100,000 regulars Is not too big, and a reserve force ot 250,000 trained and offi cered men should bo created. This ..,. fiul,l in, imilntnlncil lit an OX- 0 ()f m)t inoro thlin thull $20,- ftnn nnft .. Vvu-Pv .- Answering Gnodko'B criticism of tho navy, Hull, said: "Our only safeguard of tho oceans Is tho fact that wo control them. Groat ships today could land a largo forco on our ahorcB moro easily than could bo doiio by lnnd. Wo must havo warships to mako It unsafe, If not Impossible, to traiiBport troops by sea." Japs to South America. TACOMA, Wash., March 21. point along tho South Pacific "coast, according to local National Guard officers today. Forty Japanese loft Lacoy last week In a body, embark ing from Hoiittlo on a steamer for San Francisco whence inllltla officers say, thoy planned to sail for boiiio point on tho West Coast of Mexico. Dozens of forclguors aro said to bo quitting tholr employment In saw mills nnd lumber cuiiijib and departing for tho south. NEGESSRRY Spring Opening Sale -.' r' HOSE " Ilursou" hose for women whv pav 2.")c, our price 15 CENTS A PAIR BELTS Womens and childrens patent leather belts, spe- 10 CENTS EACH OIL CLOTH. Best oualitN table oil cloth. 'u width, speeial o 21 CENTS A YARD SHEETS. 72x00 sheets, bleached, good quality, special 49 CENTS EACH HOSE. Childrens ribbed hose, all sizes, stainless, special 10 CENTS A PAIR PILLOW CASES 12 and I") iiu-h bleached pillow slips, worth 18c, spocial 14 CENTS EACH Med ford's Popular Price Sip re- Central Avenue Near Post ( r.l NO CHANCE TO I Attorneys Reames States Defect in Law is Lack of Provision Author izing County to Call Special Elec tion to Pass Upon Bonds. That there is no question as to tliu constitutionality of the county issuing bonds for road purposes but that the trouble lies is finding a method of procedure is the belief of A. J'. Kennies who has been looking into tho question for the county U determine if there be any way pos sihle for .Jackson county to net un der the law passed by tho people at tile last general election and issiii bonds for road building purposes u order that Jackkson county mux havo better highways. The difficulty experienced by Mr Kennies in finding a. way out ill which tho county can proceed lies it tho fact there is nt present, so far ii ho has determined, although he li it -not completed his researches as yet there is no way in which to obtain ai expression of (ho will of tho people The county has never been given th power to call u special election am this in itself may prohibit the conn ty from issuing bonds. "Tliero is absolutely no questioi iiH in the constitutionality of th bonds once issued but there soem to be no way (o proceed. Ilowevei I havo not gone into the mutter a i'nr us 1 intend and it 111113' be that : way will ho loiind." Merchants to Meet at Lunch. Tomorrow evening, March 211, tho members of the Medford Merchants' Protective association aro requested to meo ut an informal luncheon at tho K. of P. hall nt 0:30 p. m. Mnny questions pertinent to the welfare of tho town's merchant are to be discussed, among them the new plnn of credit rating by which every person in tho community is to be rated good pay, bad pay, indifferent. Members nil try to bo present. COMMITTER. Veterans Will Fight. DENVER, Col., March 21. Mem bers of Montrose Post No. 38, O. A. It., HiIb afternoon tendered tholr ser vices to tho government In tho ovont of war. A formal communication states that tho action wns taken to prove that zeal and patriotism of civil war votorans woro not dead. Tho signers all served In tho civil war, members of tho post having boon In tho Fourth Iowa Cavalry First Now Hampshire Infantry and Twelfth Vermont Infantry. SHEETING J Hale heavy unbleached ! 1 sheeting, special G CENTS A YARD VESTS Womens sleeveless vests, good 10c grade, very spec ial 5 CENTS EACH MUSLIN 3(5 inch lleached muslin, good 10e rade, special 7 CENl'S A YARD GLOVES. Our best $1.25 kid gloves, all colors, special $1.00 A PAIR WAISTS. AVomens ehailibrv waists, till sizes, fast tlilors, worth !)hc, special 48 CEIYTS. 'ffi ice '"" - iFllEfl- 1 LECM COURSE mus. o. s. rowM-m-ciii'MOS, Widow of tho eminent phrenologist, Professor O, S. Fowlor of Now York, will glvo a scientific course of six free lectures at Medford theater, be ginning March 21st. Pregram: Tues day, March 21, 8 p. in,: "Tho Seven Primary Factors of the 'Mind," to all; Wednesday, March 22, 2:30 p. m.; 'The Divine Laws of Motherhood," ladles only. Thursday, March 28, 8 p. '11.: "Tho Cleansing of tho Human Temple," gentlemen only. Friday, March 21. H p. m.: "Drain tho Tap 'toot of Life," to all. Saturday. March 25. 8 p. m.: ."Electricity, the Great Elixir of Life," to all. Sunday, .March 2C, 2:30 p. 111.: "Tho Science 1 1 f f Theology and tho Genesis of Life," to nil. Phrenological examinations nnd health consultations) dally at Hotel Nnsh from 9. a. in. to 9 p. m. until April 7th, 1911. Wednesday, March 29, at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m., she will begin to teach classes, her now system of applying electricity to euro dlfieaso. WASHINGTON', I). C, March 21. -Tho United States supreme court took a recess this afternoon until April II This mukcK deiisions in the Standard Oil mill tobneco ousos impossible be fore April fi. MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. V.J.t'- INDIA LINON Kine quality India Lilion, s s nil width, special SI I1 II s s I 10 CENTS A YARD TABLE LINEN Fine quality table Damask full width, sj ecial 29 CENTS A YARD LiLLLLLbLLBLHkLLLKiLLLTC& MANN'S BED SPREADS. Large size white bed spreads, worth $1.25, spec ial 98 CENTS EACH BAGS. Womens good size hand bags, splendid 75c grade, special 50 CENTS EACH s s X s X s s s s 'S sfVs,ss MANN Where to Go Tonight SPECIAL AT s THE ISIS THEATRE AXOTHEU llICi DOL'IHiE HILL. COLIIUltX AND l'EAHSON In their comedy success "Down at IllgKliisvlilo." Also M UK I'll .MA.YWKIjL, J I Dlack Face Comedian, King of ' LaiiKh Makers. ' Tltww. IP.k.ili. ..f ,1... T ..... ...i.l Host Pictures. 1 iniu a guuu gong uy uiancnaru. ; special matiiieo every Saturday and Sunday at 2:30. ---ww4 U-GO VAUDEVILLE MOVING I'lCTlTIlKS Illustrated Konjr. TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE Special engagement of Walters & I Clarement, Medrord's favorlto I high class vaudeville artists, pre senting a completo operntta. 3 Heels Moving Pictures 3 .Matinee Saturday and Sunday. NATATORIUM .. '! K.ntl.iiT. lmwllni Iinv linll lilll. '. '1 lards, tub baths with showers at-J J tached nnd now rlflo rango. I Metlford's Aiiiiisomcnt rnlaco. "NAT" THEATRE Shows all tho latest and best films. !; Chango of program Sunday, Tues-1! day and Fridays Good program j '1 u 'I 'I I. i for tonight. ADMISSION 10c. 1 NSJ rNsssr mwMi Music, Photoplays. 2 -Homing Comedies 2 A Thrilling War Story. A Exciting Drama. Entire chango ot program Music 2 J by Misses Crawford & Crowell. ? OXE DIME -:- . ONE DIME j FOR SALE ORCHARDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Large and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldp, THE Cumberland Furnished Rooms Suites with private bath Kooms ineludo largo closets nnd sleeping porches. Also hot I' ml cold wator in connection. Breakfast served, if desired. Heceptiou rooms i'or guests. Gentlemen only. 706 S. Oakdale Ave. MEDFORD, ORE. KODAKS Ilavo you notlcod tho sun shlne? Tlio to got that Kodak. Only oao nlaco, lot U9 show you. g Medford Book Store i mm FORD 1911 OPEN ROADSTER, $825.00 Fully equipped, 1'. o. b. Medford Four-cylinder, shaft drive, 100-inch wheel-base, mag neto of course. "Let us show you." Ashland Motor Car Co. IV.l .MILL STKEET, ASHLAND, OKE GOX. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. Evangelistic Meetings The Presbyterian Church 1 M.lbr y Medford Jobbing Co. The only exclusive jobbing company in Medford uhcro you enn f gel all of your llltlo odd johx done at once lty expert workmen. Our Specialties Cleaning, Kal.simliicd or npci'cd walls and ceilings. ALL EliECTKICALs APPLIAXCES KEIUlltED. We will tako X X " charge of any job yen may liavc call us up anil talk It over. WE (U'AKAXTEE SATISI-UOTIO.V IX WOltlv AXD JMtlCKS. 1MIOXE .MA1X 0.-0 1. J Office: Medford Music Shop ST. MAItKS UI.OCIv. V 4&4W44'&fMr San Jose, California Alfalfa and Fruit Land Cheapest land in the state, taking into consideration cllmato and facilities. Closo to San Fraiui&co markets. Tho host resldenco city on tho coast. We lime-many tracts of first class land, ranging In prlco from SIT." per mut! and up. Valuoj will soon bo rising. We will be pleawd to mall further Information and Hteraturo up on application. T. S. Montgomery & Son 7 WEST SAXTA C'I,AH.V STKKICT, r4 Nothing Just as Good as EAGLE PHARMACY, 109 Knt Main St. Plumes; Home Co; Pac 232 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Tlios. Bartholomew, Ph. C, General Mgr. Hie Resall Stores Medford, Ore. m Every evening-, beginning s Sunday Mar. 19. Everybody is invited to I come. Rev. J. A. McVeigh of Portland, Or., is the evangelist. Meetings Sun day at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Every afternoon at 2:30 p. m., and every eve ning tit 7:30 o'clock. Meet ings commence with song service. SAX JOSE, CAIiirOUXIA the REXALL Remedies WEST SIDE PIIARMAC 200 West Main Street Thenes: Uonio 43; Pao. -1041 4 i 1