-- ! MiljmTMnM jnSDFORn irAITj TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, ORKCION, TUESDAY, II ARCH 21, 19.1.1. PSGE THBEB . on UUU nnT iiniior ii nuuoc BUILDER HE E Our Correspondents rnmrn Robert Cook Who, as County Com missioner, Built Present County Court House, is Visiting Medford Has Great Faith in Valley. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS. Mr. Diiley lists his Hiicket store building about up rauly for tic roof and at tlie rate that tliu imrponters aro pushing the work along be will soon be doing business among us. Diamond & llatob, the two men who bought out Zimmerman & Nor line, have been straightening the things around in the store, making room for their new stock. I under stand that thy intend to, as soon its j they can arrange for room, put in a Robert Cook of Foots Creek, bet ter known to his many friends as "Hob" Cook, who as county commis- .iiriu i iiiiin i mi' wkii .iiiiiL-uiiii .. ' .:""... I stock of lrnir. as Mr. lleatli is a Ifl11.lt.. (IIIIIWI lwillnn .. 1 n nl.r-.-..... II .. 1 ' ' ill mViJ iu vittWim. Af,..l('A...l ,. 1,..l first time in several months. Mr. Cook is known throughout the county as u leader in progressiveiduas hav ing announced his faith in the Hogue1 l'iver YJllluv lnf'nrr ll ivnu hinwn lrl an admiring outside world. "Yes," said Mr. Cook reminiseent ly this morning, '1 was in Medford years before there was any Medford here. Jacksonville was the metrop olis of the valley and littlo did we think at that time that there would ever be a, city in this location such as stands hero today. But I knew that somewhere in this valloy there would some day be u large city and here is the proof of my foresight. "cs, I had to do with the letting of the contract for the county court house, and a fine structure it wifs indeed at the time it was built. Tax payers were kicking the same as ever in those days and we were blamed for building a court house so large. Hut J have noticed in recent years that it has been crowded and that the cruel ion of a new building has been urged. And 1 guess that it was Heeded. "But I say today what I said .10 years ago. The Hogue river valley is still in its infancy in the mutter of development. There is much to be done yet." MURRAY TO COMMAND ARTILLERY ON COAST WASHINGTON, D. C, March 21. Major General A. Murray, who re cently ceased to act as chief of coast artillery, soon will be sent to take charge of the coast artillery, depart ment of California, according to un official report today. General Mur ray is temporarily assigned to com mand the department' of the lakes. His knowledge of fortifications makes him invaluable on the sea coast, and it is believed that he will proceed from California to the Pan ama canal zone, when the fortifica tions there are ready for maiming. WISCONSIN WOMEN VOTE SCHOOL ELECTION MILWAUKEE, Wis., March 21. For the first time in Wisconsin his tory women voted at the primary school elections hero today as the re sult of the enactment of the Stern non-partisan school and judicial elections bills. When registration closed a week ago 8000 women had registered their intention to cast their votes. BRYAN CONFERS WITH LEADERS OF DEMOCRACY pharmacist, and n stock of jewelry as Mr.f Diamond is a jeweler. They seent to be the right men in the right place. Since our town was incorporated our blacksmiths. Childreth Bros.., have raised from 'JO to 'Jo per cent on their work, one of tliu benofits of incorporating, but the expense has to be met in some way, and the farm ers may as well pay it. Wo will soon have two blacksmith shops in town. W. L. Childredth will move into the new shop next week and then his brother Henry will remain in the old one. Mr. MeQuaid, sr., tells mc that the carpenters will soon have his son's house ready for occupancy, and then they will go to work on his own house Mr. M. II. Clow of Medford was out soliciting for tailonnado clothing, for W. W. Kifert of Medford. He spent Thursday iiight with us and succeeded in taking several orders. Miss Mao Lawrence of Gold Hill stayed here Thursday night and the next morning took the Prospect stage for Klk creek where she is engaged to teach school. Little Miss Aimer Winkle, daugh ter of Lannie Winkle, some weeks ago fell and broke her elbow. Her grandmother, Mrs. Mayhem, who has the care of the child, thought that it was nothing of importance so bound it up and about 10 or. 1'2 days after Dr. Holt was called and found that it was u very bad break of the el bow add that somo of the bones of the forearm was pushed past the joint an inch and a half. She was taken to the Medford hospital, and placed under the X-ray and Dr. Holt assisted by Dr. Conroy ami his part ner removed a piece of the bone that had been split off and the child was brought to the Sunnyside hotel whore she is being treated by Dr. Holt. Sat urday morning when the doctor dressed the wound he was much pleased with its appearance. Mr. Cross of Ashland spent the night here Thursday on his wayxto Butto Falls with a. load of nails, etc., he expects to build three houses there (his summer. .). A. Douglass of Perry, Okla., I'M Hull, Claude James and A. I), Per son, all of Medford, came in Friday night in their nuto for sapper. They had been on u trip from Medford to Brownboro and down here and then over to Medford the same even iny. .1. It. Fort, wife and boy came in from Butte Falls, Friday afternoon and at this writing aro guests at the Sunnyside. They are from Col orado to Arizona, then to Los Angplcs mid from there to this valloy. They are traveling to see the countr y and looking for a home. They seem 10 be favorably impressed with our lit tie Butte creek valley. Mr. White of Derby, who has charge 'of the oColey orchard just LINCOLN, Neb., March 21 That William J. Bryan is to take an ac tive part in the next presidential election was generally believed here today -because of the presence oil above town, had his family brought Champ Clark, governor Shafroth of out Thursday. lie has boon board Colorado and between 1200 and 15100 ing hero, other lirominent democrats at a com-, John Ashpole, one of our old pii- plimentury dinner tendered the com- neers, went to Medford Inst Friday, moner by' the Lincoln Bryan club. 11 ltoyal G. Brown started for Port- was believed that preliminary plans for the 1012 campaign were discussed at a gathering of leaders after the banquet. EDWIN LORD SCALDED TO DEATH IN BATH NEW YORK, March 21 After fu tile efforts to conceal them, the facts as to the death of aged Ivlwin Lord intimate friend of Andrew Carnegie J. P. Morgan and John W. Gates, came out today. Lord was scalded to death in his rooms at the Itepub lican club. He was found dyinj,' in his bath-tub with the hot water fun nel turnud on full. Lord left a for tuiio of more than $1,000,000. Notice Fruit Growers laud last Saturday The election Saturday on the wet and dry question resulted in a vic tory for the saloon, the vote being tin' to 30. W. W. Willets of Persist, and his daughter, Mis Inez, came out from their homo Friday, sponding the night with us and Saturday morning he went home and Miss Inez took the stago for Butte Falls. She is en gaged to teach school in the Hawk school district, Dudley postoffice. NOTICK. Beginning April 1st, 1911, tho unloa scale for painters will bo $4 per day. On that date tho Initiation too Into local union, No. C43, Bro therhood of Painters & Decorators of Amorlca, will bo raised. Tho union meets every Thursday night at S p. m. In Angle hall. C. W. HAUltlNGTON, Secretary. 310 Hasklns for Health. We have leased the Page Packing houso and will operate In the Med-, ford district this coming Beasou. Wj405 North Bartlett St aro tho second oldest company m California and are members of the California Fruit Distributors who handlod 7C por cont of tho docldeous fruit out of California this past soa son. Call on our northwostorn agent K. M. McKoany, room 1 Stewart building and talk matters over with him lioforo making your seasons ar rangements. Advances made If dp- nlrod. PRODUCKKS PUUIT CO. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS Miss Surah Wright and Miss Mary Olsson wero Medford visitors Sun day afternoon. Mr. Engeno Sanlmrn and family who have boon residing at Wood vlllo for some time have moved back here. Mrs. K. 12. Emerson made a trip to Grants Pass Monday morning. Fred II. Hopkins has arrived from Portland aiid Is now at tho Snowy Butto orchard. N. Southard and wlfo who have been visiting Mr. C. C. PorkliiB and wife for several months returned to their home at Lowell, Mass., Mon day. C. W. Jffors, Uobt. KIncald and Charles WUkcrson aro attending United States court at Portland thlB weok. About a hundred of our cltl.ens spent Sunday afternoon In Medford. II. II. Urown of Ashland spent Sunday with his family here return ing Monday morning. Miss Blanch Darby of Griffin Creek spout Sunday, hero with relatives. .1. 1 and M. Hay, S. A. Pattlson, Mrs. J. S. Harnett, John Grieves, spent Monday morning in Medford. Registered at Hotel Dunlnp, first of the week were: Grover Clemens, Portland; Alex Austin, Portland; Hermnn Shlj'blor, Pasadona; S. M. Nealon, Table Bock; K. II. Guthrie, Medford; S. G. Hampton, AVltchlta, Kan.; K. N. ltodgers, Sumniorvlllo, Ore.; Mrs. Era .1. Evans, Oakland, Cal.; V. Waito, Sonutherlln, Ore.; George W. Averllle, George Gottey, Milwaukee, Wis. Ribnoun k OM L IKI Supervisor Returns From Trip Both , Ways Across Cascades Most of Distance Made on Snow Shoes Visited Crater Lake in February. AD. First Honieseoker I iflnd no good land hero under $200 por ncro. Second Homesecker I bought bet ter from Fred Parker, Caayonvllle, Or., for $100,00, and ho has a still hotter buy for tho man who can han dlo 100 acres. "Wrlto him. 310 Hasklns for Heatti TAKE UP A CLAIM Every citizen, man nr woman linn a tinibor and-Btono right of 100 acres, price to tho government $2. CO per acre. No cultivation, resldenco or Improvement required. 1 havo about twcnty-flvo claims to locate, soo me and havo a talk, this land Is worth ?20.00 per acre. Call or wrlto. A. 1$. BALING, Boom t Jackson County Bank Building. 318 Hasklna for Health. FOR SALE J CITY PROPERTY ; TJomes any part of city ! Lots wholesale and retail MOOR-EHNI CO. 1 212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bid?' For Sale 15 1 ncres, 3 miles from Talent, fenced, timber, alfalfa and fruit land; good hatiHo and water; 300 pear trees; near school. $2000, half cash. 34 acres, 1 mllo from Talent; 12 acres In Newtowns peach-filled; 7 acres tinibor; good house; plenty of water; pumping plant, $13000: $7000 cash; easy terms. 20 acres finest alfalfa and fruit lands with timber; 1 mile from Tal ent; $325 iter aero; cash. Talent city lots at lowest figures, will double in a year. 17 acres, 14 acres commercial or chard. 2 miles from Talent; $10,000, half cash.. SO aeros flnost tinibor, $2000, half cash, 40 acres fruit land, 3 miles from Talent; $1200 of timber on it; good buildings; $2000; $1200 cash. 2 It acres orchard and alfalfa land sill) Irrigated, 2 1-2 miles south of Talent; $1300 fruit trees, houso and outbuildings; superior fencos;" $225 por acre; half cash. 1C0 acres finost timber, 39 miles from Portland, $5000 cash. 5 acres richest fruit and alfalfa land, 4 acres now In alfalfa; only 1-3 mile from city of Talent. Wo will fiot It all to any kind of trees tho buyer wants. Now houso, Irrigating well. $3000; $1000 cash. 40 acres farm, deep fruit soil; 0 mlloH south of Medford; 8 acros In apples and poaches; (i noroa alfalfa: good house and barn, gasollno engine, team, cow, wagon etc; all for $0300; $2000 cash. Pine homo of 18 acres, richest soil, irrigated; 12 aeros In poars, 2 acres In Newtowns, all heavy bearing, 2 acres! alfalfa; 6 room hoiiBo; only one block from Talent post office; team; cow; tools; all for $12000; $7500 cash; may terms. 1 mllo from Talent on Ashland load; 8 acros good soil, 4 1-2 arros choice orchard up to (lute bungalow; barn; packing houso, and outbuild ings; plenty of water; $4800; half CKfltl. . 280 acrae, 2 1-2 in lie oast or Tal ont; 100 arre cultivated, all free soil, flue for pears and apples; well fenced, surrounded by ouperior or chards; houso, barn; eutbuildings: windmill etc; only $125 por acre; $12000 cash; rest easy terms. LUWAN N. JUDD, Agent TALK NT, OltKfiOX M. L. Erlckson, supervisor of tho Crntor Lake national forest has ro turnod from a four weeks trip on Biiow shoes through tho forest cross ing tho Cascades twice since leaving Medford. Ho was a member of the party which visited Crater Lake In Pobrunry and leaving tho party at Port Klamath ho returned across by way of Odessa and Four Mllo lake. Mr. Erlgkeon reports an unusunlly heavy snow fall In the mountains this year, but despite this ho has had a crew of men at work all wlntor In the Cat Hill district replanting tho burn ed over areas. The work still con-, Unites as considerable spring seeding Is to bo done. "A trip through the forest in the heart of winter Is no sinecure" states Mr. Erlckson, "but It has Its pleasuros as well as trials. I enjoyed tho trip hugely and thoro Is nothing which will harden a man or developing him physically as fast." Hasklns for Health. STUDIO 708 SOUTH OAKDALE PHONE (107a. Private or class lessons In oil, wa ter color or tapestry. Ordors taken. AGNES R. GRANT. COOK WANTED. Cook for men on ranch. Hollywood Orchard, pliono Fanner 7003 at noon hoiii' or after G:30 p. in. tf NOW Is the time to have your ground liud out. Wo have' the experience and the knowledge as to how they should bo laid out to the host advantage. We hnvo nlso a fine lino of ornamental shrubs, shado trees and two year old roses which will' bloom thitf yonr. Prices for samo can ho had at the store, corner Sixlli and Central. Phono 3-151. Qreenhouso and nursery near city reservoir. Phone 5181. J. T. BROADLEY (Si CO. Florists and Lnndscapo Gardoners. P. O. Uox 521. Ttciucmbor wo aro experienced in all lines of florist and landscape work. Ashland Orchards Ml?. INVESTOR: Aro you looking for an Invest ment that Is an-Investment? If you are, then read thlst WFo arb authorized by tho own er to offer for a short tltno nt only $250 per" ncro his 30-acro one-year-old orchard, which Is located with in 1,14 miles, frqm Ashland nnd right in tho valley. This orchard Is all sot to tho finest vnrletios of pears and ap ples and has been woll cared for. Wo will subdivide this Into 10 acro tracts to suit purchaser and will glvo terms on the same. Rogue River Investment Co. 77 OAK ST., ASHLANJ), ORKOON - -'-! 52 Years in Rogue River Vidley H. L. White & Co. Main st. Ashland, Ore. REAL ESTATE Ask any Bank in Ashland Canton Restaurant ' Meals Served "I "H Hours. Hood Cooking, Hood Service, Reason able Prices -: -: -: : Sam Lock, Prop. Upstairs on South Front Street. ..Automobile Repairing.. CRATER LAKE GARAGE 22' South Riverside Phone Main 4282. Home 298 K. N. H. Mark SWINE FOR SALE Fancy retri-Prcd Poland China and PcrkHhire Sniw. Orders taken for spring dehwiy. Prize wwiiiii,' stock. GREEN FIELD FARM, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Mine Owners Attention Wo havo several oastorn pooplo Interested In mining proposition to Invest monoy In mining prop erty. What havo you to ottor? Write u Today. Oregon Realty & Mining Co. :jl) Uunictt-Corcy Hldg. : ll '.K Steam and Hot Water Heating Tf you want to ho, comfortable, heat your 'homo' with Hot Water. It costs you nothing to talk with Ponting & Renz the only straight Heating Shop in Medford. 37 SOUTH CENTRAL. i. ,i r i (''. IRRIGATION Water Is the Beginning, the End, the Very Creator of the West f Rogue River Valley Canal Co. . FRED N. OUMMINGS, Manager. Offices 3d floor Medford National Bank Bldg Irrigated Orchard Tracts Are a Sound Investment. In 5 Years You Are Your Own Master Rogue River Valley Canal Co. FRED N. CUMMINGS, Manager. 22 Acres 8 acres in orchard, modern house, good barn, close in, pr ce right richest soil' in valley, C900ft wil1 handle, your fwvw own terms pn bal. Bittner & Clark Room 207 PHipps Bldg. t , TO BE STRONG TO BE PROMPT TO BE LIBERAL THREE IMPORTANT FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SE LECTING A PLACE TO DO YOUR BANKING. YOUR BUS INESS IS SOLICITED. The Jackson County Bank OF MEDFORD OREGON FOUNDED BY W. I. VAWTER IN 1888 CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS, $65,000.00 ' :v J SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. "Ml VF! V 1 w 2 i 1 , ' M jMflnr: