i"-. . . fc Mm jk7 rawk rtl P '"rjrfiiJEL z MEDFORD MAIL TRTB 0213, MEDFORD, ORECiOX, MONDAY, MAKOU 20, 1911. PAGE FOUR fc. ? J, V h Jt ' :. Medford Mail Tribune Atf NDfePKNDENT NEWSPAPER PUULISHED DAILY EXCEPT SATUR DAY BY THE MEDFORD PRINTING CO. The Democratic Times. The Modforil Mflll, The Mearoru TMDune. ine mouiii em OroRonlan, Tho Ashland Tribune. OKOnGK PUTNAM. Editor nnrt Manurer Entered a fecond-olans mattor No vomher 1. 1909, ut the postofflce ut Medford. OroKon, under the net of March 3. l IV Official Ppr i)f tho City of Medford SUBSCRIPTION B&TXX Ono year, by mall c,?2 One month by mull CO Par month, delivered by carrier In Ml'.-.ri1. JuckHonvlllb and Cen tral Point .M Kunilny only, by mall, pr year.... 2.00 Weekly, ner year 1.00 SWORIT CIRCUI.ATX01T. Dally m-frage for sir months ending Decunbr Jl, 1110. 2721 rull Xoaed Wire United Preit Dispatches. NOBARSARELET DOWN BY OFFICERS niyiil Examiiialinn Still Obtains in Rccruitinn Offices of United States Army Oregon National Guard is Being Increased. PORTLAND, Orn March 'JO. -Tho rigid nik'B governing the phyitfcnl and montal qualifications of men de siring to become soldiers and sailors lia.4 not huoii relaxed In the lotiHt, according to tho officers In charge of tho recruiting offices horo today. Although Adjutant General Wil liam Klnzur, of tho Oregon National Ounrd who is endeavoring to recruit tli6 h(:1o in tilt In to Kb full complo niont, also stated that Hip same ram Is being taken In tho examination of recruits as heretofore. Silence In I Cult. STOCKTON'. Cal., March 20. Evi dently tho war department has notl fiotl Its recruiting officers to ceaso giving out figures on the numhor of roorultB being unlisted. Tho officer In charge of tho local nrmy station lioiltivuly lofusod to tnlk on the ac tivities of hlB offlco today. Thin Is dlroctly contrary to tho policy here tofotu piu'Riicd whou Informatlou was frouly glvon out for advertising pur- pot) UK. Deny Jtecolpt of Ordcri. OAKLAND, Cal., March '-'0. Offl clals In charge of tho Unltod States recruiting office horo deny that they liavo rucolvad any Instructions from Washington locontly. They say there Iiuh heuu no Increased nuinher of ap plications for enlistment, hut they hullovo that at tlio first sign of ac tivity (horo would ho an Influx of dofllrnhlo material. Still on Stieet. SAN DIKOO. Cal., March 20, Not only hua thuro beun no romoval of reilrlctlon as to recruiting at tho ' nrmy mid navy office hero, hut prac tically no recruiting has been done for a month. At the navy recruiting station on ly una of fifteen nppllcnntM has huuu otntnl In the last month, and tint officer in charge says no cIuuimo of orders fiom tho usual Iiuh been made. WRESTLERS ARE BUSY TRAINING FOR BOUT Yesterday hm ii busy day in the training quartern of L. W. D reborn Uitt local wrMtlr who iiiiwm Carl Unnflw naxt Wmluetrifty night. A half hour at tU punrblng bag. aaotUtr afIaii with the aklpplng roi, mat practice with Ula Uuagy trainer, and then a fir utile run. Wrought hlui iu bright eyed and ainll lug llMlliiug that Duarb li a wouder on ih mat, Hyreniorg moans to have hla wind Iu hau for a gruelliug pac. Aa to the outcome lie baa no doubt , and hla txurluo0 gulutNl from meeting aoiut of the best mat artists tnakea him confident that a the Groco-Homan style, which bar all Uolda lielovv the waist, Ik la Dutch's master. Notice Fruit Growers Wo have letued the Page Packing homo and will operate in the Mod ford district tula coming Mason. Wb aro tho second oldeat compauy In California and are member) of the CnllfornlH Fruit Diatrlbutors wbfe lmndlod 70 per cont of the dcldeous fruit out or California thin naat tstta hoii. Call on our northweteni ageut H. M. MoICoRiiy, r(Mim 1 Stewart biitlUIB "' ' mattora ovr with l.lm boforo malting your saanona arv rangomtmta. Advancaw ?uatla if de- olroiU lJC01)UOIHS IfHUITCO. Haskliia for Health. A WORD TO PROSPECTfVE investors in fruit lauds, would do well to t'hoose for their field a proven district, where the business has been,a demonstrated success for years, where the element of experiment has been eliminated and the chance for loss reduced to a minimum. Such a region is the Rogue River valley. Here the purchaser takes fewer chances than in any other spot in the northwest, or for that matter in the world. Fruit growing has been reduced to a science and the commercial nf1)ii-fl i ji well iimvfMi dividend naver. It is often said in Portland and other papers that any .. - t. I'm 1...1.1-- part of Oregon will grow line apples aim pears, .rrouamy any part will grow an apple, but very few sections have as yet proven that they can grow commercially profit able apples and still fewer pears. Anulo jind ne.'ip culture, to be commercial! v nrofitable, ..j,,.-t .,... . , . j must be in a region where ditions obtain. Altitude is an essential, otnerwise ine product will not kcep.and will not successfully stand ship ment. Only experience will tell the story. For instance. Hood River, which raises a perfect apple, will not produce a perfect pear, while the Rogue River valley seems pecu liarly adapted to both apple and pear. (''ity newspapers of today are filled with advertise ments of wildcat orchards where some speculator has bought up a farm at a cheap price, planted it to fruit, subdivided it, and is unloading on the public, using as bait the records of the few really successful fruit belts. Most of these new orchards are experiments, with chances against their producing a commercial product. Prices are higher in the Rogue River valley than in these wildcat districts, but not as high as in other proven fruit regions, and it is better policy to pay more and get something than to experiment with an unknown quantity or to buy a pig in a poke. ADVERTISER SETS PACE FOR EDITOR. EVI3U V editor who finds a zest in his work realizes that the task of making the so-called "reading matter" in a newspaper as interesting as are the advertisements is not a small one. The editor assembles his news matter, and features, Hid opinions and feels that the whole forms a sane pic ture of the foibles and strivings and "doings" of the peo ple since his last issue, lie knows that some of these little histories will entertain his readers that some will shock :hem, some amuse, some entliu.se, some sadden, some arouse their indignation. I Jut he knows that the advertisements in the paper contain ne.ws that has a personal, dollars-and-cents signi ficance to his readers. He realizes that the advertiser, who can show a prospective buyer how to save a dollar, has a closer hearing and, if he is the right sort of editor, he is glad that it is so glad that the paper he helps to make is a paper rendering such valuable and undeniable service to its readers. Music and the Measure of Success (My ICd. M. Andrews.) It in strange to note the uihilrary melhods tyy which the world meas ures Hticeess. Wealth eenis to be the universal Hinndnrd, M us eom pare for inntnncc, two ehuraclers, both of whom have visited -Med fold during the pnst year. Louis Mill, the iiiilroad president, and .Maude l'w ell, the violiniM. They gave Mr. Hill a bampiet. The price was -fit) a plate. Kvery automobile was at his disposal. Citizens vied with each ilher lo do him hoimr, which, by tlie wnv. was alright. Hut let n see, Mr. Hill inherited hi wealth ami fame. lie perhiiM never spoilt sleepless night in all hm life catiscA by worry over busineHh enterprise. Now lets us review Mamie Powell's career for a moment. She wns a poor girl; had to cum every dollar -he s'iil on her education. Sh worked and practiced ami saved v i'iv cent that m!io might study with die great iiinsteiti of Kurope. She "Ucctcded. She went abroad; he was accepted at tint l'uris euiisfiv.c lory on her mils. She won a schoU arsliip. She heard the world'- gii.it violinists and she said in Iter beail "1 can reneh the goul." She was tli.'ii in hor enrly 'teen. She applied her self; she practiced from five to lea hours n day for I if teen yearn. Him became one of the world's greatest! iolinUtn. llt alio wn juM a plain' UKS MONi:s In , March 20 AuierW'un girl; he did not dress ; FrlemU of Governor outflow l! groteaqiie fashion or wear her htti"h0H of ,NW M luniiib the like n freak and her unme could boWn"u boom ' t,u' ! on iiri.iuiiiw! l.v iiiii. li .h.t n..thne night of April 3. when Iowa end with a 'n-i-U-i" or "v-i-t-e-U--- (,,MOtrt1 wl" hW Jeffersoiuan j k-e-y." It u. jut plum .Mude ult,t here Wilson has bm-n in I'owell. She lias lived to the iu'A '" "'" ml anoitfiitg to r. Ainerieiin tK'opJe luviali fnbutoua for lM"1" ",,,n ,,,X '"' i'"s.iit nines uhiii at leant four violinis;, all iroia akrutid aud uH wilh un proiiouiicenhltt naiHOH juai liatcn , Ki coder, Snia-'ulli, Kublielik. Mische Kluiun. ' It is true all these musicians mv vv worthy and obne suews. b i so is our own Maude Powell woiiiiv ami she deserves siu-cess, which h bus never had. She plavt-d in M' lord Ih than a year ngo to a li 1 full of people, et when he reml.i cd that beautiful old melody "Trom ' ert" a holy hush fell iimhi the hou- All tlioughta of the sordid aud the eoaives things of lite gave way to a moment of inspiratioii. We were lift ed to tlmt etbenal iiaiii where the soul of matt eommunes with Qod. H i at surk wouenta thai the huniua ruaa ia wovad forward in ita round of avolutkai lowrl ike infinite. Team -toorf lu utmiJ.) i) D)ti fli (he INVESTORS. .- - x peculiar soil and climatic eon- last echo of the hony blended ltnell into silence. Tho.o were holy drop. Drop tlml purify mid cleanse. It is good for un to lie brought now and (lien to the melfing point leant we foigot. Now lot mo hiy iu closing Mint them are three winters, jukI plain, ewrydny American gills; their homes h in Kan Kraneisco, they probably help (heir mother do the housework when they me at homo; these yirls plnv here at the Medford Opera limine, next Mondas night and it yo.i hear them play some of their divine melodies and are not stony-hearted, on will feel a lump come up in your tin out and you will hed renl tears tun you will feel good and kind to ward nil Immunity. If you have nn enemy, think of him ut that mo meat, and he mny ceiu so bad a lellow after all. The-e huhes I peak of ine know i as the I'asnnioif trio. Ymi slinfi',1 kimw ihem, tin .ire well wmlh n ir while. IS TO BE LAUNCHED llnsklus f r Health. Health Restores color to Gra or Iuidcd hair Removes Dan .I....IV t .. I . . -. . ui mi unu invigorates tlie ejealp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growthStops its falling out. Is not a dye. JliUiJOj t I), Swt w liutti ua IMMM d I prWc J 4.lt hwc S.,J hfc tor ftiwstk. N J ,U h V. HUl'UbU ALL SUUSTITUTliS I'or Sale and Hecouimtuitfetf by Leon It. lliihklns. Fowler - Chumos Lectures OPKXH TOMOKKOW NIOHT, 8 ,1. M. AT MKDKOItl) TIIKATKU It 'has fallen .to the lot of an American born woman to become tho moot cdlcbrutcd of her aox through out the world. Mr. O. S. Fowler Chumos, who Is to give a scientific course of sfx freo lectures on "Tho Laws or Life," at the Medford theater beginning tomorrow night at eight o'clock, is called the scientific pro digy of this conturj Through many years of hard study and consecration, she claims to have found tho exact location of the soul and spirit and thnt the spirit is as much higher than the soul as the creator Is high er than the creature Ho made. Tho brain shows positively that man has three great lights that governs his human machinery. The light of tho body Is tho oy'os to son, external ob eb jects: The light of tho soul Is tho Intelligence, to grasp principles, and the light of life Ih the spirit to work out those principles, for the good of humanity. Thus man Is composed of body, soul and spirit and every organ In his brain has a threefold nctlon; One for the building process, another for the montal, and tho other the spiritual. These thlngo wc are born with, and wo enn not ignore them. They are stamped In us from tho be ginning, othervvlso wo could not un fold them. "When I examine heads," says Mrs. Fowler-Chumos, "one touch with my hands gives me the whole pedigree of an Individual and the condition they aro In. They can't deceive me." Tho' brain Is the foun tain head of all the mental faculties, and also of all the nerves of tho body and when the brain does not got the supply or blood to crcato the gray nintter, to rill tho nervo sheaths, then the organs of the body become diseas ed and dilapidated and the mind gets weak when tho body Is weak. It can not do Its best work by any means. All motions of the human body la produced by nerve nctlon. One may have a muscle big as n crowbar, Unless the nervo Is active that Is at tached to It, he can not move It. It has been taught that "mind Is life" far from It. Mind is not Hfo, but It Is the result of life. So much has been written on esoteric and exoteric, conscious and Biiubconsclous, voluntary and invol untary, that puzzles humanity nb to tho exact moaning of their govern ing laws. All the books of psycho logy have nintfo but llttlo Impression on tho minds of humanity, becauso its mighty laws were not made plain to them. People at the present tlmo are not satiHfletf with theoretic know lodge, but want sbmethlng tangible and scientific. TIicbc lectures will certainly supply tho demand of hun gry souls. The first one will bo gtvon Tuesdny, March 21, S p. m. to all on "The Seven Primary Factors of tlie Mind." SPItAVIXfl. C. F. Updike, 1003 South Central avenue, or address Uox CS4, Medford, Oregon. 309 MEDFORD CONSERVATORY FOR MUSIC AND LANGUAGES NAT. BUILDING ALL BRANCHES OF MUSIC. FULL FACULTY. G. TAILLANDIER, DIRECTOR. X FOR SALE ORCTLVRDS, FARMS FRUIT LANDS Largo and Small Tracts MOOR-EHNI CO. '212 Fruitgrowers Bank Bldg Investment Special . It mi .ne looking for n giiod ti.nght, i lean cut iuveetinent m bii-iiies property, loo no tune in del.iv. Investigate t(ii uovv. Iloiible two-'tury hriek block ")0b0 ou lot 30ilU0 m Sixth street (main lnninos stitet of tho eit ) two blocks from poslof ti.e T1IK IMtICK ISltlOIlT. tail or iiddu-ss ( H. H. Baslef KKAh KSTATK AKD IKYKST- MKNTS. 2i:j No. Sixth St. OK ANTS PASS. OKK. Phona l.'-J. "I Where to Go Tonight r--- U-GO VAUDEVILLE I MOVING 1MCTUKKS j Illustrated Song TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE Rriolnl nnoflppinpnt hf Walters & S S-M . . -..n.lAH.1. n.r..ltA iliirei'O-iii, iiicuiuiu g iuuum high class vaudeville artists, pre- ftnntltii' n pnmtittitH otiernttn. n Ttnnln "Tr.vltlrr DlnHtrne 3 4 O 1HVIO ...Ut.llfa i. .W...I..J v .Matinee Saturday ami huniMy. NATATORIUM Skating, bowling, box ball, bill-; lards, tub baths with showers at-; tached and new rltlo rango. Mcdfortl's AniiiNciiiont 1'ulucc. SPECIAL AT I THE ISIS THEATRE s ANOTHER 1HG DOUHLE HILL. I COLIIL'UN AND l'EAHSON ' in their comedy success "Down ut Hlgglnsvllle." Also MURP1I MAXWELL, i Illack Face Comedian, King of Laugh Makers. ' Three Heels of the Latest nntf! Best Pictures. i And a good song by IJlanchard. ! Special matinee every Saturday! and Sunday at 2; 30. "NAT" THEATRE Shows all the latest and best films. Change of program Sunday, Tues day and Fridays. Good program for tonight. ADMISSION 10c. Music Photoplays. j Entire change of program. Nuf Sed. ONE DIME ONE DIME? i --4 ! WHEN DOWN TOWN DROP IN AT THE "Nat" Confectionery X ICE CREAM, SOFT DRNIKS, CONFECTIONERY, LUNCH i A light, pleasant room, open U from S a. m. to midnight. t L. M. GRAMES, Proprietor Mine Owners Attention Wo have sovoral eastern pooplo Intorested In mining proposition to Invest money In mining prop erty. What havo you to offer? Write us Today. Oregon Realty & Mining Co. a It) Garnett.Corey Uldg. KODAKS Havo ou noticed tho sun shine? Tlce to sat that Kodak. Only ono'plaM, let us show you. Medford Book Store i ? sry 'i 'i ' : 1 f 13? HWK'iT'1?' T --'s-'r-T - FORD 1911 TORPEDO ROADSTER, $875.00 Full' equippedj f. o. b. redford Four-cylinder, shaft drive, 100-inch wheel-base, mag neto of course. "Let us show 3011." Ashland Motor Car Co. M.5 .MILL STREET, ASHLAND, ORE GON. Walter W. Richardson, Medford Representative. Phone 2551. Evangelistic The Presbyterian Church ..,sss1ss,4sSsS4te MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. Manufacturers of GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE CRUSHED ROOK NorthRWerside SCREENED GRAVEL ne6091 Office: Fruitgrowers' WASHED for Concrete Bank Bldg. SAND I for Brick Work Phone M. 652. J for Plastering Delivered to any part of city. C. J. SEMON, Mgr Nothing Just as Good EAGLE PIIARMACY, X 109 East Main St. Phones: Home 03; Pac. 232 Eagle Drug Co., Inc. Tbne RnrtbAlnmnui HI, P PnnAril Mnr J 1IIUJ. UUlUIUIUllluU) Tho Rexall Stores Medford Iron WorRs E. GK Q?rowbridgo, Prop. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumpa, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in So. Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE k CO. JAr:A PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT ? -- All vork guaranteed I COFFEEN S 'J5 HOWARD 11LOCK, ENTRANCE tte4f4.4 Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing ,HV HUGH ELLIOTT, the noted horse shoer.. I carry the largest Mock nml keep nothing but too best mechanics ami suarnnteo all work. Wo Make a specialty of adiolng driving horses. Comer Rhenddo and Eighth streets, l'houe Home 30. Pacific 3101. . .. VA1UM l XT!'! jhZZZ& ZrtBi. jf Meetings m Every evening, beginning Sunday Mar. 19. Everybody is invited to come. Rev. J. A. McVeigh of Portland, Or., is the evangelist. Meetings Sun day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. 111. Every afternoon at 2:30 p. 111., and every eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. Meet ings commence with song service. s4"sssrsss4 as the REXALL Remedies WEST SIDE PIIARIIAC: 200 West Main Street Phenes: Home 43; Pao. 4041 111. U., UUHG1UI 1'HJI. Medford, Ore. 'VT'T -rr- - a g, f rrr4-rrt WATER HEATING .- c 1'rices Keasonable . PRICE ON (HIi STREf. PHONE 303 Y T 4 H S